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GREEK DELAYS AROUSE ALLIES TO NEW EFFORTS Premier Visits Kin.; After Audience with Entente Ministers. RUMANIA BELIEVED READY TO FIGHT Teutons Press Montenegrins and Capture More than One Hundred Cannon. London, Dec. T?. - Th<? negotiations between Greece and the A le I I lirag on at Athens, new hitches ? gly a-ising as the old ones are ?id out- One day it l| r.port?.] eat has been ? ? ached, only owed tha aaal ial or ..counts of fresh difficulties confront? ing the diplomats. The ministers of the Quadruple En in Athens had a conversation 'uloudis, the Grecian Pre at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon, according to a news dispatch from the - capital. A loig consultation of the Cabin. ? h M. idis 1 on the K ? \? h ich are i: I that I to the found The people of the A ? tries, ..erly those of France and ? --oming Impntic I delays, and the pre-s is ?I? it stern action be taken to dem? onstrate to King Constantino and his tara the determination of the Quadruple Enter-' anees demanded. New proposals are ?o have neon made by France and lireat Britain, In the hope of l-Sa ,-reement. The attitude of Rumnnia also re? mains undecided. Since thp di announcing the cloning of Bu to foreign trade wns received has descended upon Bucharest. .iropc i? awaiting anxiously the ?ore. which will ?-ive a meaning ?-? this order. The general belief here t the Rumanian governmoat i?; ? for the concentration of a suf ' r? large enout-h ?Anglo-French army in era Serbia I torj cer : -fore joining the AY Meanwhile the Austro-G. rmans and continue rounding up the ?rbian troops remaining in Serb are also prosecuting with the i u?.ua: rbian troops hav? and .1? ?'? ins, th? If or? than 1?0 cant?o- ; he o ...rmans am lly confirme?!. "T- ??-." aayi ? "that ? ... cam rn will con tinue ? in order tc ' check the Gen t(1 c0. 0] le. From French sources i( '. that the reinforcement cl line from the I 10 Krivolak continues. Tho P" east of the Vl , with a tie i ng the ton? tion of the railw nnouneement was made n' y of the re.-stublisbi-. railway conimunication betwe?-j: and Sofia, i. ? tr Ferdinand of Bulgaria '"jpied in repairing the I . SB) - I rward I '?> Niah where he inapected I copied bj ? rnment when the war c- r? Y . h. CUY' ?TAL. The statement in the '.an detaeh? m?i.' . Monaatir and s ai s illy by the authoriti?-? at'd ? ngngements near I \]'-, M?.i. ? .1 In the mountains northeast of Ipek, Monte ! hundred prisoner? were tak? rians halted the r? I Prian the Albanian borde him 0 can quantities of war ma? terial, among which were 20" rds were repulsed in the Yiiina sy betwei : ?, near the All AC M.. From Vienna the following ha received: Southeastern front: There has - ;,?-ar Montcne; i , 'le M,..- .- repulsed by a o operating from Foca) south of . lje our troops repulsed violent Montenegrin counter-atti At- il raptured ? ? i n Infantry and a hundred artillery mu?. <on?. We prisoners south of Novibazar. ? ?i OIT H [AI* The Paris War Office to-night gat I out the following: Army of the ea?t: The local ac? tion? o? December -'., reported in the ? . ' lie .1 .n of Ko t.riiio. where the Bul rded and at1 ;?,,- i : - - ?. repulsed. forco a pa eked by thi ir artillery and infantry. Fall Reductions TO MEASURE ONLY Suits an?1 overcoats cut from our repulir fall and winter materials beginning todsy are offered at unusual'.v at re r1"'?*-*'-*' $25, $30 and $35 suit and over? coat materials reduced to. . . .$20 $40, $45 and $50 suit and over? coat materials reduced to. . . .$2 3 $50 to $60 evening dress mate rials reduced to $35 for Tuxedos and $40 for evening dress. ?.nlsh, ityl? Iterlsl are strictly guaranteed. Take adva-itaee of tbil Opportunity. Samples on request. Broadway ?5c 9th Street / i.. I. r'mq Ettabtiihment in How Much Toilet Paper Do You Get For Your Money? You can't tell by the 6?ze of the roll, because paper can be loosely wound to look bulky. \Vtight is also deceiving, because coarse, thick paper weighs heaviest. Find out how many sheets there are in the roll?that's the only 6quaro quantity test. You'll find the count printed on every label of Scofltsstie loilet Paper 1000 sheets to the roll?10c Put quality first, of course. Absorbent, soft in texture and puro white? the superior qualities of ScotT?MUt Toilet Paper arc apparent to any? one who compares. 10c a roll. 'It's the Counted Sheets that Count" Sani-Tissue, a balsam treuted paper, verv soft and clothlike. 2500 sheets 25c. 3 rolls in carton. At drug, grocery, depart? ment ana nousefurnisning >>fi<*>*mil^ ???????*rm^emmr StOreS. SCOTT PAPER CO. 30 Church Street New York Moliere uf Abeurbent ScotTleeue Towelm HUNDREDS KILLED IN GERMAN ARMS PLANT EXPLOSION Workmen Suspected of ?Causing Destruction of Factory in Halle. VVORKaS AT BOGDEN FOUND UNDERMINED Discovery .Made In Time to Pre? vent Disaster?Arrests in Both Instances. London. I i'estruction of a on factory at Halle, ? -i ? iplosion, with ? the li ? il hundred lives, Is re ! in a message from Koldmg, Den? mark, to Copenhagen, forwarded by ' It is said that a similar disaster was narrowly averted at Bogdea, Silesia, the ammunition factory was ? ?. discovery that it hud been undern Acr this n.coutit, which ha? infirmad, arr?ete have been ? - rted dieeoa tented workmen are raepacted in both ?ata 0 Hungarian In at 660 lid last night thai report of an explosion in a Halle mod to bias erfo i.ioii o-ographical loca? tion "I i t," ?aid Captain of llaile is de rithin the confines ? f 'Proa sian Baxony.' A .. b tter of fact. il 01 pollt - eal division arithin the boundaries of Empire. Hall?? in times of ,.'.d of minor commercial or manufacturing import iks of ? capacity have been ? h eginning <>f the war is do ll works . ?mi?, into being on a large scale lj ?mprobabl? to th?.?.- who know "The munition.-; worker in both Au-tna er, aub itary diadpline and to the invoked by a soldier who - oath of loyalty and tile Pi anee, Eng ' ? i tatas no such thorough military organization of mu knowa. In count ? ?in mu: ere purely civilians. Such i oo?i nor toi' m Aaati . Germany, when all am? munition plants ate under the direct ? il of th' government. "It reason that ?li: ? huvo o rare la the groat German and ? -its. The men are dis and under constant ex Nut tha slightoat departure from ; d raga? ?ted. "In this ?on..try. where hosts of un ?kllled n e? . | though they be, hav..- been suddenly called on to fill , often rded munitions accidenta ? f a serious character are inevii i only n mu. kable to those who know the conditions that even more frequent and of greater extent. ? newly or ed or injure n acri dent and eitisens of the upon example of the inaidioua zeal of German | ? " TURKS STILL PURSUE BRITISH ON TIGRIS Valuable Campai^-i Badly Marred," Says London. London, Dee. Y A dispatch to Ger-' luartei from Coa tai "inople, re bj win I? tamia) front ? ? i r pursuit my, who retreated m eom ! an enemy 1 with nd wi Yak front ?vo occupied the ..Y h, west of Kut-cl : als the London morn ? point are he of the ?i. which thi : ?. poet of u early ? advance on Bagdad. h British re-inforcements i to i ?? ?.t hand, we think i ? ? Bagdad a-- by the . aak? capt i ... i eon? :. with at nilitary . . is city and appar lh ir ?ops. h the ? statement that "a valuable and chcer hadly .1." ! WANT BRITAIN TO PLIAD London f ranks Propone in lies; Ger? many for Peace. London, Dec ?'. Peace crank? as? sembled yesterday aft<rno<.n in Broth j ?rhood Church, Bouthgate Road N., and ', listened with childlike a.In,.ration to i ridiculous ?appeals made by J. Scott i ?> for Great Britain to go cap in eraeaay ?.r.?! bag imm?diato "The Daily Kxpi. '?. who is chairman of the ? ? I . r.uggested: ?he war, it ! make the er,-in,g lt." But the Germans must not, it teem?, .- im. "In no .ir said Daekers, . .i wa e-.p-- e the |. 'i'ie of Bel? of an invudmg ?g o?er the coun , inch hti'l driving out the t >ree of ?rm?." eraak atoetlaga i which ware te tave been bold yester Georga . and Philip If. P., rune.-lie.I bis . ? . \ain-M. sand? i li m .mi oiin..:. ? ?? -ai'h posters asking loyal citizen? if they would aiiow the men s? th? front to be insulted. I Horsemen Make Best j Fliers, Says Expert British Editor Sees United States Suprcnr* in Air, because of Her "Unlimited Supply of the ?Finest Horsemen in the World." This ir the second in a tori** articles en American military aer nanties written exclusively for T Tribune by Mr. Grey. Bv c. i;. GRIT. Editer of The Aeroplane," LomSm London, Die B. When A*n?>r stor's tu or? .. r. : r* her burSSS if ml tury a? ronau';?.**; ?he can learn a pre deal from Europa if ?he cares to i UastiCM hitny nc has the BU] ' ' high excellence of (',. rman srganil tion and of Im-irovin??: It by the add tion of sundr\ ;?'?..! peints which C; he discovered if suffi) ? Bl care is tak? In studying the nethods of the Fri-m and British fljrli | A republican aircraft factor/ shou produce valuadle **xperitnontal result and the re*>u!t?4 <-,f *h .- txperlm?n should be communicated to manufac urers In ortler to improve the bre? of their aeroplanes. ?uch a factoi might also lie useful m* a check on tl et. t of production of BSroplanes, nn thus prevent manu'uc* . charj^iii?f exorbitant priesi and rnskin unfair profits out of the taxpayer. Fvery effort should b?> madt* to pn vent such an Americi:: I(. A. F. fro: becoming a home of reft for the pr? '.cinis, how? It comes to finding pilots fo mm;.' a? roplur. aviation burenu will be up against : bip proposition. Will mix?-d in a first class war- as they wil ?orno day i*. will be no u?e for th? Army Department to think of startin; In with about fifty aviators, r. the case with the Ur:ti?h army in th present war. Five hundred a would be too few anil fivo thousand would be none too many. Americn must get away from two foolish Fng lish itleas: First, that to pilot ar aeroplane a man must be an and, ?econd, that to tako a counter salesman out of a store and put him IforSfl is to mnkc him an ?.fllcf-r and a gentleman mor I to he an nrrorlane pilot than a BOB-eonimisslonod officer or a mcehanl. has worked on aeroplane Horsemen Make Bssl Fivers. \ geed horsoman gvnerally makes a ? '.'.? u j-ooil m? chanie or even a pood motor driver does not, necessarily. I would guarantee t ? make bsttSI military aviators out of a hunch of Monta.ia horsebreakers than out of a group of drivers of racing au? tomobiles. Wiiere the horseman has the advan? tage is that ht* is i 1 to bi ing jolie I vertically more than is the motor driv er, and, furthermore, he has "ar ey. for the country," which the motoris . icks, and this helps him in sp what is below him and Ftill m-? g his landings on rough or tiiek *nuc more delicate OS th? c?u:" an aeroplane are those of the ? ?? ? ill?; an un! ? of ths i1 horses ? "i In ths . on which to tlraw foi ^^ ors Hers hs smj ? ??m England, wh< ing a large horse-ridir.g pops ?mi Bg r and rael ng poopls, n ? attempt has been ma?.' lor militan aviators, and nil sort (jueer people have been made commis officers in the hope that tt out to be | ? ?? to itandardize mil it! anes even ? teat thai ' The French have always done th? .- ' the production ' ?var the I r? errr.y fi] ' moat us? tt the sai time ? r' After soma month? t I . very li resal. hat < ape. lb Designs Poor. The ' ?>?, on the oth har.d. i tiding o ' :or aerop! ! the | e allegi roduets iw that pracl 11 ? -" approve, all thei government I V?t. givi a fro.- | could regain the lead they held ov< ? ? world a coup! ? ? ' in the air. Let I I ? - apparently American manufacturer ? eb i?r of an a?T?i ? gth of a dab th of a lum ? - '? ?. thei ?hells up to a height < I th*? r ? . 10,000 feet ? . ? ? full militar] load ? passenger an. a y u .ns, ammunition i Reliable Motor a Necessity. Y In par More . ' ? - trines, on the othei ? reli o far as I ? rman a?ro gbt down 111 the B ..' ?! :..- going on America can i. cad on Euro? It pie? V - in ni Aad Am? I -. BOB replane and ner.'.-. . D. mon? y derived from I ? All A I la a good landing ground f. I .Y.y along railroad can take ma air at 60 ?ji ? i ,i r. ?meriean ralli plane ? ., had to run motor on. [nee. if this wi ?>- done it would >'?? Amen rmoualy and pi ? > a ?r war ? l and .mportance. Bg the .. . 0] CHINESE REBELS SEIZE CRUISER ( on tinned from pafe I snd making the foundation of the country unstable, it would be no' a misfortune to China, but the in? ter? ItS of the nations who are D less interested in thl would also be affected. This is the I? efTi'Ct which the course of events will produce. "When we speak of this we tr? I uHth fear and anxiety. Bines Pre : Yuan Bhih-kai'i Inauguratios ? 'ent of China he his done many ?s which ni' ?race and order in th? Be has suppressed internal ?1 I restored p? se? ;?t l order m the ? Por these i?*r.t Yuan, which have contributed r.ot a little to the i rear in the Far Es t, w.. 1.: . \ ? in, "We hereby express eur Pre*idert Yuan, in the interest of the genera rder of i ., ? s th? prosent f hi- country until a futur? wh?*n the counts"] ful and r? o iperotj si ? Imc it Will not be t.?o ! arehy. Thi? is the ?more hope which from our heart, and w.- san ' ream ? moat to con ::me. "The ?nK'.rc of Japan hau no intcn t. t. n ? terna! af fuir* of i I na, but peace or Chira has much te ??.? with situation m the Far i i which has actuati'd u?? t?? 08 i- rvernmeat as Japan an?l ? * Beighbors n the Pai East, ??i .i 1 two eenntrios haw ion?; i? dial terms with each other, Japan can r..,' !.. ;ir te rems n silsnl these matters. We hen bj to you antl hi meaning Brill he understood." "China'? Affair," Said Hepl>. A rcrbal reply to this note was mide by tl.. -?ivrrnmetit to S r Jordai ?? Mr. KroU? pcB Icy, the Russisn Minister, ami Mr. 1. thi- .Jiipu',? IS 1 ?: ... ??? 1 ply. after po.nting out that "the matter 1 ? |y < bins * a: "There has bCCS foi IOSSC time a ? stiong section of the people in favor of monarchy, and mon- recently their 1 ranks have greatly IncJ th.? meet powerful sa I ?'? moo . and the untlercurrent 1 of agitation for the change in the .'??im of government ha.? daily gTOtrs ?nment has tout, ?'Hit m th? light of recent develop-1 menta, if it were to resort to forcible -"II"- .on nut only wjuid th?' Will "f th?- people be ignored, but there would I have been conndtrable danger to peace ? ly, the Chi ? se the ? ? "1 he reasons for the general desire of cha that a bine's im? i area, th< : ir.i of ed ' un .?er ? ??? life and ? ? -tj aa i - In other S the ' rooting i . form ve of ? s not ? tho , ? o un r-.port oppo ? ? there ? 'akinsr reach itions ?'es. it | "In ' h gov?rn ment the question s ? iment was 'urm ? could . arrled oat : ? . at all time ? ment . - ' ARREST RUSSIAN ELECTORS MaSBBB Police Mold Delegate? of ????rkmen. Berlin Hears. Ber. .by wireless to Say ville. N. Y. ?.- The Oversea? Newe S oat the f .ilo'-vir.g to-day: have arr? "? I p d-legated by the Baaaiaa workmen for choosing repreaoatativee to the War industry . ?? : '. a maintain ??/ Moscow inhabited I l> v?-.rr.ii>g,' elaaeee. J ITALIANS PLEDGE WAR TO VICTORY Deputies Vote Confidence After Salandra's Vow for Fig;it to End. SOCIALIST URGES . UNITED ACTION Government Is Confident of Ultimate Triumph. Says Premier. ?.", Pec. 5. In a vote of confidence for the government in the Chan.' It es to-day tie policy of the Cab waa ea ta ? . . to IS. This followed a ? ? --h by Pro? ? Ira, who do? eoafl? - eat in t.nal v.c? tory, although the gravity of the ta en was fully appreci? A feature of the sea ? ( --.e ^n 'hua M?ia!i?t Dep ? "amber must give an example of soliilanty and unan.m.ty aa I country in a rgiee and ef ulttj matt ? kt the conclusion ?..Mr. braced D-epatiea. the ????eran of ?he - , and uroi. :n favor of the ..-m\, the navy and the r. : ?? accord a with those of S Pi mler Salnndra, in closing th aid bat tl foi. i ameat also B the eoBCOrd of Parliament and try and which woald affect the t only as the I ? which had to war, with the a linu? it until it wa? victoriously con Those ?ho opposed the vote of eonfl d? nee comprised intransigent Soeial lut a alosen 1 <?f cx llittl, Who ??.. ? not pi at the sitting. Isonzo Battle Confined to Artillery Actions Parla. De?-). ??. Th? battle on the Isonzo has been enfin? d in the mam t? artillery fighting tad eagagementa ? a small .!? ' AUSTRIAN OFFICIAL. The following communication was ls laed at vicuna: the Italians on the CO front confined themselves to llery tiring and changing their for.-.m near Oalavia, "hey, however, eta 1 attacks night and day, ? - ? ilsed, On the Tyrol fron? hostile artillety ?!' vel i| ! a brisk activity against the fortified region of Ladaro. ITALIAN OFFICIAL. Rome gave out this statement: With the .-1 - gagem.-nts ai small ?let . have beat. no events worthy of mention along the whole front. Text of the Agreement Barring Seoarate Peace London. Dec ?". Th.. text of the dee ?i signed last wo-? by the Bru i ore gn Secretary, Sir E ? the French, Italian, Japanesa and R nbasaadors at London, ng each oi the n a not . . ? peace, is as fol "The Italian government having de? cide 1 ' to the d< irai oa be? tween the British. French and li ssian governmentl . London on Sop? r ?", 1914, which declaration was ed to by the Japanese govern the under suthorised thereto bv tctive governments, hereby .ows: "The British, French, Italian, Jap? anese and Russian governments mut ure not to conclude peace iring the proaeat srar. ??The five governmrtits agree that come to be dis no 01 .' "f the Allie? will de maml conditions of peace withou' agreement of each of the Other ^_ CROWN PRINCE, KILLED' FIVE TIMES, IS ALIVE Berlin Shows How Often Enemy Press Has Destroyed Him. Berlin, Dec. ? 'bv wireless to Say? s'. Y... The i iv. raeaa Newa s title "H ird to Kill," ..hat it says is a his? tory Crown Prince dar? ir. as compiled by a Daal ih ..vier from i out by Germany's enemies. The blab ry ?..I ? A : I Victim of sn at igalaat 1 i Yn. ' - Sa ?erely wounded on ? frontier. ?jo Second attempt against . in avhich I I leg. ?i Third attempt against tted ?uieide. v-ptc-n. . Braaaele ? mbor li Commanded an at ? rdun. Wounded by shrap? nel in Poland. .' more wounded int. I? ha?tened to his er Id Bari? d in Berlin. r 1:4 ? His body found on the ai o Once more buried. I ? more killed by 'nch. ember R Insane; taken to a '. ted chief com? root, mbor 11 Once more killed. ??J , 1911 unce more : "February 3 - Sent home." ? -? wn Prince I? still In com I the Army of the Argonne, ac ng to the latest advices from Ber? lin. _ AFRICAN UNION IN ARMS British Colonial Force? Ready to Quell (ierman-Itouaed Hul> War. Care Team, ?Doe. 6.-General Jan Christian Smuta, Mialater of Defence in the Union of South Africa, an -' ? I that the entire force naked for for the titican expedition had been re? cruited, and that the Importai ewyera? i moat beer, informed th it ?he Union I wa? increasing it* forces to provide : ?"or contingencie?. F.xpiamina the decision of South . to "???nd an expedition *? \ttiic-?. General Smuta ?ad this action -ken becaus?- of the ?lang?-r aris ?om the arming of native? by the Germana ami the preaching of a boly war against Christian?, to which, he i d? Ilare 1. the U.-rm?ni were lending; thtir atiiitence. SCRIBNER GIFT HOOK HEART OF EUROPE ' By Ralph Adams Cram Beet n Transcrij't : "I1 ng lava. It Is the product tif an irttst, i ? ? So one ?*an nail h* - delight in hi?, fine dtrscriptkNaS, 1;.* rivid ? < *plan ati?i;;*." Preftut net. BEAUTIFUL GARDE.NS IN AMERICA By She'ion mptuoui ? 1'itiftil plctnret of fJrp ? .t- gard ? ? i 1 by a truh Luuntlnativc I * - ITO ensere ; .-...<? ?* 0 n- '.. CONSTANTINOPLE OLD AND NEW By H. G. Dwight "F?rw books of fh* kind will pi ? ? m?>rt* ?. .-i t i < f y i n pr to the miiitl that would Inh I m the ejne mat >1< Ugfatl in kn Uigest. Profuttlj) illustr?ted. In %iJ0O net FOUNTAINS OF PAPAL ROME By Mrs. Charles MacVeagh " 1 !:'.*.???? tad *it ?f lii'tory and .irt, the i to din into the I? gen?! and rasnan i ( the cltj of U I ir?rhman ?in is scrkli I the l'"P' *?" B if n i lUuetrated '?;,? Rod ';h V.i-kn. $2.W fief. FRENCH MEMORIES OF EIGHTEENTH CE.NTURY AMERICA By C!i?rle? H. Shcrrill "Altogether tl rnost rntcrl ' h wh'k, too, since no i??-tt.*r light Is ever thro* n on th piescnl than thai coming through these peek boks into th past." Vans 1 ' ? ' ?. Illustrated, >:'"<> m t. THE STORY OF OUR BIBLE By HsroM B Hunting. "Th;s i* ;i li.xik of ran* /uni distinct tn?*rit am | " ??H Itl ill? in??." Out I I ' HOLIDAY LIST NO. 3 SENT FREE ON REQUEST CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS TOKIO 'TOPS" COLLEGE MEI Examination for PeUeC Staff So Stil That Only 20 Pet C, r.t Pn-s., Julian. !)?'<?. fi. On I fores of Tokio ai ilicomcn, 151 sub-inspectors and 10-t they Senre m?ire than 2.1 ei ti tens, each p? provide protect Ion foi ' :" pel so fact that their - . tub? r of a[) ttioni for joining the force is in HeadQuartera quallfyiai esaminatio i . is s week sad there are more I sppli cm ts at ? on. Amofli them about half ar?? college grn Am???"." th? M B ho took thi I ? i grsdustes of I -? cen in. Then uuires three months' military trainini before thev art FOREIGN TRADE CONFERENCE OPENS Prominent Men to Discuss Com mercial Problems at Hotel Astor Meetings. i International Trad?* Conference I the auspices of the t sociation of .Manufacturers, tion with banking and transput inter convene at the Hotel A Coloti'l George Pope is president ol the association. Bossions '.?ill be bold th:s m< afternoon and evening and to-morrow and Wednesday morning and afternoon To-morrow evening a dinner will be at ths Hotel Astor. ,!i Emery, sf Washington, ?rill be r. The speakers Domieio Da Gama, Amba?-sador from AifOB "i P? ter from P? i u ; W. 8. K .. -. dent of the Nation,-?' l'rof?* .ah W. Jenks, ? ' Volk l'a.'.. I will make the r. of welcome if his health permits, and . addreai i ? will be Biade by M Heilman, r? j ressntat Ministry of I orsigs Affair I Neuf I ?. Alexander W. Bchi . ber of Commerf i m, and P. E. South Wales. At | rue ? Piu R, Johnson, of ?M University of Pennsylvania, ?rill ??a ' and ? Trade"; <;?ori-i- W. Dixon. lent of th? . pared nei -," s id W lliam I '? American * ' ." An infor? mal round tabl rsuorl cnn" me for H ig. To-morrow moi Moot. i on "'! he Intel ? and Dr. F ? ib OB "Th. y." To-m_rrow ak on ,-nee of Al V'0**" monts in Foreign Coui of the co . ng and eurreno. ik on "An Independent Bank fer Foreign Trivia/_ FRENCH BATTER GERMAN WORKS Underground Roads in Belgium Wrecked by Joffre's Guns. Ma for the i gun? on ' ? n front are : I by the War Office II in Belg am the I indergroead I end ? Somme and the Aisne JorTre's r'r? The i ? ? mdiarv sh.lls, taya 1 U . which ha? ?utf?'red a ? bombardment in the last month, .lone by to? day'? <!I OFFKHAL The - .mmunicatioa ? ?\ tr Office to i night : During the cour??? of the day the ' II? ! a th<> regl a/here I i sported. In A-' cali- a \ ?olenl b< ' ibard ? I assier OB A I on 'he otea our trench gun? d ri.-mv orth ..i and h -heiter for machine run? under a ? Mine to .. ir advei tage Il the St. ?' Tracy-le I the Meuse at I.. The offil li rommumca . The night pas?? d aaithou' incl dent. Ihe fire of our batteries arrested on irdmert of Oost kerke end .- '???? de ?ers and two ?i the direc -r-nsvere and on the 00 ? I a r' ??:<-.? farm . '. opened e ? ASKS SEA NEUTRALITY PACT Argent in.V? M?sate Social Want? Ameri? can Nation? to Join. . he Mus?e sdoread the i . n the r of the neu \m. riran navigation. TROPHIES PROVE DANGEROUS The frequency of ac? hy explosion? due to ? - of curiosities from ?i as shells and hand is homes in Paria Prefect of Police to ? ?langer to - in trying to r tot they have been cxpl?. The i' set ? ? that ?ny re?l ? f trephlea will .... the mu G ijv'cV ^^^^^^^ Fountain Pen The Present That "Makes Good" With Everyone, Everywhere. Sdf-F [ling, Ssiety and Regular Types to every hand. Pen Points in gift styles exchangeable after Chiistmas. Sold at the Rest Stores NetsT Home L. t. *n?UV*a-.> ?-~~.?,, III A?????-?*'?-l. ?N??* W*