Newspaper Page Text
\ COAL OPERATORS BEGIN PREPARING FOR LABOR WAR Guards Now Being; Sought for Anthracite Region \ in Event of Strike. mflNERS' CONTRACT ENDS IN FEW MONTHS Storage Yards Filled Wan;. facturen Pun. ig in Re n i Su| - ? ton, Tenn . Dec. B. In less than ths the contract between the anthracite miners an rs will I already signs art* plentiful 'lire' ? 'hat Apri . ? ? . ret off." ? ? by the oporators, that the break will eome. I per cer.t increase in - is concerned, ir. the last analysis thnt will be passed on to the public. . ght-hour day demand is con Braeh of <? joke, for no miner works eight hours a day, on an li v, ? ? ths opera? ? ich the com .ount of d'i<- ? union ' ? means ? und the union at all tim? s holdinc ?very man in .B its book* and with fall ? ? ins: . IMSa ? ? Ids, where mot?* of it than in the i would be ? ?? ofi fiom th? Ir -'.i-..?point. We "1 will ? here, ami ' there is to it." St??rage ? ard* i lust what pr?parations How? - Ilion?; ?is are thus ready ?li? the operators will not tell, and I :. certainty. T In making lei Kunr<; ? their property in the that B kc i" decler. class of he!? . m tne ha? region for weeks, thoutrh moat of the huainei . ? York and Thila.:. ?- the main offices of the operatori are. Another Indication, and this Is as sig? nificant as any from the operators side. Is the Storii .- ?nnnu facturing ? in th-.s district, A? a rule, these are closely cot. through their stockh(?.?ier.s with the management of the n narily they do not store coal. This fall and winter they have ma?i. -vhich, in many instances, would provide suffi? cient fuel to carry them over a strike period. Such storage, -,( is ?stimated, costs on :?r n, but the consume-- ere willing iasuranee having to r plants if s is declare!. On the part o* the ?*,? :r,n?;, organizers have been )>u*v recruiti) | part of the hard coal ? months. I iit y report gri though their -:. with statei ? 1o t! ? -nt of th. say the leaders \* - wor',.| belie?. I, would not jr. -.?-nt s strike upon or.?-. Man> Not in l.?M.d Standing. <>n April I, lasl ' raters say that not one -fourth I ? ?? ?m eleyod stand? ing with tl ? an ion i. S ?i Union mernh?'!.?. low as 10 Bal a* IM tied. Fiaanc ;.!!>? the mine workers are not in as good coi dilion In the i there ha ADVErMISKMJ NTS IIORSti JN \\M 'J'IME Qt'R QVa J^RItNDS J EAGUE ? .. JJLIE (^ROSS p UND ?T??* '? . Hag 11 rmm :n ?A?ri Praaldwi*. I ?jar. ? ? . i AN A I 1 ? - ' ' ' - - ii'ivir. 4 1? ? l> ..???*. ? ? ?HTlf N M. Vi'V.ri* ?tr**4. much trouble In other field? than t> anthracite, ?and this has been ?o coat! that the the nationi organisation to the local? .? declared 1 he oaeratous. However, ?ome unie m.-ii explain the indebtedness to tl locals if a bookkeeping item, and real' nothing. ? that hus m.-- si been in the past when trouh si : ? do?.-?! evei ? bound f?.i ere ?? itay un It ro.?t ?.hern I? isa Bad reta i I here while the troui. ?hey had the pi?- ? ure of a visit hOBBO. -.- of 'he war, th<M who goi.e in roSBOUl Is to th?- rol.rg cannot well g The thousands of Austrian subjects i ? - lie to all intents and pu; marooned in thi? countr; " ey will be content with a lor i dienest here II n ?luestio dl ?El the? II, snd, furl her, thi mi kt ? ?? ?,,',. ?? ?. see Trouble from Mien- I ?are.!. The operators be I I 'he alier ???ill not be eon tent to be Idle long, bi i thi t their piBseBca will tend t make the work of preserving orde much more serious. Thi?. in B meaf ure, account? for the early BCtlvity i arranging to protect company propert' union men declare that i BBOther way the war has given ther ? sga In that it hat I I of foreign labor in i of men awn-, ? ? ? ? ? Th? 0 .hie in iluminen ' ..ip.I by oil class? in the com mun.' ilesniaB, ?h? wai mobI to ?' u- fer Mew York t? s.'ek a iew position, admitted th? mining region was a good country fo automobiles, but he declares "tier, won't be much doing here next spring for the miners ar?' going to strike an. nobody will waal machines then." A ticket seller at a Lehigh Valle? station put it much the ?nme way. II' to points in th< Weal Vin ' and an ;.s t. t i??' "Ju ? id. "?'? ? : ? rouble noal SHE SUES. QUITS, THEN SUES AGAIN Airs. Benner, Who Fled Fia icee 'o Marry Presen! Husband Decl y - in'i preroga sbly has That ? Van Wyes Benner, . ? ? . of Nebraska, wat st one time one illhiest mer in th il tat? In cl ? f her mind for a tseoi .1 ?? 1 .i third sur-.r. i t?. her husband, Fernando Wall H> ? . real estate operator at t Church Street. The first turpi ? hen iction for divorce -..i tur ? i i i e r mind Ami now Mid rliii".^-!- of in ? 1rs. Bennor i ag for a di llso in Nebraska, ?. suit of Mr,-. Kenner, who tly it not i? happy at her name would ?? reeled through a ?? Supreme Court here :. lawyer. ?? - I.. 11 sd tO tuk. 1 I '1 suit. He .'.liesses in : .. December 10. I <\ matter of fact, there was ?till when Mrs, Benaer had . . ' nd, bat perhi.p.? in thia termed a chi i en the waa ? belle. She s.? engage.! to be married, but before the rm the cer. 1 was to be Fran? he employ of A] ? tly tin .? ? sud atioa to the minis', r si it il man.. . ? oui a thing to he hurry. Th> . to make is married Bi n Mrs. Bonner1! income from her Ne - tald to amount to ?nor? ' i year. She came by the m Day, ? to her friends, at TEACHERS WONT BE TESTED I'elu-I .it Allanta Hoard's Order Ke ??uiring Physical rAainination. Atlanta re of Atlanta ? '? to ?trike or to ?ns if the Hoard of Kd BBoaBoed In? es! ixamina young woman ? oli by I>r. W ?V. Adktna, the head . - 'ment. A i ' ! of th? ' When all ? ?? ? ? . Dr. Ad Isav?. m of the commisaion'? . oaamlaatloa will include t?-?ts throat, h?-Htt and lungs. I>r. A.ikins ?tated that ho by ti;?- hoard to seeks and that he had no a in the ma ?>?.?? ye ?ho has recently i.t-en osai re Insuraace, if thia < ' ion would be a. : i nt. ? '. R. J. Guian, staada . . . . r.- not in ace? i d with him sad ii ? foi up. GUGGENHEIMS GIVE HOSPITAL Memorial la Parent? ? $2.r>0.000 for Mount Slnal Fund. A private hospital giver. ? of th.- ?at? .-? ? ' arid ? i direr?,,:. last ' .re.l, will be r> I mai group. It wa? al-o aaaeiAeed that Bve other ngs, to be paid tor by th? t?ug m?, will he built l?'er. and more ? 1 be flven by them to i the building fund, M \TI<v \< ?YKS'S DANCERS. WHO WII.I. AID ST, MARKS ?HOSPITAL FACTORY LOCKS TO CONTINUE Ml Industrial Commission Ad mits Inability to Remove Shut Door Menace. Hie locked door which caused man ?l?ath.s in the recent IHamon?! factor tire in Williamsburg and Uli l-M lives anil injurie*- by scores i the Triangle catastrophe alone wi continue as a menace to the hundred of thousands of factory workers i greater New York. This was admitted by the State In ilu*tnal Commis.*:??!] in a statement il iterday acknowledging its in ability !" prevent the doors In th rt?.000 factories in greater New Yor from being locked during workin hours. Only by educating factory own ers up to their responsibility can thi menace be removed, declares the com mission. This statement was in the nature o I reply to the verdict of the Coroner' jury that sut in the Iliamond factor; fire case. Incidei tally, the commissioi charged ths Fire Pep;!! tm ??? a ?th re sponsibility In failing to see that th factory was properly equipped with ai terioi fire alarm sy tem an. thru rere drillet! espe in case ? ? state ? "From the in*.? ? . by thi eomn. > - veil a* from the I ?I ? . 'i inquest, it sppesrs that then were several factors each of which ma; have contributed to the eslamitOUS re in!' This commission v l ?? with responsibility for si recju I rl ng ? - ' ! H 1. "Under the law* res ? Y..! h foi : ' he m stallation <>f prop, r autoras lers, which sre universally reeoi as the most efflc ? ???.? s of eheckini fire, and aleo .for compelling thi ? . building with an t In terioi :':re all and the su Ils, is placed tli .-i a eity ??. ; irtment ovei which this commission has no control Th: < ? ? that it is but props ' ' ? these facts ; u d ghl of. Neither shoul i the eitallj Imi ortanl fi b ov< rlt ted I 11 i the stair If noi hi!, of "The inspector of this commissioi who ? when he inspected tl is building thi? door B ?.pen. Had i- BOl boei Immed tc roseeution of the owaei w'oulri have ensued, as is evidenced bj the far' ? ? r BUl 0>f 4 locket: ? found duiin?,- the i ? ' "Manifestly, however, this commii . force of inspeetors nor, th any number of In? ? 15 000 !':.? ' New can be of th? en no to n ideas of Industrial safi '. " The commission declares that it re? gards as unfortunate that it has not the same SUmmaiy power ? hn* - fo? rested in the New York City De? partment t . dose a factory b that is Inadequately protected fmrn Arc hasarda. Among the changes in the '.? the BSJal . tature, the eomm ision adds, will ? 624 AID CHARITY SOCIETY 141 i barvbea Also Further Orgaaise tion Work to Itelieve I nemployed. the Chanty Ol_ tion Society for the ;. .-:.r ended Sep raade public yesterday. Thai - who gave their time '.wirk, in sty Ml church?* ?rorked to meet the einer ? ? condi ? 1 it i: -i other n ted . of III a??-?-ii eies wh rl, sration, cost ? | : - . led In tating ? haritabla work ? ??? pablie through ? arSI mal? resti| ? ? ' ??' ' Bistre? ? tion was 5 ?444S.TC Through tuberculosis exhibit*, mo tion n? lecture? rr.oro aere rsai bi .1 srith n In the pre. ? Foreign Trade Class to Dine. Members of the ( Ity > ollegs cooper? aUve eoorse for the study sf foreign tr,n>, v. 1 'i have lii'i-n attending lectures st the Custom House, will be guests of Frank I> Waterman, president of the I,. K. Watermao t ompar.y, at a dinner St India House, Hanover Square, to? morrow evening. IT,.,, -a . Op) rtS-t,. ' ? The six arts, as unified by Kliythm, will lie pereonifi?ed by tbeaa ?rirla at Grand Central Palace l.a/aai. LIONS TO GROWL TO AiD HOSPITAL Half Dozen Will Be Feature at Four-Day Ba/aar for St. Mark's. Mt?. Lily Laagtrjr, avalta Stewarl and half a dozen lion antl tiger cub? the cubs in cages will be the principal attractions at a four-day bazaar for the benefit of St. Mark's Hospital at the Gland Central Palace, beginning I>ecember 14 at 10 a. m. Mrs. I.ang try, now Lady de Hath6. will recite the prologue of a paReant aetitled "Terp? sichore," by .John Kendnck Hangs. Miss Stewart will sell pictures of her? self as the "Goddess*" to be painted by serme well ?known?'but?'up to-last-night ononymnus artist. The cubs are to be I ofl tu tiie hi^'lif*' hi.ltler. Bg those ??.ho w.'.i help are Leo I1 ? ehstein ami Janet. Boocher, Lydia ikoTB, Julia Arthur and Clifton Webb, Ethel Barrymore, Florence sad Mary Nash, charlotte, the Hippodrome skater, antl (?ouverneur Morn?. Among the patronesses are Mmes. Vincent Aster, Irving Brekaw, .'<?' I Breckenridge, Henry I leers. Peel D. Cravath, Anthony .1. Drcxel, jr. Gi ?i. Goultl, Albert GallaUir, Charle- Ds . Gibson, Archer M Huntington, .1. Bor? den Harri man, Philip M. Lydig, John Furroy Mitehel, Bradley Martin, Amos Pinchot ' A. \ an Renaselaer, Whitelaw R? 1, ' harlei Ste? s, I <;. Villard, William K. Vaaderhilt, jr., ami Frederick W. Yanderhilt. POSTAL RECEIPTS SHOW HEALTHY GAIN Improved Conditions Reflected in $2.000,000 Increase. Washington. Dec I Marked im? provement la busiaess conditions is re? flected in the .November revenues of the large"* fifty postofllces of the eoun? try, producing approximately half of ail the postal receipts. Postmaster (?enera! Muriesen announced this to ? .?) .i. i * atemenl showing an iaerease of 12,083,11 -. or 17.i?6 per cent, for those r the retfipts of No? vember, 1914 The normal rate of increase is abou' 7 per coat, but November of last year showed a decrease of 6.71 per cent, us a result of the business depression which liegan immediately after the out? break of the Fun.| ?an war. The de ? . ? ? - ? riously felt dar? lag that month. The total receipt the fifty cit.e* in November th. ?.. re 113,84 ? . New Vor;;, with 12484,761, led the 1 it, bowing $625,601 more r? than in November, 1914, an i".cr?-.i-.- of 'jj.71 per rent, against " inert i * 1!? per cent ifl November la from November, 1918. ?hicagt? was second, with &407.818, an isereass of S-ll.i. 12. or tZM per cent, Compared With S decrease of I?S4 per rent last year. All other Cities allowed receipt, of less than fl.000,000. Dayton, Ohio, had the large't percentage of increase, with 82.28 per cent, and Providence, R. I., DW1 it increase, wi'h seven-lnin dredths tif 1 per rent. Scranton, Penn., wt< the only city showing a decrease. if? total falling 10 7'! per cent. Uth Street? near Fourth Avenue. i ?STRIKES 3PEN FIRE AS GUAR?)3 SLEEP Attack VVilkes-Barre Power House Routed bv Police. [I?t Tfl.-g-?i I to T_? T-?' | g ' Wilkes-Harrc, I'-n' .. Dec, ">.?At? tempt? wet hoot up the power house < I .'-?? IVilkes-Barre Rall Company si Luaerne Borough to-day. A mob of ibout twenty mea, armed aith revolver? and shot? gun?, poured a ?h uvpr of lead into the front of the structure. '! i ?? | houae la used at a barracks for ttrike breaker?. The ?hooter? took a position on u hill ?Y ? ling, While the B loop, the . It ( ' -hut ? m all y | I I So lerioui damage . the | dark Thi ' Sal.hath in the tVvoi ? I '? towm ??der a !.. BVV police i'uar.l and red i" gather, st r la.'rs elaimi d I hat b Mrs. Emma Sterling, a rich resident of . th.-ni on t ui-e? sad the eo I of living that mi Bg to their tese.?- ? om| i aht that the I get a tnrprtse wl I | up?se ? ? NEEDS OF CITY IS NEXT INQUIRY Legislative Committee to Begin Municipal Investi? gation on Dec. 13. Senator Klon !.. Brown, chairman of the joint legislativa committee ap the city's finances and other affairs BO fir ??s they to the state, announced y?-sterday that ommittea would bigin its aeuiooi .?a Monday, Decemoer 13. Boaator Hi ?.ah addressed a letter to Mayor Mit. lie!, ( ontroller I'remlergast and George McAaeay, Preaideat of the Hoard ..!' Aldermen, reiiuestini: preaence at the hearing. Us asked the .Mayer pi BSSlgn ?'? room m th? CitJ lions. Major Mitchei, who la In Atlantic City, will return an FharMay, in time t.? attend the opening seaaton ,,f the commute.-, Senator Hrown said y day that lie expect?-.i thi commie.-? would finish its inquiry within three lie indicated, however, i ' matt, r,- mi? the ? hieb would prolong tl SlOtlS. - rring to tue purposes an.i icope of tl- ? i sei.i : ??earing ? '!,.- ' ?.i 'h.? lead i" the I ..r re p...i! ... city ?- the ..f the ?le ? i i of tl ' ? New York in the ? ? ?: ?titu 'I..I1 ., '. " i nutted Is the oval or '-'. a, r ea I t!ie po miar bIU, ? . ;.: :a\- i ate. hopes to '? "While erittelsm wss made of leiY-lc tlve responaibill | I ted ehargei during the logisl ? ?a, no pro ?1, and tin appointed tbit committee In that It boo to tu I fa h ij ' ??? BU ee prepare,! ?r. ho ? ?i of tha ni ? eonttltu '.icrn n.iopK ! It WOlild hove r? volul Ionized the n >r.i ; con ? - BO I ? -. i I : that r-.-r the eomi - u?el .. i':;pose. " iBtaalt le?? beei ?. ? tearing thi .??.-? Brown laid an opportunitj -a i be fie? n to elvic I ind clt! .-ens to h.- hear?!. ?WGO WHERE THE CROWD GOES rCCHI?S :-v OFFICIAL FRENCH GOVERNMENT PICTURES SEAiij 25c a 50c <40 ?1 n?T? DANIEL ?rfl?.-itl *l DORE. * IT. I i:i M I III \l III . IM h ?I . or It ?>?> ) I ir.i Ippeasaare ) To-morrow (lu?J.*.; Ait. at 3| YVETTE GUILBERT nao iu. m ? ? i -M- Eight ( enturi-'" f j>onv\ in. Ill R III ? in, II 17, M*I> \T .I. HAT I? HI? IS, IS, 11 US. \ r h to. - . 11 Carrier;.* Hall, Sat. AM.. Dec. II, at 2 30 IS? r IA , . N AMI Of I ELM?N m AEOLIAN HALL. Irr? ft . .1^1. To-.l?"t at I IV MANXES ?gnats? BARRER? T bata -.- h ? OBI ? ? i Hau S Jana A-?.llai. Hal. TV l H->. I II l'lano. ( IE1SBQIB II \l I . " ? vt aa I TU I CLMENDOKF *-^ Tn.nAY ??,*T"?f* i es. 1 \J UJ-\ I "SOUTNfBN ITALV PrlMi S'.r. rv.. ji.oo tni %\j,iL T\H V !.. . B?.VKLIN r AI AfF ?-* ????- ' B*WAI ?? ? St ????-. bil? lui Mata ." ' * I?a '? ? ULUITIAL y*. il?rraln* Vi?'' ?'?: ' f. -.<* A i ' ?n.'ir-. Banoudh "A t A. Piases11 K> ? ?' Mail WASHINGTON SQ. PLAYERS *s ALL COMEDY BILL EVERY NICHT. :/ ?f; Mat. D?ll> 1:19) Bart ??_? II. I .. "HAOIATES THE invs OF PREHOLIDAY CHEER." HIP-HiP KOORA. " ?' ? ? .-. 1 ? i i B SUNDAY?EMMY OESTINN ?Ith S0U8A. fOLUMBIA ? | ISat.'U I'oo ' 1 k II ?? t.a.- /. (.artfr Shot?. , , I I \ IMl I HRlftTM \a. S\| ?.? ?I \ii\\ll. P.tllEBr.USKI IMl ?ms I .UM ? I M Ill I i IN?. r?M ? ll.n.t.i ..f Hi,. ? ?.. I - !? \i,Hni-' Belief fernem \l ll.? MOTH ?.?ll II \M W ? "In e-.l. i? III i .ml,r? ?III. fr.illl I Id 7 ..'? In.!.. aii?- II.-Ii-i. ?. Holler: l.rerV. Ilniwin- Dr. Ki.ilaaiin : De.n-lrHlii... uf "ttIhi 1_f*g?a (Inn. Kamin?-. Krfr.-Inn, m . Madam? ll.-ill. Sut. Aft. I?ro. Il, ut 8 | GABRILOWITSCH MB ' Masan a lag, , i-i,- g \r.mi\N h ii i. li.u artera??! ai s. Il \N?) ?i ? Il Al. |,y C^-UKOBUE-.-^ ?OPriLAN D m.- r Lea . Ma *. __?_? Pisse CARNEGIE HALL. SUNDAY ?FT. DEC. 12. AT S li? t?. .;.:?. lo HBBm mam N?a> at Uo? Oltlo?, Iilrf.'1-a'i C A LUI?. PUtte VeeM. AEOLIAN HALL. WEO. AFT. DEC. I. AT 3. ^?-RAINGER ?.l?i,?g-m*: t A ? ? ? ? ? ol >, 'l?'._i. A CANDLER ? n 4M s? TO-DAY 'T "SCOTLAND' ^^^^^^^^^^^ .0 TO 11.JO. I.o'w's American Roof ?j* t*/', *" lAMIlKHn MAIU'i TWINS all slats I'OIJUT HUM and ' H? ' a- iiismvtn ee4 W??'?.1 ? ?af :??_.<? 1??. IS?. JO?. k..?I3__r WILSON'S FRIEND TO QUIT HIS TOWN "Piratical" School Board in Rutherford Disgusts Walker Whiting Vick. ADVERTISES TO SELL HOME AFTER RUMPUS Officiai*. Scorn Hint to Resign from Ex-Santo. Domingo Customs R?iceiver. Rutherford, N. .1 . Dec B. Tais town ? get i:>-ni,:hi of losin;,- . :T4 meet promiaent eitisens. Walker Whiting Vick, whom President Wilson uppointed General Receiver of Customs nt Santo Pomingo to show his appre fOI the way the local BOB handle?! the finances, of the Pemocratic National Ctaamittee during the last Pr?sidentiel campaign? is disgusted. Ho threatens . to sell his harulsome home at l?i Addison Avenu?* and clear out. I arith the Rutherford i of sdmin : tsring i ne toe b* lused Mr. Vick '.o Insert thii sdvertisement in a .per: "For : ale A thirteen room house, all improvements, ?.vitli lot 110x110, rea? sonable, due to the recent action of the Hoard of F.ducation regarding school matter.'. Walker W. Vick, 16 Addison Avenue, Rutherford." Last week the school authorities closed the ?Sylvan Street school, con? demning it as unfit. Their action fol? lowed the third unsuccessful school I election nt which S majority of the citiz.'n ted turnet! down a prop? osition to erect a new school building. , "A reprisal smacking of the piratical tiny* IS highl) indorsed hy Captain Knit!, Morgan sad Prake," suit! Mr. Vieil whea he returned from N'ew York that night and was toi?! of the Board's setion. Two of his young children who a" ' ! . | Piempeat School were placed ? ,i part time by the influx of youngsters from the closed building. Mr. Vick sad l?verai other citir.ens, including < aptaia Addison Bis, a North Jersey lawyer, protested. The funda prineiples of republican govern? ment wer?- at Stake, they suit!. Hoard Weal Resign. "Th.. EdUCal ?OB has hail its :." declared Mr. Vieh to-day. "It is bow un t.. the eitiseBs and taxpayers of Rutherford to have their sas*. I be ?utherford Hoard of ' lion h Bould kin ? Be *?'::' IBM ! of the commu? ant! resiga. U It continues to broa b? sises mer.' can i??' as doubt of the Anal outcome l'he Bor? ?...-il of Rutherford will sutler, proper ??..,! sutler, eititens will be compel id to berford and sew ni ?".'11 not nnd the. borough an live place in wiiieh I?' sett!''." I' .. Board of Education refuses to . H r > . ;.' hint. Perhaps they are unaware ,l I President Wilson once arrota Mm a letter, in which he called th.- Ratherford man "My Pear Vick," and added thai "it diet? iced me great ,? you feel obliged to resign your Santo Domingo." The Presi? dent did not know Mr. Vick would have irn to Rutherford to lire. His ?'???d bv other reasons. lhe members of the Hoard of Educa? tion, undaunted by Mr. Vick's standing in national Pemocratic circles, refuse to resign. The Sylvan Street school he.-? not been condemned by the State Commis? sioner "f r.ducation. In closing it the *'?-. t* *.at?irlai MISS GEORGE i . Nan Hanau t" sisal lha Tala l'i Imall. Dramatl .?.? i\ i ??.-? - I f?r n-lioaraal until THuHS UAY, DEC. 9 ? -i MUSS GEORGE MAJOR BARBARA II? BIBNARD SHAW. K'.-s: T1i:it> It. A: er! ? MAXINE ELLIOTT 8. K**a.t:l. Mtt?V.*| A Sat LOU-TELLtGtN Tl WARE CASE BOCTH. : . ? Mat? ?'?si ?? I Sal . . 11 M*. 3 <J 1 MilKle DLNOREARY. __TU ST- m " '? ??' * ?' ''? ?? 'r* *'? ! 44 i ri | . -asr-RO . 0?x JULitl 48TH ST. T:"'.". ,: i-iB'^?_ ?''?',' THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE With JULIA ARTHUR. COMEDY. (???? s 15, Uata T. m ? 4 ??at . ; 14 ,A ... HOBSON'S CHOlcE "iTH ST. 1 rp I 19 Mali >\-l A Bel . : II i H. U.xtHASlfc?iE? YVOMA.i SHU BERT. 1 v.-, I || Uata ?"l A ISat . I l ? AL?i-iEAi'LAS'i ; ?u; CASINO, l.'.j- * ' Mat* Wad tai Hat . S.13 THE BLUE PAKADlSt ?AVv,1 lyric1";;. ?S_Ji__?_J?aJSais ABE and ?lii?S ?mi K ,??'. . ' lb? -'rry <?? POTASH AND PERLMUTTER.' MANHATTAN ''^C.tVV '?' " ZBYSKO vi. BERNER -*?. \ BOTHNER vi. L1N0W -g?*, ! \- i ,- : ?a nthat Big B .-? UOOTH THEATRE FRIDAY AFT. DEC??7 M'H'IM. BENEFIT MATINKK all ,.' uie ' SKI I'l-H S .Ml Bl in r ass ?? E. H. SOTHERN a? in "LORD DUNDREARY" Ta >?? i"???'.?? i ?? l ll l' m !>v ? oraa ?<-? pi?, * ? "'. Miai Ha) !??? ? . a ?' )(???. 0?B<*?, $1 tn 1.1 Vmrmegte Hall, Taee. Aft., I)?*.-. -,, m i-ao PAD?REWSK ??:'?? - * ??-.?? ffm? ?: i HV-; Ttcfcata 1 < t. < ? , ,?n ???, at I?. ? Safa A. El lia ? ? -:v?ar piano I KO LIA M 11 A 1.1. 2nd Conor? Tu??. E?*,.. Da?. 7 at 114 NEISEL QUARTET ? I )0SEF KOVARIK. Vial* J .- ? , LEO SCHULI. VI*-*-icc||a. 1 II.S0. Helen Loa* l w , | K PUNCH ft.HWY .? . ! MB-. TREASURE ISLAND on- 4ji* i he. StNSAilONS OF THE SEASON."?/ :,. Sun, THEATRE FRANCES jj*^ ' ? Sf? ' ?? ?:? tee." I MATINEES THUR8. 4 j,-,T * 4n LILLIAN GREUZE Ml.I I. J...SI.TTI- M 4. miair " ? '? 1?. I.? Hmtrlt " ?TAGRAPH -,? -* Fr**i>* Mr _ Mr. Ma_?aj I'r*w .? M Danl?l? Matirli-r < ?.till? $?Vt?L. M'lU fjr "< AKtst. In lltilir.MK" it? Km? j?r,?h,- Ti'-xet <?m,? ?ISQ ., 11? MS, ?'?NT. ?"c llth V locsl authoritle? w?nt bta??_wtT^ rights, Vlek snd hit follow,/, ?T. ** bosrd Insists the tchool wti 0p? ?*. ute and thst the county sdiBwLS authoritlei had placed re?^.?^***] the locsl bosrd. When the^??? to erect a new ?chool *?? voted** ? third time they closed the bnli?i??* "If," ??id Mr. Vick to-day, "\fc,2L osition to build the new ?choo' l*" been passed tha Board of _da_,i*' certainly would have had to ftsUsh* the term in the Sylvan Street ?.__" New building? are not erected in <?!?}? sight or seventy-two hour?. "'* "I came to Rutherford nine y?%ri believing thi.? s place where I ?,_?? givs my children the best *ducetic?Y' tamable. I did my .i?ijr_t?r **" of the high school snd ?er.-i ?g?,,8 Horace Mann School in New y^J but that ws* ai m\ own ?B?t_J_? While 1 diff tho edii4j?_2 policy of th? at that ?o/? said nothing about '''?'.tL' il too much for me. I'nlett the ?T! of E lue itlon . I " 'ud?T? .- t.i leave the tOWl * Mr. Vick laid l ? ?o \tM, it g ,|Y; ?nal c0? 'tiiiitfj !,;-? house. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 18.871.957 SAW EXPOSITloj Half a Million Person? Attend??! Sgg lranclsc4> on l.??t Day. San Francisco, l>ec. o. Thr total st> tendance on the Panama-Patinc Ettg. litten- which closed last i?1?fht, waa U. VtXJsVt, according to an offlcui ?' nouneement to-day. Yeiterdsy ess % record ?I..;. ' M.n? ha? lug | a--. . -h. tut?.. ? ?ii?J ton. ' ? -Ctl. ,4, t'eav of the Smut? "??io-.j eS\ continue lo operate, it wag said, for g ?h?rt time, but f..r the moit part tk? exhibitor.? began srrangesteasi for t?. early departure from the gTour.dg. i few of the exhibit? will be seat to th? Panama-California Ir.t.i .atlontl Expo. altion, at San Diego, and ?om? ?rill U ?hipped to the Panama Kxpoiltion, It the Canal Zone. NKH YORK'S I.E.VIIIN?. rHF^TBET NEW AMSTERDAMS "'? THING OF BEAU??' IS A JOY FOREVER!" The ugly duckling w?i traai iormed into the I ??ely ?wig. Plain little Tootu Secgn? tig Inttrnattongl' Venu?. She had at 11 men it her feet gnd the two moil fgmoui P.rinan m.idntgi ?t her back. VV' c?a probt ai well at take plctinrg it KLAW a IHIAN', E?t PEERLESS PROIiULTIO? ??1 III I'M A IT OUf-FA.:HiO.;; ALL FASHION SHOU! BtSB Nr>? MMH tor M >ll4l> X.oa? and Nrw Vor. ?? ,.tl?wt Arm? the play visit GAIETY Ma . \? ' I pr???. - ? SADIE LOVE . (EMPIRE. II ??? 4.1 St Ma' W? k ?_ ?* JOHN DREW thechTeT? LYCEUM. 4' .-' di I? *aj Mi an tat tlh_.L bARRVI*i?K_ ?. *JSt%. tl_--------__i ptTjvr,- w [7ini____3___3 , HARRI* TAr LIBERTY TiiZn ?n?. i? r. i gi ? ? - ?--a i ? a - ? - ? i i Othes Mi M? I, UmStmi o. ?, r.rie??i I gmt. . Ifi ASTOR1'' IWtrt PERFORMANCE TO Nl?t. . G>?. M. Cohan i ?,r??t tiiiimig M i H?T-THE-TRAIL HOILIDAY BED NIBI/1 a? ' I?:: I.Y IIOI CANDLER THE HOUSE OF GLASS wtti nan ".? ?. * ?-.-.? i a? cw LONGACRE M ? *?,'_. HAN t ? THE GREAT LOVER TRIi. Vr'M BELASCO *'?? ?HF BOO M ERAN 6 REPUBLIC 5 ! ?1_. ___________ia GLOBE [, ,- * ??????, MONTGOMERY & STONE, c h? FULTON THEATRE Tj\~ Contlnuou?. II * ?????," f\*\ti * ,, i!i? ?>M.l FIGHTING IN FRANCE p., i I ir. ? Ut ' NA ?'"?"? ? vTiif mm &w ? .ga Y AI! ? > "LL RLM18TRA. PRICES 1 i* ? ?*^_ FULL mu. METROPOLITAN ?/0Vi\ ro-nisht. ? n.? i.??>?"? \\..i -'m.?.. i: . ? rim??. ?- ? v.l.?. i ? 1'rl. ? -. I?..rl- ?..?.! ?. ?a H.lur.A ' . ??at. Mai ?' M...?? ,, ,,.-:. rum. I>? Loca U In???' ,0?j?r ????? M.n. ?I ? ln.a .1- ' | Y- ?? li AKl.'.IA'. ~^??~ - ?III ?A , ? 1 ..??''". ... . -. " III.1.11. III s .' a ?? I ?? ?# ? ....Tl' HI...,?- ! lili I a Un ELEANOR ?*'"" atlAl?}?lAKii ' "?*?? may IRw'lN ?? m?i IBea, He B Ma "? *????i?ii?? ?" , LEXINGTON :i" **' Mat 1\im :v A 14V ' JULIAN UT'?' in "COUtia LUC' STRAND ""* ??"? ? ?'? - ""ft. N** \nnn\i ,, M ?,v .,? ?if __ H'?atv vhi^n . ? ti?e auovi? VAOABOND. ' ail ??H?:1_???Xj_ " . ..lav-? >., ?? i a a. a BBBSSSI ..HAST In "lANI. Nut l?_ fA.?MK WAIIli r-.