Newspaper Page Text
The Conning Tower "AMO. A MAS. A M AT was. amat .... I of my learni: of Latin. \xene of de ? beeame the dn i i my fan : the ??uaii ' :!and place awaiting my shot at a fox BQJuirrel ght hack by the acid v? . ?Come one in this class is not paying attention!" ..d shed a few tears and thret I rite to my father, ??tin to he- . and life mainly Lai . the reincarnation o .man g with us until she could rejoin the immortal?, v/rhaps to be Caesar's wife?m'?d?*rn ram? ah* hated; - ? ?tore prim both as to ver'.s apid ?riitui I rernerr.t"?r one day in Cicero she blushed scarlet and haster I over a page. thmmjMmS 1 ~sl '"rif*hi'c eravc behind this concession, ?Ae Bog 'I the ardu?- | ar.d found, "O you libertines! you mer. -e_ v, ? ' ? work in the city, I myself in the pari; one day, a woman paused at the bench and asked my name? It VfM '? Her hair was no longer pulled back and parted in the middle. 4^-fj s-. - -eels on her shoes?it was as if the Madonna had turned tailor'? manikin. Well. WtaJ le had married a butcher, and ?he was the mother of twv That if 'he beginning and end of my g. ma i. MURD04 K PEMB-GuTOJN mmm* \\. aderal League war has ended and the only I .h-?*. Intel Benny Kauff. whose neutrality uroi lsted N often last year, will play in 1916. With " The Cor.vinr- Tower, despite Its fond had no sympathy. The Feds, of all the big -suing an annual pass to - :n?r ec _ Pre?* *:r Fethersl O, perturbed over the failure of the snow rally to the color?, is all for conscription. THE LETTERS OF DULCINEA. Grayce Dear: What do you think? You could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard it, although, honeftly, non thing lurprisw me. We :'riricetc-n boy I met at the lakes last summer writes me?he writes the darlingeel lettei | I tender, I what I mean?that the Triangle Club?they're the cleverest boysl?il going to ca! this year?fueei what?? '?Dulcinea'" lenl that perfectly At least I think the play will be called that- At any rat?, I Ol to be one of the character--, r.ame and all. Ned wrote and asked if I'd : Mind? I told him I'd be tickled sick. The "show" || going to come to "N". Y." on the 4th of Jan? uary, and Ned has invited me. 1 hope to see you there or before? until then. olive-oil. Fondly, tNXA. In the ye, when Boz Hawley ar.d Doc Mer7 w?-? btg the Yale Record, that | sheet never would have cyrilired?as it does in the current number?"How merry it is to ? ??<?' the friends whom you think will pend them to you.'" Fam would we be B wh< trneen" at H-.? Ms if is played by Mr. rolm ChtrT] Ferrys- by Edward -bes* of nil? Mm. Sow tel Pops by the personable Mi The ?**aiety First Federation of America has issued a primer for children, from which volume cor Then ii a boy in our ti ? :?' v ? ? He :?? And - never in a hurry To p the street. H- n over, BeCl Th? n, the ehe I wi beg I : . a northbound trau. ; ?? track?alas! and a folks ne\er saw him apa; It is a year now sines the generosity of Towt I allowed I ''Ryrr.e to have th) ?? had had ? sirous of contributing to her Christina I mor.ey to The Con] r, with the ai-urt ? wnl reach her ar.d be unutually welcome. received before Dec. 28 that we like '???? DgU? from Chicago, printed It. Taylor ribs' dinner on Jan. 6, ai handsome an?; I sd a trold watel I s bought for tft ich steam we have ? ? ersids ?rh , no matter how tight the windows are shut, *e a. . | ? breeze in this front ro? : ?t the i ' . ? rd Peses an THERE IS SOMETHING IN WHAT YOU SAY. If types were all uniform in size, what ? boon and blessing would this be to all of us! Apparently our newspapers do not consider the human eye any more than the railroads. To save paper is more important than eyesight? so the linest types are used. How much would be gained if types were made twenty per cent, ?arger, and the mass of material we are supposed to read were twenty per cent* less. ? f types v ? ?... - nailer's ! have the the entire Town. Ami mhet BPSSdsl *H ii?, with our evening? e I. J'. A. OLK WOMEN STAGE TABLEAUX Society .? ?Bazaar, Pageant and Dance in Waldorf Astoria Ballroom. SCENE. IN AMERICAN HISTORY DISPLAYED Mtmbers of National Organiza tion and Younger Set Take Parts in Show. people ? the matinee and baiaar, I ?d by tab? leaux and a dar. slag, g si :. of Catho men in the ballroom el the Wal | ooif-A ? <?rday. At rr.i er.d of the ballroom was a a iich the histori .- ? - - ? ooths, ? which had lined n the after and at which Christ ! away, and ??.the evening make room ? dancer*:. ? ??! pageants were presented, de ig rarieua atagea in the history i of the United State?. Among them were FestiVitiei After a Hutch Wed' tare of New Turk, then - ?'.;?? II has at the Court in "In. ? '?.' ??am Tenn Bml "Ameni a een origil al states were ; dar? . inner." ?? tableaux were of the et, including : .. chai garet Luce. Lillian Tabnage, Mary Knap] - Heler. odor? Dun? ham. ? garel L ? Paulin? Haggerty, Helen Smith ai '? -ny. Among boxholder? were Mrs. John Giraud Agar, Mi ? Bris ted, Ml ss Brady, Byrne. Mrs. 1 Towaeend Burrie Jamea Blanch. Chaaneey M Depew, Mri Drex? - ' ert 1 I rell Hoff mai "? - EdaIn H. Hawkes, ji ' 1rs. A . ??'. J. Muli * ??. Jacob !.. Phillips, Mrs. im A. Red W Ham F. 1rs. Cornelina Tier;?. Mrs. Schuyler N. Warren, John M. Bower?, Pearce. Tiffany Dyer. Burke Koche, John R '. n eel, William A Black, Fiber: H. Can. ? ? >' am L. Hice. ' - , n\ Hbur '? : ' Brokaw, John 1?. Crim? [organ J O'Brien. and Mrs. Guatavua Town I gave i ?s In? Mr. and Mis. Robert r. Br?ese, mpsor, Buchanan. Mr. ? ihleday. Mr. and Mrs. I ?1 Goer, Ms and Mra. Fred ? r, Mr. and Mr?. L. Hol! gi worth Wood and Mr. ar.d Mr?. William V.? Ruxton. T! e dinner was followed at which there were pre?? ... ? ilony. briakic gave a ay in the ladies' Ba? ten i lab for her falla R. -i? Hei . Mrs. Roland 1 : ? * Potter, M Marj 0| . imery, M ??? Markoe, ? Ma . Marion - ?? ? ance? L. ? | , die? i.'ace ? Howard, Mia? Mary Hart.?.- ? Dorothy G ? : ibeth Em ? . . ?anee Chap - ? Br ?ted, Miss ?. ?I Katherine Blfl and M P Bl COB. ? gar? a re yeaterda- re to ' Gordo ? lebutante wai j>. c, - !*.. lai - Mari? lisa E ?-anor Dar ?? a 1 by a din? th? guest? went to see - ? Marion ' . : Paul i : " gave a large ? .-.'Yon. Mr. and Mr?. H. B. Hollina hav? Bl entry place .ind, and are foi a few days. Mr. and " ' m Osborn will ? N I Tori ?'?-(luv from I re they spent their heaoj and ?rill ? ? if Mr. and at - The? ? ? Mj ? . - ?, k' >c a ' inuary 18 at bei ? Aii Haggin will gire ? ?rrj fei her Ball ?ndei leain have eome ?i.m their country place at Batel Got _ MME. BRIDEWELLS RECITAL riegrsmai? Includes Italian, t.erman, French and Bagtls? Songa Mme. ?arrie Bridewell, v. no ?'?' ,,. ... ? of ?he Me'rij[?olitian i-??-.? a ?one n st Aeolian Hall yesterday afternoon. Mm? Bridewell'? volee, deepMc boom la? M - ef much in ?a?ith an Italian | Yea Falco: r: > . ti and Wolf Ferrari, fol by groups of Germaa, El gllsh ? Frei -ongs. ? Y.-,-? bul ira? lateros ted Th? aget displayed meati of tbe art el the concert field. I CATHOLK WOMEN I\ PAGEANT. iPn?*? cl l>? farrr*' I ? ? ?-- I . ? u ?? a ? - ?? - ? Mi?? Helen Byrne, who poi-ed in Ptae-e pictures at the Waldorf-Astoria for the National Organisation of Catholic Women. YVETTE GUILBERl TRIUMPHS AGAI dives Her Fourth R?cit; to Fine Audience at Lyceum Theatre. I ? - gava her fear jecitsl | at ?he L c-uim Tai I en? mere New Ye) had the opportunity of welcoming 01 ' the ? d'i laprene _n - eadienes wes of good *ize, t?.it it oug to have been for liiicr. It ought ' have filed the theatre and then flow? out into the lobbie* und from the lo ? "o the street, sad then tl of New Vorn would not Vib? been enough! However, let ur? I grateful that Mme. Gailberl Is aere i ?II. snd let st ?Ido be grateful thst tr i? not appearing 1*1 a vaud??vil!e hous i.rd in betv.een a team of acrobat M.d a pair of "comic?." giving her a? to an audier r*- *V,_r ?ifth? of wh'rh ?r ? if? rlj swell ?.'?'- ?-i- sat of th "comic?-." .,- ^t'? sr* has dei : ? ? ired with time. The ?-* speearaneei were oecasieai of -i-andal are long passed; she doe ' o-day, it j.ear ?or th bead t of J <-.. . bnardin schools, bol what : g ren?i?m)icring, and r? gie' able ?. 0 h?ard I I "1 u ?-." of how Mar ale?e a?-kr? \a.nly for a goo o marry her, t.u' found *?t las be would a ?ce] : 1 ?' listened to a ?or.g wh - .hin i ? - hun-tiie p;*".<- ell the intimst beau . the r? tbe Middle I it wa m a? beautu'u! a spirit an that n ? ? ? steo. Mote (is serosa :r "L'Hypocrite" ar.-i in "1/Impat ? and her pa supreme in "La D?laiss?e " A ti' mere 1 ?. hear this wonderful worn.n. rfol ?rootan withoat voice with' it ? thr wonderful wnnrmn who coroner? all b? a n.? ? ? ? . ' _ of her ?. ? ? ???? n?t. an ENGA6BMEMT. Tl.r ? . . snl ?.?a.? ennonnced jet .'?tms Mildrard Hortsen Hoof '!ri. Hoag, to Charles King Mor . son ot" _eorgc Au.-t.n Morrison. M HAT l> I.(MM, US TO-DAY. frt M - !.. -, - - i a l'ai ? ? I . irk ) 4 . UuM-ba . - ? ? ? - . : i m. ? ? w Tnrk. ' _ ?? i llaJi > l'a? ' -. . He - M?' S ? ' ?' ' ? ' ' 4 . , jt l/ie ?**- .? ' ?rrb .?"_?-*?.. 4 . at Um Bets - hall ot th* ? - 4 Btrwt. 4 ? ? - ?j p i. .4 ..'??_ tkmm ill m. in rr i ?? i ? merer ei ? ??'.-?. ?. ...? i '? ?? S M llMUni ot \h. Rl?w?l ? 1 a. ' : ? . . ii ?- 4- - ? - U ..? ? -? ? .- - ? f ? ? 4-a ? p ?B ?, -. WtiOa* .? j- ? ' ?? ?? . . i - . . - H tut I a I .SI S ? i oi in M Mm nun m ii.r -" i .. -> -. ,?-,- ? . b u VI , -. i a? . *1 Y. I a . ' a*?.? ?? . ? ,, -a'-?! * ? ??'.- I ' '? ? I . 4- . - ? ' ...? " ' . . ? . art? I li ?- . i Am.?, ?ad Kl| - ? .. Mom ? - ? , ? . i . ?... ? . .? I i , .4 - ? . . - ? II? ' , . . 1 " . 4 . ? r ?. i i * a ??* , ? ; . PS . i ? ..?I ? I V? ? . ? ' |. ?m.-. i n?il? - ' - its a- . - . . '?-??? ?? ? ?l?l 4.n-i-lr? th? I rl .'; . ? . . ? ' tif ')? -j- ?..?? ? liai ?J l - ? ..-,., T . ? . .... I ?1-1 M Hali. >r? I*ra l'.Ul.. Uletett. ?I..?.' . .?. *-?*??. NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYER Premiere of "Sybil" Wi Occur at the Liberty on January 11. "Sybil," ;n which Julia ."-andersi Donald Brian und Joseph Cswtho will return to the metr?poli", fer tie customary bottle of charr.pag to be broken o.-er it at the Liber Theatre on January 11. The event, addltioa to signaiinnc th? th? " emvirate, ?rill eurk I pearsnee ? f ti a 1 theatr? ?:t?r neerlj ? yeei ef fllmii The new piece i? a Frohma tien, will mure by \':ctor Jaco tuthor of "The Marriage Market" T announceme?I ? n I n usiral comedy, hut a musical pit At all avenu ? ? e ?act that it was a to.-?- abroad. '?Th.- Birth ef a Kation," which tri? to stoj. mov? The i-torm that haa hil Mew Tci has had don go. A 1 elephar* United Btetea msil truck out of tl cJeep drift-- at ??r?-et, and A ???(i ->om rei Bl ? Momia ? rmanc' Ol Wt ? en thort notice L'ver. ? an of Yuan I k to the ' ? ? ? for exam] fails 1 retura to Chin under the present Rath so. tr. fact, i-he ?rill go int vaudeville. The pi I ?fill be a are next weel a bevy o BS ?n "e pi || ;? -.' Bl ? Dowager Err; Da % all Hoapei I | scree: play Qoixol s-'k'i Triangle I at th? KY . Mai I beg;:i bei Tork ?ea at tl re ? , a performance o ? Followi*; r th? run ? ? ? Suturda;. ?re| -d to carr* - the scenery ami accui ? ? material. The products I anc "Stop! Look' I ? th? ?Jlobe . \ praofl ? a-tle. the celebrated wsr - ... ; . ? ? to a oi and Roof to-night by officiating na a jad DEC 30 FOR -PRINCE IGOR ' Ru-?-?ian ??pera To l?e He.ird I hen fo lirxt Time ?n America. "La Tra* . y ? firs: Bg a*, the Me- - 'pe: . Hou-e tl is sea? ' I ? - eaiag, ?? and Mattfebi and Messrs. Botta. D? I.uca. Kos? . Reachiglian, Ba.hi and . i? .Mr. Bavagaoli will conduct. ?Tao'r,eppr:n" *? .1 b< gives on Mor. day evening, when Mme Km m y Des tinn Will make her reappearance with tne company as FYa "Saaieen et l'" Will be rune rbarsday evening, and "Haeasel uni Gretel," followed by ballet n th M - . Gallii a' a ?pecial matinee a" popular prices ea Friday. In the ??ill he Matte Mattfeld, Masor Sprakea, Warrum an i Kobeson and rs. Reiss Bnd GofitS Mr. H age man ?rill conduct the opera ano Mr. Bearl the ballet. "Tristan und Isolde" ?rill be given on Friday evening and "Aids" at th Saturday ma' MiSS Beatrice Harrison, 'cellist, wir play at BOXI Sunday ni|*ht's correr Mme. Mane Ra | Sembuch will ?ins. The orchcstri ww! be conducted by Adolf ?Y ?? m, ?*, r. The American-premiere , :' ta? Has tian opera "PHne? Igor," by v>\and?r I*. Borodine. will take piace on Thurs day e* ening, Doeassboff '?'?'', Bade? the direction o? Giorgi? Poleete, '!'.. ca>t nrlude Mm??. AYia, Delaoaoie, and Egone? and Mesar?. Am?'.?. Botta, Didur, Di Begsrela. bada sad I Audisio. J ART AT ITS BEST IN 'THE WEAVERS' Great Play Superbly Given by Emanuel Reicher at Garden. DRAMA SETS OLD TECHNIQUE AT NAUGHT Entire Cummuniiy Is Made to Live Through Skilful Pro duction of Fine Drama. R* IETWOOD BROt v Reicher'! production of "The Weavers" is ?uperb. No other Htm York this season has elbowed perfection so cio_. lv. Hauptmann, drama, which was d in English for the first time, cannot lose a great deal in transla-ion. manee at the Garden Thea? tre la-- night a .. ' to war ? quality which ii ? : ? tht-b- ? ... teclu' ' irds, or limitations, if n ind the mod i drama in spile of Gali I ' mark? a more assault than any led by agaiast "th, we B] whether Hauptmann has created tara - baa simply thrown all form ? re WOUld ?? ? ?lin not mutter. An ,, has much to say not infrequentlv clear? - the rush of' his thoughts | down the poles an.! him by other men. Then loud enough the mes srtry. "T'r. ? Car l an fail to he thrilled ? th? play has neither a be an end. It has no h popular "heurt noun. The play 0 elegance, no studied . ? ; iaywrights v* ? i ?? with love. ai.d w iiat BOt, dramatizing hunger. Love, reveal I "n and all the ? ay lend ?mpetu-? to life, but not ? - the impelling power of llU' : Hatl ' SWI us a group Bf ? on two fu-. ut a whole ? ? n h* 1 not blindly the The ? M'ti the .-o; for the time being, but we know more ? - will ?eos? and th? -ii. Nothing hus been aniwercd, be tt*t It cannot b< ? .ted that old I'. ... ? | ? "You have vour have it buscep nght when ? ... aad all piety ner place in the liera nar '. but that ? m an al -??ay. II is death, however, ? ? ion, with the weaver lying acre le his deaf I ? aeree? the loom ealli ? igniB and Bg? rtnd ou ? angely ? ? ? who ..- ? in the reg? ular t i***?* i move? almost a ?t lie do? i er tl i of him I It do? ittei ' 'ia- we Know him so I time. W? sr? interested in lum ? a .mmu - ?in which our ir ? en built up from the b?| go! the pla; weavers, a - tal and labor. To an SXtraol th? playw r | ? | i. g? and in bringing the au? dience touch witt - are and hen- ? .'. ??ver-? " Th? ?? IY ? v?. ?even" largely and.? of the producer. Accur programme it wai ? ?. Ml E?maoael Reicher and stage . ?? Mr. Augustin Dun ran." I I e-e gentlerr.f - one a .- They have -?ueeeede,! ta that it ;- possible to atai ir? ?*-ithout mov? ing, that a person who ?it? ?till am! D .. . ? - much ? who runs aero - . ? splendidly _poken many ? was more ? -.? board by the ?s on the stage The an of ? ? ? i to a high de ; aver- of Mr. Reicher. ? - - of a!'. I tie- : livery room of a manufacturer where U tneir product. ?portant 1 . I what the ? reeeh sad ?f th? i ?und act. In the home th? bird ?he fifth, in th? workroom ' sf the picture is of the utmoat 11 must be c r,at to one trained in the traditions of the streng? modern plk' ' -low spots in the and second acts. There feeling of ever-fidelity to life II bores' i ich the sate* c -chou of drama ?o frequen'Y -pir.'?. bu'. ? .rd BOt a: beginaing el th? weavers' revolt eatmuatmount. There is action enougn ? ?fy every one. ?b? house of the ? ? ma? i. seet a* though they were so many -, g -, an ? " rama 11 mast be said for the mob, also, that it waa as much alive when it appeared as .hen .rm-red BBgrity off -tage ! of ail is th? 'ft'., act, which fairly bub ble? with drama. If the acting of individuals is | singled out in a performance which i uimed at *s unity of e"fect. it ?;. . gave e remark? able performance as Old Baumert, and that 1 olph toss so good a? 1 that her exit held the play un .??ral moments on account oi the applause. Kmar.uel Reicher was effec ? . , ' ? B? h he ehoosea ; tu raed into the part of Old A ?a? rati i-r aggravating, even if It did1 !? \d .- I man't out- ; f the thlrJ act. Ru-! p?rt Haivey waa ?xeeedtagfy effective' Bl Minn Jaeger, the lead? r of HI ? i'uncan and Kath? erine Herbert trad,- much of their op II fes la the last act. The production of "The W?_vers** .. ? iteworthy eshlevemeat, and possibly December 14. 1916, will be ..' ?..-ne - ?nil -anee in the theatrical Motor) of New York, even though the play was written in 1893. I YULETLOE SPIRIT THEME OF SONGS Christmas Carolling at Concert of Musical Art Society. CATHEDRAL SINGERS SHARE IN PRAISE Secular and Religious Music Pleasantly Blended at Carnegie Hall. R> M F KliF.HBIF.I.. T-?re has been a rcorgar..ration of the Musical Art Society for business purposes, and it seemed last night, , when the usual Christ.-.astide concert *?'?.??- g'.en .1. Carnegie Hall, a? it a new spirit had also L. faced into _-era. y ?!1 war? ,t has been ! fei year- the ?>4-a_?.-'ul picture on the stage so well calculated to set the - raosical . : by Dr. Krank Dam -.:?. chu ce band of prof) - - . the par) o? t >- eh :he Cathedral ?1 .-*.. Jobs tne Divine, which, lia/f-iag in tbi - part.cuiar charm tu the snt onsl muse I Pall itrii _ ? ' l'atria," ai.<i m Iped the composition of a in?.?. - to a full ?i . ? ? and To '-. irg Eicrt's .?? ?, or' th?. .ch Martin I.uther wrot? .?hi.?tren consid i by Th* Tribune las) Realise t.on surpu- i tatioo, however, and, in spit?* of its srehaic t)?\, cept so far as its harmon crcerned, and the fact that il ti.'ul secular ? ar *. -.of which on., figures for the first time un a Ml . ? programme. rked ' There was less of the old ? capel!? music of the median's! school that. u.?ual only a short "A.. h ? the ' ?loris 1'atr two choirs by I'alestnna, - "Gaadete omnes" and a couple of set rman Chrlstma?* but s sin; r to tha ' ii> no ? r al! thut. A .- na" eenposc 1 b| Kranr. . r? aifo n ew ; was a short sntiphon pulchra es Man.?," bj Bruckner, 'tie Karg-Elert pieos which the coi illy calls a ' a-i zone and to conduite th? Ilrahm*'* second set o* Lo~s Boog WaltSOf I I and pianoforte, four han-i l'art M h bed been heard be fore were .-?. " .imann's "Der Schmied." "John Anderson, My Jo" ar.d "fi Kothraut." The Two Ko?r?" an?) "Spring: Deliph" H was a Iontr list, but nearly all th** were i_oi ' one could I r of variety. TI I r ranch Noil wi - mpenloi stade for ?mall chorus -, the Belgien m scholar. Ir I and, of ?11 old ? DISI songs, brought, intelligent-? of the nativity in the shape of | amorifi- nelfhbon. Il WSI a pity no* to ?ne of rhp ? English earoli op the programme, for in melodic beauty and ?? sre ur.sur I literal I they ? ? kill with wh'rh . - There may? be time for that r- roaftOf in the Brs 1 ? help of Herbert Fryer sn?l James I I ll ? plaOOf r. th? Ksrf-Eler) cantata of Dsrld Ml I ? I . ??ml Mr I.rfebvre. orpan, b? ! and their . ?-OW. The cencerr began, scording ?0 cu tosa now established, with "he man nouoe? ?? - , '.f 'he eld <;- * ? -ma? long, "Stille Nacht," as set h, which keyed the audience to .. fins spirit of enio th the higher dciif ? The "Gloria Pain" ws? redemandod, and the French ed with enthusiasm, cspe -'-? last, the "Chanson J? ? .? f the sel FOUR COLLECTIONS IN AJRTEXHIBIT Paintings. Prints and Silver Ohjects at the Anderson Galleries. Very miscellaneous i? the arriy of pictures and other works of art or crafti?rcan?h,p to be seen at the An? derson Galienes. It is formed of ri-. eral collections. The first com-rs ?. ? psintings and water solars by Amer' can and f-ireign artist? an?! Is 1 h ??- rr rrrrew eroainf, !? reeol I ? ??-.-nth cen? tury which is to say that ?t is not *.??ry ?-Oil ?' the ts of thai come to under?* i- i-nts. Bakes >re-.' worth] ef s eerts i re-pect in these times, *-?;-' ? - men glory in what they are p!ea*= primitiv* emotions, giving - h * ru in whatever to? ller happens to drip from - The munotur.y of thi?. exhibiti I ? :?.?-? ? ?. For exanpic ? Theelow, a n< re modern type, painted "The B In 'rat . O. black. frc*h snow | er ?p and sympathetic touch William Keitl I ' d.?cl?>?es h pleasant quality of light and an m ? r.g treatment of foliage. An by Guv t arlt-'or Wiggins, brittfi a welcome reminder of childhood's ts land of Pr? where it ; ? ta <v? ai \?n\j a fall afternoon, ar.d Mi. fflf .-?;??. f i) - iden light of h.s October land? scape. In the collect on of etchings, en? gravings and water color? w'-ich rs also at these galler.i-s Mr. Joseph ? ??? net's Panama lithsglOOha are, peihaps. must .?? ? ? i ... W-. have observe?] ,?|? rabie etchings hv Mr.I Ernest S I. i id - .'.-?-. ? r:h the Cxhit) ? ne.? ir. a.l lmai-insble '? directioiis. I he objr.l-, *.. ).?. n?vt Friday and Satardaj '? - include ?insntal poreolaias, irlrleecent I glus?, nsffS, prints. embroideries.! bronzsa sod silver This last \t par ' ticularly attract i\*e, illutttratmg iha' ' fin?- quality of surface and that in . SS - : soaah : with (-rare which b*t-? longed to the ei.bteenth century da- ? ligaon t?e eld skill ar.d taite are nly rery slowly recaptured to day. ?r worken study toe asaid models at.? ? r can lu sad tea caddies, which an abo\, p works of * ***? I? H ; Bg ether ol we have note! 'ocie good iridescent glsss. s twelfth century Kakka bowl hrr II - ? rj and an excei It :- ?? IT a S ? tram, some??1 Iril 1, v-hen tare to the 1 Mr. J. P. ?."amp. >- ':<i '"? tot to aad headwork, he.. * ? ? ? ? rerythiag re, from ? a couple of Crow war c!ub for slaughter or a tom-t?>m for SSSI rcony. Of cours.? there an p Nava}? blanket? and b?*aded moceaste? and the Ilk? M ?' I things I? ? nail?. ? aspect. Bu* here and there oc ? hit ef r??a. BM lowaes? seek a large boa Ytik cero al b?>w.s, ar a Zu*". ;nr. Th? whole affair makes an agreeabl? note in thi irreat aoetios sal??. OBITUARY. MKS. HAB? Fl.l_.\l"KTH I'VKSONS. Mrs. Mm; I'arsons, da-ht?. ? I and aunt to Samuel ' - Iway, ? ii the foi I'ar? sons wa? men ? ' Au gust II War ?hi?, wil ? ? omen, at? ? | ? Barrack?, -ow Fort 1 t1 IB 1er? of I . Naasa - ??, ? ? daughter? at ?! ?on?. m-?? ROBBT GIBSON DAVBiOll Robert ?.ib?on Pa? vesterdav ut hi* hon ?, Ml ?'? : ? ? ? ? . Brooklyn. In ? l< f c re of th? Met met that yet [of a number of years he '??"?'? trnnd Avenue Thurrli ana trea ' yaaia. H? leaves four son- ??' I V*t* ?. ri ii? ?DAin trt?M. Asa Adams Spe-.r, for f< rtj [?I years a la<? yesterday morn . . heart dlStSI I "" 7' Amher ? ' : *?~ ?VT1 from Am: lvn Mr Spear had . ? ? : ' ? in th? all Church. He leaves a wife and a M DIED. Cryder. Elisabeth Smith, ?\ Alexander ??ar, Asa A 1', r-.r, Wi.liam Taylor. Josepi (I VliER At her * sr. on Monday. Deeembei I and Cen u ?? . ,t, on ThorBdsy, Dee?mb. ? NOS papers please copy. '? suddenly a* hi? v December 14 Fur,'- **r ? Kindly omit flee , - ... ropy. PARfiONfl ht.ter-d into restes the "L r - ? ? -,. ff Mitchell and C? *arles Ber lees si bei lau ,. ?o Friday, ?eeerterW- " si tion o? Itrel? frosi te? Peaa : v ... i -i.evelt ?j??4*?? ember 12, sf pneumeala. W illiam " . *":* e-teemed butler of Mr. ?nd Mrs. A Murr? Young 1 u-? ral service? .? th? -f ?? i'"a"?i;-!on . Wednes? day. December 15, ?t I P m ??'M ITH- -Suddenly, on Monday, Decem ' bOf U, ?t his Ute residence, 1 h W S? M-- st.. A. Alexander Smith, M. I?. r 0f bis age. ronera . w,ii be held in the chapel Fifth Aver. .." Pr< ?by" Church on Ft ' f? ber 1" ?- 10:';" " ' at Laston. Fenn., at the cor.vr ? - SMITH. A. ALEXANDER, U. D ' 'Th- Yew I '" " "ihi ? ?? " ?___3 Jr* re. .;?*?? '1 ?" ?t1 ?????1 . r A. Alexander Smith, late chair Puaeral lerv - ? ? ?-" held b chaVle: X\T ??'??? iT.arloi^rm WALTER-. JAMES, ?LD* President I.i.S p. ADAM?. Secretary a WITH ?'i Tuesday, December 14. m :???? ? '. ?V ales' Funeral lorvices at the home of hi 22 Jeete K. Barnes. sbet Mi at 2 p. m. kpEAi ,d*>rY r>; ' ember 14, Ifll ' rraeke? lene? - ; TAYLOR On 1 'h -.. Mildwoo ?him lugbtei I -. of New I . ? at Croeawood i rhure ?n?t? at 11 a m. CgMKTKRHa. thf ?finni.AHN ? rMrrvrRT. ill. M n ?? H -r n Tr..ln ar._ by Tra'le? l, ? I onu ?? ?' 'or m? ?XTra? ?0 flail SH St N T. DIAMONDS ^ The fi ner grades oniy.?P SOLITAIRE RINGS I $50 to $1800 I Theodore A.Kohn ? Sod _ JEWELLERS KM Xi\ Fifth .AftaVTltl-? M.