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Columbia Swimmers Now Seek Clean Slate ?r^UJ?iaBaAS?m ntrc CWTlVTlVTINfw SEASON RIGHT Beats City College Teams ?Easily-Ko> Shows ? in nistance Plun Well in Distai l,a !.. I* B M w?t?,ni.?'n ? " Jefeat-rJ tl tige. H WiH.KY. ta? i!'V?a>w ' ghl In the 1 .'?er- ' '"r tnC -cet fh?mpion-.??-i ' ? ? ? a ? folumbi? v. ? ? swimming kr a ?' ?? white? ?er rolo with ? rather poor, e an-? ?Lagtfd ? to til Colum- : ed for th ? eet ?his ? after securing safe ? ed the pro- ' mer, II of the 100-foot pool, ?nil -imply ron - re ? ' 1 ? ? . ? I, ;.t the tape, winner, and . placed see '? seconds. ? ' didate of great prom '??? in Malcolm Roy, of Columbia. th a plunge of ? should go a lot further time to correct some came in the Btest. Burghardt. the ? ? eliance, showed a .'. of form and did not place is the awards. Liibner, of City Col ? r hand, gave a reniark r exhibition, and In spite of in one of hi? dive? easily I his rivals. Hi? teammate, ? managed to beat ou? Heel? mhia, for second, by pbout half a I itch proved mm? ?hit of a surprise to the Mornlngside ad for a sweeping vic? tory. Th?' City ollege pi? ifighed, put up a flit, hard, plucky game and held dowi to three touched and 1, ?o that the final score B best work for Cohim forward dicated a reaaiveaeag and unusual rh. II? scored tinon, h ? . made the other, and Nobl I ? ally. Habor. the City -?"? ce captai I ?tar of hit up a strong defeaee at ? ?lity by ick whenever the occa ? ..... i ? ? ? ? r-trr?, ? .'lumbta. r | - ?. | ? It ? fi'.iimhl? ??rond, with (4 I Knr*r? - C N T . 16 WATTJI !'"!/! r r BJ I ? . . i. ? ? f ........ H i Kri - . v DE ORO ESTABLISHES NEW WORLD RECORD ? Points in 35 Innings Against Kieckhefer. In. '!r., gg. ? '>rd at three to-nighl when he ran ? '; nnings ' ' ? :? the itch with Aigust ' .r.ning? " ? a-eeterdajr, and the -?? The final block ,-ht. RANKING MUST WAIT "?a Tenni- ? '?.mm! tie?- May Present ? I -m Monda. . ? -ei of ,v ?? ' te the at the Waldorf day, failed to ar? ia to th? placing i prob ?:?t will not be ? of the ?even?, '' I Walter L Pate, mmit . over the ?e had ? ? Win? at BilUards. ?n, had a ' -st at ?-my last night by a HEATH *Mt ??W wALL 0?fXJ.A*. **** Tne OVAL Bl/TTC)??er-?CrLJl s%?oii(ollars '?? '-??'?* ? .*. ?w??^_^?P*a7>7?Mr?ir?^ a?k_ .^J? ? Ov? BOO?-1 ET OP I? ? r VLJMI \^U* ?ww*. r g C-4XJ.A*?? <jQ.. mar. M.? A NEW RECORD SET IN GOLF P( Barclay Beats Leib in Spoi Writers' Tournament. A new record wa? established i newspapermen's golf pool tournn over tag Chaotic course at L> Forty-second Street Academy yi day afternoon, when Shepparil Bu defeated Fred l.eib by a score of 171, Another record was hung o the Ike Dorgan and Monte Wo match when the la'ter turne.i la a ?af 174, Dorgan's ?core being 8fi. two winning players fairly establ themselves as being eligible to "Whites," which will be the cla cw.testant?, whereas, the tw-o 1 showed unmiitable qualification? the "Brindles," otherwise the cla members. From all indications, fatter class will be In a large und i ishing majority. The elimination tournament start on next Tuesday afternoon,' HevW4>od Broun will meet Don Mar Nei'her of these players has called upon to qualify, as their is such as to have rendered this necessary. Two games were also played in Fnglish billiard handicap. J. R ad J. Bartlett. ISO to lit, Rayne was declared the winner ov Harrison by a score of 1">0 to l?t LEHIGH ELEVEN REWAR] Kighte-en Men Gal Letter for Se on the Gridiron. South Bethlehem, Pena? Dec. I. athletic committee of I.?high l'n city met to-day and awarded the hall letter to Captain T?te. Chenov Hallowell, Crawford, Bigelow, Hal Creen, Ostrum. Scruggs (irumr I'oiis. Rich irds, Bawtelle, Ca Kaady, McGuinnes?, Heuer and Mu the manager. The "L. A. A." was given te Re ?on, Kirkpatrick, Roland. Hazle Chapman, Twombly, Pecker, Tomlin Shafer, McDonald and Inge. It i? authoritatively stated tha all likelihood no captain of the football team will he elected for s time. The opinion prevails that a captain will be appointed before > game next year. During the 191?! son this ayattm was found to work isfactorlly. hevoupmTauses heaps of tr0ub1 i "Roaring Finn" Twice Disqu; fled in Wrestling Tourney Sulvo Hevonpaa, the "Roaring Fli was twice disqualified in bouts aga two opponents in the internatic wreslling tournament at the Man! i tan Opera House last night. Ceo Bothner, the former American lig weight champion, who la determine? "come hack" despite the fact that is nearing hi? fiftieth birthday, was first to oppose Hevonpaa in what i scheduled to be a finish bout. Hi ever, after being on the mat 43 m utes and S seconds, and being eont i ually warned against his foul tact i the Finn bit hi? opponent and ? ruled out. Dr. B. F. Roller helped to separ ?he two wrestlers, and Hevonp jumping to hi? feet, challenged him take Bothner's place. Dr. Roller eepted. Hevonpaa continued to ah little respect for the rules of the gar at..I when he attempted to throw 1 Roller into the wings he was agi disqualifie Robert Freirich won a quick vict? Ailhelm Frnt with a side rol! 2:10, while Ivan Linow, the Rusti sk, had to work hard In downi Herman Schilling, of Germany, with wrist and body hol in 15:47. NOTED SPORTING MAN INH?SPITA Little Charlie" Davis W, Known on Turf. Charle? Davis, "Little Charlie," as is known from Sheepshead Bay ? ty, Kan., where he was a r of William Hickok, famous a- "W Bill." i? in the Neurological Hospit Park Avenue and Sixty-seventh Strei suffering from paralysis. For near years Charlie has been known York. He acknowledges that he i-.x'y-nine years old. Acquainti.:ic hver he i? many moons older. A little man, of prodigous streng and activity, youthful of appearai. and buoyant of spirit, and identifu with all classes of sports, he was oi of the most popular of the old-time would risk money on any ev? chance. A m ,th the late Joh Daly for twenty years, he was inte in the clubhouse at K Parch Street, where for a century men < proclivities assembled I engage in games ?if chance. Ob the turf Davia was known a? bookmaker who operated on a larf scale. In billiard circles he wa? cot spicuou? a? a clever cushion carrol expert and backer of professional Among the bil?ardists he backed wt Maurice Vignaux, the French exper H.- i ipported Vignaux against Scha? fer in the last mat'h they played I this city, and his experience cost hii A? a member of the Bookmaker1 Club he part cipated in the handira cushion enrrom tournaments conduele by that organization, in the late eigh tie?. He won two tournaments an lost as many. The betting on th garnet played in those tournament wa? the heaviest ever known in th hi?tory of billiards. On one game, i h the late Davy Johnson bea Davis two point?, ov? r $^ili?,?>?) changed hand?. I ill he had to go to the hos-ita "Little Charlie" could turn a flipfla] or iack ?omer?ault a? if such a per forrnance were an ordin?r? one for gBJ Bed*. A? a ?ide-hold wrest!, r bur ar,< men looked alike to him Then vaeie few men he could not dov n a that ?tyle of athletic competition I'i" ...' the individuals he to??ed wn? r.< less a person than the noted Jen Dunn. Recently Davi? occupied a room a the Normandie. On the morr: Sunday, November 21, he got out of be? fell 'm the Moor. A doctor wa? At Charlie tolla it: "I be <\ etoi Bed me and said. 'You're para lyred, tha'? all"" At the ! ospital hi is doing well, and hi? early return to Broadway i? predicted. Mathews to Lead the Quaker Eleven Philadelphia. Dec. :;. Nleleoa M. Mathew?, left tackle of the Fniv.-rsity ?f Pennnylvani? football team, wa? ? 1 captain of the ?quad here to Mathew?'? home |g la Chicago He la twenty two year? old ?nd i? a junioi Ifl 'he Wharton School of Finance at the ? ?ity. Boston Schoolboy Eleven in Detroit Detroit, Dec ri. The Everett, Mr??., high ?ehool football team arrived her? ?ional ron<. lu treit 'entrai High B '/ t/vunell, the r ',?.< ii, Ml I the Kverett '? v<re nil It) good :,il,y?ir?l yon '.r, .! rltsgerald. laarterbaeh, who ha? an injured. ?houldcr. I A Power for Hamilton Ted Csnn, who will play left end for the Institute team against the East Aurora item to-tlay. MANY CITY DOG! HAVE THEIR Di Bustanoby's and H< Martinique Play Hos to Canines. A whole lot of dogs had their in this city yesterday. It was s dance and tea for them ut the host of the Bustanobyn, at Sixtieth Bl and Broadway. At the Martini however, there v?ns a bit more dig required, for there the Pekingese forth, wearing their nguiar "ex! tion" manners. The affair at Bustanoby's was ' second of the kind h? ? I?1 ?o far year, and despite '.he rounter-ntt tion at the Martinique a j?oi number of men, women and toys v on hand. J. B. Hopkins was in ch.irge of processings, while Mrs. Henry I Mrs. Peter Cedar and Mrs. ('. H. 1 bur acted as jmig? ? The best dog turned out to br N Marion Kennedy'? i'omena Wasp, the best bitch Mrs. ?fneoDns'a Bos terrier Little Miss Fidget. Owney McGinty, 'if the Drewst Kennels, was the best puppy, and lending Pshingsss ama ?krs. Chai I.udlow's K At the Martinique, the "Pekes," der the win?,- of Mrs. Holland, carr otT the grantor part of the laurels. I Sam Wur showed th? way to pupr. under six months old, and her (.< Wong captured lirst place In the el comprising pnppisa over six mon old. Gong Wong also wn? ranked first th? limit cluss, while Mrs. BollSB Sire of Alderbane won the open competition. HARRIERS TO RUN FOR TITLES TC-DA Senior Metropolitan Will A tract Many Stars. Three 'cross country t til deeidsd this ."iftf.'r:.?ior.. ? Metropolitan i;i to be run o\er the ofleial Val Col landt Park trail of ihre?. ? the Held innhing two cir. hilly course. Four teams lii?h-Am rican, New York, aJUlrOM and '? Young Men's Associstion will ata tensas, with ths Celtic entrant ored. Hannes Kolehmninen, h'rui Zuna, Tom Bardan and Pat Plena a: among the representatives o' tl club, and the expectation is th win after a hard ti^'ht from til rose squad. Hannes is the individual favorit but Nick (iianakopul'is and I Springsteen, the |s nr?. ?ur?' to worry ths Plan, Marshall, si th.* Basait, Set Athlstl Club, la the only individual entrant The schoolboys will decide their ?' course. Tbirt? fur the day ees boroughs of the city repra Frank Jenkins, of Far Rockawav Hig School, twice winner ?t the Individ ..i honor?, is ?xpeefed to rep?*nt. aa Arthu Robertson, of Brand?! i h ?red lus mus*, dnngsrens rival, will no stur'. Fifteen minutes after the day stu dent? have been s.-nt on their way, thi evening high acholara will he sent ovei the same tears? te aattla their cham pionship etrnggt?. A.? nany promi nent Amateur Athletic Union I n". -.<! thess seh. ? i ted thu i.:. IdtOiestiBg ftghl '?'? ill Bl To Keep Summer Baseball Rule Chicago, Dec. 3. Indication-. to-nirh; were against action cnlcnlsted to do away with the summer baseball rule at the meeting. Of th.- Bif v . Cummittie her? to morrow. <>p; of the rule, it was believed, ba ? BBSS able to muster enough \ ? ' .rne the sentiment in fnvoi i.'? ' " OB The question of prohibition, under rolea asnlnst professionalism, of nth taking summer Job? with golf clubs, mav be brought up, though fea ] athUtei <>f prominence, it m sa.d. would com?* under such a ban. Syracuse Calls Off Game. l,os Angele?, Da*. :> The football I rame between Syracuse Unlv?rsil Occidental College, oet for to-morrow, ! wan railed off at noon to-day. A telegram from F II Brooks, <.f ?i.e Syracuse tesm, ???<! th?* t.?nrn Wat ' held up by a -rt.l?', which block) <?rn Pacific Hoilroml n?-?.r Bun , i,, .i.r, (i?l., and would not alii*..- In LaBM ' to play. BICYCLE RACES START TO-NIGHT Short Distance Contests Will Bring Out Six Day Entrants. v York's big week of bicycle rac? ing will get under way to-night in Mad? ison Square Garatea With a programme of and middi? distance racei. All of the proies.ional riders entered in the six-day griad, which starts to . night a few minutes after 12 O'elocl |ed m to-night's med? ley. The headline attraction will see I tnotorcyclos pounding around the iii:-lap truck at one tune. Following behind the roaring machin?e ? tree of the world's gn ? rs of pace In a ten mile rule for tBOney, One of these will be the champion. Victor Linart. Joe Fogler, .Marcel Dnpay and Percy Lawrence are or a mile sprint, best two >;' three. The balan.-e "f the four ? x iiny ridera ?rill ha seen in a mile handicap and a I've rule open. ? : pro? ided foi also, and a half-mils handicap and two-mile open will find eighty <'f them e: . The lancer was completed yesterday and tutru-d over to tha risers for prac? tice. They pronounced the track fit and a roc? rd >n the nked turns i. - to thg straight latth <ind Twenty. I lardea. As .. arc getting ' ? ten, who is teams I in the six day event, rid ??' a trifling . "W!it i i i eking pr winnei lid, "Yet I have the long ? ? . : hen ' sa c I I in the n MllCp I ?. it. No other ruler can is much." INDOOR TRACKMEN GET BUSY TO-NIGHT (ianu'S Selu'iluk'd for the 7th and the 11th Reginenti. Th ?? I season will be I in to-nigh? with ' mtal games, tha ? ??? of ..!?> ? nambei ai open i el Ynr ? . from wall ?calinc to roller ikati ..-. - ird at its big shed at ? nth Street relay tare, in v.hi i. Pordham and Man I be ens of th? . Batioaal ehaav tel m?rk ?n tha mils hai I with .r;ts. i . thletea e? r-i Btory record? ,ii their fall . ths South Brook lyn lr;!l room, ? * ?nd ? \- ' en avente, h 'i ! ? see, m whi Prea 1 I.vceun . Smart Set and rial will start ?raction?. Columbia (ivmnastics Team Will Die Hard "?nasties team will die herd A? legal this is the impr ?en the u-.der gradaal ited in that sport iir?t : of tha dec ??ile of Intercollegiate games er I In Ol Iheir energies ? c'.ed A. B. Adler, '16, c?ptala. The newly chosen I at once ? hat a team w< uld ? l and thai tl s eaiver immittei w? - ? d te l?ame I dull'. ?a N. Y. U. Five Opens Its Season To-night The New York Uaivereity baeketball five opens ita aeaeoa at University , (hi when the Violet - with thg R. P. I iiumtet. The , Heights team ha? heee praettsiag h.ard n excellent con IB and Cunn, the two griiliroe will play forWBl I W hite and I ? ,?? a rey in In? oW poaitiuu at centre. MAY DISBAND THE CARLISLE FOOTBALL TEAM Dissension in Eleven Factor in Bringing Drastic Action. Olr T.lofTaeh to T'w Tri' un? ] Washington, Dec. 3. The Carll?l? Indian School ha? been represented upon college football fields for the last time, unlett the officiais of the De? partment of the Interior, Commissioner Bills, of tho Indian Service, and Super? intendent Lipp?, of the Carlisle School, SjrpsrianeS a change of heart before next fall. Secretary Lane declared to-day that th ; bes: interests of Cniilsls and the itadenta sttending the institution de man.lid that the sporr be abando ed. !!?? laid that atf.i a? to a pass BOW w'nere athletic? in general, and the gr-.dirun sport In particular, would have t?j he subordinated to the educa - iL He alto said that while there was a possibility of the game continuing, it would be im? possible fur the tesas to make the ? - have in the pus* m intercollegiate competi? tion, this wss >iu.' largely to the num. Sel "f Indians ?rho -.if hemg educated in various industrial and manufactur? ing establishments, he ?aid. It ?:? 'nut of the seventeen ployed in on.? (,f the large ? : u ?<?.?!! -.v.*r? on the football aletea, or had been in previo?,s y?-ars, AK rStsraod t?' school wh?T th? football season opened, and m daing vo aactifleed educational ?<l rantagea sad the opportunity to make Becretniry Lune ?ai?! that sev? eral of the boys held ?food position? and that the average wage earned was high. I advisability of abolishing foot? ball at the Indian school, or regulating it so that th.. extern hr? trips of ths '.ould be curtailed, uns been ander irstiOB foi tome time. The ac? tion was haetened by an open rupture betWO?n Victor "Choc" Kelly, who wa? appointed ?-ouch of the foOtOUll eleven at th.- start of tVie - 1 GttS Welsh, the fasseui 'i isrtsrbeeh who play?d ?m th? ISII elevan aad who took command of the team during the dol? ing week.? of the season. Kelly failed to gain the eonfi?le ce of the playera it was caul that he lachad the ability to impart his knowledge of the gam.? to tin? candidates. and not long bef?te the team wa? torn bj Internal diasention. The players li rial 1 y insisted that Welsh taKe Command of the squad, which he did. This made conditions, a! ady luid. infinitely Worse Charges were hsrlsd back and forth, one accusing the other of dis? loyalty to the school. Welsh had the support of the student body, hut Kelly'? il.flue .CO extended beyond all that. If Carlisle does not return to the field next season ? US of the most pictur? all ?us that ever took the Hold will !"? lost. I Inder ths I stel Werner the redskins won fame throughout th? ? ountry. ar.d on one or two occasions defeated Harvard. The University of Pennsylvania, once n traditional rival; Dartmouth, Penn Stute, th.? Army und Columbia hnve all I the cunning and ikill of Carlisle lestas. liiere are few football enthu who will forget the famous run of Charlev Dillon, who raced 105 yards for B touchdown against Harvard from a 'V in the gSJJJBS on Boldier'o l'.eld .n 10OS, it was in thu gam? that the ma tucked the ball under Dillon'? , and be walked until clear of all tackier.?, and then, with a savage .hoop, tore .?own the ::?? d foi It was thia run which led to frame the rule forbidding the hidden ball trick. So, tOO. the fame of Frank H : a dr..?i kicker who bow? : sot even to Btiekley, ?if Harvard, in point of ?kill, will Uee. It was he who led the Indians to victory over Columbia In 18M ? ield b] a ? to 0. In that game Seneca, who was chosen on Walter I im, ran circles around th.- Blue snd Whit? t was in thai i ami II and Jerry At 1 idd? sa Red I won i .lim Thorpe, rated as one of th? in all tim.\ ? i . ttained th. ? . then? wen -.d fuliback mm* Johnson, now ?.. prosperous ? | M Mint Plea?. . iie hi'St ends who ever . I... e Star, now coach " Young - Man - Afraid - of?S?Beai : Peather, a fount buch abo reven n 'he Ute re? turn some ten >car? ago. Joe ar ?! ' Emil Busch, Bteam Rollei Powell, Jim Arcasa, <'.u? Brseklin, tl ?* big Bions, Miki H . Bergie, Ha a k Pi atl er and a hi ? tad whose name.4 ? n a Rood Of memories of the brave old dayi when Carlisle wm? ted OB the chalk-lined City College Five to Play To-night The fast City I will meet tl Insti? Brooklyn, is the C. c. N. Y nasium to-night. Wh.le not counting on an easy vie the ' N. Y. boys are chock full of confidence and .?p??r* to come out on the long end of the score. The will line up as follows. Dash and 'l .. .-,-;?*.. forwai?!-: I sptais I centre, sad Leftkoa tr. and Wsii guard.?. !'? -ry game ' i'. V Y fr st the Pol] men. Crescent Five to Open Season. Former college p!a?en will repre?ent ???-cent Athletic < lub in its open? ing batketball gam- against Seton Hall a- the Second Signal Corps. Dean str. .bingtonAvenue,Brook lyn to-night The Halstea.i b and Fddie Butler, late of Cornel!; Heath. Nicollas. Dingee, Stelnbugler, Tuthill, I-ee and Calder. who gained fame while on college five?, form th?' tquad of the Half Moon Club. N. Y. U. at Shubert Theatre. ? in.? hundred an?! lift? V r. V stu deatl attended the ?nr.u.i! football th?* ? o'ball t? -m at the Shubert Theatre last night. LIVERPOOL BUYING IN COTTON ACTIVE Market Grows Steady Afte Early Rush. Ascribed to Move to Undo Straddles. The feature in the cotton mnrke here yesterday was Liverpool buying evidently to undo straddles. While th< demand from this source wat ?hut ou by the close of the English market, it had absorbed so manv contracts durinj rst hour that offerings later wer? comparatively light, and pricei rule?! , generally ?teady. The clo?e was steady at a net advance of 4 to 7 pointa. The market opened ?teady at sn ad? vance of 2 to 9 points in sympathy with relatively firm cable?, but quickly week ?-neu under a renewal of the ?en-, liquidation which had seemed ciietU responsible for the setback of Thnra? ?lay. Thv>re was very little buy.rig around the ring at the opening figuras, and prices quickly broke back to or a ?hade under the closing figure? of Thursday. Thi? decline led to a w den ing of ?iif?erencei between New York tnd Liverpool which attracted heavy buying to cover the short end of Sag llgB itrnddl? i House with foreign connections be? came heavy buyers here, while there were aUo reports that Liverpool Inter . irger havers of spots in the th, and the market soon rallied. After the close of Liverpool there were IBS of S or ?> point?, but the offer were well taken, partly by ?pot house buying. The market reached the best level in the late trading, with May contracts selling at 12.K* and closing at 12.86. It i? believed that owing to their ex? pectation of very wide difference* be? tween foreign and American markets under war cond.tons, English int'rests have been very hee\y sellers here dur irg the season against purchases in ol. For a time differences con siderably under an actual shioping were maintained, go lateness of the crop, BOMBCg of spot nressura and a belief that the ccntract hero was Intrinsically more valuable than that in thg Liverpool market. Dur? ing this period it is estimated tint a : traddla short interest of approximate? ly a million bales was accumulated here. At i-ne time yesterday morning Isnuury m Now York wa? selling 22'i lei January-February in Liv with March lwn sad May 157 point? indor the corresponding dellv aries abroad. Even these were not considered sufficient fully to meet thg further advance in freight latea and .oats of importation 'o the English merchant, but they were cvl dently wide enough to attract a good taking on straddle BS i < unt. ThS day's opera'ions reflected [ no change of sentiment toward the probable showing of next week'? re ports. Aside from Liverpool buy in fct:\ ty wa? chiefy in the \aay of even ? r.g-cp commitments for aval tl ?? end. Export? wire l.'.i 43 bales. South ern spot msrkets were 7 punt? Irwei to 12 points higher. The weekly movement r'guret of the New York ??ctton Exchange follow Pert receipts, 206,361 bales, aga.n?? 352,4?2 '.ait vear; overland to milli and Canada. 10,70., agaiaat 47.348 !a?t y? ?r: Southern mill takings, setimated lie, 000. against l'M.Oi'O iast year; gs n gf stock? at interior towns. 52,753. ag 37.036 lait year: brought into sight, fur the week, 424.7?T, ??H-nst 030,840 last year. Rao?? o? prie? Tale BaaatL BBga Low Oaai ?!?, r??????!???? 11? l?lS 12 1* 11 2? ? . .'?- a-/ '.. M '..' M II 7 l? 10 . , .i I. I. Mari h .. .12 ?S II ?9 l? 5? I? *? tagd M?7 n?? 1: ?? 12:? iaV ? ... - 12? Auguat ...It 11 1111 Bapt.mhar -, i ??:<? . ? ; i-*r* ter met ??? ? . i 'la iglai ? aalaa, * a. - , ? K*.fi:<a ?i Um ?>-*?? ???I Marta? i | ? w?*k. <-rir.p?ra??t wltti th? Uataj ?J laat wr?k . | i.-.U ???* laat .t? Tht? lata la?? T? lay ? ?B wfa*li yrar Oal??aton ... ?.'?4 ?i>'?n ?S Mil) ??rw Orltavi? 4 7'.? 51.1-54 tO.TU M.vllll. . ?4? | M] 1 4.<i ? ??? - I .1 < 111 .. II.T2I ? harliwt.m ... '. 7-4 J.?4J 4 . - ? ? -? . 1.15? ' 111 1? <?? Ha [loi r?a i ?Il 0*1 i ji. See \ ? Lias j Boato 134 ? < - m 1.4?: I 1 . ? ??-, ?.ISS 44 T i . .7 ?T? ? ? I ?- ? I a . 14.?HO S - i ? . ? .il. a r?g -? ? a ,-? . . . ? ? . a a- , > 1 r->|ulai. 1 . I\ ?t ? ? ? i f m point? Mai lun* : .". ' July Au?. * 1? -, ' \ . ? ? ,1 M?n I..?l.-r \ . . : --au? |r??. FIRE RECORD. . Etat ITvh il Rai ? llar, alight. SOI 41? ?f.; ?OUJ ?: . automobil?; Na?:? Hrrw . lilt ht T IJ?13 ?l l'ark Kew I1?-? Bow BulIiUnt; ?1? I a:. 11. ?rtflU.? f M l| .' Ml K?.?' l?ttl .t . Philip Mlti?r. trlfllu? .4 .. >?:. t.-lfllh? I' M H ?la-raa-1 a JIM?.*; irltlln? ; i) |M s- . -?,????: trifling ?50 14 E. 122 v- ' Im irlfllfli^ 3 4- 51 I W l?? ? ?? ' :.????. ? Il M .H Hern; un kncwri t 111 W. I Mr,? trlfltn? 4 55 l'r s l ?< 11 " '1 ?' N Btl - y. 4?'!i ai a S 40 1*51 ruth?al? a?. Karali Ulla? '.-"?!?? -.. ? m mu?-.? . ? -1 Mark?! ?? H ? , . . ? < ' . tnflin? it a- - ? v ? igan IflSti ? w. :i?t ?t.. i? ?s ., ? .. il . Il lt ?. ?uMr A i I Shipping Information and Marine News of the World ?HXIATTBE "*",?*1 Hir.rlar I ft:, ?utiaet. 4.54: tntxiii rue?, 4.30 a. m . moon a ag? II Hill W ATE II. aaii?1? II-k .... 1:11 I I ?. ' - . i-, i S 24 1:41 Hr. (lau .7 1? INCOMING STEAMERS. Tl) DAY. -. ??? | - | s?l .1 ?' rl ,... Il?rg?n Sen :4 ? vill a|*fl So? M .?.:' rallar N t :i I-- ,IUo *? Ja ? : . See i II 0*1*11 '?? i ? ? a Sot If glon t ..urt . . L?H i i Sol II t . let So? li I)r.?ra? .I?.irn>*u? . No? I? Ja- I btJatatalM . ?i ?-? i*l .No? 24 1 ... . ..No, .? ' .. -I .H??-? Ko* Il M..?? -Jackj'mrllla .1?? 1 m ?TDAT, Iir.? KMitr.R i. .. ... u iite ?si . *jm Peinan . 01 rattai . - ? . Il "?? !am . N ? Il 1'. ' 4. il- ..?rara . He* 3 Meilee.. . Hateas .No? 30 ?*lly of rit Loul*. -... .' .Dtw ] M.i.MiAT. lil.Cr'.MIihH ?. ' . . Uoerpoo) .. . No* 27 ! ??;? .... ;.l . U) N... 21 ? r ata .. Olesi s B I *,r?a.N?" U ? H- '.'r.lain .N ' . mu Juan. s,.. ju(ln. ?. ' ? ? .j i.a aaatoo ... i 4 . ? -r lam ?llrl-.g. nal OUTGOING STKAMhetS. TO DAT. Mafia v?w! -Il 4 si:.-. :n 12 i)0 m 10 '.0 am 1 50 pr* I 3 00 ]>:a ? i . r..- ? P ata - ?' an ...... ? sat ' 4- -. * llafsi.a . S -?.*0 ain a ? .?:* . t jo am 1. .? . - . - ... . . . - 4 . I . .... .. - . - 1 ' ? J BOJ ???u ?h... ? . - 12 00 m , - 12 00 m IT, i n im nut ?i. . i- Arrl.a. i?: ,.., .12 00 m 4 00 pm MONDAT, I'K-'KilHK.H ?. ira 12 00 a ' TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. (-:??? N T. 1 <! M | I-? -?a, i':a ?la Seattl* Awa Manj II?.-? a D II ?? ... u Chine. I ut Ban fr?n ? M ??? ? Corel ? larall M.-'i Hawaii Irla San Krai.? il ? . .1 Aicralla . , ? . MaJnva Dec 17 ? ... : ? l ? Dec ?3 ? >?...... . | . - ?? ? -. Ma H?c 31 lia?.il Cuan r-hi.ii'i.i'1? U:aad4 irla Bas ..?.. -i . s. tnaaeasl AHHIVEIV ? n- Briete* No* 19. to Jera?* ' ? H?r at 1 45 a m ?: a Bl . U?erpool No? 30. tu Furr.ea?. , ? i i liar at y :?:? p ta. ?A. 1 Balar? I l'y H- M Nui r- Ne? 13. lo Thoma? Il?r x.i h Bon li?r ?? Mu I ?? Uttfaliai Ko? 9. to rum???. wi- v * l Bai ?-. . | ? m la?!..?:? il..- ? Ko? 1? ta Tt 'iiau Harllr.? A . laat Bir ?t Brelan I (Nor). I*i ? lo th? Cnlted i- ut i ? g ? ? -? ? ? ii m. l'a*nrr Phtlattalpbia lo '.' ? < ?? '?? s? ?'<). ?rlth uuari ? . Krislm-lk VIII Da? ? < Har ?t 9 11 il i. ii,wirr.lyk Du .am K?t 20. lo ?h? - ar at 10 a m l'apnra liai Bl M haeli No? 1?. lo HartflalJ. Molart A r? Bai II II a in Alad l.i i.\ - ?n.l I)ela??r-i ? . H H .-.?r A ?'<> Har .'. :i wia Net T ? I Hrrk?n 14. te I >.Ui ni.!?? Har Co, rlltl I MM '..'.? . I anil Norfolk, to Um Ion S? I - ltd?? guaran? le? ?? ??SB g at 1- N ?: It D 2 M Pu??*?. Co I?-rt (Jjuarai ?- Il a m. I .li ? Hin Jaii?irn No? ?1 ami Ht Lo .a 24, to ? ? ? , ... ?,'?,.' Har ?. Mai U - ? ?'. '. ?? ' ?-'{ S a 9 It? ' I>i?- I I ? ?Tltlij A Co, with m.l?r. Har .? ? . irtUa v . ? ? H?r ill II 1! lure i'.' ' H. ????[:??? N ? it. in maiti-r. ... Rar ?: ' :o ? m . a <? ami Co, with mal*?. Har ?i I M a ro. -AI1.I7I? ? Drool '-I. - I' .-?. Arhur I I I Nor i i.. Bi v:? l -. ? . nil. ? lalpttl?; Rl , i - . , i Campan? ? iir n -, ? ? I.- .-. . ??? i ? , i .. n La F ..???? STEAMEKS AT FOSEIGM PORTS. aaan i d t Nee tal ?la <?p? ir? : '? ? N?v Tort Mi . . I Nrw Tart rla i ? Bf), N?W Vo-k Varier I . ! ? I Dan), S'rw tas let . N--w Tork bat ( al . N?w Tortc. I I I.a Pi I? laatatl KB \ rl ?1? Bt '? - - F . ? 1' ? N'"w Tork So? 2?? Id t. ll?ri?r. New Yc*k ?la P? .: ? D.nrr. Da? .' BtoaiMt Buruwlck H.-l. Portia- L -, . . I!.i-f Not M I.-.-! Cm? ' H" New m York. A.ii - ? ' ? . a York Kut?rji? iHr) N?w York. HA!LI D iirar. S ?? :7-'":-? af A?ra iHrl (from ' . ' i ? . I?s,:. , : B? ? ??? -?? Y ?S, ? i i atwta iitalj inn i N?n;?' i a v ? | Bond '- '?'?' ' nr Toi Hrl ifroni < . .' N ,rl, See York - . ?? v? i ' term i i . i?w- . .- i,,-. ???Clj ? Hri N?w Tork Da? ; Baearaaa-a, ?'?no? f? amm Mai?' D* 1 nuanaai Brl Ne? I ' ' .,-.. iBri. Nea tal Ham _ RESORTS. Ulf If ?DING KfSORT HOTf Of Tilt W rHD SffiaiU)oruitsR;Bivnti?m ATI.AN PH fJlTYi W. J. O ?. ? l ?%?.'? ? JOSIAH WHITC 4 SONS COMPANY TRAYMORE , r'l,?r M? - fort Beeatt) ' ? OS - t Hl Timr? III.U. Phon? llrjantJJ25 BLRMUDA T1M"' PRHCESS HGTcL ST?* ? Inter Keenrt. O n HOWE A TW.illA'ir.H.. Mgr? . Hainllt.' BUSINESS CARDS. Ml. CARPET II BIB) IM i (I --49MM *? o?pri??wd air, Veam. Hand or ?a Soor '"? Broad?*? 421 E*al ttUj a?. ? O? * BRANDT T .-ih_ III LTTGRAPn TTPEWHITTTN I ?TTKR? 200 II oO. I. MO BITS. l?.0O?l |* uto a Wi ATtlKrtrolIt?. 1-0 Brnul??? lEaulUbla bl<U I B??*ni 1 Ul rUftor 1543._ ffltW T< K CARPST C?.FAN1M1 WORKA ty.dnl !.?rg*?l Mo?t M ?l?m iMM, RIO? WtiVKN FROM o*J> ? AHITTS I'll. ?? l?M?MiaiJi* ????! I<* Clriulw f?l 4?t: 4M3 Brraul Waa4 45th -i POMK8TIC SITIATION?? WANTED Male. JAPANESE. ?irr'.'.H.t '??.? thnrmiirh!* ondmtar.d ?easts. ? -r?. ?ant? p??:uo?!. harh?l. r apart garnit .?r ?mall ftatflj rrfnrnc*. U. A . ?0 S?i..l. .t Bn-.alji. l-'rmnle. ii.ii B.-n \ - i .i : ' . ?> i^r.u'. A*??..; 7. La.. IM It? ia*SSBBt BUS Utrlaau. INSTI.I (TION. "-mu ?o?K?M?bIw?II? The Berlitz SchooT of Un-uaros, ??- 21-M WIST J4tfi STREKT. >1 'i*--=?..''" '.iV-'^'m. . Va- H I? I IM',: . B?ii?i'> ;",? i v. ista ?t Booairt fr??-_*-?? ? mUIS rOHALIF I Graduate Russian Impurial Baust S ho?.. ,'rr.,..?ll> I'??-?'" ???'??"?? ?'" .-??-: leur, interpret!??. r.?hetlr. racial and l),1['?ra .lam In? In <-?-?'-* ???? 'M'*kl-' cou'aaf?. Uruehire 7 We.t 4?? ?t.. ?** I. ?ANCING CAF NIVAL. &.? '?2 ??.a-nlng. 'r.i.'.U'llr.g Sunday Orarte C?ntral Pa??,-?. Liilne'-un a-. .??? 4l'h rt. intr?nea. No IJi, or Sold. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. INSTITUTE of MUSICAL ART ? f tb? SES) of Na-w ?ork a a jr-ulourl SrAool Frank Damru.rh .Director . ant natural aMMtf Mat ?attawl purr???? , -<? rrifii? a Ifcorotlgh ?nal -r-.--.,. ? >? Banal ahraaal Ba . -i ?ithoui natasti of, I .-.,-??. r? a? u( ?r!l?t | te?<-ri*r? ?hoa? prlTat? trrm? wmill I* pt? : >. ?aal I? ?r i -Irr?'- and uniform. KU?lcl* : a? >?v-?nrle? ox-rur -?-cr.tar), Hm .''3. |t?l ? larrmont A?.. N.T. SCHOOL AGENCIES. -g ?lineman ami Foreign T, arbor?' Agrn4>7.? S;i|i->..-? Profeaaor?. Tiacaia-r? Tuiora. tola and ? li J. YOUNU I'LLTo.s, 21 Union taajuar?. BUSINESS TROUBLES Biakreetey Peflll?*?. '.miRii avoruviNCi tt?. M ios r-j" ? ... n J-r?n ?- L. 14.?*? Ill HI Ig? I'O an,! John l'en?*? Ht? Ta* ? 4 .'.?:> KFi.t oa N ?ember It. are III M am umit II lOO Jutta C. ID ?????U-OIUTIOV rr.*n*4 ????-. I. - -, a? ? ?eat ?red l.u ??1?. lias ?*:?rr Abraham T ...?-. an.) M?rr-a W. ?I ?rg. |14 r ? . -m; ?r.j ra? ? ? ?4 <? a?nl oa .? a 7? l.n a. ?.rug Vallir. X. - ara li*. IN *ni a***t* llt.oet. I A VI - INC.. .!*a.*r in ?. aten a tit 'J br?al?a* *??.! ItSI Ht M.-S.. a* i? I a* raa 1? ?n augntuent to John J Rol ?? p?'i i. .:. bantiaeaas fa? alao b??n ftl?.l ?gaina? ? A rred A W.-wd. Il.oo?. P?ra 111! aj I T-nn:? Ueherman. Ill ??a sre I sad aaa*(a 11 cet It ?es Ir. . ?r II. 1113. with r?pita. . I * in! H/ma:. tj?b*m?*n k ir**i?1*nl plumb*?, ?f lirtl Tr*iB.Mu t? ; ? ! anl aaaetii. $1.111. In slort an? [ira tamks v xorts p?i??-?. ??-n as? ? Il 11 ai ! a???'., t.?.' I!? mad? ea a? ?i Mi Bankruft ? SaSivdel??. THF R| OKLTN KMRROIOBBl AND APRON M4M I A.'Tl Kim; f.i\" \ s ? ?f ;?j tirrene K N * ! ? i 1 ?? >t Hruoklrn 14* -.'??? ' ? ?*?-. ??.u*. - . ?i - ?" - ' ? ! e.'..?4i'.U All ? A ?'..?Ll'MTVl*. .-loak manu ? ? ? .1 ???'< ' ? ?.ling et at?h*k. It.ri'O, fliturr*. I ?? ? - . I g.?i?ia ja ui?tnor*j, luiii. $1M. ai : ??'. ? ? . j..? ? l.REENaPAN A Hi>V mantjf? at ,r*'? ?a* . a 51 W,?j*t*r it. U*btilt*.?a U ttl ?B? UWARZ t-MHT HOISt INC. ot 11 Weal ? I? IOC a I aa??* 12.01?, ron ? ? ? I 4 ai I a?.-.-ant? II J?4 HARLI S S BHADV COMPANY ? 'te tl a.?? .- Ml !.-..*.! I? 4?l and a.Ml? 12 ?.I .-omaUllnj . II 131 ? Pt MARKET ?OMPANT. <-" . :.' ItSI BalDtaU ?? Ual.lllt!?? i I aad aasats lise aiiltataeat. H-i"MAV URi'S A FREED. ?JSSBBBBSl of Buhen . I M ?. I ?4: lam r*?.l . ?? tur?r? at I?? an.? 110 ?iron.? ?t t.i ?? Stet* Tli?jr b?gan *>u?ln?a? two roer? agu raliur?? ?f tt?? Week, it-a i-'-"?- ? i**a*rta m bqafesaai f*iiur?e in the ? ???? again??. .04 l.n ?lie . ??v it? :?.5 and t?i for ?? ? ' 1H4 to III? Tli? Ml.!.lie -.',.' - -i It, 4 .ni I ?r VAYttem 11. , ? . gain, SO for the pr*r..lxg ???? ? ara* f?i a*a >.?.i t-ap. tal of .. - . I Ml and ?? p?r ?eut t.a.l Rasa .i'i:t. THE WEATHEB REPORT Forecast? and It?curda for th? l.aat Tweny-Four Hoar?. Waatilnrton i??. I aaSSaal ?ae*ih?r pr?*ml!?.1 . m*et ettl of tl* hi ky M.ninlAln?. ?I crpt In Ui? r??n<vi n4 Ma ?lr?*t l*k?* an.l th* npP?* OMe s ?ir. ?Sata Hier? ***** 1.? *1 ?now? We?! f Bat i: . . .?? -v ..-a".?-r !.. . r*r.-a?4 BBS in l.T II,* ir.fl.ian?-? of an ?itaialr? tee. u?w tat i ..?ter pstanns ih*t mun in? r*?isi Siaiea TV.?r? hare !>?en general reina Ir. th? l'a?!t. H'.?l** ai. ! Ugh ?Ir la on th* Parlfle i7o**t. Teruperenn** o<>.ii:iu* !??..? Sat normal through ??it :*?,?? aaaatsjat RUtaa and ebon normal ?eer the Ni>rtl.??*t ft*!?? an-1 or BM '?'?.Ifl? ?loi?*. V.* m I athaat *r? >h*i in? ?**th?r ?nil be faj? thmiigrvnjl tho ragV.i ?**l ? ?IU the Baatsra ?. . .?> ?ii. riM aundai ? ?? . .iir. Ml*sl**l| 11 Valla? Wind? f?r Saturda? aad Susday Sorth and I die Atlaotl HI |.-ra'? ?e?t ?-i I n ?rtliwr.t (Vjulli ? ).??? ?ni Waal ??u'.f '.igt' t?? mo.!?*!? i | pet !.**,<?* moleral* ?arlal>l? ?a.I an 1 aoutheaaL Ixrwar lakr?. light lo n?l??*i* . . F..--??!. for H?*cl?l L?weJI*1e? E??t*m Ne? T.?rk. Ko? England E*???tn P?nn*jl??nl*. Nra Jrr?ry l>r??an>. Mary'and Dlelrtrt ?if I'olumMa, Vt-,:i,ia x>r?:i ('?r-lna >?y?ith i**j?.lln?. ?l??'rgla A .a'iai?i*. M'.'.laalt^.!. lymlalen* Ka?', i arhaaeaa, Tenu***?*.*.k?. i\-.-?m P??im ??lila. W**t*ea N??? *?*?. fair Sa! .- ,. , | >? . , a) L*<*?l Offlilal R?*?rd?. Th? fol'.iwlng o?Vl?l r?r ? M .r?a" ?I ??? the 11.wie?* . ire r>r ih? leal i?nit) f.nir *i..uit liaileae a?fe m? ?-orreepon.liiig ,i*u of laai li!? 111'. IS14 BM 3 ? m ? 44 s r ra A? tr ?lam II S- i p m. 10 S? ?Tin e ? ?* ** ll? ?' I3ilt p. m ..II 4 p. m . 40 .17 Hl.'l.Mt '?nparatur? >????t!*j 40 d?ira?a let I ? at, 31 .l*?r*?* 'at IS a m : a?** ag? >r?'*rlay. 3>! defrr**. ?>?r*g? for r??*t??i?1 ??-. y?ir. ".1 l?gr???. ?r?'?g? for oirr? t ,!*!?? ? ' thirty tlir?? rear?. d?gr?*? Beeemeter Rnadl?**. 8 a. m 30 13 | ! p m M os I p m SO ?i NtnaasSBj, a. m ','.' I p m 44 I I p aa. ?4 Lecel forro*?! lui? t.? !?y ?n-1 I??.??, DOT Ire lltht n?>rtb???*4 ?r!n?l? AMERICAN UNE AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag N. Y.-l.ivernnnl -Pier fi2, N. R.. Noea N?w York Dee. 4SI. I.otile I?ee. II WHITE SlArl LINE N.Y.?Liverpool?Pier ftO. N.R., N'n \.Irn,tlr I'?? ? l.ui.Un.l lier 2S Azores?(ilbraltar ?Niiplea?(| -no? ...I.., I..-.. IS. in \. M. < un..|,lc. Jan. S ?ii I I? I x B'SlAT, N V Trl. ?..?JO It?, lor. FRENCH LINE < un,?manir (.?neraie Tran*?tlaollqo* POSTAL ??KKVH B Sa?intTs ?or BORDEAUX ROCHAMBEAU, - - Dec. 4, 3 P. M. LAFAYETTE. ? ? - Dec. 11, 'P.M. ESPACNE. ..- Dec. 18. 3 P ?M. LA TOURAINE, . Dec. 25.3 P.M. '-.^fil'M VTI'.'N APPLY COrVPANf". OFF::?, j\m?Tk^\mi. CUNARD rTitO?:i??i?'J 1440 FUROPE via fJVERPOOL ?Cinrronia .. .Fri.. Dec. 10.4 P.M. .14 SAT. JAN 1. 10 A M. A KIM , JAS' 7. 4 P ?J ?TAT JAS' IV I? A. U. ?En Ro.ite "> ilia??"? _? ROrMI THK 'V'?KYn TlIinH r.i? i ?: V '':.''.cr,,.?VT * Z v coMPA-iv s nrnce. ? ii-it statc st. n. v. BM 111" I lalC P"* 11. P""T MOVTAOrB REO J ?rxriT BKLTN , at I PH. ,. , T. . .., .'IKA'A'I* 4k..NMI^'?A. ,?:-,A.,-.-..iai*.- ifiifttf**-.S? B - I'iniTT A CO.. C*r.l. M??e. p??.-?';- raj*.??r ?? w%>i m,mK Bra A Til ?aSshaananOsssi?*, KAZ.IL frnttJ Anvrt-? ?la r??VT??Aea. .-. ?*?-j th.-?? ???k? LLOYD BSAIIL?IRO. 17 ll?tt SI.. S. V. OU?. (TAS P'i* He bo pieaaea BOSTON *2.65 eta i*?'?? ?'??' K""- H?iiM) Tnip PROVIDENCE r?S ?>l-60 Kill M. I HIP fl.OO. Colonial Line f m ?a? errw<? ??.?-* ?ajfl arK) Baa? d re st I t m f-oui Pi?r it. N n., m i: , ?t ni m .11 <i'.t?..le l.iyiaaa, 11.00 Io ra.UO. \3irelraa ei\iilpineot. Up? to .-. Cf. ? Ilrnadway and Jl. at I hooe. aiei._, FALL RIVER UNE TO BOSTON $3.}3 Le Pir.p. u. N H . ft r-jltot? S*_ DtvUa? a? ' IS a* M ItetJ l.on?lon (Nrir?i?h) Llaei tVe. PI?? 40. N ?Ht . t\ HnuctoD Hi., week day? ?Mils*, I 10 I' M . Piar ''u. B. H., ft. a?, lid BL. ? -a P M. r I ..-?-??"?? te ?.I r*HD? STATKROOM!?, IIS?. n?AlI?. In? h?lin? Hnnd?? S:0e ~ r?-n. P#T tt. t ST -phori* ITt? I r*?tf T!?k?t OfBr? ne Brn*rtw?f. 7? T- 4 t O??*, P'?ar ard ?M I P THF. HIDH4IN St7NDAT S4r -\rwburfli' for Hl?hland Palla. Cold Sprint. Cornwall, Newbnrgb. And return. 1100 Franklin St.. t; W. Illlh Bt, \ SI i;??taurant ?un?-h rnont. (i:\TK* HinsoN I.I?R, N??t?jrgh. P ktwp?!? Klnga????. I^<4n?no ?4 4 W 1 .'?m Ht . 4 ?o I' M T?l. 4fi Freaklm oi n iki-?iim?i> limn To an Pti-iU ?? ?"n a Bj ??>??? t.?r, ?A?.? ?,aj ?It a l bar U N a T.l fee rre**JJ*4.