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I SUFFRAGE ARM READY TO MARCH ON WHITE HOUSE Union's First Congress Will Open at Cap?i? This Afternoon. DEMOCRATS GRAM "CAUSE" HEARING National Committee Will Listen to Arguments?Welcome Motor Envoys. UN US i?_ Ha-ea-i ] ? I . injuring into Washington on every train to-night, to be present to-morrow at the opening of the Ant nation..'. eonvon tion of the Congressional Cnion and at th<* demonstration when t. the Women Voters' Convention ll pi" gresi and to Pr< Wilson. '1 rters of th WOt* OSO! ed ? Ith a whirl and rs . verything for tho big meeting was pu! ??y. A hearing before the Democratic N'a? bonni Committee In the Intel ?vornan su'Trar-e was arranged to-day i,y M ' Adamson, wife of the ?'?.mmissiorer of New York. Am ?it of this big eoneossior ? ?ratle ehleftalns there Is hearts of the BUtTraf The hearing will be in the W on Tuesday, and it will have ? moral effect, in the opinion of the suf ite, Mrs. Lilly Wolstonbolmo, a member of the t'tah Legislature and s Democrat, will speak, as will the two ?nvoys from the San Francisco Women Voters' Convention. Mrs. Florence Kelley, of Now York, will introduce the speakers, who will mostly take the line, it was said to-day, tl at if the Democratic party hO| uccess next fall It could not afford to :;ar.l the women voter-? of the BUf . ? amendme: ? ol this seisios of Congi Half a Mile of Petition Mlastag Somewhere between Wilmin . nn?! Wsshlngton is hslf s of signatures tu the ?vhich was to h tod to ? ongres3 to-morrow. Most of the pe? tition is safely here, while other sec ?ions of it are en route to the capita!, but strenij. to-dsy had p to a lal to locate the alf a rm.. that has I ? Nearly one hundred members of Con iiv.? replie?! v? i" to the invitstion of s ill of the Capitol to welcome the envoy? who havo motored a? ???-., this mammo tion. These tv?o envoya, Mrs. Sara Hard Field, of Oregon, and Miss France? Jol liffe. of California, will he S ponied by an escort of honor of several hundred women. From the Capitol this ? ? the envoys ?.. the Wl ! by the Pre* id? Among th? nrom if Wisooni man, of Novada; I'helan and Works, of California, ar.'l Owen, of < ?klahoma. Many other Senators have giren condi? tional : | of the House who have *ed definitely t-. * now number eighty-nine, and acce;-' -till are cr.ming m to the Congressional Union headquarter? Among tl ??tick, Hotel \N hite lions?* Re. option. 'at the Wh't? House n ? 2 o'clock. ? sent the Army an?: < m.?: ..nal and departmental I families of Washington and state auf? trage leader?. A division of women on horseback Wfll head the parade. A women on foot, bearing tl Anthony amerniment ' Amer? ican flag and the suffrage banner, will follow. Then Will SOBO I girls dressed in ?he purple, white end gold of t; ? Unios u,,j g liberty cap-?. Followir. ? teen ' Ala-ka. Tti?-*.. ? -ornan roprosi ol ng Wyomii . I ? roys in the autom?.' which they ? The lp Will b hundr. dent'- House, end th?n will march I n from tl ? while ? ial sections of i ?rorhers In various of lawyers, literal ?Vom ? home makers, business 4v?:nen aid atate will be in line. in au- md s leeond eavs cort w rear. Mra. John Jay White is grand mar? shal f.f ths I araii- nr..J Louis? chairman of the mar? shal'* comm ' N??*- York Women Included. .1rs Mary Au I SI srt I C resent A. H Mrs U ; >lr*. F. A W?rr?n, Mrs. H? ? T'-lle d*j );.v*r_ ttmu l Kene?! M ' . ? r? ! "' **-r"- " ?'. the 1.? .-. Mah? Miss J? - ? .- A-? .--,-. Mrs. ?. Mm. Leonard Thorns . "?- ?,. Morris, Mrs. Harriot Slant Brewf Mi??i 4ana ' ' ? l' ' Miss ) H? ? ? ..ib of ... end alio i man of ' lb has in the ' t act the rccnt ? ? ? ? .n de ? conclusions "rom. SUFFRAGE COHORTS OFF TO WASHINGTON Delegations from Rival Orpan izationi Prepare to Storm Congress. . ., Union for \V?.na? tional American Woman S . ' eiatli ' ork for W i , day afternoon. The members of the ? al I'mon will ? - eh opens at I ; nd will un ? ? II?.use this . n from ? ' ? The rivali organ!? I ed h?-r ii ? ? ' ;on. ' Suifr.-i \ . nave mans ' ' ? Grace Wilbui ad Dr, intion ? . favors Mrs. n the ? I ujion the nal -.s not favor par ; ' ca. n the : ild do i.irg in tl Within the la : of WOI ? induced ! te for Repul ocratie ? * York delegates to -1 M. Thon : inturn, Mr?. Harri- ? . Mrs. - M. Marks, .tien, Mrs. O. H. 1 ? t the a-'ociation .Mastic plai ? -i-s'dent of ? men's Press Club, will ?peak on New Campaign." "!>Y,-ri::; t Women" an address by Mr?. Ml - soeiation headquarters and are open to INCREASE IN CRIME SHOWN BY COURTS Despite Loss of The Bronx, Dis? trict Attorney's Business Larger than Lver. Whatever effect the loss of the have had on th? political complexion of New York ('our' :??? the of rkttor creal , as a separate county has not diminished the l that olTicc. On the contrary, there ha? increase of criminal rrosecutions in - ounty since ta own . i 1911 for the ? ? - or un in ? ? ' or tl .iss of ? - ' ? ? I ia taken an axe to the While cor.: Yirinj? ' unpr. trial. ?rnev ha? ? i morder in ? ? . ?babiy - ? - THIERICHENS DISAVOWS SLAP ? llorl Oaer !le l?->' t II. Ml... had ||| r.n. ... J j miser ; face of a marine pi . Vard a The sommai him ;? . lie. ? ?d him In .-. ' ?aj? with an Incident or thi? y, I MISS MARGARET A.-DICKSON. tciety ?u a r the St, Regis on Saturd ? father, J'>s**ph B. I ?*.vn. MRS. GALT TO WEAR GOING-AWAY GOWN Members of Family Believe 1 ?Jit (loth Garment Will Be Uer Wedding Dress. . .Vi hington- K-c. 6 A tall, unro ? lag W.-sterner. wearing a semi-?? it, av ?' t :-'? ?'??> la^bby of t! announced that he had waited more than an hour in t!. .- >ld to sec ? lalt arrive Si terian < hurch -which indi gtonlans pi ? ?>? ?ee :?t or not i unless th? in tl.. rviee and looking ? ? it in the approaching nup? tials i tf Executive of the na? tion. t the i his study, but in the afternoon called '. ere was a family din? ner pai ? ? ? night, ?.,,' on the hearth and in the .-lor. Gait's family be? I ;r-away i it will I , ith, (I ? known . ? ' bar I ? of V, i .riage on I'e : 18. I- ?d, but not officially an ??, that prefer that no count rie?, ? I. Y . rocured the mar Roosevelt Longworth for .-1 ti.ry McAdoo and Mi ?s ? o for tl Pi Infant and .Mr-. -. ? onsid '.?8t the work of Timothy I ? ngraver, who hai '. ent Wil iur Thomas of the Coom favor? Pn lenl and v length sitting piirture ? ? hi? fri? ndi publie, and wh ci, ., automobil ? ?.It. 1' ? Christmas. presents r. P ' ? !:d:sn WILSON IS UNFAIR. SAYS TFUTON PARTISAN Only Outwardly Neutral. De ciar >s ( ron "?kil. Pi. | ' 5?kal. former r liuriiii? t! '? ?ically ?many . at Weak? ' Mr. ? mined ? ? utrul, es this ? that ! ' ? ? ? ? and ?mm i The tm ? trots .--? h i ? : be declared v. ?thin t*? nly-;our hour?." FOUR CITIES BID FOR DEMOCRAT National Committee Neetf T? morrow May Hear Stif. fra^ists* Arguments. Washington, !? ?-. ; of the work of the administration ar Of Congreso, ths selection of a tin MS for th ? emocrat National Convention and the election < a new treasurer an?l secretary wi constitute the chief work of the Demi whic ? here Tuesday mon. .rations foi Four cities, llallas snd n th race for the eonvel :*t Louis dele,- . ? DM ciieck. With about half of the delegate present to-day, James i". Smith, chair man of the St I.oui*- delegation, ? seventeen pledges for his city. Th bu las eoi tingsnt ?*? bead? ernoi Henrj ! :ey of Dallas i re abou sever.- Including th mayors o; s. Announe? i llous would rerunn ?tral in th Texans, who hod hoped for th? : " the eommi sd friend! that, afti-r pr?s? .it the . of th? ? ? i ( hairras -. probably ? ? nt as Com ? i-n. Chairman MeCombs las promised s ? in effort 1 e tl coi ?<?' un? able to s regarded - Sllf rman McComhs I either II? - t'ommings, from C n from Mmne ? Th? eoi . ' Bid authori ??irmal ? ? i . . .? ? LA?OH IN EVERY LINT. "The Log of The Ark" Ky I. I. GORDON and A. J. i'RL'l.M "\\ lio is W ho" In litis f ?mo-i?. ' rk C?? 'a n, Nr ah Fin * - ii. Hem -? \s? lirlh I -it 0[ rrator. Shrm Chief I ngmeei, Hsm i| nein Il in. M\??*lt ' - Weil - M ? s*t-'wa'-rl<M4. Mn Hum 1 ;? in fr?-!?. Mr?. Japhrth S Lt-ri. Aul'matir ' i'i l.ivt Stock rSK I l ' HKl AT \N^ IKMIU-K1HK !.. I?. DUTTON ?S: *-<?'' ?ANY, 6*SI liith Wc, N, AV i()RK CITY Cbe l . ?litar?an Cull ni ??- \i)u ' ttend the next meeting and concert at Leslie Hall S3d Streel and Broadway, at 8.10 p. M. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 7TH, 1915. ?.I r.a? r.HB APTHt r UAHrim '.) HATS rtiairmia Saut KL I'NIMiMr'.k i? s.n.inal r?rnlM-*ma. ui-iiA _ aii'ti.iui m \*meo*m ?no Uaaest* Oa CV.riuiier. iaii*rn 1% Idcaliam. ?QUXMOH .?VRH1* ?N miri.l. . D4.KA DE ?THA. I!?rt*/,n* J'rlrnxlnnna. ?laAKBUtra I" \ ? \ SOTBM ANNA AMAT" VloitOlel Planla?. Ml HAS I I l'UNO. AKomi mill Admisson rree-.tolleruons snd Contributions Not Permitted ?i / >i ? | ? | v" YOi V(>?V??I \] hath the Gary Flan? By ALICE BARROWS FERNANDEZ Tribune readers will find in this department a clear and authoritative account of the Hirt school System, proposed Jor this city. Questions of parents and teachers will he gladly answered. 1 he de? partment Will appear on Mondays and Thursdays. WHAT TUF: WIUT PL AN DOES. It takes children off tha .streets , m wholesomely busy at work, study and play for ?ix or set an hours a day. It t-'ive? all children just as. much academic work as the trad.tional school, but by lengthening the school day It gives time for practical ?hop work, science, music, auditorium and play for all children. WHAT THK WIRT PLAN MF. VN1?-. T.- .-? -ry parant: A chance to give his child the enriched educational opportui ities usually reserved for the children of the favored few. To teachers: No more hour? of teaching; more congenial work. To the community: Better citl seaai better schools for leas cost. For Information on the Gary plan by a great American educator read "Schools of To-morrow," by John ?ad Evelyn Dejaras/. Pub? lishers, K. P. I?utton & Co. Price, nble at any public library. Itl?h??p CoBItaay on the Gary Plan. "Valiami Map I be allowed to ?et the public through the columns iper, end especially be? fore the ii,... ? i . ? y loeatioB, the par? ticular view which I hold regarding the I much controvert. .1 question of the adoption of h new plan or plans for the teaching of children In the puVi schools? The chief of these are popu? larly known as the Gary and the Et tir^cr plans, each of which provides that part of the children shall be out Of the building during a period or pe? riod! of the schal ?la>. All r are agreed that the present practi?---, l.y which no religious instruction Is given in the public school?, shall be liaed; ?nd nearly all parti?? are equally agreed that relig ? im instruction I? the inalienable right of every child, and that children ?o insTi? ???.! reach maturity better pro] .r.ol ??. exercise the duties of citi? zenship than those who have been de? prived of thia right "At the present time th.-re are in the public schools i in round BBtaboi. el Idren, of whom 200,000 receive religious instruction for i.l ..ut one hour once a week In the Sun? day tchool? and the remaining 6 receive little or none. Ceeaaallfea Guards Against Dangers. "All the foregoing premised, repre ?:ve? of various Jewish and < hris tian churches organiaed then into a committee to devtee means by which children when out of the public ?cho'd building during a period or pe hool .?Ay should I. religious iaatraetloa. There ara difficulties which had to be far.. ! .'cut any attempts on the | ?ny church to prosely'ize; the other, to do nothing whereby the public school system should be ?lrawn away from its position of neutral".y toward all relig ?nstrurtion and both of the they think that they have well In hand. The latter, they believe, will best be necured by it? being requirod that par? ents ?hall fill up a card ?fating the placo Iah thry d?;?ire their children to go during the time when they are re i from ?chool attendance, as that trill allow the school authorities *.> ; r.ivide for such children as are ?en: nowhere ?nd prevent their idling about -, wfj Two Part? Must Be An???-cred bv Op? ponents. "Tho.?e who oppose the introduction of th? plans r.o v under ?li.-cu -.??or. mu-'. .or an enormous increase in expendil lie te provide ac? commodation for thooe children for no in the ex building?; nr.d tl children wh. n not in tl e lehool build : '. say ?r. what ?ray they wou the children dur I a full and fra ? at of the ? 1-'. COURTNEY. "Now Y??rk, Nov. IS, 1916." chairman of t I ? ? - national t ommittee v. Religious Instruction. Co siderinji the fsct that this committ sly enge -.'.i ?n this wo for some time, the f??i',owinif senten from iiishop Courtney's i? ttei shou -. :?? - feature of the Gary plan: "There *.?,?.* .*h had to I I ; the na hurch to pi the o trie te do nothing whereby the publ sd ? . system shouid he dial from its position of neutrality towai nil rell-ious instruction snd both < ? think that they have we in hand." Testimony from The Bronx. "Madami Moot of the criticism < the rel ? ous feature of the Gary iyi ;?ired by tl ?i plan of the Catholic Churcl "The iilea is a It rt 'lint in Publi Sel ...1 ;."., The I'.ronx, where th - ure is being tried out, the principal al of it Is being mad by I u si, ? he p?*'<?r ?if th Catholic chureh. I! - m the beginning of thi movem. nt is easy to MOOS I ehildrOB in the srhool are hi par1 ? onei . !'? OUS ?ri man, h?* bas n foi Mi ? irrival in New York to take u the work of weekday religious in striction. His I r schoo ? ha? " leen Koinj? on for som. timo, and are still conducted aloni? for nor lines i"r children in his parisl .'her than Publi : 45. Mi ? plan fount ? '"ij771 in a ? to accep the opportunities offered by :" schedule, and in a very brief time h. ha.l perfected an excellent or; ? *? clergymen ought to hi thsnkful to him for showir bilitiei open? .1 to them. Ol her Churehen Should Take Up Work "Hut, to L.? frank, I think he mn?!< the mistake of doing it too well. Th. other clergymen, most of th. m, I h : I work. SOW U hat u lug they could make in comparison in 1 to think o? ? wou M be the other way. snd .?re sll of u* I urnan. ! ' issi him-elf i like to s. i ? ? burches I work. He is anxious to do . to brini and lensible lines, Recently he re? marked to me that I tion had hi ? ?ir-iwr, to s of his sp? rig on the it ihepherd bis . ?lid I, ? ?ayune, but llingness to offnes him? self if his personality or pi ?i 'i..* wsy of cnrryin-j; out this promising oxperimen- s ? him a much bigger man Religions Inatructiiin Will Co on Ke ?rardle-as of Wirt Plan. -hould be remembered that hu ous knowle i; sre quits ?ecure, independently of the fate of lyataas, if that falla cf adoDi the ?cho'?ls in this vicin.ty will I to .-. p on with a doulile schedule tern, an 1 the op- of get his children together outside of scl hours w.ll be ;ust about the ?am? they are row. mucn for thut part of it. sho-vs that Catholic: are Brill Bg to 0 ?erate, in so far as no seer tice priaciple I? '.nvo'v'd, other re leas l o Ye? In tffeeung at least a i tial solution of the most urgent pi lem tu charchas have to face the Detraction of kas? "h !dren. Catholic Policy .Moro Thorough tl Wirt ?".an. "Hut it would be a ?mall com;?i m to our rollgioaa earnestness to cail Wirt'? olfering of opportunity t.? churches the Catholic policy. Our e - much more thorou .?J in our graa of parochial school*. It) the pursue of this policy we have lav? Itod ? ion? of dollar? and have organize? ' pf tl "'i-" ' chief, the Cardinal, stands behind like a rocs. are devoted to it. an ! WO h; not the slightest intention of derart from it. For example, ihe Gary syst Il to be tried out on a lar*: this Borough of the Bronx, Well. this Borough of the Bronx there i thirty-nine Catholic parishes; of th< - i ! iv.. ..'?- -i ' tnrted ?eh m I tha Italian church, there i three other Catholic parishes, m .f them, ?' ho s run through the territory of Pu' None of us is taking act B the work in connection B that school. Two of the three pari-h bava Joel flaiahod baildiag very fl school?; the third has property for .school which will be, built at t.o grc diatanee of time. Why Should Mln'sters and Rabbi? 0 pose Opportunity? "There is no need dwelling on th Everybody knows that we Catholics a not the one? who hav<? most : worry over the nresei.t religious situ Bat if I bad to fice the com! tinni of clergymen of other fait! whom I know I should le worried de perste. I admiro their courage. Ira not alway? applaud their judirmet: Take this Wirt system. It is saay ? ? ? hen he e-'mbt tha handy pillar of patrioti-m to denoun. irehes. Hi that mim?'? ra and rabble thoald jol with h m in wracking their beel chan? of holiling the coming I rn'i ' '.I'd. can only regret it. The dl llgrion does no ?.1 I Indll CO in lUeS matters i- eOBt and hurtful to other religions and misfortune to the rep i "FRANCIS P. DUFFY, "Church of Our Baviour, Bronx." Vork, Nov. If, l'.'l"?. lU'ligiou? Instruction Before Wirt K< organization. ther Puffy'? letter brinir? out Itood by th Publie School 45, Th , was on the Ettinger doubl in part-time plan before it Wa reorganized by Mr. Wirt. Under thi . r douille -es-ion plan one grou? of children came to the school at B:Sl n. m., remained in tha saa unti I, when they hud opening and itady In anditoriam aa? (TOunda until 11:S0, when the? home to lunch, returood at 12:31 stayed la the ele until 2:150, ??hen they were diem take these children for religiou? in? struction any time after 2:150. The other group did not come to school until 9'.SO u. m.. went honte to at 12:S0, and did not return to school until 2:30, when they remained in c!as?rooms until 1:1511 p. m. As ? did not come to until 9:80 a. m., it was possible for 1 ln-truction at that time. As Father I - and - after - school cla??es have been going on for ?orne time, .and are ?? in me r.ic?lenury Schoa|-j :'*.'?'r school?.' J. A. Tomlinson. The mat??? ?.. sted. on Cary pl'in will be held WteuuS er **. m p m . by l'areit.* ? sociation of Public School 93 il.. k.*a_. Ml. ?.lu -1 r I B?__?? -_'. ?"??? READY FOR COLLEGE SETTLEMENT WORK Women i'lan Society Teas 114 Dances to Aid Uplift Work. "Come Back to Erisl" came th? \nr\. '< tational notes of the piano at 95 R... IngtOS Street last Bight, in ore of thai? te p?r?4im Uvs to the acre than anywhere tit? u i the world. " Tli emcnt House yooua folk*,. ' i 1 one of the crowd who had nev.r ? didn't wunt to ge, bot un* had gi'hirH on the sidewalk t<. enjoy the rr.tuit "My LI ..* ::.-xt ?avfk ,, what they i - College Stttl?. nient w? et?, and, if they don't gut th* . soma of th? houses will baye I "And what will the children 4^ then?" Indi) ..r;ded anothir "Where el ? s then 1 back yard 1 . ,;* can nuiKe my Jimmy ami bis t?ar.g b< have'."' As : ' But insid B the Unit? ? the sir un . full o' ? || Stttl? - Aiding the int.-.emeni of society who v .-it which the work an i I .? I! be expl : 1 clubs of tl - Bryi H??r snd P 1 the ss> ' ??'- a*, th, Hotel A Columbis I ? rniih m era] nsmbei e ill be a uln ' by th?- ? re rare Ku?,u lisits midiiti "Self-control si '* are nt watch m 1.1 McD. 1 '.v y?ir? k charge of the R ust the raoarj *.?.<? want, though w -." she said. "But we an mi r the pulilic t?. know our yooii live an?! k?* rk. We I ???.??? ? of punies, who, <i '?."'? settlemenl ither buildings. We feel that they ??:!' enjoy SMOting u? n? much al ? ?i! isa*l hell ? US." ? ,.- -?-V*.? **v II?r-er W. W|t-?T. nir-H-W ?V?t*4 Hou?seepli * B.ira-.u et S*_iUtu>_ ???I Hmul*. REO.U.S. PAT.V BOFF. GOOD LOOKS REFLFXT GOOD HEALTH YOU can't havr bright eyes and i itnot'th, i-'r-m skin if the fer? menting waste produces of con it i pat ion are poisoning your system. ( Ipation U tlic chirt cm?.*.? not univ ?it }H??r <*i)iii|,*., l>ut o? three quartets of the illnesses tr??tn winch wi'inrn suffer Hretl the ilanifi -.'.?.'liais ol .?ailla skin, p<*or eyesight, headaches ehech eonstipntion before it is too late. Nt.t with laxative drVtgS which physic and irritate ami later bring ?bent reactions which make )?>u reg? ularly dependent upon them. Bring si:?'.it natural conditicns, Nature's way?with Nujol. Nujol is the ii!t_h?->t to-ini ?if the pure white wdum eral oil rei'oiiimeii.lrd by lei 2 doctors thf world over for eiHi?ti| \. Nujol tl. rs not ?et bj irritai I by luhruatn.n ? bj t latCStiual ii trnts Mini 1 natural a.rii.n in a purrl) Bsectbai al wa\ N u|(jI is < "... ? *.?, odorless? tast< <? It can be tak?*fl by anyone, ev I JTOnngest child, in any quantity, without danger. Write for boolilet, "The Katumal Treatinrnt of Coostip iti?u?. " If y??ur ?1 ru ?I u. *? I hasn't it, ?* ? will send a pint bottle of Nujol prepaid to any p??int in the United States un receipt of 15c?money order or itanipa. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Now Jertrj) Itayonn? New Jersey