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i The Conning Tower THOUGHTS o\ MOTTOES. .?.???ley nr l-avy <'rocke'? ra? yoiir'e right, then go riboad," ? I ruck me p in--ule my mirror, 11.-?-!;- often. ? rying to make surr. I 11 ?? i ' --.rn-how I dldnl !. ? ??? went ?ni strike, ;>otor ttild me I needed s; ? ? mdcj 1 too much nene force In the use ,-ht. 1 trie : ? did Mam to Keel ' efl ? ? my head, ight that doctor wa : - ? y ?' ring f the lena? those /??las . " abbly ? shorter than usual, m off, I seemed to shoot up . beanpole. hurt my nose and the Rpectacles and made me Ft ill more nervous. ? ? ?-.,.. any luck. ? in.'-in-,' which 1 .n ?.nier to see j. them up. tter now. I.ut I can't be sure whether it was because I \ ng enough to pet hack energy, Or U'cnuse I gave up wearing them. Perhaps, now that my nerves are better, I would have still more energy, if I tried Glasses ajrain, and th? y might not annoy me. I've never felt sure about that. The glasses are only one instance, but It has bwn ? ??;?>' thing. Once I lost my way, where two roads forked. I ask? .1 pa . ;ind as many told me to go to the left, As to ' . ly I turned around and walked back, rather than In wror.g. . I've noticed a goo?l many folks, Thai don't (hink much at all about l.eing right Ars to directions, I've Uiken down that Horace Greeley (Or Was it Davy Crockett?) motto From bcsiile my mirror, anil put up another. ? who is the author? L-UKA. Mr. Churchill. THI SACRIFICE Of A ?BEjTUL MAN?CIVILIANS FOR WAS?LOBO GING PHRASE?THE CABAL?THE GEBMAJN W VY ?A \ \?\ SEABCH FOB an EXPLANATION |ht !?15. by O W. Small?/ I London. Neressb r 1 ?ft l will ?tste in a sentence tl sion left or my mind by tl I Mr. ihurchill and the brief of the Prime Minister. It is an i ? . tha- -hill bhould have be from the Gevei rr.ent of this country. This Impress! witty of his speet which is of the highest order, r Inly to the success of his defer? or to the opinion of th? which ws rongly and aim?, unanimously in his favor. It is an ec nomic amare*. n Waated. ere Is a man who has in a s ?he chara' I useful to the ? ahinet and mo t comiuct the war. of a -.. That is much. B ? ? ? ? ? ? | B] ' and then tha limits I II?- BOVi ? ma.* ? ha* ?i a mes ?han most, aro i .-al moment ? ?1, or com* ? ?f little u' 'imensc use here Thi is why I call it an economic dlsaste an example, and a ample, of the wastefulness with \?hic I on. And f< ?11 the flood of wn by Mr. Cunrehil - i there ; o explana*.n* .?f t: ?here he, fur this astounding neglei I i liana as Warriors. I am no* .- part horn I hav I, as I no nly and unjustly. 1 ai | I I r squan n all of ther I - ? That ii i Ws al r thi ? passed a* at is i y to be tin away or i, war?; > urchi! ? ':.ry gov ? mea"! Lor< ? It affordi '? - '.?." ?M of what class ha-. I tl i, it i-, - . ?? hill out I ' - ii war ? war They I >? war. I ? ? war. of the Admiralty and Induced him I accept the Chancellorship of tl Duchy ?.f Lan door to ?inc? or late he pi " .( hurchill a place i ?he War Council he has jus? , . ? ? . Mr. i hurchill has r. ned in what he calls In his !? "lation a place of "well-paid h I last moment Mr. A ? form ? ouncil of I ? 'hill out. ? therefore two : blac;. m thi.s business: a.-i two questions to be si -. . did Mr. hdra hurchill from the Admira Why did he exclude that seat in the War Council which h ..fer him ? To neither of these ciuestlons ca any authoritative nns>?'"r he given. Bl ?rile who are In a pos: <? re?ponsib: both on ibe Cabal inside the I which 1 sketched above. I ?. ' . UBS 'he word respor Blbll - I ' such nr-n. The are not responsible. They have neithe power. Th Prime Minister has both. The decisio th case? was his and of neithe der an account, 1 pause for one moment to draw comparison. N ,-.a what th. Staff is. it Co-. thirty, or thereabouts, of thl ; : soldiers in the em; re, chosen by strict competition ted if found wanting ?.;. trial r men taking their pise? ? <;. ? in : . ? ' ? ? war. k> d to it only lot subject to the War Oil . rrou] of authorities whatsoever. Theoreticall.v like everybody ami every thing else in Germany, ore roe] ?Y.i'cr aboul ess when hi The Staff i? ?upreme. Why Mr. Churchill Goes. What I Waal to ask is what sort o . \pr.-s?:on do you think wa? to b faOOS whei they read the lis of ? ? \\ h or la the II I land is the greatest Naval Power th. world ha . bat there i? nr them up thus: \ Philo apher. A .'.' Th.- are Mr. Asquith, Mr Muy.) George and Mr. MeKenna. Thi i. Balfour, TI i chant il Mr. Banal Law. They BtBl sad do have, the advice of military . .; . sporta, I i I whe ..Yans, including such aa Mr Bi nar Law, igew merchant, and Mr, .. r b profeaaioa, brief o melai I oljf record a Bl '?? 1 ?I i.ce M , - d that Mr. Churchili's balanced mind, ai tuoai w evea inatabli ' energy He is a horn ruler, sdministrator, what - carnation outboi roag and more ? right be dOWB, Me ? ? . four Th? ? |p to be bad from him. rSaid Mr. Asquith to the ? ?aried and of extreme and delicacy I have ? . him a wl?e counsellor, a brilliant ? d a faithful fn?r,?l " ? him. which . discharge eertaialy ? ? ? ? rhap? not much otaei major of Oxford?, hire Veorr... l In Mr, Asqulth peraonallv . ?. Mut h?- t 11 If ?? party leader: of futur?, of hi? Radie?] col i- men of influence hereafter ? d therefore .1 this laaatiaa, but I know of no .?th.-r. <;. vv. s. STUYVESANi KIN UNVEIL MEMORIAL Bust Tribute Faces Altar at Spot Where Stern Warrior Knelt. VAN RAPPARD MAKES PRESENTATION SPEECH ral Wood Replies. Accept* ing (iift Ol Queen in Chapel on Bouwerie. After almost three hundred ? ?/"rant's rtl| terday fa'-t I he had ?if hi?? I 111 ':. ? his es- . last time before he passed to that ?and whither sil | IS go. Yesterday men and women, many of them bearing the names he often enter of New Amsterdam, irath' ?? ?'.irk's-in-tl i huilt on the spol ? bannir '"nun grsnddsught? tion, ss ter from the Nl his presentation atldress, en . hooked nosed, virile face of Stuyvescnt looked again upon the al? tar. The bold features of the gallant head gleamed In the dim light of the old church. Toon Pupuis, foren.?*st sculptor of Bellend, had carved them at his Queen's comman i. The was her gift to the church where the ancient servant of her country lay ! t ? choir loft, men and l, chanted a Dutch melody, wl ich must ? ?? church of cnr4 agoi "We | ash the '.ord'a Hr el and na 'r i Hie "?ill to make known." Abo'it the eh? ? 11 sted, si Bl '? ? Re?. Dai Id Hun i ic ? rinity ? ? K ip of ilit* Department of the - ? ? . foi his go i rs ? "l do not know why I. a have b led to accept the bust t?s a i ? because our army art- our Bl I "Yes remember that tram] con iruns. ?? lids me of " of the old ? land ninl the l': ? . Van ? i ne fed Anne bust relit ? con M n y. CARDINAL TUXET.?VS GUEST FOR WEEK-END .Many at Colony for Clttb Affairs Ri"k Aw lits V Inter. Tuxedo Park, V Y . . day nnd numerous s? brought mi to-day. ? ! last club - ? ?.merican )'i rns In lalned .?ver. The i l.urcr, of Our Lady Of Mount Carmel entertained r tha week end. Mr. find Mrs. H. nlnco. ? at IIrook on Sonda] ? l:? v. de r. the i: (-there. Th" ( ' '! V. Mr. Morris, wht ? ?I... inl chart Mor . Th?? ? le of Ii d and ? be ?n ex ?n of niotn Robert ? i ,i Pooler will '. th" ? k <*tl?l lid Mr. an.: M .!. Mr. am. I M. w. roe, Mr. and Mi mith an.I Mr. and rman. Mr hard L Morris seeni Sundaj i other er? ? Will. I ? I man Lew, [r., M. < . De l'ham, J F rede rieh Tarns, Mr. u \\ im ll. Rams? I i.l * Beverlev Doer ' ' Bob van Vorai and i .1 Ha i ? ' I a lare? ?v. M i?day at Tu : TO ACT IN ENGLAND NEXT TEAR. Ethel Parrymore, who will take "Our Mrs. McChesney" t.. I in the fall of 1916. NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS Ethel Bairymore to Phy r>. Brief '.tason in London. I Hartvmore. who ha? not ap ? ir many eeaeone, ? -Oar Mrs Md hee ' irlnir tho fall of Mis? Barrymora onen fot? for ?11 tin ire of aetlag be? h sudiencea, but she ha? der. 'Ih?, insistence f Alfred w. Butt, oa'a most o . i? re ?pon? " irrj ntoi s'a chnnj?'? vman. ? pr?s commun cal ion, set . place n?. Tn ai hat the old joke? H.-.' beat, E li Bothern oil re 1 amor ? I : "I.. l! ? ? ' ' ' then ,i - D the nifrh : Marcus Loew'i circuit, the Fe< player ? ? he.? uon? Emn Dunn, -, -ii. . i ?- '.'. ? . hose in the eoni i ? i -? con ? 'jr. . : I Into 1 ? ? ling. ' "i II. Crane. who will .'? i Ben I Y .' The performs! Itjopra need in . ht. ami "" playa Th. . ?.-i London. - A ?econd eompanv - rinces?! ? ? ng at thi ? ?I 00 Metroi ..litan COLUMBIA EXPANSION URGED Deai \\ ishe?< AslltatlBBs to Aid lasase v.t Seeking Degrees. Co'i. ? 1 "In . ork, rich in in i ty baa an .?reate an ednrationft! fi -hi h would , be th? Dal work of the rait? i? now oa a grad?ate basis. ? preliminary laatoBetloB to that of "ruction a ta-e i.: _ ling ih* n.lvanced ;- This impnr ..ork. Involving the intern of th?- science?, tan admit no art Y i? of the hiuh-st i m ? . re:.1 i ir a number ? irsuiag re?e?rch ?uch a oolicv would be . ? i . rani iad anwiai Red Cross Seals in Demand. sack of the holi ordera for. Red ( raaa ?eal? ' ar>- growing larirer ?laiiy. Amonjr theoe .is are Vincent Astor, ?'??.. ?'. Baaaard, Jeeepk 11- choate, -\ Vanderlip, Rabbi Stephen s. ?>.--?, Mr?. lohn l'un..y Mitcbol, George W. P.-1 km?, Mrs Oren Poo*, M. u Hi rd 1' Straiaat, Setb Low, the i .?' ? il. .. David B. Greer, lY.'.ert w. m \ -. ? B .Y aaiaga, ' Thomas M ' airy, Herbert L Satterlee, 'Jacob M SchlrT and Jame? Speyer. MISS HELEN WILBUR TO WED Will Ile.?ime Bride ?>f (.. L. Mephenson. Pel SSCI *i nie Oarsman. South n?. ? ? , Pel Dec I An enpngement of | | York, i ?dolphin snd P wn? that saaenneed te-day b? Mr, ad Mr? V si ? P W Ibur, jr. of their ?.ran. ,;h. Mr ; . ?nem ' ? ? of the Farming) eut MANY HE?DLINERS ON TRIANGLE BILL Nine Players of Reputation Ap? pear in Thre: Pictures? Oth r Ftltn Shows, In sheer quantity of hea>!liners the new Triangle bill ai the Kniekerhockei is sacellsd only ' i war. It sshlbita Lew Fields, ? Paw? estt, '?' ' .rshall.Jane ' also ' .- nia-i who C pos ? posed to be a I i studio, in - ii the aforei I s working !he no ? " out. and is merely one more ?.lap-stick ' ty of skulking Mexican'?, it ? ?-.- Do It." 'i he lovi i y June I'.iey ? ? I bit I Sere out of Tu jV . . .- In "Let K.ii;- l>o s Griffith stud os, s- ?- on the eui ; - in a rou^'li per son In "Tl ??? Fuw m Mr. Mach wreaks an ' Mack ? ' ! irshall, ai : tint* he soon ha-? a ehanCS ? can de sa a ? resent r. Hi i built, ami n hout the i tates ti sops, '. ' -rar h Tbcsl IVSrsI months a< ?? ? Isy return?- 1 te il 9t M of ? of bill. Frank Dani"ls ar: In n tilm based on Mary Roberts Rine hm"? "WI ? reels. . sa i Ann ? ' were ? eir' Mr. .. in "Th- Home t of Bight or Wi '?'? " ain .1. I *'rand Theatre, with Ed in the star role. A second feature tilm ?n? '"Jane," a hackneyed firce made enjoy?. ce of t'ie laah Charlotte tir<*env? Robert '; " sesr a confirm?-.1 film play?'. ; st the Academy ? Th"r.tre in his si ' ire, "Th? Unfaithful ? .irlo." takei I ' .ni novel ?ay. HILL-U.OI BABT. Th? of Mrs. A!?*xi.nd"r Granger K? Bt, to Berton Hill, of New York, took place ?or., at 4 K- ? ?clair. N. J., thi I arch, of Monte- ? ? wore a (rown of Amer ? luce, and carried orchids and I valley. P. Lawrence Rendes, of falo, was be?t man. Mr. snd Mn H 11 ? ?HU live at 110 Wes1 . sixth ' ?-'tre.-, thi* I HI TSA(.EI--FF.ST<iV ?,poree F. Hufna?-el, a member of ! the Tnuune'i a : it, yes afternoon married Miss Ada Fenton in the < hurch . as Borromee, at Sen nth Avenue hi d 141st Street The Bev. Father ? rector, performed the eeremeay? Th.* bride, who is the .- tor of Lloyd Fenton. formerly of . Branch, N J., was attendee by Willis. Th.- heat maa was r Warner. fcfter a reception at boms, MM Wi it ii I I Street, Mr sad Mrs. Hufnagel left tor Phila? delphia snd Atientas Cttss . BIBLE SOCIETIES RAYED IN PULFIT Dr. Milo H. Gaies Declares Publishers Are Book's Greatest Enemies. SUBSIDIZED HOUSES ?STEAL" APOCR i PHA Protestants Should R?>.\ Ca? Says, and Demand Reform of Printing Mouses. (a a fervid address to bit COB| I the < ha? ?ht than. ! whole Bible. He ; the common people, and new Lather ?hould u them. In fact, Dr. Gal wipe out the Bible locietiea altog "The time lias come when ail real ?ants she ? the . I - true ; i.nner, 'The Bible . ??h'tul . ' i of the greatest libraries of sa? cred wrttiaga :? contained In the - contained such . Solon. of the Thri. tie ?o ? each year Soi u uh their appeals. J ;-? atkir.K for furtl ground that t i - . I ? I fault of th? 'his l "If these bible Pn ? "Th from ? not it I I ? I ? "In the n in mourning? '?. which la tl ' ruih, hink- I ? id. ? ARDSLEY CL??B SCOKNS C ; on V? in' Laacheon Pa tie,. ' ? memi lord. ' Mr. and ? Ira. C P ' 1rs. SI ? ub were Ml .holomae, M ? I Mi ' George E. it. 8m ' 1rs. / nual y the club on CENSOR HIDES A NEW CO llnly Hare News of Il> Diacowafl Per? mitted la Leave South Africa. p, Mi??.. I . Tayl? r, B received at the lay. - wich, reported that It ? Porthei dets ? o? could not I sor," th.- .- lb Doll Sale to Aid Wir Orphans. , N. J., hundred dolls made by promit ' : pi :rs in l'an?. 1 be pro ? for Frond the war. M he commit' .- of the Montr!.-. a are LI M .. Mrs. W. B. Pi Mr?. John Reis. Mr?. T. H. 1 Hamilton M. Daw? ? and Show Poor What to Eat. To ? ?y ob II b'" -,ed to-night by the Bureau of -, <?f the Y tion for Improvli of ?* Poor. The cami i '?-"t m the Tompkin? Square Branch oi the York I'uhlic Lihi 'enth Street The mam feats hibit of nutnti. the ?tapie food pro.h: To Urge Social Preparedness. ptlbaum v.. '?' f the Bomanitarian Cult in I. Hall. Eighty-third Street ??? '? Bay, to-morrow evealag. Th? ; cuss "Social Prepar.-'Yie-" s? I aid to military prepan ia planninic n emi | department of w? tl i to combat misery, p-SVert) and I plojment. HISTORY GETS BAZAAR PART !'rof*-ssinnal Women I'lan PktnSSSSSBS Feature. The bazaar of thi Professional be held at tne Hroa.lway, on Friday and Saturday, press tone events year. The ba.aar will d?? in ths of the . by pr I .'umf? ? but of oti.. At be Lillian Filar ' ? tenting ? '. I be ? . Mrs. M ks Irieks, Mrs i oils ? ?. Heaudet, Mr* Frank Raker - SUNDAY'S CONCERTS DRAW LARGE CROWDS iiy and Phil liar? kmong Many Offerings. .certs par enes, and despite the number of I to be no lack of a ? ttsnd them. There i than six. In tit?? afternoon the Symphony Society I in Hall its programme . ? ?cert. he ? Macmillen v.-as the ao!o artist, i 'a;, ing - isohfl "F ?*rt "Fntin Symphony, the overture to "I'-r an! the ballet music from 'a "Heory VIII." Lovera of . made hanny by Leo Ornsteln at his .?? ( ort 'I I ? I . " "Im ' ? 'A | ' ? i, a'-..I Thre <-r??n - ' " '? ? i!.?r o vn ? . e in .. Op. ; ? 1'.* VAS! ?UOENTS ING RED CROSS [' Dornl* ? ? ? i ? ? ? ' - ', - ? ? ? ? that ? ? r to Ail Day Nur---1 ? ? !. BBd during mere I ? tor the .."*<?-.! ? ; contributions. ? ? WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. ? > ? - ? - : ada." ? r???. Tu* Porto Rico Cruise Tillar irip ? ??? ?r ....i, .. ..'. Tl.. 1- . ! , f 1 a 16D-V. ?Q4 qfl and y Ail Expen... * 3 ??!??"' uj> ( : ? ?f r.. l ? ?r..? r.tarr. Il oo? ton .?p????ially r liroaa) .. ??m* .,. hotel Sa . ? - . ? ??-y Bai i B'i ?. PORTO RICO LINE ?.??lierai ?lltl.r?. Il llroail???. Vf? \<*k JAMES MAPES DODGE DEAD l're.iiUni of Franklin Ina>titute bTM Tahoa HI on Train. . . n laatee Mape? . preetdeat al the Link Ml died ln?t nii/ht at hi? ..f pleurisy and inte Be was llxty three yeart ile caught cold ?...?eral week? ago ...ama Pacific E\ - rloasty ill on the train " ? < ever, and a ?net the trata ?t North Phil? r i- ids] morn lag R,u' I i ' ease. ? ..f the , member >'f ?an Yacht ?h and Bu N.?a fork, and a? a? : of the American Be of Mechanical Kn,?ineer?. He wa? known a.? an eaglaoer, and had i-i ven much attention to the develop meat of mechanical conveying machin ? IT POSTMASTER HAU.ORAN DIES New Appointee'? Death Exp?j-?-ted to <'?o?e I.enow nI of Stapleton Contrat. The fiifht for the po?tm??ter?hip ?t Island i i ..'.?hiy will Sg f.? the death last ?? ho wa? tod '.i 'h.- .?Tice receatly ai I ? i ?. ? ad, will renew their effort ? bl ? a?.M ,.ii December I ewiag ess. H" was i I i remen'? Itioa. lie leave? a wife. \l OITiT F. IIO-.K. . I r. ' 1 ? ' if ? a ? . ?;h bur., d ?. ? ...?n at Cal ?v th full military honors. ? ? ' t J. P. Baa? a , ? MB BAB? now l.AM). ,i . - ! I . Y .] , ' rhael R . .1 ? '. the . ? ' U i. ? an . . in. f? mi i? H ? .A.V.D. ? r. ly, in I'ri.'.eport, 1916, Me? ? of Walter 8. 'razil, i Furier?! am hi av., on at 2;30 ? flowers. 1 N J. on ? ? ii ft I . ? and George B. Bur ..? hi? av., er 7, private in ay, N. v. : \ Ooti rr.b.-r 4, .' the , Oc ii.' Bsvana, Cubai sren : the Btewart Sugar ..,. ? i r. ?? la ?.-.. i aw the re MeLarasy't Mortuary Chape!, -7 1 LexingteB ?v., near 65th *.. which hi? friend- I : will be cele i ?? P? a. m.. Thursday, De ek'a, .'?th av. and VKIMiN'E-On Sunday, Puai ,.? her reaidence, 9 Ea?t 39th in her 7.1d year, Catherine A. \ an Aerman, widow of John Che?ter I)e I.a Vergne. Funeral ?ervice at urch, Fifth av. and , on, December 7, at Interment private. in December ".. K?l5, st the '! bayer, widow ' ('dorado , two Funeral at Troy, . EN On December I, lC-l?, Mary J , .\ .?(>w of I.udden. F'u l late residence ?. Tues ? - p. m. Inter? ment New Haven, < onr.. -ember 4, ' . wife of (ieorge C. I her late th st., Brooklyn, Mon ? . .?*. s p. m. Inter? ? ' ? il IS?Oi I II . iy, H.cember 5 ?? her reaidence, 113 Wett 77th Yew York ' i- .-. Elizabeth Nicha daughter of the Uexaaeer Robertson and Mary Harden Hudgers. Funeral service will be held at the We?t End Cal? befriste Church, ftaot Bad av. and 7T-h ?t., on Tuesday, December 7, at II a. m. Relative? and frisada are iavited to attend th? TALLMA1S <ir. Saturday morning, De? cember 4, U?15. Anna Van I ? of Tunis Tallman, in her 78th >ear. Funeral ?ervice? from her late ? li nee. l'alisade?. N. Y . Tuesday, laatn at 2 p. m. tr.MKir.klR?. riir. wooin7?v4i?r c rMrrrtrtiT. tit.I M Hv H?rl-n. Train ?nil l>r Troll?? Lo\~ <>f ?mall ?la- (or aalo. OtTice. ? E?u?l ?1 R. N T. 1