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TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET porphyry Toppers Insure a Merry Christmas to ie?r Stockholders. \l\ r E THEIR Di VIENTS Traders Show Disappoint' ?U-ssage ?ig? Ergrr of.? * v" ro0* estc?! f." ei?u! '?' ' r.ts a pou i I ' . ?nd It has been nee eoppe . ot an .?Htlt ftc _Wl. i the Capers. valu? 1? 110, g ?je* . the basi? ol - i teat; th? r\' ?a Y? ca?e of ai I ? ta* > a I Traders' Disappointment. "Tra ttgt siU r ? e Au? H ?' ? ? ' ' ' - ' : Cease for Melanch ' ' - lai ?M ? a?k? g _?rg?. f Aa I K? f ... ?? ?9V t ??r? ?- ?. ?*??* Tr-t . ry." a ,/" ? . ' j ?... ? ' ? ? ' - I ? 1 t? ? I IM .. * ewe* \s BOXI) SALES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE ?AY, DEI EM?ER S. 1918. Trading In bond? on the New Tail, Slock Ell hange W??ine?r!a.v amounted U? Ml, ag.i!n?t %:?:<? *i,0ii0 TueMla.,, ? a *e?d( ago and $1.691.000 a year ago. I rum January 1 to date, $???>:-.ii'i'J.OUO agali I COI ; t? . T? '?*. ? ) IN" 1)3. - . 1 . ' 4. . . ? ? , a - 5? - ? ? ' ? ? US ? ?? ? '.. .:o:?a ?? ?' 4T II T5 . . -, ?'? - 4'Jia . tl*?* ? ... t'" ? - .i IM? ??IS ? a? . t? pet t* ? a H ? 4. ?4? ! . . > . Ht 4a ... MH ' - I. 4? - - '1 . " "???> ' ? ?? ? ? ? ? a- . ... trS'4j t7\ n 4? .. ' ... ?1 - '.' n 4Vi? - B/g 4Hi ? . ? ... Tl ' - I>i i < M i ? ? g ?g .. ?esv al . ?4*4 101 ?4 V ? 4',? . - la .... te1?; 4? Mr A ? ... tea. at Se ?? 1 4? ?? F ' la ? . tl ? a? '? . ?? aer A " Ig - I . .. Tl ng Sa tt?4 93? ...M do r'. ? g ctfg ol 3H? ' '. 1 "T 4g ? ?m ?. ?- ?s . ,. IST" 0 . ' ?????.. ' ' tl _ai - - ... tv?1, ' ? ? - la ' ' Y '?-( ?'?4 ' P ran 111H ? ? I '< ? 1 rfg 4? ' . 4, ?144 '"??'" Va. ' ? -- .. i?? . al 4? ? i . -? ' ' i i. , . ? - .'lowed i ?de-rlng the O-erncrs. v has ? ? ? ? I Issut irtei ,i s i ll per ere is i ? live Com? pany taking a similar _ BRIFF WALT, STREET ?-7EWS. I mem* ? v, ami ? of deposit for general consoli ?r cent I I ? . v? ?t?H-?v that the ? t Gas '. about - fore?; ' State Ba /. Charter Wanted. This i ? ?y in ' the ' ? \v.-11 oad. . Union Dividend. i ? i wer? I declared. COPPER COMPANIES INCREASE DIVIDENDS Utah Stock Now on $6 Ba ?-a fer Butte. Leading e< .ncreases In to the gres war. The Utah I i'ftny, which threi month? ago declared a <ju payment of $1 a share, Inert disbursement to quarterly, pli.r'i ? eh on a IG annuul Com tru il ? .' monthi s quar' ? quar ? ? . ? . th? other .own until rj 81 I "jvemcnts. ? has a<*?i?i i ? ?eble PITTSBI RGI BTOl KB ? |t I'? IjUl. . V, '.**?. i ? ... ? ? . . Hi W .... ? ? - I - U? 1*1, i PIG IRON OUTPUT AT HIGH LEVEL Production Nom at the Rate of Vtore than ?13.000.000 ?i V ear. P!f? ? - ?* -' trade | ?a-??. ? 'ne effect of hard " v? may bo rease. Foi the output was more than lOl,???/) torn a day, axe? month before. The price of lake Iron ore h "TV i "The Beelty 'fot,- luetl : :s in th? atatis ? tees . The ?teel sp up I OS . them .? ?? B for re ? rapacity of th? . : i3,o3.i tons ? ? laus . ? .r * ? r.v. nation eentt over i ojt prin ? ? ce of a tro-' ? year?. save it be ' STOCKS DI 0THEB CITIES. BOSTON STO? L?ft, - -. ? ? 4 ? . ? ? . 4 ?. ? - 'J - . . - I * ... 4 ? I ? "?J t?? ? . S 1 ' ?i It*. n ii 3? I? ll ? ? - ? J? * ' 11 - i ? i 4 ? BAI i ?'??' ? KS. ? L_n. ?i I. ? ? ' ? ? - - i - . ? PHILADELPHIA BTOCIB. f-ala* Oj? ? ? ? ? * . ill ? . ' 4 MM 4 I chi( igo i ro? vs. L_?4. - 4 . t.\? I-?* KM ? 4 ... ? I t ? , MM t*1.? t?\e\ NEW HAVEN ETNANCINO Roed Sell? JJ.POO.000 F-aqulpment Notes to Morgsn Firm. New railroad r-r&r.cing which eri\\ probably be annoui.-o! _> the rear fu? ture Include? ?he ?a!? of approT'.r--. . ' tent tra?: cert.Meat??. SB to J. P Morgan A SB ?y B?nk ?n<? th? rani -.? ? ? ? the I I ? . - ? ' - a. ? The B?ng due o.i May Y ? o:i?-yea' ' -ote?. While it WBJ ?Uted that this maturity baa * been provided for, reports curr. I fs are to the ? ' II lasttS new ?t.,rk t ? the nee?. . -? ? INSURANCE HEADS TO MEET Men of National Prominence Will Ad dree? Association. Th? ninth annual treeting of tv? ?. 'on of Llfa ? ?? ??ill bo held St th? Botal A?'.or ? and to morrow. William I>. Wysaan, 'I Y i?s., chairman I ' . preside. t*redertck Dix, ?ecre?a ? ? ? ' Invaal ? ' lia wV , or. "The Rol the A Mortgsgo Values"; ('nrl Vr of Agr. ? ment nctuary of the A ? ? ? i Fan ? aidant of t ? ! i Ifs l'iiden.? ? of the A. Insurance In At ' ag to-morrow United ? .'!".? ' ' | tl Dr. Cyril 0 -?. of Soil Depletion si ( ran?"; ." Na tiona! mera, "Relationa of tl tl10 Invaal PUEI.IC UTILITY NOTES (?enera! New? and Farnlng? of \ ( ?irpuratlons. The Utah t-ecuritle? CorporatY ?trio Bond and Share Company t rent cumulative pre? ferred ?t.ick of the ' it and 1 m.a saaoa ? '?ut a? : per ci ? am, nn.1 toi ii ? pan>? up ?... r '?2. The atoch waa ? treasury a?,*ets of the Il d will BOO A-??.elated (?a? and F-lectric. I BSOll I?I .'. pro?? revenues of th?? from the electric and gas department?, incluiling r?. ? - i. but a reduction - and taxe? of nearly 1 ? ' in net oi - Underlying el a ? smortisatlon of disc i amount MEXICAN RAILROADS HIT BY REVOLUTIONS Or-'ss Earnfags the last risen! Year D a 12,496,369. ? tion.-i '.ation of business an! rl 'ion opera mi Ha tara - the year ende ! of why a sg was got atada la I it was expected that the property wm to have b? '?> the com? pany In i -. 1911, but th ? i? -. beeaaaa of a new military as -ch nn betrun soon thereafter. Groat ? t ve?r amoi '. ,.? against ! 14 341 the previous ? I The gros? earning (year ? 1910, ' -, wh.le Bet earn: l were re ? Deti ag some of the ; nr, the chuirmsn ? ? ' ,and futures, es ? value of more than I ';. safe er. d ta g lei? BOBOS. a ?heet ??1 fue on ic ? -.ere-it on bonds and n. -i i i ' vi .UCTION. The foil. ? I ?on: 1 a.'.?.'?? Oorg ? l I ? l ? - ' - - i I > ? ' . Fo? aaaaaet uf trmem it ?? ? a ? ? - a - . b?.i. ?tua 1.4?, Il?.??; Hag _..! .N.JT?U.l'.r. PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat ?Market Trends Are Lower?Steady Under? tone in Corn. GENEBAL MARKET RFPORT. - . ?r 4. .,15 WHEAT. 4, -. . ... -f?.d*?v* ?~ wen ? ? ... 4 . ? I ??uliun ?' r* ?*;::n*ia-: . -, ..-'.- b *?.?? . ? ? cesa. ? *i??*??1 ? ? ? ? ' - ? . . . . ??., ?II - - . ?M. OATS. , r- < ? ? HIE. ?, ? I f NEW VORK PRICES. 11.1 CHICAGO PRICES. ? s : i li 15% $i ? ? ? ' . ?4 - - FLOUR AND MEAL. > PROVISIONS. - ? ?? ? - - ? i ? 1 . ? CHICAGO PRICES. H'?h T."-* 1> ?? !? ? \i ?*. . ? ?: I ht lo "? M.r I.M 14 ?? 18 IT I COFFEE. ? : . i? wtrt . ? ?. with Rio Op?' - ' ? ? - ? . SUGAR FUTURES. ? - , i ?harp Op?ri. ? ?? _ _ ? - . METALS. - CDVNTR1 PRODU4 ;: M \ ' ' ?-. KTS. ?'X I'tre-ber ? BUTTER. RM*|tl ? ? ? I Re? ? ... CHEESE. He.--*:-? ? ? I ? ? , ? EGGS. ; 4 1? 144 M_a I ?-'? C?'.'. ? - M*Y AMO tTRAW. Tl.* rai .-,. ?a.y ? > I ? ' FKISH FRUITS : . a I.' IS. I POTATOES ANO VEOITABICS. ? a. \a I, . I . ? ? ?. ' - ' ? LIVESTOCK MARKET. \m ; ? SIS OF( . ? ? 4 . r ?4 ? ??'?*> 1' * * ? - ? - CALVES. l-.r,- .4 & V-a ? ? ?. , I ID 'I ?I - . dr?-?A?''. 3MEE1? AND LAMBS. Mia? :'i? i-i ? wee? . . ' ' -1 I ' 4 HOGS. ? ;???. 4.34ft lie? ' ? . . . ..:'. a BUSINESS TROUBLES Bankruate? P ? ? 1 <? . i Oiimlai**!. < Dlaml-t*4). I . ? al TruitM r?irn*??4). .*. - I ? ? ? Bankrupt??)? Sdi*rJul?M. 1 ' . ? ' ! ( . . 'i roM , ! . ? . I . A\?li|n.n-ri?j,. ? li H I ? . ? 4. . \ ,.--,? East I -? V?lll?.*41 -I ' -? ?-. ?? Submarine Dividend. ? h ...1 of ILM n I .... ... II per ee I - : e common ?id ' Declara -. - cent anr1. - ?? : ?Y ',:::;;,;. .:'"';ii res ?<? ? '??ii.Ui Ihincture-froof! Guaranteed Greatest pneumatic tire Improvement of all time. Wlpaa out road trouble. No punctures, no blow-outs. Real ttra servlca for tha first tima. Poslttve-fy astounding mileage. Lee Tir? Sal?? Cuapaoy, l ..'.fl llroa-way. V i * miiiiiii GINNING REPORT ADVANCES COTTON March Contracts Reach Nev Hi^h Ground Reaction at the (lose. A bullish view of the eensu? glnnl' r_rOfl and ?trong Liverpool cablee I ? ? a buying movement at the op? . ?f the cot'on market yesterday h sent price? into new high ground ? I *.h? eurr?nt sdvsnc?, with Msreh | at Igte, or apparently $7 a bale abov? the low level reached on th? de? cline of last month. The ?mall ginning IgUl-OS were the ?ignal for heavy gen raalisiag, and resctlona followed, ??? lag off to IS S3.?. Th? general list closed ?teady, n?t 2 point* ras to 2 pointa higher. The censu? report, ?howlng 9,711,4? hale? ginned to December 1, va? sJ most exactly In Une with recent pre ??, and wa? considered by '.oesl - .?. point-lag ta s total lint crop 0 ' ale?. Thi* natu? rally lenea !i a small i from th" goarernmont on i. the ?c tl at many ri'ient buyei tak? pr.ttlta r??turn? w I out state? I rlim at an sd ?, and wa? pr-ob 'ii i. h iflu ". ?? d by th?- ?* rrrgth m I iverpool a? i .????' of ? g returns. It s?em?d that the lh trade aver? becoming anxious -act incr?a??d shipments from ? -.m'h, for ?pot ?ale? there .-err?? I heavy, ana the advance in fot ...? - raus? a further ?ing of th.? difference? between Wk al remained open ? ? ..- there wa? ? ? 1 .? i... but it out i.rbi ? he local selling made ' I .nary ?err while a feu ? . ? of the I 1 wn, while ! of an in.T' '-.owed ' I ? Southern : wer. er, the feature Range of price?: "rti. ' 12T1 13 *5 ??-...-. bes ?x? 13 M n no? .??a? 1.4.4? l-ttt -? j " 13 ?0 13 ?0 11 OK II 10 IS M 11.1 It lili 'a 13T3 1: r ' ? .. "4 lit! - ? ? ?U (ISt ?jTl I ?T - ! pnlntg WlUl I I .?? r a,' r??r , . 4 ? 4 : . ? 4 1 ? in . ? ? 1 -i.i 13? sat ?? 1 ? . ? 4 3 4? U.UJ ? , ? ira 1.H1.41I I 44 t?'l - 4 ? Ml ?. I 4 i?i.:aa in.?? lg-in aiariss l.'.re ?pot . ARMY AND NA VY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS - : -. .... ? 4 > . ? ' ? - - ? r '?:?.?- A . . I II . wmismm; ??. ?,'? Attrj. lem ? ? ...lau?; U b.,tn*. ! ?a.: ala/-*. S. J. K ' i?ur4?-rt ??-I? '4 *--. m ?:n.-.a ably at -' rualitn *h!| al ? . ? ? -v?, . v? A \lA*:'iV r?vel?1r.| J l Ml KIHV, rr-et? 4 . k I.? Ill IS. I . , . il M Kl II?. ? ??.'. -m .? at k a trust ? ' ' ,;:? ? Ut t 1 ?. 1 A ?111 It KiV-ta.Wt.IJ M I > ?. MOVKMIINT*? ansei n? t I s. , *? r>a? ?la. R?n rranc-av-*) t? *ef?f* .irr. ?.{?Mir.?.? fur Vimuma. I|_rt ? taaflll* far H?n.;?t.?n Ko*4v tier, ii!. India Si -1 a i - n*j4iPOii V? ur:.-?ii?! T'?t><?t4*~ ii . ? ? .? !'rl?t..l ?I iSe? Alan. U I . ? ? . ? ?.urn. Mali. T..?ptlnerlll? - ?i HmhUuIu r.rt?r?,t t?*, i*nx?.?.l t* Mai. ? ... i**?!????! to pr??-r?1 i l'a'?!* . >a,-v) aboiil ?l,t ti.,1, I ... ?,-_. 4 .