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Unified Protestant Work Key to Doubling Power Coalition of Churches and Alliance Be'ween Clergy and laymen in Efficient Campaign Able to Add S00.000 Members to Rolls Before Easter. m*, i h mm n ?t. wnci Five hundred thousand additions to tho !'- ? Church in New York C ity I An increase in the regular church at? tendu' ?testants of 100 per \ well organized anil a thorough work mme of efficiency in each individual church! Those are worthy ambitions, as the l'r???? itian foices of greater New i nearer the heart of tho task eeii| ?V lem *cr un? dertaking ? nviting, but It would not I??' n ?re enhoartening than 'h* r- . mpt to do the thing which, if n< those whose mis? sion it :?, will never tie done at all. The thought of realizing such a dream as ih:? msj seem, will thrill the heart of even the most passive and irrespon? sive when oTire such n goal i? set and the initial steps taken toward its achievement. If such a campaign should be left by the ministers to the layman it would '.'.key not be accomplished. If left by the layman to the ministers it would come SO rearer attainment. Once the mim?ters and their lav forces have y decided on such an endeavor, . d need only deciding on routine details for the Church to experience the rebirth which only the accomplish? ment of its task can bring to pas..?. The '" ?he Church awaits such a una? nimity upon the part of its appointed leaders and the word of direction and encouragement which can come most fttingly out of ?uch hearts as have felt the reaponnbility of leadership. New Yon* I^ada World. Such a programme i? not unreason? able; neither is it impossible, nor im? practicable. When the Church in New S'ork i? ..nalvzed. one wonders that a : programme of ?uch emcieney has not beeii instituted long ago. I he Church, in the greatest centre of popu? lation, area and commerce in the world should be the greatest church from the enes?, consecra? tion to its task and fitness, the essential for it, own inward development AS got Sew York." in thi? regard, so will the ' hriatian impetus throughout the world be affected. These churchmen will not have to go far to find how to reach the?e vM.^K who should become affiliated before Faster. Preaehin ! and winning as many people has bees aecompliahed by hundred? of New York business firms, politician?, the woman sutfrage movement and the Socialists. These forces have realized That their very life and the exruie for ?heir existene? depended upon their progressiveaess, initiative and intrinsic value of their appeal. If these have lueeessfal in winning men, and they have, the Church should be the la?t to say it cannot be done again. Requirement? for ?uch a campaign a? that necessary to win a half million to th? Church that is in New WHERE TO GO TO CHURCH TO-MORROW FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ?Nadtjay ?".I ****** MrrM. PASTORI.M.HALDEMAN^.D. II V M ?"l.tllMI ISTI QW IlKAI'TY \Mi 4.1 <>t<^ : <?K HI It GBUBAT III?.H i-Kii **i in in.w n x p M W II ? I I- i hi: ROrLf IS IT \ Il M lli.V ?IK \ I \l I I \N A MAN Bl SO -I l I I ---11 I IN MU-' WOKI.I? III \ i ni will. I ?'-I II in Mil I in I III. N i \ i um;i H : I' l.l.n Night, U.c. 10. tit ? ?Vrlnrk, Dr. M?i.l?-i.u?n will nii-???-r llir folio? ink ?sjeeilon: "IMl Till SI lill'll ill? 11 \( II 1 II \ I I II I? I - I I \N?. ? \ N I'.l. -INI l-S*?l V 1*1 III Ml OK. I II M Till. ?'I I> NA? TI Kl ? \n II ? l ">i I??'? I-1? CN THIS 111 1 ' Thl? mrrttnt Is >?|"-n lo all Bible atu rlrnt. N|ruiiK?-r? rurdUlly Invite?!. CAi VARY BAI' III i tiUKCH Rev. Joseph W. Kemp, Pastor t ras im . ht m CENTRAL BAPTIST CHUR(' . I in th* ? f. It.? I'*?lur. . reach "IIW* Journ.v? ?Itti f.raat Hyma WrltOT," ?ANNE 9TEELE LND HER HYMNS." " FIFTH AVI ' si CHURCH. ? latan H.-. I Dr. woaitt?:? - I' M MADISON avenue" BAPTIST church. ? C. A. KATON, D. D., Pastor. Il A. ?il.? 'A Cemn unloi M?-t1llatlt>n." I P. St. ? "A Sttx-y ot t ? Old?*? Tims." I? R?->. C. F. Hell, Lj*iJk t HK1STIAN M li Christian Science Churches tu*d?>i. i! A.M and 8 P.M. nidnnUava. I P.M. ' Fini etui-. ?* I*?*ad C-ui-h . . -. I'wl . F?u-1-i r htii I .. ? (INI.UI (. \ IID'? \l.. Broadway Tabernacle Broadway 'and ? President W Ison's Defence Plan T rt a Brttrr? ft?l ?**?*>? ' . -, ? DU? ni i - <>i ? HKi-r. CENTRAL CHURCH. 142 Wait tut bl. Urn it act M. PMiputt. D D Pta? ? 11 W<x-!*4 In Cnrl-t I M***?*>?, lilil? \ I I I I II KK. THE ?JOCIETY FOR ETHICAL CULTURE. ? ? . : 11 A M DR. FELIX ADLtR. Saeakar. Hablar*. Haw ta R-a h *..? B*ttar Natur? *f Oth.-rv BETH-EL TEMPLE," 1 II Til A\ 1A> I AM? Til II -T>. DR. HAM HAN ? I 1.1 ? . . ?THE HEROISM OF HOLY WAR ' ? H\' K All Rl KM'i\ II I III R >. V CHURCH OF THE ADVENT, - Mt.llKilU-i UI-?<U\I MADISON AVENUE CHURCH Six'ieth Street REV. WORTH M TIPPY. D. D.. Pa* a I' ? ' ;, - i a ? ST. PAUL'S METHJDIST CHURCH CHARLESL. GOODELL,D.O., Pastor ? Tti* Paai ? CALVARY METHODIST VSa? Rev. W. H. MORGAN, D. D. ? al ST. ANDREWS X fthM'"^ K.. FRED WINNLOW AliAMS I) V . II .- Start?? of in? Blhl. . ? G ra? i . r. ai ??nkk . - > ijuarta*. Pl.'j" , A M. M?,?, Cl?r.?r? 1 Sh?arn. "N?tlo??i f" ?.jr^r?., Moral and M?t?'l?i. ' A R K A V I S . t i .m " !.. H OLD JOHN ST. CHURCH J si w I uni t.ll | UNITY SOCIETY MM?, VAN MARTL? PAbTOR REMOVED to 2?5 West72d St. Dedication Service. Sunday. I I A M. w? . t Tbestrej Frsacsii Henry Frank ?T ?t? A? ?,,,, 4>|?, ? I??????? *-Hmme a.? HI. CM ?? *Mti(?M ajU, ?.?,,?,? Iky ','???.? F (?all?." ?ir School of the BuiWcrt, Inc. IM Wa?! 7?-.? L???..??? ?wo-., ?tt?"M4 at 4 -alt? E.?r> M?,-- ,-.,, a,tg,?.,. ? 'in* " MRS. CHAP?N. Nf? rt>?*rr? rrmtt?t HARRY'GAZE. ?ll MADISON a ,i ' A? ACAOIMV mai i ill w ret, at. The Now Thought Church ?. . PJj>?-ll> III'MN M. a ?I I.I??/ ., U U, *f?Srtaa?, rKKXHYTKIW \N PARK AVENUE Presbyterian Church AT 85th STREET THE REV. CHAS. W. WELCH, Minuter. SERVICES Bible School .9:30 s. m. Morning Wonhip.II o'clock Young People'? Devotiun?l Service./ ?00 p. m. Evening ^onhip .8 o clock Midweek Service, Wedneid??. .8 p. m. AN INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL _ PEOPLE. FIFTH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH rifth Avr. ?n1 fltr>-fifth St. REV. J. H. JOWETT, D. D.. Pastor. L at and ? v M Dr. ? ?- i h ?errUe?. Fu'.d. Claa? ?? l? A M . on VVe.inr?<1ai . b- ? -It J'-ai-t. THE BRiiCKCHURCH ?. ?T.IKH JAM VV ? . BIBLI - MDAT. - ' 1 Gani-: - . , ? ? ritt Thi MADISON SQ. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A ? ?? . Rev. C. H. lAKklU'RST. D.l?.. Pastor. REV. G. R. MONTGOMERY, Ph. D.. A...-'?:.I M BROADWAY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. , : i idwa? Walttr Duncan Bur arisn 0. D.. it 11 A. M ai.d s 1' M i: - v y. o LD FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FIFTH AVENUE-ELEVENTH STREET HOWARD DUFFIELD-II A. M.-8 P.M. WEST-FAR? PRESRYTERIAN CHURCH. 8Mri St. and ATitrrilam A?? Re? ANTHONY h. EVANS D.D. 1 ..... ,, Rn. AN80N P. ATTERBURY 0. 0. / ' """ I- ATI!, till RT wririf. at II A M -' ? P VI _ ni TTT'ITDC phesuvtchian CI 1\U 1 VjHIXO Broad??, and Vi f Rrv. BANIBl RUSSELL. D. D. Pallor. v? : \ M S P VI ?a Mv Uaalfalt.' Univenitjr Place Preibjterian Chorck H.-T ? ill al 11 A M I 1' M _ Ft. Washington Presbyterian Church, i74th St.. *t Rro.d?3>. Rfv ?. HOFFMAN MARTIN. D. D Paitor. ; ? ? , at A. M and I P. M fl:MP.\l PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Wbl? i iv/w-, ?,?, ?? Aw.nut tBd ,-,? strMrt. Wliten Mwl?Bmlth. 1> li !? ? r M ('???1111 I I' M ?WlTftTr'H PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ?-??-?-F IV-?1 ? Wtat H ill :i : vv a l'KiiiiMAM i riMoiwi.. CALVARY CHURCH mJT 2 I it Bt PREACHING MISSION Rr. VV vi ri -,sg i III ?WIE ? D . '. ,_ Hid ? CATHEDRAL OF 8T. JOHN THE DIVIN? a ? : . -, ? a I A M Thi [talla . v ? - ? 4 P M Ir. ?!..r R.t ?.- ; Daily S'-. a M ? iv M .... ',: i ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH ? lu? LEKIHTnN I'Alik.i I> D., lUel ? a ?: ? i " i . ? ? _ CHURCH OF THF INCARNATION Man?. ? a . . ? A M H ? II I.ltariy. : 4 Brrnlnt I'rajrfr, Sermon bj _11... I 11 ?i urn?_ ST. J?MIiS' CHURChT ? A?rnu? and rial Btfllt I A. M ' 10 A M Banal?. ? niihop Caairtnr?/) I I P. M Su:..:., ? li.- . :i ?r. ! I ::>.'? (Mr. B?chir.?n . $t. ?corac's Church a o ? ??" ? , - '?,. KARL REILAND. Rrct?r. t-rr?1.-? t, II ?'? l ? ?ipr lai p i-i ?Trr? s": :*> '"' ' I Church of Zion and St. Timothy I vv ?a - - I?--, iii.aiii LI m:< K i> < i. !' V, i . i St. Cbomatrs Church I || III AV AI. ' D -1 ai m no ?i h ii. n*-ir A rlK-l'.rl II?. a . p v li hi ' OttU M '? , a em m a a* ?el IIITH AVT.M K 0 I C N ?HO 11 AM. I0T.I BWOBt r,? 'v ..ut-.r i Mi Ii . Di M T li?... ten, vai,?l ?hall vvt D? ___^ Church of the Heavenly Rest, V He, llKhllITKT ?II1PMAN If I ? I A M 11- M' l'r?T?T . i--?..r .1. I .-? ? ALL ? CHURCH. V?rM En? A?, an? Hit. IU-. ? I,| LA? . IV p.vv \mi:Mi Ii |i ii. - - II ?? A vl Mm, I ? I !?". ? Il A M i .i i Il II. ??"?>. N ? ?, P M CHAPIL OF THE INTERCESSION. ?? ^ Hr-.l?., : a?? .*???''???;? Vi -., . . i , . "IIP M . f.,y,.? \,.?r. ? |. v, ( ho?al ? - 1 ''I ? |" 4-iluS, '????'?^?-??"?TIOB. I IAIT Nth. Mi - . ??.HM'J.N UM . BOBBIN?) SAINT-ESPRIT, ?????? ?V? A VMi(-,?.,? Hrr-imr I 1? '0 I ,. ? I h CHURCH fir..?.., ,? ,Wh ? J-> I.IAVI < I A IT* l?a ,, ,, |t, ,, ?T MITHIN ? A??? St.. ??rar Braatoa? '.-???'. ? ....: L>| ?,,.... - Mil . Ilia.|ji ?I 4 ca c i'K??Tr>T\NT KI'|S(?il*\l CHURCH?: BELOVED DISCIPLE ???'. t**- St. MSJT Madln? A??. Ftr.V I: r.-. SI M IIAKIIOI-R. L>. L> Rtrtflr 7J1 A. M.. II ;y Cnramur.loti 10 A. M. Mom Ina Prarar m A. M.. Holf Cemara Barrir* -? r vi. Ua '?>.!? Bata ?r,-l ??:,?-, BtrtBoe bi k?-<- ? ?? Pialada Anitant?" Kt?t ?r i , at* -.- r" DaSw 4 P. M. Papular V'???r?. Boto "lailiatt luin Tmmhtmm (Juarti-r'r 'It. - . lows - 11"* Krnilns Hours" .Vicho! Orfa'i M.I Harp ' A?. Maria' Bcfembefl M ra WUor H?-,, m i Otassv Aiitlrr?? li> Hc?-tur t P. M. I ..?..?>-g BaaaaM >> II? ?? JtfcB Arw.mi. < I nrr?*j?Uonal -*? ? ?_ CHURCH OF THE HOLY COMMUNION. 1-00 A. M i , . aa i i '? * M l'ifi.i.i i a Hr.*i,r 12 '.. m ; IMP. M - irrte? i-str ii nuitiir sei er tv Kinaonmt |ai I" M T' -i?-. 1*. Otsai R>?-ltal 6T. MATTHEWS CHURCH ?8 WMt t4t*i SI. K-T A". ''I-.. Ha -.: .. I, 11 ?ni I ? in roHMii. THF MTIHH.F. (OM.EI.1ATE < Ht*Rf H. I?t an : '?:, Bl, 11.-? .? IN O FACHj D D Ma a m ta lar m Tin: MAKB1 i f ti i i ..l\!i. (in ?V H. . i itrtKi !.. n ii. mLasa... . ? Till. ? t.l I Kt.l \ I 1. ( liriU'II OP ST. Ml mil US, PL r. . MALCOLM JAR \'\ !.l ? -1? H I?. M'.nlj?>r Ml ?t ritual ra'lurr? " 4 M 1 UK V?. I NT INI. I til I I I.I \TI. ? III K? II. Hlotatar, ? i and 4 il P. M ai r Ms - ? 'antat*. ' Tti* . '4ni A? . ,.a li. I' u afintatar. 4 H "Th? 8clrtt ?f ?*? Wind?." "Trouhl?- Makwi. REFORMED CHURCH OF HARLEM * . atar, ! New M?T?-,l?-r? K I* M. " i.imi.Mi n < ITHOIK . Hamilton Grange REFORMED CATHOLIC SERVICE. Chrlit'i Ml?. ?Icn. 33. Wast 571 - ! !_?_ I. . ? . . ? _ -ut I\I.INI BRYANT HALL. Ith A.?- I? ?-.' ltd N-r.*' R'in V. Hi: . H WHI ru, . N(K 1191 (H KKII.MIH Rollgloui Society at F?-I?ndi (Orthodo. M ?- r. rorl ?n 1 T.a fantt* an<1 of ?"an??.: ; . . Meet r.| SClieiOU? MiciEiY m m.u ? v 11 a in ?i HI I ?">' " ?? Uao ????? rhum ai H '-PIKITI All.-T. FIRST CFRMAN F-PI RITUALIST CHURCH. i . Hunda?*. I P. M (] HI Pa ? ? ' ? Il fc Co ? . Bulrltual and f -. - . MI Mlr.MlOIM.IAN. NEW CHURCH Il s. ???? Perl a l.i .- \? ?? I -'?' l'a-.-..t Hoi? I ?. II . ;i t.r?-? ' THE BIBLE It* li.-ai '.<-.??: i ijij? r * ' ' a-a? ter- a mriim?. for "H an l ou? ?.f a a-Tli-a ' ? . _ ' J 111 111.! tilK<>>0|-|||< AL. THEOSOPHICAL HEADQUARTERS N.w Tort .. ? . -. r m -. ? ? i . . - Mr ? - ... |W> tn?K?.a, rffiilnt? at l? IS TtiaaMophl? i l.i .rary_ I NIT \KIAV CHURCH ;f MESSIAH S^At?A JOHN HAYNES HOLMES "God/Satan, Fate:' Which Rulei?" THOMAS MOTT OSBORNE ?p. i M "COMMON SENSE IN PRISON M AN A(, E M t N T." Al I COUI S* ?TABUS ?>-? Di T II BUI . u Mlnlater. Ra? Ull.l.lAM I AI IlKN. i ?. 4 al* MR. SULLIVAN WILL RESUME PREACHING AND CONDUCTING SERVICES. I ? ? 4*:?r sal I Bartlos II 4 \| ? LENOX WIM l UNITARIAN LIU kid "THE MESSAGE OF F.MERSON" It- ? M ? I -? ? !? , W-??- :? I I. M i nu i gg m ist. THE CHURCH or THE OIVINE PATERNITY C.nrral Para Weat and 76th St. It?-? Fraak Olivar Hau. D. I?.. I at il A M ?Haaolrap? " "a- lal'i __^__ T. Y.. C. A. '?M St. y. M. C. A. Hi ?.*- - , 4 DR. CARL REILAND, "THE UPWARtl (.RAVITY Mm ln?ll-il I? H?ar 0' (..?.,. fttHm Physical Ellicicncy and Succeu in Life Will Kid. Y. M C. A. :?: - A ? It . . \t Offjn *?r.K\HKJ? Can a Spirit Be Photographed? HUDSON THEATRE, 44th & B'way. 'Spiritism Source of its Wonder Working Power' .4 i .. ?- ? M i - > Haal i i ?. Prat THE UNION THEOLOI.ICAL SEMINARY. ?. : i :"?!. . Alb?r1 P?rt?r F It.h II I. . I WAR PICTURES. !.. .? Ibtlr, Il r M I Mh'ii. b? <> J ? ' '' ? I ? A '. ? Gri?l'll TABfRNAr.ll CHURCH ? ii Ha* A ' ?'"? ? i . York will demand consecrated b principle?, insistent and BBStail gressivenes? and th? encour?gei an ever-increailng enthuiia?ri ;..?????? thei? eaientiaii it will b? i?ry that all thought of dcnomin aicendsncy and tn? aurpaiting organization by another, be aban l nimi In Essential. A campaign of thi? kind, which cause the Church in New Y occupy it? rightful place in the lifs ?>f the world and he a bet the whole, life of the city, wil necessary tn* adoption of a w gamzpii schedule of procedure ultimate end of such a schedule require ?ach member of the church to win another member church'? ranks within the net months. To bring thi? to pass be necessary fur the ministers city to want ?uch a gigantic thi complishe'd; it will also requir? unified cooperation In inipin conference and procedure, reg? of denomination party, or com alignment. If such an agreement be brought about among theie ip leader? of the Church, the isiue c a movement will be secure. The need of the hour is ? d and direct speeificneii which will no other propaganda to take its N'or would ?uch a coalition int in the least with denomination! alty or carrying out their progri of local church extension; bu fruits of a movement like this make all other hopes more happil easily resisted. The attractiveness of the Ch position in New York I? to be In it? colo??al minion; and It? though charaeterired by multituc detiils, is the more inviting becai the ease and consequent joy o barras* The time for reaping thi of ita age-long toil has come, ai ministry is thrice ble??ed with th which come? to it over the tumi the city's diversified life. Preparation for winning these K) porsona will require ?lso vi?iting house to house and from stre street by all those capable of ?\ service. It will require that hun of thouiand? of letters of invit and entreety be written, that the phone be uied extensively ?nd thouiand? of interchange? of tei-.ef, hitherto unthought of bi dulged in. Bufltcisnt cooperation in tue movement i? alr??dy a?sur?d bj aatsids agencies whose offices n be needed. Such a programme of paign would at once Rweken th? terest of all person? and would b? cause of the unbounded ?ympathy approval of all clatiei. unce church would thus be at it? appoi teik. _ ?-? CHURCH NEWS AND NOT BIBLE Sl'NDAY AT CHlRf HE Through the effort? of the New i Bibl? Society every Prot??t?nt den inatiOB in this city will observe morrow Bible Sunday. The idea Biblo Sunday i? that on one and snn.e ?luv the Ikly Scripture? sha! the subject of special consid?r?t.01 the churches and Sunday school?. than ?.re other special Sunday?, s as memorial Suiti-hy. children'? i ,!nv, hospital Sun.lay and Mother?' I those in charge of the New ^ >.rk ii , havs felt it fitting that Sunday he observed to emphaike value of the Bible. NEW Y M. C. A. SECRETARY Robert L. Moore, of Worces Usai . has been mado ???oc?ate eili tional secretary of the We.?* Bids M C A., 31H Weat Fifty-sevr Street, succeeding K. H. Roraback v SB Monday next becomes associa With Alexander Brown & Son. a Ha more banking houte, as bond sal man. NEW PASTOR INSTALLED. Tl.- installation of the Rev. Frede N. Lindsay, Ph. 1).. p?sU-r-el?ct of Wells Memorial Presbyterian Chu r.f Brooklyn, took place last night. 1 sen-on ?TBS preached by the Rev. C. Alb'rts? n. D. 1? ?? of the I-afayette A ? urch, with whom Dr. Lindi .vas f.s-.oi-iuted in the ('?ntral Pre?l terian Church of Rochester. 1 charge to the psttor wat made by I Rev. William P.ishop Gatei, of I .Scotch Presbyterian Church of N York, and the charge to the people the moderator, the Rev. Joseph Du Purrt-U. I?. I). The choir of the Chur of the Covenant of New York assist it. the musicul ser. ire BAPTIST SOCIAL UNION TO DEN The Baptist Social I nion and ? i Mission dinner will be h?ld at the H tel Savoy on Thursday evening. T nmiion work of this denomination, carried on under the direction of t Nat Vori: ( lit? Baptist Mission Sociel will be the only topic. The speake tare the Rev. Cor-ieliui Woelfkin, I). I th? RfT, Charle? H. Sears and Hen Nelson McKinney. CALVARY BAPTIST AROl SED. A great awakening it apparent Calvan baptist Church lince the cot ing of her new pastor, the Rev. Josei VY Kemp, formerly of Edinburgh. 11 ' morning congregation? have more tht doubled and the evening congr? gatioi STS growing remarkably each This result is due to no senuationahs j by the pastor. I Non-M-ctanan courtes in midwet Bibl? study, inaugurated this wee have aln-ajy established themtolves i an enviable position in religiou? circli of the city. Judging by the attenitanc hinl the intereit diiplayod in the f.n lecture, there ia every indication thi this new courae will attract many hu? dreds of church people of all Chrintia ruination?. "The Name? and th Build of the Hook," is announced as th subject of Dr. Kemp's lecond lectur Thursday evening. WEEK OF PRAYER The gener?l them? of the ?chedu'e o ?er. u-es ft the week of prayer, a? an , nounced by the Federal Council o Churches, is "Peace and I'nity." Th? subjects on.J the Scripture oti whicl the> BIB i.a.-<ed are: ? Sunday. January 2, "Sermons oi : R?conciliation." Isaiah 64:10. Act: JO: 3?. Romans 6:11. II Corinthian: Monday. January 3-"Peace: Interna tional and National." Isaiah xii; Acti xvn. 22-81; Romans, xlii; I Timothy 11, 1-H. Tuesday, January 4 -"Peace Through Christum Service for Jews and On Abroad and at Home -For All Missionary Societies." Psalm lxvii; Isaiah, xhx, .'M.'t; Act? i, 1-8; M?rk v 120; v,, i .:. Wednesday, January 6 "Cnity in th? < hurch Throughout the World." P?alm exxxm; Inaiah xxvi, |j ?vii, 19; John xvn; Ephesian? iv, 1-16; I Corinthian? xii, 12-27. Thursday, January 6 "Peace by Ed? ucation m Schools, Colleges and Uni? versale?" Psalm cxix, <?-16; Proverb? in, l-2ti; rial, tt-M: Isaiah xxxii, lft-11 Friday. January 7 "The Family and louth: Spiritual Training." Deuteron? omy vi. 4-9; P?alm xxxiv; Psalm cxxii; Matthew xviii, l-u. II Timothy ni, Saturday. January 8 "Peace Through Brotherhood; Reform and Social Ser? vir?; to Promote Health, Labor Condi? tion?, Purity and Temperance." V?e.\m laxxv. ?-18; Psalm lxxxvii; r?aiah Kalil, 20-24; Luke x. 26-37; Romsns, Sunday J?nu?ry 9 "Sermon?: The Prince of Peace in Victory ?nd (Hory." Psalm ex, 1; I.tiah ix, 6-7; Luke xix I; -EPBBSlBBa ii, 14? I Corinthian? xr, ?! I Timothy ?i, 16; Hebrews x l'-l'l Revelation? xii, 1?. QIAKERS PETITION PRESIDENT. At the Westbury quarterly meeting of the Society of Kriend? last week ?he following re?olution wa? adopted- "To K\KH1 JOSEPH IJE?CHT._ NEW SYNAGOGUE DEDICATED B'nai Jenhurun, In Newark. Coat S100, 000?One ?>f Finest In I.and. The new ?ynagogu? of the Congrega tion B'nai Je?hurun, at High ?Street and Waverly Avenue, Newark, N. J.. which was dedicate.) last night, is ?aid to be one of the finest and best eauipped synagogue? in this country. it co?t $30n.iii)i' Kuiibi Joseph Leucht, pastor emeri? tus, wh?. officiate i at the dedication, organized the Congregation B'nai Je ?hurun on August 2o, 1848, when there were only sixteen member?. For eon tinuou? ?ervice in the minlttry of one congregation. Rabbi Leucht hat no equal in nil the rabbit of this country. the President of the l'nited States and to lovers of our country, and of peace, everywhere: ''WSStbsjrf Quarterly Meeting of the Religious Society of P'riend?. in ?et ?ion at Flushing, Long Island, on the 30th day of Truth .'..'-?nth. 1916. feel? a concern that thi? country ?hall not vio? late the principia! of peace by exten? sive naval and m lifary prepaarti?>n?. "We believo that war is not only ?.ha most ferocious and fut le of human fol? lies, but is also contrary to the spirit of Christianity. "ft* urge our government, either in? dividually or in cooperation with other governments, to plan for an Interna? tional organization that will make war imposa Ma. 'We urge our fellow citizens bv all tuitable Bteaaa to assist ir. forming a public op.nion favorable to putting mure energy in preparation for peace than in preparation far war." "CHAPEL OF MIRACLES" CAUSES COURT FIGHT Episcopalians Sue to Recover It from Catholic Church. Justice A. S. Tompkin?, of the Su? preme Court, took testimony In Peaks* kill yesterilav in an nc'ion begun by mataban . -' tl ? Protestant Episcopal Church of St Philip in the Highland* to obtain possession of the "chapel of miracle?" there St. Philip*! Church is sttended h y Staj rasant Fish and other sraalthj eoloniati of (iarriaon. The chapel is a peurt of the Graymoor monastery of It.?- ' athallc Society of the Atonement, ?*onducted by the Rev. Father IV'. arhs eras formerly an Episcipal c.'-rgy-nan. The Rev. Arthur contends that the chapel ?rSS danatad to 'l.e Episcopal church and turned over to the ?atholic?, Hn.l it is' demande?! that it be reconvey??d to the pal church. It is called the "chaps! of BjsJraelaa" bsaaass Father Raul has sasartad that empty buckets carried by a thirs'v wayfarer were ? liad h> Bl .1 that nu? merous other "miracles" bad basa per? formed on the monarterv grounds The Rev. Frank Upiobn, of Ha?ting?, and the Rev. E. C, Churiey, rector of St. Philip'-, test Bad that the chapel was given to live trustee?, who were to hold it for th?- Episcopal church. It i? alleged that af'er one of the trustee? t.utl Father Raul persuade?! a majority of the others to transfer the chapel to the (atholic church. SUES SHIP OWNERS FOR WIFE'S DEATH Ex-Master of Sloop Wants Dam ages for Yellow Fever Ravage. Panama, Dec. 3. --Thomas Owen, ex master of the American ?loop yacht Academy, ha? libsllad the ve?.*i!, -vhich i*. in charge of the (Jaitad Btatea Mar? shal. The Academy put in here yes? terday and i? in Quarantine, there having been recently several deatn? on bsard from yellow fever. Owen'a wife, who, he says, wa? a daughter of Max Pemherton, British novelist, and a niece of Lord North clitTe, tlied in October at the Ancon , Hospital of yellow fever contracted aboard the Academy at Hueria Ven? tura, Colombia. He declared to-day that the otrneri of the Anglo-American Exploratioti Corapaay. of which Adolph Behm, of San Francisco, la the pre?; | dent, must pay tor her d-iath. Of 'he original crew of the Academy ?ailing from Sun Francisco only three ?urvive. Six disd from yellow fever. TIN ROSES AT TIN WEDDING Tin Bell Bangs Welcome at F. B. Close Tenth Annhersary. Mr. ard Mr?. Edward I!. ( lo?e, of 37B Park Avenue, celebrated their tenth wed'ling anniversary last evening by a dance at the Ritz-Carlton. The hostess her wedding ??own and carried a large bouquet of tin ro?e?. A large tin wedding bell swung over the entrance to the reception hall. Music was fur? nished by two orchestras. There were about four hundred gVaatS, and to add to the gnyetv -"'.' eral of them presente?! Mrs. CIj... with gift? HUitable to the orcu-ion. a.iong these were a tin bread box ?.'.led with golden chrysanthemum? and h -?'riking bouquet made up of ?mall tin kitchen utensil?. Mr. C!o?e received a tin irown. which he wore during part of th? evening. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Traniffi-I. To !*?? ete\ 4 I n l>?v 4 narrt? J II Ix-lln.-: . . - 1 II II Watt. r.,\ ? . \ 1 r 1 aras II wi'.iam V .ui.f. i;2d la Kit'1 llnuad. Hi. ye I? .S?r?rL J j <>'S . . 1:. t T?ma*rao Aiilanmanta. i'?..:::: jar-jna ilo-man 1"' a II . ,|ut, In Hur ,?< llfpair? and Baajapllaa. for 10 ?la?.? fmm I'?x- 5 Ml. 1?. . '?..?' Harta .."?-.? . ? '- !- ?t <i 1 r,,.?.. -.m. u. III.-. - . -'? 1 l.'k ' .? I \f. ':??, Dai I T r >l ?..t?a- its. to r <i In om.-* ,/ 1 1 -* ? --m pas. '? I'KIr 1 ...- ? . - .'- I. ' 1 llSta, .1 .') 1m A - . -- H r.?i|h Hall, BrooAlj-ii. tor 10 '???? fro? !??? I u M I..',- -? -. I- ?1 H - ; la.t 1. ?pe?:l*: ?.jua.l S.. 1 IS la?. ? I'- * T. .-?!, Imp Plat trniii pr*\'inru rndlralad .lit? In ??Mot prftiil??*?. f??r 15 dan tt ? '."?? I ? ' W II I'Mff.r 4:i T. I) Twin ITth. J J. t. roil ? ? Anl???*''?! Dl?c**tlnv*?1 PUSM I> It leki.f. tlh t.i I4*tV frra 1 !" I La*?** ?? Abitar? . ?Ithntit r>?vi Ttlmr, MF* M ?. i?. .1 1 da? fi II Des 1 J j r-l Iha fr>HB 11 ?M * m . D ? I Pisatlnarl Hal I I?? tm?< 10 a m D VnsUrl. h Hcueh. ?.1 1 .la? ''-ni ?am. )i*r 10 J ?A /?-. k lltlh. 1 lar troas 1 p *j i.? t T ?? '.?.. Ulal 1 ta? rr-.'n 4 p 1.1 I ?K ". 11 J V..U1.1 l?l?tri 1 la? f- t ? a ta . D*? : UM? ... 1 ilar. '"?ii 4 p n. . !>?,? a' ' Full r?, Wh.ll? tl'k l'Un.n I' M H?h#r, lMh i trot,. N,? 1 ? t. N . 1 Sm.,??4 u Dut?. I ? .un 1 1 liai... Jr. um Dr.- J. I CITY MISSION GUIDE TO POOR 84 YEARS Organized When Episcopal Church Was Aristocratic, It Has Ever Aided Needy. In those day? when the City of New York wa? ?till young, th? "congr?gation of God's poor" w?? very ?mall, although perhaps relatively no smaller nor more perplexing than it i? to-day. Then the city's dependents wer? hou?ed in on? building, which wa? where the City Ball now stand?. Here the innocent and the criminal, the sane and the in? sane, the ?ick and the well, were herded together under one roof like so many eattl?. They had reached the scrap heap of civilization ;n America?and had been thrown upon it, because the age of contervation had not yet ar r l sd. Subsequently, whin th? Almshouse was removed to the foot of East Twen ty-sixth Street, where Be'.'evue Hos? pital now stand?, a division was made, ?o that th? insane could be taken to a separate island in the East River. But the rest of the "human rubbish" - inno? cent and blameworthy were still mem? bers of the one "poorhouse" family and governed by on? law. Meanwhile th? Protestant Episcopal Church in New York had grown up as B Church of one claa?. And the preis railed loudly at them a? the Church of the moneyed ariitocracy without love for the extra-parochial poor. No free pew? or sittings were to be had in any Episcopal Church of thi? period. There was no place in them where a middle class mechanic could feel he had a church home. Therefore the popular accusation ?tung. The answer wa? the formation of the N?w York Prote?tant Episcopal City Ml??ion Society eighty-four ye?rs ago. Ch?pel? were built in the crowd? ed districts of lower New York, where the seats were free and where the new Americans were made to fe?I at home. Such a ?pirit of brotherhood wa? bound to ipread and to permeate to ? greater or leit extent all church??. According? ly, a new democracy has been fostered chiefly through the influence of this city mi??ion through three genera tlona. The 120 mi??ionar1e? of the Episco? pal City Mission are called upon to minister to 22,000 persons a day, pa? tients in our public and s?ml-private hospital?, inmate? of insane asylums. prisoner? in all the penitentiarie? and jails, immigrant? at Ellis Island, em? bryonic citizens in our settlement? of the Ea?t and West sides, and conva le?cent women and children discharg-d from tha hospital? into the roofless wor^d without anv equipment to keep ?ou! and body together. Thus the mission become? the good ' S?maritan to the poor of the city, state ?nd nation. During the ?trea? of un? employment la?t winter it found it?olf equipped to give work to the idle women of the East Side fac? tories. The discharged prisoner re? ceived his first "lift" at this door. All summer the poor are searched out ' from the crime district?, where the humble and respectable poor are eom fp?ed to live. Thesa moth-era and children, numbering about 800, ^et ten days in the country and at the seaside. With their old anvironment for tha moment forgotten, the young inhabi? tants of New York's worst acres grow near to nature and nearer to nature's laws. Afterward the old, corrupting life of th? city ha? less power over them. Thi? benevolent society stand? a: th? jrati way of the nation and creates cheer and guidance to the bewildered mid homesick alien. It follows the new American to his home and pre? pare? him for citizcnthip. In each pub? lic hospital it binds tip the wounds of' the most friendless heart, while the' i ?it* is spending millions to heal his body. In Jail It discovers the roa 1 to hope and ?et? the offending pilgrim on the way to it. In the city home? for the aged and infirm it steadies the tot? tering palt and th? mind of those who have seen better days. Those, by the sign of the Cross, find the nath to th. crown. The last report of the chaplain of the Blackwell's Island Home for th ? Ag.'d and Infirm said that 375 out of a census of his 700 Protestant inmates regularly partook of the Holy Com? munion. LAKEVTEW HOME DECENNARY Founding of Aivlum for Children To Be Observed on Sunday. The tenth anniversarv of the found? ing of the Lakeview Home, at Ar rochar, Stuten Island, will be cele? brated on December 12, at 3 o'clock in Iho afternoon. Addresses will be made by Justice Iiaac Franklin Russell, of th*? Court of Special Sessions; Judge Rob? ert J. Wilkin, of the C.iildren'i Co'irt; Judge Morgan M. L. Ryan, sf th? Chil- , dren'? Court of Staten Island, and Leo j Arnt'ein, president of the Council of > Jewish Communal Institution? Mi?s Sadie American is president of the Lakevlew Home. -. LUNCHEON FOR HECKLERS Head of Housewives' League Invites D?l?gations from New Jersey. Twenty-one Ntw Jersey branches of the Housewives' League have been in? vited to ?end delegate? to a "basket lunch" which Mr?. Julian Health Is giving at the league headquarters, at 25 Weit Forty-fifth Street, on Mon? day. The chief diversion at the "partv" will be heckling Mrs. Heath on the financial activities of the league. Tho New Jersey member? have aaked fol an official investigation of th? league, and it i? ?aid that Deputy Attorney Otmatal Obermckr ha? taken prelimi? nary steps toward an examination of the boohs. Mrs Heath said last night that she had heard nothing from the state official?, but that ?he would wel comc an Investigation. Churchill's More than a Restaurant? A Broadway Institution Broadway & 49th Street CAFE BOULEVARD ?Bf"fc *J? *? |:,".'"fv Maggie Teyte?Solsa Ti.- l.iifluri Prtma I?mina ft III.? ORVILLl MARR?LO. TVi ? HAM) Punch4Jady.^'T^,Ma\a^^',^ TREASURE ISLAND "FOR ONCE EVEN 'THE MOVIES' ARE BEATEN."?Herald. princess v,:," /-:;.;' $\v*E . ? THE UNBORN WSt* By Permission of His Eminence Cardinal Farley AMILITARY CONCERT Conducted by John George Frank, Las. with the Metropolitan Opera Csv, who ?vi led hi? ' ran'a.r augmented by ? Drum. Fife ?nd Bugle ChBB, ?B rtlBlBll asWcU, Ar.;i,em, ?j Army Calli. wilh other appropriate Selecliom. At CARNEGIE HALL On December 15th, at 8:15 P. M. For the benefit of the Cancer Homei for deit.tule caiei in charge s| th- Sanaa* J Relief for Incurable C.ncer. Si. Roiei Free Home. 7! Jarai?n St.. New Wk. ,n(J. Roi?ry Hill Home, H?wthorne. N. Y. Tickets on Sale at the Box Office, Carnegie Hall. Boxes, $25.00 & $15.00. Seats, $1.50 & $1.00. KfJfJ V.IKKS I.F_%l)lN<i MlKvrKKs \MI ??I ? ? aVWRB. empipe B-a, ?sai ?sm-t,iwkr?M [S NEW AMSTERDAM JOHN DREW the" wR&y LYCEUM. ?' ?? Itrwai M'L? T. tayir.jr? ETHEL BARRYM0RE ?$a%?&," UIDDIC VV>,t 4M M:.'.' la'.; I? ?I * II nAt\r\lu vi.,, Til-DAY ?-.'1 Wa?.. - '?' AROUND.H.MAP ^TTTiT^T^.T-g H . ? y ? VI D VI I. ArrFR IMf rVAY . Vlf?M. .ere 10 l'A Y * vv r.1 233 LUM?J?dELEl LIBERTY W 4211 ?T TW!<T Dal ? r ? V.y ft s^' Mat .'. H ri li ? ii'iut U?U ??- - I 0. w. cntetti i ?pal. Oil? He Ptt t? sp?r?u.-i?. ? hi-atra of 4.1 candler ^;:,,;,T,rr:,\ ";" vu belasco ? THE HOUSE OF GLASS GAIETY SADIE LOVE ACTrtD 1< '?1 ?' "'??< dt Aoiun m.. . . j f>0 M. Coriln i 1. ?art?. HIT-THE-TRAI1. HOLLIDAY ?rita raao mibuj ?. n 11.1 > ?> ? ? with MABY RYAN A ?hi? ?ir?a? All Am r?j' Orel? . li II ' B Statt Ut n?.- . C*?. 15c. 11. L0NGACRE ^.r^.^TV'?-^. i5 CORAN ft HAIlllIS PRESENT LEODITRICHSTEIN ^?Esf THE GREAT LOVER w??> |M 81 KTrmlr-.f? at ? "? KAY ft Wed ' THE BOUMERANC ELTINGE T.Tnimv/.-.ii.ifi 3 -0 REPUBLIC _ GLOBE ? !? MONTGOMERY & STONE [HH\\ PARK '",:.;,, . 2 lOc & 25t. FREE EDUCATIONAL CONCERTS , WANAMAklEF AUDITORIUM Astor Place. Broadway and Ninth St. CARMEN Operatic Tableau Vivants Demonstrating the Victor Talking Machine? Three Weeks' Season. Beginning .Monday, December 6th, 2.30 p. m. Two Performances per Dav There? after. All .Music Lovers Welcome. PHILHARMONIC Bl i. IBTTT ? r --"-v. PORK .111-1 K MiltN-ihl, (O.MIIIl'UR. 4 Saturday Eve. Concerts < \ KSK?, I F HALL. ? tH t.. }1 vi Subscriptions I toll Hook? now ?.p.'n at BftI Office. 1st Concert To-night at 8:15. BEETHOVEN I ' ?-? tor ? "C rl< .satis" . BEETHOVEN, tin Brmphonrj VVAONER, I'rel'il? I.Mearo-l irOBS Til?t.?ti nnl i?....',.- . LISZT Brmpl . . at "Las VVAONER, Wa.1nel.en from -.1 . LISZT, llun?arlan Hti.rm Mar.-h (Piral To-morrow tSuiiilaji Afternoon at 3. FRANCIS MACMILLEN lY'jtrr*'.. '.-. )Sgf}g*? I '. .' sli l '*' I '??-' ^.p-..>nv" METROPOLITAN ,,?V* T?-<1?> .?? . Truinliir... l'.i-;.|. I. Ober* Martlnelll, Amato, RothlSf Ctttttl PolacOO Neat Mess, at I II Hoiien.e. ai?ir. Cejattl; I'lrum, De Laca Segur?la Cond H?\atnoll. ?VeaL, - MaKie Flute. I! up- K.r- Mk.or., l Bodanskjr Tinir?. -? Rappold, Matsenaner; - " Cond ii i Frl. at n Boris ?x.iltinnw. <.t?-r. I? '. . ? .. ?: ,'. i .',.???. ?at. Mat ?? I Marls. HetnpeL Ober; Ca. ru?o. I?? Laca, Mala atta. CoaS lu\aguoii. THIS SUN FVF ? ??'"'?'? Itll? OUIV K?TI*. S4>I>||IK at a II i to |1 i M Mil I ?, UlltlMiN Orch'atr.. <,onr..rt rWjl tIK.IMITO (on<1 llHirmuii. ?.I A? <iM< i HAM A( < O MARDMAN PI iM I rst-.i. SYMPHONY ?It ?f N SfJ York. K lAMItOS'H. ron.lui'tnr. I>\\ (Sl'NO \ . i AFT. AT S. BAUER KorlatT <? f '? e w York. H.MTI.K HAM KOS'H. ( ?>n<luet?r. Td-MOKIMIW (SUNDAY) AFT. %T 3. HOI 111-I HAKIIIl) ^^^^^^^^^^^ HF.KI.IOZ~-? %?.\KR? BRAHWs Ssat? *t Box 0?lc? alia R**m 1202. Aaalla* Hall. LYCEUM THEATRE, 4.1th ft. tu ir?t?. IT FA It \NI AH AT 3 T APPEARANCE ?CC# *| if VETTE GUILBERT ? A??l*t*d ty TKIO UF II TF.CF. erSrn Eight Centuries of Song OTHER DEC. IS, I?. 17, \FTs. AT S. DATE? .I1K4. IS, 1?. F.VOr?. AT H:34?. i-, , ?? t taia ?. Baa off..-?. Kn?i* rtea* I'lrertlmi n?u.t?i Pro'.mar. and l'?th A Ilaj.inian. Carre,?e Hall, Sat. Aft., Dec. 11, at 2 30 riOLLN SE? ITAL MIS? IIA ELMAN IN AID OF IEWI8M WAR SL'F rt mi.h? Aeolian Hall. THIS AITK.KMM1X, at 3. HUTCHES?N ?vit h the Oreh. of S? motion) ??oriel) of \ \ . WALTER DAMROSCH, iomhttor. Marllourll, I >? hail?..-..?!.) A Liait i 'oncrtoi M*t of Loudon Ckarltoa si'inmy Plane Frime??? Ih. .'r,- i Sun. I K?. at ?Fill PIANO \ni? VIOLIN SONATA KM ITAL GASTON &EDQUARD 0ETH1ER ?asSt at I?oi 'i"lr?. Il M to 15 I ' i>ir??-?t.''. Mu?t.ta."j' Caaearl ?teatjaaaaast, ln< AEOUAN HALL, Mi.n. Aft., Dee. ?J. at ?. another latereattna PIANO KM ITAL iy -i.MiKiji;-. w??. OPEL AN D stasa OaatSM Ifaann S nani.iii Plan*. HALL. WIO. AFT.. OfC. I. AT 3. GRAINGER arfa sawm a>i..?aj ri?... N Y Man***** Aaat.iai.oo. ?ONOAT AFT. DEC. It. AT I KKEISLER Ma* .?T LaaaSaa Charltnri afaaon S Plan? AEOLIAN HALL. WIO. AFT.. OIC. A AT S. Bl'ciTAL ( ? K A I l\ I a H K by e? act Btaataanaaat A< l?ala BVM SaaaaYSRSJ llano, latsj ? ?-. r- "? N V M*n***** Aaaoiatloe. CARNEi." HALL. SUNDAY AFT. DEC. II. AT I TUSat?. ,'Scti. t* ?j as? mim N*w at B*a Otic? nin-r?!... ? a i ?14 MMaaaa Piano gssl COST THEAiRC TOMORROW AFT. AT I. IVIHT ?? -?l Tl? AT li.i.X nlHii: lian? IU ^^^^^^ nf I Ira ?la ^_ ?TEINNAY PIANO) Mft M II IIANS.lN - ? li- ?\ a I ll?>.\ .11 HI I. , , ORNSTEIN Aaall?? Hall Sat.. Dae. 4. I IS. Tl . < Das! MUNNA clMMINUS '?"???-?'? i-vii.i | HARKV K0HL; SHKLLV l.."',.';.'* MAXINE ELLIOTT 8. h ?? ? ? ? . AW,.; LOU-TELLEGEN WARE CASE BOOTH, i rst H*. SOlDauRItl i?. ?TH ST. TBM ...... ?. -?Ja?ROrTltO&JULIh? ~ THE ETERNAL MAGUALENi With II II V \l.l III K. COMEDY, trp , HOBSON'S CHOICE 1ITH 8T. K>?, ? :? M : ? v THE UNCHASTENL? WOMAN SHI GIRT. Et?? 1-11 -t ?fi ALONE AT LAS? CASINO I m I HE BI LYRIC ABE AND w&im ?i.?. ' POTASH AND PERLMUTTER." PLAYHOUSE ?? MATINEF TO NAY 2 nil MAJOR ?ARQAPA B?B ANHATTAN .V, CUTLER vs. /H. V.KO TO A riNISH Bt?rl?' I a HEVONPAA vs. I I NOW YO A FINISH AND iiTIII II Bill I FULTON THEATRE ', fift Caatlnji'i' ha I, ? II I V nxM m OM.T r ' . . ) . FIGHTING IN FRANCE ;? . I ? mrr.i ?I ? r Uts NATI?J v.. ....? UIV0 ? 1 -.-.."I u> r Li* ;?? w .- . r?r. i ? i FULL ORCHLSTHA. PRICES 15? I 1? rrrGO WHERE THE CROWD GOES GMEO COH'NV M. ?"??? wCOBTINI M OFFICIAL FRENCH BBVIBBMEB1 ?-iCTUSO SEATS 25c ?50t .41 ?P'ili?fS$(| f" W.I.. ELtA?. " r?i?tl? VICTOR ; ERBEF.T SiANDAR?^'H | ?.??? T .'. l.l ' ? Pitt? ."- H vn .?? v;.,- : . I LEXiiiGTON ^V. . ?'.is g -M?. T. .;? H ft 54V B.BSU ._K??i ?r??t ji.iir. i tii f... AEOLIAN HALL. 3d BuBtA Mo- t, OtciM M ANN E 8 BARRER? a I Ar-St Mr. GEORGE ? a? ?VT f THEATRE FRAN?AIS (.?,eT I ?. 51. KT? ?. MATINEES THURS I SAT M "PRINCESS GE0R6ES "SON HOMME" ? \KNM.I1 II U I E LMEND SOUTHERN ITALY ., Prier? M?. 7J? . II.i?) ani H W_ ( IBMBOII H I i - BOSTON SYKPaON? 0 -LHESTRA 1)K. K.tKI. MI ? h < ?ndttre* I III?? ?Kl I UMHIN \ I ! <"? I. 11(11/. I? I. I l-l I .< _ r.,.,i,i?i. run/ ra,i,.i-?i ? ?? V?AGKAPH . , SS. V? v'v' LAST 2 TIMES THE BATTLE CRY OF PEACE III 1 iai.lili B i PHY I LIS NIlLSSSV DAI ACE TE"RY "-"".T* liL* HrtL,/-\V.L ,B?a?rle? H?rl?ro !"?" B n ?AAV i: hr ,?????? m ? I a Slat J?, I? 11 ft . l.oew'i American Roof &" *?** Q HARRY BREEN. Thr I., r . i All??'' v ihi r ii v . m m ??I? ? . II* .JJSlJBS BAN080X*- A I A. naiaA-.l I? ? ? ??'.ft WASHINGTON SQ. PLAYERS V ALL ?.OMIOV BILL IVIHV BI6NT IRVING PLACE THEATRE lT I ? r-, I r? . :? ii,,n, |T n\/r v alJ??* M?.(In,, BI? ??a? C Iron H v ? NiAiii.i > m" _ oiianQN ^fflffWrij** Ml V\k . tala,?, Alilcll III Ylir It, l-l.-1 X UetSS?