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No Niblick Needed at This Particular Golf Meeting ?Af?IArEUR GOLF TOURNEY SOUGHT BY SIX CLUBS Uiich Enthusiasm Shown by Delegates in Annual Meeting at Sherry's. COM.M?TTEE WILL MAKE DECISION ;?.thrr tmri Son Tournament Made Permanent Fixture?Bal anee of $1,050 in Treasury. ta v. t. ni VF.R. ? amateur golf champ - * it i? more ? ?? . seer was ?hown at ..j ?: ..? mSStlng of the Metr?poli -1 crryY last ics? than I ?.'.tract inn. ,.-?. ? ?'* h??'c h'.ot. ? h story had a-.iB.-m been display. stem which the ??>?>tes ?till ?eem wedded to the roe left to th< ?. - far the came ? li B " ? . : -, mou ta called at rganisa ? ? ? - ha.i ? d of ' I th. . tn bed ' prove ? ? ? ? ?? ii ? ? j. not ? argumen*. ? ? d have *?? ? tour ? - handl? that -.? im . ? ? ? . whereupi stated ? lent a permanent OS read by I ' ?*?" *? -man of the lian *?) corr." ttentlon to th? per ? ? report? ba?ed ead of following in the ?r Barnes, -eeretarj '??cation, rev ? the year from a ??m-itiT? point of vi?w and touched Iliiy aa TOllooi masters. He aaid '*'? there were low ?i .-?.ly-six clubs ? til BBSSelatloa, four of which were **n !b dcrirg ? ,e -.ear?the Areola ??try Club, th? Beflport Golf Club.; ??Nmmed 6? ? Club ar.d the Wood- ? '???Cub. Thlg ? th? largest nur ?i '??? hittory of the essocietien, and th? fnrichlca. diatribotioi ?hows that ? -*?rie7 sot tatas '.y-eigh* *" ?' ' ??.-?? ? ?-^Ccr.r.e' ^ag the tl re? ebompieoshio tourna ? ? si ?*-.*, th? ?I ?.?> arlni er-. He de gji that th? Fos Hill? Coif Club, the '*?' ? and the Gardi ? C ty ? dsse-rred a vote of thoohi hey had taxer. 2?J!**** ' the father and '?"-"???'?? inaugurated hi th? - Club ar.d" held WAUK>?rt>itk. Arrow COLLARS With h__ft_d tips that tankt then, strong. g fa? _?v> uniler the direction of the ar et a:. end gave It as hii opinion that oloo four father, and tons being entei uiade the an "urdoubted st eeiB." He said that the club "denen the thanks of the association for ? ? euch an interesting event."1 ir.rne?. read a Its) of wir.r.ers all of the tourr.amer t.s for which dat been sanctioned, n:?? stUOSSOTiS the winner?; as follows: Philip Cart. 4; Maxwell R. Muriton and Gardm W. White, : i Oswald Eirkby, Walter Travj? August F. Kammer, Roger Tali, Bdwia M. Wild, Nelson M. Wl Dwight Pnrt- dgt Wildo and Percy G. Platt, 1 each. He to'.d of the Introduction of a vt trans' team in the Lesley Cup match i ? " i -mment make regarding the innovation, exce; te ?a.*- t*.ht It was a "aerol feature." ? ??Tidicap list ha? b?-ei. from 5-11 to 5?r'??, and the executive cor H ? ? held three meet r the of routn ? ess. ? -ion is eojui*?*ulei t;on. tiie ticket given oat by the nom nstir.g committee :. coopls of WO) > ?? was unanimously approved. This tleh follows: President, J. B. Coles Tappan, Na sau Country Club; vict-presiden art '.'. Vanderppol, Murr.? Count secretary, E, Mortimi Barnes, F.ngiewood Golf Club; tree: orer, Jai I Stillmai ? ? . the officei .'-.rthur ii. Pogsoi booley, l'ea.. Georg? II. Harne and Archie M. Re?d, St. Andrews. . the r< . Irwin P. Kingsle; c: St Andrew*, gave a dinner to th members of the outgoing fi-nd mcomin I.. of sub-con ? and invited guests. srs the folio*1 fomei A Stillman, National Linkt Erwin J. Ridgway, Uontclalr: Frederic ' ' ; Loull 1 Bayard and Bidnej H Browne, Halru: . ?, | e si an ? ? ? '?: tney and Charlen L I tul ion W, Cm Greenwich; Anson I shinson, Ard? ? ? . ' rar - t ut!e Arthur 11. Pcgso and I '-. Fox Hiils; Wai 1er II. Liebmar? . J. 0*Donc ?rood; William i . Hynan >pac; Perry M. Rusl mort : m I Hail es and 1 t Sew York News] - . Me? ropolitan; sspii Tyng ar.d \ I ; ' r?p? ?'? ? ? ? -.. Moi ? n y \ -wood ? ? ? 8. I'ousrlat ? - ylewood; Devoren; I r?rd - .i ? . > N. Y. A. C. OFFICIALS GUESTS AT DINNER W. H. na;'c a"d (i. T. Montgtrni? cry Hororcd by Associate'. A : diooer m ? la" nigh! to William H '? ft 1 Meotgomer n:.<l rloe-preeidect, n pet tirely, fork Athletic Club by the officers and boar'l of g??( I club. The dinner was held in thi club's city home. The term of both ofrici!. ' : re .-, i 'p ? Pace hi-? declined to accept a fourth nomination. WOI pre.-er.'eri U I sae, while i? .?liver Plate was th" Uontgomery. T. the club treasurer; -Vrthur Mr' ?? the cap P Halpin, L. W. Kear . ' bai R 4 Scott, W. H. Scioch, A. W, Theele, Ed a i J, ] eorgi ... I orbett, W. A. Hine?, Jeremiah Felham. FORTY POMS TRY FOR RIBBONS AT M'ALPIN Mrs. H. H. Hill's Fluffy Chap Named as Best Dog in Show. Miss Van Renssslaar Kenne? dy was the judge yeiterday afternoon at the second match show of th? Amer? ican Pomeranian ("lub, **hich wag held In the Winter Garden of the McAlpin Hotel. Miss Kennedy drew about forty dogs to try for the ribbons. boot dor In the shou .?.as Huffv Chsp. owned bv Mrs H, H, Hi!!. onJ best bitch \?rh Gypsy Love, own el ... Bailor. There ?ist iroodly gathering of pup ? rig put thi ?: paces for the first time, in nrepa n.tior. for the b.r Shows, su? : W'estminster Kennel Clnb exhibition. Some of the WinOOrt yeotorday were: ??-_ "";:;'? .? ? ? ' j >lr? M Kj?-il*.'a n.ttr. -.i la p .rpl?*> ovar all Mr, C I. .*? ? Lot*, Aamrl-tn ? ??l ?in?? v? lit. i ?? ? re '-? -. -o ,*?i? Mn ton'. 1-1 - a - ? -?. M-? H ? <- . ? ?? ? ??I, Mr i ? ? a ? y ,-r * ?a * ? ?, l- j lite i-? o> .? olor. Un H - ? ? ?.j-*r. _<j?4. : '.__* bi-o-n .r a" a ?I ? h. 1 ; - . -,.r .-? ?? I rm.rrt. Poquito rvij hurt, tetrr.. I i - : >??:. - ? i Amherst Swimmers Arrange Six Meets H- MSPSSS '" The T-nt-iui* ) Amhersu Mas?, Dot 14 tkt Arn ??-??? -. i'. oner, 'ts ses ? . k or. January 15 rhe i hedule this iei sis meets, Bee at whicn , - ?me The Harvard swimmers w\]\ be me' A i?'- for rhe Cornel; ? | schedule ? - ,- a-...-. ?-. - .-? . ...? ? ,- ... . * Per MONTH ON PLEDGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY H?. HKOVIDLNT LOAN bOCILlY Of NI.W 1 oKk % MA' MAITA-i. Jj*rth A?eaue. cor. 3Sth Street. A-bldfe St., or. P.?,n|ton St. a\ Houi'or? Si,, cor Esses St. fc??ntl Av.. bet 4gth *k 4*Vth St? PfcflN Av , cor 1341 T**-?! Sy. c-r, Yin.toi 1 "i<S?.,bft. u*.r ,*-,.. _ HBO NB. (yOurtlsndt Av., cor. 148th St. I'.KOI.KI 1 N * . cor. LtelntltO I St Av. s.or brlicvolse SI. Av coi R04 klwiv Av. f y PF.I ' HARGt? ON *\*C , ? , YKV.i WITHIN / tap * I v. i . PATI T*eJpor?li?ht ?yGmrrtlari?Mce Worth a Passing Glance. "You h?v? ventured deeply; but all muat do ?o who would greatly win."? Byron. "Ho lack? worth who dares not praise a fe?.*>?Dryder.. 'YN'o man but a blockhead ever wrote except for monay.**?8amu?l Johnson. "Cowards die many tlmea before their death; tb? valiant never ta?to at death but once."--Shakespeare. "A* ybody can be good in the country" O'tar Wild?. ".Mr Sinclair." say? Mr. A. Herrmann, "is very, very rich " Rut Mr Sinclair hasn't ownei a ball club very long y?t- Clve him tim? The All-Star Class. Dear sir: T bave a team that I would like to back against any toam selected from any one class of any university. This team la composed entirely of men who were members of the 1900 claas at Princeton. Here It Is: R. E., Arthur Po?; R. T., A. R. T. Hil.ebrar.d; R. G.. W H. Edward?; C, W. C. Booth; L. G.. S. C. Cralg: L T., E. H. Holt, I. EL, L. P.. Palmer; Q. B.. J Raird; halfbacks. F. W. Kafer and H. H. Wheeler; fullback. A. C. Ayres From this 1900 class line-up Poe, HUlobrOOd, Edwards, Booth, Holt, Palmer, Baird and Wheeler, no les? than eight, made either Walter Camp's or Caspar Whitney's All-American. In addition to th?se there were seven others In thi? class who made tho 'varsity. AYMAR EMBUTO 11. In ease any rival class accepts this challenge, we'd like to slip in a kopeck or two on th? 19"0 Tigers As ?lass talent goes, they appear to have hsd their share. Trades and Rumors. Manager Bresnahan of the Cubs indignantly denies that he has traded ln fielder Phelan for rltcher Alexander and outfielder ( rava'.h, of the FhYHe?. Manager McGraw branded a? utterly faise 'he report that he had traded pitcher Poll Perritt to Boston for Ever?, Rudolph ?nd Maranvllla. "Do they think I've gone crary?" asked Connie Mack, when asked if he hsd traded tb'rd baseman Kopf for outfielder Speaker and pitcher Shore, *i "ve Red 5-0?, I he (Asyoumightsay) Banner Season. '.'?f- tall *.*?"? "even National League club owner?, the only move we can see ahead for President Tener is the purchase of ?eveu banners, pernants, j-oTifalona or flags, as the rase may p* All seven assured u? earnestly the Natgpral League race I S? ?? g?nn a? ?iver. There was not even the ?-emblanef of a debate left If nnperior batting, pitching, base running, fielding and team play mear, anything. th?se ?even clubs hur?, the goaAg groppl? tied up it. a bag. ! '?; a Bis Day Race is a wonderful ar.d miraculous sporting event com per? te k Big ?aeague meeting. The Greatest Infield. 1 SOS when ths ?tatem-nt hau hern made Ir, several quarters that the old Boston quartet, Tenney, T,ow, long and <~olli?-i?. was the grea"e?t In "Yid that ever played. Not as I figure it. The old Baltimore infield, Doyle, Belts, leanUSgl and McCraw, deserves this honor. Hete are the figures that tell: BOSTON, 1IV7. G. R. Bat. Av. S. B Field. Av. Te&ney, lb. 1S1 .?.'.-. M Lowe, _ b. 12. -" .814 11 Ml Long, S. S. 10?. H .827 M J.ColIttfb, S b .183 101 .346 1? .921 Bjuvrnfofti G. R. Bat. Av. K. B Field. Av. ?"..vie. 1 b. 114 93 JM M .979 Reit* t b. 127 82 .289 25 .lenr.-Tigs. 1 S. Ill 111 .??68 M McCraw, 8 b. 106 M .82? 42 ?92 Tb? Orioles her? had a batting average of .821, against .823. They stole 189 bases to M. And an infield that had Mcl.raw ar.d Jennings certainly had enough baseball brains. H. A. WALLACE. M were t?vo great laflelds. Put who is to say they had anythn.g or. Chance, Fvers, Tinker and f-telnfeldt, of Chicago, 1906, or on McTnr.ts, Collins, Barry and Baker, Philadelphia, 1P10-1P14? For our part we'd tak? those four Mackmen ai.d let the debate die out. .nnati can perpetrate a number of feather-brained deals, but we dont believe even can be feather-brained enough in a baseball way to let Buck Herzog go. Offside Plays. Many ?n entry ha? been br?nded a quitter who merely had Intelligence er-ongh to know when to ?top. If the sverage coont is worth 2 rents, the race goes to the ??rift end th? battle to the strung. "We had th? mo?t consistent team and tha bast team play in th? game last seaeon," ?ays Chief Meyer? of the Giants "Lverybody on the dnb start-d Bhnspiag together and everybody kept it up" There is no truth In th* rumor that the Fed? are planning to switch the franchise of the Buffalo elub to Vienna, Austria. Most of th?m ?lmo?t follow tha annual advice They de thofa I hnstmas Shopping surly. Still, w?'ll ?ay this for Mr. Henry Ford; He never tried to pick an all-star 4 eren. That'? something, anyway. if we ealj had an extra hou- or two we could think up something equally nie? to say about Mr. Bry?n. Clash Between Mrs. Bundy and Miss Bjurstedt Urged Lawn Tennis World Anxious to See Serie* of Matches to Decide the Supremacy. There are any number of lawn tennis ( ?-iasts here in the Last who will j ?ever be satrihed until tbey se? a series Bjf matchOS on the courts between Mrs. Thomas G Hundy. the former May ?Sut ton. of California, and Misa Molla IJaratodt*, of Christiania, ?Norway, the loom tennis champion of Itto. Ihere ?i? luch a meeting between these two great players in California during th?- fast month, and Mr?. Bundj, who formerly held the national and world's championships, wa? victorious in two out of three matches played on the asphalt courts of the Pacific Coast At the first meeting Mis? Hjurstcdt won at 1<> ?"?? 4 ?, and a few days later Mr* Bundy won by a score of I j | i4 The third match resulted in a victory for the California girl, who vari-iuifhed the NeTwcg-taa si? s. i I The comparison Is InterestiOg "r> Rands ?on s total of two matches, feu; sets and thirty lei gamei. ahile Miss Bjurstedt carried off one match, t'r.r<.r rets and thirty-two games, Agures that show how evenly matched they are. Mrs. Bandy was not ranked by the national association this year, ewiog to "it.?officient dula," and rightly so. It seems, wheita.* Miss H'urstcdt, who made almest a clean ?weep of the coun? try in winning a dozen champior.-hip?, was ranged at No. I, It is eleven years since Mus . was carrying all before her and after she had retired, as Mrs. Bundy, her name became only a memory of former greotSOSS >-n the courts. New cham piens came and went; but it was not un',i the fyr riOOtsd by the tional playing of Mi?- Bjurstedt, the first foreigner to wir, the American title, aroxe, that Mrs. Bundy emerged from obscurity and began to appeal in ?'aliforn.a tournamer.t?. KieS Mary Browne, who ?tun the tit'e in IMS, 191*1 and 1914, was another of the great California playera who was lured from retirement by the ?uee?e?; o? the Norwegian girl, but ?lie wai forced to lower her colors to Mies Biur stedt ir a serie? of ej-eca! m_trhes Only Mra. Bundy remained to di'j j*" tiii- new champion's sway, and few be? lieved sh? 4'ould regain bei f. ? land , Always known as <ne of the hardest REICH WRECKS SAILOR CARROLL IN SHORT ORDER Pilot Haley Tows Shiver? ing Craft to Safe Moor? ing After 40 Seconds. By IGOE. Al Reich punched his way bsek Into the charmed circle et heavyweights ?est night against Sailor Carroll in Just ?0 seconds at the American Sporting Club. Carroll was floored with a left hook almost as soon as he dropped fais hands after the uiual handshake. I arroll did manage *o make a single rush at Reich and succeeded in landing a wild punch that he brought all the way from winter quarters. Reich measured htm and dropped him dead in _il tracks. Carroll very sailor-like arose before his weather legs and his heaman'f head were equal to the task. He got up and pawed weakly at the ?donli ?'.eich took deliberate aim for a pot shot at the ?tarboard ?'.do of Carrol,'.? jaw. The shot struck dead centre and the sailor went down on his beam end. He lit on h;s right binocular in the resin, the rest of the craft liowly fol Bg a total wreck. II" lay there, sa. - abac il ??? eg la s sry ember. PI t Haley n eme:deal!) began the count of six be!!s over the st?. :cken bark. Is the mean time Landlubber i Re'fh stood .i? the offing, the most sur-: iirn-ci n..?n in the picture. He had neon ' . ... ? that the sailor SI a tour-h rr:e to s As Haley tolled off the count the bou of the vice- slowly rose. By an extroord nary sil brought up on sr ?ven keeh He WOS so storn. toised and In such a dismantled con? dition that '? ? ;. towed I - the safe moorings of his home port deckhands striking h!? c '.ors as the, ' landlubber Letch rent the a.r with loud acclaims. Again Reich has them gaeeeiag. He hit m msn*' lous fa?hion, both Ms punches flooring MASKED MARVEL DEFEATS LURICH Unknown Wrestler Again Dispiays Uncanny Skill in Big Tourney. The "Masked Marvel" continued his winning ways at the Manhattan Opera House last nigh) the Internetional ?restl.r.g touir.ann-r.t, Ceorge Luric ,, ... I ? ? id to crv "Enougl " al tl .- end of twenty-four minutts and thirty soeoadi of v Gra-co- Roman game. The ".*. ? r ? f'zar's little white brother, brea? : ^ ? holds I.unch succeeded :? | | aad doing ail tue aggrer-sive work himself The bout ?*_? only scheduled for ? to the front of ?he stags and i tat be would like to make it a affair, knowinr, as he did, that ha would throe masked or.". T.. -s and Lur ? e men to it i but after a little more than four n I *he extra period' the "M, locured a vic.ous hold around Lurich'i neck and applie?! uch tremendous ; r" - in that I.urich r?re Hothner. ths *? ths unknown was declare . r. I ' ? .. ? gifted u i. uriii' . ?--.-?. He broke aU La soso I more than ' ? e unknown . ? . .-???, , and vari e ?rere inado Ha to wh'i he '? i Ferhaps '*' y-rko, the Rus? sian, who meets him to-night, will be able to tear the maik from his face and and '?'. not him, then A > nrr.pion of th? world at Crieco-Roman style. ni?e*s the Marvel on Thursday nigr.t. i ? rre La I at valiant son of France, who begin:? to worry when he tips the I I Bl less than ISO pounds, took on ---?o Heronpoo, of Fin? land, ?i: a 80?BB BUtch ur drrreo-Rorcai' The boys s'ormed about on the mat for fortv-three minutes, each an psrently aiming to see who could outdo ? -her as a comedian. Every time ? aa found himself In n t'ckli.h on and in dar.<_,cr of being fltir tened he got out of danger by tickling Le I ele so? whe shrieked aloud in . and inooh the building with hor . irif-gles. L_ ' pa_. a'tor hav ner, who ? ty French ? . -y he would not ?hake hands iries, the announcer, aa i alee little aoi sad that I - bis father. h the i ' ptler held i s twenty-minute druv. ?ti.* ? threw har, a chancery and ?v It, and Strangler Lea Is and ,. draw _- ths OraecO'Bomen HARVARD CLUB GAINS VICTORY IN SQUASH The llar-- SS 7 defeated lb 01 -quash ye? ? .... u .n.ent ?eries. The ? i,_.. ? ib i?, i ?,.?*'? -? - I r '. : ? I " '?-?l/.i 4? M H ni-h?rl. , . :?'?>??<? : a v . . .:4 matcM?. CV _ ttera among women lawn tennis- play Mrs Rur.dy soon proved that ?he ? >ng as ever, either off ROOnd or oves head, and won a.I i she appeared. i Btches ?> ? '? ss BJorstedt were arranged, resulting in Mrs. Bun rtory. Hut this doe? not mean tha* the for ?ir?an girl's rior at the game, liles BJareUdt -, an unusually Strenuous - on tiie courts, and the fast, un i.g surface of the asphalt where Ches with Mr*. Hundy were p'a^ed mu?t have proved more or less of a handicap It j. boeauss ef this that persons here in the hast are anxious to see the present and the former champion meet IB and settle ?OStion of supremacy OOCC e: i ff,r s'l * me And it s - or hey.' possibility thai the uex) national B, in June. $35,600 LOT FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT Wife of Ex-State Senator Thompson Will Be the Recipient. "SHOPPING DONE" IN EXCHANGE ROOMS Henry Morgfcrrthaa's Nephew Gets $2,500 Profit?Bronx Sale Nets $255,850. Ex-StaU 8on?tor Thompson. of Rrooklyn, did hi? Christmas shopping in the Exchang? Salesroom, at 14 Vesey st., yesterday, and bought a I Bronx parcel a? a gift for hia wife. If she hang? up a stocking ? - ?rnas Eve the contract of pur? chase will be placed In th? toe of it, ar.d over the contract, which will b? in a large envelope, w'.ll be poured candy ar.d then M many orange? as possible will bo packed in. Thus, it will look llhs most Christmas stockings. The $35.600 parcel which Mrs. Thompson will receiva as a gift is the old road house premises at the northeast cor? ner of Jerome av. and 182d at., which were owned by George H. H ?ber, who for many years was proprietor of Hubert Museum, tfl 14th St Th? total ?um realized for the er.tlre offering of 241 lots of the Martin Schrer.keisen-George H. Huber estates was $256.860. For the Martin Scnren keisen lots, numbering 185, 1131,850 was ?.aid, or an ave rag? of $718 a lot. T; e ."?? lots owned by George H. Huber went for $124,000, an average of $-,214 a lot. Anthony Werner bought th? plot at the southwest corner of Weeteoestet av. ar.d Whit.? Plains road for f | the other buyers of lots in the Last Brons were F eV Stafford. James Keane, NY Martin. F. W. Uppenheimer,' . ? V" Taylor Improvement Company and the Baibour Realty Com "T're sole of the 241 lots was a r.ota - ?i i ."? Y ??rs Day and I'?'. ,es last night "Owing to the biizzard, which swept over this eit*f sad yesterday, we ex attendance SI ?? 'unter our first 'real'y frost' e auction fule?room. Truly, it v\us an achi?-vement to aell every lot the offei ?? in the winter acar?n, i.rd when the weather was most unfa ? le." Robert F. Simon, nephew of Henry ? assador to the man Fmpire, figured large In ths ? nas gift transaction. He was the highest bidder for the pro;. ? hen offere?! ye-terday from the stand of Joseph F Day. Hi? succeas " 400 A few moments later ex -Yate Senator Thompson, who ? sen one of the bidders for the parcel, asked Simon at what sum he : sell the premises "1 ?ant a ' $2 ," r< plied Siaoo. An agreement on that basis '-vas soo:. '-.. so next time Robert writes to \c!e he will probably b??gin his '""er as follows: "My Pea*- I j '; 1 not fgjj to attend the voluntary I of 241 lots of th.e M ir ?i end Ooetgs H Huber 1 I succeeded In bei" r among y.? ?moeessfttl bidders. I was la the auction room just about two hours, and ?iy minute I was there I BUMS a I of abo'it |21 for the Henry Mor -u Company. I got the plot at IS2d St and Jerome av.. o*i which is the old Huber roadhouse, a favorite BO place, as you know, when tvtreon harness hor?es of the ig iron of daily occurrence alonp Jerome av. I secured th? prop? erty foi $82,100 and was offered a profit ere I left the sale?room. The realty outlook is certain'y en? couraging. "Hoping this f nds you In good health, ! remsin j r?nhew, "ROBERT." Masera Joseph P. Day ?nd J. (lar Daetee, who as agenta and aue ? -s conducted thi? sale of well '..en-.???: Broas Iota snid sose? daps prior to the sale that all tho ! the Schrtr.keifen and Huber setetes ! make very acceptable Christina? . ts the Sites were ?n the. new rapid tran?:t subway zones of The Bronx, where higher values are antici pa'ed Many persons followed this ad hrd therefore th?re will be some ?rj happy rseiplents of lots on Christ? Tcrning, besides the wife of ex Ststc ? I homnson. The two lots to the east of tha gift corner st 162d st and Jerome av were ased hy Jamos J. Keane for $2. soeh, aid tie next two easterlr l fronting on 162c? st. changed hands at $2,400 each. Then followed a sharp decline in the prieea for the remaining lots or. 162d st., owing to th? fact that the bed of old ("romwell n ? ? touches those parcels. The trtsngnler ?baaed lot at the northwest corner of 162d st. and Crom av. wert for $450, and the two adjoining lots foi $TO(> each. Lot 14 ?m Jerome av., ?rl ? |o?t north of mor, I I for $4.100. Th? iresterlp Jerome av. lot went te T Foody for $3,100, and then the mos" ?v lot in this block was secured by M. <- D. Whithorn on a bid of $3. ?V. Mor.asb was also a buyer of Huber property. "The lot? are going at half wha' ,.re worth." sa'd George H. Huber during the aale. "If I waa a youni* nun. I would not se'.! them at sil, but would hold on to them and make al' the proilts which tl ? h'iyers w ill reap." "Are any of the celebrities who Mi to appear at your museum present ar.i 'amor.* " he was asked. Mr. Huber look- i llewtp about tho room at the hundreds of person:. "No. I guess the> . ore all out working. They haven't got ?rice for lots." "Surely they could afford to buy one or more of the ? nkeisen lote, are going a*. bargain sums." interrupted a hearer "Too bad. they arc not here to get them," Based Mr. H-iber a? he walked to a aeat. The sale began at 11:30 o'clock, the first lot offered being No. 143, at the southwest corner of White Plains Road and Wation av. Terence J CfO mn was the buyer. He also got th? adjoining westerly lot for $600. and t^ree other continuous lota, his total pure' a?e representing an investmen? lioi lots on this block front ?old as low ia? $310. The south ? <-on er of White Plains Road and Watson av was disposed of for $1.00 . ??.lioinlns* lot to the south went the northwest corner ? ?v. and White Plains Road 11426 VOS paid, and for the southeast corner, diagonally opposite. The sales on the private market yes ?erday were: FAST 331' ST. WilYaro A. White <_ Sons have sold for the Guaranty Trust Company, as trustees. 152 East 33d at. The buyer, th? Kobert Hoe F-tat*. ?he abutting ?ts 161 Fust 32d st. Th? purchase of thi propertv gives them an outlet t 8?d at WHITE PLAIN. ROAr* M. Just sold for Mux Marx the northeast cor j HBU it and W* Bead, a nlot 86xloo. to T G Galord reel t I M last sold tht tire? story duelling, S58 West lCSd st. on lot 16t100.11. HAVEN AV.?L. J. Phillips 4 Co. have - for ***e e?tate of Anna M ?ardan:, their property on the wes' side of Haven av about 2T.S foot north of 17?."?h st_, to the Rosen Rea Construction Company, who recently acquired the abutting property from Adolph Wurtburger, as announced In theso columns, thus completing the plot of 60 feet. The buying company will shortly Improve the prrpert;, - ? an apartment house. ? ACTIVITY AT BAY IUDQE Dowllng-MnlleT Company Sella Many Lota and Large Plots. Activity In the Bay R'dge section of Brooklyn continues. Powlhag Miller Company has sold three lots on the north aide of 01st st., between Fourth ar.d Fifth avs; five '.eis. Including t.-tl northeast correr of Fifth av. and 8_d st ; nftesn lots on the north side of 82d st.. between Fifth and ?ixth ave; three lots 01 tl S east side of 80th st.. between KiuetOOata and Twentieth avs; Howard Pyle 4 Co., a block front of ten lo*s. on Fourth av be? tween *?3d and ??'th ?ts.: with De Lack Levey Company, five iota the northwest comer of Fiftn av. and Ttth st; nineteen Iota on Sixth av., includ? ing the southeast and southwest cor? ners of 80th st.; two plot? on Sixth av., log the northwest comer of iv. and 81st St.; five lots. Includ? ing the southwest corner of Third av. and 68th st., and two one-fami'.y houses on 8?th st., between Sixth and Seventh avs. The properties will be immediately improved with modem, buildings. Louis Gold ha? sold the three two story and store brick buildings on the south side of Jamaica av., near Wood haven av., Woodhaven, L. L, to an In? vestor Frank A. Feover ?ft Co. have sold the one-family brick bouse 139?. 79th st., Dyker Heights, for F. A. Pellegrico, to an investor. Burrill Brothers have sold the three Story and basement brownstone house, 2.9 Berkeley Piace, between Seventh and Eighth av? , lot 21x100, for the Elisabeth G. Hill estate, to a buyer for occupancy. a WILL MOVE TO 40TH ST. Western Electric to Have Branch Office There Albert B. Ashforth, Inc., haa leased the store and basement In the Tilden Building at 105 111 West 40th st., for the City Real Est?t? Company, to the We?tern Electric ?"ompany, Inc, for a long term of years. The branch of the Western EHectric Company, which has beoB established at Murray street for a number of years, has now joined the uptown colony, and will occupy the above premises after extensive alterations have been made. The space leased in the Tilden build? ing will be occupied as executive offices, showrooms and salesrooms, where the company will bave on sale, a full line of electrical supplies. e NAMED VICE-PRESIDENT C C Mallaly Be-rnmee en Official of Farley Organization. Charles C. Mallaly, who for over a year has been directing the sales for the Robert E. Farley organization st Nepperhan Heights, Yonkers, has be? come second vice-president of the or gan'.ation, with offices in the Grand Central Terminal. In connection with his former duties as sales manager of Nepperhan Heights, Yonkers, the Nelson Estates at Peeks kill and Battle Hill Park, at White Plains, Mr. Mul'.aly was made director and sale? manager of the Estates of Tappan Zee, Inc., at Tarrytown, and manager of the Hudion River Bureau, other branches of the Robert E. Far? ley organization. i ? To Provide B.ilding- Loan. The New Tork Title Insurance Com pany has agreed to provide fTO.Oi'O as ? a building loan for the purpose of erecting two fncntory apartment ? s on the west side of Crest?n av., 244.72 and 444.72 feet, respectively, north of li)*?th st. the plans for which . were t'.led recently by the Padula Realty and Construction Company. The l'adula Realty and Construction Company intends to erect two five-1 apartments, which are expected | to i-o ready for occupancy in the early i-ummer. Sales at Auction. _? m r.^j H*j-a*t B; .m-,- r : ?. 3I8T ST. 41 w, n i. ?"?.* ft ? frU* ?r, UlWt ; Ms brlr? loft and at~re bulldta?. toiA to U-) p.?_nU.T for 171 Ml ?7TM st. 4? ta II a a _. ISS H e eu. ?* ?of** ISJ H) -rti. h ne: lr;ari?r.?_i_, tdleurani to .'? aar, 4. Th* r**.;t* ?t lb* wltnr-axr ?<* ??-? ot Um _!*?*_-. 6?i[.!-__i"l_??"_ te. 1 U-? rgt Il Hut-er ??'.?_??. 1*111 be t"\:r.i L'i -_.ol.Vr ?al ,nu_ ?i* Broca Ka-l.*-|? U* H-atMl __-_-? WALTOM AV. MM * a. Ml n of ISfrU-Jt? 1SM M 8 Ii'j dw?. ;.._ u> IXa &l_lr.t'._ (or F MO B? CUrm A. b---.a, IS7TH ST. ITI E. ? _ U? I w W_:_ ??. tdzlOt * aij termu to th? gUmtm tm t?.M* bt Jowpb r. x>v B?4R SWAMP ROAO. .?:_ * a Ut a marri? Pu. ?t. Mi?? iOi..*iM twuit, ?__T to um ? _;.*.'_? tot f. J" ?TONAH AV. r. r cor O?-i -A. 100-lSfi, Tacan! i?- tr.? ?.au.tlff '.m |TJ SEDGWI.K AV. w a. f?t. a of ITTth ?r. B HS..S i-'i? I ta,-_r_. lo th* l?TOa fii_??iu _ral'_r 3D av. a ifl un. ? * -? iwtt ?t, roar****- ir--_ t tu us. ml* _r.d *t~r*?_ ?old lo UM ?l*r?r,d*_.? * .r t?. ?O New Building Plan*. Msnhattan. ITH AV. -? ? Mag *-?. 434*1 ?4. n e. Ut ft ? Stb ?? ror tiret I vnrt norm and ? -all r ?._?__?? an. ?tudlo*. l__H ? [110. M II il ? ?.-. IM Broad??.? owl.?*.-, -.- 4 .vn.ur.t Co i????** I? B __s?_3__-_tt. a. 1 S -M . a? ?.--.LU-?-*-. |4?.0i>?3 The Brou. CRESCENT AV. ? . M - r. ;?*??_-, ?t? S-?*? b-1-S at??, a? 1 i - ? ? lat?m i K_-jn?bl-r, la? ??.?r Hutt T lto?*U, ?d ?T . i .? ? ?? nets, ?-"_ Si I i,M"iO CONCOURSE. ?* a. 14 ?3 a 1IT*_. r.. I ??'? ? a- : .- -v !ir33 ?tram ri Ta'- ?a, si!4 .'a ? . tTMS: ?Css! ?1 Ita*L UM rrm r- ? 4 t RRI80N AV - a. ?J? IT n Tremara a? M Si44 4. **?-?n?n Co Ine, Tr?-! 1" rr#T.-.'i. IM C'.-'.r:?' '.: ... ?-*?___?_ ??? ?.fr.? F . Ea*t 4-d a?, a II- ' UERRIAM AV, ? a ;.' Pi? a l*0*Ji at, th-~, 5 ?? b.l / HBISta II ??S? i . Mit? i ? ? " t .4 .' . r l'tlban. I-. . M K*-*. I. I * -ta Alterations. The Bronx. tUT* ST. ? ?. IIS ? ?rr,tjw*ct\ m t*? l-?tT bric* Ufinu. Ki??; HiV "_mh_ lx>ut,!j\e}. loi E*et JlSih ?t. o?tn<- Rot>?rt F frmZ M. T. I M. te?mUm _ M.C")o PRINCETON FIVE HAS^LOSE CALL '11- T*l**T?pi; (~ TTm Tri Dun*.) Princtton, N J.t Dec. U?In the f.r*t home game of the. ?ea?on the Princeton basketball team defeated Manhattan ?"ol'.ege by a seori- of 24 to M here to? night. The f.r.-t vn'.f closed with the ?core, 13 to T^in Princeton's favor, but Manhattan rallied and toward the end had the score 20 t?i ?U. Then two goals iptaia UeTlgae in the loot few minutes of play ?efled the contest Priacetoa s pai lit _:und shooting were poor, and tl -.-ores came largely as * : lay? rather than bj a: ... < aptain McTigue and I'av.en played well for Princeton. Janus and Paulson, regu? lars, ?*>> floor. iniMTT'iv -__?inurr_N r?- r\ r? r i r? pu f\ia??o. r r r i o a i'.?i-* if i*s _?*___,, L f 3 e ? ?.?i?"'. L f ? '? o I? -? J S IS M-llsvi*. ? a ' . ?Si Ver?-*??, f ? I 1 ? ' >'.? I ? < - ? uf ludlt? . -?? SCHAIT RENTS 46TH ST. SPACE Dealer in Chinese Curios To Be Tenant of Build? ing Near Fifth Ave. Harris * Vaughan. I-ic_ hav? rented space on the fourth floor at 12 Fast 4*"th st, to Schait. dealer in Chinase curios and porceY.ina, for tho Rita Realty Company. Charles f. Noyea Corr.nar.y has eu?ed Store No. 1 In the buY?; Fulton st., corner of Front at.. Is ert Gordon fer a term of years. Th.s lease completes th? reut'n;* of this five atory and basement building, which was parcbaeed by lbs Derison Bealt) ? ration -?s*. >>*?r:r.g and remodelled rector. t building indicates the dema-id in tins Fa?. lection for boildings pr?>r>erl> pro-red. The Noyes company haa als" leased the store and basement, ?"'1 Fu ton st., for Frederick Van Wyck, to Israel Abram and Herman Nass. The Yross ? Brow-?. Company haa leased srith M. tt L. Hess, l_/_0 fee of spue?.? !:-. the tenth and eU?ent;. lofta of 29-33 West Stith at., to Lev?n thai s. Vo?el, Inc.; al?o atudio on the third floor, 9-18 Eaat 69th it, to A. W. Wardwell for Frederick Ayer-, store at 22 West 46th ?t. for Arthur B. Lewis, to K. Pierce and W. Goggtaa; also 40 Murray at., atora and basement to Paul If | I ., for a tena o? year?, for the ?state of K. M. Browni Yeadn st., 14.000 feet of ?pac?, to the Nathan Arkled Company, for o term of years; store, 246-249 Woot Htb st, to F. B. Porter and F. W. Decktrade, for P J. Donovan; 106-118 Wooster st., 25.000 feet of ?pace on th? third, fourth and fifth lofta, to Oppen? heim _ Co., and ?pac* on th? fifth floor 4M Fifth av , to A. W. H. Grieg?, tar Horace S F y & Co. M. & L. Hess. Ine., hav? leaeed for the Polo Construction Company 8,000 square feet of space at 60-54 W?st 17th st.; for Charles Hirschhorn, spec? on the eighth floor at 14? 150 W?at 2Sd rt, and trr the Gibson Conatmotlon Company space on th? sixth floor at is* list St. The Lewis H. May Company bos leased for J. Bohne the flrat loft st M West ttth ?t. to the Regal Button * Supply (*o? snd for Mary L. Fra?or f-.ace at 1 " West 27th at, to Loot? Shapiro. ST. JOHN SMITH RENTS H0USEJN 91ST ST. Leases for the Winter Airm. F. Bartlett's Dwelling. Worthlngton Whltehonsa, Ina_ ho? leased for the winter, furnished, the hous? at 87 Eaat Mst ?t, for Mr? Franklin Bartlett to St. John Smith. Peaa? & El loman hav? rented, fur nlahed, for Theodore V. A. Tro'ter, to Frederick K. TraslL the four story and basement 20-foot dwelling at 18? East 87th st.; also rented, furnished, for W R. Thurston hi: apartment In 103 Fas" ? " to John H. Putnam. Portar & Co. have leas?-) for Richard. Freund, to William H. Anstead, th.? four story American basement av, located at 2.?'? West 137th ?t. Douglas L. Flliman & Co. have rer." ed, furnished, for the season, fei estaU of Arthur 0. Bedgwtek, Pat: Tuckerman, executor, fi Fust 10t* - four atory private house on a loi '. to C. Philip roleman. $40,000 L I. HOUSE FOR F. T. STEINWAY Buys Colonial Residence on North Drive. Great Neck. The Rick-r* Finiay Boolty ?'ompar.v has sold to Frederick T. Steinway, of - piano manufacturers, lonial residence located on a plot having a trontagfl of 240 feet on North Drive, Kensingtor-Great Nod n is the largest ever built by the company for sale, having a frontage of 111 feet, containing 18 rooms and 6 baths, waa ?old for ap? proximately $-10.' Fortieth Street Improvement Gronanberg _ Leuehlag are prepar? ing plane for extensive alterations to a four atory and basement dwelling at 11 West 40th St for Charles Brown. When completed It will be a six ?tory and cellar structure with elevator, ar? ranged for stores, office? and bachelor apartments, on a lot 22.5x100 foot, at a cost of $10,000. Mn. Henry W. Buyer a Bayer The ?earedale Estates, Rob?rt E. far i ley, pr?sidant, has ?old a plot on th? : west side of Clai-emont av, st Qreoo ecres. in the viiiag? of Scandal?, to Mra. Henry W. Ruger, of WhlU Plain?. who will build at once. _RZAL_ ESTATTL_ NEW -ri.?il FACTORY SITU] On Deep Water with Railroad facilities Property looataO midway hmterema -??wark an? Jeremy City. H !.. P MILES rtUiit PL T. CITT HAU* fronting oo the PaaiMlo aa? H_cfe mi?ck Rlrera; la t_? beaut el UM World's Greatest Lsbor Ms-tit croe??,1 try FOUR RAILROADS and tl.-lr ?-.:.?? Mdinca from v.r.i-ft .-n bai Ola'? ?'. Pennsylvania R. R. Central R. R. ol N. J. D-, L. & W. R. R. Erie Railroad Newark hey and P-aa-le Olvet i"tir.?i;i u-> '.o thai proiaerty |l f--- at low ? -? iroperty saltable for any kind ol manul-icturlng or commercial enterprise re? quiring tide water and railroad facilities. I ' '? ? II Nim-j St. -*??Co??. W T City. :? hastrts I?. p0Srtss*m*\ THE PRUDENT CITIZEN ?mu-?? ?? . t Ht ?? How i ? bornai Wa? ere ape ? ? ? -a and 1 ?..?. ? M v. ta for m "Safety Pli-a? - - ,r, I our guarantOOd rnortam?-?. North Jersey Title Insurance Co., MA? KKX&AI h. v J. N. T !:?? i ? . ?". H-??Jtw?? (nisi ai rhiii'i kt . HrrnT ?inan.ui. i'I-an kor rtTUTtA-ls or "'.jfr Mete ? >??_t KM St. i'.(,*- _ . . U I'uaata* ?00? Mad, a* V