Newspaper Page Text
Baseball Pot on the Point of Boiling aseball quiet Before storm of league meeting Owners Beginning to V rive. Eacti with His ? Own Pet Hobby. I,H LIES 10 STAND PATFOK NEXT YEAR liaffr- v D???i r*?* ol Even to um Reds, bul Styi John Must Curb Temper. ? !Y riAin o m h.i. i the ?ia?e "? ,| l"?M'" Rre ?avinp Bp 'heir pet hoi. ? ; The anaeal the h ' -. Much oratory, and no end <>f argu? ent ms> ' ;- f"r a-hia meet poaee ??? . .. ; Ajaeri ;.-agues some eleven year? bro. i of being most lateroetiag ? ciiofic the "une, for thia ?or a dearth Is to t ? .. | .',.?!-, president of the ' ? of the ' .(rue to p ? ? - ? ?i, and . talk of : ? Is. "We'll V. Bal the Phillies for next ; j?on. ? ? ? eoaple i were piehod tip .. were nn ordinary promise, and in hail much confidence. He . ? Moran series . in all ? ? hinted gblg to pich I 1 th?U the right man Would he the ?ii Id be eonsld Braves. < I. how i? would have to curb a t.mpiT. or ra?her. his dts| . can chatter as much ? be per ? nl ol umpires' . i ',,, ,.; p ? i . ball playei ? .tided for Kaker. 11 ? i n tha' ? rg? ? ? yesr are I riant mad a? to a bargain. . | . 1 ?.i an - r wg? ... Al V?- | i twlrler. - ?as, *?i1! ? ? Cil cinnati SHORT P'.iT'TS AT CRSECENT CLUB ^-attfjocks Old MacDnnald in - ii ? i ii ? i **Yo:k Hockey Tetni ; I sha. /i k It's Off Agin Now with J. Franklin It'a off n_in. on a(tin, with J. I I Maker. On the heels af the Star) that I he Home Run King- had algaed with the Chteage White s?>t for aext aeaaaa ???>rd ?ame ftsahlag "MT i',e vtire I nun the farm at Tr.ippe l.i?t night thai he had not aal] refused to join CoBalshey'a club, bui a?a? conaidoring aa offer I nun Hie \c*> York Vank??-. Nu il gOOO. It is a dall day ?ndeafd does not lind .ne tair.ou? alagfef with one club nr another,, and in aar> the monotony he is not BVOI ? to jumping to the PO?B for a fiaa niinules. \N ilh so Btaa) ?als jumpii'.K, ilaker a?ill watch where the blggeol felm?? land-?, and there he will land, ton. Hare's hoalag he lands wi?h the "t ankeea. CLEVELAND MEN WILL NOT BUY INDIANS Outside Capital Being Asked to Take Over Somers's Club. relaad, l'ec. in. Clevelaad men ? i par ? land American I : not to buy. Bee 1 Hopkiaa, who opened negotiations for ihf club, raid he had found ha cta.ild not .evote the neces? sary time to the club. 1'resitient ByTOB Bancroft Johnson of the American Leapue, who had been aiding the banker?' com in if, ? ja of tie financial affairs of C. W. IB, owner of the club, ha? left tho city. He will return in two days. It is intimated he i? toehing outside cap? ital to elub. FINN DISQUALIFIED IN W??STL?NG BOUT Lewis Karns a Draw in Battle with Waldck Zbys/ko. ; i. tha Terrible Kinn, "ren true to form" by being disquali? fied in his bout v?ith ttOBaldo (Ytttllt'i. ? Iraoco-Roman atyle, at tl a International wrestlini* tOurnamOBl last Tiifht. The Finn persisted in employ? ing unfair illy exhaust? ed the patience of George Bo.hner, the 'he mat 81 min it? I .1? ? r" I.ewi? v ? an |B ?wetity nil'iu'?- draw with Waid? /' v- (ho, thi ch-ean, a.? did Harry Lub din .of Sweden, who eppoaed Dr. B. P. ...?..?:, ? Plerri ound Frenchman, ion, of Denmarhi In ft tainut? with a aide i oil, ?' ' naon, of St ?Kin. in I miiiul"? idy hold. heduled to ? ? an?l cleverness m h finish bout tO-nl| a YALE SWIMMING DATES 1 fl.v_l'an?lidates Turn Out f?ir Team at < nil of ?iaachea, i .-? Haven, Conn.. I1?'..' 10. for the Tale mlng team repotted in the trophy room gytaaaal IB la afternoon in at ? of the coach' i. ? -, Ivania an?l Columbia for the awimmiag ? ? , lolling or bot annotinccil for II ? ? - I'- ? Il ?'O PENN. SWIMMERS TOO MUCH FOR C. C. N. Y. Win -Meet Handily and Are Victor?, in Water Polo Game. i ? ? ; enerl its ?wimnii- tO-I ?.: the Col Near 1 ! Blue the eat? i | tag new fi tai ? ?a i .:. the mpete ? enm? near the inter a mark i ? ? ..marie? follow: . . a Tim'. ? - . ' ' ? i ? i. W I !' .. : A ? ? Conway Keeps Winning In Billiard Tourney ,? ?I hi? ?.? > I an ? ? average of 1 r> Bg II amas tuas 01 . , ._ul Tfcjjxxrtli&kt ?yCr?ntJ?n?eQice The Old Club. I've .';?: / th* ,'? i,ry iiiP-'rt, I've ha,i tht " fact ?i with ttoel; I've trimmed thom with aluminum And plugged from tot to heel} But when I play the tivim' name l,i u kick ,i? 'ft I'll ti i l oliva?! love The old elub belt. Thai good, old wooden driver, ll'.i WOT* ?"1.7 frayed nrd gray, .'?' |f, ' ?.'../ I il '. . /--I, l?e I ?' .?<'rt<?< .'1 golf ball on it? nay: Both dittanc* and dirrt It mrefn the luird<->>t teat, So who ran tlam* BOS if I love The old ejnh best? ir o hu n tired yard I ? ?? ?? castro* ides; t.'(/ c7'e>i the % I ' Is ing fait ? is; lad then ont matkit ta the gr?e? And tiro mats doe? the rest; V< u-, in you wonder why I \\r0* The old vli'b brut/ ffu I. B, DAtll I? ?I'viiarid). The Greatest Fighter. ? BeSSBfl to be the epoch of depicting "the greatest." Picking the grest eat football player only mean! an argument. Picking the greatest tennis player only starts a debate. Picking the greatest BghtSI II I 0? ail prepositions, Fight? ers run by weight divisions. It would bsrdlj be fair t<? compare Hat Nelson with Jim Jeffries or Jess Willard. The only fair ?olutioii would be to measure fighting capacity by the pound. g this pre ? ting assay to the pound WOUld '? I of two men B I d Lnvigoe. foe can take your choice. Possibly Lanky lieb had ?he edge, I?)i* I.aviene was etoM BUOUgl to the Freckled Marvel !o get the best from his coming benefit. The Kid, above every other feature, hud a great heart for battle. And a greal heart is deserving of a proper reward. Off Year? How? I football expert in estimating tha various line up? for HO?, awards . substitute*! position in the Harvard baekfleld, t'asey was one of Exe ter's best two years ago, rated with the ?tars. If the bes) he can get is a sub? stitute's assignment the bulk of the offne!! in Harvard's "off year" can be fairly well judged. "It is always best to tram for any Bthl (tic competition," says a well known trainer. Picking up this advir?*, we have decided to go into active training for our golf-pool appearance next week by abstaining from arsenic and prussie acid for at lesst three days previous to the wearing strain Hie Boston \ loodoo. Three years a?o Joe Wood, of tha Heil Sox, completed one of the greatest pit. ning Reasons ever lifted from the records. He won something like thirty three games and dropped bul ?Mee. By next spring he developed a lame arm and has never been of any great value since. He led the A. L pitching corps in effectivene?*? thi? lit?' season, but worked in comparatively few eonteStS. Lost fall, a >ear back, Hill James, of the Ilravea, finishfil a season almost as brilliant as thfit turned in by Bmokcball Joe. James, a young, powerful fellow, worked with an arm of iron. He finished ths year in rme condition, condition enough to Btop the Mnckmen with one pale blue hit. Ami then Jems! went (he way of Wood. The big star faded out this sum? id : fading ea I Stalling! a flag and bis mate? over ?j.MiO each The P.ed So* may lose a pitching Mar this next summer if the Hoston hoodoo continues, but Carrie. tar would be as bad B! John D. dropping a $2 bill. To Tyrol Raymond Cobb. .v., wonder non enn owing th* ?tick And took 'he bally put ; wonder you tan tear 'ein 1 nil drivt 'em from the ? ,\i? ?,a,nilr you're a be-i And a eentipt <?'? und auch glamour in your batting eye A "?' . < rror in your rlutch ; S o v fini' ? you're " i A vi u mault r ??/ remou n, With ?f" u taint nthn m ' feme '?? M .1.- ? ; your crown; So wonder you are out there With the ?i'/-".- m four I ,1 v aturt of volcano nnd a imoon und <> (teed; No wonder you're ihr captain , nn and Ihi crew? \f mil vni'inl.-: ,?,-, re T. H.? ii - I could raieel, I BrOWS 1'niv, rsitf II to travel .'1,000 from Providence to Pasadena to Beet HI I Bgton. It must a decided wrench to travel .1,000 miles and thin bi ht Id for down! on the oni-yatd line. That's a long way to go for any? thing, much les- a in ??l-v, in'?? i football game. Just as we WON preparing to faC! a plea? arit winter, here comes this Joiip frankllnboker turmoil Sgaln. We wouldn't bother an abnormal amount if John f'.'HiiKiin should decide to stick te his farm, or .?houl.l decide to accept the paltry I and .0111 Hie Yanks 01 Uiiite Box, It's the suspense that is killing us. Won't Johnfranklis try and rend?.- a speedy decision? Ethical Culture Team Wins at Basketball The Bthiei I n\ f? ??'? i the Harn:? "?' ! team, on the .y, by a ?core of ; Hoidini* a lead '?: |g le i el the ' ' I ? iitalf. iiMM.tiiii i-ut lata tl ,ii the second half whei . ? ai from belag evei Harria and AH. ob eacb mad . ,., | oals lor Ethi ai, I , man account. I r Ber? nard ah ic Browa an.l Robertson made ine o'i i. e (lardncr Sends In His Signed Contract third ?' toda It ? grhich ? reeelved laet gao*\ Staten Island Five Beats Poly Prep Boys A total of thirty-three field finals ? : in the victory .cored l>v the Stuten I?land Academy over the ? gg the foimerY rouit, itea I.-Ian.i, yeeterday, by s of 11 to II, The winner? ?et a merry pace from the -.?art. which th"ir op ts cfiultl not hold Stone. Pon.-h BBd Bittig [.love,| a fa I trio of play? er?, while Merde? and were the principal point if.tter? for the Poly teeaa. i he |iao-ap follow?: ? . I-I AM. i mi fill I Mgl. I I g I 1 g I' "I .1 1.1 ? . ' -, .. I . ? I '? I ? ? (I .. ? , g ? 1 t - t i < ... i MARKS ARNHEIM TO MOVE UPTOWN Rents Store at 42d St. and Madison Ave. for Long Term of Years. HAS 1,500 BRANCHES IN THIS COUNTRY Yearly Rental To Be Over $25, 000?Corporation Long Lo? cated in Lower Broadway. Markt Arnheim. Inc.. on? of the larg? est merchant tailoring concern?, with more than 1,MQ branches throughout the Halted State?, has p-uchased the lease of the Coaeolid?ted t??s <"ompany to a ?tore in the twenty ?tory buildinj? at 4_?i -t. Bad .Madison av., owned by the JehasoB-Biady-Billlaga lyadieate. I The store ;? just BBOt (,: the entrance. AmagOlBOnl have been made for an ' extension of the l?a?e, so that it? term will be eighteen The iquare -Vet, 1 eTtendint," from ' ..nd in I elude-- ... 11 g MCOnd floor on the 41 - * loste ?how? that the -;:i. compa $25,000 fi'i thia pa. under ? ? ? \ pa*, a rental in sxeeaa of thia aum. Thi .. .-.k I?. Veilb tad the owners of the '! i Moors it WyckofT, with M ?OSTS ..*? agent? for the Consolidated Gas ?Yin? pany. V?. W. Arnhelm, mannf-er of the cor? poration, winch ha- hati its main ea tablishment for mai.y at Broad way and 1th ?t., -a .1 yestordaj ifard to the lease: "We have never feit the eiTect of the RBl ..ent to any approciablg t\.nt, and <<ur busl Beaa at 9th it. haa gro lv, but , wo r. taaity of [accommodating? . ty elientole, and location ... e be ..?t con\ i-n .ent for our purpc - Spear ?*?? Co. and J. <; White _ Co. have rei *>?l I'")' II'-' i; ? 26th a to Harria J. I.ip'iian. ii"' ."i. ? Bl '1 bul ' n ? Son have leased 1 rlea Bhulmaa J Broi to I '.he. . '..r a long term ol a for ? rner prenn unit Eli i- ? th" Now ? ? Y e ?v ' Wagaer for a loag term of 8. Oagood Pell I Arthur B. Norton, thi ???rm of yeai Predi ad the ...i''. 121 to 12" WY ?? -7*i-, ? 14 I?; '?? to Pine I Cohen; to 44 v. ii 26th , the fourth ? 1Y ,' ' Com pnny. i 86th ? - '?' H i- floor. | gt. I Bd 110 ? M. ft I ??. - , In . I the fifth ?Y ? ;,\- for a t-, n to D. 1 for the maun millinery j*ood-; ai-.? tit,, igventh floor a* II V, ? ? I. I. Baron i I West 1 . ... i ? ? .ii w?th Dani? 1 Biid a!] ft Co. ?un h II. West I7tal -Y fOI . .1- i oil.lin. .'.- Co., Inc.. have rent? ed i1 ? Broadwa .t? | 14 ? ? ?? i \\ I ?.. and ' Gar with I T i L, to ?ba. BENEFITS NORTHERN BANK DEPOSITORS Win. Oerretfon Buys for 530.000 BaypOfi Cove Property. The Bayporl ?'..v.-- property, Bayport, Long i in ti . .. ' l Iforh, for ? ?bin WM in Tha pur -. . S. J. aart of ? In the i ? - ? ?? ? all.I a; i I ' |g to be e tora ? . , r . . i .- nt. ? relop ?h- property snd ? dig a ' Mr. G ? , ? ? ' . transaction. Sales at Auction. Al M I i - r>?. roTH *>* ... ? t?TH IT ' J'a?0.1 11. -'y ' - I It. i . ? - ,'ki?i. ?? th? ? It? 1 a 1TH f-r .i . ... . , ? - J - . New Build'.np Plans. Manhattan. ?3D a-T ?? ? I ? ' - ? ? I B I he llronx. cnrsTom ay ?i ? . ? a I - ? Alteration*. Maahattaa. BROADWAY, a ? ! > ?? I r (in ? ' ? ? ? '? ; Dr.HK S, . < ... Htl BICAL ESTATE AT AlCTION. REAL ESTATE AT Al CT10N. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. WHEN THE LIVING SKELETON ELOPED WITH THE FAT LADY WHEN THE LION ESCAPED and ate his favorite trotting horse WHEN THE FIRE EATER got the indigestion WHEN "HOUDINI" went on the road Huber Sold Out His Dime Museum on 14th St. At Auction for Whatever He Could Get. Now He's Going to Sell His Real Estate Lock, Stock and Barrel FOR WHATEVER HE CAN GET. SCHRENKEISEN EST. MUST DO THE SAME This is a Real Chance to Pick Up a Bargain TO MAKE A "REGULAR" CHRISTMAS PRESENT A Christmas present that some day should become a fortune? GO TO IT? Examine the Property Today 241 LOTS on *v?'e?trhe?ler Ave., "?hile Plain? Ave. and Leland Ave., F_il Rron? . on and near Jerome Ave.. I hjd to 170th St.. \*.<-?t Brong ; in? lulling Huber i Casino and Road lieu?.. Have Got To Be Sold For Whatever They Will Bring at AUCTION. REMEMBER The 14th of December ai Exchange Salesroom, 14 Vesey St. -or\ can remain i ii mortgage. Titles* insured free. Savings Hank Books Taken as Deposit on the I'urchase of Tots. TO REACH THE PROPERTY For the Schrenliei?en property, take siibwsy to Simpson Station ?nd Weitcheiter Avenue trolley ear to the property. For the Huber property, take 6th or 9th Avenu? Elevated to 155th Street ?nd walk over McComb'? Dam Bridge or take Jerome Avenue Trolley car to the property. All Bronx trolley c?r? transfer to both of these propertie?. Send for the Book to ... y y !);,' . ji N issatl Street: I. Clarence Daviei, 149th Street & Third Ave.. Agenta and Auetioneert. WILL BE TENANT OF BIGGEST FLA H. I. Pratt to Pay $25,000 Year for ?Apartment. !;\ ceeding All Others in Size. It was learned yesterday that Harol '. I'ra*? wi'i i" ths sceepont of ti twenty-fn?' rooms and eigl laths in the twelve story apnrtmer le b. built at the northeai ?orner ! av. Th will h? f apartmer. he greater city. The rental will fa . -.ear. Hil brother, Herbert !.. who Is vie? ha Standar?! Oil Company rented recently thro l| i Peas? man an apartment of tWenty-eigb ... a yesrly rsa . in the twelve story hou? a be built at the r.'d -t. and Fifth h i ' lished a new high rental record tor a ipartment suite. Another big feature of rcn'.ty affair ..n announ ruste? I I prei red for rei m.g the o:?l building bios ' Un irer te foi This i Square, east of Fifth av. and at present contain? twenty-nin? build i of which arc ..... '. resi iridcrtaken in th? in years, esterds) were: ?. -'? AV Hermen F. B Bd fur dyer, hss bought for about ? Ii .: apar I as kaewa ai ii.-? ad way; I . ar 4644 Broadway, and Elweod . which adj'in.s on the I'-.r ??; ? two itructures. The three build set on Iway and 194 feet on Blwood it The ted by 9 .'.- J. H. Albert for the Haven ? iny, ' i ea h lasm, winch hoi erected and ii '.he I i in th.* Uyckman let .-h the same brokers, the previou? ?- ? _ . , a i .?nd in the vicinity of 18:)d st. and .: ??v. A Kohn represented the ?? ' ? : . aad I .. a similar capacity for tha [. irehaser, lU.h.? AV L J- Phil pi .'. ' '? et lo ? loi "it I te of ;.'.en av.. ahou: -??? h of i hli i? tfi. : t?* sale ma hold ? al of the Mary I. ?Tard < itel . HI ar ?ell advanced f.i: 'he pSl-thl neigh) : th the FilroM l lota farthei I ?.old ... Balaton Baal Ea i ?oanv . to Prederlel Hrown the t?vo fire ? ? LEXINGTON AV. Kurz * Ute I for Benei In conjunct;.11 with I ! Ore? n Beckei. 186 Lexington m-, between Thirtj r el feet HUGHES AV v. Illlarn J Gab? ha ?old l"i tha A' - . nes Malik to Bridget P. I ? ? ? sv? ? . tunning thi ?o fl??!m?int av., with B frontac-p I Sells Brooklyn House. Martin Bpinelll sei s ' ! 127 Ble* Street, Brooklyn, -4 fram? house, for th?* Home Title Insurance Company .o T. P. McPonough. Loans for $1.596.000. The (,eor?,-' Backer Holdin?t Corpora tion has obtained a ,?,an of $1,100,000 j from the Metropolitan Life In RBAL ESTATE ios., isLAma. TOR I.ow COST HIOH-ORAOE I v mit BnioiiTv- ? i BOOl . . i. 1 u I4TH i v roitK un Min . non m - bist unas? mi. .?ni ptBcnan ?.*? i ? I t ..I Maga ?'p. . i '.' . ?; /. ?? 1 . i ?'. --i i i I <*8HED I??)??'.!- I ?i LET. ran ??ihr. I i , - B ?CHI .?-ilia- ? suranee C>m party DR it? property St the north vest corner of Thirty-tit?'. ' tad Msdlsofl Avenue, recent!.' baafBi It La? als? procured ?nothe ? of $l!l(.,0rii. <?> ?; ? ??me pi " ? A bin; structure ii to be built ? ? I 1 site. ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS f r'~?rn T? - T- .'??.. 1 I , . ? ICT II. ?Nit? I 4 ? ? : ? 4 . U, ' | , ?'?!. '.'J Is) . ??14 ?:. .' I LARK. M C.. -port I i i ? * ' ?' ?M4? I. -Mini ? - g ?I .. \?? t ,?.;,.! - . , ,, ? ; ? ? . ... . C* M I USD II UIU3ARD, ?4- M M M DOM ?II. M-?.. ,? i - -??1 i .M.I !.. AI.'.I. ' ? ? lo Bro?TT4 'I II ... - 'i ?I M. I . .1 I W ,1.1 ? ? .4 ? ' . ??? lit- I I nr i. i "? i - . ; > > Id ?'a? . ?I*?< ? ? - ? ? U. TAL I 'ITU. C??-. " ? ? isroi'si b ? ? .'? ?? ? ? ' 4 . . . ? 00ABJ ?"' M i * ? > . ? ? M .N'M.n Jr IM ? ? IR ?? i ... ?.,, I ? ? ? i ' 4 . . ? e .taan ??? .I'll?. um m u I, im.,. ? . ?. ? . ? ? i ? . u.? ?. ? ' I . .ir? l". A. fun ? i , . ..'..?, ' ' 4 m **? n i ? ?sin* ?r?j.l?l leal, ??I ?i^.. | i* a -.-, j b rot.r.A'tr. aatsaaai Masaa :? . ..-.I S...I II. ? a > . l.-awar. ? t . j i ?i HALLO* K. drt..b~l -?? lai 1 A A I> M.irg J I. Hi ?n. 'lr?B-ri?<1 na?aa ala >?'? rf l.r?. ? i' A ili'i'i. astSStemi ?? lV-jto; I* . . t . A , ? It .1? ?--gagga- ng?7 J*t4. ? I I. ,:..??:' IXD to Ma n. !.. r?s-.?Ir,g il-ilp at \. , . ? AI.HKHT!? pla-ard on re ??;? ?. ni oa, ? .(,.?- .... ..,) -g*? itrte1. to * t*l??? ?aH Baa? I ? ? -, ? . - ,. ' t -'lip at ? ? !*???? ? * ?Il g .'lip gt a ' ' . ' tacttrm g ship ?t ? . ?,?. ii. II tVIHI'lTRa :r . -i.-grtH r? ??.ling , " . l I. I - i > . i ?- . , . * ] ? ?? | ?.,. ?atBtta. "'Nl- - ?? ? -ara-aa? I. I ' ?'_ tta-gg?. ____?_ ?r.Ri'K * BAHKI S ?: . r.| .^?.?imt L. ? ' ''? ?- i-.-l rr.anr.. ' a.-rg.?-. ?' a . .*,. 1 g-ll. ta? I g?g| ?Ijtgl. I ? ' '? a M .'. - aiKS-?* imilla ? H M ?? a- I-.til-, .. '??.la..; *?"*?? ' -a. .,em ?a?.? psht *...?,. ?. '? .??,?.[.. Ha??,? ... It ? I ! .' ? R i - S ',?..? It in?? ?. alar? gi .? 1'iiila.l.lphla [?.lavar., Norf?-?? to ???. Jt.pit" it *??-? , ,. ..I ,1. ?Irrtfgl? ... \ I* nil grru.ij? let ' > v ? _- a. a ...? s . '. I c , i_ in mag i.. n . ,-af.r of R?g rf . H - .?,,., r?rat..|. ? ' ? I II ' ?'" '*"? t., n?t? j.t.i. I'll??? ^ ?i? <? . .. , litemos '?j ?1?"?? .??'??