Newspaper Page Text
LONG REALTY AUCTION LIST West 15th St Loft Building Xmong Thi?; Week's Offerings. ABOLT S7?.000 IS DUE ON PROPERTY CfeolCC Du'cllinsf Mouse in Hast ? ?-.t. Also Scheduled ^')|d. : | ;.-.'. ?1 I ropertles is scheduled ?o be sold in ths ? Exchange*/?roorn-, at 14 SI 16 Vl reek. One sf tl ' most valuable pror; ?n th" story loft ? be oTfred to-mor- ? ' ?ticker The sum due on this parcel. '.as a frontage of 2f. feet and a depth of 09 2 feet, Is about ?" When the 14th st. crosstown si ? r h better mark, t for properties in this cintre, acr : Dg - ' : ?'W. A lorrow. ' this part of tl.? I ange.1 auction budget for ?ho week is At i? *.-. ? n ?Ml Mar?. ?TH AV. H, a I IS.Sl '- t H I lad atora ; Sua, I i At 14 SSMB ?' S4TH ST i I47TH Si ? SID S' ? ... I I 73D ST I 4 . n? i ORCHARD ST ? k I rrar tltlg?; duo. I16.M3.C4; taif*. ? ' Dal ! -?*, it?-, I5ITH - a?, :ri 1230 ST '* ? ?? '.???101 11; . ? Uj. MERCER 1ST ';- f it, t.r>x 171,6 ' ( ?; * .?:-*?-.?. I3TH SI : 1 1830 SI '"?'?' PROSPECT A. S?oo. ? ? ? lit Henrr Br*dj. BROADWAY I87TH II I87TH 11 . ?- ? 11th a?. Il .-ph I' Kay. l?UO sr . i - . i- . I A ? a? .?** J. Ponotan. CASTLE HILL AV. .: B| - ?. MANHATTAN ? MANHATTAN AV. 4 ? ? Ml ; due, I ? " adj. MANHATTAN AV, I ? * ? ' I Uiea. <?- ! ? - - ! a? I :? - P T>ar. WESTCHESTER AV ' I 4 l!?rrtan PlYMPTON A. : i ? Kill? ' R A V 2IITH ? . at- ,? 70TH SI ? WEEKLY SUMMARY OF li()\D SALES ON ItlE STOCK EXCHANGE The following fahle slim*-, the sal?*-, lieh?**), l?.?est, final prtcSS and net changes of all bond?? traded In on th? \e? lurk St?*! Exchange for the week ?'iitled S.iturd..?. Deri mlier I. Al-o the hgliest ar.d Iswcst prit?'?, for the ??ear?. 1911 ami 1 the wed 124 ? agstnsl Ji' a week ago and ?7,622,ooo a jear Bg?. Total aslea from "?. Bgnlnal | !.: i.t.v>,(i.)0 in 1H14. ' VIS ? I - ' 1' I M * ? Mm, et te ....... Maie?. I I ,-n Shit.. ? . . ? ? ' I ? 2 _~ri. ? . ? . I ?\ ' . ' . ? 1*1 4'?? \U'. ? S ? <? I- . ' ? . ' . ?, '? - ? I ' ?. I Hi ? ? . ? : i . ? . ras.. . r?f. ?I ?r 3'i? re?. . I ? ; ;. ? ? ? - ? ???-.?.. . . . la* ? ? I ? ? ? I I U I ? . 44 I III Ura ? '.IM. ?U I. A I . ? ? .1 < -'* : ? ? ' ? ? I '? ? t '? ? * i i ? ll ? * , ? ? - ... r. I ? - i: I I ? Kll ? - I ' ? I I ' . la . i ' i '. I ? ? . - ? ? v? '? ? ? V . Ik. I* buil S ? IJ.1... t*%\ **ml **mt-~ ??, i.?i ?? a. ???.??. ?* paif.'oo; I i!f?iM; . Uta ., -. ; - -man . ? .-, 1 inspection eureau ended It Fini-he. In? ?-?? ism of Duplicated Ufirk l>> Cat] Department?. Clearing House Bureau. ? : by Mayor pectioa Commit ? ? .-on of I ?ns by city depart? ments, til led after five month It has completed its Adamson, chair? man of the committee, announced yes? terday that a report would be made to .1 be ready for the I ? ?' 1. ' Ysued ? 1 Y and ?I I.-. ? ment ill d i n g THE WEATHEB REPORT is for the Last Tweaty-foar Hour?. ??' t? ?u?t 1 - -' ?Tta(?*? rsSM In . a ! . sts tsm ? ar?tlT.lj- . w.irm ?????? .?1? now - ? .hang? Urs dur ? ' For?c??t foe Sp??-rlal L?r-alltlet.?For Eiatarn ? an? Eouthrrn Htm England. Ur to-tf&y ?nrie. ' t-h.n-t ! - ? ' -? ' ? 1 | I VaJ ra^ . .-?? In ?M In i (We of lagt ' i S a. m ? g. m. . ? ? .i^r?w?; law ? ? .- ? ' ? ; , j HunlJIC. ?am.. .- ? p m ia ? R??1lnQ?. S a. m. Ltw-?l ror?r??t.?Fair to-d?> ar.d to-m??T?w. with not much .h-ang? In t m-walure; Ireah nortnamt '. _ \\()I!K M W 1 ED, Hale ? DOM I -1 ' RJTI M ?"v- ? * ?NTED I i ssa\\ ? SI? ? - To-in? ? ?l draw. :.) Ka?t -i . ?| ? ' : ? ? ? . u ? ?ir? .i . .a > tl 470; ' ? ? a I I . ? ... ??. i ?? t a S.W Yuri - lient II...Ian'? Derail i ? ! ' . Iah; ret ? i I a . at At ( TI'IN VM.F.S. geld ?? ? ' || , OS It at I is lu. WaU/rjUi a. bCuXT, Au.lluu???. Shipping Intormation and Marine News of the World Vessels Arriving at and De? parting from Port of N?W York. MOBATCa Al.MA.s_r. -- ? MM ?*?*. 3 ?8 a m; HIGH WATER, A m r ?' - * . e so . !- ? ! - - - . If?., litte ... INCOMING STF.AMFRS. T?. ? ? . . . ? S ?? I? . ' 4 ? ... . It It* .Gibraltar . .;i."*-.!im .. No* 19 Pariraa . ? ??'. . ' ?. ? i ............ ? . . . I -.4-1 ' ? ' . ? ' .. Bra ? Baa .Dae I i'.:r-?rn .r.>:rm . I? . . I a ?? ?.-. ? ? ??r?ji***btri .. ?. . ? . Ora . . !-? '. -. . ? . ? : il I. . . ' ! .Ha? . ? . . . I" ' Tarima . .UaJiastiiii ? ?llrlnt OUTGOING ITEAMEM i" DAT. i ? ?ill ' - men Zen'. J.? ?: 4 .1 ."0 am I . ' ?l. 4 ,- ? 4 - -? ? A nxn i - ? * . Una .12 - TRANSPACIFIC M MI..*?. i .. s ? i i ' a Ha . Hawaii (r?a Ran frail ' ? ? I n? U1 ?lani Kee 13 , i . , . i ? H????lt i?i? Baa I -. I ? ? Dm if Hawaii. r?a_?an 1- ai ' .?? 1 S? ? Z*a .4 . rait* rama . ? r rss I? ' . 1>*C 31 ?..?'? I da/ <*o. U. I.ailaat I - U.',. Kinn . I ; - . . - ? . ? Bull a Cat, ?-un Il p m. v m. - ?T?.in??i r??o 3 ' '.??. l'a.aa-1 . ? . ? in ... - ; ? . - ? ? -.; Paflfle l':.*..-! h a*.?-?, -i. - ?? .! H p m . V ?;-?,..' S -? . ? l'aurai ;. in. - ?. ? . ? a. Wl'.l? a - ?. . Ajj a - ? ?? I ? ' - I ? . ? ??? 1 i ? - . STEAMKRS AT FOREIGN TORTS. ARIUVl t? C.'.aagow, n?e 4 < ? .' Bg), X?w York. tat . Abra?! irtal). Ni ?.- Oa. FIRE RECORD i ? . .. 4 N s ??r? iinlir.'awn. . I I ? a ? . all.] ??? r-o. ; l at. B. ft I ?, ? - ... l; | * t : I en; n-t 1 . 5 ' i ? I . , - i ? t ? : rifting - ' n n?a ? r. a GIFTS FOR 3.000 CHILDREN Santa (laus Association Withdraw? Stamps. The Bai tl (laus Association an nounc kly executive ses ?ion la it?, headcmartera In the Wool worth Building, that Christmas gifts for mure than 3,000 children will have been proviiled soon. This has been made : n Vincent Aster and other prominent persona. John D. Gluck, president of the asso? ciation, iBBoaaeed Is it night that the tor itampa I sea been withdrawn in order not to .-, ?vhich were the original Christmas ?tamp?. CHRISTMAS IN BERMUDA 1 nj< y the outdoor life of lit del.ghlful i lairiin^, l-oating, golf, tena.?, driving, r y. Img, elr. Six Days.$36.50 up Al i i:\ri.N-.I*. is? ii did hj,*ei?inJ Suilirn D>->vni'n-r ?ltli, S. S. "EVANC?L1NEN In I r the A mertl . itec iiai :.', S. S. "BERMLDIAN" Ttr-Jtof?a. chotes berths f?rl information THOS. COOK & SON ? ? i - . ?-.-. A va. i ? CUNARD ?StaMMsd JR41 EUROPE via LIVERPOOL *C.i:Turonia .. .Fri.. Dec. 10.4 P.M. is . . h ?? r . .i ? ?? i. i o A M \. ri-.i ja*:. 7. i p '? ? VI . JAN. IS. 10 A. IL ?'??1 ! .??.ROW Kill > H THE .? OBI D l(il'R4. .-< ? ?: pr , i - i. f tha ?a*-M COMPANYS OFFICE. ? 21-24 STATE ST.. N. Y. DCT lit" I tail? '. "'" T MOSTAOTTl nCJ J ? ? A 4 ? ? ' ?. ?URS? HBO . !'?<? II? ' 'A .?>?- ? i - . ? Bn a 7 ii a i Casai ?S KAa.IL I 4 , tl* liartHUfi*, .?*?k?. LLOYO BRA/ILEIRO 17 Stat? St. N. Y tllty FRENCH LINE I ... ? i;tr- (.???.-- lie Tr m . itlillilll|ll? POSi VI. -I l?\ I? I", .Sa?incs for BORDEAUX LAFAYETTE.Dec. 11, 3 P. M. E5PAG.NE.Dec. 18, 3 P.M. LA TOURAINE.Dec. 25, 3 P. M. ROCMAMBEAU.Jan. 1, 3 P. ML I'? >R '..-."i RMS I*!? IN APPLT csmpai.". offi:e, ?^:\^!-i\l The put lie be pieaa-tl BOSTON S 2.65 it? Hunt liiiil. UN VD T?ll* >M . P?WVIDLIVCE - $1.60 mu NO i MF, ii SS. Colonial Line F!r?.i -.-lase er. ???*;.?? .'.?I Bat). Il, N H-, f . .,11 ?)? t? Ii l.ii'.m?, ?l.'io i> fj.iK?. i\ ,r. I.?? taalpaseai, ii? i . .. . ?i ill ii.*. .1"! _ FALL RIVER UNE TO BOSTON S3.)) Lr. PIKS 14. M R., ft. Fulton t?t. Dali?. at t M P Bt Nr?, I.?in.I.m i.N'.-ir?4i?-*i? I.lue: I.t F1?ji> 40, .v .;. t. liotietoa Si . a?*?-*; ?ia>? oni>, ? s. n i. im it, M_ i i i -i*,i -r \ 11 ? -.*.**? m ?. null. -m,iln?. .'?nn i. ?i. | It?*,!**?! MU!, i 01 PETITION. pupnf n of uri.ier "(?Vr-adtnf ?n?. I.1"1? th' * j BchnttM' 1?? ?-?>' ?f ?'II. ? - - ? - ?U-?I? - ' -? ' ? ? the ' ' I -?? - Of I I ' : ? ' i ' ' '? ' any on ' ' ' k. It f .he ;- .r.ker, r tai. M ?how . ?il?- h? PUl ' ' ? ?'?'' ? f "r r.Yur ..?..??i?- ?v - ??'-' law,?l ?""I I" 'h* Trlt.i'1. n-w?, .per. ?f I , N;. h-r- th? ?. - ha? hi? Pi i III! -'" I'HII.!<[?.' ? -, T., ? ? n Kll,i ,1, jun '.Voji .? -1 liara iiuw??., Al.? Ortvrmala, Nmlta N^tatarab, Aa? ?Ijuaa MisraaU a??l Alex Iiaiuutawaai. Dl 01 '? nt? .".net. Till ' ' ? ? . da] o er? I I ? . ' lal ll tap-.- . Wtl ?!,? IM. ' ar -..' State thlt nt ' . , th/uaand nina hur.Ure.l an.| M . B TAFT. ' AK . i ? ? >?1 KROG MKS NOTICES. !? r L'ANC!! ..f ..n order - .' I ...... n I? all p r - .ir'.??-?, lat? of tl 10 ?ho ?uliat -rlb-r?. tl I ? ? i - - ? Bin -?. 4M -???.ri- th* xt. . ? . rfe, ?he 3rd .'.*? of No l.i PI'S T ORH10S, Eteeutar . i ?<*H I . i? uirlx. Rrrrca t Attorney for En N???au r Manhattan, Bew i _ ?SADDEN. HAROI D F il? ??tn.--'-AS'''l' of an order of Honorable John I' ? rhalan. a ?urrotat? of in ? New Tort. ? H I 1"?- I?'?* "f Of ?a--??' Tor M> Pre --,- -..rn-, with ?oucher? " reor, ?o ?he I ? - a at th- ? ioni?y? . -. Ktrons * ?' ? ' on or f April i ? tober. ' tl ?DBN. JR. ? I', !.'. IIAI i:?- u'.or? 4 WHITEHEAD. 1 .s.. ?i v> ? . . .. .?.* iurk Ciigr. ^ * i * REAL ESTATE AT A. CTION. HAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. "GERMANS i .settled in New York between 1 7?S0-I?%0. They bought lots, largely on the direct line of the City's growth./ Among the largest and wealthiest owners of real estate to-day are their descendants? ?e ASTORS, WENDELS RIKERS, SCHIEFFELINS and others 241 LOTS At Elevated Stations On Main Avenues On WO Foot Streets on Westchester Ave.. While Plains Ave. and Leland Ave., on nnd near Jerome Ave.. I62d to 170th Sts.. Bronx. InctuJ.ni1 nabor? (.anno and Road Houte of SCHRENKEISEN-HUBER Have Got To Be Sohl For Whatever They Will Bring AT AUCTION You uill be aole to buy these lots at your own price regardlos?. of their value. YOU ARE SURE TO MAKE MONEY. REMEMBER The 14th of December 14 Vesey St .in irnii.n OS SsnilgBBJI Title? intured frea. ??n.! for the Look to Joseph P. Dav, 31 Nasiau Street ; I. lia.en. e Dawn. I4)th Street ?5c Third Ave., Agent? and Auctioned!. REAL ESTAI E FOR SALE <>!< TO IK T I ?IN?. IM IND. r? Ii l "W COST Hl'.H ORADE BUN? '. ll.ulVS, VISIT HKItlMTU ? I HOOK I. IT. T. n ACK? ,TH_BT ? ?.I KV PROPBRTT. BEBT ITNANlTAIi !?! an I'.i: nin lUSP! or Maf* . ? \ ? .1 . alad *-i MEETINGS. THE ANNUAL MEETING ? f 1 nrphan Aaylum ti i. ? I ft* 1 msSI of Colors?! ' Ing H ?. '. N'?*w Y..rk I ? KITH .S MURR VV. Sr,-re*?ry. BURHOGAT *B NtlTlCia. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDBR OF RON? : rrecBts of the > V. ..i k, > giver to a:i peri-nn? having cialflM asatnat ?'liar e? Unanget, late ?f the <???..?.;>? o< Sew Torfc, Socaaaad. to pr? i-ent the aaii ' 10 tlia ? IB. Kinher A - r?'.. '.-,:..??. ough of Manhattan, Cltr "f New York, on av <.f May next I ?. . the 16ih tiny of Octo ler. 111!. KATIE B. UNAN ESW atril. BALDWIN, FI8HER * POTTER, ?itrlx. 31 Ni ? _V ? York ?': ? ? r*4_ PREVI . order of th John . ? f the i inty of 'o all :i\y claims nhopa lata of th< f I Peru, ?,'??? 4 [..?. ??> ? ? r) of i...? ,i Street (ilan I, in the City of ! York, on or i. day of February i.exi Dal Tork, I f Au Kuat. I BANNIS TAYLOR, Ancillary . . r c. t. a. LLOTD I ?rator. !?S W i Street LES a ?IN PURStJ? Bf S I l J i Of N'ej? ? ?. having i again* ? A. Con nt. late . f ? of Nat? 1 i St tl ? or be . ? ? Of July, lili. ?BRICK II PAGE, m.maim; ii cr? r 4- titora. HAWKINS, DEI_VFtELD .'.- LONOPEL? I ' ?'?"? -,???? ? t - ?:,,. mora. IN PU ' iF 4.N OR) ER OF Hoi of the ? ' lew York. NOT1 ? ? a ? ?? f -,.* New J. rs ? j f tram .:. ..n or |..f irt the fir?'. . 1'?.-. ! New Tork. ?he IIS day of Octo? ber ink LE*i I? TE' NET Baa. stor JOHN S COL. r _ ?{ GRACE 1 ' ? .1 - - ? .... . ? ? > , ' ? . ? ? n . ? Mil Hi 'i,l. - ' '?' . . la :. - i it? ' ? fork "?i <?r ber.-r? t_i ?nii .lay of u*c*?a t.r i.? it lUli-t. Ne?. Yn-?. the i?>th -ta- o? l-r ' I*!". J 4! . ? ? - IBLKB B. OTON.VPB ' I ?AS < fia 1431 Bl ? i? ?. Ma l'i?.H HENRY ?v. IN PURSI a' f an orrler ??? * f-i:rroa .' ' ? '? >B*J "f N*'s ' en tu ail [.?r*.?i? r.a.m.; , , \V Coor . r.'y - ? I New V-.rk on or >, th. llth ?J " r I -** i,... * Jun-, lSU . VN il LARKIN. I1KNKY V POOR. Attorney I .: M roust! of U .Miattaa. -. V R Or" HON. ? - .ri ? it? f N.a I irk. NOT! I . t., all peraon* having ?'laitue i t? ?ar*. ? * I? - r Of .re th. . ?, , .-'.?. :h .lay of July llll HERBERT Cl AtTON CHAMBERLAIN, - 'ator r*-e^. ? At??. ? ? . ?*?4!ari. ? * .rr ??.?.-? ' I M !> of New a lii?vtnit 'iaima aajalnat .fuitth .'?rter fut ? ate ,,t tfie ? .1? of N'v. T..rk ,n! of I.r-?. . ? th? ?ame. with ' ?"! t-.?-r? i! to ? . . neas N? ISO Broadway, N.w ? anairy '.Si* I?at- I. .1 ll| ... J ?Ml CH \: ? ? ':?'? u?. r ? _? ? M. j LEG \L MiTlcr** A' 41 I.A.- K nr T - T -1 . . i affair? with thai >" Tti* u*rii a?*!?, i1 - . . ? with is? i*. ?? i. ar* ban ! namt r.aima Um oeinmu. ????i. u. S WUT. I -'.r RESORTS. Hotel Bon ?ir AUGUSTA, GA. lith. Why ot ap.n.l llday? tl.r-T T?n fin? so'f g-Jtlful ClubhoiUM, e?r.ll?ni K. al,.,.?til f und Sil uut - ;...rta Addreg? C. G. TRUSSELl., M nager 'THE ?IDEAL WlNTEP TROPICS lilt ItaDING ttSORI MOir. Of THF W?RlO iffiaricor?u?a^ieniicim atijam'ii city. ?e.j. OW?l?gHi?B*?lll?t*r JOSISH WHITE 4 BONS COM PA N V i GALEN AnAV';CITT I1AI.L, *********** A I war? Open. BERMUDA ,Vir??;"?4Crt" PRINCESS HOTEL gg-, A niOBOOKI .?U-o Haa-Utorj K-rmud? TRAYMORE ?fflJA ?. srh Uooklns OI 410 In,.., Hide I'...?.?? i.::.?, PINFHURST ."??"?TH ?tABOUBA, -?r,.-- ef INSTRUCTION. NKW YOHK?Manhattan. The Berlitz School of Language!, SAT IS-? WEST J4th STRECT. ?*,% I -.. I A?f: .1? Brooklya Uran n. 'la IM l.iili.g.Uin St. I* Ig ) U ' . . |.? gad _t?:.Ia?. UAMI.NO. -LOUIS H. CHALIF_ ' Craduate Russian Imperial Bal'et S hool, r-rnin-'!'? Irai li.-r* mil t.-ur... int?rpr?ti\r, r-ilirtlr, .?rial and atllreSM .Inn. mg in dully and nrekly rou'ae?. Hr.i.-hiiri ; Vle.1 4liu ht., N. T. DANCING CARNIVAL. E.?'ZS evening;, r,. lading Sun-lay ?irand Central Pa'ac?. Lexington S? as? 41'h *L entra?o?. N., IJ?, or Si.ld. SCHOOL AGENCIES. American and Foreigt Teacher?' Ageaey.? Bupi ? ?? it feasor? Tiaoaere, Tuto??. r,.,.rr:.^M?i. etc, ??> Colleftj?, .??hool? ?nd .. Api-ly i?- IL J YOUNO FII.TO.SV ?? Union hquar? BUSINESS CARDS. .-. a | j, cAiiri.T tizsstso ro--?T*__ by ?pr.a???d air, i????i. hauj ?r ?o ftyw Jits .,? ?31 Lut ?Win it COI 4 ?__??DT. Ml LTTOnAPfl TTrr.V.RITTT\ ".TTTM. StS, ?1 iC 1000. II?. I'.OOO It ??TO. a ?"?ATiti:iirijBD. KO. Broadway ? Equttabk, Bid?.). - 4?43_ ?IXW T' K CARPKT n.FjIXrvO WOB__, ..-I?.?. I.?rg???. Mo?! ll-t-r n\r. area wovtSt rao-i uto rtarrn?. r-rleaa K-??o?iaj.?. a?'I N? < trmla?. r?I 4l?l-4''i'i Bryant 4?.'-4?? We?* 4Stfc U. STORAGE NOTICES. _ Interboro Long Distance Moving Co. ?m AT-BT ?DAB a'.K a.' :."TH ft, ??? u-.-/ a sea, Mary 1 ? n Ml ? I_ \ -?n. >lr. li.nlfeld. .' . ? H I? I'r.-n. ?'.'t.frtyjj ?n. Vila? ? Kei rijan. M A KUrvhan. Kar.r Igel. Rudolf W?ll. . .-???. S S;n??-r. Mr. \.n .?? V Mu?.re. M ? T Bnica. V.j'i - ? ' .re hereby notified. That the t'm? for th? pa y mm t or our llagg - la? :?.' m har . ? thereof had bwan a.?? ?uch property, to ? la. pa-raonal etTerta and I tn 'h. ln?er??-?r<?. I-ons .?<?'? ?VarehouM. New > ? --i City, ly ><vi. or tn your name ?or in which ? . i..ta> bave ?n ini??e?t.. to be ?he warehou?? 2117 Anil' ? ?,'y m, Mmday ? M an ! tf th? I ur - .m- win ?j? i onilniie4 a? (ha ?ame time and puce un ea-ry MooOay INTKKIUJKO VOSC. DISTAN??! MOVINO ?30 stora,;e NOTICES. TO KRANK T. KARRE-I.: You ar*> awllJ???! 1'- ?ni'rr 1? 1916. at I p m . at fth Avenu? A.i.t'.in Itnom?. No l?l :,- In ihr H?.!.-u*h ..f Manhat ? N-?w York, r-ir ?he purl?-?? ?Of Ins h li-n for aior?se. we ?hall ?-?II lhi..igrh A Hartman, au. tloneer ?h? - ... n >.,u a:? '??'? n-r. d?*rlb?xl ? ? .? 'i. n. vt?.: nine Muff. 1 Rrmlne Hal. 1 M-nk M ??T. gt < <'(.il?re?t?. ?? Mink ?rlmin.1 II?t. I bl mine Mul?, . l Squirr?. ?mod ('o*\i writ ; <1>??4 r-qulrr?l I?ai.-d Noa?i:._>? 1). Itl? _i, A-IUA-N a CV\