Newspaper Page Text
GERMANY MUST CEASE TO BULLY TO GAIN PEACE British Statesman Says War VMust East Until "Fright ? fulness" Ends. RESTS WITH EOES. COUNT TISZA EINDS Hurti-arian Premier Asserts Con elusion Of Peace Depends ? m ? ntente Allies. ? n The Trlt"! as to ?he latest German pence terms, atesman with ft widt of conditions hei - ions'. ? id, but they ? re much too ind?fini:? to be of any value. I dont oBdersteed " meant by Germ'.- full power over tht I ?tnntinople ami A-in Minor, ?hu? g ? place in the I dependent *'u"'t areet thet mean? 1 don'r know. ?i of a eoi France of tht French speaking part of Alsace dessrvet attention in considera? tion of tl ? whole scheme. But. looking ?: the question from n broad humnni tariar thout prejudice toward ? methods of warfare ant! makes ai for hi ihtfulnssa. Bo lone as ?he but men, children and m nocen* "' wl?* - ?ill the last man and last shili. . ??one but ??: ? lod. Vie i< ?pi ct an , ? coun? tenance tavagery and brutal Germany Ttlind to the Future. "From the ??art t'.ermany has f with i enemies on every tide. Wren thi.? war mutt, how do I expect to deal ? ? prise .. German? expect to be ?rented in ?a?? ada. Aattralia, India and New Zealand after thin war? should by the remind? nie of an over? grown ? . who tries to dictate chooimntes, for? of ar gumen ? Lusi? tanien we ?ri urn; we can't forge! Kdith Cavell; we can't for etlmt, hese things ?tant! in the way of : 1 see : I peace until Germany learn? tht r.. It no place in tne world for bur "If G mid have looked into the future i*he would never have l| thi* war Measure her military gains with her '..-?ses, and ?hen con .1 any - wi'h her ? W ?? r. ?. a net ??n slow to act, but we I .??t?u??i-rr ae ou*l... -A-. liTr "xqviisite mellow lone of the Sonora ? ? ? ? ? in?* i ? ? an i? i ho Sonora excels in ... ?tor Lorn ' t ? ? ? ? P'irrh?. ? ?toe n. ???a. -. ? ' | onora Phonograph Corporation * Only 14 m<ir> Day s before ( hriitmai \)t, \i'Z/T * l.->;?,?in" now ixtid Cvuiy m lite ciu>. ? hind us, an :o th ??? humble tit ? . ? he is ?' ! nvy ii? ei I '? ?''?? ? ? ?? don't. ? lire action ? tani'i I reg? no tig its ? Ml ?usi Discuss Prepcosle, Pr? th replietl in th. ? . the !???. Phi! . . Socialist member fo Blackburn, for e pledge that t.n th . ? . ! territor rted by the ? "If proposait of a serious character ? ? ace," teld I ? the eneoi ? ? I tr, thi will lirst . til this contingency arises I can: I govei the earliest p A ?I ?patch received In Amsterdam from .':?. th? II 'I!. n Premier, In the Diet on tl ( cunt Tisza't* Vie?*. "1 he conclusion of 1st. The longer ; ce t hem thi ?tur .- nothing hut go t lour victory. The greater the II I which the war entails the more will be the term? of peace for our ? Count Tisza expressed regret thnt Rnmsais teemed to be .-. although, he said, her nat . urn! ; of the ? en? trai Powers. He was unable to deal with the '" Greece, the ( oun* added, confronted by diffli ? whic* govern? Could only "On the other hand." Count Tima continued. - I enable (?recce to occupy in time ?ion which is naturally tllle hi \ lone ?i'cech delivered bj ? iint Julius Andrattjr, in the Hungarian chamber, dealt mainly with ?y of peace, sceording to a ; idapett, which indrstty i "Il it the h in ? nske peace I am that we shall be able to conquer the mi treme r? ?? of our ? -.tinue ?i.r until our adversaries are Il k for pence, but it would i! were possible to conclude pence before this last moment Time Not Ripe, >*:i.\s ( ount \ndrassy. "If, detpite these considerations. I do not ns ? - definite action toward . the rosses thst I sm con ? ;,??? ripe. The on the other sitie I do not .:?! of a pottibil en) pre from all SCtlont tow an! pence. Moreover, nil sign? demon tdversariet hsvt soi ??lit of the war. and the; ti order, perhaps, yet ?o obtain a chanr- " of WSI - of the Frc:,ch P ?? nie in the (ioUSe of alto ??iTer in the pr?tent cir little promise of an early ; - I riiii.'us in Berlin to day ervstivs member? of the - ?.f pi -?c.? a ? ?red and recompensed for its expend?) through 'he retention to the most ? of .ili 'i ? ) ri, ? .i? demnn 1 ed, Tl ... i e/. ... ? declai ? of living is lowei I i t | . . ri'i? ' . .? . with :. i i" il ?aid tber" ? fund for tlie people if ?h - and u-ed economi? cally. The resolution declares ,ve war must ntil a dec. ? . ?ii won." PI inning International < ?>nfcr?-nrc. Thi basis of a ice will n . Berne on December 14. Among I ?etl is Pr? tin. ? srrived in Eng lend. The committee, made up of delega! fr?.m ? It if B?LGARS FORCE FRENCH RETREAT TO GREEK LINE Supported by Germans. Outflank Allies South of Monaslir. RUMOR ENTENTE MAY QUIT BALKANS Hut I mops Still Land at Salon ?... Report Montenegrins Seek Peace. .".? . i 'er. s -pi,,, situation ng rapidly. The Germant and Bulgarians hive reached .leek border, ten mile? . ? ? . outflank toe Anglo-Frsneh torres, while . to be rted by Germans, have attacked ? ? -ne right w lag near sites. ? r ? - ; '. ire 'he Fiench have withdrawn from the ? ulient, up a i r-.ipuu ..i a deep gorge about twenty mile? from the Greek ' ? ? hleh the Sa Her? thsi were Bulgsrisas, who. ac? . ? reports, were re ? plans of neither the Allies nor trmant are yet cjuite clear, bal ii are detei ? ? rbiao ? and which sad it still being re ?d. The retirement of the Allltt to Demirkapon has led to the report intended to sheadoi ? : : ,,'??. , but the con landing tjf troops at Sal?nica woultl teem to deny any such intention, while there .. ? very ?trong militar; opinion here that Sal?nica should be? held as a base for future operations in the Near Ka?t. liucharcst report the el sad general ttaff have ? ?ilion which, i? t.? be mull?cate.! i.s a note to the ft . ? I be soi - not? circulated by the Bucharest aewi "M.tu r are? that Berbiar troopt fleeing through GreeV ?? ? rmed si the Angle Pre?en headojasrtsn St Sal?nica must tram ritk th. it satire ? ojui| men) supplies, the troops retiring ? '.r.-.'K *? rntory im tely from Greece b| . Greek geveraatei lie Cent) Powsi ? i i they d?'[>nrt fr?im rtai ' Bulge) . esti mated in some quaitert to numb? as four d visions, i? being C'J the regies about half way ?.nica a ? ? erthern eel i atch frc Sal-tnica. GetSI Galhritl Marching ?south. | dispatch, ar? ?.. , i,;, ?? -..-, ? el Austro-German army ? ? Mac! Serai Boya '? : i' the nias? a '.ward tl ?..??? I ?er.egrm "? ' ?n? bor h.T-t;. ? Beater eoi i ;.*. Salome !'. was followed by an infanti a'.tir< althoui .es. The Bri ? all Ul . ? lerjr. Havsi corn?pondent a senti? the fi.llowirig under d ,( Tuesday: "Telegrams from Fiorina 'Greece source state that th Kenali, est th '.reek frontier, ha? been occupied b ? ? rsilr? tl Kl : all hi Ipied by tev: il I trtasn and Bui ght Gersten cui ? "Oficial news affli::.- the fa orabh if tho 1 h troops on thi Krivolak fr llrltlsh Na\al Force with Serb?. The British nsvsl force under A?lm: ? .. Ernest C. F Troubrldge, srhlc*. si i.ia. accom i ray is its ? b ? 'I bomai .lam." ira y nancisl Boeretei > ? moni Mr. MeXamara -aid ?he nsvsl conti: . ! "i.itinln in touch with ? an forcet ai ong a* ?ful." A dispatch ?o "The Times" from Sa I?nica, dated Monday, says the British and French goveresteeti early ?r ranged for the re-equipment of the an army, the main body of which has taken refuge In Albania, and that iHt instalment of the supplies nr rived in Albania some da; ? age, The correspondent ? a por Sf the retreat in?; Serbs reached Epirui, Ore? i. ; ? * I ? i shore of Lake I lehlids re than ,.'.11" . ?mi mg ebom were ? I, by the Koeveti official from Auttro-Hui | ' Vienna I ght] i tion car?, 4<i autemobilei and ci. ? ? ' the " The sue | ''tack again it Wont ..:' Berane, tni are psrtieipsting or. all ?'tie? '.nal itstem? nl declsres, Berlin si has rrpte?-. -, fi,r a eO\ Kin?: Nicholas, according to tl REPORTS SEIZURE OF COMMUNIPAW ? iintlnue.) from page I attacked and ?unk the Communipaw. it wai highly improbable that such a craft I i at r..- I ofl th? close blockade of the Adri fl ? ? ? in ports open ' 11 .? German! to enter. As the un- boun.l for ?Alexandria, an Allied por*, it tcemt improbable that made by an Allied suh l.ondon Hears Communipaw Reached Alexandria Monday London, Dee. * A telegram from : ' Lloyd' that tl tmei ,.?.. reported * ; ? t k ?>fT ? :.. ! ? -. lubmsrine, ?Alexandria on Monda) It is inferred thai poSI I lion ' ? gerd to t h?. Id? i tity of th< ? ?. ? do? d. If th?* reporl of the torpedoinc of ni ted, ehe i.f oil and have bt ? way t?. il por? when tttacked. D it rseslled that. ? which the Com? san! to ii'.t been sunk eorrctpondi I when it was .t.':.- tin Soi d Search Ships Fall to Find Any Traces of a Sinking Pome. Dec. 7 f delayed). A search by tWI ?? I,reek and thi ' ? ? : ?. . ? mmunipee , ri?e, failed to reveal any s;?-n of the tank ship or steamers wei at Mon si word Wat i ship had -ink. The first repotf sf the nfair from the captain of a steamer who ?an] that . obl lk be witnessed the sinking of an Amen can Iteamer by t He ? r? of this steamer was etpecially through the British author!? : roved tlia? the --hip e munipew, Th. ?.m. rt thsl 'he . f wanhipi .?? Malts si ?: I bmsrine repoi tod to hot De? ? ont "f tins lubmsrine thus r;*r rect rss of an on usually large size. '?marines Ig ?he Mediterranean hat earned inquiriet to I,,, made reg i *.m? schoor. *r Albania, which ?ailed from Gallipoli 01 Frida) , r? i'"? Albania. The schooner it rept rted have ?.????-! .-.i an Albanian port On ??oar.: ' ird, i"i ? 'olonel llerbt>i I Englishman, who, ha? ? ? ? pled With relief 'c Si;b)i)arine?? Sink British and Italian Steamers I oiulon. Der. ? 1 lovOH office ? n tr Helmsmuir have been up. it i* ! The '? in bark Lofaro I ink, There hi ? revioni informa? tion that ? Helmes i ? | ? ited si "f 4.111 torn mg, built at S ed in Cerd ' The built In ItNB. The avail - s3.00 '3.50 ?4.00 ?4.50 & s5.00 SHOES for shoes , ' ?ice. His / orn guar- / ainst high fen st known r^ YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY WEARING W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES VALUE GUARANTEED For 32 years W. L. Douglas name has stood for shoes of the highest, standard of quality for the price name and the retail price stamped on the bottom antees full value and protects the wearer against prices for inferior shoes. They are the best shoes in the world. W. L. Douglas shoes are made of the most carefully selected leathers, after the latest models, in a well-equipped factory at Brockton, Mass., under the direction and per? sonal inspection of a most perfect organization and the highest paid skilled shoemakers; all working with an honest determination to make the best shoes in the world. W L DOUGLAS $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 SHOES are just as good for style, fit and wear as other makes costing $6 to $8, the only perceptible difference is the price. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 and $3.50 SHOES hold their shape, fit better and wear longer than other makes for the price. None genuine unless W. L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the bottom L. DOUGtAS STORES I FOR MEN AND WOMEN 1 W L DOUGLAS WAS PUT TO WORK PCC.U INGSMOESATSEVEN YEARS OF AGE. Ht BEGAN MANUFAC? TURING IN i BTe AND IS NOW T"f UPG 1ST MAKEROFtJ 00 S3 60 AND $4 00 SMOCS IN THE WORLD BOYS'SHOES Biit m the World $3.00 $2.50 ^N $2.00 -.X Ittltfirta !.. t>?? W. O.'l NeSSM Street. 7.V? Broadway,ear. nth ??t. HIT ltr...?,|vv:ir. near 14th Ht. ?l.t .2 Broad way, c..r. .'tilth Street. I4!?"> llt.H'lvr.T 'Times ?-.?iii^r-i. M*s, jji.ii'i Avenes. 1 \?.-?iue. i *?>.., .'.?r. l_oth Btreel DOUGtAS ?277?? ?14VjL|riir I ?__<?_* hir-l STORFS I Av.. bet 146th ? 147th St? .".17 I i??htli A venue. ?2.",?? West I2."th SI reel. .11 km v C1T1 1? Stewari Ave. M AKIN UK,I. CTflUerseatiMAe. ?NEWARK s.;i Broad Street. ?I* \ I I l(MI\ IOS M.r.?<l Street. I'l.l.N ION KM K.M-t?St or Broad BF.WAW. OK SUBSTITUTES GREATER NEW YORK: BROOKLYN 421 Knltt.n *-treet, tor. Pearl. 709*710 UtO??mOJt ?"or. Iliornto*?. t.'??S7 Kro.ulis i?_v, cor. li?tes Aviinio. ?47S Fifth \ reo tie. tor. 11th Street. ?s.-.<> MaahattMJ Nvi-ntii?. 177!) I'itkin Amiiii?'. Sltsrmo mar keel wMt m * ?*_?*-_- comp/il. ///,?? set W. te Otes/gime SS.OO, So.OO and S4.&? eh o ft? tor momea. KAISER HOPES FOR PEACE BY FEBRUARY ; POSTPONES SONS WEDDING TILL THEN London. Dec. I?Em IS has nxed the date for the mar? riage of his youngest son. Prill DB. to Princess Marie of Anhalt, for the end of February, at Potsdam, says an Exchange Tele;raph dis? patch from Amsterdam, which ?.via a message from Cassel. Prussia, as authority for the statement. _ "The marriage was to have taken placa before Christmas, says the dispatch. "The Emperor and _jnpte*a ?'.ope that the war will be ended by February, and they therefore postponed the marriage ceremony until that time. Should the war not have been concluded by the set for the wedding the ceremony will be extremely simple._J port, personally handed to the 1 Amba??a<i..r. a documen' the possibility at ??? leparats :"'?.' . .1 unable ' taperior fereat ' amba - ich a i lneak orT dip' ? ta had haaa Baaarda I Montansfro. In the M_th, Herlir IB? I, Balear?an <!??tarhrtien*? advancing from _i i| ihrida have reached a line ?lavorl?, B? it ten miles north of " ? itch, "etr : greeted the victorious troop? of occupation. ? in 11 i. '? mgsrian prison trs v.r.- fo ind who had b?-?-n tea ??.'?y? without bread. Bight). <.f than in ? ?i-ri?. is ?t?te and had medieal attention." BULGARIAN OFFICIAL The Bulgarian War Offli . - ? ? ? Prench - I hj Serbian forcea, had !??rl in obtalnirijyr a foothold on the .m.. So iaa-Gradl ik, bel ara ad a l us quickly a? possible and re laforced nur troops on this front. It the beifinnintr of Noveaaber we Beaded in repelling the Kreuch <>???' r the linn Knvolak-Yai .?ai Ceraa. our aim trat ink the i i "iich front an.I them arrival si luffl oceapation o? \ at Radowil PIbi be aim ? ? i l i ? ? round ad in thi and the ?mrae til o ' French llentlv, for thi ? ? .?i and ? Kovadartii, Th.. em pan aod bj After opsrationa upon Pri tina the l" ' I str..? ? . toward I ? la ..iin ' ? . and the i sn re? S? rhiana might ? .... joined by the occupai ion ol 0 -'? \ . itir an?! Ke?na l?ule-arinn? OCCU| . after sna in the Bigla mou itsii Otl. Bularai laarehed again ? i ? i i thej i ncsr Modovs and Miranmorac. Tiny n re i-iiti: itiu; . '.? atic ' n troop? the Serbian? in the Jama mountsins, ilban inn border. They are ro . ,'i the din . ? boot ii . cora*? ? Tb? ' out '.'. .. . ? | i lecem ? l in !?? ,,,IT tr....[ . hs?. " '?' ? ' ? P'ir ? nit of th.- French, ? eolontn ad* i i tin? rood from Monsal Resna, da . . . . . | i nd ?"? ? ? ?i the morse, an.! I column ai I th.' Sorb?-.' a a' -h watershed whir Ii follow- I of the Jama Mount:?,*-.?, tad toward no?? lain*, the enemy in tl;? ? ?-"' the Ssrbo-Montenesrin front, Kuialuma. our rasterisl which the Rerbo-Mooteao ki ? ti ?AN "Kl-: tetement ?ieBliiur with militar?,- operationi in the Belseae -ay?*: ?.'.t?ro captuif.i. Mor?? thsi ' letarsd ?'II OFFICIAL. The Peril War Ottos gave out the followii i'unnir the afternoon of Ii.cember m fereot delivered a vio head the Vardat River. ? : ulied. The morning of Dec -? aloiiK this 4-Titir?? front. KAISER CONFERS V/ITH HOLLWEG I i>iiiIiiii<-iI frmii \>ege I it it, nnl cannot be tolvojl m i >?r?> in entire <-"i isnanee I thing the govei ? While the c-overriment Strives to op pre?? and exploit the lahsolteats of countries through conriuent, so ' * the government demand the ?e vsrsst exploitation ami Depressi?*! of its t. ? 1'irinf- th.? erst | ",!:.i\vs the ?teel, iron ami eoal megaatei sad the Irttui ? i tin? matter of ill necessi'.i only with reference to the trade of sin.. ' snd middlemen . ?on of nee all protests of the Socinlist ? - ? ft'.ici i"? the tempi other methodt, llih the freedom of ? i so that ? of food. 1 ? ihip hat '?? ? . let ha-. .* ' . ? they .inst an ii in the pri. tufft. ". the military Commander, ? ? orders to the presi t'- U nt l?> ? ' overa int nt in ai Vii publicltj rt*rnitlK the is punished in Berlii the pi ; ' . 'i t'er th.- prot? on o?' the senior? .... ? ?? liment the ? ?,<??? arc allowed ?luietly to tl .,!?*. "\V?r nereite In ti - ???' I s tvsr ? ?.,.,. preteeti on th? par) "i the par);. igt ? The Socialist leader? now hl l ? ?? to bring about ?lout movett '?nintr of ,; ing ?if the ; ?ing I ?rtngl i ? eounl ry. cease 01 : food ? war With ??'? ei > ?re? r th?? - pro '? ' ? I ? ? ' In n> , aiith"! I fur? ther plans of t-O' . . "I? ?a not a queil I bal th.? exploit w "'?'? fro? the I ?IM f AppersonXhummy ' Roadster for four _a-**?-?_/ '',-??'.??-?? UUtJJ.U IUI IV/UI ?*Ji i, . ..! >^n.?.w ?TpT*-,..|.n||.;rr; fc!;. i HUM CHUMMY? hat I a Apperson Roadster reaii? Ii ?h Lut .i? veil as in na it accommodates four In comfort?ill fad '.aa.-j; ill ? ittl ..- In one ipiclous cotnparl ? tin easy tall it lives roe the ? often ? ? r icy ! - "? and smartness Ihn make th< n id h ? the f.1 >? <.r te ? ? 'Y' the , the Pit: Si? hassls, or the --.Mth ail tl ? a-k.n thai :; years' experience have ttufhl th< t Appersons. Sixes, 5 ? . - : Diamond-\pperson Motor Co., Inc., ? 1 <\n Broadw-, ,.- 68t!i Stri-et, New York City. irarr II A.ito Co.. 1178 Bed/ ' Avenue, Brooklyn. ?iiispiiit.??iv 1 I ! ' l??iiili?l .liiliillliil ,!..iiiii;.,i-i:?ii_ii 'ha' i', ope?is war upon all an : nexation plan? o? the government, so ? ? petrlag peac m the proletariat may be expr? * le atinot be accomplish??! I as the party faction supports the wa ' It l' ti. m 7 policy of th* jrovi rgeti *? H ?ill " l?r, '") ? '.y'' **> SOME SCRIBNER HOOKS MEN OF THE OLD STONE AGE By Henry Fairfield Otborn Research Profe??or of Zoology, Colattbi? Ui?iver?it? ri ? - ..? fork Tint**: "TW i'"?'k Is th.- tip Irait eftha BUthori life study served la a 'popular Joyed !.? .m?- educated, r; m BBotbcr tense It is the I authoritative autatnan of the ??*o_derful icrict .?: si lo^i.'al ilisfiiverie.-, mail.' In r.eent \>.ir?Y lltu.>'ri',.l .??:..00 net. THE FIGHTING CHEYENNTS By George Bird Grinnell Tht Kation "Dr. Grinnell has pi_astati Mo eaa> tributioa t.. .tneftcaii aoeiologlcsl literature in hla reeoed of a (?roiija of red men of the high) ?t type, trtkO f.;:.-.;n thi? day largely aaepoUed bj the rteCsi t'i? have pasted. NY. other writer _ so compet? perform ?uch a ser?i??- " With M im II H n. ? IVORY APES AND PEACOCKS By Jame? Huneker Tht v. y. i-r.cniiuj Soot: "Huneker Is ?? food deal th 1' . --'.nistie crlti?-. writui: ???M? Ute fr.-Im. fYim b?.\'all<v. nf ijuii'k, .'..titillent jinliriiient. and ml.In .: the ?pice <>f ?iiteiii, (nal .1 .t.i. . . . There i? a wealtB. t-TCating matter ami (/.'..(l il.iiriinllt ill til?' biK?k." M Vi B4 ' THROUGH COLLEGE ON NOTHING A i EAR Literally Recorded from n Student'? ??tory By Cririitian G?us?, of Prinreton Univergity. / /..- \... ) ri Ei ? slap ?"???' "!' id Its bubhlina; huntor . , , We coimnend II IIa for the reading of bo] s, ri.h or poor, Mad the ..f mchi ?ml ri?t a v.hit le?? curdiiillj ?ti?r\ inv r. ul. r " ???LOO rief. THE MEANING OF EDUCATION Contribution! to ? Philoiopby ol Education By Nichols? Murray Butler 1 hi? ?iliime, based on an earlier book, hut etitir. |j and greatly enlarged mon- than halt nf ii? ? nrere aot! upoo In the eartter rotunas pi-earati Hie \ i.-ws ,,f one of _M I oremos! . lim e?. i produ country upon the tubject, conaldered in it. bruadi ? ' nef CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS l,?3ft35V?; - ,m? n,. ^ ? v yictrola Mighty as Caruso Faultless as Melba Tender as Paderewski Sweet as Mischa Elman Droll as Harry Lauder Martial as Sousa The VictreU .. all ?rttat? and ail in,tr..m?nt. id on. Ii gtrrn ?ou th. ??-tu.I tattes ot trie renowned ?nier, anj>, . I ? ? B " ' It i? iK. gmi.ia. tl -a.ity of ?vary voict trd otrv miinirnfn. |t ig tn? ?..prc-ri? m.-. .1,???<?.?? ol ail tim? The Victor Dealers Listed Below Will Give You a Demonstration. Leading Places Where Victrolas and Records Are Sold Below 14th Street. Ideal Music Co.29 Jtjhn St Owens & Beers.81 Ch Singer Bros. iowery Jacob Mandel.' From 14th St. to 42d St. (inclusive) Globe Talking Machine Co. 9 V Chas. H. Ditson & Co.B, 10, 12 I Ludwig Baumann & Comp'y ..8th Ave?.. ISdi James T. Coughlin.">44 _ th Ar. Knabe Warerooms.5th Ai .Michael Streamer.I j'l I Pease Piano Co.128 West 42d -St.. near Bi From 43d St. to 96th St. (Inclusive) Mathushek & Son Piano Co.Bro.idw.iv A i Bloominirdale Bros.SWth <\ | Sol Lazarus.2 I ? : Adolph H. Mayers.198} Broadway, ? Fuller & Bagley.2 I 06 Bro-adway, nea I. Zion, Inc.2300 Broadwaj M. J. Roth.5rd.a -:h St. Henry Mielkc.1680 S? ond Ave , cor. Above 96th Street Lmanuel Blout.2799 Bn Theo. Arison.J_ \\ ,? ? 1 1 N Buckley-Newhfll Co.5 th A? Kranich & Bach. In V t . Albert Skhd.233 \, ? ' ! - 'th St F. L. Stodn Co., Inc.J496 Broadway Lenox Talking Co. ?12 Ve?! 145thSi Epstein & Bt>rdy.2')77 Third A?r? I 5 >?! >' L. J. Rooney Co.. .1451 St. Nicholas Av., near ??s Ird St Brooklyn? A. I. Namm & Son, Fulton St. at Hoyt St. Sub\? Epstein ?& Berdy ... 1 1^8 Fulton St., near !? Pease Piano Co.}4 Flatlniih A? B. Guy Warner. . Bedford Ave. (h Haber St Out of Town? HuM'i L??dirn Mtnif Hmiie Inc.. 52-54 M?rtine Av,* Plgmi. N | .? -rr & r?on?t 1'inno ?VW.? {'c 743 Broad Si . Newark? N J t\ve .?klyn Brooklyn l-?c? - ..i 'i_* ?