Newspaper Page Text
Willard Too Proud to Fight?in Theatre SINCLAIR WILL NOT BE MOGUL OF N. Y. FEDS 0\siier of Newark Team, How?5ver?Admit_ He Molds Title to Park Site. VBBtTS BACK HOME AFTER LONG TRIP Owner of Superbas Favors a Chan?:?' m National League Schedule. gain r, o. .on N'ew Ht ] i ? 'cam, arrived in this c ''day aft. r coon, - - d,d wat t< get f . .uiior that ha . oldinga in the und assume control of th? ? the outlaw cir ? . ! not Hi ?aid. haw? . Icar? ia of J. . 'hat he had tub , to purchase the and that he would retain Be in?i?t?**iY how ?vrr. : ..?'. ha would make no effort to franrhiae, and could not ?Ten lid bo the owner? .air added, that eei ..* they irk. and looked for a air and the a? '.he owner of . will be in town to-d?y )w, have | ? ? ?rait v? .j.ortant DO ? al Lcguo f"0ea Just what K Is a mat? ter of conjecture, bat it ia said the baeakell situation nay l?e el tirfly. ! ha warring magnatea mny be ristmaa de was to the lu?t . ISt B. a has been f! a time now, look ly for a place to i . time and I . who is in elose I ?hat the Nal that Harr; p Kail and ? ral of the .!ub?. It would seem "-?iber? ot the ?i-r.ior org-an have seen thai ley/ of ? ir wind?, pf owner this i ?ntry. ? - an egg i? full I ? ? in. and toll ' ma to a fair. lie i? an I ? ? .?? will re l not know Id all r.ovr, it ' ??em, mtkti- of the edule . He .. ould ter date, ? I noveral ? :an. ? He ,..; tin r g - ? ? . Uli office? wer* ? OLD CROW _,?. |, | iat. Off. cr^ i R Y E I America's Finest H ye STi WHISKEY M jW?'J HANO MADE ? OUP MASH |.*'?f?,| RAIOHT PI ?YK ySe?sat* MADE IN KENTUCKY. U. S. A. ^-aisW H. a KIRK & CO., New York, N. Y. ^?Jpor?li?h? S' Crantent! P/ce By Way of Chiding. "N.?w thai the j. ?hing season is all over" Excha You think the golfing seanon done Tiecavp* a cloud ha? crossed the Wher? lately y- " Ed UHU ?jrun? ?leeauee the wind? and ? --?en Or drift abov? the ancient groen Where ?tark ' ' Tut-tut?and piffle; Ukoufitt "pooh," I'm ffn/ murk tttrprissd that yau Should et^en h. ? through; What though th? ehtbt ttiek in th* I How can the golfing teuton big A? long a? frontiod tonguen own .4? long a? on* can find a To listen to the How or Why, Or gire heed to an alibit ? ]>lca*e ahtorb thit ! .4* long i The golf, ng tent?n't ? \n . here. Klag from tho writt m opinion expressed i uates, Oeorge Foster Sanford it runnlr??* one-two-thre? for EH'a next Instructor. Not a protest again?* G. Po?ter h?? been registered. It has been I'iO per cent boost. A? for fianfor 1 taaehlne; rough football. we'll ?ay this: Rutgersl ? gain?t Princeton, in the lack of nndua rouglme??, wa? of a good v r than Yale's was. And was u: I. itgots n ?t a" Yale. The Case of W. Johnson. Very little wa? heard about Walter Johnson laat ?er.son. He was sut : to be slhiing and a long way from his old form. No one ?pent any time f' ing out the laurel to wreatho around hi? mobile brow. "Slipping a bit,1 the g?'nernl verdict. Then enter? the proof. In 1013 Johnson worksd ' fames and permitted only 1.0?? rur.? to ?he ba'tle that Is, run? that Were earn? his pitching. In 1914 Johnson took part in flfty-on? games and permitted 1.71 er.rne?! ' run? to the comb two seasons v. "re supposed to be his beet. But last Reason or 1916 Johnson worked in for'y sc ? allowed only ? ich combat, in 1910 h<? was not as he w-as two ft I a shade be't'-r than In his In place of slui mark. - In 1918, Johnson's best vear, he rail? game? and ?truck out 2-13. This last season, in forty-SOTOn games, he allowed I ght earned run? i ?.??son was con -i d only a fair pitcher In 1P15. I he Start and the Finish. As v.-e refill the frosl e season : Mackmen I ?i to one II er the long lout.? Mr. ', ? d, In effet allowing SSI to each | \nother Mystery Exploded. Those yearning . mar ? In !? r ineff ess, of th? eight worst i claimed only sil re Hush, i.ors an?! i und he allowed nearly four , earned tellies i a thi --...und. The Duffers. .'. ? //.*;>? . 1 ill job?" i trifle I 'ue? ".V?. ' ? an you ar-, Job; ? . S training for baseball I been that Jol 'rnininr for what you'.i like to say to an um; Offside Plays. As for preparedness, h'??s often do yes see them pirking on I guy with a ?nllop buriesl in either lin? If ji.u were bent upon starling something, ??oiild yea plch ?'lit the fellow ??h?? held the cleh or the one eho carried the l'<>\ <>l ch?>colat?re? If Pena, has a chan? up the chance, the Red in she ir oi lid Penn. i the Second Penn Will Send Three Crews to Poughkeepsie No Ground for Rumor Which Came Out of Philadelphia on Tue-sday. K. H. - ? ? ' ? p ' ? " ? ? ? .util n ' fhief objection to July 1 ? ' | rth of J to have the r ?lay, in isiaaae ,|,,!,. beta. . and July t ? i a _ SANFORD TELLS HOW HE BUM RUTGERS ELEVEN Gives Credit for Showing of Team to Hannibal, Old Yale Retainer. EVERY MAN HAS WEAK SPOT. IS HIS THEORY 1 tmoas Loach Chief Speaker at Dinn. r O.V, :i at Metropolitan Club by I . F. Loree. - : : move a strong football team 'er. ? ! the I' , . . ..% tl.o prin ttei I ? from tha ? : Y of thinjr which pe- .1 NY-w I B way a i had ? Id me - threw those m?-n ? ' awful, but there'? throw i i ? ? h o atai . ' ? ? '?- : te tell ie ? prin ' ' ' - all ex : . Yd in . ' ? l ?? guard po ? ' I their i : ? ? iptem umple ' ? i "First ' ore to .'.life. I ? were ' where ? ? tinn. ' , nil teach ? ' at tbi l.nner, ? ? ? I'r ? ' . rea? TO HAVE BIGGEST RAT IN CITY Client of D. L. Elliman &. Co. to Pay $2.50,000 Rental for Term for Suite. HOME WILL CONTAIN 25 ROOMS, 8 BATHS Tenant Is First One Secured for De Luxe Apartment Planned for Fifth Avenue Site. A client of Deaglat !.. Elllaaaa ft Co. helped to saliven the realty market yesterday by leasing from the plans the ?ntire seventh floor an 1 par*, of the Slash floor in the twelve ?tory apart ::0rth ? of ? ? . I ? luxuriou ? . ment ?tructure? in the world. . ? il for thu term of the ? II contain twen ty-flve it bath? a be In alz? the largest flat in the eitr. A syndicate headed by Frederick T. Ley ft Co. and G lUght the i ? rough ? ? ' - ? hen the hi ? to bo ready for u will be be-weer. ; The former home of the Progresa Club ato,i on the site for mi ?? Ellin .n have rent?.!, fur Nieolai hit nine room apartment in the Montana, at 375 Park av., to J. Noah H. Slee. Mrs, Jami ole* baa i ? ? ? aaement, thro it srlea ; i ray, to Hei Port i, Long I?' . '-' Fuller at th and 1 I, furnished. '.. feet. ' at fol INTERVA1 \v Alexandar Selkln ?Villlara Bli ? ott l UT h il . ?.?en l?)7th RYER il i Pettraai ? _ I. Shai re sold ? ..n in I 174th TROTTING BOARD RULES OFF THREE Horsemen Punished for Irregu? larities During Season. '. wag among the ? ? Iion ted to show ? i I>. : ? - ? of F. ?.. The ? of then - , and ? ' ,-, -e Lewis and Ritchie ? ?11 Box Ten Rounds ; . ?hi ? irmer IirIu . I ? . man ? . - NEW YORK A. C. WINS A BOWLING MATCH . ti the Montclair Club After Losing Lirst (?ame. The ? ' ? - Y I made by n k Gute averaged '-'"?' for the ? liviil ? ? ? I ' , the extra frami ? ??.?me. ? winch ended in '? I M.?? ' r ? 1 ? raaaaic ? ? i m m i ? i _ 1 ?_a . i. Mall "> *it m WEAL F.STATE A*T AKTION. ?MAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. REAI ESTATE AT AKTION. SUPPLY * DEMAND AFTER THE WAR, DEMAND FOR LOTS IN THE BRONX WILL BE GREAT lit. Prosperity will create a demand. 2nd. Opening of new transit line? will create a demand. 3rd. The immense immigration when peace is declared will create a demand. BUY THEM NOW WHEN CHEAP end make I big proht m hen the demand comet 241 LOTS At Elevated Stations On Main Avenues On 100 foot Streets on '?Xcitr'r.rtlrr A\e . *?XT*.ite Plain? A?e an?! I ?r?and Ave.. Eait Bien? . on ?nd near JcroOM A*.**. I62d lo 170th St.. \eVrst B in?.!udin? Hdbet'l Catieo and K?.a?i Home. ??- SCHRENKEISEN-HUBER PROPERTIES Have Got To Be Sold Tor Whatever Thev Will Bring at AUCTION. \uu ui!l in? able to ! uy these lots at your own price regard?tes! o( their \?.lue. YOU ARE SURE TO MAKE MONEY. REMEMBER The 14th o? December ai Exchange Salesroom, 14 Vesey St. ?roT nn remain on mortgage. insured fre<*. Savings Hank Hooks Taken as Deposit on the Hurt.hac of Lots. TO REACH THE PROPERTY For the .Schrenlceiaen property, take aubway to Simpaon Station nnd We*tche?ter Avenue trolley car to the property. For the Huber property, take 6th or 9th Avenue Elevated to 155th Street ?nd w?lk over MtComb'? Dam Bridge or take Jerome Avenue Trolley car to the property. All Bron? trolley car? tranafer to both of their propertiea. Send for the Book to Joseph P. Day, 31 Nassau Street; .1. Clarence Davies, 14(Uh Street & Third Ave., Agents and Auctioneers. < $.450,000 PARK AVE. PROJECT Propoaod Apartment by Hing & Blag To He Thirteen Storiee. I'lnn? were t'.led yesterday for the ' aparti ' ' | I -* ut the ? of Purk Av. which i? to cost 1410,000, ? 'een I feet on the avenue and 128.9 teat on the s'reet. The i nary Koth. ? ? s. liitiif bought ti ? i im? rner, 25.1 areeki neo for ' '.as ?nid to |heat price Park A' pi party, MONEY CHANNELS BROADER .une More Large Loan? on Well I.?.rated I'ropertle? Keporta-d. The money channels for ! easier sverj . i were reported ? lay. The New York ?'om .ii? loaned ? - to the I ? ? r Construction Company on ?? ' bridge A\ . ? ? K. the Tyndall Ur i m the I uory mod ? r apartment house. HOCKEY-GOLF PLAYERS AWAKE Dunning Ricks Team That, He Says, Can Defeat White's Stars. deal of interest hae been aroused among ,, ny'a Tribune thai a aa ? u iilng to get ay team compos? .... it of ths one < men A Dunning, of .? Ii'ini In th? pros on the ice that he ra ? . ? ? ? I the former ' lea. We might not bo ? own on the link - Gardiner's combination, ! ? of ho. ' lion. Dunning .- aaanager, .??isist B P ' irhnrt. of Nassau, a Irotl ? .rt, of hi one of White's team, will he the point for Dunning*! ?.ven, and EL W. also will erve a? captain. Other memhera of running's team Runt Club; m Country Walter Coi Orange C C Poll, l'.i ll | Hock Club; ' II irmon, South Or Boy M?rtir., Westhampfun Cluh. lia a let of ?rood seven? fera," Duaa lot be a bad idea t.? gi I I ?ral roiil?! be played this win-? ?iff" LIN0W PEEVED WHEN BOUT ENDS IN DRAW lv?n Llaaa. ?he ??if styled Saauaa ' i.f th.- international arreatliag I ni the M a '?era House, minute draw by Wilhelm Berner, of Germany, laat , ?vho ?-hen the <?'.irt?in hu.I been ' luriid n Lu.ow. RENTS SPACE L! ASM B?ILDI1 Elliott Fisher Co. Also (1 Floor in West Broadvv for a Long Term. The Elliott Flaher Company, de in typewriter?, billini; ?? , !.. new offices in thu A ? m of y. ?'??i,.! floor i ning throut .- ? : ? n n. ' ? ?1 by 1\ : Samuel H. Martin h ? ? il Synod of the Reformed Chi G. Hi? ihe V the tl ? ' t ?v Elliraan t ive leased to Schiit ?if yean in the Lincoln I i ? ? .He ( i ( utiipaiiy w. am pin of the Mu'uiil I': Albert B. Aahforth, Inc., ha? lea space m ?"' and " i ?t. to ? a term P 'he sixth Ho'ir of " I st. to I I L. Nichols to Joseph Wild ? -.r-?. ? o have rented for the T i.ativ th.? ninth 1 K. I. I win; for Raymond loft at 8 ai .i ') E lal 28th it to Priti ? I Bergsssa i kovitz, Gordon ?<? l ,-._?>-.?? Takes a Brooklyn Title. lay in ti ?? i- i Banter, ? . : Mr. Sau'? I iteUoS si 'he SS ? 1916 Larchmont Rr.ntai. H. 0. S. sont Harbor I ?se. Rents House at Harrison. Chai rent? I j. Park h ? esteta, knows ? pen tot ! Harrison, '-? */., to Frank Savannah, lia. ? Gets $22.000 Property n have sold I I B. Pish, a ; . The at . ? New Building Plans. Manhattan. park av. ? ? . ? ? . ? ?. ihe Bronx. cer?CE*4T a? i a?: i I ? -, ... CRISTI ?. - , ? ' ? i . l ?A-r?hTlR AV ? . ? , ... ' ? - SFTON AV ?. ?. ? i;I a I I - I \ M His., ULAStl?. row : 11)1 BUN \ [R| r RHKIH ' ? r u V'UlK < <>i h? raori <?i ? ? a- > .1! |'I It? t'A ??min > -. , r'n. . ?111117 Horn? l..-?..i?\ N a-. 'I? ? PUBNI8HED BOOMS T?> I.KT. M BBt BaDat. . ' Kor HACllKI/inf" ? al'.r ?feat CHOSEN HEAD OF COMMITTEE Woodworth to Supervise State Legislation of Na? tional Association. I. P Woodworth, vice pre-,'!< 1 t of ' inpa.iv, New appointed chairman of the committee on ?tat? legil of the National Association o: cehaagOS by President Walter ? raf ? oae of the represen eommttte*B of the only national real e-tato organization. It inelu I ? b!1 ' ???? o or three of tl a ? real eetal la in the I'' 1, and now baa aval MM at it tee ha? -: in the past tending ' v of laws p rtaining to real estate thr?;ughout th?; country, , lently t?. render -.?.'anee to ttate ar I local ? paseial leg in. -' from .ill par'- of the -i..'Cial arorka and inclu.'.- Dean .-..I, Ore ; I> ft Soot Y '?, 1 tldl ou?e. . Ind.; John M. Boland. jf Wis.; J. B. Whita-head. of ! II. Miller, of St. : M A ? 'on, of ?Salt Lake I, of : 1, Hurton, of Chat? tanooga, Tenn. Mr. Woodworth wa* chsir ? 1 ..n ad nich incl I ' all part ? eommr lionaI . Agents Appointed. ? ' the a' pi*, corner A\ appoiaaatl agent? for I . a.e\?n ? -?? ?..ii the -t corner . Av. and ?? Taxpayers to Meet. A meeting of the We?? Side Tax ? b trill t.. ? .i..! Hall, II Sales at Auction. At 14 1 ' ? ?j wtatt BROAD???. ? I ? . t \ r? all?. 1.? Ih. mall?HIT ' 1S7TM 8T ? ' ?\ . . II.? ? Uth a?. ITtiTS. * :? ? I ."IM if, ?41 ?. n 1 I?. II '?'5 ' ? ' 1 l"a> 1410 ST - a* . th? pg?__??? f?.r |J.??* At MM T' Ir.l ?? b> laaaa LI CA9TII MILL AV . ? ? ?? . be 1 ? i_ ? . II? Im.- .- ? I31TH ST lu u.? . ? I