Newspaper Page Text
Ir? ORIENTAL dis? turbances hav Pearl ?JhstnSS, pnces 0TV .-...? rapidly. Our 1..-Y.0 stock of ; allows us to supply our patrons usual prices. DREICERaC0 /MM* nnHAVfNUEitroRTi/SIXTH KfW YORK COURTED BY DOT-DASH, WIRE CHAMPION TO WED Atlanta Olrl, Who Liked Oper? ator's Call, 01 Way to Marry. ? ? i* Atlanta, Now comes a --.nance f tl '?* ras that would serve uin novelist in most flam? boyant mo-otL Th<> ?-.unan telegraph typist i? te marry tho ex-champion ?peed speratOI York Stute. They met by dot? and dashes, opened courtship by mail and will wed only after she travels to New York to meet hin. The bride-to-be ta Miss Jimmie Vasj '. of Atilinta. In addition to be ,- f the keys Miss Vandi tritf would stand high in a beauty ?eaSssl F'l year? ago Miss Vondigriff entered the Atlanta office of the Western Union Tel-igrar-h Coaspaay. la Itll she won a gold medal for being the fastest per? forator clerk in the eoantry, In New York Waiter li. Poyntor had seed championship el the state. He saw Miss Vaadigriff's picture and t upid shot the firs?, arrow. l?verai months later Miss VaadigrlS was La the Atlanta olflce and Mr. Poyntsr happened to get the other fid of the wire IB New ?< Letters followed. A year afro Mr. ter came South to work i.i the At office of the Wi ?tern Union. he returned to New York re they were engaged. GIRL AIDS MASTER THIEF i I ??ed Torch (limber It-es Auto in Jewel Raids. Hundreds of policemen and score? of ?i detectives in The Bronx and Westchestor County are trying to capt? ure a kid-gloved porch climber who during the last three months haa robbed more than fifty country houses of thooaands of dollars'worth of jewels. It i? bel.eied by the police that he uses Itasssblls and that a girl nets as - an auto'- | was . house he robbed ka New elle. lit ta the home of r, at Mamaror.eek. 1 . ?here he Hole $1,031 wort? of made a dash to I'elham. mily of H. A. Wyckotf, of ? nue, was out he en ? ry window. He stole .-y worth S? HAYWARD NEXT P. S. C. CHAIRMAN, ALBANY PREDICTS McCall To Be Removed To-day if His Resignation Does Not Arrive. WOOD LIKF.LY TO GO; WILLIAMS MAY STAY Sernpli- and Whttne) Pro bable New Member? Governor to Test Board's Powers. ".'??graph IcT Albany, Dec. 5. Colonel William1 Hayward, who waa appolated Public Borriee April, will succeed Edward E. McCall as cha it became prac4 Governor Whitman finished to-day hi? opinion, which will result in tl iri'.viil of IfcCall to-morrow morning ' unie?? his resignation i? reeehred in the moan time. Colonel Hayward'? ?cr vice in the commission ha? given hirn ? an insight Into it-a workings, and he la friendly to tho Governor. These two conaidoratione, friends ol the Governor ?ny, carry greal w< Ight with It derelO] while Com? missioner l: od was al? most ?urc to (jo along wiih Commissioner George V. S, William? was 111 ng will ? be due ??. I i?, holdil >r of sto? k ? lice service cor? came commissioner. As for Williams, it i? learned on good authority that the I evidenco so far brought out against him is not considered of sufficient seri? ousness to nut him out of office, and th:it to accomplish this the Thompson committeo will hare lo pr< shortcomings. Colonel Hayward, it is said, is fi ly to Williams and has convinced the (lovernor that if the latter ha? lai'l ?. haa I.- ? a through errors of judgment rather tather thin an intentional violation of the law. Willii I -on in the hrotklyn gas rat? Hi? vote to merge tho Kdison Electric Illuminating Company and ??? A. Heat, Light hnA PoW? ' ? ' r .ay he looked upon in this light. Oliver c. Semple, assistant eonnsal to Immission, will in nil pro) succeed Hayward as commissioner, and Wood'i place, il I here, ??ill be ?i.kt'ii by Travis Whitney, Mr, >'? ? is been so? ' minis? ernor Whitman com dera hYn exceptionally nfonned on publie oti With Hayward in and these two men as mombere, (lovernor man will have complete control of the commission, rnd it is understood that he will then nut into effect many of his ideas concerning the regulation of pub? lic utility corporation?. One thii | . failure >f the commi order? carr -t on starting criminal ac? tion to test the commission'? powers. Colonel Hayward tried it without re? mit, 1- th? numerous techni? calities brought up by the corporations affected. The Governor also believes that the Jet Diatrie. -n has too large B f??rce. With the subway nearing eom pletioa, he considers that the commis? sion can get along with a much smaller ?-taff of er,(.'ir.eers and will insist on i ductions. Wood on Stand Again To-day In Thompson Investigatic Thr- Thompson legislative Comm ? - lavsstigatios of t .i sffsirs of foi r Wood this morning in i endesvor to ? ?\h?'th?r he at has an s eonstraetios cot I any which t-upplie*? fuses and cont?t ? ? rie car lines and primary bt to signal companies. (ted that just befo her.unit?." a member of the Public Se ..i the stach - Construction Cor pony to his brother, who in turn di \V C. Baaks, un emplo; Ile a!**o tes' id orders for h irnal compani? . nittee is anxloi r Wood still has c action compati IT, has d'-ciil? i ' . remove *?*? "' O? S.'i.OOO wort . i ompaay stock i John A. Basher for $1. from whom r purchased I OBly a year befor ? UNTRUTHFUL, SAYS JUDGE TO OSBORNI Tilt Occurs at Affidavit Hearin Warden Here Asks Funds to Defend Convicts. A warrant was Issued yesterday ; ' Graining for William Mcl'onough, a de toctivo, accused of falsifying an afl davit n-ed by Warden Osborne of Sin ? to remove former Keeper J. . Kennedy, followiag a clash In court be II c-borne and Police Justice Irv ?:r;e. The judge rebuked Mr. Osborne am red him off the w'Trie?s stand be i. sal te snswers whei i|'ii as to whom McDonoofb ? Dot frank," said th are not truthful. Yoi to eoneeal evidence of i crime and shield n criminal. Get of the witness Hand. I don't purpose t< ? r aord fr?.m ;. ' "But," protested Mr. ' Osborne, **? want that ipread upon the record." g on the record,' 'I'm running thii and I'H raK.- no orders from you i his companions filec out. He lia.: appeared in response *?" a sub) i : a Issued by the court to de ind for enter taining Kennedy's charge of perjur?, lavit maker, who swore OS p"'s";- affairs with him in violation of prison rules. Ken ?* charge. At ? ?.:' a lecture in the Church of the Messiah, at Park Avenus and Thirty-fourth Street, last night Warden Osborne mad? a plea for fumls to defend the twenty-one prisoners who, i ng been tried and tenced by the Mutual Welfare Court, were by the Westehestei - ind jury. "1 h rned it cost? money to be n reformer of any sort," said the War? den. "There are twenty-one men to he defended, and consequently there will be many lawyers to retain. Either ?end money to me to aid them or Join the New York Prison Reform Council and pay jour initiation feo into the treas? ury. Warden Osborne warned District ? y Wei ks of Westchester that - "playing with dynes "Th I in th?* prison have of another life, and ? essily have it taken away ? aid. "Ho you suppose they'll continue to tell the truth in *h ir own court if they're in danger of .,-.< r to White Plains for an additional sentence? "Take sway their court, their liber chanee to 'turn square' and they are likely to wreak vengeance?a ..;-.* that will be deserved." GIFTS FOR HOME Mahnwiny (?o trayon, with remot? ? Uus ???rt?4nt7 tray; tl?'.?O. \takoponm tobU x. ?th eUrtrir lamp tso. The John Wanamaker Store presents a distinguished collec? tion of the ?mall furniture I much in favor for Christmas riving. It has been selected with the greatest care. It was bought in sufficient quantities to permit of very reasonable pricing. The exquisite beauty if the woods and designs, the variety, comprehen'-iveness an ! usefulness of the pieces?are very unusual. In Brief Prrlecfah begin at |8| tlltinsr tables ?t |aJ0? tabou ret te ,,t .??.'); muffin Stands at l^n'; fern st'iiitl.-, and boxes at c?l2; s>rn?.krr ?tands at .">?.'..'.'?; sew? ing tables at $?12, eajodkstjd ll-dOl uiaparine Manils and r.'u'ks at illJ0| dinner gong? at 96JBO\ l.o.k i.locks at HJOl gate leg tables at |10| Beat tables at ??!'-'; foot rests at deaka ??t H0( ball el ?du at |Mi drsk chairs at 9%M\ lr..?h.-r n; ho] ster.fl ib-.irs ?.t |TJ0| Wrviag tr?.\.s at $5.2.'? i laiy Susans at SSJSSl tea wagon*, at $12. Fifth Gallen.', Vrw Ibiikling. 'fi'. 07/1,1'/ muffin ikopod . .. - stand, ttrifA ','fc'* V 'i ''i' le, Ml!. '"?if ten table in blark and eaesBsi, aaae. det?araf??a, $to. J^. hfaSogann pio-erusi tilth0 tabls, an ' i i nisk ; $39. M u\ ?l'iny drop-leaf (nils, 92S.50. i? IS I i Imported Shots fOf the ha' kaponn, nrh satin ttks broa a ifrten velvet htakoaauf or bibbm ook nut of tables, la? enalleti of the Utblot i .?', d with >li.i par ? I i JOHN WANAMAKER Broadway at Ninth, New York FIGHTS FOR DOG; LETS BABIES DIE ? Drunken Jersey Moun? taineer Taken to Jail for Neglect. CAPTURED IN AUDST OF STARVING FAMILY Remaining Children Removed to Home. While Father, Hugging Cur, Goes to Cell. Newton, N. J., Her. I, With hil arms tibout the cur. which he loved and eared for while two at h.s children died from neglect, and three others and h'.s wife were starving, Linford Howeli, whose home was a craiy shack near Bfiddlo v- ill*". N. J-, slept last night In the Sus? se? ? ountv ?ail. The sixty days of im *r-n' which lie ahead of 1 ? and neg!'? , ?? ? that hi? thr?? children, Geonts, seven '.hn,, and Lester, four, are r tho New Jone?r I ren'i tan; thot thought of hii sodden cruelty to his wife, make no diffi i to Linford Howe!!, so long as his "dawg" fawns at his aide. Alone In the tumbledown cracked end warned 10 that the wind whistles through a hundred ar??ales, the sum young mother she is not yet I thirty- sits, childless and friendless. , Perhaps rhe has stopped crying bv now. When the*.- tor,',, ' IB, 111 nourished babies from her vea'enhy ? t'- bitterly. She made no at tetapt '" hinder their coin?;. She ad vaneed as plea why ?he?, should be left with her, but onlj il . ?mbiy while the B?SV< . superintendent of the l hildren'l Home Society, bundl three tattered little forms into an au tomobllo. Ufa Itterlv Primitive. Then she dropped her head on tho ? ? ?-. draggled hiii thai eoi ? red her ? in?r when deputies led b< r i sway, Fat doa n I he n lait nan turned snd saw her, still sitting '?n th?.' doorslll, * iddled, mis ? figure. ' wo or thr? ?? .?.. few pairs of chickens hi,.1 a brass Of lean, lUSOl SI feel wer? sil Who the Howells are, where they came from and how they lived are mys? teries to the people of Newton. Rough. unfriendly hills cover that part of 11 <"ounty in which their shack was built. The roads are had mouiii that "end ?n a rol track and run up a tr< are no towns of any size, ai region is not deserted. Tumble-down huts hide bore and there throughout the hill country. beast, and lilthier tnan a self-re- i ing animal would endure. In these, human beings are born end raised and die. Such people, unknown to the farmers who till the fat lowlands of the coun? ty, were the Howells. Scarcely two hours' journey from New Vork, their llfo was utterly primitive. The man was ah ftlei i, tranken, degenerate. !!?? was ? . hut would not work. When he shot a sku'ik or a raccoon he told its hide for hard elder. H i dased by year.4 of misery, shocks 1 bj - ? lay, showed a lingering trace of past refinement His children were : little imps, to whom he preferred his slinking, curly-haired cur. Apple? Kill Children. For months past rumor? have been current In the nearest village Still water of the SUUalid conditions in which the Ilowell* lived. Late last summer Mrs. 1!o?a?-,1 tramped do?, n to the little town, feet bared ar.d br-im ble-torn, to try to sell the ikia Sf r. rattlesnake she had killed, lier two Benjamin, three, and Mil an infant ?ere ''awful sick," she The next day they were d hn ! eaten green apples Bad with cramps. It is probable that this was the only food the mother had to give them. Victor M. Bobbins, clerk of the Hoard of Hoalh of MiddlovUlo, an adjoining town, heard of the cir? cumstances and the investigation which he started brought about a ?tait to th? hovel of Mr. Apgar and deputy f-herifTs of Sussex. Insido the hut tha man lay, half drunk. The three ragged children p'.ayeil about In the clearing before it. None of them looked as though he hsd ever had a bath. The walls of the place sagged in some spots and I in others. There was no glass In the window frames. Some of the holes had been stuffed with rags Loose boards covere?! the floor. These were crusted with filth snd one of the pigs nosed about on them. Shy us wild things at first, the babies were at last won over by promise of plenty to ea* and ether (hi!.Iren to pla.. with an?l enter? hutomchlle. The man was rou-? tho deputy and told that he was under arrest. lie took the information In? differently. "I ain't goln' nowhere," he ?aid sullenly, "less'n my dawg croe.? Argument ?'n'y made him flare up Into a fit of weak r??i.'e, and at last the cur. which has no i ame, was allowed to follow at his master's heels. " 'My. Biew! " the children cried. Then they screamed as the auto shot for Waro. The woman did not trove. She sat with her head bowed on h?*r knees and her shoulders shaking silently. If You Seek remunerative returns on money awaiting permanent employment, we would like to confer witn you regard? ing our Certificates of Deposit, which are payable after a term cf months and which produce, from day of issue to redemption, a higher rate of interest than is obtainable on funds sub? ject to demand. On this, or any phase of banking, we are yours to command. J?s?or (Inis? (LompmuJ Trustee for Personal TruatS nPTHAVB.* 36TH STREET SETON, QUITTING, REBUKjBS scguts Unfriendly and Selfish, Retorts Present Leader of 200.000 Lads. WOODCRAFT LEAGUE USED AS RIVAL Ex-Chief Attacks West on Eve of Campa^ri to Raise $200.. 000 for City Work. Ernssl Thorn] .", announced that the Boy I sad . ? ? ? ipatgn to raise \ r New York activities for three to-day, Mr. Seton, beloved of thouisads of American boys I is op ? - from -outs to the ' igue all ? can. In add.tion, M ton has announced hll on as i enees to James E. West, secretary and chief Scout executive, are anyth.- . Mr. "? res I ? t'a mo? n say?, he .-'-.. II ( ? resigi be l-.?iught - ' ; i , ecut!'. ? its of Atnei ? .?? a:id vari ou* articles by h:m have bees r? m the handbook and pamphlets issued by the organization. Imposition, Says Seton. "It .-i inrt -, who h the I nation and m> ? ' composed i . but I r good mi been ? ? r? w, busim knows nothing :.; ? at in Tii? i announe?- . ?? d by him In 1002, : take ovi . : with lach will be headquarters, 11 ?'? ? r. Seton plans to mal Lei.gue, which numbers smoi members "boys and girls from f< four," much larger and more Bonteraction he thinks are the svila of tho Hoy Scout movement. These evils, he explains, are growing daily and are fostere?l ? by Mr. "Mr. West Isat a le.--.ler of hoy?," he said ; ? ? but is in r : ? and ? oung heart. - to ? and other activities of entirely militaristic hue. Thui ulism and thi on are ?lestr? . n Uitari im cornea first, ft second. Militan Spirit Denounced. "I believe in a neSSUIS of prepared? ness, but I dont think the ! of America is the place for militarism. ' the B - and - of America in 1910, our | i to i "Mr othing re." ; bruary the Hoy Scout irics ? ? ton's ? 'itef Seoul ot an "i can't anderste ' ? .lo with it," esplaii ed Mr. Seto,, "there are - abers on the board to-day who are Britishers, ?i out my first c* ss the unr cams it In't bars been quite righl final ps| A*, the woodlors apartment? of Mr. In ?he Hoi Arena? ?Inmlin Gal II ? all the statemeatS of the natu ?ng ?he Woodcraft : of councils are J??hn Irving Rach,*l?er, Neltje ?da;.-, 1"-. Henry Vas Dyks and David T. Aber crombio Mr. West last night gave ou* a state tngstone, ? dnnt at I -, of America, Ib ? meat Mr n ;--? pan ophone. In It he ' given out bv Ernest e of ? 000 t.. ? : for the to me over the motive is as -'"ton's ' ' ' '.he records of c Bay ? d of n H. Livii B. ? Jack ' ? ? - John II Kiel '?? orge D. Porter, f, <i. ? Rich, jr. E. at atobinsea und ; i "The BCtiou which has been taken | with r? to Mi unanimous decision of I council at Its annual '"?uary ? Mr. Seton as c'r ?{ scout beca had failed I rtorily rest ?? about be tates, "In ?? BW of the posi?Ofl ( I | taV.en la a letter to the executive board 1 and ! Ameri tations and ? - : lid be in a place ? , Thi* ? "Luuu ) i* return to th? country this lea was made the ?abject of a ?'urther with Mr. Batten a' ?he hom* of Mortimer L. Behiff at Ojnjtef bay, with George P. Piatt M '. participating. The ? - ti-.- - Bt th .1 :.?. the p?~i' -'-? ef the Bey - ttaaa ar.d tjood c t.rcn ??as ?o out of harmony with our te a hat If a..?.' : . 1 ?!.? by all that .Y.ess a? ?-. .. of the Boy Scouts of Ar. had er.ded. "The re?u!t? of thta conference were reported at the meet:-g of the eieeu ? ?.<? board in June, 1916, ?ate of July 8 I persona'.'.;/ addressed " view of the fact that he he the Boy iti of America io farther action was aaeeei I any of the corr- from him. . iitfed by Mr. Seton on July 9. -?Iules more vho are arith "While training alonir the lines of ??voodi inn'?, ?ve believe thai T'lnent, patrioti?m an ! . p ??r? oreo, ? Powell ? M ike present Boy Scout pro -11 e. "The attempt on the part of Mr. to ciisr^-.' Mr. West with respon '*r??ent it mani nfair. eve taken ont papers aeverul - now expressed will an Ajnerieaa citizen I tell us that he s flrsl paper? some ? vears airo?about the time of ihle to sat. hi he had fa'l?d o coi Iteae te become an interican citizen. 'In ? BBS rrinted Ina has th? I made u?e of." e TO HOLD A.-TKrOR DINNER feat Fnd A?v?.--i!i??n i'laru to Flg'it Vrcniaa. Determined to put a stop to the odor? ?'actories on the east ?hore ->vy let drift across the river, the Association ha? beg-un a campaign. It I? expected that a definite plan t a dinner at the ilote'. I la ' .- e.i ?hat some of the |..a.!? of the factories ??utir.g to the odor? will be pres ? HUMAN WAR PLANT ARRESTED Man with Pocket Full of Drt-aaalte Taken Off Yonkers 8tre?HcBr. Ptusser.gers on a McLean Avenae streetcar, in Yonker?, t*ot a bad ?ear?? / yesterday when a dark complexional?., stubby man on the rear platform shift? ed a lighted cigar butt from his rl?rht 10 hit left hand, in which he held a chunk of dynamite, and demawed a transfer. He srot one In ?hort order. As th? passenger? ?huffled away Policeman John Foj;arty had the conductor step the car and. lifting the man gently to the groundt transferred him to the lock-up. In hi? pocket he had mor? dynamite, more than three pound? alto r Be gave hi? n?me at Nicholas Pierara, of 720 Ball Avenue, Yonker? Morara Uld Judce Beall h? had a ?lcl? wife and nin?. children at home, otvt sentence wa? therefore delayed until December H In the ?am? pocket with the dyna? mite Pierara had ?everal detonators. which, h?d he been Jarred or lumped taflcteatly, niiirht have ?et off the dynam'tr? Bad bY-?vn the car to atom? Saks Evening Clothes "on a bet" ' A New York business man ?vas invited to i banquet a few nights ago and overlooked till the last minute thai he needed a now dress suit. . In this predicament he confided to I friend ulio patronizes a Fifth Avenue tailor, thai he was going t?i run "\er to Saks' and see what they could tlt> for him. ' This friend said he couldn't he fitted at a minute's notice, and the argument ended in a gentlemanly wager of a new hat i?n the result of the experiment. 1 It took us an hour to take a fraction oft* the sleeves, hut aside from that trifling change, coat and man fitted lil?' a gear in mesh! r If a certain patron of a Fifth Avenue tailor comes through as cl? an as we did. a certain New York business man is now wearing a hat that didn't cost him a cent. afelffiamjiwtny Broadway at 34th Street. Phone Greeley 2626. Today, a most important Sale of Men's Silk Neckwear at $1.65 Consisting of 3,000 superlatively fine Scarfs, that would ?ordinarily sell at much higher prices. These are the finest Scarfs we have ever been able to offer in a sale. M.ule of rich foreign silks, in weaves and colorings so gorgeous that it is impossible to de? le to describe them. Blues, purples, wistaria, gold or wine; in fact, all the best shades, and in the beautiful tones and combinations that can only be found in foreign silks. I hese are the aristocrats of neckwear?the masterpieces of the season, and at the price of $1.6^. the wonder of wonders in neck? wear value. All in the most ap? proved shapes, folded in just the ri-?ht way w'.lii lar?c flo-avin??; ends. A special feature ta a group of the finest ?m p or ted Mogadore stripes in wonderful comhinaiions Dress Coat & Trousers. $28 to $45 Th.? newest Saki model is some? what shorter-walsted, longer In skirt, '. tnd piped. Tuxedo Coat & Trousers.$25 to $38 The | . ? ? : tixedo Is I and d? . " roll I a p t* I ?t. Dreis Vests.$3.50 to $12 Silk Shirts at $4.95 Made of "Cloth Brilliante" "Cloth Rrilliante" is the newest silk cloth direct from the looms of the most famous silk mill. These shirts are splendidly tailored by the best maker of shirts that we know, and they form the most superb collec? tion of designs and colorings that we have ever had the pleasure of offering. White grounds with blue, gn en, ?tan, gold, helio, black and white, and gray and white. All sizes. They are truly remarkable values ?nlv5?vffnm|jatuj Broadway at 34th Street. .4 special sale to*day of Men's Gloves at $1.15 Tan Gipeskin Gloves. Meyer's make; prix seam sewn. Also at this price?English sample high-class gloves and domestic wash? able leather gloves. Very unusual values. Broadway at 34//1 Street &?& Sc Company 'Phone Greeley 2G26 Neverbreak Hundred Get It This Christmas Enjoy It For Years You wfll -""k a long time be /,,.?(? you find anything 10 appropriate, 10 pleasing and 10 last in;/ as a NEVER Gratitude and mem ?ries of sensiblenesi \ gift not subject to Sex, Sect or Sea BREAK Hundred Wardrohe Trunk, will linger around it for years to come son; but tit for Everybody, and just fis your h.lls. stays lit for traveling. Fifteen dollars! A patented renovable garment rack; carries six suits, or twelve dresses without a wrinkle. Can he lifted "bodily" (clothes and all) out of the Trunk and bung away in a cl ?et on two hooks or nails. Drawers for Hats. Shoes, Underwear^ etc, and a draw-string Laundry Qag Holds enough for a trip across the continent for either man or mitin vet cannot he packed with to exceed the free baggage limit. Guaranteed not to break for five years, and surely the price trill "NEVER BREAK" anybody. Let us repeat Fifteen dollars! See this Trunk: shop earl] ; 10 we can initial or monogram it for Christmas.