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FREEDlWS W?LL GIVING $6,000,000 TO CHARITY FINAL Search I'ails to Reveal 1 iter Document?Kin Not to Contest. MILLIONS TO BUILD OLD FOLKS' HOME Brother Oets $50.tMM) Incomes for Moth Sister (?etn?, and Paintings to J-rit>nds. A ??' Man o'clo? ? ? ? proviaiona of art ? No ?uch irmation, E made public th. "ti of the A '? Home for old talk and poor eo memhors of Hotel - frotn the ;' hia apartment? at". ?'? ? - ? <.f the oi ? an had been be quef I had ?~1 B. | ? lier and ? ? ert to Home upon the death of the pair. The-.' ' of the will. M *.i lay that the document would be 'ound contest proof ? lead financier d" ?lea of ap pteliag ..-ak it. The sa drawn up in ' er O. Oak man and the Guaranty Tru?t Company ?re ?? see In the ? - j ? . yer. a ?on of Samuel I hia place. In case of the de: ? .. Charles S. Quggen ? - ? ?peciflc bequest? were aa fol? lows: To each servant who ah all have been three: y.ars in the employ of Mr -???er ?t??nopTarh??r, Mis? Q. - 'rillrawini?- Institutions ? neent'a ? .], He ' Orphan Asylum tal. ment?os for whom h minent ?nit y. M ?ed that the re? nd de : s income of Bal one to his - and ?;?ter jointly during their to tho ?urvivor. 1'pon the ???.\h of th( ? one r?-"-lainint: one-li to the im? - ?' \>w Yorl to be ally a? the Andrew Freed? . ? ?r and a of the same and to dev? I pal and the income to the ol ?ation. These obje.?? C?ner-> Y-ill be to purchase ' in such ; ? - and b and min ? .1 that tbe it i ?rated a? a hon? .-? ? ri ? ?*?? of sgt I gent persor ? thoilt regard t i ace? or i ? ? .1." follewai etail i of I ? ? refful .luct i it of tbc corporation I lest ? ' .'noriz then; out such d< ? - a? to then ? ..-.? ? \ ? i, n the? ?-election of af? ? rssaon - vor?. dependent In cate of husband an - ? ? ? at the ? i restrict!'. form p to be obssrr. d tea of the home, 'it it alas mv de<lre, and I expressl that in ai of p. All be use'. Ina] r.r.|u:.iltion of prop? ? of b . -? hrd tin? erabell ' the .?? inda car shall be ? ' an incot ? ??ration, Rapport, mnin thereof be provid?sd for." Mr. Freedmsn requested that tl*. 'i? act as trust?e?? o the i- for at lea?t 11 ; thereafter t ervei wi amnel Unter niyer. Stephen Baker. I Herman : DeLaneey Nicoll, Vi ? Schiff, Nathan Straua, Ed? [ai rlea ti Ru?l ? irlei J ? brotl and Char;. If any of the?? pe? ?* or .in unable to serve. Mr. Oakm'an and Mr I'nt' n ? other trut I'ntil the org Home, which Mr. Friedman would "be seeompllahed ? ? r my death," th? ? ther snd any rest . tempi iritabli -, the amsllsr be ri left. 0 to hi? brother i B, Freedmsn, Mr d that all h'.usehold orni furniture, ?ilver and : ?? -ed in the left for hi? friend* thoul mother in who live ; I H Itmore. The following per "?? : a pair of larc-c ' ' lem?n? oil painting ? : of large .d?. H. "\ ?S'icoll, B pair of large white eefl butt * e deceased), a larp-e I ilian Rix. Ex-Juatice Henry A. Glldorpleeve, such one of Mr rreedmnn's *,.*.itomo ?t. g, a piano. Bnshe, painting by Marie Diet-erle. Belmont, a clock ?et. ' a ci.'Ck ?et i p Snllivai (aines deeeeaed), largo pin. ? - of August Perry, ? n ; in, such one of the ? the residence ?elect. ng each r piere of ail be aeleetes by each Indi? John H. Campbell. Edward E. M r. Dr. A. Breytoi E. W, 1)?* Leon snd I l. M 'er. A lnrpe ?silver and t l*nan to his r. All -.he r?mainint* pa i ? Weber ?_ He_l_roner Amjt-flmce _5e^___ng To??j a Reduction Sale of 200,000 Four-in-Hands Embracing Practically Their Entire Stcick of Silk ?S-carfo C?ori*jrtit_ting Thry Believe the Largest Neckwear Sale Ever Held in America 50 Cent, 55 Cent ? D . . . I 35 Cent?, or and 65 Cent Scarfs | KedUCed t0 i 3 for $1.00 $1 00 and $1.50 Scarfs, Reduced to 65 Cent Si.50 and $2.00 Scarfs, Reduced to 95 CenU $2.00 and $2.50 Scarfs, Reduced to $1.55 $2.50, $3 and $3.50 Scarfs, Reduced to $1.95 E' to women pvrrhn?,r>rs of Holiday mm, tki? 9?l? ' opportunity which ti ttoi te bt tu lf gives them a | i licome the Websr nod H?iloroncr are daily upplying tin wtosi di* ertrrnn't' Y York vn'h i loir prr tonrjUy felected habertlazhcry. An Avpror/riate H'Jiday ?Box fjxvr?n with ^^r, fr?an 65 (-?-'i- up Eleven Stores U? laaaafaaaaj Ml Bin fa if 7M Bait-big 1185 ItaatlMf -t-HJ?. et,'1. \','-,eAwei 1)61 BatatntOf M '"????i ("Xi Noessa ?.?vil 27 N.w kmS? ami Fifa A.. - "*-? ?i -r-aVth etA Br -?dttey, ___ aaal F?? Atea-, ??j $7il. ?,.| il????H w?t wall |.n?ia i/f^r. ?-"?'fijrif? tinlii trat I Uluiayt Tiffany & Co. Jewelry ? Pearls, Diamonds and other preqo?s stones a RED CROSS WORK UNDER NEW PLAN Split Into Military and Civil Divisions at the Annual Meeting. Wnahlngten, Dec. 8.?War relief ted from the I ptioa of work ?lone by .-.! and nurses in Eu were Importent topic? of to-day'?? ? ? the annual ?? American Ited led. ortt of the Red Cresa te ; ...... Of the . "ate by the Kastland disaster at .'> were relate i. There was much interest In Dr. rd P. Strong'? story of tl I '- rbia Ilr Strong chairman of the America: ?ary commission that ?tamped irgenisntlea of the society to meet tho need of separate divisions In the i and in its place two oPfic?'? ? lief si an re? ell, former tional director, wat pli of tl.. trthnr Mm I red , vice rmsB of the central committee, wa? director ?general ; ? eted. Dpi? i tl - chnir while Dr. ? ?? Red nitary worl yphut in 8? addn i? preaentative of the Red l them two montl Dr, Str? Dg - urned tewari I "We bave beard much In the Unit? of tl." pr. te?? of our country for general de One imp olem in thi? connection It the question of our ph. ? ? o deal with epidemic.? of infectious il and '.heir problems relatii. ? life and of large I Mr. O'Connor thai ? ? .. h October, th? ? 20, Ile ei ? I hole of M> ? nit of disease conco: mine. "In the ! r. O'Connor ds geunt womei I I tan i waiting i I for a CU] eoup. I ? NEW NARLIN ARMS CORPORATION FORMED With $3,800,000 Capital Stuck, .Munition Plant To Fie Enlarged. ? Arma Corporation, to manufacture rirearrne, ; orated here .en as '000. The incorpor?t?.r? named ?:. L Bacon and L Y. Stoddsrd, New York, and Edward Park, Larch? mont. The new company ha? been fnrrr.r?) I i ii . .-?it: "\\ | rt for very large contract. I can.' furt?. f fer I buildli ! to brin?- the ft "A. F. Rockwell, of Bristol, Conn* will b ? ??ne of the din ? ' $50,000,000 READY FOR DEATH AVENUE* Central ??opo?ei to Bear Cost of Lifting and Lowering Tracks. return of Mayor M rit xt " ' ?? re ? ? ? . i ? era! eountel of the New \ ?? Cen? that the rail ad ,?>",''"'? 0 ?um. B Beet ? pe?era! ?i pert si -i "Under the ? .? ?) which ar>* slewed ?vor work 100 and the be borne by the New rn an of ? ? ondei nltted . . i '" r le?. , . pian pre from lo BpuytoB L-uj-vil. CABINET STARTS WAR ON HYPHENS Secret Service Men Will Be A\obilized to Trail Plotters. fFTorn Th. TH n, Dec. 8. Ail of tho forces of th. gSTenuaeat are to bo concen? trated in an effort to 80 in; the kind of ac? tivities by hyphenated propa_?v king the country for month- . and a plan of eo i.R-reed on, at a . .... irrnoon, at were ; I Ifr. etery Of Win iiarri?on, A?' .-, Secretary of the ' Burleoea, ami I ounsellor Polk, of the State Department. Pet rear? this government ha? bad an ample force of men on what would normally be considered at - emergeniry, hi i tl ?? force : of il bod .. ? ? gatera of the other?. It is now the purpose ? ? be running, i and - ? out of the men guilty of eonapli ? nition plan' ?, and the whole gamut of proe? trhieh has I . ? '.' for law? to meet the tuatii branch of the Se. rel Set Bcially ? Thla duty ondi ? i? to prevent eo ? | and guard the forco ?? son thua legally ham ?. but during the administration of ? tn which ho put the Beeret Service . witii the result that thi? restriction was ma.le lew. As a matter of fact, under executive . rder, Chief Fly mi and some of the mem'. bar? ? i a ' ? The Dep . ' Bureau I Bruce Bielaski The men ol I .n are ? tiona of the >?;? I most of tho wort I ? A ? ployed which "o the . fraud. Thi ? . of an. Still a fourth employed by ' ? carefully ? , the le.: roting f?>- it. exi oramit ? SMALLPOX Iff HOBOKEN Mother and Four Children III?Boetioa 1 nder Quaraatim-. Five case? of amallp ? of Mr? Henrietta Bard ? t.. place ? under qoai ami M ounty ! they eonti i, who ' Sardorf Uy< I .re the a ... t with To ; - ' 'he disease lina ted children PERKINS TO ACT IN P. S. INQUIRY Contlnuril from pac I friends, th. letter testiflsd, friend .. u k to th? ? . when i er Baeeball Club Bad ft* ? had "? OB h m when l,e ? .? it a ? ? i by | Mr \\ .1 1 ...I a i ?seball I lid Senator ThOBBpSOB, "he I? BB ? ?i" rt at olid Bg I -nil. red, with a grin, ". Paid f??r Result?. irdiae tO lift'.ks he pail men for 0 Mr II I : a.lin.f. - did on the be? auch ? ? a?l l Banks, "the? ara |??ed ? ? abeul ?n ei ti to I' ? a Wood, ho . ' Boald eel have ai i, a.? it rchasa price Uwu __i?a_ ?uui.tUU that Ii? had tk-Ool COLLEGE GIRL, 18, STOLEN IN AUTO Miss Louise Bonner Found Unconscious In Front of L I. Doctor's Home. TELLS TALE OF BEING CHOKED AND DRUGGED Physician Says Young Woman Was Victim of Some Narcotic Taken to Her Home. Misa Louise Rommer slept la?t night in he: mont " had been ? ? ' ' *. llora ;-icon stious in front of his home Monday 'tartetl for home yes-, ? ? tnr?on, c- her . er and un?.? .-i an-. had been au) rized to re- \ rsvesl ' urn. Mist Bommer, who ii teen year? old snd a student in Adelphi : . noon with a girl chum. i t..- lording to Miss Bommer*! I . at s drug ?tore Lafayette a enuts , a; d h . ? Other . ? nul for her own hume,, . . .? ? the curb. On the i be machine, I : her if le aaid had a ' on nia hem ear b? the place where the- child ? ??e.-uly as Ml*? Bommer eonld re-' m?nir. ? '.o the 1,.-r if ?he help him t Whin she opi-r.ed the door of the limouain* add peeped in, M i. she .?lib-niy si .r, the auto "I ?. a thron) the man was very powerful and hand. li>- other hand over my or other he managed,* holding nr?, to uncork a vial an?! ? ? ??? Af*er that I don't remember much. I think it nvi?t hare l>*>.?n a dreg, But i do ?rem to remember that ting tube ? "I'm afra Feng person." I. for the i ? l. It wa? strange, for it had been warm Insidt i was wondering what I ? . . "it when I ope: ? and t'iurid I was alone an.i road." It was about 1:11 o'clock H evening when Mrs. Lee Lsngdoa and her mother, Mr?. August Wykert, of Lynbrook, fountl Mi?4 Bonner Ii Or. Hutel ? home. Asaiated by their escort, : of 1 the girl Into th< me, i the girl ? William C. Bonni . . ? ? ? of a narco) il that the if her ri! FRONTERAS FALLS TO VILLA FORCE Rebels Agnifl Between Carran/.f Armies Near Border. . oppo ? ' iruez also cut telegraph an?i OB entering i'r? I : word t.. A. i foi Bevi :: hun tral Angel I The capture of kg Corn i ontrol of the ra.lroad mi between Agua Prieta and Nacozari. ". tieo, l|pc. 8. The torpedo flo eom ? ? ? . ?? Cur? to the Ami r.c .i . calling on ail bit military comma) rn to the ? i rtjr .n theii ? '?? ? eral 1 . te | -otec 'road. ' or fo-.? ? be had paiti being m March. In i h?- Broi 1 I s ?? -..aire. ?,?h his m< "V ? Banks de clar.'il with a I that he Wl ? ? ? fon ? ? -> ? ?.our ? . '. this . .. an?l \\ ! I Albany. D loner Wi'.' iam llnvward cam?' t?. Alban-. ??.infer '?> h :'.man. return - Hayws ???. ??ral | ?ass men he would like to have hairmanship. These m*-n. !. now have inet far in sxeess of the salary of a Fubl.c Servies Cemmlssiener. ' Bnytmrd'i t't.r lion sf permanent a?..M.i. ?v?i_ Ui um dwiatdline ? RECORD WORK Off CAffAL Dredge? ITave Big- Month and Waters Almoat MeeL Panama, Dec. I.?Sack excellent progret? ha? b??r. made with the dredg? ing in th? Qaillard Cut of th? Panama Canal ?-?at. oaly f.:ty fe?t of earth ??parates the water? of the chan-.e. Thi? little neck cf '.?-.d. less than rwoi ?;?' itf% higl ire Igoa la a few ? ? : ir. .ivre Cas ha? been ? ever been taken I ?t.ckv? ?ob work ?till deciine? to pi will be reop DOLLAR EXCHANGES U. S. TRADE'S NEED International Conference Speak? ers Also Urge Discount .Market Here. Th? ?rrowinp; fore'irn ?rn.'e of the 1'nlted States, as well as the prY (trow ' It which no?v f.?cc v i an merchants for solution, were discussed ,?e?terd?y a?, the final meet the international Trade ("infer? ence. Addressea ..ill t, ;? ('omr; H. II fan. Imperial Persian < York; Nuss-erwanjce 11, a merchant and o? most problem r,c ? nent of a .. ?xchn Mr. Penny in i ? ?liscusscd ? "Tt Ytrjer portion of liona on a ?. ?l. "enabli a si throughout the ? In f< ' l.avir.L' to bsbIbI 11 n accounts abroa?! or to be ct.' ? uctu - cf exch?' ?. extend the ne axeha and banker? should ?nare no ? rtl to . ?nents in this reaped U the daily quoting by the Bank ?if N'e-.v Zealand .' cipal At; tralian offices of cheri ?i ?i the principal American and !..'' .t ?!; :. never better known than it :? al pre eat, and yet a I to r.-st." I Mr. Penny's load, Mr. Ro his speech lishment of a discount market irre and azehaage markets abroad. "If i rife wer? transact d on a cash beats," he said, "th?' existence of a diacount ? .'tant dollar exchange I not be so im ; or?.i- t as the I ?' ; art of such there must be an active ible foreign nier te promptly on their Si).r:or Beaetti azpn tl ? hope far * ?1 re < a:..i Italy i '...iced by ; an. Percy F. Mc ?pitalist, and Mr. Marshall, of ' McCall to Speak on Odors. Edward B. McCall ha? .-. ni itation t.? addreaa tiie '?'. a ' er Ht [otel Utor S iturdaj McCall, it i? announce?'. ? ? ? Governor, Which Are Offei ChristmM Hoiiaday 3-DAY TOUR TO WASHINGTON December 27, 1915 - "vON'T TAKE PLEDGE NOT TO BE THIEF Munter College Girl Heads Re? volt Against Student College Ukase. Putting your name to a temperance pledge, especially under strong per :i, n.n> bint perhspe ?.t a de toward inebriation. Hut it had never OCCMTed to any American student that tignies I pledge implied a lack of honor on the pai ' gner until -, i . . ' ? I .. ?? M Isa Marie An? K ?eatlbeeher, a pretty Austri? an girl just eighteen year.? old, chal lenged the act of the ?tudent counc.l, fil "I wont Btej in any college where Mich foisted uiion niel" ?he 1 do not care for any Sing Sin?; deprc? ? Hy majority vote the student coun eil "f Hunter College, at Bisty-eighth .?, recent formu "I ; '. f tt. take r.o ir. .' *?. be ? ? Placidly 1 ,",00 girls pencilled their prom. ? ipuloua Boneaty. Theo . the brown eyes Loestlbaeher. She looked it i < - "I consider this an affront!" she ex? claimed. "It implies that in th< p.-?.-t we have stolen or chested. And have I ; not heard It ^aul that America it a free coon! ich B country and in a ihonld be allowed in opon such vital moral ques? tion.-?. ?'" coarse, l tl n u." ?? lent in v. where '_'(in girla im ? ew. **Ev( ? j'U be ? ? :.-i the coll? "1 rant tO | ?< anyhow Have You Noticed? I You may have no? ticed that we talk more about style than we do about fabrics. | This is because w have something mor.. important than fabrics to talk about. fl We believe we are ex? pected to cam* unfin? ished worsteds, and not linoleums, <ir?<7 we prop? el hi attach more im por* tance to the finished mer chetfuUse than to the raxc materials. r We carry rij^ht now all the fabrics that any other representative clothing shop carries? and we also carry a lot of fabric! that you can't find in any other cloth ?ng shop in town. '" But beyond* that over and above raw ma? terial consid?r?t inns ? is the vital fact that there is more individu? ality and style in a Saks garment than in any ut lier garment made. Variety yos\ can (jet anywhere but i?<m must come ft? ?S'./A'.v for Stifle. Suits.$17.50 to $50 Overcoats.$15.00 to $38 ?aks^(Tnmjianij Broadway at 34th Street. rd of honest-,- amoag the ?tu ?lent? i? ?o low that the} must Mil? acribe to such a pledge," r?M irted th? Austria " rhe wording i? ridiculous and a reflection upon the :???" ".Material things" ? to be th? of the ple<i_o that ?tuck in the The fact tha' a nutf or two and a few handker and glove? had lately been ioun.1 to be omong th? missing did not amootb ruffled feeliaga The interesting little ethical que? of whether il ia more wicked t? th? aaswer t., an ?**? amination question might puzzle llenr; James, bul of ?(unter College. Muff? ere expensive Ihia year. Mi?a Koe-t .?, who ha? ?rought entirely : ? a iou( honor :..? dge ? New \ oi r. fi?.ii Ajatrla only ?.nee the outbreak of the war, and i.s studying pedagogy. Hampton Furniture ot Pleasing Personality FURNITl Rl '. ' and var;. ; 11 ?ality is that fashioned, for the stately rooms of the old English Manor Houses, by those who were artists by instinct as they were craftsmen by training and tradition. From amongthe Hampton Repro?, be selected for the modern home such Furniture as this ?the Court Cupboard of oak with its richly carved panels and sturdji turned supports, the high-backed walnut Arm-Chr?;rs, their backs and seats upholstered in soft-tnned fabrics, or the cliup!e.ii oakenTable, with its quaintly effective legs and ttretchers of spiral turning-*. " ".'/.".? TON rlT -/?">? -- -? ill _!_, W __*??-/_ U) ?MAOTMWBITJM ?TR_ET NEW YCRJ?