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Reward for Six Days of Striving " Comes To-night if Reward ItCan Be Called Bis Crowd in Garden As Grind Near s Its End Fogler and Carman Are Forced to Quit in Early .Morning Hours. EATON AND MADDEN REGAIN LOST LAP Riders Keep Well Ahead of the World's Record Anderson Reaps In Shekels. By HAWTHORNE ?'??1 htm?? that waited omethiag bordering on the ?rnsa ioaal to happen m the six-day race at ? Garden la?t night, hut .' m vain from S ?'dock . after 11. with nothing to throw ?? populi.i'i? into paroxysm? of - except lateral t ? ? en, Th?. -leaen team? in a tie for thr ???1 ?er. , un th" alert ;* n'tempt? at lap stealing, an?! . efTort to cinch the race in this mnner aras frail Norman Ander.??.!., the Dane, who If h desea lapa la the rear, a goodly collection of $10 bills lariag , g, taking four or Eaprompte brushes. Wal more than his hare of hard, falls during the week, red an evatioa every lime he came ifl the track, and tag "Dixie Flyer" ) in his ability to hold to the he is still to be Bckeaed a Tbs BOB kept well ahead of the orld'a record during all of the filth :i ?pite o? the fact that the pace kened perceptibl) for several nours. The principal desire of the ridera ? lia their strength ? ' crucial !>?-' to-night, when the tading teama an hoar before the ? ? I 10 o'clock, will engage in the "Berlin" This constitutes a series s? lucted on a point I, with ?o many to first, second, I, etc. This was first tried at the Gr.rden year, and pnrtided a continuous of thrills all through the la?tt lour. Thi? innocent looking paragraph is och full of (?loom fer several hun . contemplate re? maining in the Garden until the finish - the reason : II decided to administer rat clean-up of the week at 6 'clock this mon. ? g, sad George 11. X, in charge of the police arrange ? ;. plsinelothea men, do the job efficiently, ?ending ?? ery mother's son out to "meet the . i " at that hour. of the sprints of the early even? ts yesterday caused a buzz of excite and resulted in Lawrence and Magin coming dangerously near lapping he tield. ??n'y the presence of an egg ? the track at the right moment pre -r.ted the pair from accomplishing the ? Lawrence began the daaB ?' 7*41 ? 'clock antl rushed away to a half-lap 'ead. Mag?n came out ,-ind took up the ?? t..-k fot lOUr laps. Lawrence then came rail) and pained a bit more. It ooked as good as a lap for the team, ' ll then appeared Egg Oscar by name | and tore around the oval at break l?OCk spe.-d and nipped Lawrence after :? ha'f-m?e c'iasc*. The hour- from early morn until I -vening were replete with sensation? ??r.d drastic changes among the lead- ? ? i -, Following a punishing sprint at 8:10 .'clock in the morning, during which . a Eaton and Madden regained the they had lost on Thursday night. . ant.ouncctl his retirement 'he "If they want to kill, . well, let them." were his ? i.rtinii; word?. ?'arman, his partner. im*,.lorrd and ???,1 thai Joe continue, but the, .tter wat obdurate, and when the time Bt 10:10 o'clock, the lily declared out of the ' arman, one of the strongest rider? :i the race, was grea'ly disappointed. "I don't ?ee why Fogler doesn't keep ." he ?aid, "he'? been eating well all the time and seems strong." While he would not ?ay anything stronger, Car? man indicated he believed Fogler could lave continued had he ??/ished. Two hours before this Andereon and Sullivan iost two more lap? during a -print led by "Grassy" Ryan, and 11 ?i Drobach fell, but were not hurt. At 7:10 a. m. Madden I nd Walthour fell heavily on the Fourth Aveaac turn. Madden jumped -.hour lay prone _nd had to listed to his cot, bleeding from both legs. Bobby, who many believed wt.uld not came back at 0:06 bandage? ?>d <>n the track for three . although riding with a a In tesa,i. Bg th? P Eaton and Madden ?lui a ?'ever bit of : ii.tching the f.eld off guard. Eaton -'.arted. jui yard? '.alf a awoke to their ? Ma?irt.-n n.ade a beautiful pick-up, .-t.?! after a half mile ?printing duel ? augl' placing the team on ? <?rn? tied for the ? a<l : ? .llivan and Ann? ? .x lap- behind. Then- art liafa M s.'artling ? ? ?an," those ?ave heretofore app? ared ?trong imai-i ,'-;.>:. r ? the prise very bad "'??ring .1.!?.. In or;, of the | . ?ar? B lap, and ?.ept op until three-quar'r i. lap ,,'. , him and eaugr ? ? orry fell with a era*h on ) ?.. and ? . d< priving ? ' r-ially . a ? l o'clo?. ? slag. Mat'l.-u" *-<|.iar. I.artlra Thrilling Finish SIX-DATRACE m i<> r. _ , -- ' * l'?r?M ??*-yjp*~r-'?. i gt "^"Tfl ? ?n llr.,? ./ ^eT. 9 W . .,i?i? *??r *a Six-Day Race Team Standing Besee at 2 a. m. Mill and (,renda . 2,10.", 0 MrNamara and Spears. . 2.10.", I IVk .'?n?l llujiuv . 2,40,1 | Mag?n and Lan renre . . IMO.'i 0 Thomas and Ryan. 2,10.'? 0 Hanson and Mi)ten .... 2,10."? 0 Moran and \\ alt hour... 2,405 0 llrnbach and (?>rr> ... 2,10.", 0 Eaton and Madden .... 2,40.'. 0 Hanley and HaUtcad . . 2,40.'? 0 Seres and Unart .2.40.'? 0 The record for the 122d hour was 2,.190 Miles and 0 laps, made b> I ???in and Urnharh in 1914. MANY ATHLETES TO TO TOE THEIR MARKS Ganes of the 23d Will Be Feat lire of Card To.night. The fall cames of the 23d R?gissent m the armory nt Bedford and Atlantic Avenues, Brooklyn, will be the feature of the track and tield programme to? night. Two other sets of ?rames also are on the card. Fifteen events vill be decided on the big armory floor. The two-ni)e open I ryrle. ruce, with F.ddie Goodwin on Scratch, is the only race in which out? siders will compete. Charley Bacon, the regimental coach, has had his squad of athletes training for the meet for several weeks, and several armory records may be broken. Walter Bursch, the junior national outdoor 220-yard low hurdle champion, rill be the back man at his specialty, besides being a starter in the sprint races. Walter Selover and Harry Raer also will start in the dashes. 'Hue l'e Gruehy will try to wade through a big field in the 300 and 880-yard run?. ?. hile Roy Davis will attempt a "come back" in the one-mile race. The athletes of the t"?0th Regiment will hold a closed meet in their armory at Twenty-fifth Street and Lexington Avenue. A number of crack runners are enlisted, which should make for good compe' ' Seventeen schools will be represented ?'i The annual fall games of the Sunday Schools .Vhlitic League, of Brooklyn, ? the 14th Reg.ment armory, Fifteenth Street and Eighth Avenue, Brooklyn. Several races have be??n pet aside members of the National Guard. Union to Open Its Basketball Season Sci.enectady, N. Y., Dec. 10. The I'nion College quintet will open its basketball season here in the I'nion College Gymnasium to-morrow night with the New York State College for Teachers. The State College recently held the . ?? roa I?. P. I. team to a close score, and with the added practice should put up an even better light against the Gar? net. Fred Dawsos locks forward to a victory for I'nion, but feels that th! team from the hill will be well tested Hard practice has been engaged in for ? the past few weeks, and the floor work of the Carnet team is fast, with appear? ances of the form of last year's chain pionship five. Much time has been put IS perfecting a style of defence that worked oat, and the play etTertiven? Th?' probable ins op will be : Capl Zimmer, light guard; Madge, left guard; Gslbrsith, ecntri ; Scoby, right forward, and Haubn*r, left forward. NINE FOOTBALL GAMES FOR CORNELL TEAM Washington and Lee Not on th< Schedule for 1910. Ithaca. N. Y., li?e. 10. The Cornel I'nivcrsity foo'i le foi I'M'' announce?! to-night, coman..-, nine games. sewn of which SIS to be playeii ics. The big uraroes, i with Harvard. Michigan snd Pennsyl var.ia. Cai rid ths Mas Bschosel' \.. .1 ? ? ted for Virginia Polytechnic and Wa?liington and Lea The schedule follows: Si p'i mbei 80 Oberlin, at It! Oetobei 7 Gettysbarg, ut Ithaca; Oc? tober )4 V. ? Ithaca; 11 2\ Bnckn? il. at Ithaca; Octobi r .'? Harrard, a- Cambridge: Norem ?arn. -r:ir:i; November 1'. it II m .-.-i : November 11 ?agricultural C< Hi i ? l.llill. ? Dundee 0.:t;)"ints Wells. New H-v. ' . Dec. '!l ; Dundee shaded Mint Wells in a i : r.. md ''"'.' hen? to-night Ths fighting wi. ighout, witii Inindee tn. Bggn The i-: Dondee, \-.>; McGinn Wins Paulist Run. The Psolist Athletic 'lut, he'd an m ?l road race o\er it- coui night. Hm i set a ft?-' pace fur i, ? iprinting mile to wm b] forty yar.i . Arthur ?i-.?' ? bach. .!.?: Harry '?? i John L? | ?? I next in or Gilman Chosen Captain of ? Harvard Football Team ! Players Honor Right Tackle at Belated Election??New Leader a Mainstay of Crimsons Pitrhino" Staff. 'By T?gn??h *o Ta. Tri' tir.? 1 ? Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 10. -Harvard*! long-delayed election of football cap tain for 1916 was held by the 'varsitt letter men here th;? afternoon, th? playera1 choice being Joseph A. Gil' man. of Honolulu, who played rig tackle on the team last fall and wht loft tackle two years ago. G man, who is twenty-four vears old has had more football ex; ? any other member of the last aeaaofl snowed Btany ejealif Of rial leadership. Dick Hail lelphia, a regular end ru C. ?'oolidge. of Ho-'ton. a sut wing maiI, Were the other import:.:,' i candidates 'nr the captaincy, fa man won by a large majority. Lat?-: ile cholee ~ai tsodt unanimous Gil man i.? an all-around athlete, beini* t C.....I oarsman, as well as a pitcher, tl? pitched for hie freshman team an?J worked for a time with the Yai .*.\ la-* vear. g eason he and Ned Mi han W 11 be Harvard, mamstav? in t ht h..x. He prepared foi Harvard <.' PI y lipt Exeter and i? the first Harvard vear? WhOBg ho_le i. 11 not been m greater Boston. GilaiBB ? --.?? \,r + l man of the Harvard rush lim* la?t year, ?.? well a I ... yean as . a .1 twicg ha? been an almost Bfl cholea (or All-America tackle HARVARD ELEVEN TO PLAY TEN GAMES < <>i iH'II, Which Beat the Crimson This Year, Again on Schedule. bridge, Ma?? , Ji.r. |0, The Har rard football team net' fall Brill play ?in gH.-n.? ir.a'iatl of nine. Yr<-d \V. '?,??>? trea urer of at I annoaneed to Bight. The last? v< dat? ??f ?h?. achodale have bo? i folios ? eraell; Noven.? ai Y November II, ir.. I -, Hr..aa | Vale ? ? ? 'Tie b?.wl ,,t New Haven, will be played in the II.. i m 'II.? ; r?t half of the .?ehedu!.- ,- ?nil - oy, Mr Moors said. It ha? lecided 'ft' Pennsylvania state ? ? I- Hal'... fit-it year. Tuft? otobably will take it?. PH A. ?.!! M I of Harvard football team. i?'..?-.- - Ottobei 7. i 'i.! i>v, Uni i V.ricult urul I winch probably will obta dat? Rep? the Han.? r <i alores weald i'" '?? w. ii Poial foi the other earn? developed no coi n Mi Moore "I can aeithei lowflisi nor desy it," h?. said. Holing a Mashie Shot By BRIGGS Personal Touches Here and There in Boxing _ By 1GOE _ That the Moran-'offey fight is an i sured tiung hour. I ' immy Join. I ? ma?..- up the differ? ace si one '???'! ! ? ? e<! Ik? Dorgan and Billy t. .?ran and I spectively. Jimmy vaulted into a it? ? ? | priai ??' i a? on a Cook's tour in ouest <>' Dorgi i- match to u .iv ,iv from him ? th b many rivals es :ii'* mad dash to loca Ik?. Jimmy'? hunt WSS in vain, for he w told i?'. Moral ' hotel that both Ike a S irstogs i to J? Moran iniit.i liatel ter I te Gard \\ ben Dorm ? out m' ili" Garden '.i catch h train ho said he would la'?' I ii old ?!?? I.!.- barrel bonder! final pot Mon.lay alt! noon. When .loh', i that t! bird had fiown be ?,.?.. .i to ? , .! i.-i ol th.?' Moran-Dorgi hunting ground, arith a vie.?, of landii . ram right m the middle of ihowei "? Nu. ? ?hot. All a" ire St that he would make op n the argument proved oael? .-ton I when he baa ted in h ? h?- is 11 i . tie past, a pha of his life that i l| '"? Mi'.:.? by any of 1rs nine bouncing kid-. If Iiorgan can be located by wli perhaps the only thing to be dor Monday afternoon a ..: <>?? to seled .. -, ? ? ? ? will crop up, too. Ike is strong fc Bill Brown, He ft been unjustly treated in being pra? i ? moved as the official : ol th! Carlen shows. Ike hint? thl it eame about because Gibson believe ti:.i- Brown should not have stoppe the Moran-Coffey tight while the b Iri-hman was on his feet. Gibaos v. i! nnquestionahly balk against Brown a a thir?! man, and if what Hurgan ha l at be true, there will !>?? n signing unies-" Brown ii part of th bargain. No* that the qui il on o bas bec: .?etilo?! this loom up like a Chinesi tj phoon. II i to the romnii ?m?'i - .. sort, and they will very judicious!; appoint .. ?i. Jeff Smith was ?, badly cut nvf th' ? . a that it will be impossible foi . . . i. . place will Battlini ! it I Clei moni Kink ,i Brooklyn to-night. It wil cost th< I' si sei Snortinj Club $:M0 .'x'ra for tue pri*/il holding the ?' n Bairage-Chai ? ;? wi n i it bout on Thursday sight n ? ?? in of pru.r elsim on thi . the bi - oners ye ? . ? ruled that the Ar. ? I ' ib wa perfectly right is ? . ? ., ? ict held by that club. Joe Levin? for tl I ? ' ? i Pioaeei Club to go ahead with I ihow 1200, thi - Jias T< 01 Ml ' ,: and that the American Club BOlsets, 08 ? A - ? ? as a marriage bell when Savage, PauO) uoi Wenck, Charle) ?'I bands and did a ring around-th? 11 That conflict n. "?-"' ? it the K ?1 end tha Hurl, m Sporting Club skew on next Frida} ? ighteaed out yet. Sum I- il ?patriek |g_t that he Int change hi? plai . b? ,- ^m tj.,.r,. ? n date obtainable so far as the a i in? ra House waa New Year. 1 ?' ! !'? camber 17 has its | own par) Sam weald gladly give :.? t<> th-? John thl ? . . , chance to get ai . ,,, ?(,?, Amstenlam Opere Houee before < briat lime. Bom Brants little Lavigne to - before I briatma . and Bam I? quite right Jobs the ;. r to do .-!??.? i ? - traighten out the mutter. He I Safen lo donate SJ| to the good csuie Boxing Bouts on the Card To-night ralri-ant A. C.~-Yatin? R?,n?r gad Willig A?t?\ AIM- Nack and Jlrtmy Duff?, Franklg Oaly and MMMg Fi ??. Clar.rr.ant A. ('.?Zulu Kid and Battling La ?Iniky, Billy shralln and Harry L.'ti. Oii.-n?Uoro A. ('..?Kid Qurrr.? and Mlr-kry Itstaat, S.Mor Volk and Sailor Skit?. Billy H-,.n and Billy Sl.lne. Bread.ay SgWt??t Club (Br?.kl-,n)?Jack T? land and D-ivt. Ki.-t- Jim ny Murray and T'.l ?y Jacob?. Barry and AI Schu aakw, Bbartai A. C?Jo? Moon.y and Battling Burk?. Sailor Frl:/ BHW and ToT-n? (.raen. :md to pay for any new printing n to get out on . changg in ? must run ...v. - ..? Ii..: *;ot at all. only thin? ;..r John to ?i?. at his carnival Which will mean that he ?? ii! have i o how en Chi I und at this John will certainly balk, for lay the Bee that < from :? boa .".< i b ? 1 i t t l -? ( ,??.,(?; ? : ? ? ? the ver] of th? Maxey Blumenthal ?till has faith in A! Reich, When a nan will bach h ? tichter with '??. ? mono) it is a pretty fair indication that he haan't lo?t heart, ?ied ever so often. Max. y come-; to the fore with a purse of ?'J.oilo to !>? pul up if e.'her Moran or C'olfey Brill agros te moot '.he Adonis, the money to be paid to the man who ?uceee.t- m STAVING with Reich. It may sound rash, but Blum? enthal bets 'em u?. when he ?ays he wil!. Reich is at Hal Hawkins's, pre? paring for his latest comeback against Carroll at the American ."?port lh next Tuesday night, That goose-fleshy scraping and grat? ing tooad tl ? ' the re lg into an Yast River dock, it isn't one of the I. R. T. ? Times Squai a, 1 liana v. h rl ag ahoat on her day rae? it Kid Br ied tinging Rigol? d lui from St. Paul, Mian? ?? Jake Ahearfl sad l?an HcKetrich are .i?.'i bhng in a teeth knashing ait. Nate I ? a of ? hurley White, ing the tr v. iretl Billy '. at he held a commission of |14KM to be a agorad that M be ?i? . o?ei H. ?:? .. Leonard when the (' ul. Loonard ? ? ?? pippin of his righ*. I'?? -. thai shout to fall kerplunk itsti etched ? ?? Hurry I'o.lok . a match for the boy with ? ? iraod and "If the Port Waahington potato planif' er ke?.ps r :, made. Leonard can bea ?'? for the title or I'm through wil balaace of my life." m Idon bet:. i.u* I what ' r ha came lato "? ? 1 ? a ethet day ? "Dan, I*vg got $21,000 in the t ?n'a I up at Brid s nict! house on my own lots. I've pot. a light running Domestic of eonsiderabls :?.\?er. four acres of frait Bree dags of good birth. I'll bet the whole consignment ut h ?r> ;, that I can whip Mo.-an. I'll bet the lot at that rate that III atop Frank Muran < in twenty round?." Jack Hritton ha? ju?t had a third operation performed on th.- m: itii,. tie of his 1 i .t. '-. b b ? b xing u few da , , -i,,. gym Ii men, The ?-a.! ding in hi.? right glove had thifted, i and when Jack loaded a good ? ?.ii his partncr'a mouth the latter*! teeth : : th rough th" clove anil ! brought up hitains' Jack'a knueklea, ting thg i ... .. II? Britton j wa? ' to call off a bout with [ Young Brown. DATES SET FOR THE COLLEGE CHESS TILT i Columbia, Yale. Harvard and Princeton Teams to Meet. John L. Lockwood, chairman of the intercollegiate ches? committee, an? nounced yesterday that the rit nual intercollegiate ehsss tournament between Columbia, Harvard, Yale and Princeton has been scheduled for De? cember 22, 2H and 24 at the Murray Hill Hotel, in this city, play beginning each day at 9 o'clock in the morning, excepting- the third day, when play will start at noon. It will be the twenty-fourth meeting of the series. Last year Columbia was . the winner by a comfortable margin over Princeton, whose team was placed second, with Harvard third end Yale fourth. Columbia had won the cham? pionship ten times, Harvard nine times, , Yale twice and Princeton once. In 1909 there was a tie between Harvard I and Tels. Edward A. Caswell, Ya!?*, '?>'?. the originator of :'. ?? toon sment, Ii . , for t'n?' South and will be 'rom the breskfsst St the Yale Club, during which the annual Im meeting is held, for the hrst time in twenty-four yes Cornell, Brown and the University of rirai! ... eomprising tha Tnangu !?r College Ches-? League, will hold their seventeenth annual tournan i the rooms of the Pri . Club, of this city, on December 'jr. .* ?'.i an?! SO, Last ?. ear < loi ? I and I ? in tied, and the tie wa* not l off. COLUMBIA HOCKEY COACH R. J. Trimble, Captain of 1912 Seven, Gains the Honor. Rufus J. Trimble, who was captain of the Columbia hockey team in 1912, was named yesterday to coach this year's Blue and White seven by the university committee on athletics. Trimble will be an amateur coach ' ?the first Columbia has ever had in hockey. He is one of the most experi? enced players Columbia has turned out, an?l was on the champion -hip St. Nich? olas seven last y? ;?r. Trimble has a squad of more than thirty eandidatea for the Col seven. They bov! worked out under the direction of Captain Tony Webb on the handball courts for the last fort? The first ?'rae'. tSS will be ? eld a! th! It Nicho u Kink next week. The team is to make two trips one to New England early in February and one upstate late in the same month. Bis has not yet been fully complet, i. SOME SHOTS OFF THE FIRST TEE ? three days remain for golf -In1.? which desire one of the metropolitan championship tOUl in lia*. The annual meeting of tha Metropolitan Coif Association will :.iv. it weald be rot t?, apply ail a? once. An indoor goif tournament will be held at the National Golf School on Monday, December 20. The touma raettt Will be open for professional.-, and i.rr.uteurs alike. - After a t-? ? Bars of ser? vice Michael J. Brady has : He will up similar ? at the Oak *? til I. I Chr stopher Calloway. Harry I.. Ay.r. president of the I has bee* renominated on the 191(1 ticket. The nnnusl raeeting will be ht'"! on Saturday, Januar* . A neat way of recognizing prir.e win '? rers during th?? season Is that of th?? lira?? Bum Conr.'.r) Club. Baeh yeai a big dlanei la held and nil ? ? winners are pi trophies nt that time. There were forty-one award? distributed there re eenl after si ltd sod aaa? golf .-ii,I te 11 miths. .? Ion trophies being ??(feted at | Pas Hills alone daring lili! There , are something like 112 clubs in th.? ' metropolitan district, so that the billa for silverware mount into many thou? sands of dollars. GYPSY LOVE BEST DOG IN SHOW Airs. Henry Hills's Pom Puppy Wins Laurels at the A.cAIpin. Mr.?. Henry Hills's l'omer.mian Gypsy Lot , a nine moatha o..i Import? 1 pup]. an three pounds. dog ?n the show at the fourth b;-mc"th,y match I Hub of New York, held in the Hotel .McAlpin yesterday. The boat of the opposite IOS also we:,t to a PoBteraaiaa, Hisa Elaia Bloom's PcquitO, a weil known winner, which ?li.i quite to trail a? the winning dog, although otherwise it ?as sboul squsl in quality. The beRt Pekingese waa the Crestwood KoBBel'a of A ready, siso SB in,ported dog. 1 he reserve araa | '.1rs. A. McClure Hallev'a Cum-C-I of Llea rut!, . bri i dog, S hich also t American bred entry in the show. B the tlifferent breeds wer.-: v. DBora logs? Ib Pekiagese, Mr?. ? -. Mr i, B, Moon I un'a Son of Cobboi so. Winning Crestwood Ke-Bel's eadj : re arve, Mrs. A. ire Halley'a ('um C Pomerai ma, ?? naiag dog, Mil i ?? .rve. Mi-s Lsa ? i ! ; : 11? k Pri BC ? v. W l.itch, Mrs. Henry Hill?.'? Gypsy Love; A. ('. Hall'a Du . grinning b tch, Mrs. reserve, Mi I Girl. Murie De Becker'? ime owner won in bitches . Mie. Mr?. J. .1. Mat Ki':.; ? ii.. ? ank Han -h ; reserve, Mr Meyor Cohea'a Ruby Spaniel Ti;?o-Tilian. Helen Tennysoo won the puppy Pomeranian class with the white Pom? eranian Baron Bad* de I'anieh. The nex* show of the Tov Dog Club ?rill be held on Friday, December 24, at the McAlpin. Nevvtown High School Wins at Basketball NewtewB High School toyed with 'he Bra bub Hall basketball five in win? ning a champion-hip ton mamen, game at Juniper Hal!, Maspoth, Long Island, ' l ? i core v. a? M to H. The winners scored fifteen field goala to a ra:r by Brasmaa Hall. Yerkea, the, nrard, was the indi- ; antl six from the foul line, for a total of '-'4 po; The Une-un follows: | KllAsvii s HAU? Ka. g .1 Rgl**-rtl ' ... o i - ' i t t 1 0 2 Au . I Dai g... g o g I -a | IBS . . Ill .-,.., ? each. a Curtis Gunners ?Make Four Perfect Scores ?lade :i School Mer? rig H tai - ? itiam Ip tournament, match on the lat .:? eoarae yeaterday by a score of 268 t.. J'.ii. Larry Coadoa, of Morns, ;?.'..l Sm th, Dougherty ami Searboro, il, were the ound the ball'aeye on all ioBB. When the first four ?; ?..le had taken their turn gun thg t? am ?- are I led, but the match was lost by Morris v.r.. lagt th r ? faltered. The ?. ill B ??g i - ? ?, K ?... :. . - Savage School Five Defeats Barnard Team The girli of ' .! of ' ! tioB defeated the Bar Bard team at basketball on Thur? lay ? n "'?? by a score of M to :>. Har torod all its points in th? half, 'a :? eh -an played according to girl?1 i Hazard shone in the second . when A. A. v. rule? governed, ? for Barnard. C. C. N. Y. Meets Tigers To-Night. The I'ollege of the City of New York ha?ketball live will iii.'.t Princeton t?' r [ght in th. Citj I allege ermaasium. in h prolimlnary sama the c. c. \ v., freshmen will clash with the Bush-tick 1 High School. ' CLINTON WINS SWIMMING DUEL FROH TOWNSEND Record Broken in Re|av Race Which Went to ' Losing Team. The nriramera of De Wi?? r-.., High School defeated the tears *'?"?*?' tni v ist night i?ti! pool of the I ity \c_ y by a ;.-..r,' of .". I to 19. The absence of Tibbetts h Townsend's star .-printers, prib?, accounted ?*i par- \ JJ ' ing victory, I . ?flr,^ the mlsstog boyi could not hav* ?,?_, ed ??-. The relay race woa WOB by Towbi^ iay yarda in 2m. ir. j .-,?., ? beats the oi.l - ? . it yard da did 'iot even hav. ? ??.em,','.,' spectively. S . ,? thN# even) . in fact, s I ,pon ^ j. th.'ir beet W..I??. .. j,, t|,,r pleased. The downfall of Town?end Hirt-, ' :.: d H. V-, I he School Athh -"imaiaj shin. The :? ..;,?- will undoub I i ?????. The su m in an. ?. i is o*f4_r ?- i ' ? i,'.. bell. II I -.4 L? ? ?* - I ? I'lunf? ' llarrlv I I ? I ? ? ? ? ' *Sa i, '? -1 i ?\ i JUNIOR HARRIERS TO MEET TO-DAT Out-of-Tovvn TtSMU to Compet? for National Championship. Metropolitan Assoclstioi runners will lind worthy opponents .:? i\e juni?*? national 'cross-country ? 'liampiofltka run of ths I'm? over the of!'.. .? ?t V? Cortlamit Pi !' :k< weather is not I will b<* seal pool, which: on the *econd circuit et thl trail. With the Dorchester Club. i in the New Engli the .Mercury Athletic Club, o phia, a mem'- ? ?fiddle Atlantic Association, in quest ?if tha team hu ois, the race should bo close ar.d hart fouifht. Th.* risltiog elubl reeest.'** won 'cross-country honors is their *? spectiv? They will find th?-r itrongeal oppponents in the tim,?: Church Hou.-e an?l the Mohswk Athletic Club. The Millro Assoc.i tion, Iriah-American Atl etic Cleb tut New York Athletic Club will also it*r, t?:?in?. A field of sixty ? Honohan, of tha Neu > ?>rk Atlilets (Tub; Krank Zum : Pal th.* iri.-h America ? ? politan Association ch.-. three New- York il After the an.:.'. II rOBI ? I ? a line the officiiii will wait for th runn?r4 of th" \\ ? :?? ction of the of that eouaty. - ? e Bud Wilher Candidate for Columbia R"l Columbia'* 'varsity I. was augment? lay by tlw *??? pearanee ol . ? -u?'? ?i this fall ru .1 reated foi ti ?reabi b* fore doaning h ; 17,1b? r is the I f-y/kil pla-,Ks to report for the five. Bora Jeff Healey and Klkhardt Caldsi proa ?sed to come out, but n< thei bjM if pearcd yet. Csldei ' g 'T<>n..1 wrenched iho - b? urn antll after the holiday!. "Lend us your < tv$. We've every good sort or Winter overcoat lor man m boy. Warm, serviceable coats re? dress, business or knockabout wear, for motorin-j. Coats for men from 3_ to 54 chest. Coats for boys fiom - ft years up. Christmas shopping in a man i store is a comfort. You get what you want when you want it?unusual and at? tractive novelties for men it? boys. Have you considered tl* house-slipper? R ? us Pitt CouTsUft Broadway Broadwtf at 13th St. "The it?W*? Four Broadway Coiners" Fifth A?* at Warren at?Hit-??