OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 11, 1915, Image 11

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1915-12-11/ed-1/seq-11/

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T Uli 0? War" Suppressed by the British Censor?Dr.
?ftHis i .??hnson's History of "The Foreign
I the United States."
TV,. - "' C
?""?fcal -- -,:i BUP
mttli ?* ' ' ? Va
?5_7*_al s in El gland
T^t Sva No
0B\, *.he M ? 'rore
ni'- "?^ -? al ai ? ent at the
?"?V ; . at wai pub
U_V-r fhf?' g with the as
,rt*7 ?>
afisS ?< ?
^eessB. ?"
... happy
?aks4 C
0 . . ? e ! ?oil is pub
!.y the M?
??J!,,. the advir
?isi i
t !? colorful
.u, loreip? KeUt'oni.
?1 early
... ,, |
n ?re '
0, ? si this If?
o-ar.r* Il | ?? somewhat bigoted
lauoral Bgol 'r"m ?*'nicn many of
?r lui n*vr *?*? "u *nd Wl1' cont'nue
Lfgg !.? to be cast In the
#ra tt , esi, though ftu
?obiIt acrura'*) I ?rratlve Assigned for
>* ?Tirsa-?* - ?' mo
sent helng regarded as highly oppor
rjn* ?"or s work of this character. Dr.
? ? i ? with the pre-Reyo
.,.,.. -of this country with
pi an powers, trace the
aie n th?
I f thi .is
? e toward our Civil War, our co
t, aad every other as
r.al relationships
two volumes ol
? ach.
1 beodore Roosevelt.
"The Moat Interesting Americsr." Ii
"f Colonel
? announced
The little
? n a number of recent
lio? t.? lock ai the Mo\ies.
. ? ? literature of how to
?i i- added Yarhei
Art of the Moving
Picture" ? Macmillai.,, vhieh n. ,
appropriately be cahed "How to Look
es." Tie volume, w!.
? . .. e to photoplay writers,
marily intended for movie the?
atre audiences. Mr. Vaehsll is an so?
a i photopl?
throe ' . Intimacy.
t'aree, he avers,
? ? ? ? is "to rriHt?- 'he mood of
? r.f Tinto
?>." He also
enumerates thirty points of dt^ert-ne*
the spoken drama and the
photoplay, and draws a parallel be
cween the moving pictures and Egyp?
tian hieroglyphics.
A translation of Eo.ger.Il Boloviev*s
life of the great Russian novelist Is
In repsratlon In England. His letters
were published In this country esrly
this yesr.
A Grand Canyon Underground.
"To me the Mammoth Cave of Ken?
tucky Is simply a portion of the Grand
r of i'r.lorado underground.'
??rorp? W hart?n James in "''Mir
A Daring Plot
A Corkinff Story
A Famous Author
i'rom the best play since Secret
Service by Earl Derr Biggers the
author of Seven Keys to Baldpate.
Inside the Lines
Fri-ifn fJie pfov hr Farl Derr Birders. ?Norelixed bv Robert Wellea Ritchie.
? .0 Mj f_ mo doth. $1.25 nri At all Stores
MUSIC Writ?- t. day for :i
?" JUVENILES ir new illusti
S ESSAYS Hoi ?Catalogue.
U 1 I?-120 West Thirty-sccond Street, New York [j
oultney Bigelow's
Prussian Memories
i* It t' N?t. (Bf Mall #1.1 $
r- '?? r???e?4 twine ?r?r? ?ai hit ^rh??- m
Ttxm - ??'? >????? r-i'!f rarioBi ? ras II G?r?
ai- a ti-M I * ? acho?*>: dayaj ?_e lathar, the i?t?
j' ?gi M - 'ofrtnee. Throi.gr! the father*!
, ! ? ?? <?.?': i gig a..- rg P.:ge!ow had
? , ?. | i fellow with ine pr?tent
Ml I >?- ?i '?'g'.' ? ^'g-g*-, ip;r.ted.
I - ? . . . ? .-*.?"?_?- ?n unututi
r i- : ? ? r I?B ] rtite, uncon.
f~>B*'. | a g'.OB
All RookteUer.
"-*?* G. P. Putnam's Sons l?
732 Volumet of the world's greatest classics, at a nominal
price, y?-*? in such attractive bindine-i that a Christmas present
?velrct??rj from this litt has bpth beauty and distinction.
Price only 35 cents net in cloth
Pike only 70 cents net in artistic red leather
The following eleven volumes just added :
-Tata? S.W' H.ator?- of tha Eng- Ir-a?--? ? Lady Ingrr ?,f Oglraa. etc.
liah Pcopl. ? en\e r _. r r? j ? ?
?a ? . ""* ?.r.goi g Dead Soul?.
Marf.r.U ?jIu.K?,.. of N?-wc.?tl?. ...... , \m.
Ua of tkt l.-? Dultag of Naw- f,''"4' Ur,ul# M"?"**
tulla Mr* F.winf'g Mr?. 0-a?rthcw?<*'?
Hoar man f>, ?)?., Natura of Edu- Ramaggilaranca.
r-etioi. Mr? Ewmg'g Ja? kanapog, a?tr
foams Y*e<* of Europa. aU , Mat Donald'g Pl.anlagta?
S??r,H f?,r ?ompUtg li?t
L P. DUTTON & CO. 681 Fifth Ave., New York
American Wonderland" A. C McClurg
I ail the phi
tne ?..-? are revealed in the
? B tin..
' vable that
.?e might develop into
Socialistic Literature.
The . ; king J
elation announ.-. ? trsi ? upon
lure, "Socialism arid the
Louis P. Boudin, ....
1 he b? ?: c and
wrnch culn. ? .:?
be followed by "The ?
New Zealar bell !1. Hutchm
tfter the War," by
C, F rains, and
?n. ' by Dr. Isaac A. llourwich.
A Blind ?soldiers' (.?ft Hook.
The "i are ab?
-i and pun
Aibtrt book pi.1
ago. Amo; g I
? i ? Hiehens, Jol.'
? otts, II. G. Well*. Austin D<
t?. k. Cheetertoi l'ope, Gil?
bert Parker, A C. Bei
and Arnold Per. ? I Eng?
lish artists have furnished the
irations, la colora and black-nr.d-v ? -
Kngllsh and American 'I rade
Hoher? M lleBrid? & ( ?*>. announce
"Ame- ' i'reten
I the y
? ?gard
mmerea ? I
? : al nations
?luring the rei The ?olume
has been commie i aad provided with
an introduction by William Bayard
Hale. The crT.cta. correspondence be?
tween Crest Britain and the United
States is given, together with the Dec
j lsration of Paris and the Declaration
of London.
The German Government.
"Government and Polities of the Ger?
man Empire," by Dr Frits Konrad Kru?
ger, of the University of California, Is
the initial volume of what promises to
be a verv useful series of Government 1
Handbooks. Other volumes In prepara- I
HI Ml l.lil.I PARKER.
I'Th* ?' !?.-?.. ? i -
tion are "G B De
Dr Davi
? cs of
\e? I'r. ??
"Th* ! ?? ide: An cal
-worth," pt-ted
I k-and-r?*.- a Aral ?ditlon
of 1-,5'j, has ju?t been issued in Eng?
land by Mr. Cobden-Sar,der?on It u
the la?t book which will be published
in English at the Doves Press. It will
be followed by the final edition of the
Catalogue Rsi'or.n? of the press, snd,
If s sufficient number of subscribers be
obtained, by the lorg-promised eollee
? ? stl which has
all SOB arranged.
B> Marjorie L < . Pickthall.
***? r>ert the ht -r, the high
" ~ - wo.
With the herded cloud before her s
bor ses
Comes Mar --epherdeis,
seeking for her own.
1 tha righteous fo
Saint I ?
But Mary seeks the little souls thi
are so hard to
All the little sighing ?ojls bom i
They who fed on b:t*er bread whs
the world was bare
?f tl a gil r-y gates and tl
-'v ?-?air.
All about the windy down, housing I
Underneath the alder-bough, liane!
light ?
| - ?vher
the mi ? ?
' iom. fingering s
! ane,
? dark, lone slon
Mary. Mary ?-.'..-pherdess, gathers then
And O. the wardering women know, li
workhouse and in shed.
Thev dream on Mary Shepherdess wltl
? ? about her hea.l,
laaol poiies m hsf hand, sn<
: ow comforted.
BBS, ferial
*? ? : ? re..
era's 1 I I bairr
jig at her knee.
\?. ' ta the bracken SSIVI .'hered
the frost is on the loam.
When the dream goes out in sil?ne?
and the ebb rur.s out in fosm,
Msry, Mary ?-nepherdess, she bids the
lost lambs homo.
If I hsd a llttls msld to turn my tears
If I had a llttls lad to lead me when
I'm grsr,
All to Msry ??hepherde?s they'd fold
their hands snd pray
- Scnbr.er's Msgatlr.e.
A Selected List of New BooKs
The Best of the New American
and Fnglish Novels.
CHI IR! Pt Wa-iar?
TTFR Hi T??-*..' T.--.
4 " . .
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? ?
? ?
T> TIT"*.
I I . ?--?-,.
i I ..I STAIN I Sal ? ? Mullen
I' A;t
AltM. M. "I Tlir.. By M?r7or1*
L?NCT A R-r K>?t II-*?**-?*,
' '- - '?
t'ABOl ?? By a ?? - nir-kaii?
i .*.?-.? ,\<jt. i.?
am J It Llppln ?i ?o.
--* I .arria Pmihl?
. 1 ... A
*-? ?
?Ml n? rr\-Trrnj.\ n?
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'?'I H? Mar-j-.rt? ' ?
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??IN nil. A I'? Wlnaion i bur
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_ ?? '? a?a 1 . Basa ?1*
ASW 'Hll. It? lotos, i.tjw.jru?, <-..t,'lm
-?'.*-. Tti? John
; GLOS) * " ? Hum!?
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l'.j K-i H'acb. Rar
in.Mi-i ?i.. ? i? David Otara* i.o-jbi???!*.,.
III Kill . ? ?
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HAM '?wo I'r?l.r? ,
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? , rilAV? Till. B| lr.aa Ram**
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RI-rAK'H VAfiVjri'TNT n?a St M i,
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?'?.! r. BY i '.VI ' MIIO?? A B- Tiraor Bri4*->*
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Lafcadio Hearn's lectures?A
New Life of Tenaysoa.
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"We're always
happier wher
we've got a to
morrow to loot
forward to, cause
when we're jus!
satisfied somethin's very
apt to go to smash,
Old Lafe, the crippled
cobbler in Grace Miller
White's new novel,
(author of "less of the
Storm Country") always
kept a smile on his face. He
had faith. He was "Happy
In-Spite." Happy in spite of
his afflictions, his poverty and
his fading years, and he put
a smile in the heart of Jinny,
his little rose o* Paradise.
Don't you want to join the
Happy-in-Spite Club?
hers arc
French b -1 -'
- boys
and ..
? ?'
Fifth Avenue at 48th Street
No more intimate story
of Gotham, and the fasci?
nation of its nicht life, has ever
been written.
Geon*.- Bi. r.gun -Howard ?
?mpreggive New Novel
New York and Lo? Angele? report
' It in the li?t of "Six Beat Seller?."
- H.tt M4
The Log 3
of the
Ark noa?i*h
**? ?* Diary by
c_ Gordon
9 ? Pictures
The runniest book
of rhe year
at all i>ii<?K??a-ii?-r ? or
? 681 Fifth Avenue
Near 54th Street
? ?Trillin
We can supply any
book you wish.
New Yorlt'g L*rgegt Book Store
42 Broadway. Phone 3900 Broad
Books Bought
r ?? |gg f ??-.!-? ???'.?I?, W?nl?g
*o tbair
? ? b * ?
' ? - - ! .11 rolitjC
?? r
do??': HENRY MA-KAN Ham
,? t i I -Of r-OF-PRINl ?BOOKS'1
-? II ? tr. f.Oi.k ?a a?
i , ' : !.? ii oat ? i. -
... , ? ? . J
- UUB'I .l.r A :
a g- am
ron Autograph Letters
HP' ? T?>
\\ \\ 111: K m NJ wiis
.. \?. n >, ? ity.
Gift Hooks for Readers of All Tastes
Letters on an Elk Hunt
h? 11 iM.i'.i run m ?mi \kt
Ai _? M? her "Letten of a
*?? " *-." .-?I ?*" mt.
A Hilltop on the Marne
M. Mil LIU II \l I.lili M
n nn American
H boot hoOSC waa the c-ntre of *he
MartM buttle. Illii-trnt.il. ?1.23. I
Four Weeks in the Trenchea
rtir* i ? i- npcrlu ? ? " mb*
SorblngT* lnti-r?->tirig." ??JrsSf unH y?vv He?iste:
The Life and Letters of John Hay
II? ? II I I VM K'l-? CI 111 41 1 K
I" (ht ?'.' ' -n.iitig liiofrraphy of tin
tirnr ' Bettou Truuteeipi Illustrated. *?"??"
Chief Contemporary Drama'Asta
lAMrit I.? THOMAS ? DH KIn?<>>
Twenty ci.mpl.'t?' phi} ? (ta RafUah) by hrcal
faiBOM pi??*? v? riarlit*. .**"-* IS.
The Case of American Drama
n? TIIOM \- I UlthlNxiN
Tlir* past hi-tory and future pros
pi .?' ..f Um B-tafi " lh ? eoaatry H Hi
A Marriage Cycle
M. AI l< | KHI ? H IS Ml MTR
A BOtaMa BJ4JJSB0Il'l ttOtJ in haunt
Inc verse of an Ideal lOfS and mar
?1.2.'> net. Wedding ed., fl.flO.
Here are appropriate gift*
for every man or woman on
your Christmas list. If you
care to make present? that
give laiting pleasure, check
now the bookl you want snd
take the list to your book?
store; or mail to the address
below with check or money
More Jonathan Papera
< harm ? i
The Old Testament in the Light
of To-day
II? \4 II II 4M IK! |.| 111? BADI
\ H? u ind | rofo ind
in', rpn tation ol the <i' reloptnent ol
tit? i bowa m th'
nroi I ? ? ' b tiara will
alike find this notable bunk most stltn
II .--II I 111 M I Ml??! -I -
Little Book of American Poets
I'.iiit'-ii by .lessir- B ID*!? nhouae ( overa th?-entire
nineteenth century and for I a
her "I.ittir- Hoi.k oi Modern Vei ? .
nip leatbcTi ?* 1. ~ ?"?
John Muir'a Travels in Alaska
" \ graph c -i ? ? ? m and ad
The Book of Musical Knowledge
It? .1(11(1 ? I.I -?IN
The Ideal reading or referm?e i"?>k "n swak and
i?. Iiin-t r it.-il. -.1
The Rivenide
Uplift Series
Booka ol liiapliolasa bf tun*.
<>us living authors, bound in
pun-llefl blue board*, at '?nly SO
rent? ra.-h. I'niqii'- and IbobU?
fi.l gilts. S-tid lot ii?t.
By II ??*. I I <>? K El I l
A dis4*us.4inn ol some ol the fonda
m. ? ? .. ; ? ', .if U/e ??mi tiii.r.ilitv
a? rspreasrd ii I d by, ?t
rrsttirr. 1 In tub ecta "I the fi*-'
?ttadies '.r<- N.??*.?? h?. /."la, Huys
lasna. Casaaoi ? -md St. Francia of
*.??: i. iLtl net.
America at Work
Rrflliaoi . ' ?' *.n??*ri
ean in*in-t - ?-f? ?t _r t ft tur i
business man. Illustrated. H .00.
.n.?1 ter tttm
II .?./.??. /(?
? V'trk St.
I tie*
?. onti:iurd fn>ra psfe nine
it may not be amiss to insist here upon the high
percentage in pleasure and profit which books
yield on their small cost. They have even been
adapted to the requirements oi modern living.
Their format offers no difficulties in even the
smallest city apartment. There is even an added
pleasure in the weeding out. the careful considera?
tions of value and space which the new conditions
have brought into the sport of collecting. It is then
that books acquire a living quality; and it is then
that one begins to make his own definitive teles
tion for the famous five-foot bookshelf, and to
plan for making it a ten-foot one. A book a week
??that is one of the fixed charges in many a family
budget; it should be the universal one.
Children clamor for them remember that,
too! Whatever the toys that tempt them, how
ever ingenious their mechanical contrivances,
they must have their books or be disappointed in
their Christmas mood. From the nursery to then
introduction to grown-up literature, they are al?
ways reading. It is thus that they gain more edu?
cation, more knowledge, often, than from their
formal schooling. More American history is
taught to our boys and girls by the story-telleis
who write for them than by the text-books and
more patriotism. The appeal to the imagination
at which modern education aimr is made unerr?
ingly by such writers as, to name but one of
very many, Everett T. Tomlinson. And do not
forget the steadily growing, purposeful and
withal romantic literature of the Boy Scout and
Camp Girl movements!
Do not insist upon the newness of a book;
neither respect books only for their age. Talk
about books, and listen to the talk of others. It
will help you greatly in making your choice of
the gifts you are planning for this season, and it
will help you in your own planning for that re?
serve of perhaps as yet unrealized pleasure as
well. Give thought to your book buying and
consult your bookseller. Shop early, give hirn
time to give you his attention, talk freely with
him. Every bookshop in New York has several
good salesmen and saleswomen, held in great
esteem by collectors and connoisseurs, and they
are enthusiasts in their profession. Only give
them a chance, and they will convert you from an
occasional, holiday, book buver, into an habitual
one. And you will thank them for the service
and its results.
Here is a form of Christmas giving which is
not nearly sufficiently practised. For children
the choice almost automatically suggests itself?
"St. Nicholas." For grown-ups the range is in?
finite. Reviews for information, magazines that
offer both belles-lettres and knowledge, periodi?
cals devoted to the interests of women, to sports
and fashions, to country life and the house beauti?
ful. There are the weeklies. With us they are
not so many that they need enumeration. And
remember that to many a professional man or
woman the authoritative organ of his specialty
may be a necessary and yet a luxury not lightly
contracted for.
At this crisis in the world's history in the mak?
ing, periodical literature has, indeed, become al?
most indispensable. It supplements the news of
the day, sifts it, and, in some measure, fixes what
is likely in it to have lasting significance. And a
year's subscription as a Christmas gift has the
beautiful quality of being a gift twelve times re?
newed. \

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