Newspaper Page Text
ber It, hut it that Genaaay m (.ermany May Charge fnj*.?atice. A note from (iermanv decUring the Of th? ?Hach?-? to have been unjust ami unnecessarily prava? Yo Is hiiiteil at la QeiaBBB vniter?. While -uch a communication v>?ould not re ?luire an answer, but would be Ii ? merely to ? ..ny's feeling? on the subject a matter of record, it would almost certainly estrangement already highly prejudi? cial to the amicable adjastflaent of out standing .! >e two The German request for the reason? : he non-arc- ; of a rnisunderstnnr ? ? Berlin Foreign OH , ,-etary Lai ?iriginal demand for the recall of the attach?s wa? made orally to Count von the most Two daj ?he Secret ador a formal memorai Bg forth the reason? more ?u'.ly, commun, c. OB the way. lor ?on Bernitorff communi? cated ? last Bandai in a privai . which ?res in of the ground? of com? plaint. It wa? thi? last exchange of ? :i the Secretary and the (i.rnmn ? fluoua, ? ? Foreign OBI ... .' note ? bad <!( cided on the recall. Nubcr Not Likely to lie Tried. The Btate Depei ? .1 \ on Sober that reticence which slwa? ? ? that a ?le hat b<r ? reached, it is known that it i? only the manner of the consul ????neral's going that is yet to be ?I? on The - at the "ment of .Ju-tfce will be i uled acute von Suber on charge? of conspiracy and ?h?t in? a Ihdrawal from the country ? |] b? .. '? ? understood that von N'tiber'? ? ire will be followed by the di? r.i??al of several other Austrian and r ofl?ceis who have ntly in the revelation? mda. There ? when the ; begin ?.? Y. ; ?? -tment will entent with le?? than a cm plete . ?"?al branch of the Austro-German system. Astor Trust Dividend Larger. Dir :tor of thi '?? -tor Trust ? pany ; '1 "f 4 per cent on the cor? th, to he pai'i on February I. The dir. alto authorised -he disbureement to the employe! of a Christmas bonus of 10 per cenl of their annual salaries. 1 Musical Gift Suggestions 1.7-. to S?.800 PIANOS f.So to 1700 VIOLINS |S lo i*: VICTROLAS 11 j to ? *! o VICTOR RECORDS CiOC tO ? " MANDOLINS ft. to 1150 GUITARS $5 to $175 BANJOS $$ to j HAWAIIAN UKULELES M to $25 Tindale Music Cabinets ?:: I i?'S ItK* KOS ARilVK. utlt STOCK in. '^E.VTS. CLARIVETB ? " 111. K MA'*? .IAH m.?n:. AH m HTA'.'" M ' XT. A S'llV n.~ AT MU?*-? Ti P-1IT ALL PTRBK? .'.j Baa? M . ?? nit CHAS. H. DITSON & CO. 8-10-12 Eait 34th Street Only l_ mure ihopping ?ayn before ( Itl-riflM-?. Do your flopping now and early in ?m day. ANCONA DEMAND AN ULTMATUM, CAPITAL HEARS Break Inevitable Unless Vienna Yields Without Further Delay. pftrolitf. casi; causf.s tangle Tanker Boarded and Supplies Seized- Note Intended for Berlin. Too. nee*.] W'??hington. Dec. 10. Defcrmit case ?hall be the ?u pretae teat et the wbelo submarine la ; '?nted Btatea and the Germanic allii in adminis? tration etrelet to-day. Tht I etched to regarded a? hav it am, aad a break in relation? with the Dual Mon archy 1? .?alii to l?e inevitable i. the American demutid? are met promptly and fully. The state Department ha? net yet been Informed of the arrival el rote in Vienna, and is eoBseq ? [lag il public. In the mean time, pahllc thheld, Privately, however, the adsaifliel illowing it te be kaenn that the aote i? intended a? a warning to Berlin a? well a? Vienna, Bad is in fact a nummary notice ' German government that unlawful nub marine attack? on American rieht? by either of the Teutonic allies Brill hence? forth be .???alt with under the terms of the Lasitaala note of July 21, Which announced that such attacks would be regarded p? "deliberately aafiiendly " Believe Vienna Convicted. The ABStriSB government is expected to announce her position without delay. The SI - closed its explanation? and temporisation! ef all kind?. It belie-es that A. ?icted on her own official ment, which admitted that mam - went down on the Ancona while ibmarine looked on. It is evident already that the German ia prepsriag to *.*>ash it?' hands of the Ancona affair. In German circles here it was pointed out to-night that a German submarine in the Mod Iterraaean reeeatlj ipared an eaeny fer slap. Brhiah stopped in an twer to Ita warning. It la also stated that Germany'* ; ping have been confined to declared "war zones." ai.d Austria's action i . CB1 . kind .i l'are Inte open watera is frowned upon. All talk of this kind falls on deaf ears no far aa administration oll an? concerned, The State Department glimpses a German hand in the terranean operations but, lacking | of its BflSp ? be reached most effectively through a drastic treatment of the case with Aus ? Took I'etndite's Stores. A further romp],cation in the situa? tion developed to-day when it arai ? i ?an Bubm which shelled the Aa .?idard ?p Petrolite in the Medi? terranean ! - tch from Algiers, ai t., Algiei i a -'. ia slightly Be far as the Petrolite Incide bably will ? action by th.? State Department unt I re received, ?boa lag the i which the ed. If the tanke: while try o escape in disregard of warning from the aal ? com v, hen .?he ?lid atop and tubm l h, however, in the view of i re, the sub marine Commander, on finding h''i I neutral ship bound on had no right to teitl Kal**e<4 New I'ucstion. Warship? in the past when in dire need of food for tin r erSWI have held up m? BBt re? ; receipt to saears rali i >t what w.s rcumatanees, it la I have . oua brea their rights, provided a merchantman ? to make nort. ?i'.ics from a i ? . ?I law. It is p ral belligcr ,r,,n an rn practicalls woi uniimite? in their radius of action and ? Will Impresa Berlin. No Will he made, for the i, eon . m Papen ce ? frank deal. ? \liCOIla ' altion ? were for th.- re* ? ? that time month ? f??r the . n will rbitra ? , ir,,,j?.' than 'I in-1 | ? |1 ? srllv With II ?vow?:. N fore, thai mi.njr h?.' ? ? x ' "war ? '?'?? le Bailed ? '.??man ???;?, .: ? ? arhlti ferma t o? the ' A?TOIST HELD IN $300 BAIL \\ . K. llamea Arrested on Charg-e of Intoxication While liming*:. William ! managt r of th? "' ? of the Indemnitj < ompany a.- . a*. TOO W? ?? ? ? ? protested irreal ng an aal i while ? ?? nteil. He was goin?? north on . eay, in Hai "1 am ?it I am ?i fr?en.' la lion? i Wood.? and of ' hii : Magistrate MaAdoe. and I'll make It hol tor ? ?. iry one oi In the raen'l night court MBjri?trate Cobb hil.i ' bail for appearance Monday la the ? . Heighti court. H ? . b, In holding R?.mey. - ? numerous I ii becoming a public acandal. An ii ? ? '... il h?.re-i*. ?,. TAUNTED,'HE KILLS TWO; ENDS LIFE Butcher. Jeered Over $14 Law ??nit. Slays Former Friend and a Fellow Tradesman. Nagging by acquaintance! over a suit for S'a which ha had brought ;., . iterday h Icy, a butcher, hilling ?lurk, i Ticker and himself at I'ortrhc?1 ri was a former friend, but dur Ing a bualne - ictioa a few i .;.nl foi Pellnsky cooled eon lit i ?t ?? pari ? whs a.ljourne?! for anothei hearing, friendt decided to have some fun him ..-. illnesi of the ?mount, apoho about it il nee. Pelinsky entered the bulcher shop of Ticker on K?st Williams Street, I terday morning. Hi < lark an.! demanded h:s money. When it was refused 1m thol ?lark through the brain. Ticker crouched under the r and crawled for the door. He Was ahoi BI hl was about to ' into the itreel "Where are the others'?" al ...1 crowd, as hi | ov.-r Ticker1! body and ran "into the itreel with bla revolver pointed him. "W b? ?? i ?nil Miller and Barney Mathenaky. I'll hill all ? ?:;." ran to hi? home. A aquad of police, running to surroun I i lace, mel Mi ? Pi linaky earning o il i , all? ahi told th? m the.; h.-r ind had turned the revolv. ? r. When they found Pellnsky in the hallway he was dead WOMAN DETECTIVE FINDS SHE WAS NUN At Least, That's What the "Rev." Mr. Sears. lined $50. Told Her The "Rev." Franklin W. Sears, head of the N.w Thoui?ht Church, whose wife, l?r. .lulia S. Sears, obtaiaed a di >, 1914, naming p promi? nent Y- rhtiat of her hnab church, was fined WO yesterday in Special Sis-ions for practising modi-, cine without a license. The complain? ant wai Del Goods ? gave 'harmony" treatment for pain- In the heart, headache and nervonai i ">li-. Goo . ' ' about hil fee! he said: "I my ? iiiH gi - to the an rei I " : ? foi the first and $2 It, made leal Novem? ber, She laid the treatment eon of laying at frequenl Intervall: peace and ? ? ? I 'folios ed by relaxation ? minut? On? - Le? Marion Av? The Bronx, teal ifled thai th? cured "Did the ? health '.'" .1 tice Hei bei : ' i .: naively, ' I th. led thai ?he n-kc.i - anted ? sa;.l he replied, "be? fore . on you wei ed with re? l hen )"-i w.-nt nit in*.. ua training made . . hen life ?-. ..r ?oliir |. or what f tl e 'ego' liv? WIFE WINS RACE TO DROWN HERSELF Husband's Chase Through Chi? cago Streets Ends at Lake. ll!v ' . ? Chleage, I \ raea alth his take waa I? I J. II. Henderson just before noon to ay, ? him to 1 . ..;.. at the fa ' Schill, r 81 Lake Share Drive, nd Jumped in. He waa two b away, making a last ftttlle l ake Shore Drive was thronged with ' nd fsshionable atrollei ' ? in :i. ,i in itoehing elad feet, alipped through the atream itomobilea, the narrow park and dropped into the water. Aln. ? bobc aha liad {nal el bowed on 'he drive could reach the bank h<r husband ran up. Hi' pace?! ? a fremy until .-. form i he Aeabed tan - ter a . east him?eif in, :. bui led h ;-? face in Ins hand?! ' . reach the body with thrown from the ?1 .' ' ' IB h'.u. : ed. Mr. II.-i :- ... .-,, B- j ears, and that a had fled. 8 MADE POLICE SERGEANTS ? omaalsaionef Woods Name? Leader. ..n Eligible Li?t, 'a1. raised o the grade ? from ? Ion. Th? ga \ Brou n bi d ?' ? '?! i? u bei, wha arviag In H ? ? I rtera irean ; 177th ; - ?. ? | ? ?. ? ? -hing Ave. of the ll'i-hwick iry, of ? ? No Peace Priz?? This Year. < hriatlaala, Dee, 10. Th' Norwegian P ? ! t.ot award th? I . ?? ? ?.' fol low i ni- the lael y??r, waea bo ..'*?il ahi made. CANARY CHASE UPSETS HOTEL Gotham's Guests Scramble in Lobby in Pursuit of Escaped Singer. PADEREWSK1 RISKS HIS $10,000 FINGERS Then Hird Perches on Cornice and Hunt Is Off for Night May He House Mascot. And now for the late-t in indoor sport? for hotel guest* chasing the canary. The Hotel Gotham, n*. Fifth Avenue ?n.l Pifty-flfth Btrect, laaagnratsd the amusement last ni??;ht. The idea i? imple and the outfit inexpensive. The I consists of as many guests a-* . '?: ').!? lobby dur? ing the dinner time and ? c?narv bird. The possibilities for entertainment and ? xi re. Silted. The game lasts BBtli 'he gasSta are exhausted or the bird dies of fright The flr?t game to be played In the ? ? ?led in a draw l??t Bight After pmeaa registered ?t the Gotham, .im Ps i"r, a ihl, sad had aeaghl te win acclamation by elatch rlgstteaed bird, it be* easae a ad te I si i ? - ? p* ?? ' ' '? "" -i high cornice in the moulding- BBOSt the lobby and calmly aarveTOd the ef fertS to capture It. Mi?- SeloB i' Bteaai, who !>e? ?t ?he Gotham, took a walk late yesterday afternoon and ?aw in one of the ?tore? the cutest canary bird ?he ever l?id eyes on. Phe just had to buy It, right tl en nnd there. i?he wa? showing her purchase to John L McGoldricn, ?ssi?t aal manacei of the Oothaaa, whsi touched the spring on the door of the unge. Ths ehsse was on. e ?ace of the atartled irted the Mrt, eluding bit clutch, and then, feellag the slight chill m the December air, s?ait??d di? rectly ?"utii a'-i?,*? tin? lobby. An elderly man, re?s led hi? name, b it i kno.o the fair gueati "f the ho? tel as "Grandpa," s?w the eeaary col-, lids with the wall and flatter te I Boor. "I've, get him." h? shouted, diving frun a divan and claiming his high ?ilk hat down upon thl tiling. "Moose!" :. thrill re et tl riehed, and ?-ereams from the tse-eoOBB, where there wfla dancing, followed. It .i??v. loped that the elderly gasst did not have the bird, af'.'T all. B) that ,;rnp the canary waa winging way north, lust out of reaeh of a I eagei banda Pi snd Paderewtkl entered the hotel in time |oin tl >'?' ? h * hock? ing ?i - hit 110,000 Angera?! accord I B tint ' insurance .. he leaped aad grabbed at the . M, all the of a baby pursuing ft butterfly. Planta wars overturned, fee) were trampled, dignity wai forgotten aa one tiny, frightened eanary Bird darted each and forth. Quiet wa? restored when the bird fe i the highest eorniee in the room. I . ??d about, 'o continue the sport and v illing ., laggestiona while they were ne tin? i>:nl tcre.v bach Its heed :<CC. '?? midnight I I from the t th? ? the cornice. In the manager and hli bbbI -.??. apture it In the morning. They want it for the ? i 0SB0RNE EXPECTS TO BE INDICTED < . > r, ? ! ? > ? ? o-. I from pi??e I eonstitutlonal right? and refused to ? ?>n?." To thll Mr. Merchant made the fol ?. ply : "The warden has offereil to and gin?! the grand ? ich ; Rg lli'll ally, :? - warden or ether? bearing u] on at ' ' onert made to him, h ";, the ? ?lally had at Auburn two o, when the Welfare ! ? and prison court originated, th?* if tes? timony as taken openly in court and Bet :,, il).! not la volve violence, it shou! I ' :- he ;ie?e,l upon foi thl ? " W | ? of hreaking con '. !, m-, \? ;* h the 1 ' ? mat Tig the priaoi ei ? ..:.,l not I ij a .1 |ty ?S good fai?)i not to betray con fidenee, s) all events not aaUl the ? Mr. Oaborne goes to Albany thii morning, returning t?. New York to? morrow t?, v.,'? p a apeakiag engage? ment Sheriff Too Late to Get Convicts from Sing Sing Shstifl I'lrirh WieseadsBger of i ? pt i i i ? ill ng la ? I hsbeaa eor\ his pocket, calling upon ?' borne to turn over t?, ? ? i con? victs who*.? ? ... ?.rand jury. '1 ht mi I are Mi It :: M - . ? .*;p? iglii and Oeorg? pit Warden OaberB) SB in Mount K,?ro, ? mg an add- it at the Pn n hit ah l'orner, principal eper, according to ?ii?. Sheriff, sm<l it n too late te ?end ? be men out of the lion. Dr. ? . w. Parr, force in hi? resignation to Wai !? n 0 h lUnreOB of' SiBg I '?lie priion, it il I ? Super? '??ut Riley, wl e i ? rfl itlon, declir;. . English Justice Calls Osborne's Work Marvel Francis Wsllsi . ? ' '? ' -'? r U ai daworth prison, th? largi ? Sing Slag ?nd when he i me away , ( I hi? work _ "v ?rtul ti ng ?n prison Wor} .. at the Hol? ? ' nighl (*) ? ? i ame .??y twin, I ? f*re?t ?,|e? \"ieri enn pe?.ple in i ?How they reten wl ut of his h?nd to bulldore him I hat ; wouldn'*. obtain Ib England Iva BBB? 'on.I?. "Mr. Osborr.e has the correct idea, that s prison i? both to protect thepub lic ami to ri form tl I doea the '?? .-. Every other pr.-on in the world the prison.. . Penal reform, he said, has produced .?reat men. "OBI il a whole Ameri? can, Thoma? Mott Osborne, ai ll half American, Winaton Churchill. I believe that "??borne will reassn that Churehill a brains, courage 'and sdl lity. A? far as I ; can gather, the attacks on "?borne are ; -imply a political intrigue." SPEEDING CHAUFFEUR DEAD Drove Tati into Milk Wagon and Ht/trot Kegaineti CeaBcteaaaeaa Harry Carr, chauffeur of a ta.xicab that struck and overturned an automo ruek o'.aned by tl Bold Farm? s'iawson-Pecker Company on Fifth Ave? nue, near Fifty-sixth Street yesterday mornit g, d ?-d without regaining con? sciousness in the Flower Hi Maximilliaa I.amar, thirty-three year? old, a Canadian lithographer, staying - r. Who was a na??en cer in the taxi??ib, w..? injured rhe r of the trU ..i.Yv hurt. Angelo Greeo, a lal killed . Y .1. I Ha N. .1 , was linViriatr the auto that struck biUk Be? a ? -?? If drives a mail truck la '. reaaOB Whj he hojld ?.p his car throui the itreeta at a ?ay rat??, BMording to Magiatrato Koenig In the Morrisanla court, and John K. I.", ? Jail for re hcause he could not pay a fine of |S0. GLOBULAR POLICEMEN NO LONGER THE MODE Ri.tnnd Copi Ordered hy Woods to Regain Svelte Figures. Police Cammlaalonei Woods has an? nounced himself in favor of chaste Gothil linea in the human architect? ure of hi? force, an I has lOBt out a general order Commanding tho?e of hi? subordinate? whose 'l.-ures ?how traces of the Hyzantine school to report at the gymnasium at headquarter! each day until they have bCOfl remodel Eaeh morning's sun become? aunni r into the upper floor of Headquarter! to witneii the sight of fifty superhusky COOl down II thev have no' .?een in ,n a 'ran' le e'Y i? the tloor wi'h heir : Over them ?' bay .. demolisher of the department, i thi? ? Bg down imposing porte-cocheres wh eh it took \?-ars of patience, food and beer to erect. Whoa the mo Ike of the tortured (??? i to a mina? ret, other! who, the Cotnmiiiioner be? lieve?, peed in..'-. SierciM than the p. rformanee of their ?luty affords *h>.m Not only are eh - being t? irht their prop? - place, bul really flat-footed "Hal leveloplng Cai ian arches un.1er ' hi eagle eye of GOWNS SMUGGLED IN GIRLS. IS CHARGE I ulitililii'.l fr.illi |>l??e 1 u?. S?-- we opened oni New York place ; at IS Wesi rift] ? y "Wa broughl out exclusiva designa and our B ? ? ?'ho do the nice work < uatomal Urn, no, we did n?l deelars -ill our gowns 1 I ,,n* v.. br light them for brought th-a-tn just for mod rhal "M..t v of mir rich Ami Par1? told u? ' declared theli gowna we Ones it \aas I we did reeblel We didn't think tt a?.ns ;. i ' Maaj Flatten \rri\e. ? ? i , end women coming te matronly I . ? ' is ned, and hi mging them Biany truaki filled with ? Son.- riaitara dt being br be I BgBII at all that all of thi taken to Hou? ? Him.' lit. Also their rs. ??(hers \ ? ' attorney, them with : lag t?. \ ? iwi and tha lav against ging l ?? labor into this try. .?ned in the comp'aints were Hou? ? is in Peril . " i i... ,i-d . re charged wi?th - part |u ;, p| ?' Bond -. and help, to this country withoul BCt cited was in ii rival here i m on Au l1 she ii rj ic ! to come .?ver from tha t of j I that ? with her foi them a ti'im . American Woman Innocent. When hi arrived it th? plot she BI men the ? wealthy American woman on Kiver-ide si her friend. Government sgenl:, howi by Goihmai . rith her -?. to Boni S oui . a bei Iraner. The governt ml ell ten \?'imc i end girla were bi in thi? way, bringing gewi : them ? .ck u the listera1 place with ? been sold, Mr. ? Brsterphea said. In all, ? "? sad ;: haadred di are aaid to h-va !.. ? g imu rgied la. ?? girli who gave the a Riverside Drive won friend even sent h?T trunk! there, but ? iater called for and taken to Bead ? eminent ngents are convinced fhal tm< had no par. known to ? ? I "? trad i na a Itl them In i" ras ?- bj the an ring girl i, I not know h?-r name was helag B I ? I were lent tO her Then aba mppoaed al ? -.. . ?. Eatery B. Baekner, eeeasel foi the? ? l and thoif fellow prison? ? ?? to plead gai bo douhl there 1;m\. through fol l?f 'he id cmii let bi Am? - m --a.. Mr. Bui km r laid. "I have a rill make what r-.pai ' don'l think thai i? ? rery lerteae crime." . '' ' - II in dUte? ? , fg'|. ure properly to declare the goods. J SIX-DAY PINK TEA IRKS PAT POWERS Oldtime Bike Race Pro? moter Finds "Times Has Changed" at Garden. GANG FIGHTS GONE; GRAFTERS SHUT OUT Instead, Polite Applause, and Lieutenant Johnny Mullin with Blackjack a Foot Long. Old Pat Power?, who used to promote x-.l.iy bike races himself in a more ?ay. looked over the patient I : * : in M?di?on Square Garden last night. He toiled up ? hundred step? for ? peep into th? gallery, iaspected the fol the baleoniee, sized up the occupant-, o? the boxea BBd mingled with the throng in the ?rena. At the end of hi* wistful tour Pat ?pprosehed one ?f th?? sedate, grny sal ! ?: ? eial tiolicemen. tl what hour, may I inquire." he "is tea served ?" "Time? certainly has changed, Mr. Powers," was the graycoat's cot. ate rejeiader. "Ain't it so?" 1- Time-?, ?tl the phrase of the -pec;?'! policemen.certa -o far a? the ?x-ilnv race is concerned. rting spectacle the 1911 race is a?rerai lapa ahead ?.:' Il predecea There i? an ounce more ?train in the sprints and les? time hetween then*. There are more falls and harder ones. There is more and louder music. The ?ame pungent, ?moke pall a.-? of yore half obscures the ri?lers from gallery god and boxholder alike. The ?ame brass-throated announcer Is as ?ub limely aeernful af ?he aid of hi? effet?* ! megaphone a? ever. Stiper l.cially it is all as it used to be. The difference is in the class of the i.tten.lance what a difference! The old-fashioned fan who used to pay his ?loih.r for generel sdmlssiea, carry in a ho.'box full of lunch and stay Bfl long a.? the foorl lasted, be it two days or ?ix, la a?- extinct a specie? as the no? toriously extinct dodo. His somewhat differently Constituted cousin, who used ?., have th" -ame habit save in the in l of the box of food, for which he substituted the mesl compact and dy? namic Sf liquid stimulant, siso la ?IsS ing. In the old days, toe, the rare um h raes than a convention, it was the ?re big annual get together of under? world tlaat ?ill' ,.'?lectives at the ,-ate were particular Ol Ij that each who en ? sad a sod more often than a scowl for those whose appearsBee on another oeeasien would mean a gaiek trip "downtown." Diuaic sad the whir of the ?peed din background th? for the social affairs that were the real attractions. Where the BBppoSSd -;.it..i ?at the macque from the ?ide was renewing his soqsaia ? the gunman from the lower ? ,"* ? , go, with Stall In durance, '?.t : ?;' te joining ?? new mob, Cloae-cropped era fresh from the "big houte" g in touch again with iBCh BUtSr world SB hud escaped r ?an graperies Gamblers, sob? i.urg petermen, yegga, ! and graft ?i . ? i ' ' ' ' ' . ? i,,?, t,, i old frisada and milking B< \ morning came, in those day? of ? tar night after the i k. ?tribe in Death Hole woald I ? ? -on to the I lice hi gaii to roll. _ Three .... n produced their lay ,,?,.. st., mi of peanut - i? 11b, ba I papei were I"* loose ? h.- gallery. Broke:, ..." r bot ? n?hert in I tught to a Rival a - drew up In I d their burled and new ?lug up. Overcoat? Bl magically ai yellow money alii of the three ? "Mut Time? Ha? I hanged." i: ? - mi with apologie? to Pat Powers* gray-clad fricad h . sure ? i... int Johnny Mal ? ourteen de? le the en? ? or other, with mai If, he managed to ? . ?. ry person who passed in. Quite a number took the hint from hll glance and : immed t. 1 he ' aal ? ? I em : "Just turn in your ticket at the box ?ell them 1 aald gise the "Little Puck." who u?ed to he Tom I quit ? ? rathskeller, dropped around al midnight for a chut ??.??ii the lieutenant. "I ! ' ?.'orillas in the .'. ?lays (hat have ail t"lij me th? mid. "?We're away fnm ay, "bicati*.' Johns) Mullen's there, and if we do get by there ain't goin' to he no fun.'" , keep spreading the v? ?t-'r? : the lieutenant, "I've got a blackjsch a foot long In my pocket and I??\-. ti .a the oval arima inside the rerflow general adm led ,?iou? | plug ?tTYIVAL of AM OLD APT CREANGE andWALTER ANOfcRRON GALWERIEJ =1T.m.(?1?A?mT?v-(!la.=l \a? 564 566 ?s?ScO?'-ifthAtVmtr'. ***' *6T- ?no-47\:sTS. Will Close out, today, in their q)pc ci al &ales Handsome Fur-trimmed Wraps Formerly $95 to $145 - at *75 * $95 Smart Fur-trimmed Coats at $35 Formerly $50 MISSES' COATS?formerly $35 & $45- at $25 Fashionable Fur-trimmed Suits Formerly $55 to $85- ?it $38 ex $45 ?Smart Hats at $5 & $1 0? Street and semi-dress styles?formerly $18 and $25 $1 5 to $20 Net 8c Lace Blouses at $5 >?--?g - - ' - sa g.>r?, the hand snd the reckleai ?.1er with the ?cale? who toluoti free any one a-hoie avoirdu 11? he fa;'e,| *.. gUOS! wthii? tl ? ..... ind- Il t(,eir mid.? i wh;t.--(.luted inake-ehanaing . r h stiel? henk. The presiding ge niuB of the grapeJalee stand grape juice! Oh. re ihadee ?>( aaethet day I wa? work in.? htmselt! into a danger OUa perspiration. Not more than a ?core u-ed th< benchea as bed?, no gamhler of greatei i'gree than the ?cale mar. invited th? rentlenen one and all to tempt th? goddeaa of chance, no one ni:*-?>*d an . .n-oat, no one got too tar from the ,-rapejuice stand and no one trie.l to lieh a cop. Hurrah for law and order! SOCIETY THIEF WILTS AT THREATS IN "AD" (iuest Returns I ur Coat She Took at Montclair Reception. Montclair. NY .T., ?Dee. 10. Marly edi? tion.? of the local pa|. tained an advertisement stating that if the woman who carried B-BjT ? l_1 ????at after \ reeeption last night at the homo of . 111! Mai.' . e, on South Pullertofl Avei ie, did net hring ? l.h.?k the "retara of th? eoal aroula be aahed for." The advert lenenl I that the woman refused hi Boat and insisted on taking m A short time later. Mr? Julia White, of 21 Harriso Avenue, who authorized the publication of th? ment, ordered it? arithdrawel,explaining that ?1 e person who had talen the coat had . r. d that she | mis? take and had returned th.- garment. The aTarvie reception area one of tha big aeeiel eveite of 'he aeeaon, the rueata including ?ome of the wealthi sst eeeideato of the town. ? a?. $100.000 PLEDGED FOR SCOUTS War!an t<> Keep Up Campaign t'ntii $200.000 Fund Is Obtained. It was decided featerday, by a unani? mous vote of the workers arho ar- trj - ing to raise $200,000 for the Boj ?.it? of America fund, not to ?top ?he campaign until the full mtion been collected. Practically half of the sum has already B ei ted or definitely promised. Colin H, I ring -'one, national pr.-sYlen' of the Boy Scout? of ? ?! the campaigner! on their work. The total lubocribed yesterday eras ?lo.iTi.i">, ?nd the grand total actually subscribed amount? to $'Y7.Y' 17.1 Y i?. Harbour and H. H. B?sen ! them ?elves to rn, I ? heeho known ... be in the mi definite premise! made to dil will amount to Blare than 118,000. The Yam? from the ditTerent bor? oughs will meet at 1 ? campaign I . at ?I Monday ai 12:80. I ? Field Malo: . dj si thi la-m oil Mor ?Shire your C hnsttnan cheer with thi? chilrltrn of the poor Th? CHILDREN'S All) SO OF. r\ asks fur <-? nttiliutions to make? ?i happy Christmas for (he numbei ?if homeless rhil dre?n in its matters and tlir poor .?hilaran in its Industrial School* Wm. Church Oiborn, Edwin G. Mmill Preaidenl. ireaiaw. Chirlei L Brio, Secretar?, 105 Fi?) 22.1 Str-el, N-w York. _?_?___?_?_?_?___?_???_????- - ? J. B. MORGAN LEGACY ?PHUI Paris < hur.h Fiiiind? r- H I $7.*>,noo from Brothei ? i:?t?ie. The Appellste i?i\Isl I Rev. John R. Morgan, foui I the ? ???...; gati. Under tais ??. I ',y the mit ? ? wer? rgSB. I.. ' Y' est?t. H M " ? ' gun ,1 ? SILVER Sterling & Plate fetching Silber Ctgarrttr Ct?tf 3n Acores o? artistic Hit?irwl If the important decision hat Dot yet been made, no better selection could be determined upon for a cigarette smoker than one of ?M s(' Nivois Patent Cigarette Cases, of heavy Sterling Silver, which are not only in handsome patterns, in a multitude of designs, but are made through? out in workmanlike manner, strong durable, and in the most desirable forms. Prices range from $11.50 to $16.50. International Silver Company Succeeding Thl MKRIDKN Co. Established ifa 49-51 West 34th Str.ct through to 68-70 West 35th Street, New York