Newspaper Page Text
Preferred Industrial Stocks aa SOUND INVESTMENTS A careful y selected list of these shares, wit ? .tv.d.nd rates and pe:crnta.,e of return on the investment, uili be i? nt by requesii g r "101" Renskori, Lyon & Co. Iuv4*stni4*?it IKpartment ?;g? ari 33 New St . ? Nt? York Iilllllllli!llll!!!|i;' :i!!II To help you invest wisely Jtefor? parchaalnr BS4**-I - ? ? 1* th? kuetneai ?.f our tr?-?! L>?? ..i Im? ? \ to p - client? This ?a*rar?m*nt Is a*, th* **r ' a nri.i. If It 1* <l- - I IVee booklet X-? upon reqnest. It -.?plain? ful:?' o?r "ParVu! -nt Plat hy ? and I.ond* ni-> ? . ??_ In ?Tiy amoui.t x.; :. inost convei.lent CHELDON, MORGAN 4_J AMD COMPANY I 1 42 ?rj.T_v>ay, New Yorl* ... nje. Our Four Booklets We will send ?rou on ?ppllce tft-rn, without chnrtrr, nnr one of the four following booklet?i No. X?-**0?1_ T?ot Tra-Sln?.** Wot? Tnu- ttnv Tem?* In .V-nr i"ir-n? flock Sx-'httny SsuwHIW <*? Amounts ef Lett r?en IN Shores Ho--4?' The Partial PrtTtnf-nt Flau " flete Tot* ifov /*>?-? t WhOt Vo-u ?rot*. ?ilusUng r_r? ha*'? of .Sec_--i lir* f? Tour : No. 14-A?"Odd 1-tt Inrertm-mt.** , Hete Tom Hoi/ B?V ee lAttl? as One tfh.iet of Btoxh fe? CatK No. X-t?**$10u HondJ." Bete T<m Vny Iwol Your r%nis tm Sia-?(*_rd h.-*d> M ?'rnall Denorn. tnatljn Sent on Request JohnMuirSfa ?v^SrtClAllMSlN Odd Lots Members New York Mo-rlc ITirhiinst??, MAIN OrFI'-E. ?1 RROAIUYAT. N. T. 4??? PI- * Broa/1??*?. i I. *i Bl 4c I/-n-i A?. 165 Wie*. lio Broad Btrssl, Neweurk, N. J. Habit The habit of saving is at ?nee one of the moil profitable and easy of acquisition. Our Standard Saving? Senrice pteaents a ?ere ?imple end practical method cf putt'ng it into practice. Ask (or iMfoklet P-6S5 Bigelo\v& Company SS Due Bt_ Tri'.ne STJOO John. Henry Glews& Go. It, II. 15, IT and 1? BROAD ST. MKMBERH N. Y. STOCK KXCHANOE. Stocka and Bonds bought and sold ?n COflBinlSSiOn. Ai<-o carried on con? servative terms. Deposit Account? received subject to check at sight. Interest paid OB dally balances. IMIVVr.MIM -.1 i i m ? n | tra*?kii:k?. i.i i tin? ol ? itForr D&Ai'l? "N :?'M'"N \nii PARIS BRANCH ? SS5 rift h A?e "hlrd At?. li.32 r.roe.iwKT ?t Warren fit. ?0 t'nlcn n., 1? Co-art ?t. Bklrn. Winchester Reptg. Arms Colt's Arms Savage Arms FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. Pt-o-a* Broad 81 ?U>. It? Betxed *4t.. Sett York. mette U????b-m* to B_.??n -u;?l l*bl ad?'.?>-.:a. STANDARD D ?rB-iniARir.s - sins en bi-oc FBA? I IDS.-. OUO hT?CR L CARL H.PFORZJHEIIVII-R&Ca I '?- ?? ? ? ?? ? i ?r. 8-?-_i SI. n t _-saassssssssa-*a*_SBas_s_ I ?IK ?411 A?lerli-??, ?, ,? _ | >r f f,m Am-r <_n I*.,l,llr I ulltlet Pfd. *_????? ?" 1 ..v?. . A l.t < ?ru. P*??-in. ?... sii,, , ?,? f>?i?ii.l_r.i Um a i.'.e, , ?m. Vailed I.I. 4 II.?i f7*ot' ? ?- Palle and B?,,f-m H.F.McCONMiLL&CO. _tJ Pine ?v. lr). I1..4 J,,).,,, Sen ?ork. Wm.A.Read&Co. Investment Bonds Nassau & C'e<W Street?. New York etteemt P_l_n-??t-?._? ?_,_. ^^ . ... ? .. I , A AJI WALL STREET reads Dow, jones maim & tickers Investors reed THE WALL STREET JOURNAL MARKET NEWS General Active Advance in the Late Dealings? Some Large Gains. PRICES STEADY IN EARLY DULNESS Oils. Coppers and Specialties Start Rise?Rock Island Miares Declino. .e late afternoon the market ad ?>w of ??:-.. The Aaeena message was , lered 1? i id bro ..-; I no la? ling, when a few special ...3? the short Interest fen difficult to cover, and as prices h;?id- ' ?here was some renewal of rpeeu lu'ivei commitments on the buying sido, were com? mon among Industri?is and a few Is aad? much greater Improvement j Busines? expanded in the last hour. In 1 which the turnover was more than that of the first three. *? .'s de- i lay in transportation and interruption ef wir? business. T'ner ? I owever, from t?e 6tart less of ! th? nneeii that had marked the i ea lm- j a early trading, : and ti ?vane? did not get far i etion and practically ? Imp. The oil stocks showed early strength. ? th? "?.i r.r:i! e pp r? wer? :? little higher with . i.m th? market for the ? one! Mercantile nine preferred < ? on the as ?on that committee? re? . -.e? Of M holden had noms to su agreement. |y purchased In th? let? more than 7 points and changed hands to tl - :' around I es, making them the moat active Issu? of th? day. ? ? pany led I ?, with a maximum ?r 15 . : and American ! lag and I'c.ining wen up over 2 point?. . gain of mo 8 points, und H.-ildwi:.. 'roved more than 4. were particularly favored in the 'v;tr group. Norfolk <*? Western and New York Central wei high pri?es for the year, which in the ? enaa of 1 a former wa ? road's history. Good sarnings oi I irriera are . traders to ? dividend?. ! Island ?harea ??'?ere weak, ending, after bobm rfcvtr;., nearly a point i down, in spite of reiterated announce? ments that ' were to be provide.' f< r. foreclosure of ?? has been requested by bondhold? . -.'. <? the ex- j ? Ex- '? chequer of the plan through which the I h government is to obtain our ' a bald In that e rantry | were received with much interest. E It has long ar; - able that ; these laauea wer? to be forced out In SOm? way "r other, the organized use through rcsponsiblo authorities seemed that our market would r.ot have to absorb more than it could read la wen far from com? plete, and the explanation had little or no effect on securities or in the ex? change market. Sterling was a little -, while marks made a new low. n teas a littlo firmer tendency in loci?! montary eonditiona through the requirements of the payments on the Anglo-French notes, (all loans were ad at 2 ins'ead of 1 "??. per cent and time accommodation was a triflo av-Cbaoi or Tiir nuBvam un Of ririKKN u ah a Ileeember 14, ?t?ter<l ?y'i rloie. . 11R.93? Hreember 13.I |H.77"> ?ina ??e??k nso.119.720 ?fine month ?so.1I?.SI4 ??lie jenr aco.107.008 High fur \nvemlia?r.I'lM.'i:, I.,?? tat Nin-eiiiber.1I7.XH.'! f.,r ?letober.ISSAM low fur October.1SS.08S High f'ir September.112.11? Ijnw f?>r September.10,.200 High IBS August.ISS.1SI laow for Auguit.ISSSSS lll?h for Jiil?.ISMM low for July.101.91? III.h for June.10S.217 low fur June..,,.,....,..IOS.'*?'? High for M?y.111.611? IjOW for May.104.620 lllch for April.113.50B Low for April. li>7."*?,7 High for March.losing l.n?. for'?-,S Itlfh for February.1 g jpg i.'iw for Wtoooorp.loi.m High for January.ISSSSS laow for Jana-try .103.587 IllCh. thus fur. I'm.121.133 Low. thus far, 1911.101.IB? High, full pat?, 1014.K6.1?l Low, full year, 1914.le?.009 AVKK-v, r. or Tiir. WBVMK-S i ist OK THI.t.Vi: IMII RSI \I -. Pea-ember 14, ye-tt-rday't ? \:+e '.-, -nn Ilreember II.(?t.7.?;" tine week ?go.97.0f.rt One month ago.S7.14I One jenr U" . 71 SI | | nigh for Neeeaahss.enne Ixiw fur .\oirrnhrr.83.771 inKh f<?r Ijow |?e <l. tnber.01.443 High for September.02.990 Ixiw for September.SCSOO II.ill for OJOSOS*.SS 2'0 Inn for Ai.fc-uat.S'.ISg II,Kb. for Low for Ju!>.SSJ1I gat?k tat leo?.HaSM Low for Jim?.7S.3II High for May.? ? i Low for May.74 479 High for April. KM.'.?. low for April.7.. 1114 liigb fur Metes.TS4M L.I?, for March.7N.09I lii(li for I rbriiary .7'(..! :? mOSS for lebruary.e)..'.l| HUli fur Jauiii.ry.7 '.,91? L?iw for January.70.77? Ulgb. thus fur, 1913.SS 700 I ..a?, tl-u? f.i. I'll.*?.fi*?.54? High, nsll year, lilt.SIS ,1 Lea leu >r?-. ISM.SI.4SI To Join New York Firm. Bel W?xl?r, th? prominent New Or ehe A ? to arrivi hen ac-ejitj.r.i-e of tho partnership will he announced at that Mr. Wexler Is now president of the Whitney-Cen? tral NaUoaal Rank of New Orleans. TJ. S. Treasury Finances. Waa- l?. || T, StOtaOm r* | a ? 7 -, to ?lar lu liei ?" n . > *? *: 7 . . ? i v. ? ig ???,-?? a ... ,, ? a .-.. .1- i*bi ll-J.aa \ NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1915. Total sale*, of storks Tuesday, 119-000, Sfoloo. tl4JS4 Mtnioy, 7.1.S00 a week a?i? and tSSJSt a >ear a?o. 1' January 1 to dale. ISiftSJSS, agsinst 47,46??.7(>-0 a year ago. Shares Qu ? Ns? ; Open. !'. Bid. ' .......... 1. 10 , 4 A I IS.... Gold Minos. Chali ; r . . ?._,?._'? ? AgT. Chemical. ? B. 8. i I r- ' .. B . i .ri pr. Car A Foundry.... - i.l Products? ? ' . ' I 0 IT. . . Hide ?t Leather... v fc Leal ter pr iritiei. . *.?? : nseed pr. A- ? vo . 7 A i ; :. - . : ;.r. Iting \<r A. ? t - I?. .! Foundry. 7 JAl ;rtr . _i ?ar pr. . Tel, ?v ?Vole. Am. Tel. ? Tel. : 31% 71 . : ' ? 112% : 151 : :?? 127 . 71 71', : : : 112% lu7 ? II .'?7 '?--. : - ?? : - : - 1 - l - l - l - 1 : - 71'* . 71% : : . 61 . 11 '? : ' . 24 : 127 1-'" 0 - - ? ? : '. 11 . . . 118*4 : I % ??-. 101 11 4 - ? . ? ; 61% 42**. : ?? 11 ? - ". Ill ? . i Woolen ctfs. . I, Oil. ? ?tel n . : . pr. 1,1 i'oast Line tive.... ? .'. Ohio. ? | Ohio pr... ? Bat ? Mining. Steel. pr f. Brooklyn Rapid Transit 7 Brow ;: Shoe pr. !?? . Bros. 80 Botte ?fr Superior Cop.. ? ;il. Petroleum. ll"i % 1 ? -? _:4 61 *':'?? ? 101% : . 1H 114 I ' 117 + *? .'. l'i" !- ? ? Nor. op-, sobs. Expl.... ? | ( .ir.pi-r. ? Int. Agricul. pr. ? in p'r-.?*'.on Copper. '? Int'-rboroupri-Ciin. . fi Int H.?r. of X. J... Int I!..r. Corp. in Int. Nickel. 6 Int. Nickel pr - Kan. City South 4 Ki. Lock. Steel. 7 Lselede Ci.s. in Leh'.gh Valley. 7 Liggett a .Myers pr Dis. it X ? * h. - - Hanhat Beach. ; i ? ntral Lei ther. 2,000 . Ohio... ? - \'. ? tern... 4 Chi. Great Western pi I St Paul... 7 Chi., ? - v 8) Pool pr - ' hi., R. I. A- Poeifle,... no Con. Copper 1 . i Copper. I Iron. ? I Southern 7 Consol, (?as. .'. Coat ' '.it. lorn Products... Cm iteel.. ? in r. igai 7 Deei ? ' o. pr. io p.. i., a w. ?? Slearltles, ? - - y.i ?:??? . ? Erie 1st pr.. ? Krie 2d pr... ?? AS. A I. M. 4 S. pr 7 <,- pr. .drlch, P. F. in,' 7 Goodrich. B. P., pr. IO) li? nt. Northern pr. : pr. -- Mux. Motor. 4."" Max. Motor 1st pr. Max. Motor 2d pr. 113 12 . ? I ?? 22 ? 21*? 22V? 1111, 110-54 1111 - : P'7!, i:?;1? : 1 :!-.!-' 108' - 81 100 ... 2:000 - ? . 2 81 : l ? 1% 111?. 112 i : ? ? - l : ? II '? no 31 6 ' ! - 1,200 1O0 1 120 127% 4 700 L' -lay Dept. Stores. : 7 May Dept Stores pr... ex Petrol.? 80 Miami ton. Copper... -. Marino pr. 7 M.. S. P. & S. St M., ', '-. 100 106 7,30! 650 84 100 . -.?, 77 100 -- Missouri Pacific. 4,ini, ? Missouri Pacific ctfs.. 2 Mort. Power. 8 Nat Lea?!. 80 Nevada Con. Copper. Tj N. V. Centra]. ? N. V., N. 11. ?_? II - w v.. Oat &. W ? i?. Wesi. ? North American. Poeifle. Ontario Silver. Pacific Mail. Pac. Tel .?? Tel. P.. It. Peoris & Past. feo. Cas & C. I'tiilndi-lphla Co. I' . ? , C. .<? St L. Coal ? 78 16 t 100 inn : ?? 14,900 104% 121 ).' H 115*. 7.11" 4,300 poo I IP! 100 43% 10) B.OOO H 64*4 100 84 71 16 64 . l 7 1"? l"; M. 113 43?, ? l-7'l4 ; too 106 123 76 - ' 84 G 83 H 75 123 76 64 ' 75' 116 11': I 16 18% ? 112 112 p ?? pr.' 2,100 107% 1 urgh Steel pr.. - I Steel ?'?ir.' BOOM ? or. of X. ,T..! 10 118% 11-' 1!-'- 1184 104% 30 11 ? ir ? i pr.' ? 1 Spring.I 100 . Copper. 2.-00 iding .: 4 Reading l?t pr : . 7 Rep. 1- teel pr.. . ? Pork Ii land pr. ? ' ?'. S. F. L ? S. F. 2d pr. \ r Pine pr.. 7 Sean Roebnek. B1 eff. S. & I. 7 Sloss-Sheff. S. t I. pr.. 40,. 6,300 I 24% 81 '? . " ; 65% I 43% Bl % ' 100 800 ? ? % 4'? ?'.'?, 40 100 176 Tnn 61% ? -n Pacific. 4,1 Porto Pico Sujrsr. ithera Pu?way. ?i Railway pr.. ? it . 12 Icr-.M see Copper. Texas Co., full paid... ? ompany. 4 V Ird Avenue R. R.... Pnion l>aj* _ Paper_ 4 I ? 40 178 101 l? ' 148 17!'. ? 22.-. 8 'V.ion Pacific 4 Union Poeifle pr. 6 h pr?r of Am_ - ' ted Fruit . - V. S. Cast Iron P. St F. S. Pxpre?s . - U S. Ind. Aleohol.| 1,400 120 4 Y. S. Realty & Imp....I 60 41 ? s Robber .! 1,800 63% inn 145 4,000 21 100 61 I . 860 216 16,800 213% 2! '. i . ? ? 1,000 7% 6,f."0 186 - fin 148 100 80Q 4:> i 4 ?"? 171 61% 101 inn 61% ? '? 213 ? ? ? - 4:.'4 4) 81 . - ? ' 36% 110 111 ' - 1 118 Y BU ??? 1 i ' V ? I - 48 - 112 11 ' ' V I? r. 82% 411 r. 176 ' 84% 146 - -- P. S. Steel .... 7 U. S. Steel rr.. ': Copper... Virginia Iron, C Wabash, a*. !.. ? ? Wabaah pf A... Wabas- rr B... ?-. Maryland ?. C. D Priion Tel. hora s M fg.. ir. : 'anil I ? 4 800 116% 8.7" 187% - . 141 18 122% 120 ; 64% Bl - . - * Y 17 18 62% 1. - ? 100% 101 - ' 22 4 V 217? 22 61% . % ?61% 174 f 8% 174 ? - 1\ B7% - 414 _2.'i 22? ?52 1 62% ? 225 ? 187% ? I'-- 187% 187% 147% 25% 4*? I 41 B4 - 148 ? '? - ' 4- '? 25 40' \Y.'-. IP.'? 11 100 1,100 8,3"f. inn 200 : 82 18% 47. % 82 - 82 Pi* 4'"1? 2'?1-? 82 - ?- - r9% 2- ? B ' 82 16 1 '. -?o?. ' 1% - - 14?', M ? 122% 42 >, r.41? B6 1 111 . 116% ' !% TJJ't 122'? K 700 240% 24! '?, 240% 2P - '. - 81 16 ? ? 81% ? % 80 '?e fit 16% 46% 82 4 69% rlaad pr.' 4.600 111 114% 111 114% Ii : rll% 246 - !. 114 126 250 118 LOAN SYNDICATE ENDS Underwriters Will Get Percent? age of Commitment?. The life of the underwriting syndi? cate, which underwrote the ?.r>')0,000 000 Anglo-French 6 per cent loan ex? pired with the clove of business yes? terday. During the day's trading on the exchange the bonds gold down t> the new low record of 0i\, tor luture , d?lirer?*. This compared with th" prie- of '.'C'a, at which the |00B >?.? I saderwrlttesi und with 98 at which the syndicate slfend the bonds to the public for suh-cr ; I There will be allotted to the under? writers bel ?" r r cent of their under tmenta Mon tl Bl |t80, : e loafl was with? drawn fur Investment and sboul I1S0? 000,000 ???? unsold out of th? 1210.? 0 Ief1 With the selling The saseld portion will he : to ?radicate members pro r . ?i of 1100 denomination? will Checks si ben as th. - in the possession of the syadicati managers. CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Petroleum List Goes to Higher !.?. veis?Industrials Up Copper*? laprove. -.-a? laereesed on the Eroa.'. : --? ?rda-f. and th? trend .lly in th? Oils, was upward. .?*ub?ta?tial advances were - lly all el the ri'trolc -? lard ? rovament, elesias ? r. Standard of Indiana I ird of New I red 10, .-".andard ?Ml . :?? Pipa Line 6, ippeend in sev ? th? a."! ''Up. -trial list were ?Is. The ire, the com ? - - sad the i best, 73-X i anadian Car ? ~ '? American /Inc. 1%, and Pool? Encina achine ended -Ys pointa up. Cee bared in the improvement, - mailo gains of . INDI STKIALS. - I?' ? I/?W. LMt merlcaa Zlne ? ' * ' a " J " : ? - ? , - . : a I " ' a J ' ? ? ?-? J a ' .... - * ! ? ?-? < 1 ?. ? ? ' ? a . II - ? ? - , '? ? . . ' ? I \\i>\i:i? (HI. BUBS1DLARH8. : : tOO Pen n W I I ; ? ; . . . . i 4 M MN'i. . ... , . . ? i ? ? ? r. i : . . '? . ? . i - ? ' i I ?"'? a t". ? : , ;". i _ 1 a ? ?\r ?"a ri n , i ? . a , a 1 . II || I*. Irl n 1 a ; a ? ? O? i . 90 I rn. : ; i i | ?It1? 1-V IA : ten... 1A ?. : Y ? i a ? Y . Y 4 ' , : a : . . ? Y . . i : : - . a t , 1 II 17 17 '?a 1 ft S% K. I I'B 47 47 4' ? I : ? : i,i. it 1? ft 4. ' ! : . ? ? -?-. ' \ i?4 ?*n 4 ??'?? 4 4 .77 II I ?Vent I ? i . a "a -'. BONDS UTft HTM 1:714 : . ? :?? tatst "':* d'.-lrtenl INACTIVE YESTERDAY. r.: I - PI 1. Ask. i . ?Uni :- - Prof S , . IBS.. 1? 1 ? . ,,fg ,, ,-> I In? a in Ift . , M .. .1 :? * <"k * ? MINI! , .? ' '? ' ? ' '. . ? INACTIVE YESTERDAY. The following tabl? elves the closing for .?tucks which a.e I wen not dealt 111 ? .. I A A A; ? 1. ? 1 ? 1 ' ?. ' . - ?? ? : 1 ? 1 * r 1 ; A '? !???- r.? 11 11 v ? i-,,i *, im .? > I - . . 1 ? . ? 1 1 : si Air : 1 ? > ? ? ? ? ? . . LI ? I 15 I Am Tel.l?T 1 ? . ? -, 1. _ wi;--, : . ?'? ' . ? . lib TM 1. . II .. 71 10 ' . ? ? . : - I M : - . Brew pi . . ? I . - r : ?*. t. ? '.. . mm l* 1 |i i*. . it O. 1*. !.. ?-.;,< A 1. . - -1 ..:.?: ? 1 pr 1 11 LSI At, .1- .? ? , 1 pr. 1M a < -llllM.V.. rt*. ? - "a - . I ' ? a * a ? . - i. an 11 l : City B T M ? ' I ' IM I : r.- - ? ??? . ? r HI i ? ? ?'.'.? - I I!?-! 1 tf?r. . I ?1 ? ? '?? . IM 11) 1 liar ? a II '. ; . ? Moral. 7 ? ta a * 1. ? , ? , II . 14-5 ?? ' . ?? ! ? ? I l?i| |tv?i. : .... ( . m ??? ri ? ? 1 III v? a I. 1 . ;'? 4** pr... U I r - 1 ?o ,t . Id M |V._ Ltu.uta.. M 48 LONDON QUIET ON WAR OUTLOOK Consols and War Loan Weak Rubber Stocks in Demand Americans Lower. London. Dec. 14. -The etock market was not particularly chcerfu!. owingr to the war outlook, while standard se ? were rather overshadowed by the superior attractions of Treasury ? aad the French loan. Consols closed % lower at 68%; the new war loan was "-4 lower at 91%. The government's scheme for th< . .ration of American securities was much discussed in the Americar. section, which fears the plan will Si .lep'.etion of business. Several sales of American ami Cana-' - were recorded, but ?.?'.'.ron?i iharei lacked attention bi..i ?. Rubber snares u*ew in Roo<i demand, while the rest ti the market ??les and uncertain. Ifouey was la soo 1 >upn!y and dis? count rates were dulL American ex ? started weak, but closed Am at . for cable transfers. The HanK ..." England released 8226,000 for mis? cellaneous purposes, shipped ?100,000 for Uruguay sad eonaarked ?.'100.000 for ?| Moaey loeaed st 4 to 1% p.?r c- ' int rates for short ?ad throe mouths' bilis ?.vero 5'? to ;. 3-18 *?er -.*? premian at Lisbon was 60, LONDON CLOSING PRICES. : * n ? - , ? ' A! hUon . I Canadian Paclflo. lr-lV? . .. 14 ?: .. - _. !? Erl? . l_% ? -, - . ... 19% t Km M?. Km. :: v 1- ? ? ?? " ? ! ?> ? ? II n v. ?? ''lins*-, 10 ?? i'-1? ? ? ? ', I ? ? '. . ? : *4\ ? ? - . - - : ? '? +1 - . -. - % . : ?. - \ : ON THE CONSOLIDATED. I- Ce oai-es of many important I Halted States Steel, \ onda, (Jalen Poeifle sad Erie, ills' prices OU the Consoli? dated K-. ?hange ?row their lowest sod ii g the highest A inn tons fio?.?.? i from the start, but the eat do * n the early volume of dealings. The trading list ?vas the ? a loog til letloni (feront Anaconda's high Chicago, Rock (alead ?4- Pacific did not go below 1 .imkcr. after an curly low I tO 174 %j. STOCKS. .laaka ? iii' ? ? ? . I run i '< Mj . ? 1 ? let t ? "4 . , I? Am T-l I ? . : . i. - 1 n Hat. 1,1 .\. 11 1 a t Pa ?' I-.-, : - ? .4 ' . . lit ?V ? M f. - I' ? It 1 A I' ? 1 . , . I !? 411 1 ? in ? ? ? ? i? ? *: < : ? 174% ? . 4?;. ? . ? 4 4 ?a 111 I . Il?? lu kawanna Hte*l -1'? ? 1 ? 11 ' - .! I?.l la I . v Central... ? -. 1 -. ?1 A 11 .?1 Wi - I - M UI : 1.1 :- i -. - 4t? - ? ? 1 ? V ? ? Sai A P. 74? . 4 lUJ.1 ? " ? ? 1 ret 15. 89 4 W?*l \U-jliir.-1 . 411 W> 111 |l ? E "-, ? MINING. - ? A-:?r.i? .r: 6CW Uoo'.h .-1 ? .-?-'-- .'1 Kf-wariM ... ?? - .it ? , *.?.'.-? ? I ' ? ?'??*. ?: ni-ti 71 - ? - ? ? I ; ? . ? . - . ?. ?'. ; : ? > ?? - , ??i : N : *, I ' , ' r, ? ? : : . < -\ i??.? in ? , ? t r* ?% ? ? ? . : : : 1 ?? ? - ? ICH,?* ? : 1?"? ' 111 '. ? ? 11*4 M . ::? f.O t ?ah < ? r*>-r ? -, SO"* 7 ':4 ? ?? 19% ' . ' A 4-.'-a 4- , ? , M n -, '? -i I It S ?'. s : ? 174 ? . 'i !?% : 111 - , 13% 4' a S : ? I . . . I. M U PUBLIC t'TH.ITY SECURITIES. Am I, ':? ?f....110 !' .. 1 ' ?? ?? ' .. . A:u P .*. I. ? ? f... Am W S _ if pf ? i* 1* 1; ,-. I. ? ? DG*K 1 1 : 1 ? f 77, - et Ten I. a T. 10 ?Par ??'.ii? t'O I A*k 1-.3 11 ma. a?)c 4? ?" . a 1 M a 17 99% 1 t L * T r? - ' .. ? ?V g c. N O le a P 19% prsf. :? i'OW 44 .',, pre( Osar) P?ttS Cu.- His .?.- i: :? I ?'?? L 19% t? Fo .'.?I Ed .. ?. I . -f .... M Ml ?????n Oil ?, Ho pr.'f.... H H T Ity 1. ? P?O 12 (lo pr-f. V. 4-1 l"n L A RjTO. 41 4 ? So !rt t r.-f. ;t Uta* H ir.. U --n I'ow 17 de p**4*t ....11% ? -, DIVIDEND NOTICES. The United Gai & Electric Corporation 1 li.-T PMfMgyp ?noc? mvika;,. -v ?. , _. -_ ISM t?. feeet et rnr--*.--i ha* ut-ies t-cUn-j ? f ,?-... per ??? ? _? .*'"?' "' '?''? ?'.'-r-'raM..". r. ;*i.? IMoea-Mr VI 1015. to .'? ,'--..,.... ?4 < ? r 1 ... ' ' " ' ? -?/'!>-. ?I-?.)?- ! ? 1 oa ?aid II. .1. rnirhard. Treasurer. OEMKBAL t 1IKMK \|. COMFAXT ] B Hem Tork, November 19. 19)5. An n'r- m??-k dividend of Bvs pi r r*nt ' '? ' : lal ?to. k dividend of -?n ? ' ? hav? I ---. dai ;.-.;...l upo,, ? - ' "lmnn ?t..clc of t?o? ?'o:..?,_tv M] ,. Con mon stock al j..r on Pabraary - 1 ? thsn ?fi-r as th-? sooi? - llatsd. to Common ntoi-khoi.i-.ra a? tlxey ?hall app- 1- ..f r.r.l on il ? book? ..f ' ? - m of biislaoss Do? LANCASTER * Treasurer tlfflc?. of Tli?. 1 nil-,) t.a? ln-provi-mcnt to. ?? '?' ' ' I I and Arch S'-ri-t?. Phil ..: pi la, U*c ? 1911 : ?-tor? )i?4\- (his day d-clared ? ' iwo p. r <-??!? if M 1 '. p?y?i?i?? j?n ||, loin. t??. ?1 - ? of record ... th? eli as ?f btulasaa Lu.-.. Jl. 131?.. Cheeks ?m t,? mallf.L 1 W. it. ?ti'.lj, Treaaiuar. Executor Trustas Chartered 1822 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Nos. 16,18. 20 fe 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York. LONDON, 15 Cockipar Sy, S. W.; 2G O'.d Broad Street, ? Q PARIS. 41 Boulevard Hanss-nann BERLIN, 56 Unter den Linden, N. W. 7 Travelers' Letters of Credit. Foreign Exchange. Administrator Guardian INTERNATIONAL l?l RCANTiLE ??ARISE COMPANY COMMON STOCK All Investigation if the affairs of the International Mer? cantile Marine Company is now in progresa, S?d in view of the urgency for prompt action bjf the Committee in behalf of the h riders of COMMON STOCK, the Committee deems it of the utmost importance that bolders immediately deposit their shares with the Depositary of the ( omti itee, United States Mortgage & Trust Company, No. SS Cedar Street. New Y.rk, which wi'i Usne ?ts Certificates of Dapoeh tberefoc under s Deposit Agreement dated November 22, 1915. NO DEPOSITS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER DE? CEMBER 15. 1915. EXCEPT BY CONSENT OF THE COMMITTEE AND ON SUCH TERMS AS IT MAY IM? POSE. Application will be made to list the Certificates ,-?? ' on the New York Stock Excbai Dated: New York. December 7, WS. JOHN U. 1*1 \TTKN. < Imlrmtui. UBWU 1 ? 1 akki:. DON \i i> O. ?.rum ?. AT.FRKT? A. COOK, A? H *. POST, ?I \( \ ? . HI? IIMOM*. CHAUMCBT 11 UURPRCT, toeretsiy, >-. Ill I \M ( \ \\ ANTWERP, -,'?r BtrMt, % ? Oatttl ? Benjamin Fnn/fUsm) ta) s : f Y "I.ak ttfert ?ryou'll Y S'y."-, ?r _yi*_ /.'?.- .*' toartelf bfhin.i. ' ' A ? TNVF.STORS often loie interest !f X X on bonds c?.'.!_d for reiicmp' n X y because they do not see the pub- V & ???lied Doricet. Out Trust Depart- .% ,t! ment srill be e'.id to follow such ? X a" .-. Y matters for y ou. *** *t* Send for our booklet entitled v !{' "CojtSm'i?Ojht* cf Real ?ni Per- .{! X ttnal Prefer?*.*1 X X-L__-1 ??a OtmaOtaat l'ss ?> X Franklin Trust Company X # AT?? .')-? r -, ? : 46 Wall Stre-t *|* X BrotUpt 1 i<6 Meat-ge? I??t a*a ?{? Oif.-fi l -'.9 P_I_M Street ?}? ?-'-1 SAVINGS BANKS. iNCOKroRATr.n un THE brooklyn Savings Bank riERREPONT and CLINTON STS, New Batreae??IN Fulton M, INTEREST AT THE RATE OF 4 Percent, Per Annum will be credited to depositors January 1, 1916, (payable on and after Jan? uary 20th), on all ?um* entitled thereto. Deposits made on or before January 9ih will draw interest from January 1st. : : : : : CROWELL HADDEN, rr^.i.lfnf. 1 M KI * i: -t rroN, ? ??tiiiitrol'a-r. ?HI III K ? . II IKE, ( 1-1.1. r < Ii Ut. ?. PCTNAM, AacL ?..m |t? nailer. DIVIDEND NOTKT.9._ Ui'MCT, ?>f American Public Utilities Company Grand R?pida, Michigan The V.-trl at Dlr~"jort of tl.? Amn-lrin PiiKlr Utllltiea V.-.iti.y hu d?c'.?.?-?! t?? reri'tr q :?..-? ,,. .. ,..,.. , ?, ()NT A.,, ()N?: ,*-AIr ,,Kfl ("EXT ;.- ) on tha? Preferred ?toc*, parti ? '??????: ? ?- r? <*?'. a,: : e ' !'.?ln*?i Deeembw 11 '... 1913. T-. 1 - ? KELSEY, BREWER & CO. Operator? ?,. -r-,.' er 1?, 111J. THE UNITED GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION HOUSTON GAS & FUEL COMPANY 'I tu ???? 1 ';""? ??* '?-?'? ettttlf dlTl? dend of , -., on tl ? Prefe I Stock of tbla Campan: pa to ?.-,. ,. " !' EVAN.? ? ? .rv DETROIT & MACKINAC RAILWAY COMPANY. ? N T 1 .-- s , : -v.? I ?'''.? 1 ? ., ...; ? - Man 1 ? prefemd itock and a ?::'? ?*.-i.? f ? ? 1 ? mpanj : a?? thti ? ? imDf * ' ? I? COI I BROOI I rea-virer. KAII.W \-| STEEL -<|*K|\,' diMI'w? " Sew York. No? A quarterly dividend uf ONE AND THREE-QUARTERS PER CENT <l\ 1 Pr?. ferrad Btork of th!? Compenjr, payable Da? ?f rr . erd December Ith, 111 at Banker? Trust Compan n , .y Tranafer Book? <?'. th? Preferred Btoek ? win be lia i op. n?! on 1 " ember Hal , RAILWAY BTKKIa HPRI.NO COMPANT E M CO RM ICK, Trea MM III III KM -111 1. CORPORATION uf DUIilrinl on preferred ?at,,, k Tn? fourth :. il uima il el 1 \ Per ,v'nt ! ?* t'1* "-?? ? Per . !?? ?1 the preferr, i at ration on J I payable on Janu?ry 3 1 khol lera of record at I o>i_ '?'. p. ii. tats '? Dated T. - ijttl J,,X,'S'*?**? NATIONAL LICORICE ?? KPANY PREFERRED DI\ IDEND NO | Tli-> r. guiar quart, rl? iiivij. ?,. 1 I on th? Preferred Htock of ?lu? ?-.?.noun? ,-? ' ?red. pa?. December Slat n. hoUI-r ' t 1 Dei ? ml r 14th ir v. PETHERBRIDGE, Traaaurer. Decem 14th. 1*] 1*1 Mini < HKMIf \l. COMPA?. :-, Broad Street. New York. ,\,,, ? V?l Tl... reguli Y' . : 'I'?''-. Will l.? p..,, 1 re wed ateekheldera ia 1 ii.'.ni ?1 ^ 1* M. December l.s rjit, LANCASTER MORGAN, T.Jaaur.r. __?_ Low Price Rails Krir KR. ?..iillifrn -laks-atd M . i? .t r. t'.. it. i. a v. Week M.i. m. LO.1t. i? ? . i . him. m- Seathatu If row I, MM ?I-? ti l., t?? low-prt,-? rail?, you ?III ?a-| t? art-*?Whl?*h hold, t*-- jr-alaat pro?il4? for ?SaaMBMtf WMel It bMt ?ntr-m. hod ?galnit a i-,l Which In leu-ral I? f.? -??! dealrabln pnpnrryf T* aatur* y-Hira-Jf ?*fer-t I?. ?-*ttna you t-ould MMg STANDARD CARD RtPORTS ? n th?. tompinl?* which Intarat y*u nnt Th*y will b* malt?-! ?? (all. vlduaht ?t 80 ?'?nt? n*i?h. Bank rr* and broken Hi?* lia**, Ca? for ten yam. Addre*? Dept P Standard Statistics Co. 49 Went St., New York City American International Corporation CLINTON GILBERT 2 Wall St. Tel. Redor 48* AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION When Issued. Bought Sold Quoted MABON & CO., M KM TU UN V Y. ST?I(K lAf IIA561 fa SOTS Uanetir. ? '?? * Bought?Sold?Quoted Marlin Arms Common & Preferred STOCKS _ cDescr:pti<ve C.rcu'.&r ot fyc*" Gwynne Bros. 25 Broad St., N. Y. rVni*3232Br?4l The Mechanics & Metal? National Bank of thf? OMj of Sew *,"' 20 Na?aaii tttOtm Capital, ?iurplu. ami 111.'"?-*" \ Metropolitan Trust Co | manac**s rt-al u\d rff*??"~*l ? tatcs; collects renta, pay* tel** takes cooiplcte ch?_-(.t* ot ptopeftj 49 Wall Street