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T. R.'s Logothetes Would Be a Dead Loss if Asked to Buck the Line g Hot Pace Begins to Tell On Six Day Bike Riders Iscar Mgg Causes Heaps of Trouble for Rivals by His Sprints. GRENDA GETS $20 FROM TOM JONES Plucky Work of Madonna Wins the Approval of Big Crowd In the Garden. By FRED HAWTHORNE. A ?er;.-?, ? | fi.OtX) spe-ctaturs mi Madison Sqaare Garden on edge marked th.* .= x day bicycle race last night, between the hosts of R o'clock nt:?l midnight. Some of the team*, already la the resr l?>*t mon* trroun.i, a? the fret th?*m, ?tul at rnidnigh) l en tennis ?.- -. Wolilrat and K ipped out in the inj-, and Piercey, a l??. had I i ui? all da; p. m., Sfter crs bin) the track ?lur? ing a "jam." (??.r..." Walker, hn par*. :i which to new partner. Th. i ? ? i i tier ? ? i ,. ? r by Hill, Dopey i.?! Hsi ? The riders were streng onl for al lost th.* entire 1er..-' itli ?ton nn?l ?If a lap to th?* bad. J ? these three would be - wheel ?Hoped ? in?! he shot ?vet the handle ban the sprint stopped, i the oppor with the again. Th?- offerinp of many prizes f< i up a] d the r< eordt wer? they had ? vered 1,446 ir.iu**. it and i? lap? ahead of the record. Medonna ? plucky riding was li responsib ? 1 of mile after mile \ hirled around th?* ?rack v two mi. hour. Tl ?' "' bei along witl ' he Its! ? n, and, ? i ?lipy ? bend r backs to the task, v .. k Madonna won his achievement . with ehe? which ha* ? little The (food m.ture of Hill and the horn'* iti in? b;;rk all the Th? terer?] t? eoi : at 11 o'i Pets Pruntj announced that Torn I.iii?'*. nrd. ofTered 880 fur ;. . : .nt. Most of thee who h*>aril the an nounceme':? ssfused to hellere ? story * f any t?urh recklessness ?.i the perl of the Ken met - some body ?>ai?l that two men had i prip o:. both of Jones's arms, the ? as on. Greeds weal oet on the last la] ? d hi* wheel over the lii he crowd R ? ?no:.? Evideni ?? ?' si II.: nd ii ? upon thi ? oon and i donna, a ho hai are i bj hit trild *nrint?i to tnnke up lost ground, f't-'uri I ? S u ' ? ? o'clock and developed s makil | r'>r him tu the rr.r ? made ? -k until thi ?? r-g^pifaigp^agBBipgigp^wia-ia? When a Car passes you on a hill it is probably a mmtY&xinqlon THE THOROBRED SIX l?X!NCTON MOTORS NEW YORK CORP. IS40 BROADWAY, N?w York C.i, lltlMjll ?001 Bidford Averu. P?.l?dt:-,?.?. ISO iV.rt? Broad Slr**t tat M\I>l">?l*. -'/I Mil' I.MdilN SIX-DAY RACE Ml I?. I I K T?el??.h.>n? M??!!????? s<|UA-*? &IOO. , ?It I'oO. ' * ; *? ' '* ?O ' t_?^r .. H?,?.?.* v?**^ ** V*^ Six-Day Race Team Standing 2 A. M s? ORE. Mlle?. 1 BB? Hill and G renda . UtSS I McNamara and Spears. l..".2s I Fgg and Hupuv .I,'.. Mag?n and Lawrtmce).... IJUS I Thomas nnd I' l.?il!? '.' Hansen and Mitten. I...-'? Mur.-ir. and tVahhaar., I?-!*. > Drobarh and Curry. l.."2S I Eaton and Madden. 1.'..'? Pagles ?nd rai-Bsa . . IJatS I Uanley and MaNtcnd IJatt Baaaa and Uaattl. Ml?? I Sullivan and \ndela*_B.. USSS 1 Suter and Madonna. IJUS 3 I'jdi-I.ii??'-| and \ ander ?tu>f . ?tt-l I Mi Nimiiii.. leadlag. The re-cord for ihc ?ovtaity-foartti hour uns IJtM mile? and 1 lap? made h? (.oullet and (.renda ?B Itll. . had covered 11? lap?. '.hen n accordance wil ? ill-temper In various waya, and it would ? ?.. Me ?amara, Di ..rticularly Issi sir ? ?? they ?I tin- t unend - good humor. Eaton Bnd Mi d len Bre ? . ' .- U ? a, sctatori by their work in this race. The younj--.t?.is have Y ways up m ? race. rowd turned out last Bight, and George H. Young, in el Garden polies arrangementa, had ? .nir.cloihes men ?i ? tribut...1 :!.? i npper i ? ni??ilc? onto the track. Were ?ever?! mile? : I Of the best pre? entir?- ? maintain ing a steady average speed of about miles an hour. The more aeasoned men seemed de- ; ied to kill off tha iky dropped out of th- race, saying he could ? '? four hour? In ?'.inch teammate, I it at there wai bo < ther ? with and the pa clared out of the g POM CARRIES OFF DOG SHOW LAURELS Mrs. I-uitz's St. Julian Best at the Spaniel Cluh Fixture. A Pomeri id off the laurels in the thirteenth annual ?how of the ? 'lui. of Amen? i tcrday in tl of the ipion St. .; i owned by M ra. H. McK. Pults. The bitch winner wa? Emma S. '? I ley Mite's .. er. the judge. Mrs. Madge . .; .1 not : - the n ajority of ? of 1 tern favored ??? er. rdinarily conte?! .;? for ? d jointly wilii Thorp. .up offered by Mrs.Howard Gould for the winner of best of all. . -'an.lard usually BSOB fit tl for ?uch ?veil known atring owned by Mr?, .lame? Y Il were not ? in the ? ? id by Mr?. Madge Thorpe, classes, however. Mr-?. A. Mc< !ur<> ey's Glenwood Pekin Hum hum, a dog import- ? . ? ?um ? er ai .1 which has been a eon ?inner, was placed SI the W I Bast of tha ? <! the Ultimi in M r '. \ ! mpioi . ? ? : Il y degree, one ? f the boat amall ? in th ? type. ,ui more quality than quan Mrs. R. T. Harrison's Champion anon the ? over Mr--. . - ?"h for the . ? I urn in the Yu d of th. i ? Bg It made I ng and with it Lowed to B " ? ? Han ob won ... a g?"'il little Bearing s ? itapion? Clinton Five Wins a Onc-Sided ?Game '_??. BENCT r t - . ? I . ? ? g r g ? 1 . a itei ? Tli ? - b_T_ t ?? m When ordering say BURKE'S G?INNES Host plseet torvo it exclusively _r?tf.__ by-E.?J.BURKE // Happens in the Best Regulated Families By BRIGGS Joseph what lcculP lb HAU?- M?0Ri_ THlS/O ?CL?5? im ThC Wo&lTJ) ? A iMILLlfleJ ? DOLLARS ij'jT.LL - MOVAJ- 1 HMMC 3GE?AAJ?L". (VU ALlAjAf**, VJ/AMTED A FU?9 Lia-'EO AUTO CO/\r - I MOftJ A toevAj URF1J .Sijir- /-? rJE-leJ P CLUBS ^-^ AWO a oozeim I j)"x Got e Ball S I "VIE. ALWAYS VUAIMTGD A MlCC. VJAlKi^tl J DOM'T KMCUJ Th|RJK -l-?ALLy RIGHT T/_ - ^ IHiS IS Y ?A/BAT HE 1 WILL (?ET. \ {Alfil R I?* \ A GAME \ LAD Just uih.a i ( WA Personal Touches Here and There in Boxing _ By IGOE _ Thry aft th torangk! ? Up and ? In civd out of th* to Oh, didn't tl i\i wrongUl Tley eorttttglod NU G. Considint skui dot Yep they I ? 11 ? a i I Ike Vt (run and a, when they mat appointment |. ? : | ay B1 Poi three ml hour? the ma gaud Num?rala actually made the ? heavy. | ? boya did: ' care what th son was a little more cautious thi Ike, in view of the fact " t I to meet Ike's figures for a return mate ran at Madia? Square (larden. When the audience pathnrni and hr ? . part, Ike and Bill a| peered aa if by cue. Uorgan ? . oract 'f blu( ?a? i-iie Ty I he: .." paid Ike, as hit ej swept over tho ?omieire!? of acribe l.ft over Aztec?, retired pugilist?, ai tive pugilist?, bu?ybodies, manager near manas-vis. win., agenta, and me about town, "1 have just crawled out ? the hay to make a match betwe? Moran and Coffey if Gibson trill to I've had it out with lui before. 1 now ask him, in your prei erce. for 112,500 flat, ?.r 40 per <? tha house." "I'll snswer that by te?inc you, r>oi gan, thai 1 will rive you M l-l <?f th a house before I in? i wormed out of the cash l.?.x." sai "I'll tell you of an Idea I have," re plie.l Y it ai ke, wit of ' he '. ".I M AND :? n'.iar; : 'i >u're too gtmerOUa with yourself, back th?. Mayor of T'ne Brom "I'll insert right here bb idea that ; en ? eoal of the boa .? Ba ? ley." "It'? Bp '" ;?.. . to do th.. gambling,1 resumed ik... "Your naai nay man, ai . : .v-.r l.y git pe oui thai ouldn'1 all fin ? out"" iet ?mi P. Henry, He ? . . I '. : had I "I think ; owe ? ? or my Jim, ?? I to aa i. if I have my ??ay, he'll a II ???; ? ard i -., and I v He .it???? them m. Be >s a his cour.' ' 111 da, H llliam," ? ired Isaae. "1 donM wunt ? ? . ? \ \ I > B D." usu? ally ? "ii. "It's a tiling un ."U've ? c. nt from your Orig? | WOI ''.?'' . BSS on our l ? I i.- can bavi aithi Bl '?." "Wall, tiifn, you might Jusl aa well run down 'I"- old ?' bestos," ?? \V<. ??tun?l on our I* I Eight t-OUBBBd guarantee ?ml I | ??! ? lag " "Nothing it i?, then," ?aid Gibton, quietly. Boxing Bouts for the Week FRI?1AY. n?w Psi* a. c?Mia? ??Taeeea tat en* MrDonald,r>n. F??t New Yoft A. C?Mart, Alle* and lohnay Key???. Vanrjerbllt A. C?rraakl? WMtaa and Joh?*y Murra?. SATURDAY. Fairmont A. C ?Y? ;n| Rotate end VVIIII? Alt?. AMI? Nick and Jimmy Duff?, Frankl? D?l> and Jo?,any H.te. Clermont A. C?Zulu Kid ?ad Jeff Smith Billy M ? In ?nrl Harry Lnrt/. Qu*>>a??)oro A. C ? KM Qu??n, aal Mlrkey Trainer. Sailor Volk and Sallar Sklei. Billy llo?.n ?nrl Billy ?.?-In?. I.r<vi-l*?y Spodlni Club ?Brooklyn > ? lark T?. land and [lava Kuril, Iimm, Murray and Teddy J*?*??*?. Jlrn.ny Ba'ry and Al S"*iu marker. Sharkey A. C?All-atmr rtri. " \ - . '':.;.rp. .I Ik". Gibson, rei for hi? hat. And ko the ma" En'? . . "I saw the little :wr il ...ut my i.. ., ; I i n to ' . . I ,iv.| ? on Decem? ber IT, and quite airree with the ?U|? gettion made there that the thinu he ntnii|fht?ne?l out ho that the two shows won't conflict." ?aid J. "So I come to ' make this oifer. I must run on that date, My lea?? exact* that of me. No nifcht hut Friday night, and ther? y??u ai Now, I didn't know of the La rtgnc testimonial until I read of it in your paper. Here'?, what I will do to help out. I know that they have ?jot out a lot of paper for the Lavipne and if the date is ehanged it will meun mal espera ?? rinting. If Sam Fitspatriek will coass?t to a change of date on bit part, I trill pay t ne ?*? priai Rg sad will donate $25 besides t?i ^<> toward the pur*;? | : ? lid be fair.-r then eould it? I want folks to thai I moat how Fridays or lose my The McMahou nrother.? announce I.each Tro??* and Johnny Harte) e ca? oi theli opes i i Manhattan I BULL REACHES FINAL ROUND IN SQUASH TILT Outplays VValdron, Win? ning in Straight Games at Handicap Tourney. ("harlet M. Bell, jr., of the I! Casino, of Brooklyn, defeated John <;. Waldron, of ths i ? ? f the quaah tool of the Vale < td at minua be ral ? ?.?m. However, when ma i ?'lu-. Waldron in ttn by the 11 14, Tl caused much prosed absolu e[v at ? dririag of Bull, whli h ter m the letter's ric tory. Time ai i agait. ' e would Rtahc ? 'Torts to catch the rc ?inent. Bull pa ?. to '?piecing*' tli ?? and to the corners : ? for s "k I .n the I ?;.??. me in ?. er the tell-tale, ai ?! I; ? ? ?. ? him the rame. Five limes in nuce. ? ion 1." hit the toll -tal??, therc I by sllowing In, op| neo) to come up on even terms with him with the score at 14 all. However, Hull was moru careful, and continuing his fast driv? ing, drove Weldron oat of position twice in seertag his last three , Another Heights < n.inn piay.-r wn? nuccesiful when A. J. Cordier, playing from minus 4 aces, defeated Jame* C. Tomllnson, of the Vale <\ub ?plus 5 aces, 1 hand i, in two straight games In a match in th? third roun.l by the score* of 1.'? It, i."? 1.1. The Yak man gnv? Cordier a ek.-n fight, but whenSTOt the latter took to service lie would Inrarial j erees un on 11 ? m .1 steady playing. i ordier will mee) Prs h a Seller, of tli '?? ? ? ? : sal rourn! tch I afternoon. - ? - Boys' High Five iJomps to Victory Beys' High School romped off with an en**;- ?rams over the New 'M High Sehool in a match of the eham ? on the . by a Hogg Chosen as Captain of the Princeton Eleven Guard Who Made Brilliant Showing During Last Sea? son Honored by Tiger Football Team. . . N. .1.. ! Frank ..!'??. en ti I'nnc. at guard all ses ob and r...- bean i!. the ? ' ? vard or Yale | re all "T" r the li ? : dene, the, collegi : him. I'll.' BOW rr?|.'...-, pri An.lover, ?here be played on the eleven, uni in hi? frOShUMB -ear was i ? Biomhei of baa elasa U un ben ?ea?on b? was ?ubttitut? fot i i l?\Nh HOGG. Who will lead Princeton, on cridiron next >ear. Shook, and th ? 1 - . : i-ii.b. ? Y??t??rn ? cla.?* in Ins fr.'liman year aii'l I member of the freshSSUa cr?w. He stand? ?IX faat. tw? Hieb?i and w?ight 104 pound?. Gibbons-Ahearn Bout Postponed B_ I'nnl, Minn., Dec. 8.?Post? ponement for at leaet a ?ee?< of the Mike (.ihhons-Viiung Ahearn ten round contest, originally ?rheduled to take place here on Friday, ??as BS?BMMCad by the promoter? to iilifht, because of the illness of Lib bniis, who I? Buffering from a cold that threaten? to develop Into pneu? monia. If (?Ibhon? I? able to resume train? ing nett Monday the bout will take place on Frida?, Dei-ember 17. _\_ URGES SALE OF CLEVELAND CLUBS Bankers' Committee Con? fers with Johnson on Somers's Affairs. SI .!, Dec. 8. Before the Beat American League pennant ? ? ? land Amei Baseball Club, si tmertcan Aaaoc . will i.a..? acquired : i ording to present ii I Although no official statement ha? been made, it i? known that the bank ers' committee In charge of the fiaaa? cial affa . ? of Charles W,, pres? ent owner of the teams, is in favor of selling the clubs as a mean? of meet? ing Mr. Soracrs'? present financial d :!i cuitles. Han n. Johnson, president of the American League, who conferred to? day and tO-nlght with Mr. Somers. John K. Bruce, secretary of the National Hnseball Commission, ar.i lohn Sher win, chairman of the bankers' commit? tee, ?aid to-night that il" the committee: wishes to sell the Cleveland American he arill find s parcha "The bar.ri.'is' committee will not? te the pre ant all ild a prominent mernb? r ?? to-night "It bal cme to ? Oint where we will huve to sell, nb." .Half a dozen men have been sug ' as possible purchaser.?, of the and club, assaag th< m being McGUl, of the Denver W< le ? 'ili and the Indianapolis club. Of the American Association; K. <Y Harrow?, preaident Of tn- International League, ami J, \V. C irrigan, Prlei Kinney and Charle? A. Otis, of ? land. Ban to da) . Imt ?d his press ? . ? do with thi I reland ha ation. GOLF POOL TOURNEY KEEPS A-MOVIN' Spectators Bearing Up Well De spite Some SlaggM Matches. 'I he second day of the nOWSpsper golf i.I I ? ? nd the I a' Doyle'a v noon. '1 he i up wall, all ??' the finish. The first Bsateh araa betw^oen Bill worth and Ike D< ? * l. ??me . : . ? ' . ' Harr - ! ? ? ? "is mnnif.'..f..d in the Franl? < ?'( oi : ell R. ? -.latch. been making ? ce round?, but had trouble ? ? ? reault ? ? I Harrt n the "Bliadle" c!hv?. ran true '? f??rm. tha former rinn i ? el 121 to Ther?? will l?e a number ?>f mai - -.?'hi.-h Tad Bob Ed ? Franl Illinois to Meet Colgate. i hampa.trn. Ill . Dae ? l'y of IYinoia fomt , lia? scheduled a HUBS with Colgate I e played h. r. bbxI fall. The rn eleven will appear h. re on Oc? tober 14 for th? second _?)"?'" of th? Illinois aeason. BUGGY HORSES SOMETIMES LIVE TO WIN PURSES Strangers Not Always Ringers, as Board of Re? view Finds Out. Trotters, which UTS much of their lives between the ?hafts of a baker's 1 wag..i. or h doetot'a buggy, are not ...rily "rir.? ? - if this kinil came the board of review of th. I ? | session of the g m the Hui II Hotel yss terday. ? in questions raised several : Billy Dis? pute. It was found, had been .inven te a hak.. . l'??r six or ?even years and al the sgs si t?reles year? started out on s racing earner sao won a num? ber of purse?-. The board found he was entitled to 1 ad his s ii A black maro, G ?.:tesa year? old, now owned at Grafton, N. C, ? m u?. .I i . ?- by a doctor f?>r some years. The board held John B? by P, r, ' keep . .!. el Ps ksr, bred ? i in Maine, were both ? board. Hilo Powera, of Goahen, Ind., was : l: the mai I Bui ?.ranite, Jiiv*. for starting the ? .?ut of her class under thn name of Kuth Cor? poral at I A?? ?burg, Ohio, in October last. Many minor cases were heard. How? ard M. Kldridge, of York, Pent*.., al? leged misrepresentation of time in the races at Hanover, I'enn., at the fair of the Hanover Agricultural Society, mber 14 to IT. He specified ten races in which he said he had timed the horses from a seat in the grand ttead snd found the time reported by the judges to be from one to three seconds slower. ? d in its de? fence, but B warning was iaSBod by the hoard to timen ai The ease of Ben F. Whits, of East Aurora, X. Y., who a| om the on of the Colnmboa, .m fining him $100 on September BO, when he railed to .?tart Qeeei .*(* i ISS la the fifth heat of the 2:10 peco, was adjourned to the May meeting, j C. .1. Tranter appcare! for White, explaining that the latter was in Thomp.?'. : Ils Ga?, and unable to attend ? '.- me? ' The boerd will continu.? |_ session In order to finish Its work it w ill meet an hour ear nornlag. ENZ WINS TWO BOUTS Amateur l?o\?*ri in Preliminary Hound at < rcscont Athletic Hub. W. Knit, of tl t Psalisl Atl ? tie Club, . BBSS t? ur i cent Athlel i 11 ight. ? - r w ? ? ?? -, ? ' '? ' .h , ? ? . i ? i ? JACK JOYNER WILL OPEN A PUBLIC STABLE To Train Horses of His Own and Some for \V, R Coe Next Season. FIFTY ENGLISH MARES TO BE BROLGHTHERE Entry List for Tuo-Ycar-Old Stakes at Coming Saratoi/a Mcctlag Bigger than l-.ver. -Tack Joyner, who hsi com? b?ck u or*? ? <^_?? He Will '..-?. own for th< wh .-h will ai few \?. ? "fluid ta ;,.- Hi .' During the i ad h?r? on a \ ?* ' the and ' "??mi? down ; American ... ? f sgsnl ,! pur. Hun V? ? ' ? nard. Partner _ II.i United Mr. Sa : .rchtitr, and o ? bay filly by \\ . th? tire of ?'. B. ?' i Pommera *-.'h???M ?< from the i ? il ' . Melton I' La Fleche, th< French rate tin. re. If both quality and qusr ; for anything, th? neetjar* of the b? _? biggest in it? history. \. ?'. L Er Inr'.e wai in high feather ?? hit it went over the lit) of the ht two-year-olds yesterday and out thai every ' ?*m wsi w?il d mark. ? ?r-oMl It Belmont Park, wit! . ?h and Fr? nch ? ir T. C. M? Woodford ? ?'then ha'.? named some lie ? The closed with 1S2 riet, sad th? (inr.d Cni" lied ?n?i fl?l rillies have been named for th? way. Only I**; ? ?r? nom? inated for the )\ ? et, tht "??*.? ?*' ? ? ew drab ! ??? clottd wit'ti ? taken bf thirty-seven s':! ' lea all thi ns? m'., cha m?:. i?c?ttf B Css* GitTord i ?'?'hrr.n, W. B C ?*, R.T? Wilson, jr, snd tie new Wlck'-fi .???able, owned by Jar-?-? '.V. ?orr.***? and Price MacKinn??, h?--? tsltei t?S each, while John E. Ma?iden hM *"? ar.d H. P. Whitney fojr. Th? MM Stable, a newcomer from th? W?eV,ut the post of honor wth fit** Again it looks a? though H. P. wsp n?y would h?ve th? whip hand Is Sw two-year-old fixture? at, th? spi'-stt track, for he has beer s ! \?r?l nom? inator for nil the fixture?. S?v?r.teia. from the Brookdai? Farm, all of th?n hred In the purple, hate been ntrsid for the Hopeful, w] wst ?on lti? jreer bv his an 1 th? yes? before Viy the un' it Some of the gel of the British thor? oughbred All Gol ? ? 'v* r *"'* in this fixture. MITCHELL TO COACH THE HARVARD NINE Miracle Man's Aid Accepts Pwt for 191(5 S.ason. ' r jr T-'.eiT".-.' ' Cambridge, Masa- Des. *-*"* Mitchell. ?-? '* B" ? with the ?'? " C0T' ' I . V.? Fred W. Moore. ? I : lete.1 arran^cm? who will t ? *"J I will ha*. ? . :ort-7 Princeton Mas (lose Call al Bask? I'rinreton I game from the Si .m on the '" **T night i I hi K t- is m ti ? ? item - Kin!? William IV. VOP Secte ii Whisky tivt? highest Award of Merit and Gold Medal at San Francisco