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GIANT COLISEUM TO DWARF GARDEN Nov. Building to Occupy Block a*. Eighth Avenue anil 49th Street. HAY END SHOW DAYS OF MADISON SQUARE Structure for Two Years Will llousr Panama ("anal Models I \liibited at the Fair. sea Sauiir?? . ?? ?'rtic'urt? of II w.'h in a block of New York'? theatrical dlStrr? ?ico eapita'ists. it ?A?? announced have obtained an option on Eighth Avenue block hotwe??n Forty-ninth and Fiftieth BtieetS, now COVSree* by ? car bam of the New York Railway-. Cetepeay. The building will b.? known a? th.? Coliseum ?nd will be ' constructed primarily for the accom 1 niod?tion of th? hag* Panama ("ana! which ha? been on exhibition i for the last sight1 month? on the Zone St the San Fruncisro Fair. It ha? been known f"r almost a year 1 that the canal model was intended ' eventually for New York. Humors of n rival Madison Square Garden have al?o been floatinc; ?lonif Iiroadway re btll anr.ouncemctit yesterday ; that the two cnt?*rpri*es wore une cum.? ' i ? a serpilse. Fred W. McClellan, who : ha? been in New York foi several jmosthl repretfcritin*? the Panama (anal Fxhibition Company, la?t night con I : rmul ihe rumor? und identifn?.! th? i site. The lea??? for the property is row heinsr drawn up, ?*;?.;.(? Mr. McClellan. 1 *nd will probably be ?lrned next week. It i? for twenty-cne veare. with option ! of renewal for twentv-or.e more, sad the entire transaction, including- the sf the building, model, ete., la ? - between and I ? Thorn?? W. Lamb, who d<?ijrned the Strand Theatre and i? now build - at work on a prelimi i Ian?. Th?- I of those back of the , proposition have not been disclosed, i hut many h\g busm.??? men in Chicago are ?aid to BO involved. The canal ' modi-Y U built f ranciso. < bal ' ra exclusively will ; con sir i. Only th" Olympia, ?n London, will be Inrcer thr.n thi Btructare beli.? planned f(.r New York. The car barn ?ite is MO faot bv 47S, and the Coliseum arena will b? 160 by ?60 The arena of Madison Square GaitJefl ?? approxi? mately 120 V.v 885. In it? aaatlni ra i pacify and aclaptability foi a variety 1 of ?how? it will be jrreatY.- ?uperior to ! both Madiaofl Bqaars (lardan and ' Grand Central Pi When arranirpil for th? accommoda j tlon of circuses and similar ?how? the ?catlnp; capacity of the Coliseum will 'be about 16,000, Thi? is nearly twlea the capacity of th" Grand Cen'ra! Pal? I Ses BS)4J* sbeol 'hree ..m* th?'. of Madi ? mis G er see. With tht 'i.liseum at it? comrr.ard, York will bt ! in it - ? the aren?. ! or central floor tpac , . he ?he case with large meetings, The ? apacitv will be betw? 2SJS9S. Mr. McClellan. whs :.???? been man? aging the mode: .. will be the manager sf tl A? in San Franci??*.,. th? canal will be view from a B '?Jim, capa? ble of accommodating ..ns at a tim?;. 1 :.e to?.a! .be about ??0,000 persons : ,r ?*?iu cational in nature, seid Mr McClellan, the attraction Will run ?.even ? .1 ; week. Allowing two years fei the canal model. It U tttil ted that the Coliseum will si ;? r into active competition witi den end (?rand CeBtl in the spring of 1911. Oten** ? entrai '? never ha* competed ? ..?rdcn fur circuses and other I) I but, with th? s ? - and in of the Co'.i?? am, il ..? general? ly accepted that Mad ten Setters Gar? den will be torn few Vil I _^?^??? MONTAGUE GLASS YOU who laughed over the "Potash & Perlmutter" stories that MONTAGUE GLASS wrote for "The Saturday Evening Post" now have a new treat in store. Birsky and Zapp will give it to you?Montague Glass writes about them in The Sunday Tribune, and Briggs draws their pictures. You saw what B. Zapp, one of the new laugh-makers, said about the series yesterday. And Louis Birsky writes about himself in this letter today. aejaV xy^Cs UO^5 as?efi ?Ca. Rfc^ && V ov)>* ?fvtaf* .< ?a****" *$$ y(0* c#iG ->o" *.9'-n' . ' if ?.'.' iTie t# ?u -^ L.W IgsV ft? e? ? o*-1 ft. ?ro? . ?JO? _4Bfa?^ ?es-* V ? X**'0 **** I. ? ^JSSS-? v,e M* *>* rt, -^ -tA t0 fe ^ 1% ***** ne ^*e "? -ceo*'-- ot?V -B^:v^r__.-^v^%r 1A of ?^ ^ ^a-1 ?.?^ ?-&&? ????*? ^noc? i^e ^ s*? "^'t** *' ?0V>S>W >,??? *" Ai*1? ,. e4Re at.'*"8'*" . V? a*d ^\?t_%?* _ tS*% _? **? . *** ?ta Vrt_ . ^?. ^n . ? ?O * ^ ?ot*? * . _?. Y?? ?lot to a% BY?o* iA*> fit** If/" Never before have newspaper readers been able to get MONTAGUE GLASS'S stories with their Sunday newspaper. You can get them now with THE SUN? DAY TRIBUNE. The series starts next Sunday, December 12th, but now is the time to tell your dealer not to let you miss a single Sunday is laugh. ?b* ?un?ag Sriban? First to Last?the Truth' News?Editorials?Advertisements iitrKKihiN-uURSTINE, INC.?ADV^-rT "4 What Is the Gary Plan ? ! By ALICE BARROWS FERNANDEZ Tribune readers will find in this department a clear and authoritative account of the Wirt school system, proposed for this city. Questions of parents and teachers will be gladly answered. The de? partment will appear on Mondays and Thursdays. WHAT THF WIKT FIAN DOES. It take? children off the ?tre-ets and keep? them wholesomely bu?> at work, study and play for ?Is or ?even hour? a day. It give? all children just a? much academic work aa the Iradiili.n?! ??-h?>ol. hut by lengthening -he school day It give? time for practi? cal ?hop work, ?clence, drawing, music, auditorium and pla> for all rhildren. WHAT THE WIRT IM.AN MIAN-:. To every parent?a chance to give his child the enriched educational opportunities usually reserved for the children of the favored few. To teecksis?no more hour? of teaching; more congenial work. To the community?better citi? zen?; belter school? for less cost. What Do I'i?nple Uut?ide of New York Think of Gary Plan? "Madam: I hear many comment? of New York people on the Gury plan. I* this plun attracting attention outside ??f New York, and what do people in <?th?r cities thi.ik of it* What do p?o pltj connected with education think of knowing thin might help the lay? man to get ?ome sense of proportion In i ?yard to the matter in New York. ?'New Y'.rk I ;?>?. If MUI1AT." There is very widespread Interest In the Gary plan throughout the country Probably no school system in the hi? torp of this country ha? been so much investigated and written about and ???immente'l upon a? the Gary ?chool | l'?*deral Covcrnmcnt Report*? on Gary Schools. One of the be?t seSftSS of Informa- ' .?i regard to the Gary plan is the repet? si Iks United State? Hureau of I r.ilucation on "The Public School Sys ,'? Gary, Did." Any one can secure - report by writing to the 1'nite.J ! States Hureau of Education, Washing- ; toe. The report is Bulk-tin 1H1?, No. 18. let Lest way to let our correspond-1 ??ut know what people outside of New York think of the Gary plan is to let the outsider? speak for themselves. Here is what A. K. Wmship, editor of "The Journal of Eilucation," han to say ? the Gary schools: barricaded Aguintl Car>* "I* history to repeat itself? For y years the world saw a multitude becai'se the great I.iebnitz and lielmholtz declared that the fermorta i :' yeast was purely chemical, and not biological. All eminent ?urgeon-j denied the gem theory of Pasteur, and i uiiilr.' It of thousands died. gloried m the anguii>h of thoutand? for several rorld-festoru sur %t "i ? ? setept Lister's dis SBtissptiC treatment. "Medical was burr:?';? ltd ? truth by its raonstroM eon? Are u:.;. i ( us barricaded against Cary ? " and repudiator* are always ? rously applauded in the Amen ? crime of the reformer If dis? ? .,: u?.-iTvatinn familiar to every pert i n through ail .?.?.-. - from the Ih?. glorj of itendai : ? . ? of : ? age. The ?lifTerenc? between crystallized ???m is between ? i ?.- * t-. -. ? -. i ? ? fruit-ladened orchsrd. Ths I a - *?4 o sdve il I a> boon for a million . mora or l?.?s, and secondly, it ' rin ,) by M ruit Ol fui another re years. Its glory Is that it i .-ver was good foi anything and never will be. 1 We advise sublime silence when It COBtSt ' I skepticism?. In ' -in! achievement out :o achieve; M pro*..' .rhievement 'hing. Multiple I'm- "f Bcheol PUS Stroke of Genius. "So niiii'li has bees ??ritten about tete I [ be mo?t heroic Ifg ? of the! ? path straight and :? ,1'ipie us.- of the ?c ion the ?tue is oil ? ?- en day ? tets it : Me sny p?rt of plant ?r.v ? ? ?OIS 1 WSI it wanted ll ?ml ? ?rerworhlsf Scheel BalltVags. 1 ' ?' .... i a ?choolhou ? it? ? ?' ' ?? should terse, bel ths fact n ? magnifv ?at er ed traction. " '-' ? ? re. U -? ? Ca? in in) sfth te . -.?rifth gradt 'ment is a itroke o? geniu? In I ??an i a bit of werhing cut. Now her.. has Mr. fully lie*, eloped bit | cuing, as he does, I the p. tfde? s? in whicB ? el "Mi Wirt has ::;.,.!.. ,. the mysteries of higher e!.;ca'. that graduate? from tht can tstet the sophomore year in in one or more subject?. fair way to ?olre some problem ter than they are solved by an mediste school, a junior high ?ch a junior college. "If Mr. Wirt doet r.oth ng til tion of the twentieth c? than he i? doing in the curricula f fifth, sixth, seventh, tig tenth, eleventh and twelfth gru. ?hould immortalize hit*i p. V? t have no space her? t<> tut that great achievement." Chicago'? Opinion of Gary. In a recent editorial in 'The t'h Tribune" under the caption "Whet Has DeBS f? r New Y'.rk He Ye," a plea is made for the Gary ? rial ?late? i "Many Chteagoans are of the op that the rotary s ?bli?h? William Wirt a? Gan -l.oj.Id bt into operation in Chicago? her last annual report Mrs V liability of the til keep pace with the growth of m population. Last year over ill ? B ?v? re added, ai,?! a like numb, year before. The G.iry plan has tried out to some extent it. sever the high sel i ser, with *h ?ult that th -I' espsbtl let have materially increased. "There is more of ?slut Is the ?yStSSB than the economies whit make? possible. It atTord? to the I that relief from the mon?.' schoolroom that k.ep? truant office Th.- child has one ] for work, another for study, and another for play. The same mea?ui relief is afforded the teacher. Advine? E*?U?ndlng Plan Throug System. "There is still time for ample perimentntion in the plan this year it it successful it could he extei ghost the system next year New York has come almost U) Chi for a man to ?how it how, and has him well for a few weeks of his t perhaps we could get as much fiom man whose worh has been i almost in the shadow "f Chicago, ?alary paid him ought to bring bac Chicago a thousand t;tnes I money, and at the ?ame time .-reati assurance to all parent? that t children will get the full t: them and ??!:? "1 possible f the public Schools. Other Cities Start Campaign for ( Plan. Many other cities have been ws? Icsmpeient for tht Gary plan for s I ".:".-- Kan.sHS City, Clevela:.., ' ?neepolts, Tro.,, thtee si four teerst , New Jersey, Snd others which we I not ipece hen? te mention. Etece ? .polis ha? become io ir.tere in the subject that "The Minneap i Tribune" sent one of its ?tatf te It 1 the schools, and the results . f study have recently been published . Tribune ' in a fo; mph'.'t. It is one of .most tivid and able account? of Gary school system that we have ?? and we recommend that all those v are interested in the tsbjOCt write Minneapolii for this pamphlet. < of the ifiii-t interesting parts of t article is the following description hew the Gary plan was installed New York: "In a certain district of Troy was discover? d that two buildir were for the need* of l children, wfhile the board mi e? tidering the traction of a new bu: ing pair burn to the ground. The desperation their strait? moved th?? Troy eoi ill upon Mr. Wirt. He I not keep them long II introduced vocational she; and auditorium; abolish the ?ingle seat, shook up the teachi , ineral tea and in a short tir had a true G.-.r;. 'ailed Troy. The miracle of the erhole I fair wa? revealed when ?' that the children were now amp housed in one school, where former they had !.???:. ii adequately housed I two. When with the two builuini they declared they needed more rooi they row, with one building, saw thi had room to spare. "Some of the dazzled folk In Trc feared that the children would n? well in their aca?!emic woi ' as they ha i formerly. The magic: ** they rogerded a? much tc Bu' in the ne) examination the children won th high?-?*? averses they had won in th ? iy of Tros and Iteod up amon I it schools in the ?t?te." POLICE BAND CELEBRATES ..'"io f,,r Aid in Festivities at Harlei Ri%er Casino. The policemen celebrated last nigh. SB and oh:i gathered at the Harlem Casir.o to ,. Th.? po. ? bey dt<la t heve t watch the ero? I tome I watch them. The crowd v. as happy ;.. Were, and it ma; ti*k nf controvert? that the ninth annual celebration i the police band of New York wa? thi ? I L-H Cook ?ang "M..?s <'o!um from the pen of Mrgeeet ?>.to C rgei '? - ' * tne daugh fa policeman and the niece of i police lieutenant. She was followed by the police bead Conrad J. n?cnenber(? and Augustus J. Reicher! banged mu?; hammer? on anvil? that shredded I I ?..?rks. Then the ?extet from Lucie fleeted arro??-? the Harlem Rivse At the stroke of twelve th.? grand march ba?ss It vta? led by Patrolman ii A. Beanfrere ai d hit wife. The of I ; - tte Com? missioner Wo...i?. Boiossh Pieoideat Marks, Fire CetemloBiM ? - A Ian ion and el B4 r city dignitaries. innnOO PiDes Wanted for Wounded Soldiers IUU,UW npes ? Buy A p,pE AND MAKE $% A WOUNDED SOLDIER HAPPY IN THE & BRITISH AND FRENCH HOSPITALS. EVERY BRIT-HER IN NEW VORK IS EARNESTLY REQUESTED 10 MAKE THIS CHRISTMAS GIFT TO CHARTY. . ... ,r?r? a 1/ ?>'>? ?' ???, I??"?1' s< - N'',' *"rk' REGINALD HUGH MURRAY, i^uo-a 4-_ _a-4__a_4?. met : ms.mer eke ,?l t-~i-, "te?? /? ?.4J?-? a B\rd. Kt?e'l.i '.. ?Vin? ?t'a"??"? Su?! H'OBtrait b? OllT.t I?.'M* O*, lu a piano or player pi.ino. bear in mind that, throughout the years to com?1, many people will pass judgment upon the taste and wisdom of your I'hoiee. "That's a ''.ne puino" will b?? the general ver diet if the nanie Kranich &. lia o h appears upon your instrument. Owners of th??s?~ p.n.n.?s. bought quarter of a century ago, lift the Fall Board ?_?_ display the name of Kramc-h _ Bach i I proudly .?> day as they did twenty-five years ago. ICH ^RACH %iltra-Qualitu PIANOS and Player Pianos "Sat/ istAf a traJ ftOMA toitory and ntoki year . itus." 233 E?tt 23d St *.??__. 16 W. 125th St WOODS MUFFLES HORNS, HAWKERS. PARROTS Silence List Issued to Aid Thost Who Sleep by Day. Police CenustMleeer Wood? has ? ?oft spot In hi? heart for the night workers who sleep during the day. Be proved t yesterday by issuing a special order that will compel patrol men to ?ee that there will in the future be: No unnecesiary shouting by street hawkers and "old clothes" men. No unnecessary shouting or yelling by anyone on the streets. No use of horns, bugles or bells by scissor grinder?. No unnecessary horn-blowing by auto dr No unmurned exhaust on auto? or motorcycles. No yelling of taxi driver? In front of theatres or h"' No yelliag of "extra*." No unni i -e? by milkmen, icemen r.ivl bakery boys. No unnecessary Bolseo in putting out auheans. No unnecessary noise by defective or worn-out machi- ? i> No unnecessary blowing of factory or boat whistles, ami no barking screeching parrots, etc. i The Commis? II did not state that the covered "singing" cats.? And f'irther, the cops will, through their captain?, report to the Public Bervlee Commission faulty car tracks. flat wheel.? on, faulty brakes on car?, and unnecesiary clanging of car gong?. LASHES FOR WIFE BEATER Maryland Magistrale Revives Whipping Post le l'unit??. Cruelt>. ,I-.-n TI.? M m* Hu-.?u ] Washington, l)ec. I, The whipping post for all wife beaters is the rait I Police Magistrate Mace, of Reehville, Md., who revived that instrument of punighment aftaT t'ifty year? of dlau? . Richard J. T. i lubb r? c?iv,.(l ten lathe? to .lay a?ter hit ?04 B for atUackinir hi? wife wi* chinawar? nn?l ?torn'?. ''lubb ?crea, cl a? the lath cart? do-vn on hi* bare buck, and irrest wel1 ros? on hi? skin, After expiating- h o?Tence h.? derlnred that he would 1? return to hi? hom?, a? he had been d ftnoaS tat life, and would leave t i-tate. Put quality first, always, ?_ buying toilet paper?then kn h o w 111 a 1 sheets there in the roll, no other cm you dt mine ho quantity v Toilet ifarv can be loosely wound to tila-? the roll look big. "It's the Countej Sheets that Caus?t" Scoflfesue loilet Paper has 1000 sheets to the roll? 10c. Soft, white and absorbent Sari?-T???ue. The balttn? trrairnij?t oriakfg it bealiitf. 2*?Uo \heets in rtrton of 3 roll?. 25c \ti your dealer. SCOTT PAPER CO. 10 Church S?r??-.| Mahert of akernrk N.w Ywrk Ktakert of ,>*.., kernt ScmsTittue I eut ele :=s*fi WATCH YOUR CHILD'S FEET l*f flnf a'k!<-and an-h nrnn?rlr iupi?oit--J by CowaiJ A:?I, ?.i;?r iba*. Sairiof ar.Vl? ?n? MS without aapport *** *i>? CmNN A.. :. bur, port IU-& Coward Shoe -Ma,?, a.?t .?? Foot troubles usually begin young. Every mother should see that her child wears proper shoes. The Coward Shoe for children trains the child's feet to be natural, healthy and symmetrical. It given helpful support to the arch and ankle and prevents foot troubles. Sold Nowhere Else James S. Coward 264-274 Greenwich Street, New York 'Ne?r W?rreo Street. Mail Order* Filled S?ad for The "O. G. V." letters to the New York Evening Post from Washing? ton were resumed with the opening of Congress this week. This correspondence by Oswald Garrison Villard was one of the most widely-noticed features of the Evening Post during the critical months of last spring and summer. Mr. David Lawrence, one of the best-known Wash? ington correspondents, has joined the staff of the Evening Post, and will write for its columns from Washington during the coming winter. ??IbeKetog^ I \lort Than a \>u t*?_/vr ? A Natioetml Isutitutten T 20 Vesey Street New York U f*<Z>?t-?C=?-H*?CJ