Newspaper Page Text
TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET Season's First Real SltOW storm Reduces Early Business on Floor. NARINE PREFERRED ERTIFICATES UP ^ur -, ?. Whei Mobilized in England, Will Probably B< Sold I arefully. Serta t v.sua! "W.-torm ef I ere la:?; gt .-? e,l in out ? .< did no- , orris of the tt tl ? such I ,? in ?? bit: . ...OU,". 1 r that ?se?? ? (?f some years back 1ht | bowed ho'.v much tho done to redue? dealing? .; of around 87,000 was re ? It has born a Ion?- tins has not been at leas! 100.000 con 10 und 11 o'clock. Marine Ajfreement Rumor. :.g the last hour the certificates leatiag the preferred ?toes of the htuaational Mercantile Marias Com jir.j- i*] .?Yod *vi"h tlie Central Trust I cmpai '? teak en renewed activity, and f.oied at T4, the top pnce O? the day. ??id an advance of Y ? point? ever H?ede**- close. Aceompanyine the : ;e were rumora that tht Wallace SB I Pannard committees had finally adju?t rl their diff?rences und that tho Flut? ten committee, in behalf of the com holders, had approved the ..ra*vn uj> by til * nrefetred (?tock [?Mm* committee. licpresontatives ef ??i the latereeta Involved raid that ?n ??aseaeement might be made In the tature, bul gardlnc th? r . ? . Wit- ? I, however, UM thri-i getting would ?oon aijrnr on :? ' ' "ti plan to era! months . i Hell Oar S? sritlee. ? ? p ' ? . how peril? ? -. ? ? i't iterlinjr ? i ? L.-...1 I ' I ' ' .. Malaga still Great. Great, 0.000,* borders, 1 since I.oree. made hll ?Id ap linerlcan bas pre . which i d Ger ? ? ??? lieans. It the i Germany, aril ss tu ? ? lUte hoi?'. f prac co an.'. ritii ? Waft? Question a Serious One. the railroad- and Iks ee serious possibilities of labor trouble ahead, as l.hild? <fc Co. point out in a letter to the.r eastern? ings as to, i. are more of a fac-1 ? fy !.;, '' . ? this time It] ; ? tention. It Sas ., of importa*.t hour!? of directors, par-' ? .argel** en C?red r easiness i 1-hor ned to compare it1- position with that of ether concerns tnut are com? pelled by their contracts to pay ab ?urdljr high pr.ces for inferior and un-' ?UIl?id e croup of man'ifacf- ' tirers 1? atr get its -v?r goods, oat on time wi?h such help a- it can ??cure a", high price?, bat know i nu that *i contracts are at prices that v.ill net *?:? prof.t. Another group not mak- j t'ar goods and Iti ramineatlonsare "*"ide b ?01 ? long it can keep ?hops o; t-, |f H r.a? te seattBUe to pay (Blieal wia-?' ? prices for iaa materials, end have the greatest, I ? trett.-1 thei price. Maxim Munitions Buys Plant. ? jrporatlon *d that it had pur ?aae! ? - tl I ef I Tve? ' ? The it wiM \e ,..,,| by tl ? eorpei I ?. ? , ..... ' -?G9. tat* s ,.,, n?, ,,,, mmnmi M?,|n, ?r ? it- Henj-j Ilia* II" a a . . . -? .? ' ' I Mil ? ?'?."'? Baar?tl?ll ral i_t_a__?la?, < ? - ' ? a II ? r ? tSM. ' ' ? - - VLLUaM v.'A'_.._m. p*t t BOND SALES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE n BSDAY, Ui.< BIBEI I?, 1 **???? ir.,?? | h hauet ?m the No* Vor^ ?-.... i. Bxeoaage ratndai taaaaata. ti? ll.U9.Mlt Ogata?! ISJISUSH M ?n? , 15. MjJH * w,'f:' a?? ^^ tS?lmamt a>r?raR?i. I rom Januar> 1 to 4_?u . |l.. ? '.OOaOOl W MVtl I.CO? in 1914. GOVERNMBNT BOMS?. ? . t ? ??- ?"? i 14.999 , ", ... 91 - '??? 4 ..???_. | 4. ? ' ? ? ? . - ? . ? .H. ??, .:?-.????? - w ? ?l?i 8101 ? " . , -, , ? ' ? ? , i. , .. t- j'-" ?*?*?? .......... i'*i ... ? ? a .V- T ?* 1. "?: ?'?? ? ' , "t i - i mV - - ' * ?* .... municipal bonds. .:-?"-5 ?'. ???? $ S RAlLVYAi \Mj 1...I.ANEOUS. . ? I99< ! *?>.-* '. .'? Cemiet'CHt, ? ?. ca? ii * o- <? Jju n UT** '"*??*? _ *?___ *H ' , -?,. -.:., ??. ? ? ? . '*'* us 1 top ? ? " ?" . -.???' ' - -- ' - , ' ?> ,-. , ? ? *-2X?. ?"" ? ???? 101 ? ' .-JT ,. '? ? \ l ?"?" .1.4?. Rial r rfi '? T.-..?* ? . ? M Mil 1. H A v. -. fa 91 I- M A M 4. " Mi l? : ? Ai. m ..*. ??a '. Mat) micit ? - ... ti\k : . .?;', 11,000 f > d, ".. ,. '- turnte ./V?. r, 9. ? ? ::"h 88a..: - ?? ' ' ? -- U'J??___.-*_*** W H??? . 41?, ; c a -?m !"'""" .?5* ??S V.V* _,mLS^-a-_--*"?hI ?l?o1 ?::::::?;:8" ".A, .... ?, . 17*4 IW A -to ON ' ii--', pm"_ COO , ?? *? ....... i9? Lift . . :: B* wg ::::::: ':?' Bk-T ?7-- *. _____'* i;rUilM0Mhl '* ,?Ei1n,4. L**!*_3 ???i " ' * A?^. B*7i i mn ., ??-?>;_ _ 1.0-00 ??.1.u...lW1i 4.001 ?',?, P 004 ... ? F '->?? _?>? ?*'" Md" . ..'.....'. ?ov. 1-H I19.9N .IHK Po l-*?<iricS*n T T? ? 4 *>o a. Hl l?ftn? C rl ? a, ! ^-O05 .-US, ?(,9? . a?5 1 a. i.a.? a ?,,fo it JJ.OOO ..14 ?,n nnn mu' ? --.-, a. . B.000 M?F H*4 Hud _ Man ??) lri?rt_. m il?- M"-*?????. 'J ''- i" h* ?.ooo . not? is?ms ' ni? .loot. ?.^oo . BC 'joio . '"* o?witTofjr'i_iw i_ ?^4.1^ ?? HS {*.? ., ,iI. '. ' *.? ? ?? * ? " w.n<i . vite !Pmithc-ni Rt la M.000 . 1" .1 . 4? i '/ ta '? * * * ' ' : "' NH ;?- .'???- ,.-? ? - J . : "*! 4nrw> . ,I4. n ' -7:.rfv" .i ... - r. r. ' ?? tu, ? Hr ?,., ,s?t, -A -r, . "i--'--. - . :::::::::: ?? "1V?,:\, ???. i ftftrt ? ,u *? - '? I ? ' ?.J-a___ffcSE ut-HL Bl1 : ?w c y - - * : :::::::: W ,*^?* . 1 ?i*0 "l^? ISN . :4* " v-* ?:::" " " " JW%? '" ? ?? . -, r " ?n veil .,??. i- ?. . 104?, -?.-.'i? ! ' . . ? i? ?!a*r.prfl .'il I'l^'IIFVT Hnvnc O i al" !?- , 1.001 . }? , '. i- K I A- r .: ...0?<i . ft: ?r-rda;,-. Mor.Jav. Rid. Asi?. Bid. AnV. 4 I.SN ? ? . ? ? ' * ?u* ? ? , _.-; coup 1930... ?.' 0?? MU H 999 i |s re? ..'18....I0T, I01?4 , ,-. N.V ?up IMS*.. 101-ti loi-i ?.mi . ' reg 192S... .109*1 im*; 109,? li?'-i ? ? tat l*ap?-r Ut r* ? .,,,.. IMS ?ii? ,?,, i?.*. st?. i'i:i'..ii '?* Tru.i ' an ?''> ri?fi. ??s 9| -"-?'.' 2s Ps ' - ??, , i . ?-.-??. ?, , ' ?n *' re*j ioi - im . -*!? ' 1 iJOl1? joi ?. BRIEF WALL STREET NEWS D - of the Maxwell Motor Com? rave declared a dividend of 14*? per cer.t on the fleet preferred Ftoek, to be paid in non?inter"st bearing ?rar teats which have the privilege of con? version into preferred stock at par. This declaration wipes out all the ac? cumulated back dividends on the first preferred shares. The warrants eril] tie distribute?! T-eeerrbe;- 31 '?> holdei - i f '-'cord Decembi i : ? specir.l stockholders' meeting ol tl o Biker ?'? HegeB-SB Cempani to vote on the profesad merger with th? 1 Drog Companj bei ?gain bf adjourned until December 2'i. Thougl M per cent of the Mock was voted yesterday ?? favoiing the eoi solidation, the further atljournmer.: wa? r.ecfssltated because of legal r'*a sons. The \iplnsing Mining Company. Ltd.. the operating c.Tipar.y of the Nipitaing Mines ?"ompany, in its statement of eondlti " December 11 cash in bank amounting to |626,??1 again I '? ??? rtod ?? Septemboi 18. Bullion :*i 'ran- led at 1601372, con,pared with 1881382 or -.her 1?, ard ore on hand r?.nd in process and bullio? re?.dv for ?htpme it ? le, reused from $400... 10 to $205384, SHORT TERM \OTEi*. ? 1 -,-i i"i t 10?H . MM loev] ? ', a ? ?nd msturtty. Am T * ; sj? it. A---. II ? ~c. M h. IM7.. _ ? ? ? ' .? ' 1 IM4.. . t . Beet, 1S17.. II laj 4?. .inn' . ?.n* 11*11 roed ?'? A] ? ' Qen'1 1. ?- - a ?,.. loir. .. 1 I |?e. Mi ?-. .. : . .. ,-. Bid ', ? - ?. ? : *. ?. IM . ? < i 4 ? : ? ? I . ! ? reign Goveeaeseat Issues. a a-, - . a I A ??er UK* I A aeni ? I? . 1 r.?. a ? " ? A ' I?.*? - a s? ' a ? lito lM\'l?I.Mis DETIaAKED. ? Raj Q .... '. * n An tem ca I BDI ?' "f fa?, ? ? ? * Jen I t*A ! ;. ; Ten ir, I ? I*!, 1 .1*1. 1 ? l'*C II - la? 1. - I. IX I - *_ii4 1 If,, to** mill, A I . 1 jj?. ?l.? .11? KENNECOTT STOCK INCREASE will Enable Caaspaay i? tegafre '. tai Sinti, and Oilier Se< uritie?. Stockholders of the Kennecott <"op !.. i i srporatien, at a special meeting yesterday, voted to increase the nut.t b?.r of shares of the company from 720,000 to ...000.000, of no par value. and to increase the stated capital from $?'..000,000 to S1.-..00.000. The increase ?fas authorized to per? mit the Kenneeott company to take th? Utah Copper .stock owned by the Guggenheim Exploration Company and ?c if tin? Brades Copper the ( epper River A .."..?id nid the Alaska any, end provide for tiie retiremer.t 'if f 10,000300 converti ble Ker.r.ecott bonds. e .... weekly export ek;irk>. I exports of merchandise from the porl of vew Vo.-k. officially reported a' lltom ?loue, for the week ended Decembei 11. ?mounted te 170370319, |08,ilS,174 the pr?vient ?reeh 1,8-16 In th? corre ?ponding period last year, Sine? January 1, II. 650,464350, again?* 1858378342 la th? corresponding perie l last vear. ArcentlM ? ? KIS..tU|talbeiia . i'* . - . , ? ? Morocre . .mi; . i..?..*. ? ? - ? , t' N'etherlBada j ? : M ' araguay . ? ; ?rala . j l'anuia ...... ? r Peru . I W ? rtoga. .-*?,*? ? .-:?. I ' 1,171.0 ii ? i i n a ?? pa**.. I '??- ' .. ? Keetland tl ros?. 10*? -??.lu-Haiid . C4.SM .-?i ?? Domln?o .-.?: 171 i r_fua? .... Italy .* ? en. iwela .... Si...... . ST0.I70 ? ' ?JUOll . ? . pue? a- . 1? ... Fielpiufn .. .. ' '* . ral Am i ? srk RAILROAD EQUIPMENT BONDS. a. -'? Pate. ? ?', i , ? ? ' ? a'", . * i..r" *? Ni - ? ? !.. i * -..' * ? ? ? ? ' ' II A 11 '? I l?l<S?'N ' ? ' ' i I < ? 4 a . I ? < ? 4 .. ? ?? . < ? ? I | 1.1 IM ? ? l ? i i . 4 -* i ??< < . ? ? ? 4 , 4 'n < ' 4 ? I < . 4 ??j 4 || i ? ? ? 4 . . 4 4 . era DAILY lMF'ORTS AND EXPORTS. Biport? ami ? >f gen? til? Port <>f No* ? Mee l? i - il ?? '? ' '" ^^^^^^^mmm^aat^ Imrf?! '? * " . 4M ?41 ::?p.jrt? ? <., 4 ? ' ? 11 ? I BRAKE SHOE EARNINGS UP Se^en Per ?e-nt for Comma'rt and If Per Cent on Preferred Stock. The Amener. Brake Shoe and Foun? dry Compai.>. .n its report lor the ' 'isoal yea? saded September 80, la?*, ?howi Bet earaiags of 11,110318, eom pared irlth |1350a745 for tl year. A'ter allowing for the 7 per I cent dividend (te "vnieh return thr common itoeh ii '? ? led) the balance ; of I8E83?7 was erpal to 1?'-4?, per .": on the IB.OOfl.i'OO preferred stock against 1431 per cent earned in 1 _4*.4 After January 1 President Cuta-r ! .?id the company'? bastase? In Caaada wi!l b? handled by th? nonunion Brak ? , Shoe Company, Ltd. the entire c_pIts of which is orvneri by the Am? Malleable '"or.i* . Si y o the American Brak?- Sine a-. 1 Fooadry * ompaii.v, A stockholder m< vei annual n"ci>':r,K- ,e-.'erday that quar? terly reports of th? ?'? ipaay'a bu ? i - pes? be Ml rsi ? sted d STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. BOSTO.N STOCKS. ? v. * ?? ??:? Y ? -a ? ' Arizona ? 001 . "' ? ?: imet _ Ai" ?I '?lumet a H? ? ritilal . US l 'oppet Kan?:? ..?*? Kami hJtl* .. ? a - 1 ra-.klln . I ant? . rl'jj I'" ?lav .V 'r> ... ? :ltn? . .'. i' ? : ? a S I? '.??? 1' [?aland Cree? ?-Y ''Y !1 Se M . 1* Isle Royale .... 3 ' A ? ? ' . ? ? ? : ? -a. - . m?? ?. "? ' ? * Maaa Com . Y ? M' ;? i "a ?? ' ? ? - a ' T . IS" ? . N'erth l~Ke . . II I Colony .. . . . I c.ti.t? 1 ?... .'? M i<~_ceota ..... ? '?4 1 I . <r,m\. .... Ii 1* . Ii"-i MH 11?fente Pe . ?'??? ?H . ? i .. ''? ?'* '? . Rhett?, k . I3?i I? ?.0?i ttouth _eke .... MI ?-"? ? Mer/a I_lm.'. ' . '"'4 M.per O Boeton. 3 ?8 Super Copper .. 'l ?w?T*mar_ck . ?i ?Vi l.K? Trlnltr . i ', M?4 -1\ r' ?'melter?... 4" 4*'? 3 do pr . 4?\ 4} " ?B Apex . . N ''i IM Vleterla .s 'a M . RAIf.ROAP?? Beau -, g -?? .al ? Ko?.on a _OW..1M * l r l* Nr,r New H??.... . ? ( . ... I .0 l ? " eai End st ri- H I ? ? : :?. ?lisr: I.I.AN. Ol * - -.i-aar pr ? lui pneu ???? ' . ne? Land N -1 1 llaon .ta Ml ? Oeu ?> .i;:. s Ma?i Oaa . m?, M'i 4 . : - ? ' . ? ? - Swift a Ce ?. I i , r-- proll '*" 14S I.MC Ventura "?I . 11*4 ? SOXM tx tat Kaaj Oaa 4-;i r \ . ? -a ? 14S II f? ' . I?. I ''a ?'> i'v. : ? ? 1-4 . ?. a I a i ? . I7H 4 ? a ??? 41 ("4 ?". ? ?. ?? 4 r4'4 ?. -' , ? ? 1.??? N" r. Te.:.. .* 'I- 1 .1? . . ..-J. *g ?M. . ' ? -IM.. V?k UM Bai Bt Oaa ? ' - ?' A islee. ":. i .. . if Cbai i I \ tali -?I ... . i; Verte K?? . -, 1 :* 4?'? 10?, ??> I 4 A Y'* N 4 :: ?? a ' M . Y 4. RI PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. ?4 in Mllllna 41 A-i?. Rya . tt ? l .fallO * I aoO, ? ai il -? steel ? 14 ?leo flor Bat... ? *. ?: (lea A-?-.halt pr. 7 -. i Ine Co No Am.. :' i..', i ake Ru? Cerpt. I , ? ig', Na? . ?? .-'? !??' Lei val Tran... is It So r ? i tma 6a.t Mf?... M ? . Pena Kteel pr ' ?', ? Phlla co . -? > II du cjm pr.. *,:a vm* ei?c ? -t\ .0 I'llla Ran Tran :o'a ?? <-,. t - ?'?. .. :?)', ?4 Palla via ' i !on TTae ? i . : It da? Imp. ?' ? ; -rnp a Son? . ?4 ? ?.rk Rv? pr. nrelaeaea ?'<? ? ? BO\Ii? 11.nee Am naa at- El ?e WH . a Pee . le. H la | ?* a '?" Int'atat? R;? tt , ?- ? . ? ? 10.4?? Phlla i: - la ran-A li.'n la ??'?? Osa? ' a Y .?'. "a ?I j - j IS IS 174 1 Y ? ? ?Y 4 , ?. '? a ' ? ?4 ? BALTIMORE STOCKS. ? ? ? .n -r ? ' Il -?. ? < - ? ..??. ?? : a?. '?(.maa Clfar ... .'. ?ewer -??% lel .. IV ? ? .% l.ep.,141 Un 'i . - . ? I r ? BO.*< Dfl Kalt <?<???. . ?/ ? .? - !':r. ??>:?/, le la . !?:?? ... ?!-?.. Mu?- la: 1 : '? .... i Vel Tr tt j .n 11 I B l?,". Il I 4 * . ? , Y i - ? 4?. ? ? I . < . ? 4 I ? ?' ' - ? 1 -Y . Y - ? PITTSBUtGl STOCKS. I x ? U 4 S?Y ? . IM 75 ?"s 1? . Ht ? "1 I l*S Ai., t*/ Cl Ma 4 4? pi . h iey IM v (i?e. 01 . ?,. m ' ?k '. Hat* a, <???>-* ? . . ?o i.? Belle i X I ? M tri !,'. 4. i Xi '-.? ?l't .-, -. r ... ? . p.. M *a?0!.!o f>??: oil... '"? I -<c? * Okie ' S ... . ikl ?. orna Oaa . 7S MU? .-'.?(. Pur? i . . . ? .??stiie?- Air B : , r. i .'*:'? . . _ Rlr Se.. M CHICAGO STOCKS, -a ? Opea, lili I v,. ri.-,.iiatn- . r?J ??t '-S ? ' Y ; r.. 71 ... .a . ? (?i Mam Mate!? Brl . : . -, III ? 114 , '? i.r. 1/.1?. I'atlfl" Oai MI l .. ? - ? .4 ? 7.? a ' ? ? ? ? '. . a ? ? 14 . ? 10 "a . . ? , . 1 . ? ' ? . I ? - I] ' , *? ;:u ,?>KK CITY homy ? : ?? June . JU'li? ? ?? . ?< ?a ?' ?? ?4 . ?4 ,. M a | '??? ' Mur ' Me -N?. ? ? '? ?4? ' ., ? ? t|v?a ?'?a "' ? Ma I'?' ' a) 4 ' < a ? 4 ? , ? ? ? "a < ' ? lor? ? ? !.. i 1,1' ASKS FORECLOSURE I OF ROCK ISLAND Bondholder-?' Protective Com? mittee Out for Action Road's i:\ecutive Oppos?s. The fsntral Trust Company, s* M e of the co-tni?'.ees ?t the mortgage ?<-' eariag the r'.rs: and refunding bonds ? t" the Chicago, Rock I.?land _t Pacific Railway Company, has received u re? quest from the protective romr ?- * jepresoiitiag tha* mue to begin fore eloean I). R. Francis, of ?oft, .s the other trustee, and the " ? ? ? - - .. until he tti been heard from. If the trustees, in accordance wi*h the wishes of t'. ? tM}ly to the cur's for pon_?M?Ott to fore ito'-k Inland will be taken out of the of the stockholder?, and placed with the first and refunding bond committee, ot which charles A. Peabody, president of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, is chairman. Nathan L Amster, chairman of the Bock Island executive committee, who 'rying to effect a reorganiza? ron through the stockholder?, declared yeoterdaf that he would oppose the proposed foreclosure proceedings by the bondholders. He said that he WOi working OB a plan which will raise be twe? B i?20,000,l)00 and $.3.000.000 by the iMUaoCl ot either RtW income bonds or preferred stock. The latter sum, ac? cording to Amstor, ?ronld not only clear the company o? all ir.? floating deht, bat would free I ol cal lateral, which would bi- used for new financing. Although the question of asking the trusses tu take steps to foreclose the mortgage has been under consideration by the refunding bondholders for some time, it was stated yesterduy that no plan of reorganization had been drawn up or Is in process of completion. At present it Is believed the reorganisa? tion will not disturb the refunding bonds beyond the possible elimination from the mortgage of the clause pre? venting the placing of a Junior lien on the property. The Rock Island's Immediate maturi? ties havo been provided for. The |2, 500,000 loan made bv the Central Trust Company, which falls due o*i December 29, has been renewed for olaetj .luv?. Xego' IV* also been concluded for e*?t'?nd:i.t? rhe loan of the Hail?''.' Trost Company, for $1,600,000. which mature? on the Mime date. It is ex? pected that the $2,2.10,000 interest ma taring on -Tanaanr l on various obliga? tion v III be paid. It is also under? stood the $2.ri'iO'iOO receivers' cerif?? cate.'? due on January .1 will be extend? ed for ninety day?. ? PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES General Ne--??? and I.arningK et Various I or|niratin,i*i. A? result of default in payment at maturity on December 1, l'.?14, of the $1,018,000 collateral tiust three-year ?1 per cent notes of the Vnited Ltgbt and Power Company of New Jersey, and be cauie of defaults in interest ehofgOt vhicli began June 1, 191S, i* v-hs an? nounced yesterday that Uie Bankers Trust Company, h*? trustee, will sell at auction on Januury II the collateral pledced as ??ecurity for these notes, ?hieh consists of $2.'>23,000 tirst and! goaerol I ??er cent bond? of the 1'nited Light and Power Company of Califor? nia, 300,000 si,ares of common stock and 160,000 ?hares of common stock of the California company, having a par value of $10. The sale of thme loearitiei li a "top toward winding up _fu*r? of 'ne I'mted Light and Power Company, the Colifanila com? pany having been reorganized a? the Consolidated Electric Company, con? trolled by the Cieat Wi>??ern Power Company. Fastern Pt*nn?yl?.ania Railway?. C?o??? electric, railway, jf-s nr.d mis co!!_i eons IneomC of the F:'.?tern Penn? sylvania Railway? < ompany for the twelve mon'h* eaded 0 ??ober 81 made a small advance over the year preced? ing, though not earnings, after ex? pens? ? is and inrplus, ihowed '..nrr.f.i iriprovement for the rear. The toral gross income amounted to 1834, MS, operating expenses ?rere reduced 4.51 per c?-r.t, and net earnings of $352,044 showed an increase of nearly \'? per eont ov?r 1914, The balance, after underlying charges, emounted to 59, a gain o? 12JO per cent, and after allowing for intereit on outstand? ing bond?, rentals, efe., ihp sum! is balance available totalled ??2.S.J":'. _ growth of more than S? per ce-;-. BUSINESS TROUBLES linlrus'-y MM?"M A".: Hi r. Ml II. .????'i- ( . --. ?r ?I I Can* ? ? ? ?-4 ? . I 4* i ? an ?? j.. i?, ? . . ? .-. 'Im hr . t ?? I ill Ma, Hi J. 4 ' !'.' . ?4? ? ' r~?*r.'. ' :?'..*-? ?-n r**ru?r? 1, I .. ? a? s ????!?.?? ? br.wen ? I.SN ?r.i ttt.tet, ?aal Um a? - > ' II ;, 114' - 11.4 r. i ?ir?-? . : ? ? ??' ? ? . i ,. ? M-G I ? : ?: ? ' - ? - ? ', III vtv it? *>?_> ? ai li . . S ?I? il- ? - j i? . ? 4 -.?-.? il ? "-? - {.ce JAt_i>B ?aii.i? -i. r ' w II ?*,-:> . R. Ana'S M I - " 4 Truita* A?i*lal?i. ?. ?tALU PATI A I tt ' - ? ? bu t?? ? r Pi ? ? ? , - .-. - ? s ?".-. ?Cm "* : ? . -r , 4 ; - - ? - .r ' ?-?? ; AfJ,*?t??d Ginar.-it. A?!.THIi 4V ? A*-H II 'IM .?T'.f?..? . ?? A \ >' >..'-*? ?n -, ?? : : ; i mi M ?? I " I ? :-???? , -- i. I . . ?? -?:'.'. Mo??f n - . - ' ' ' i***la l'r.i??rut?. ???? a i? " ? ?' a ?i amllM' f.r'-.* le k"j II ir m ?las : ;'! 1? * "' i ? bt?knmtej, irttl ".?* ludet - - ? ?. 4 ? ?? .-? ire* . - i ??r?? et ?._ ftttaia .. * . .- 4 .- ? . i a a p--. . ? ,. . .'.. i ?. c*n?*'iti?i teeOrwe*. 10. I ? ? ? ?encapa r -a- ? ?? ? ? ? - ? > t . :. , ?? f ? i -,?*' . . . ?: -i . n?: ? ? ' ?i .- ? < i? l v - ?Ins III < ? . , .al *t?*ta lu? Il ' * ' ? - - um > i ?? i? ?UM l? I ' ... - ?? " A?.I?r n. * ht i?: ii-in-iv IXi ? ? - . 4K A '?HI KM HI ?? . ,'-?'l?. ? ' ? \m . PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat Advances in Ner? vous Market ? Corn tases Off at Close. ?.UNERAL MARKET REPORT. New Tart. lyeacUa 14. 1113. WHI4T. ?-????? ?-?* maaamsn ? ?-??-? ?? i .?mu?, ata r1'*-* ? 1 a- '--? t. o-, -r 4 tup of ..??rl? i "-.?? a .;.'... a. ,' . .,.;.. a*. I ? ??? !*r ?i.i HO?\e *t*%m tar On -.: er rye, BaOUMBI feetaa-i to lea *.? v.. s._; .; ;? pu J"'* :" ' I -'. - - a '-jr.: Ote ? reran ,i 4.-'. era: --.-. I "' '? I ? .:. ha?? M ' 1 ii!. .?-. ?. ? .'? .? recent iej ?, u H ?M ??'?jau?: . n .... BHUon (hii; r.i 1 w .??: h?<: t*??. :i<-. v ' ?ft- ?__. fl ~-, Iba Iprlri wTittA niartteu -er? - r-;. ?.-??l??!? fir.--, ?- ??.. , ??--'.:- teM la a ? .... ? 1 _?/. i -a- ? ? -_ ?"?.-??? a. - MMS ' ? 4 - 1 ? . ? 4 ' Nia*? Sec "*? tren \-. ? . .- -,. ?? - ? -- ?? .? ? 1 g . a..l ua ? ? e.-a-e-.taa , , ml ?-? I t ? aJaat.-a of a ?-aot a In Iba Buena? a.jrm Bva.1i?? ln.ll ated ntue ? ben rea?-.; n? . ?v n antillana i-a Meet*!" ? t.j a .:?" ?' ?ed a ^?? ' :.? ?aeo? of ' , 4 ,.<??. .-,rr. ? a L?* ?* ? ? ? ?.?. rair Til? ?. rapan a* \*a 1 ?t iium. field .1 tri:- -, .. I ? 41 II D. Ba. te Sa* lu "i? ?o.-al ruh marWi)? Ko i dental ?r'uat ?> a.? a '...'?'. Nee Y -r? Se 1 N-ethen th. Ii tt*k _ 1 ?o 1 Nf-nhf-n ManlleSe V If Huffaio. CORN. Com a.lT?j. -e.\ ?tu ? '.:. Hat la? in ?r"*>r??*hT ?US ?ahra? t.t to-*ar.l th? ism ? x*-'. ?ff _a_M . ??.:;? UkU'?, an.i Sa? I *? ? Wat* S*t SO a . ? i. ',- ;.??.- Bratlatreit'a" rUtMa ahowt.i an Ii ?.? cat i.(i"4.o)u Imabela, compered ??it". -v?- at l.MI.Ml ??-' y-w '??? "* aoal .mil ?.?-*?? So I rail MS u Q-. M ?.t I'j'?? ?! IpoM ? OATS. : ? ., ,,4.. ??,- iee ? mom a ?? ? * ? ??. el'?'- 1 ni? :i'..'li?rfi>? to 14? I Ir,:. - Tin ? - 4? ' rr No 1 - '? .?.! ??. 1 ?'. 4"-:<4 S'-'. No 4 ?htte, 44 _* ??u fa . - 4? . *??>'?. . ?Mlneiy - 4 I a . , RYE. Market Smi Ke : ??'am, II 94 e 1 ? N't?? Tor* NEW YORK PRICES. r\ote. TweHir II nu 11 :r? ~**_??. P??y??>Tr.b?>r 1 MV I .4% CHICAGO PRICES. Taetar 0??e?-i Hllti tara? C?o??. daw. Il 15H 11 iK H ?H 11 1*4 ?I i?1* Ma- .Ill') 1 !?W 114?? L?a 11.4 ?S .1 t'A Lili mi 1 Nff i?4 DeS?-M ? . At M? Ml *"4 .*% Ma? . *?4 TiS .10*? .tffl tl '?'? .._ I , 4C-, ?a ?i 11-4 ?? , MM ??'? H ? FLOUR ANO MEAL. im leaeiw *? ?*-"* ??? n*" '. ? ar? Irrarii?" a ' -' ' .' I** trafic in? lie tVre Ii aome exi - . her? II 1? '?? ...... j to thi ?ra*"irji9 ?f?' ?' ? - (?port Bl rHWHKAT r 1.- 't ft Mi ?I ? |! BY*: VlAil M Doll; fat. '.-, a |- . j- . a V is --J; ' , .lKN\?l 4! ? I ? M 1? " I'^!? ?III 41, a. a. !?? 'I'.:. 1 ??'..?''? Il t. . ?.,??? ?. . ; , ?p 1 H ??' H'an bet?, ?.'2 1 . ? ? J-4 .' . 1 ??i- ral .Jim d .. *-?. :?*, 4at So?r, 140-IIj 1 . ; .a .. Urn ICO ?0 ?a--?'. S ? . . t 1 .: laid , ? |n , loe Sou 1 IM-.t? asets a < ? ? J I.M PROVISIONS. Hoj rr?-ti-?.4 were m -?'?' ? '*?? a- ". . ?? a . ,i---.1 in I In aha.-:'. ? ' -, -? ? It) ??a-' ? ? praaauri n .< in-?? ????-? hlg-ier. a : re-eteti ?ere falrb ;,;.-rai altheo?fe ?-?. ,-f ? ? -?; .-?? "ro-.i iba ?A-?- ?m Saatrad h? ?tr? I' ? III . ' , . 4- ' .< ' "M Zl,' 1", estimated f? Wrl-.Hda? 41,MO; K_i?aj Cltj N HOC-, ?r.i Oikaha I Ml ."'?RK- Stei.lj: ra?4?. Ill ?III",", farr.ll>-. $20 n* I?I.80 : ?1-ft elaa? i t . 11 -air mr?M 116.! ) "t$.r, fix? '.:.. Ii? . > ... " ? ? ?,- -i-? I . Ua mea. fS7.'l.-tS?* r>Rf?-iKI) Hk?i? t ta 4. ? , ? ie: 140 is. is ' 1*. lavte ri'T MEAT-l l'1-.n-i W.iifj. aulat; .0 i? il? i. . :.- ? la ?. it.. 1* ??: haraa, ??ex'.r; eUOted. :4?V TMUiW-S'??-!r 1,-14. (',.-, i-l -, la: ??:: irj, TH^I? I.AHI>- Tlm: Middle Wert, I KdltSe; rltr lard, firm, q'jiyed. '???i refined lard. Keedi Centteant, II ?1e; tn-iin Ai.:?rlra, lie; Bra-'U --?a Ko. 0?MP<M."M)? ????.'>, VI"'M. IS?H*.- fTTARlVKj-- Birfl? Mead a ?, l?Ue: as ir.ri ?*-.ari-.?, I?%a CHICAGO PROVISIONS, larl Open rili,h I?? Co? a .T?-.i?*-> ? :? ? ?0 . :? r? :-. o h Mu i?: 11 er osa i?ii) *."?; H.M: Jarniary . ?,H #?5 ?.77 ?.II ttl -!?? : ? J? Ii 17 li.ll ?Jt?'* V -,- ., . || (| ?? M ;? "1 l| ?s :* :i y,. 4, . . ???> illT COFFEE. t: ? ta ft ? ? -? -" ?, '. 'Ill I . " - a ??? 1 Cf ?H--4?T? ? . mer! ? .- - ?- * ? !? ?' 1 ,?. ,.,.. frel_M ??!T?^< '-o-n Rr??;; -?,-? a !'."> raa ?r ? ... 4 - I . ? ? . If ... - ? fh- fait thai pa her? ara airea ? .j Brt." Rr .1 ? : . - ? lal? : ? ? ' ? 1 fr?ta Hrar.!! I". .? ? '..-. . ' ? ind tl 'i. ? . ? r alead a .,. ' , '1(1 r - Ja iarj a ' I ? II ' ?. SUGAR FUTURES. 4' '- I la , t it' 4 . ? . ? S a Im ? ? - ? uni 1 ? . 1 ? ? la ? y..-.-. RiCl ' - ?? - ? Uli ? 4 .. i ? ? - -: * ? 4 4. . . 4 ? I V ? ? ? 4. ... ' ,.? COTTONSEED OIL. .a ' ? , a >? ? ? -- r t ? a ? . a ? a ? . ? . ? I . I.'a ?. ? ? ? ? II ?. - 4 . 1. $: ?4? ?? ?.?441 ? ? - ? ? ? 4 > 1 ? .> .... 1.31 1.41 I.S" ? ? .. . ? .. ?4 4- 4 ? M 1.54 I 4> 4 ,a. ,, -j , , k. .'.11 at I. ? 4 ' ? ? ? . METALS 1 : - ? '. I . i ? 1 ? ? '? a , . ? - ?I . I " ' . . ? (trl.-M '-"a . ?? a 4V. m ? l.aa" * I.- ? . ' . ttPKLTKR ?a? In a ?' a 1 II 1 - .?r T..r. ? . ?t 1 ? ? - ? C I I . a ' ? - " ? 4 ? ' . 1 mi eed ? 1 S* 1er i?ei ? : C-7 . ? - . t - ' "? ' nn in 1 ?? 1117 IS? for ?-, .a - 1 ... . -, ? 1-, I..? . . " ???'?. a . ' ?? ? a ,! {T ' 1 ? >: . ?r?" 4. 1 40? : -n,rd < OT \TRY PRODUCE MARIET8. I r- . . !>? ,- 1 CUTTER. 1 , .?a MM . 1 . . ? ? ?/ a ' ? ? ?I . ?a- fa ' ? ? . *L*i 0 '> ? 1 ? . "'Et.?. . ? . 1 ? ? ? ? ineke, . ? ? . ? . 1 - . 1 ? ?.-.'? . I.?., lar ?; .a .p^-'a'a. 174' all .??!??. 'ir l?,-?r?<l?a .' .: , ?>:.oi? r\V. t?: . ?? > .' , . " r.. : lar?. ." j 4 t? a t:4r ?'?? t '? I ' . .-?rrtai? 144' ran? mia?. .pr. la a i?.- fieeh. rl.o fair 'o I . . 1UK..-I, I ?1? EGG?. lia.a'1 ?,?... II.J77 1 aa _ U| 1 ? ??. a ? - . |. ??? : .-?--a Su? do.? i < . B . - ? .- 'a ? - a hll '? r.? 1 ; 1 - -, - - ' ' ?' ' ? '-. ?. ?Il ., ? a , ? ' ? ? a .. fan.t 1 . rr ' laijl ne. l'eu ??.',' . la. ? . . f, M?Mc, ut__aa?i te aeo?. .lit,?. ?!__, e-_._1.-7 ta Or- ????!*-. im* i -?_???, M??lf.? *'i*'~ c**?-*-> r tVUtt MfffSNl rat*. I??rnr?! "? a lad r.?a- .? ?-? V ?rj 40,344c <a'. - ??? --?.1?4. " ? 4_?-: r.?artT r* fri*-?*'?-? wtir-, .? .?., - MAV ANO aTSAW. * I* ?iaj-f.-* ?re r?? -?u,te -"-r-r-?., Uior? U a:.; a/. ? :-;?; a.rp of bar tar f-rt-jc- r.-*J> '* M Bat? .-a .????_ ! ? cater!*-; .-h?_s* - ? ? HAT -.VT? b-J-"?, Tl-BC .r Jfal ? ?-' N'o I ?o So .. l!*5li3; *_.npin*. I ?- C't-?t |3./?tt - -*? -? N* ? I1NHU; lamrj. ->*.*? ?_-?_?. ?BNI, FKESM MUITS. Arrur?4??i-?,*?-3h--f t-b. m ?m h j-n?*.?**. S '. \.-4* lr_i.-r.r_ f..:}_l|j *0 '.? ?. --. i. ' : se S?..?-?. I.JW, w -??.-. ?.'?Jt ? '-.-..' 5'. rstll, r-?...i: . ?? a Ftp***? |1 II '5 r-l"m?-i S-?-?-., Itaf'M: P.?.-i? ?? * '" ?- "? >?' V*. ro.1-4. II ?. i I - . ? 1 '.-:-... -' ,$4 li? .? r, |I > I!.:?-? _ ? -J' tl- n??1?, 41 M ;i. Cai.x J. C ?jt A-?-<-. - x i '? ?V ??-..?? J : : ft: 55. Ki>~_ _e*ut*r 11 ?S Se-rto-*" P.;?!.. Il.ltt.." . v flaallN. 8 trmtL Win-_?p, fit|?*4 Vnae ??r I: in ii b ?.-? r?t| .?>.??-.- v., j ? ? ?. M. W_*t r-_-33_lr., |1<4A|:U; Ban P*?i. ; ?' i*.. li..' ir. ii, Cir.0, it.t:? ?il- _!_???? ?; -..ion. |1.All ?S: tu W?**r. a II HAI! N ?l-jenlns. ?. -1*11 *?*?. t ? c *? ? ??-?_-- jo? ?: ?."'s ?J'?l-.SO, A.-i BU. J. II ".' Exits'. K -*?- . i; t|l baa - ! ' -.ANflEIKir--. i-ape 'e.i. .at* ??-??_ IM. I ?? -? '. ? rrua (t?il M. r*r^ ' ? ? S 111 a?*. 11-???:. .'?-?*-? Raw ? 1 ?:? I ??'? !):?.< Hsu,-}?*. ctUn. M*-?i|C ? H.-w? .-?. *,?:?. -a ?. I ?fl?W. ?<rtln?_~ ???rta II -3_t?V !?_ ?- ?' ? ' :??? ?v*-?. M>. i?* 110 5? ?ar ? ?e-*. ?'::..?*. *J, ?a:.j ?on* ?1 -;j)4? <-Tll\o.H_RI.!>H. tV. iMri. IS_ ?-. ?a. C ?Jt. *.*?*??. ?A?SABA MT.LOV* craie. X.ty. drasges, n?. i-ei t.Jii 29. J? ma'ra. < | . - -, Klee, Jl-4?. Cal. ?1 *J?? \ ?: PA-- I.a. '.?.? r.i. ?rrap ?.'5 ?0, SAT ?MA*- Kla. ? -.p ?1 "3,*|: ?4 i-rtArKFRtlT ?a. Ihm Jl:??>4. C*-0*A ?'. .'-. II Pi**-* !! .n |l J. -.?? . t. , ?i ' N...4J ti .XJ1 it; ?. ' .::?.. I.--?? PINEAPPLES retw Reo, V--. -nu? IIAJ.IO, ?rr_?i.i i.'?j-?ivn9. l^? ! ' POTATOES AND VCGETADLES. rorArcrs. iij-au.!*. as ?. t;. ?r?t?<M5. He - I*..*?". M; N ? I. ?4 All Mi Mr ? ?-':sA*. 90. ?.??. "j b>i I:-'-? ? i. l bulk i . te bu i?.ttaU; --.?le. t . i. - ti. ,- t-er :7c.!- t,?*. ?. ? ??'-* Mi h .-> Ib, t. luOII :?-, i?? liW .* i a? ? ? ?. ? ?; .' bte. ?-.?i.*?..'., JitM?), round. ?? ?. ? ?. H ..i 11 . ?. Va and Ml. "-!, 1TM, .4.? b*f. J ? ? SWKKTS. Jm~. bbl. Il "???.' .' iul'l. ?i ?? ? S<j4it:.?n?. . I Fil ?? i**i?M. |J <:?-. ABTI i lUiKr.S ? al. Irv.iuh. Ii-ura. 1-JllO. boa. ?, ;0 * f M?rl ??? -.?a.?m bbl. t.f hem. J* ?-}?' BM BKfi I s.'IM' T? I. I. u .?n. ran?: nr4\? n*. ??x. '_.??? ?. ?t? f - |. j?? ?'? Ten, ,?l ?Il ??" r?!.f.l? .. bbl. |l .??.... mu? -n-? re*rbr. 10 lb I *_, -i'?"'-, bl , ??*?:." |l.2S?V? l't CtJlBKRS, F? ? ?;.*??., t ?BBAGRS D?nbh ,--!. ;??n. ?4 ist-nle. |4X|;. r-ill?, bbl. T-M-311, ML '< 130, bbl. Il ??? fil 5?. i-Ar-t,ir(.r)\<TR?. 1 - il. bbl, |2<t?? 30. hns ont. ?1??J S -r 11..3; C?', it?r.d?r_ ?T?te. 12 '*-. pour en bu___ ?2.*??.. i ?BBAGRS Danbh M*.]. r??n. ??JJ?. 0? iij**-iic. IsAjr, r'iii?. toi. rrx-ail. reit. 'ot.. i. t fl .:'? ?JJ-? 50. rArl.irf.OWTRS I. 1 ? !?1 .5 -ra-e. I) 4 . . dogt rraM. Il i."' tjl II ?-1IK-ORV. J*i??7. buk?i, ?t. N*v? iirlMn?. 5H. U riante. cei-Kih c?L pm ttm ih 14 S0: ??? '?.-J a?- ?i<?t*. "0 buoefi. l'r"' t?CAEOLK Ierre.^ittttl. 1?. JIU3. N?- OrT???,|. bbl. IJ.t?t?.T".. rOui'I-4.NTS. ri?, bor?. Il JOS 12; OABI.ii-, Ua'aii ?irli.p. per lb, ISAlTt. rhf ru?*, looaa. 5c, IM!'.?_R_M*1H. 100 '.i, ItAtl *?3 KALE. Va, bbl. ?l*15o, 1.IM.4 BEAN'?. B*r- i-'.a H bm. R.NWSS. r.t. b??_??4 er il?, S < 21 Cub*!?, teme, ftjH?; I.K?KS. _*_rt-? 1 )? bin?-.'??. I1.N, IJETTT.<:ff Mil, bu?**, 6?_*(?. V? u\A y c, unte?, rt?, :?e?li.??? sixtitaju). n? Olfaa?. t>tl, ll.SOtll; ON'IOSS. B.-iau-lr?. r.?n, c/tt?, is?u.t?, ?til*.*, cru* i-r bMkH. Ill?: J0 (oi-^ vfllir, -al * b?t. ?i soJj?, !'.*u -_i?r?Vf?t *m, r?*1 ai.d rtlio?*. bis. 11 ?Ol''; Ortits? C?-rtr. r-?*. tu?; -.: ?> >? T -JIIM: "lilU. FU, -?? rUr, ?i ?JC '?..>-?. Il_f11"?. r?ib?n. -*r,W. f.* ? --a:?* ?;.-i ?? oY"?T?-ti ria.vrs. . hunetiee ?2 50T%?S; l'VAS r'*. 'a-r<?. b?????. 120 |4 %?>. un* '. - - -? t i ?1 ?mail drum. Olo PARSMP-j ?' ?l.-.l ? -... !" \rrf--tv-:. ",. 111 -?" PAR3LKY, Bf-Ti'i-I? rr?t? ?l * ?91 'S N>-, Orl-*m cnr]? ?.--1 ; .1- . n?*l, ?? l'KI I ? boi ?.'.-* 12.1'4. ?al - ' Cttb?n. I??i. 12? ? RAniSREN .<.,.- t ??A1NK K.a. b*ak*t, ?I??". *.'??? Orl*?-*, bbl, ?4.? $, *.. :> ? ? ? ' . SPl.VAi i ??. AI" 10 ? *i s.iAi un \t* ?>i**ii?. i ? I ? suia.-H Bubbti ' ? ' ' : ? . .... t |: - r? i -. . , ?.? ? r rtNiPf b?i |l idN.M ?Im Ot i*?n-i. " ; f. '? ??:). ?hit?, it '. ,? : . ?, ?i *.: 4?: rnv ? ? - Il Z5. p*r Mi?. [ arriar, ?' ?t?5 ?. C-ban, Si *-?T ?? a :i 11 . II HOTHOUSE PRODUCTS. ' nTMBKRS ? . .. lessB, Nl#tl " b??, i2*"jii??- T.rrn ? r.. r-:??-. ?n?) ?- *?. \-? ?. ? t.. ? ? i rap", j ? . ? H. 1:1s ? '.????*. 11 2SOJ! ' hfttor.?. " Il K? 'I?rTl ? I 11 cli-s, " "" ' -, l"MA,."< . - . CHRISTMAS UREENS ROU.T MaodM. ai- ?? -l-? ?. N --.- - -? t? . LA) Rta I' *. .-?.- -.$: MISTU ro lla?l: r.ur?r-?'. a?. I '?f?" r.A'. lil'I. R"f?. IOC?' ?a. .? ? Il "r PUIS? I S Pl.NE Ui'l'l - r?p?, ?I .-? ??Si |11 ilr.t'.e, - 'n M i. fl SH.IO; 15 ?o .0 ff. }i ? |M .; I ..?>>r, font. ?1 I.IVIlSTOCk MAKKKT. \>w ter*. IM-S__sf 14 11 -EEVES. r.-a ! .'ar'? a' (et il?u?*hUr, :, m il?- ? ? ' - ? ? '? ??i?h "_ ?r?; '-t f?t*r t\>' teiett ?ra?u. ' ? N 1; CALVES. li>~?ri ? IN ??'. M ?? ?? ? Mari -? ?'??a ' ) prli >'a.? ? '. 1 al I? ?? \. . . * I , ; 'arll'i?.?. ? ? ? ? ? ?. ? . ? ?? : SHEEP ANO LAMB?. . t i N L-?d. : ', ??? ?-. ? ?f-p ? I ? 1.1.75 per 1 ?o | ill t ? ' i- ? IIS, i. . . ? n i ... il? 1 ; ? ? >?? HOOS. ? i .- ? ? ?? I : : - a ' MONEY AND EXCHANGE. I.4J i: . HI ' DlaVOTNT ur;, . - ? < ?*.? ? ? ? u ? CALL .- ??? l . ,- . , - yr.t 'I'.m.T ?a? tmsr i'-a ? ?ar ta ? ? i pa cul - ?>? ?nil . , .,_-,, ?il : E PAPKH ??** a'?? ? K ? I -?'<*. . , eut fot '-*? ? ?a -* ' ? . '. I.i >. 4 ? arna ? ? 4 - I 1 ? .-?? ?4 - .:'. K-nr Tort - : ? ? 1 r . v. - . - ?? . . 1 ? ? ' . ? . . ?. ? ?<- , ... ... ne. ?'?r?. 4'-,. fu.?'i n.J. up to ... ? ? I 'a ' ? ?? ? i - , ? t t ? ' I . 4 ? ? Ml 4 . 1 ... . . '?a l-r ... 4 1? - ? '. !'? .?*. 4 T??f rent; ?-? I' _. U-o ?"? l" ? I , ? '-r ? ? ?'i-, i" ? i.j*7 o ? , i-.." -1-4- ...- Opes? : ? -. 1-4* .. i . l-.'.i ..... ' I. ' - .? S ' ., mc*?. I / I . .?IJ.M I. MABJUCT li?- ? ? et? ,. ??? i ? - ?-''? ? ? ? OS ? 1XG1 Ml oa ? - ? g -a? ? irlf? - - .- ' ?' ? . '?. i . la-U_Ut t.Tlu. , . H*"i^T ? ? . -. 4 64; . - < U.U. i . < a?. . Is ?? I 14 -*? Driggs Stock Increase. kholflan ?f the Drigf-a-Seabury Ordnance ?,'oiapaiiy. a-. ?? ipoetol meet? ing jreetorda-, ratifled the resolution to increase the emmon ?tock from $3. OO0.0OO to 110,000,000. Of this proposed increase it la planned to is*ue $?5,500, 000 .nock to proviile funds to carry out the terms of the contract incurred ?hroujjlt purchase of ri,..* S a va Co Aims The amount of stoefe to be is 64:50 shares. . .? '.he right ?., labaeribe pro rata at 51-5 per share. -:i RROGATIT8 NOT!) F?. ? ?i..??, FOR . ? ? I ' -- i.'. BlIiailSBN ' . rH i *iin. a Burroca ' I - Af NO?? Vork, no - - . -n t? SU iK-nor.i having < ..r*\. ? y.ttn? JelUch. I. . ? e ?( tOe ?ounty ? preeeal th? . .*" th?r'for. to the aub ?' hi? pi??e of ,.ran???-tl;nt butt. r-T.,* f i..? _'.r<-.rn<*y?. M??ara - ? ? Naeaaa f I ??;_-?, Sow Tork re 'iio ?I'U Aey of Mar 1114 ?f?!** Tork. .'?'o ?::.' -r 1 HANI K JE I. r* A??,tr.:- ? - Lh Will Aj ii?*XH<?i. I m I BMINO Aitorr.ey? ? aniij Street ?''?-OV.--M . N*\?- Tork City! , JJ.?TaT!. Or CHAI...-l? V\4JOIi U.1IUR - In -mrsuaoc? of an er?et of H?t>. er_! 1- John P c"o*i?l*i.. ? ourr^aat? of th? ? ?.jut., of New YniA. nottc. I? _?r*hy ?ITOO to all P'.aufii ha\iog cialma aaa'-ia't .:..?!..? ','. v ?i Mliurlry. ,?t. ,Tf '?ho ?"?lunty of MStl York. ,1?. raiai). to pr???rit the umt ?v.-'.i voucher? thereof to the mtm BCT OOP, at i * - of ?rantartm?; I lama?* So 71 t?i.)??1way. m The ?ity of Not? I ? ? .i Nters the 19th ?liy of Jan ?ii DalaO ."?>? Vork. th* nth nay of Jul? la.? ..IWVXI. )' M'MlliTRT. \.l ilnlitrator "IMI lACHRR ,? HAKTt.KTT Attern?**a for Ailmtm?tr??jr. 41 Coiiar ??. .'??? Xsra Ut/. I Uli 1171 I. . ' , . it lu il i ?j ...i i-;.? i:as liiifuM un i?M irsj 2.15 i! irliui iffi COTTON NERVOUS; STORM HITS SALES Violent Breaks Lacking? but Un? steady Tone Follows Scarcity of Trade News. The cotton market showed continued nervcu*?rieia and Irregularity yeiterday, but buftneaa waa less active andfluctu? Stlste leaa violent, vtth the market ahowin**; a tendency t?? aettle around '..4 for March contract?, or ?bout 75 points under the high lerel o? week. Leaa trading may hare been due ??ar?y to ?rlre troubles reenUing from the ?torm. and this also eurtatled the amount of new? from the Southern -narketa, but there can be Mttle doubt that the oatatanding interest ha? been reduced considerably during the U-.t few days. The le??en??d aggressiven.'?? *t th.? selling miy have reflected rather a better technical position The mai l;et closed barely steady, and last price? were from 10 to |fl points net lower Relatively easy Liverpool cables wer? followed by an decline of from B to M points In the market here. Ac? tive months sold 14 to 1? point? under Monday's closing figures during the serif trading. Liverpool bought on this decline, while a bullish view of th? census figures on supply and distribu? tion Inspirad some acatt.?red covering Prices rallied to within 8 or 4 point? of Monday's finals toward the middle of the morning. After the close of Liverpool and the withdraw?! of buying order? front straddle ?horts the market cased off agela under Wall Street and commis stei house liquidation, and ?ubscquent rttictuationa were irregular I'losinc* piice?. W4?re within 3 or 4 pointa of th" lowest, and there was aomo selling here in the late trading on reports of lower Southern spot markets and in sym? pathy with an easier turn in N'. w Orleans. The census report ?hosrtng domestlo consumption of 692,796 beles, Including ?inters for November, waa considered in line with estimate? placing the prob? able requirements of thi? country for the aeaaon In the neighborhood of 7. OUO.OOO balea. Even thi? failed to cre? ate any fre?h sentiment. Th? preaent selling movement due? rot item to be based ao much on any particular view of statistic? as on the large supplies now known to be aeall r.ble in the South and the possibility that Southern holders will offer their cotton ni'.re freely with the approach of the holMeys. ?'no of th?- few pri? vate wire? yesterday -?aid that the de? mand from I.i vr-joo! and Manchester b'iycrs was ?ess scti\.? in the Soutlt ? ?' .Southern ?pot markets as nlli cially reported ?.to unchanged to 16 point? lower. Exports for the .lav were ?. making 2,049,211 se far this ata 11?- (? i?* ;>-* e T?i(a?r uixr.laa man. I/?- ? ;???* uar l'?-sir>a? ill? IIOT i. M lJ?"tH-ll l?li i N 11.11 It"-*. !. ?f l-J N II IS 1 ? ?-.,.-. . ... - lal. '..?'S 11.11 lia l.'.lelll? 12 41 A..: ... u,? May uso itn i.?: ni.Aijgi m?? ? ? i-siwd ii.ii i Uli 1171 Aufuii . . - - 'I'D? local n.arn?? ?. ?Dl H la' er ? ? ' | [?_-,," . ?: th* ??<>,??? and interior por.'? with compiiriaons follow: i '???? Lm laM* r.--?l ? ?*?". laer ?lock. ' a a-ar-a-, J] , fl p.; -,r. -, ! .y II) '. ? .4 '?14 . .'< . ? ? . ' . -'?4U ab l.Ml is.i .-., tt . ?ar.-ewi.? ? . ;?j lo4.:?i'. ?un . Ill ?? i'? ??".JO . ? '. . ????? IV? 114, re. ? :?-, Nr-f York. 1!"1 .", J?'.-v<7 . - - . u lOjHll ? ?.riiie ?? M - IM tat? v?.ioue . . * ???? ?.,,)? ' ? ? ?' I ? ? l Ml MS ? i mat 44 i 3*4 ?M ? ?i m 14.1 4 < ? H.Oiri 1 ? n pott ? . ta -a a;? ?'iri ana ex lieirl'ir :i.p?<-i It.?M; a_?r m a .] ?. ? ? J ? ? .O?. ?1 ;? ??: .'? ?o ?ii ?I ' 'I \faj-?'.?. Ma] - , . .,?i..?. . lanche? ? j ' rnir.d. PROPOSA?A ? Ilk on oi .'? I DENT of PCBLIC uiiHKs Albany, I?-. ember ??h, nil . , ' ?. , , , i - . - re. ?.*.*? 1 by ? le uaderalgned a", hie ofllce In tbe .'apltol, at > NY. until twelve afetock noon <?f , Jenaary 4th. Ill?, at whieh plane .r '.|-.?y wi,, o>- pttblli \y ..per.?, ?nd read, foi improving ' t* ? I rk State i.anal? pursuant ta lb? erovtston? of ?'h?p '??: 147, Lews of IS}*. _:.d of the ?'i.en.i mei ?a 'hereto, a? f a \ (Kev'i..), a ? M -lor. 1 atrae) t the ? .?-,???. l . , S4 ... I i.,.>? .??h?e'.s : a be ?e?n -.->d d??ailed . -lneer"a ??t?mate ef .-uantltlee, , 1.4. ti,T-.:. . '. i ..*? 'rai.? ar.f*. - :-i.4'.lr?.l and ether Ir.formation tot ma be had at th? .jfflce >.f the .-,:,?-?- ' ' Works at Albany, . V , ? of th? Asaletant S 1? intei - ? of I'ut-.t Work? r.r tne Middle n at '? ? a ?.??'.' . , a: *ne orfli:? <>f A?? ???.* 4up?rtnt?n4ent ?if 1'.' for the H'aa'ain Dlvlelon at !? f . ?n.l ?t tl-.? an?! ofttc?, HpauM r I . H. Y. t'opl?? ??. n at iri\Tlna? may ? froi the State Englaeai ?n?! Sarreyor a* Alt.any. K. V . 'ipon payment ? , . ... ,,f prolncliig them .? v? , I.? paid if r,'n?tr ;,. , , , pi?r i Ml . ? f |h? no-.? m th? "intra. t p'l'? B ??-?? | po??i fur aald eork m j?'. ? secompaai? t l-ponlt In tho form of a !? ?' ? r .?r'-nul i heck upon ?onie good tnstituti'?:? in th? City of Albany or N?w Vork. laeueal hy a or r*?e".? ba.i it in good credit within th? state and paya? ble st ?rieht to th? Superintendent of Pub -..? for five per centum '5 per eent.) of th? arr.O'ir.'. at th? proposa' pereoa who?? propoeai shall be ae eepted will b? r?julr?.l to ?xecute a con? tra? '. an 1 firnlah bonda within t?a d?>? ?- -, the *?* of notli? of award delie ?.-?..1 *o him or th?m in person or mailed t" *.h'? a.ldr??? f. en In the propoeai. f thi contract and ap? proval of bcimls. th? certifie, cheek or rtraft >x'..\ b? ret'irned to the proposer un? less th? ?am? ?hall hav? been pr???nt?d tot et ??' i prior tj ?uch ?im?. In wlirh . na? the an.ount of th? d-poslt will be re funded by the 8jp?rlnt?r.d-nt of Publie v. -, ? Th? ."p*.jsita of bldd?re ?th?r than the on- to -?horn th? award of contract shall be ma.l? win be Immediately after th<> award haa t???n 'nade Th? -uno int ,,l bond required for faith? ful ?i* ' r':.ane? wlil be t?n p?r centum <M ti? r ?a? ' of th? ami'jr ? of the eatl? nate.l c.,?? ef the -? ? - * r.? to the montra-t i-.?, and an additional bond. kaoim a? the lab^r bond. In the sum of (10 per cent i of the - of the eetlmated roat of the work ? a to the contra, t price, will be r?<iulr- l a? efirVy that the contractor -?ill pa. in fu.l at least once la each ?? ; lahorere employed by him upon th? work ?p?. ir.?d to be done in the eon_ u*..: In Um ?v-nt that more than one ?urs?? compar.) l? offered ee aurety on eald bonds co-lnawrtuw? astly win be aoeepted. Fa :. propoaal muet be addressed to the lent of Public Work?. Albany N Y .and tr.uat b? endoraed en ?he ?n ???.op? wtth th? asme of th? .'?-utructloa for whlek the prop.eai ti mad?. A???r.1 ?f ma.le, win be made to the MS>> ?on or p?r?<,r?a who?? propoaa. aliall he iow ?at In co?t to th? State for doing the work. and which ehe.I comply ?ill. a.l provlaiene requir-l to r?nd?r it formal lt.-fore anr aaard ?hall be mad? the loweet bidder will I?? r?r?.;',!?d (o aatlsfy ?h? l?',iperln??iidcnt <it Publlo Work? of hie ?blllty to proel.le suitable equipment end matar?ais fer the proner performance of th? work. The right le ? ? - r,1 to r ?- ?? all pro poaala and readvrrtla? and award the oon tract In the regular manner If, la the 'udgmant ef th? undersigned, th? lnt?r ests of th? State rvill be ?eh?nc?d th?r?bf. W W .VOTHKRSPOON. _Sup?riii?end?nt of fi.b'l.? It orka LEGAL NGTICn._ ?na?f r.xcruM.t: \in"Mi. hank iir uonf Ohio, I? rac-a-l-ig It. affair? ?1Ui tbit V Tee I-aM Suu Ban), aa.i in ?.avi-aan.-? "?t'. 'h? law err*. Itora. if a.??, ere heietw potUlad I ? ur*??jr.t rla'~ .wo, a swurt, u