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Church as Life's Beacon Guides Us to Safe Haven Religion's Duty Not to Prepare Followers for Death So Much as to Direct Their Steps Along Path of Best Living. B) I IARLH W? WELCH. "If 1 Bheuld die to-night!" "If I were faeinir the jrreatest crisis which pos? sibly could come to me or if life should be continually crowded with re? verses and failures, to what and to whom should I turn to-day for direc-' tlon, comfort and inspiration?"' Shut in and isolated as the /freat majority of New York people are by, an evcr-?i< ?pi which crushes out ability to answer such; questions as the foregoiog, what insti-: tution is it to which these thousands may turn to-morrow and be sure of the friendship and enheartenment neces to solve life's problems of death and the weightier responsibilities ofj life? Wh- no ?houf-ht of death ? bear heavily enough, tl cht?,". the foi f the 1 by a contest with overpowering liquids Seem all sufficient for the passing of hile, but let adversity frown and the social sky b? overcast by the deser? tion of "fair weather" frien?ls, of whom there are always many, who go from us like bee? deserting autumn flowers, what Institution remains to which all should turn to-morrow with reverent arid grateful appreciation? Heat Living Our l)ut>. Certainly the greatest task confront ing us is not so much preparation for death as preparation for the best pos? sible and most successful living. He who has ignored his responsibilities in connection with his own living and has refused to see that the greatest thing in the world is to spend one's time in best living needs not to be. reminded that it is a serious thing to die. Tbc-eforc, the Chur??h has come on the scene not to prepare men for dying so much, but to inspire within them a determination and strength of purpose, the absolute esaentisla to fil? ing every minute with buoyant and trivil lif? g! ?hen, ' ia s call to ?n earnest conaideration of the reasons for our being B<"" BBS how best we nr.av falAI Bar misalOB 01 ir.akin-f life worth ?rhil? not only to! ourselves but for ? II To fulfil this ' '? -? thc Church's duty l0 r ? ? thill all men - for the gl ? ? ?<?0( and happin? thaa to de ? of men by eordt of :' a"'J r?sar. If vou have not found fne ( hurrh ntk an agent, is it true that v..u src blaattlesi sad srithoat ****** for the iml; ? ? ' OB have form.-.i . If it? m.??Mi*.. '? "???? stirred inner depth '. BBS you say that you have not been the cause of thi? failure" While temporary .-?nsa tiona of life maj will admit that to bs permanent, the pleasure?, of Ufa I ''1 fr?m }^e abiding deeper function? of one'? lift, to which the Church Is the preeminent la the ?mxi'.'-' '.? Must i.ive Church Our Re?t. bgeatgai aras ssksd v?hy ne had com tmanded offeringi of saeh little value to bs made to tha gods. Ha replied, "hi order that, ira ras* Bot caass ta honor them.'' If IN have ceased ?<> honor the Church, is it not because we bare failed to brine to the On?, who cr?'hted it and u? our best gifts? When all alike, including clergymen an'l churchmen of every rank, have brought our best otTsriagB, the church trill eoaia to have a BSW meaning for us, not only in its ministries to us in our last hour, but it orill be a constant source of reciprocal inspiration and encourage rati y A D?tes Bofi aooMwhere graphical!* illnstrated what I bat ? -ay. Speaking of n visit to Charleaton Harbor, WHERE TO GO TO CHURCH TO-MORROW FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH R"iat)s?, an.) 'Otb ?-Irret. PA-TCRLWI.FALDEIKlAlir.D. 11 \ m ???nu: m OODLBM I'lrri 1:1. "I Mil M\\ 4M? Till. FOI III??! I? iiioiinv rn ri hi: o? hi?* < iio*??. H |. M ?" I II1. 1 \? I Ml.HT <>l THE lllliiil*.) riHH ON EARTH! <>K, THE \WIII HI1KI.MM, OF THE MIX M HO IOMIKKS ???il? IN THIS I II E \M> VI I Mill'? MIIKI. IMI'IIKT \M E TO ?Mil RIAL THIN?.?, Til \N II? III- <)\\ S -III I . Iriiljv Night, |i(T??ml'i*r 17. S o'rlork. ii? Heldentat! will aMwer Ihr .?.ir-tlon?: t'. Ill II \ > I ?I. I 'H II GOSPELS IN ?II \H <U ONE? 4MIV l???l> M.llk -\> NOTHING Mini T <>l It )<?KI>s III I: I If. \Mi JOHN MITHIN?. AUDI T Ml ITU HUM '" Ali who il? ?ire to know how to ?turlj Hi? Bible Invited. _ Kid-Wesk Eibe Study REV. lOsffH W. KE44P. AlVARV BAPTIST CHURCH. 4't-f?tlrlf Kid-Week Bib e Study ' 'TIST CHURCH, ?i i-mu t!?* tree. ? i In i ht ? ? ? f ? ? ii_-, .ivn:\-i'ui;sr " ? lr,urs-?4 ?it:, ( rr>? Hy-nn Writ???. ?s Montgomery and His M>mn?4." A.VARY BAI'TISI CHURCH b A?s. .c?v. Joseph W. Kemp, Pastor \ ?' SSI ... in,] ?. ? Ml I1APTIST CHURCH. MMMSf ? MADI? -URCH. C A. EATON, D. D., Pastor, ? Hr?. C. F. Hall LiaBsr. I illtl?! I\N M Il NI _, Christian Science Churches II A.M. ?nrj g P.V. *,/.?n??rJav.. S P.M. - ' ? ' ? 4 ? ? ? ?>?M,l?l ?. VI KIN \l Broadway Tabernacle R-*?-)??, ?'and Str?x>t ?? ? I, ln'?r. MANHATTAN ??i-? iri i ? "i < HKi? i INTRAL CHURCH. '?: W?t Slit St. JS">?? H. Phtisutl. ' 4 M "A DEfPININt, EXPERIENCE." II lllf Mil ITIIli ( MOISTS ?OR ETHICAL CULTURE. ?X M OR. FELIX ADLER Sii-ak" LIFE. '.IE ATM and F.TIRMTV. BETH EL '^?:^?^l.^;,? > THI ? THI ? (|Ma?0?,rLACE."_ II 1 Hilt \N CHURCH OF THE ADVENT, am A ? r m. Ml T II? II ?I- I I ll?l OI*\l.. "ADISON AVENUE CHURCH ^'x i_4h **??????? "' Worth M. Tippy, D. D., Psstor, ml. PAUL'S METH,DIST CHURCH CKAf, D.U., Pastor ? ? CALVAKV METHODIST . Rev. VV. H. MORGAN, D. D. ? i MSI***, LL. D. Sir '- M OLD JOHN ST. CHURCH M \\ III?,I l.ll I P. School of the Builders, Inc. ? - tes ?''?"-?? ?I ? f ???. UNITY SOCIETY ? - L??l?r?. - -.. ???. ?,? ?| ? ?I?. geen ??? . ., ?. ,, .,, *.,.Ur??,. ? ? i ' MRS. CHAP?N. ri?-. f?,.?'r. / DIVINE SCIENCE ? i:-?.-.., . i, (?''KAIM HARRY GAZE. ? ISN BHBACUS f A . I HENRV FRANK "'A ' i / PRESBYTERIAN'. PARK AVENUE Presbyterian Church AT 85th STREET THE REV. CHAS. W. WELCH, Minister. SERVICES Bible School.9:30 a.m. Morning \Vorghip.II o'clock Young People'? Devotion?l Service.7 :00 p. m. Evening \*?or?hip.8 o clock M.dweek Service, Wednesday.8 p. m. AN INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO A_L _PEOPLE. _ THE BRiCKCHURCH rtn? A.r-.-i' and T. -?? ??.nth ??'?"''.. .,, , ?hi. am rii:n*-?)N MK'iniu? . IRANI?. JAM <\At l>r alKl-tUJ ? at 11 and 4. I . ? '. . at t 40 .*.. _ Onari Bible ? lern ?t II ?aVlOa-k 1 - ? ..?,.a Ti ..IlMM1 T?T7. lj.a-1?. -.-, . ,\ ...,-. g I.! !' _ noms -i.i;\'!? v. : ?/?BY ?*___DAY. Il ?o?12 '0. rPNTDil PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ?-r*.^ i rcrtu Mi(1|.9? A,en?, ggd iTta str??t. It?. Wlltan Merl.-Smlth. D, D. Ta lor, lt>? Hugh Black prcarhm at 11 A M I M ?I'D IAI. Ml Si? At, BEB* Uji - . - HANS ??":.. h.MjIS'O, HarpI-?. i? 4.RI. KUUCRMITH, " Igl I" ??* nil-na FIFTH AVENUE PRESBYTE-MU CHURCH Fifth Av?. a.i Flftv-mth 9t. REV. J. H. JOWETT, D. D., Pastor. Btf?|g?g ?' 11 A M an?! 4 ?0 P M pg laarstl ?>' ' r?r??. g h: batt ? ?? -? t.f**r-lig ' ? ? ur.-h Ere?*tl<"n. Mm - _ - u, -?? ?? , ... -, r Pr. J -.??" MADISON SQ. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ? i lib ?tnet Rev. ( H. |.\KKIIl RST, IM>.. Pastor. REV. (.. R. MONTGOMERY, Ph. D.. a.. . ? ? taet A M ?? 1 s f. a? BROADWAY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 114th SI ? IB -??? Walter Duncan Buehanan. D. 0.. gt 11 \ 'I >??-.? M . . ? ._ WEST-PARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Beth St. anil Amaterilam A??. Rev. ANMIN P. ATTERBUHY. D. D. 1 ,. ., R?v. ANTHONY H. EVANS. O. ?. J ' i.. im? . , v m ' . , v OLD Fid T PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HFTH AVENUE-ELEVENTH STREET HOWARD DUFFIELD-II A. M.-8P.M. DIITrCDC PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. axU I ?ta_l_kj Broadway and Tti St R?v DANIEL RUSSELL. D. 0.. Puter. ? i Dg?i. b at 11 A M ?.. I t P M ?- "Juit a Ogorl M?th?r " Ft. Washington Presbyterian Church, I74U St.. ?t Broadway. R?v. 0. HOFfMAN MARTIN D. D.. P?a??r ? " . I I*. M A. Edwin Kelgwln. U. 0.. |.r-?. !,-? Il g . WFST FNin PHISBY. ? , . A. VV_->I Call/ slrM,, EVENING SUBJECT; -SCATTER YOUR FLOW. ERS UP?1N THI LIVING RATHER THAN DEAD. Uairenity Place Pregfcylen?n Chore?. i - ., GEOFHil* Al EXANU1 It I? I> at' Igte? il 11 A M. h - I- M SCOTCH --"-SBYTERIAN CHURCH. . and Centn Park Waal 11 ' ' ?-?:??. '? .. I and I ri.Ori.-TWT |IIMOIAI.. CHURCH.; BELOVED DISCIPLE La?? Ml st. asas v.?..o. a... .'.'.' M-.MiV M _4_B01 K. '. ii. u.? ? . 7 JJ?10 A. M.. Hot] I MM Il A. M.. Mol . -. .. .. . AMI,?in . ."Iloaanr.? l'o?t. . ' VVoMn. 'Olla, Barp ?: i ..rg? . 4 P. M. Pagular Vrittn. Pr-rtud. I a Saint? ?"... Gour.-vl Vloltt;. I .?, ?, II?-. ? i t.rg?r. Mota? .i?. :? . n<nin?art Ig I?rajo" 'CaUo, Haro and Ort?i. I P. M. Evenaajn?. -, . . . ging ST. BARTHOLOMEWS CHURCH i?i . t , total - It . til. .11 roN PABK ? I? D., It? IM gr-afh. 4 ' ?' . . ? n. V I' ? ? St. Cboma?'fl Church l ?i ,-'l A\ * R?. 1 I?. D., Ra--?. ? i ? . ? . I ? I . . ? H -.. CHURCH OF THE HOLY COMMUNION. ' ? ' I I'. ? . | . ? - . ?... ! ???a. II- ? Church of Zion and St. Timothy -? ?Ar.' *,:>?. --r"' ?a - Bo? Hl VKT LI MSI K. IV i I ? a ??? ' . - H- - ? ? a -..I- M i I CATHIURAI OF ?AT. JOHN TMl DIVIN' ? - - : i ? ! ? M . r M ?...-. ' S?. George's Church KARL RIIIANO 1' *?? 1 . . ??? , H.? ,- A H <* I A II vir?\ . 0 c c n 0i o ti . a I - ? FROTE?rTAVT EPISCOPAL. CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION Medtsea a,- ? I . ??' Bl Rtv. 11 . ftOBBI.N - H I A. M.?Holy Omtnuiilou. H A M n? Prsn ? - I*?). 4 V. H. . B**U?0| l'r??-r, a?1.treat b| CALVARY CHURCH jjV? Use THKODOSE -! ?>i.\\ l? K n ? ' - ? I P. M _ ? I I- M _ ST. JAMfcy lHLUCH Wsii- ' ? - ?"-??? I A ??! Bi 11. M~'.'i(t I'l.rr- ?:..| -M-mori (Mr. Barhmani l_P.)M I ? ? ... ,, ? ! - I Mr. 0?. *?*?) Church of the Hearenly Rest, ?? . ? >i m Sei "i m , . u- ? ? A. v | pr-vrr Bsnowi. R? ? - - !-.-.. i--?.. ? i ALL ANGELS' CHURCH. W-?t End Av. snd Hit. R.?? .? :?! LA -'.I mV - -i -. : '. |. ? - . r, 11 4. M ? -. I ? < .1 l?I>. i ? ? CHAPEL OF THE INTERCESSION. ? Hr.. Dr. ... ?- TI I 1' M . I- ;? , ?i- \ ? ft ? THE TRANSFIGURATION. I EAST .'??.1.411 M?i\> ;.?>.?.' ?ARI mass > ! si rmo.v y.\ r\ ?*T. MATTHEW S CHUIKM ?H WmI S4th SI. R Ml..1 . _ ?? m _ 8T. STEPHEN S. ?/ith St.. nfar Broadway. Dr. SEAOLE H CRAC! CHUKCH. Br*oat4a? and (nth St R?. ' i? A ill I ? ! 1 V. IS ' I. |l 1 ? REFORMED. the Minni t: t oui.? i \n CHI n< h ? li>, Hi'l . I, I 4 ... I? I? \l II. > . 1 H ? - . I '? 1. . u THE KABBLE < III.I.El,I \1 I. I III Kl II. 4 . Hr-T. H4\ I!? ? I I? I? ?1 4 " ? ? - IP.? Till, ( Ol I li.l M I. ? III HI H ?Il ??T. NI? Hill *.*?, ? R r 4141 ? ..IM , M 4. . , ..,. |, |. ;...',, . 4 41 . : - I- 41 ? 4. M I III. \?. l-I END ( illiKdl, U I .4. . * Rf? HIMII i:\ l.!H .?"'? I "Ml'.. I" I? " ? ? i . |> \| At 4 39 I Makluj M ... lu ? A. 4? ? im: ?. h II i. 4' Hamilton Grange A Fatal 0 REFORMED CHJRCH OF HARLEM l. . 4, ? . ? 4 I- 41 -<?l I \l I- I BRYANT HALL 4-. i BO I I I WIIITI P. . ' MM IK1 . ??i I KIRN)?. RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIEM'V M?. !-,p let ?. Mli.{> II ? in ?? Bl I ?? Itlb ?' Man 4: I ?It Wcfwim.' it? II I? SPIRIT! \l 1ST. FIRST l.ERMAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH. r 'i i. Psbat k ' i Sslrilual ?nd Elhlcsl B4 I ,, i . . . ? - IHI.OMII'Hlt M THEOSOPHICAL HEADQUARTER? . ,??:*- i. i ? I Nil \!,l \N CHURCH ?:. ME?SIAH S*}"??? ?& JOHN HAYNES HOLMES "The l?"tim?ny ol Ike Jewiib Pr.,pk*ti A(sint) Wsr snd V, sr Prepsredneu." ill. iM. trrnian Mr. Halmr? ?TM ms? See In ? crl?l? ?in.lnr t? th? on. na? tail?? a ? . th. mtrt 1'ailfMv ?h? .?n.l.tfntly op p?ipd |ir*-ti?r-ri ' I- ?' Mr. Am?, Plnrhnt ?i ' - ? '." P M -I'll Ju.|. William H. Wadham, -T ,. I nj... rminat - ALL sOUl V * iv /ALL. "v/UL,J , a. it-? In ; it ?i.n i li m ,'??? WV i 4M I.AI m.M ,. ?i I.I i-, 4 . ? I I.I.IVAN .- ?HA! ]?i.! ? M ?! ? 4-1. I ? ??? In. I. A . ? LENOX ?WENUI UNITARIAN IMIRCH '"A HiNDU MYSTIC (IvABiV)'' r.-. i - i ? i I NiM :cs ? i i-i THE CHURCH OF THE DIVINE PATERNITY, Cnlral P.r? Wr?t ?nd 7Mh SI. li ? Fran? Hail. I?. ? ?? 4 ?I 'HINDI rll.O 1 ivf ?, . IM). \. lit st ** I r A B . ? DR. CARL RE1LAND, IMS LAW OS A RICHMOND P. HOBSON, ?II III K *?l IC*. H I ? EVERSON oil HLDSOiV * THE UNION THirilOBICAI ?IMINASY ... A . A art P.rlrr Fit.*! II I? I * . I ? A SILK I' OUT fil A SOS ? I *P || H. Qoerri iasis?acli church * ?. . i ? - "A friend took me to the forward and pointing to a light that gl< above the city in the distance "That light i? in the ?pire of St. I'h: Church. It is the harbor-light <"harle->tor.. The channel here it eti.iy channel, deep but narrow, every rat?el that entrr? ?? Blast ?teer by the lignt in St. Phi ( h un h Life'? Ileair.n Light. "Ah I ?tood there in the deene ?ha.low? I began to think of the n ? .'. atid ?mail, which thr? the long year?, had entere.i th.! ? Merchantmen and men-of-war, frei en and pleasure-boat?, yachts schooners and ezcuraion ?tearr .-hip? of adventure and of explor?t iaki?h b'ockader?, boat* ?trippec their deck-, grim and threatening ? all the paraphernalia and munit of war; and ?hips gay with bun flying, with music an?! laughter sounding and with deck? crowded ? throng.? of pleasure-geek Kor all, the light in the church s ??hone to ?how them a safe port to guide tr.e ship to it? desired ha ad ta I i ?" tell tne ?'. of v.hart the (.'hurch is for. to an?' m part at least, the question ? . wanted a Church. The 1 thining orar Charleston Harbor f St Pallia's ?pire and far out to is a picture of the mission of ev church in the world. "The mission of the Church i? shine the harbor-light. It is to luminate the darkness and, thro the gathering gloom, to point the t way. It la to ?how voyagers on sea of life how to reach the true ha? to tall wanderer? how ?> | their Father's house. It is to guide ??.?il to i;.,,l. [t is to shine out ?he soul ?n the ofl nay reach, . fety, lift's true ? tinatioa, BIBLE READERS' CLUB. satas ha- breach! us to the ( tlement of th? Israelites m Palest after their exit from F.gypt and th wandering for forty years in the BO? try between. We have also seen h the people were governed and protec by rulers called judge?. The two 1 of these "saviors" were Ell and Sami The latter occupies the position of termediary between the old order ? the new, which is ushered into c study by the next two books which b? his name. The new order provide? ! h different mode of government a provides the people with a king '. whom they had clamored. This new t rartur?- will bitas us to the Study the character? of some of the ni< Beted und familiar fleures ef Bihl ? history. IX- I. SAMUEL. I. Samuel, the last of the .ludg 1-12; (a) Samuel's birth and connect ti'.n, l-'l; i hi Th?* Ark of the Covena ?t : 1 - 7 : _ ; el Keeonstructi ! by Samuel, 7; di The peor ?rv for a king, N; (e>) Samuel and ?. schools of the prophets, lO-l-LI, 19:1 LM; ifi SamiU'l s leave taking, If. II. Saul and hi? regn, i*-29; (a) 11 selection, !?: 1-Ki: 16; lb) The peopl? choice, 11? : 17-Y*7 ; | c ) His first great vi t.rv. 11; .I. Jr.nHt.han antl the Phill I '.. ?? Saul's dagtraeratis ? Baal sad David, IS-tS; l a) Bai ; ? ar.d hi? en?l, a-?-l. -a CHURCH NEWS AND NOTE STONE < II ? I ENSURE??. A now pretest ha? lieen i?su< ? the organisation of churrhmi m i'h?a is l ii Bteaeau ! hip. This orgaaizatiaa grew et ot the religieas irapetas eaesed !?>' tl ..i, ami its feeader, tl ? . Stone, vicar of the t impel . Holy Communion, ha.? haul it wi I to draw BIBB Bf all branch? Protestant t'hurch nearpr t. eat church work. DppoaitlOfl -?.on arose, anil certai ?' .ither than the Protestai ..1 Church insist that modifie; ma.It? In the con?titution of th organization which would ?liminai lome seen inglj Episcopel tendence The new oppoaitiofl to the Stonema ? lias an enrolment i I ? -kde pi :'i? member?, come ironi ? Protestani Kpis>?opa! elergyna the Rev. T. Boi-lei Kemp? ah write- te "The ' boreBBsaa" that ' refer to the Stoneman Fellowship, th membership of which is over ino.noi Eighty per cent possibly more o ? 'iinhcr i-- -.-i;?1 te consist of sec tartana. The founder of the club i? th Rev. H. C. Stone, the honorary char lain; Hi hop Rhineiander, antl th un, George Wharton I'cppei rhree degree .?r. conferred, the sec ...,,| being baptism, or the renewing o If ir.t candidate is a bapt'zed mar and the third degree, the laying on o hand? for those not already con tirnied), followed by the Holy Com munion, "According to the present constitu ?in confirming la te be ?lone b. Biahop ?hinelander, ?.r . bishop ap pointe tl by him; hence, full member grill have been properly aad validly een firmed by a biahop in the apostolic sue on, ami will have been made th? spiritual e.|ual.? of Catholic churchmei excepting in one particular namely they Will not have been brought to sub mil the.aaelvea ?a Christinas to th? of 'he Catholi? "Va . ing of the genera pui pose ? ' ' leb,' which ii : unity, i '"? ? ? a ? .1 te rais? a question or two, seemingly pertineni "1. !1h? ab this Churcl i piacepal i a mora ii?,:ht to eonflrm a man who has no in t.-tition of renouncing his heresy anc ??ni? "J. Does not a bis] op confirming for the Stone Club condone heresy and schism, since the club is reprc i .i? no* being Intended to inter . ?. the ' rnifd man'ii sec? tarian m mbership'* "tV Has a bishop a canonical right t.. confirm a man ?\ho dees not. purpea? ti become an enrolled eommunieanl ?.t I urch ? ??fi t.. m?? that Catholic ? . naced. Many el <n:r t .mod it im .... a ' .-.all? " \-ara. PBAYEI I ?>K v\ in DTD. "Will .. prey Seel ?!ay to Almighty Gad ? . sad before Christ? mas *? war1 Will you p?ti the I'nitp.l S'ntes ll day of prayer " ?? thit niati.T aaay be laid upon the aar eoBBtr* and a an ' fe up to Gad ! . ? Ict'er to ? ?? the call t.. prayer which \va? this we? ? ? ? i . ib, of 'h.' Scotch Presbyl Church. With the call -vent a *? which they ; to ?all th? r peepla t.> eloec of their mi ? pray? r thai il?! lh< d and the nien ? ' 0 ? ?? ? bes be brought out be ? ? -i ?.! ORGrs YBAi iHHiK. A -.i 'i ? at Hofk" .. Bpit/cepel : [?e I 1100,01 ? ' ?? . church ? the nai ' y. eom ? ??I'M l\l Ml -?I? \l ??.,'> M K. The first .? monthly musical ser? arroe sfter ? ? tral I'ri ibytei ian ? ? .?? Harr? te on Moor? I i will ? ,i bj I", u iltofl Merle pa er, ami a progressas ? "? bracing numbers from oratorios i standard ???"?ed works will be given ihe full choir. _ CHANCES IN CALVARY BAITIS' During the last wee* two chan? have occurred in BSIliosi in Cal*) ( hurch. Heretofore the priyr M nil? was held on Friday evening. T has been changed t?> Monday even at R o'clock, t?nij the raeetinc is mi distinctively a prayer meetingof the c fashioned type. The church is alrei begm-.tng to fool the uplift and spiration of this meeting. Strang are cordially welcomed. The other change is the inaugurati of the midweek Bib!?? study ein which i? already attracting large atti turn snd bid! fuir to b.- one of the a standing features of the work of t present pastor. This meetingis hi every Thursday evening, at I o'clock *-? SERMON TOPICS TO-MORRO Baptist. First. Broadway and 79th st., t Rev. I. M. Hsldemsn, D. D., 11 ??? "The Bloodless Picture of the Man. a the Fourfold Bioody Picture of I , 8 p. m., "The Lost Night sf I Biggest Fool on Earth; Of, The A?n Awakening of the Man Who Ignoi (iod in This Life and Attaches fct? Importance to Material Things than Bia Own Soul." Divine Science. Church of the Healing Christ, Hoi Astor, 11 a. m., Dr. W. John Murr, "(ireatness." A special musical pi gramme will be ?-rndere?!. Episcopal. Beloved DI I ipil , -'"'' ?'??? ' -*l ??*?? ?son av., the Ser. Dr. Henry M. B; hour at both .?er?, ice?. Tl.uj?!.-; BSS ing. at the parish house. tWS plsj "Th.- IfoOSS Ttap." l>V William I't Ho wells, ruad "A Gsjm sf ' ? L. J. Hollenius, win be pn - the youn? people of the church. Calvary, Fourth av. and 21sl *' , a. m., the Rev. Theouore Sedgwick, ' Vision of l'nity"; 8 p. m.,' mui cal service, Spohr'.?- "Last Judgment with choir jf fifty voices, and an o chestra of trumpets and drum*. St. John the Divine, Amsterdam ? and 110th st., 11 a. m., the Right R* Dr. Theodore Du Bose L'ratton, Bish? of Mississippi; 4 p. m., the Rev. C Dickinson S. Millet. The Ascension, Fifth av. and 10th s S p. m.. Carlo di Fornaro, "The Lan the Church and the Schools in Mexico Mr. di Fornaro is the author of "Dia Czar of Mexico," on account of whii he was sentenced to one year'? i in pn onment OS MuckvceU's I ??and. At tl 4 i,. m. servir. Mendelssohn's "St Pso will be sung bv a full choir and sol ists. Ethical Culture. Meeting House, Central Park We sn.l 64th st., 11 a. m.. Dr. Adler, I "Life, Death and Eternity." Academy ot Ifnaie, Brooklyn, 11 in.. Mrs An . G. .'-peucer, on "What .??alvation ?" Theatre Fran?ais, West 44th st., p. m.. Henry Frank, on "The ijarv By tem rf Education." MethoHint. ( ?ivarv. Seventh iiv. ami 129th ?I 11 a. in., the K.-v. Dr. Morgan, "Th Pik<?'? Peak of R?v?lation"; ? p. m "The Kiml of Men dur Age Needs." Metropolitan Temple. Seventh av. at; 14th st., the Rev. C. C. Marshall, 1 a. m., ?in "Narrowness of Jesus"; p. m.. Dr. M. L. Robinson, on The Cil Red?-? iri'.l." Music 4vill be I'urnishe by the Australian Cadets' Band of thii ty-tive p:?-r. - ' Old John Street, the Rev. Dr Bf will preach at both services. Park Arenas, at with st., 10 a. m Professor Franklin H. GiddingS, of Ce lumbia I'nivc rsity, on "Responsibilit for Civilizat ion"; 11 a. in., the Rev Arthur Jami??.son, "Statecraft and th Mothers of l?r?ei"; | p. in., Dr. Jamie ?on. Bt Jam?"--, Madison av. and IStth st. a* the pop'ilur uight service mu.-ic wil he furnitned by the Sittig Trio, of B? i ?n. The Rrv. Dr. Ball ?ill preach hi BSCOB4. sermon of the ssriei on "Night Before Christmas." Tremont, tSt Hast 178th st., 11 a. m. ?"<-i ommand? r Hobson, U. S. N., forme Congrossmaa, ?fill ?peak in the int???? ests of the Anti-Saloon League. W. II Anderson, the ?tat.? superintendent will als?, apeak. Madison Avenue, at 60th st., the R??*. Dr, Worth M. Tippy ?vill prea. II ft. m. and R p. m. New Thought. Academy Hal!, US West 79th st., 1 a. m., Dr. F. W. Sears will lecture 01 "The Cnseen Power." Special BI11S?C. School of the Builders, ISO We*\ 78th st., Il a. m.. Mrs. Swink will re peat her last Sunday's lecture, by re qnest The topic is, "Success Througl Visualizing." At the ?ame time lt?< n*v i i I explain to her auOience "How t? Visual'ze." Unity Society, '?h W**l 72d at, ll ?. m., Mr?. Van Mart.-r, "The Mind'l Wonder World"; H p. til.. Robert Lloyd "TI,?,ught Control." Soloist, Mm- II? ? tianetti. Presbyterian. tral. the first of the monthly musical services at 4:.10 p. m. See no? tice above. Fifth Avenue, at Fifty-fifth Street, ihe I'.'v Dr. J. H. Jowett will pn ach at both Borricos, Fort Wa?h::trton, 11 a. IB., the Rev. Dr. Martin, "The CoarsgC of a Cow? ard." In the evening service will he for flfOnoB ?'lily, and the sermon topic, "To Women Only." At the -am.? hour, i'i the gymnasium, the Rev. Mr. il will preach to men only. Harlem-New York, 11 a. m.. n' ' Street and Ht. Morn- Park, th? !:???. It Arm.?, "Th.? Wei! Pleasing Church": ? p tu. at Ittth Street and Seventh Avenue, "Wanted ?A Vision." Home Street, corner of West Farms Road, I p. m., the Rev. Harold S. Rambo will speak on "Does The Bronx Lack Community Spirt'"? Thii question ha? bee? SSksd of many Bronx eil Bl * ??'in' their responds ?rill h?- ine? e.i in the ??? ?? ICit?-ers. Broadway and Seventy-third Street. II a. in.. Holy t otnmunlofl - ? m., th? Rev. I ?r. i'.ussel! OB "Mary, a t.mi'l Mol hoi " Scotch, I entrai Pari M i ?t and Ninety-sixth Street, th.- Re4. Roberl Watson, 11 a. m , "God 'omniendeth Hi- <?wn Love"; I p m., "The Help lessnes? of Je?us." West-Park, Assstaidaa, Avenue sad Eighty-sixth Street, 11 a. m . the Rev. Dr K? an?, "Keeping Up the Quality"; H p. ? , tne Ser. I'r. Atfe-hury. Reformed. Hamilton ClSBge, I ?.venue and 141'th Street. Il ft. m . Holy Can muni?.: ?? i . . the K? i Dr. !-? 4?-'.ll preach on "The Oil of Redeeming Grace"; B s m., "A 1* stal Dsfecl cial music bv the Popular Quartet. Marine Collegiate, Kifth Aven.. Twent s-ninth Street, the Rev Dr. ii . roll, "Tiie Gardes of Epicaras"; I p. to., "I?04V tO SUI St. Nicholas C...l!e?-iate, Fifth Avenu? and Forty-eighth Street, the Rev. I>r iacLesd ?rill preac!. a" l.'iih isiileea. West End Collogiate, Wosl End \-< nue and Seventy-seventh Street, the K"\. Dr. Cobh will preach at both ser i ?SO .' m . Bsrnbj 'i can) "The first Caristsaas" Brill be sung Snedenborgian. New Church, East Thirty ?ift h Streel liefern Pnrk ??"d Lexington svonoes, 11 a. m., the I'.. I . .i, K. Smyth, "Salvation." Th : ? .. ? ???ries "( er'.. Btios of !<? ? :. ' ? | ?akiag a marked inrpresslon. Th. >? ? ' ? ' t sa th.- Sai unir of the ?rorld, and in th! - ? ? r m < -1 ta-morrow Dr, Smyth ?rill urg?* the nghtfulr?. ? and the ne, ? ? . ? rtn,j fuller ' ecogn II ios "f iti ?r il Thnaasph). Headquarter?, 'J-J-h Broad? ?? ?l' p. m.. Mis- Villa FsulkBOl !'.?? ?ill I speak on "Universal Brotherhood." Thi? lectern is public. Unit. ian. All Souls', 11 a. m.. the Rev. William I I L. Sullivan. "What Does Jesu? Aak Del te Lo7" Messiah, Park av. and Thirty-fourth ?:., 11 a. m., the Rev. John H. Holmes. "The Tes'imcny of the Jewish Trophet? Against War and War Preparedness." i'r. Holmes will show how. in a cnsia : limitar to the one now facing Amcr lea, the prophets were pacifist?, who ? consistently opposed preparedness. l'niver?ali?t. DaVtae Paternity, Central Park West, *r.d Ttith st.. 11 a. m.. the Rev. Dr.; Hall, "Hindered Lives"; 4:30 p. m., popular vesper?, second of four recl? u?? of Handel's orator;?. "?Messiah." Mis.-ellanetiu?. F.ilton Street Prayer Room, Monday, Decemher IS, ":30 p. m., month.v Bible Lecture, Robert McMurdo, on "The itian'a Place To-day: In the World, the Kingdom and tha Church." Hudson Theatre, West Mta ?t.. I ?,. m , Professor Evorson will speak 'Christian Sci.-nce Under the Stare': light of ths Scriptures." This pronounced an exception | presentation of the sub? ject. Rescue Society, 5 and 7 Dover? ?t.. te-Bight at .:M sharn, four twice-born men ?will celebrate the anniversary of their redemption. All welcome. 1 OUng Men's (*hrlstlan Association, Fwenty-third Street Branch, tl4S p. ni., the Rev. Dr. Karl Keilar.d. of St. George's Church, will again address the men's meeting. Bahjeet, "The Law of Action." Toaag Men'? Christian As-ociatior.. h Street Branch. -1 p. in.. Captain Richmond Pearson Hoheon arlll ... "Destroyina the Great De .?trover"; Bsll ". m-< Mi?? Esther I'?' aid on "W'aire-' of Worki-g Girla"; Charles A, Rosa, "Onportunitv C? B We Cancel 'It Might Havs Been'*"; Dr. Welsmiller. "How to Live." FOX TROT AS IT. S. DANCE Children at St. Mark's Festival Solve Lack of National Step. What child doesn't envy the little Dutch children of St. Mark's-ln-the Bouwerie? Thev have two Christmapes. Bt, N'irholas Day really is December 6, the little children of St. Mark's will tell you. So they celebrate Bt N'icho lesUds every year. Then they celebrate ?ma?, too. On St. Nicholastide Eve. which was -upday night, they dedicated the bust of Petrus Stuyvesant. Now, on the first Friday and Saturday following, they are having their annual festival in the quaint old church that hark? back to ths days when I'e'ru? Stayve sant ?trolled about the orchard that is now Second AveBBS and Tenth Street. 'The Dewdreps," a fantasy and lymbol '. was given yesterday ?i" srnoon and again last night by the St Mark's school boys ami girls. Then followe?! tin' daa? - of ths nations, bu?, only of I .?' peace. Tht-re were Dutch. Chinese, Greek, Persian, Scandinavian and .-ices. There was BO I teed they had the foa trot. CARNEGIE HALL \ in ??!..-: II ??? M,-. | SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Mile. ODETTE LE FONTENAY, of tu? a ? ?? . .- /? I i- ? ?... Ian. *m*- - ,. i'- i et '? tot lt?Han Baw ?? I .a ti.?. -eut? .m ?. _? ait H.ia Ol?lre. v:.n?i. i..,.i. ion. IB, li..?.. *i:> a Jit. METROPOLITAN Vio,'"?) lotlu? liai J' Mart?. Hempol, ?th.r. ?'a >* Loca a-alaieata I ?.??acnoii. T,?-iilglit ?I 1:11 Bpasa-I in',. Ilutteifla. aillan!. P. r!nl. MarttuelM. S?Ottt, U.da. t'.-.r..l I'olat.-o. M,.n. ?at ? Trovatnre. H.pj..??'.,, Oh.--, Rothlatr. Con I r . H ctl. . ? a Im-on. A : . t : Cal Polai... Thnri. .' . ' a" .ilU.i.r. Kurt, ?Ml f^nnky Kri. ai atarla. i ?bar; i'.ruso, I ?? !. i. . Dat. Mut. al II ???aflterilaa-inmeriinf. rich; l'il'i?. Braun, ? III!- a|\im tv. KKIIMIIMI ll.VKK PBOOalAMME ? ?on. ? r? Boloiai ? Ue ?nloKurt lluf-.nia-i and Je.. quM Crlu? }? iRDMAN PIANO I BCD METROPOLITAN This Evening, Dec. 11th GALA NIGHT I ir-.l -.ra-aon-, performance of MADAME BUTTERFLY All Star Cast. -I *? I- A I ll<?\ (ill I? I. \t i ?tul Prices. SYMPHONY Be e I e t j a I New York, ?Vil Till r AMKo-i II. t ?niliirtor. I ..-niorroa? \rtrrnonn .it :l :,:,,:; BARRER? N?w V ? tiony, Dvorak; Batos for Flu?? Bull i M? Ravtl ' - - I j ' ?* - ? ' ? . ?aollan Hall. BROOKLYN ACADEMY of MUSIC. PHILHARMONIC '. ? I ?MM -K\, ? ??MM ( TOR. fa aetreg? tnaasoat) U?, ut Bits PABLO CASALS i \ I \l I? >l III! Mill., l.-itli -t.. nr. Bway> 1 Tan.?--.* .Sunr-g?. Night al ?JO. at J ?Igra * Pfrtarmanr.,, D?, 14 4 1; *-(, 0?*c. Ig I,g ( - GU.IB.K? ; . ? i ? ?-? ? 1. . ? 1 . / f?a . ..?? b_ ? 5 \ II .11 Mil- \r IIKMiiiN. ?, 1 GABKILOVVITSCH Carnegie Hall, Thi? Afternoon, 2:30 vioLl*. in. na;, mi-, ha ELMAN IN AID OF It. WISH ?VAH sur FCHll.S. ? a. ,,-. - A '. I AT lt..*a/~..?'rl< I?"?" STAtiF SLATS. VJO. :-? -a. I*i.. ,j> ) CHRISTMAS CONCH?. CAHNECIE HALL. MLS CAL AR? ???"??*?,'"?? *? at Hoi SOC ETY ft. ?-? RJiACMILLEN ?i .# i- M..II.I Kri'lt-I, Mon. I-, VI HI l\\ HALL, lie,. IS. .... ? I T.-nerr??. .Su? j Alt., at J. K:i_ISLER HALL. Ta-marra? iS.,a j Alt., at J, - ? ? 1 ni I BRYAN INVITES COURT TO SOUTH Subpoenaed in Libel Case, He Respectfully Goes to Florida. CONTEMPT CHARGE IS A POSSIBILITY New York Lawyers, Meanwhile, Will Not Hear Oration To-day on Warships and Balkans. William Jennings Bryan will not de? liver in the Supreme Court to-day the much announced talk on battleships. Finding it impossibl ? to come to court, Mr. Bryan has asked the court to go to him in Miami, Fla. There the mat? ter stands for the present, with a re mot? possibility of a motion for an order to compel the advocate of peace to show cause why he should not be adjudged in contempt of court. A lubptaaa 44 as Barred on Mr. Brvan aturday lust at the Hotel Bi.t arhere he had gone to see Henry I i?i. directing him to appear lo-dav in Pal eia| Term, and testify. 1 he testimony O? the former Secretary of Stute II desired in the libel suit brought by Petros P. Tatanls against rius J. Vlasto and Solon J. Vlaato. owners of the ? Greek daily | "Atlantis." Ine former United S'.ates battle ihipa Idaho and Mississippi, since sold to Greece, figure in the controversy, and about these Mr. Bryan was to be questioned, as well as about a let '.??r alleged to have been written by' Mr. Tatanis to Mr. Bryan. la this lat? ter, which the plaintiff denies sending to the former Secretary of State, were disparaging remarks said to have been made by Agamemnon Schliemann, lately Greek Minister at Washington, regarding Mr. Bryan's knowledge or" fareign-affairs, and particularly affairs relating to the BalkSBS. Mr. Bryan was subpoenaed by the ?aw :irm of Barry, Wairiwright, Thacher A Symmers, acting for Mr. Tatanis, who, knowing of his many ap? pointments throughout the country, ?ranted hi?, testimony before trial. Bu* Mr. Bryan could not wait around New York a week to obe-Tt??^ pcena. The weather was t*,*? K and he heard the call of ^?0*) ?A the mangoes. A dsy or tw? a^"**? received the subpoena he left f ? winter home In Miami. *** Mr. Bryan then sent a wit*-*. Justice Giegench. who iisued ?u' pcena. suggesting that he m?,*4 pleased to testify if the eo-?ri . asad a commission to Florida ? mis!?ion In this " *e ii 4 ?J1?" document conUlning th? ???___ which the lawyer has In mln4 ?_^ which the witness makes ?ritt?, plies. '^ I This offer has not met w??j. ^ proval of the lawvers for Tstssi?. want to examine Mr. Bryan oriur "We can't go to Florida," ?? member of the ls4v f.nn y?eta_ "We might compr.mise and a? Washington to take the te4*laia?' Mr. Bryan, for we want to t^L him orallv but that is the ujT*1 can do. Of course, we don't wu.' appear as nerseeutint- Mr Brrlfk ' we will insist that he obev '% ?? pcena." ? TO OPEN BOWEEY T. % |J Formal C?r?monie- Will Tik? **^ Sunda>. The Boweiy Branch of the T^ Men's Christisn Association, ?^ recently completed at ar, ir??. of $-120,000, ?ill be formsll* -*?*, to-morrow. Among the ipesktn ? be Controller Prend? rgait, A-t* Mayor McAneny and George W. ?, kins. The dedication of the bu?dint K Third Street will start ?jg -j offerintr of the silver kei to Mr p, kins. Mr. P ? ''r it ?? ~ iam Fellojres Morgsn The*, transferred to Cleveland A. D chslrman of the committee on hum Kent, and H. W. Hoot, .?ecreUry e! ?? association. Salvation Army Gcti $750,000 London. Pee. 10. The 1st? Ethraj Mossom Osren, a cloth mirtk?*,, Manchester, who ditd recentlr M queathed $760,000 to th? Saint-, Vrmy. 1 0 [Suri M.W YORK'S L_ADI_<Q THEATBEB AM? BrCCKMI EMPIRE. H ?a? MSI Mata. 'P? .tay_?*><1 . *?:SS. JOHNDREW THC ?A LYCEUM?'-. .-I!? M?t. TO I.AY * Thur?. ETHEL BARRtMORE Aes^?y HARRI- ;VY.,_:: r.7'[",Av _"??," "''?[ [__1JI__B1__I__ hi i/>?) ? ?? ?* ?? - ? !__EH_M_flig ri'K LlU.'.Kl'i '.' 4-11 ST : is * ? is. ASTOR TWH E DtUf, Inn. Hiiimay?, F? a sa Mat a m rs ii-n. ..I-- _attaeae, '-" |l UssUat 0. W. Orimth'i l.'.gmt. (?tgai.ti- PbMe tpeetaeVe, Seaatsast ?>r??tnr?tra of ?0 CANDLER S^4Q!S_TBr?5-: : il THE HOUSE OF GLASS BELASCO ?.- . MAKY -YAM k I?, Of?U A. An la? nt ? >: 11 -? i'to H??t. i?-. 1<?. . o. ,"..- J swift; NEW AMSTERDAM * ?\* V'??-I Matin?? TO OAY t Wat. il 2 II KLAVV 4 ERLANGE? ??(?INT aroundmmap -#>?* -.-??? 4 ...-?- -.1*-??" r AICTV B'?? < i ?- i'? VjAI- Ill IT gild ?W. SADIE LOVE"-;; .?? * Bmai X la" nee T?l 1-1 * ?a-l I dr.. M. Cahtt'g Grtat Amirlca? lam HIT-THE-TRAIL HOLUDA. aitti PRKIJ ? a? ' llll I I IHBI??I M N f i1* ELTINGE - BURTONHOL.tsTHEBUOMRANt RIO de JANEIRO LONGACRF *r??M. r.tenli ga ? 1". E3_____i____3? ^??l!! Ti> HAY A V. REPUBLIC E_____________a TRIUMPH. GLOBE THE GREAT L0V?J MONTGOMERY & STONE ?V* PLAYHOUSE4:. VSa?Y%? ?U MATINEE TO-DAY. 2 15. GRACE ?? MAJOR GEORGE si,.?', BARBARA ?TH <*<*<t amuilnf. th? m?.t lmp*t-t*nt. th* m ?it ab?*rtl?| play ?( MM i-moh." Olsbl I YRIC T"lrr 4 A NV "' B "*' B** ' **? ABE a?d MAWRUSS POTASH ANO PERLMUTTER. BOOTH. ? ?i ? \u-- T.i ?!.-? 4. We* . : N, SOI HtKlM tHJNOREARY. SHUBERT. Km ? I' Mi'l K l?v * W-] . : To? ALUi-lfiAf LA-1 ?magnat! MAXINf ELLIOTTS. tO ? M ? LOU-rfLLtGtN vMRtUSi ?J I10BSON-SCHOJC I T?i?^UE PARADE ' # T.l.r- ' ' ?_P 48TH ST. Tu. r .rrlit THE ETERNAL MAGD? With JULIA ASTKU! ?*th st. Etp - is ?'?? ?,.?_?_ IH: Ui.CHASltlNt? WOMAJ MANHATTAN ??? "THE MY3TERI0JS vs. FOS-IU ZBYSiKO v$. "STRANGLER LEW? 44th ST. TBX4TBI J??? West .' B-Mdwa? 1- i ' ?- Brjsai. TO MON r ?? . I ?-. Pel m, : - I Lui Manor? T? day at 2 Shir*. The Chtnltr Dr?ra?Oc C*mp?ny *tT-r- a r? a|nl?l.:,ni oreduUI*". f II?. ,"ti! prr>lii.-?..u:. ' s: _HaBHSaa play?liU ma;.? ; ? : ??? >? I ? ? . .'?' I I? '. ' M -? ?..:'. petal lOTtstltur? of 'Roroeo ?nd Juliet" ?-?et a? . . ?. r , ",::?) I el,,?ram. Ila:...-'ii. produ II ? perfeel srttlnf.?V V. IternUl, ?? ?: A ?eftetl perform?^-? Deutechel t?-.'.'""!. ' Aa sJroiral, I? ... ? i S Y A M?-ri<-<in ' * S I'HulH'Tl, L'NDEB DIBE4.TIOK or IA< y! *?:?< I'nlM FULTON THEATRE Wei?. C*ntlnu*ui. Il A. M I* Il P. M. Full Orcheatra 1* -- ?re lbs IIMT FILMS ?_&| Ici U the Kftoi '. Kinli?/.; ?' ? . . FIGHTING IN FRANCE n.e rrer,.-h OeMfrBBM?! OfaMsl Motion 11?-. tarn laksa fst ?????- N?TIONAI? ai?., HITKS ?liir ?IS?- S?oti? Urou?.. E AM XAM.KIt l'?i\VKI.U II. 14,.- . ,,r.,.,vlrm. i*.-*, i ' r' Ipta j. [o Die Fri i lle.1 ' tmt PRICES ?Jc and 50c. ?'???li_ W'hip hoor?y ;.*-> M'4\ Emmy Dlstinn - Soisa ? Util. ITth fit ?n,l Itk Ave,. CLMENDOKF Poultry Show ____ SUNDAY NIGHT ONLY st 1:10. THE (,K A ??-? i? CAlVY i\ AR.SONA ?p .. r - - ? ?. . ? ' " ''pricfa'iCe.. Jte.. i*J* met U.M. <;iiA\r< ' iNTHAi. i a? Ai _ MU A I- , . A?e IN * 4i *.i io r M Hinr*?; m)mt ? seas-sis She? a 7 - , K? I ALY MILAN TIM! i ... ., I ', . , - , . . ? ( DtrrlJ ' At> 44..l Tt.ur? , ' ?>i: '- H W. ??ST. _ _ "??? .'?") \i;?ill\". II til. HiNK.HT. \r Sill Song K?SI0IIN?!| SOVEREIGN ANTONIA SAM 4 RBI Ml . lier. IS. at 1. TOWN END .? ?* ?I I4<>\ 0?!|.? ? SpecUI ?u*d*>. I.2P DEST?NN ?| "USA H AN|, ,?!.** II.IMi .*e r -.' ANTONIA SA4l>K?t IoSBBSB Hall. Tbur*. ?.ft . |>rr. ,,?_ ?t j S0"! , Rl Til Recital I I i k?*? ;.? ( te 4: a? M?.\ ?>f C?RT y, ,.. -a ?' t? I "ffil?CiS M \ i? r r IIKKIlr 111 -.----- .... .?Ill . HIT / trlt? UFANO? MI? -'| s a.,i,a..v.!i';'"' ? MAy ,;?*??,'_" >.?.? i,, ?. U? " ?'? e???la?_l M???| IN,,. (Va, g "YOUN'. A ME HICA. LEXINGTON -" -V, ?. iiw? net i. . ase s?a ist* igt , . OMAR ?Hl rtBTBSSia PUNCHA.HT? v TREA?$CfRE?.ISLA^| ?ALL BOYS ANO ( fLS * ?T *? rli;.gi| BLOOO IN THEIR VEIN? ?S'i ? Vf ?Y ?-'Y;,! UP SHOULD GO POST HASTE TO THE Ft ? a. JUUV THEATRE. g wire? no? ??'? ^TFT THEATRE FRANCES ? . i tax ?* BATIKS! TO 11* LILLIAN G^E-Z T'"_.?_i Palace '<^?~* >'AT a II BT g?1 a VITAGRAPH ??, . . Fran. Mr . Oa.lall ?S* cohan's , .r.:TI\ ? ? FIGHTING FOR FRANCE -? ?? . >? ..kcii <?r ?o t?_t? ? 4> l.oa-w's Ar.iericaa Roof ,' .- '4-?| ?Shlgi That Pa.? I? Ih? Nig?' i'ifiatf' l; . . VAi. . ? . : ?? ? * "' *'& V , ..? ! Uratr.l. I rfl ' -? ' IRVING PL. THEATRE i i Ti ' ??- ? " '?' BAN'.'BOX .a I A. '.'?'? '."._?* I WASHINGTON SQ. PLAYERS ?_ ALL COMEDY BUL IVE-IY ?"?"'Y^ OPERA I? !'..I. ?' ?' A r- I 'It < '? !', TICKETS. I JACOBS TICKET I , COLUMBIA Ta. ? !>.'.> ^ 11...? A ? Star A ?.art?? ??*?? ? STRAND '' ? * ? 1I.H1N ?H...N I TMl B'a.^EJ VAGABOND .. ?.!<> >???"?< "ijjg '.HAM' "JANE.' ?faa-l On*?. * TV Saal a? . r LNMI >? ?_?!> c c.i