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MITCHEL FAVORS ARISTOCRACY, SAYS CHURCHILL Appointment of Education Board Members by the Mayor Denounced. KEEP BODY FREE OF POLITICS, IS PLEA Witness Tells Legislators Man with New York BrogMC L.xcels Oxford Man. The Roard of Education bad i ings yesterday before "he Joint tlve commute? which is invc.-r. the city'* finance." Thomas W. Church? il. president of the board, and Join: Martin, chairman of the board'-, committee on economy, Improvi opportunity a? w.'i.? --.. ? ??. toll the leg? islators how l?? mate and the t. m atnt-.v about 'he mai ' *'ds of the educational fmrchill rtred _ few losl >? Mayor and ??oes of the rle .Minor Mitch?! resumed the witness ?tai. U d pro I Bgainst turth? i Islotl ?trongly objected t tac eity'i ??, and pointed out thai ' - budget of ?ndatory s< amounted to ?53,261,767, Including th? roi-t of the Public and the Hoard of Wat. ? also manda In answer to qnostions by Senator Klut: it. Hrown, chaii r..ui of the eom , us to what matters the Mayor ndatory, the witness eald: "I will make an omn.bu-i statement mat I think that only those provisYons lid le mandatory vvhicu ?pply to . ? ofic?alo.** Oppose App<?lntments by Mayor. .;, in Mr. CaarchiU'S testimony he came out flatly against the Ma? or having the appointment of meml>.?ra <>f the Hoard of Education. Tho Mayor ' .?\,rnl new mem-! ? tho board. ??'lh?> tendency of the Mayor," said Mr. Churchill, " ? 1 the nristo i thee ommunity and forget the democratic. Some men of high education arc color bl rid. An Ol * .ay not mu ?rith an ordinary lion with the New York brogue I lips. I would prefer ai.y other, d than the appointment of tho hoard Major.** Mi Churchill explained further that t ?? a wrong tor any man holding an tat type to have the power tment?, or to try to get '. oi the Board of F.ducation for .. of keeping the taxes down. ? nt do you think about letting of 1 .?te fix the teach i ked Chairman Hrown. "That is about the worst thing that ! he said on the subject,'' Mr. ehill replied. ,-lt wi uld demor th? Board of Education and the i of Estimate, too. I don't think it? should have a i.? with education except ? ii." ??Im. ?? he-it efficiency my require the xing of tho ??a by the Hoard of Education?" asked Senator Hrown. ?sent conditions, with I financial stress and storm , government, I ?would pre-' Yvark in Albany,'' said ' ? !.. ich.11. Object?! to Political Control. "I would not g:v? the Board of Edu? cation the power to fix ?alan?s if they were under Bny political Influence, whether that of the Mayor or of the Board of Estimate. What we want is to be free from any financial or po? litical control by tne municipal gov? ernment." Mayor Mitrhel was not present when President Churchill testified. Con? troller Prendergait sat near the edu? cational bead, however, and many of the witness's pointed remarks were di? rected at him. The Controller had suggested to the legislators the day before that the "extravagance"" in the Board of Education waa due entirely to "inefficient management " Mr. ?.'hurchill said he did not agree with Martin, who liad teatified that the teachers' equal pay law ahould not have been enacted, and that mm.y women teachers were over? paid under it. lie said he believed in pay.rg toochors tho full value of their services, whether men or women. He said be agreed with Mr. Martin on the general proposition that women did not make as good teachers as men. Commissioner Martin said the "mar? ket value" ol women teachers was not aa high as that of men teachera. you mean to say that the only rear.?ri that women should not have the same salar is that the mar? ket value of thotf work is not up to that of the n:.n?" demanded Sheriff ?loet Al Smith, one of the three Dem? ocratic members of the committee. I man'a wot i us a rule," i. ; .i..!.:. Mutier Mat ? "De you mean to aay that there are ro women in the achools, doing work simiiar or identical to that of the men, whose standard of work is not equal to ?hat of the men?" Aoaemblyman Smith The witness rep',ied that it was not tru? in all instances, but the men wore the bottOf teacher?. He de? clared that Instead of the maximum salary of |2,660 for women teachers -r.der the equal pay law he would piuca ?er th? old maximum of $1. ? me time allowing the woman's ? alaries to run up in a much shorter 1 eriod of time. High Salarie* to Attract Men. ?s said that nowhere in the world ;rh school teachera r?-re'.ve such ?alaries. 1 ? ? w. r? ??rerl to attract a tnore .?Wcient men teacher?, he declared. "Wasn't It after th. womm'a salarie?, t th? boar. teach? i ?'_*.' a-, ?mhlyman Smith. ' ne eontran "? witness. trary, Well, I don't like to doubt your ?*.?.? subject, hacaos? you ?r. ?ei of Education, but 1 hore ? different idea of ,../' ,ald Mr ham* ? '*?< not || toot i.* women teacher* with thr a my way," boU Mr, Mar? ? th? ] v ? ' ? ?? m? l M-,?rd ? "h?ra*jse the?, I ? , . v.^jld hav? TAJ*LEAL*?_ FOR TANGIER WAR SUFFERERS. Charlotte Niese and Mart ht Hick to pose in "Mis.? Simplicity" at th.' Hotel Plazo. nominations mudo by opposing politi? cal partios, and in u fee would hare s hoard with a political r , which would be very detri? mental to the schools. The lituation In the i?ri- ei I Public Berrii sion is an e: ample of what I mean." The committee will !? - hour ing- ??' daj at J) a. rn Chairman Brown announeed he would call Miss Grace C. Strachan, District Superin? tendent of i-chools. FOOD AND CLOTHES SERBIA'S BIG NEEDS Princess Hrebelianovich Re ceivts Appeal to America from a Countrywoman. nbing the terrible disaster that . has safferod, u letter c?n? tenla;,- to Priaeeos La.arovn h-Hrcbelia novich from a Serbian woman, appeal? ing to the princess and 'he American people for aid. The author of the let? ras foijieriy in tiie service of ?? Helen Korag | Th_ lettei folio we: "1 Make haste to inform you of the terrible conditions in Serbia, as, no doubt, the .-vim : has in- i formed >ou. Bat? eren so, ??- would be' unable to give you a true picture 01 forint . re but half true 1 know yotu pool bear) ache. Place yourseli m mi position Seeing ' . )le tO help, - oh, sue I sip Knowing you are so devoted to Serbia, I think it enough to nay to ?on that the mi ?ill ers, wives and children of the poor, unfortunat?- Bcrbian Si hungry, thread? bare and cold, facm : tne Are, Call out for help no answer. "What must be done now ?i m,medi? ato re.ief that is, food and clothes. It Is impossible for me to tell you bow this can or should be done. 1 leave that to your knowledge and the rim sympath.. of you and the American j people. "I have been able to organize a com? mittee of some of the boat men ig Sir bia to help distribute quickly and accu? rately those things where the\ are most needed. All goods or conimui.i cations of any kind must be sent to the FrotV.inghum Children's Institute, care Commit?.?*?' Darinka Grouich, care American CottBul, Sal?nica, Greece, for safety. "I?o piense pardon my sending- this letter to be forwarded by Nikola Tesla, .but In fleoing from one place to an? other all rr.\ clothe? and personal pa? cers are lostr- your address included.; In the name of all the Serbian suffer- | era, I *hank von and any who h*lp or ?wish to help in any way. Serbian re? | ' gard.- nceielv vour*. "DARINKA GRODICH." CHRISTMAS DOLLS, ON TREE, TO TALK Wireless Will Carry Words to Child Welfare League Entertainment. A Christmas tree, fitted out witn wireless appnratus, and upon which talking dolls will hang, w 11 be the ?centre of attraction . ?ituiri ? ment of the Internar , Wel? fare League in the I - Bilt? | more Hotel on Dooeiab? The Governors of most of the states In the T'nion have signified their de? sire to help the league, and it is in tend?'d that each Governor s).8 a wireless, which will )?? received at the tree, stating his Christmas glf* in the way of beneficial laws for chil? dren. Talking dolls, which will be really telephones Sfith a doll'? lie;, the proper eostame, will represent each country of the world and will ? ? - set thei r tria?. ; .?st and Dt, and their hopes f.>r the fu? ture. A Inrp-e doll drissed as ' ica will bestow a general bli upon the lei SOI <"??-. r ? ? Among the patron? of the celebra- ; I Mi?. William Jay Schief? ' f.'hn. Misi Marios Townsend, M \ Hart" ?Mr? Howard Carroll, Mr?. William H. Wheeler. Mr? ? Chan - lman, Mrs. J, i. Mi Donald, I p Ly 1 '?' irles S. ?? nn, Mr. and Mr* MarcUl Marks. |fr a- Mn Henry Villai I. Mise Mar Karet W.l-on, Mr. and Mrs. J. ' Mr and Mr?. < h?? ?. ? ?igate Hoj t, I>r and John ?-11 14th Street, near Fourth Avenue. A ST KANU SNACK For Luntktnn Tn-da*, 11 30 lo 2 TRY III ?' " r t?mi. f. m nu re 4?..1.1 I ? ? STRAND ROOF (iARDEN, . * I II A I ? , -, | ? < mil? I ri?* lu ?noMf BW? <j. Wette ?-p. KAISER RETURN! CRAZED CAPTIVE France. Flooded by Si< and Insane, Old an. Young, Cries for Aid. Report? of unheli? sbl< ?trocit which have been perpetrated on / menian< during the last three mont are being received doily, says I ni Committas "?T Armenian a Syrian Relief, 70 Fifth Avenue, in Y?r contributions, ?in the coi mittee are Cleveland H nal Gibbon?, Bishop Gr?er, Osc Straus and John I. Crane is treasurer Several letters from misi SI I I ? committee heads and Lord Hrvc. speech befor? the Bouse of Lords a hy the committee in proof the atrocit.i i and the need for aid. The chairman i !he Lord Mnyor's Committee df ri writes: "The committee kt.ov that there are ?HJ.O?O refugees sti m the Caucasus, besides B0.00Q i I have died th. re and 70,000 who hn? returned to pans of Iurkev ar Persia." Henry Morgenihau, Amr-rici v ? , ador to Turkey, say there wi be "untold sutfenng among ?, soph during tho winter." The America?. Committee for A, i that c ths 2,000,000 Armenian li .Turkey year ago at least 1,000 "": h ITS SO? killed, forced Islam, driven fror ths country or bars died on the \?a to etilc. A programme of French prints i tableau? and of old and new dances t helo uros sufferers in Tangier* ?oil take place nr the Plaza to-night. Mr; William S. ?ulbett is in charge. Done ing, ;.t which severs] of this debutantes will be press?t, *:ll follov the tableaus. Gonsaaj Return? Captivos?III. i able messages from the America? Relief Clearing HoUBC i terday not only appeal for Immedia ? aid, but tell of conditions more dos parat? than ai any pr*??"t?"?a ttaae men. thou of whom arc insane or tubercu ? : t.? now being return?? to Erar.ce by Qoi B I One message reads! "More than 20/ 000 children, women and aged men prisoners from (?ermany, are being re 1. Five thousand insane, 6,0<iC victims of tuberculosis. Condition? ap? palling. Our stock clothing entirely exhausted. Desperately needed you help?" The unfortunates referred to are non-combatan?? captured bv the <?er man armies when they first invaded Erance. Money tor tt-.ese sufferers v?ill be used to purchase Americaii ,1.1 he ?ent to the National Allied Relief Committee, 200 Fifth Avenue. Belgium usais Gift* Commission for Relief In Belgium, 71 Broadwo*/] at the McAlpin p collection of gifts received day? ago frum school children of im for President Wilson, mem :' hi?, family, si i Cardinal G b ludod in the collection are gifts and souvenirs to the school chil? dren hero. The commission I? con? ducting a sale of richly embroidered pillows, doll? ar.d toyi at 1761 bi Bray. i srs to go for cloth::.g for the poor of Belgium and Northern Erance. Opening guns of a campaign to or? ganize this country's women fot pat??dnc-, will b? fin : Ipeeisl Relief t Its reg ????? a'ternoon, W7 Fifth Avenue. Committee? will be app.. p.tition? drawn up, sud W, Morgan '? ? More than ?2,000 a ? ?ester - at the ? tformances hospi? ' . and "1 ed the iul!. and wi! red bj othei Janu nstoass ?le Rancougne, wl g - he tween the opera tell ' H the Parisian Latin Quarter and the urgent need of the Kreuch artists. i roach war purin-? a) the Forty Pi eatre were shown last for the 1 lod, the sa? tire receipts ??oini to purchase com? fort kits. Boxe were held by Mi?. .! Jacob Astor, Mrs, Vincent Asior Hud many o si prominent society \.-..ini?n Contribution.? received by the Lafay ette Fund, whicn is --ending comfort kits to French soldiers, amounted to 10. This mi toi ef lio, Cheeks should b.- mad" poj able to t1?! Lafayette Fund, Pi Koche, eeeretary, vaaderblll Hifel. Mrs, Whitaet Warna, treasaror ?>f ecosrs '???' - si rood, 11 Fast . Bth Stl. announced gifts amounting to It0? for destitute women m d children ef 1"ranee, making a total 5.- ? .?.45. 1 Uexander F'owel!. ?ror eerreepon? ? giro tw? ?r the Itmerlean War Relief Fond, at tvenue, _? after? noon and l:M to-night, A new reel showing the llritish Red Cross at work ? I ? nring ltr.e will be shown. 1 irk'its are on sale at the Forty-fourth Street Th atr?.?. GETS N. Y. AID FOR BELGIANS \.m Dyke Kecehes $10,000 In Help F'amllie-* of I'risoners. The llngtn?, l?ec. 14. Dr. Heir;, van An-.eiicar. MiatstOI -<i Hollar*.I, re,ved from 'he Helgian Rel ef 'tee in New York $10.000 for the ? of Interned Ftelj-ian soldier' in Holland and their families. The latter in many ca = ?- have followed the men if living in po\erty near the in :.t. camp?. s? been n'.aced in the al commit'ee. presided Boron Folleo? the Belgien Min e AMERICAN FLAVOR IN FRENCH FARCE Yvonne ?arrlck and A\. Becman Shine in "Mon Ami Teddy." To create ? ??tork company on the model of the Com?die F'ran?aise rather ?nan on the lines hitherto knotvn in seems to be the aim of the French Theatre .1. l ortj fourth iHreet. 1 his week another actrens of leading woman calibre has been introduced there in the person of Mile. Yvonne i.arrick, who, in Andre Rivoire's com edy, "'Mon Ami Teddy," is fitted with a Mile with ail the art of a Paquin fit? ting a areas. As the young and attrac? tive but slightly prim and reserved wife, to be counted by the hundred thousand in France (outside Paris), Mile. Garrick seemed to the manner bora, and in an emotional outburst at rhe end of the second act was able to be declamatory without being theatri? cal and to impart a ne.'ded modicum of convincingness to un essentially ' situation. lidgar Hecman, who achieved a dis? trict BOeceos al th? Thijtre Fran?ais ??.?.i weeks ago m a war playlet entitled "Son Hin.-:u-" .and who, incidentally, ? repeating the perfonr.ance there tin played the title role of the Amir .-i "Men Ami Teddy" with a dig nity arid an immobile BOlf-pOBSOSSion that one r_- -vas adopt ? . obtaining Mill great ef for th.- ? id abandon ?rv to hi? portrayal of the re? generated apache '.f the afterpiece The conception, however, was effective, mu? good srape managmont in quick .? the action of the other cV rer?, notably that of an ir.ronv husband by Perdioood Verley, ?? was ..m of the delig ?l-.e evening, aide?l tri? central figure' of the play to make all hi? point? . , ilv and almo?' imnerreptibiy. Paul Corny and Jer ? j Di ri_ wer. u* ?? two typical fguren of Preach farce. p!a\ bear* tie earmark? of an Intention on the part of the autbur for *dftpt_ti?<n to the American ? .. per. A rei that broughr down the house wa? one given eon to the widow of a French President advising mnirv a likely candidat? foi the "To ; orill i"? Madame la I'n lid? i *'? twin over et ce!? battra le record de la i .? . .* de l'Am? ri(|Ue." Rosorvo Tables Now for Now Year's Eve. CAFE BOULEVARDS - DANCING CABARET - Special linfiane nient \ la Carte Specialties THE BRAZILIAN NUT DINNER ONE DOLLAR ?cunR ARRilT -ur"-'1 F'tty *-en'S OCnUn HilDUl, MMit*. UDDA1 DiNNKK av. ROOMS FOR PRIVATE AND CLUB DINNERS FAR EAST'S PLOTS' GRIP CHINATOWN (junmen. Spurred by Mon ?n.hists, Threaten Friends of Republic Here. DISTRICT SEETHES WITH HATE OF JAPAN News of New Flag to Displace Nncient Dragon Fans Smouldering Fire. 01 ?? ?'ar ha? been replaced by s BO sf warfare in < hittot? That diatrlet boundod by Mott, Tell Streets sutwardly is ss aim as in the p..Issj day? of ?huck : -?. Keneath this quist a volcano .? teethes sod holla. It is not ths hate of yellow man ""or white man. recent!) tndly ? hi?ese for ? other. The Pre of hat? ia beinj rtned b?, the machinations of Yuan >'hih Gunmsi) hnve been threatetiing the of promit"*!'' -.tippoiters of the ' hine-ie Republic. Nslok Po, ??ditor of r- "Man Roy "?".eeKly,"" with of. ? h-is been held up. The ?d told him he won ? ' fe? dorad utter anything COB ? Biouorel si rulo pro? st of China. To Yarn the reaction Chinatown ihow t? he announcement that Yuan S h i h - ka i planned to renia, s he ancien* Yh:ne*e dragon with S new fiar-, -imilar to the Japanese, BU in M'.IV toKK?? I KAIU\<1 niRATBE*. NEW AMSTERDAM Matinee To-day ot 2:1S.| PREPAREDNESS Is the Vital Iitue of the Day!I Are you prepared for| an afternoon or evening complete hnppine-ti? You will find it jui! effervesrin-f from \/r?/frV? ?ALANgWs \t?f?/???SS PRODUCT/ON i-JAJ ? FIRST SEE THE BESJ^ THEN SEE f HEBEST ?Ojf tie ^1^vls^T'_l^.?^^T:^g??^^ra_^ ^_hM stfla_? ? ? V;.:. v. MIDNICHT FROLIC GAIETY ' ' "' ' '* t* ? unit, i i ,._., ?--,, j,A t ,.,., 4 (?? _ SADIE LOVE ????; EMPIRE K'wx? * 44-<?? MtU T.. In * "??*. HI' JOHN DREW -fttV?iF? ETHEL BARRYMORE a-?tS?S. HUDSON Wm[ ** ?"**- ? J ? ? EG-maHini Eltinge S ! .,.-.*:,.v/: < ? : l^l-.f.lM.V.V.M.Th-rl HARRIS i__ii!i_a_4_____. : is * ? i*. ft . ? * - ? '!?? I ?? j; $. ?: n. W. r.rrathi ... pi ? ap* , ? - ? . - <i rnUlM't* IKATH indi.? s?. lu-iar . . , ... ... ? PM 1 FIGHTING FOR FRANCE ;.',?,?; ,?*'. . i-ap _ (.'?. I". ClMn 1 t.raa? ??ruin f ?-?? fflEE-_-_i__H___ V HOLLIDAY ?' POPULAR "(. t* |l.,0 MAT. TODAY. OH__nE_E_gi___ R>in at ?. ? ? " --a ?? Sal LONGACRE " -??? "???-" 1? ? ? ?_?_nUAVUB Maun* roDATOSal i I ?>f!A"- A HARRIS PR] -1 ? ? LEODITRICHSTEIN THE GREAT LOVER BELASCO W\?M j v: ?:. ? I ? THE BOOMERANG REPUBLIC v */,,:., J",- ?? . _____i________C\l L?l? Week CHIN CHIN DEC. 21?SEAT? TOMORROW MONTGOMERY 4 STONE SYMPHONY ?. ,, < I r l ? ..f New \ork. WVIil.K DAM BOSCH, ?"n.lii.?or. PH xfi Be? 't. -mi Ml. Vos, IS. PABLO CASALS, MERLE ALCOCK, - - '? ?CHCBEBT L A LO iai?l rarerpta fr""? In.ldrntui Muele i., -?Ipbi?ea-i I? lalle." Walter l?.?nir..-. h. ? - ?h. CARNEfilt HALL WEO. AFT.. DEC. H, AT ? IS, PADEREWSKI M M t* I N ?gM W * ? " ?' B"? ,;..??? ' A a SU a C?n,?flt m ti I Temer-?? .Thun.) Aft At 2.30. " jCULP I .?enraart \. Ho- at ?; PU TI Vet-, ? -a ? a' H I """ ? * 'la a?. . OS* ? ? II. ' THEATRE FRAN?AIS ., z ? II I ? MON AMI * "SON TEDDY" 5 HOMME" U, I ? .. I- . . - ' - :? ? M l\ ?., \K??M\n II ??J I. rHW %rrRBNOONatl \i.?hn Hr., ,1 > m ibis: Charliea Rtelnwaj Puno. BANDBDA V ' A' I' .:,??. I.. I \|t? K_t. WASHINGTON SQ. PLAYERS l( AIL f.OMEDY BILL EVERY N10H T. IRVING PLACE THEATRE ;. .'. , ..i sot riNi? i - | I". li'.HI.II 1AN/1 uALzta I ? I I I HI?? ? I I I U ? I II I ?. ,| 1 CASLOVA ?luirv was ?tarted among the craf'v re? ' ? ?? ad Pell Street?. "The-.- wo*?'t talk." etoiained Patrol "ran Bums, Of lb? f?th Precinct, whi Chinatown'? ways "Mos* of :- r ????r S-BOS Ore bound t? get back the republican form of govern - ? ' ' They troet me. and sometime: when a bunch of them gets toge-'ie: ?ell me what they*re so oxeiteti s'.oi;-. The-, ri'.' .Tarn"? an.) they hat? sl worse than r Jspsn's Hsnd Seen. Pottelssaa Boras introduced a Chi? nese bu?iness man nani?d Chu. who?. ??stablUhmont is at 11 Mott Street I "hang out" of Tom Fee. so-called Mayor r.atown. Be long as the tal?; centrt*d or anything but Yuan Shih Itai and his aOUtrities Chu remained affable an?! discussed ma'ters freely. When he wa? told that the dragon had been displaced by a red hall he shrug?re?i his shoulders and M "Bo !'?'? heard. The dra?zon was two thousand years old " Acres? the strcc* ; ? the Chinese Set? tlement, where whits girls are re? claimed. It was there that the rumor of prominent rervubli-an? being held ur. bv monarchial gunmen wa? confirmed. F#w white persons In Ch.nttown know local public opinion better than the ??raff of the riinese r-etrle'r.ent. "The lower class or" Chinese," said Mies A L William?, resident worker. "doosnl care whether there is a re ? or a monarch*,- so !o*i?- aj they are permitted to ind'ilge in petty gam ?! tor del -??.- !" ? -ire all agog over the ?luestion. It has become ? -.?ry for the leaders to get per? mits to carry guns. All summer and far into the fall numerous hold-ups were reported. One of the victims was Msiafa Po. editor of the *Mun Hey '.' end member of Dr. Sun's Cab inet." Most local Chinamen re?ent the sim ilarity of the new flag fo that of Japan, (?ne Cl Mtown resiaoot? reform-,- to th.? itatemeat yesterdsv by Tong King. ?'. un ex-Senator of the Chinese Legislature, dissohrod by Yuan Shih lotdi "The Jspaneie are our enemy. One can see ?heir hand in every plot again?* 'he progr???.-? ??f China. We succeed?' ! In overt] r.. i :. g the Manchas, and we a :!1 succeed in reestablishing the Chinese Republic which Yuan Shih-kai '? - ^"olon. "I believe that the Chinese who favor the monarchie! form of government re e-'a1? ;?hod by Yuan Shih-kai are OS let the Influence of local papers." War Tax Bill TJp To-Morrow. V ash BgtOB. Dee. 14. The House Ways and Means Committee, by a itrict partj vote, reported favorablj to-night Majority Leader Kitchin'l "n to extend the emergency tax ? I December SI, 1916. The r?-?o!u tion will be reported to-morrow and voted on Thirsdaj.-. ' <5& VCIVET HIM ' AN ORPEI 1 ON An "Ord* on Young' is not only fc ???"- Ur* 8n?Pplnr but it U ai? j??t the J of ?*-t a ma likes. He c? select hi? o*. present 0 Hat, Umbrelij Gloves or C_v S if? Ml Set Ml - *??__. 1 ? uL'A'?? _k>*V '_? 'Asi *____&?_._a -_ ?_-. s'.a'i Beautiful ?7,v_/ Serviceable Gifts a? eons i??*?* l'mdeM.irk Few gifts are more appreciated in a household than a set of fine Damask Linen comprising a I able Cloth of the newest design with a dozen Napkins to match. Or, equally satisfactory?a beautiful Lace or embroidered Luncheon Set, Centerpiece. Scarf or Doylies, especially if these Linens come from McCutcheon's. ?gsT ^.4^*7^ Napkins -*sv . eakfast Si?, $2-00, -.-..-?. : ? i^h^e^m?^\ f?? '? 3*?J. 3-So P? dozen, ""JJT '?*&?-*'' " ""^ > i ?inner Size, S.?,.-'-;. .?.-.o. J.7J ?'V ?. ^Sg p \ ) 2 x.2 yardi $3.75. ; >?v Pound >.alloped Cloth 72 In. diatn. |6.50 Fancy Table Linens -'?ft?*aitortmentso| Doylies, Center? pieces, Tea Cloths, Tray CI ths, etc., in .ill >ize?, stj le-? and qualities. Towels Hemmed Towels?$2.7$, .-,.< x>. 3.50, 4.50, 6.00 prr dozen. Hemstitched T?wels?$$XX>, 3.50, 4.50. 6.00, ?^.<x> per dozen. Guest Room Towels?Very elegant and exquisito Towels for Guest Room use ranging as high as $36.00 per doz. Turkish Bath Towels?syc, 30c, (oc, 50c and 60c. Table Cloths ? la $2.75 ' % IK 3*75? 4-: }******* 2 \-]' yards $3-00 ? ?'.?, 5-00. ? .. rdi -1 - 6joo, 700, 8.25, -*' ix^Vb y-rds $5.75, I .?. 7x?, Bjoo, 0.50. Bed Linens -, ? $1.25 i_o, ,V'X) pair. >'.*,.,'<? Bed Sheets $5.50, 7.50 0>oo pair. t B ?-/ Sheet* $6.75, o>oo, I4.50 pair. //i7i/(/ embroidered end Lore v. Bed Linens, o? all kind?, in variety. Bed Coverings and attractive stocks of Btai tts, Comfortables and Bed Spread's. These are ?lu.un in all the desired style- tad sizes. We earnettly requett our patrons to make their Christmas purchases as early as possible. Fifth Ave., 34th and 33d Streets SI. Mark's Hospital Bazaar EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK GRAND CENTRAL PALACE. i>.? rrk, .??-.r-j'mi.- ?*? ????>.' i atats pa* tat biiv aajtBla? ?o'i -a ? a- . . ?ti?a ?_-?'_. fc SOMETHI.NCl 1?"IN<; OVERT HTNT.T_ tti.?V Mi.RMSi; SOON ASH ??I'lHT GRAND SOCIETY PAGEANT ??(Hied I?v I. MIKKAY \M)KK?,0\ Mm. LANGTRY will recite prologue. ? MIl.H CLASS STARS ? WILL APPEAR DURINO THE WEEK. ** t haunre.T ?II.?tt, Mme. I.upokoea, IjOii Tellecea. I 1er?ee A Mar? Nu?.h. Mary Plckford. Edith Wjnne, "I>n . ilia," Kitat Johvel. El ?le .lanl? .lulu Arthur. Hertha lialixli. (.,..t..n Baiqfeot. "I ii.?lenne." Mile. il'\rr?, Janet li?e, lier, Kenneth (lark. ( llfton I" ehh O Eileen Mol-neux, Ethel Burr? mor??. "( ha/lotte," lina. ' I'a.lerewnki. leo Oitrirliiteln. Emmv Nehlen, Olln Hi.wlMiid. ?it her?. MoviRf Picturei, Danriof. Adra. 25c. CARNEGIE HALL .? ? NEXT FRI., DEC. 17, at 8:30 IIS MBB DI SOT ROMANI SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA MLLE. ODETTE U FONTENAY et i.p.-? ? ni tu? A . oeei Oural ?-.-?... for Itallai >'.-'. a ?tira. ?EATS ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE. |?. 1.30. 1.00. 75c. Boar* |l| A W FOURTH BILTMORE I KII- \"i MtiKMN?. MtmiCALE BOTH BILTMOBE, l?l < 17. AT 11. MME. I I iil'i'l H MELBA GODOWSKY H<)*>\ I ?M l> OLITZKA SIEGEL He. a??', i n i-? i i N'a? al SUtaMte K? OS I MlDaeMMDl II ?. i K a ? P'.aj.? PHILHARMONIC ?OCIBTT ' ?F N EW Ti IBK JORKF STBA5.8KY, ? ONDI < TOR. ". -?.r-a. (Thun.) En 1:15. A -??' Frl. Aft, J-JO , FRITZ KREISLER hmaiai.i iSTmptirr.l? l ?? I I?-?'??? ? '?atn?r. CARNEGIE HALL. Tl ?*? a* 1'>i ? >?-H ?. !| KKI M I IIEVTKH. 4 ,th -t.. nr. Il ?,_. ? F rid?? Aftfen????. O?r. 17. At V and Pirftrm?nr? Sund?, E??".ln|. O? H way* I Lait i GUILBEkT \ ta i ?. - >? n i M ? KaaSi Fli ? 1 )<? ?? ? - rotuaan tad Cath A Man ? ) Punch* Judy SPTknnSooN ?tVS RECITAL KAiAK i DAYTON Ml' C I*. Veer, :t Jth tStOOO ' "??l?? ?*"?? MANHATTAN,.;.:/ MATS.ONLY"?'.l"? ??U* THE BLUE BIRD %*% PLAYHOUSE :;. ?? H ;' JI.50 MATINEE TODAY. GRACE m MAJOR GEORGE sh?w? BARBARA "T*i? me?! ?mu,lri|, th? m*?t l"??.ort?nf. tM ? at ?l-**rhln| play ?f t*i? 4SBJBB. ', _? MAXINE ELLIOTT'S. ).>> ? Mai " - * LOU-TElLEGEN rus WARE CASE BOOTH. F" 4 ? Mail M 111 ? II, ?SU 1 HtiKla OlNllREARY. 48TH ST. . :.' . THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE With JULIA ARTHUR. I VP1C n ?. ? ' w ? B ... l? i rvi?w , ? , ., ABE and MAWRU m CASINO . ? itlr?w To day. II.S4 THE BLUE PARADISE LC?E^' COMEDY. I.?? H?.' ' ? T ? ? Rf.Worl 5?TH 8T. i ?- ?. ? 16 M_'.l im T.. I, J. EMILY 8TEVEN8 1 THE UNCHASTENED WOMAN IHUeCST I ?.i I '" i ALONE A f LAST MYSTERIOUS MASKE? MAKVEL' ?s ZBYSZKO BERNF.R vi. LLRICH i ? ? , ?? FULTON THEATRE, 46th. W o? B'way 44TH ST. THEATRE. West of B'way. ? |. . 4 m r m. in , ; I - -i ? i ?? FIGHTING IN FRANCE ? . . .?? , Met .ATIONAL ARi Uli ES ZMt TMB- S-HortD ? .. si ex-moeb romeUt I" ? \v? ? Par' or ?' ? ?, . . , K~i l>gv PRICES. J?? and J0c. rof.riMAI. Till A ritr. )l .?-??. . | AI.iIAMHU* TIIKATKI S l'h A?? . HI . Terlet ;? Locw .4 American Roof f.** ,* ';n V* COURTENAY SISTERS. (. Rl NO A ' ALL SEA TS ? hill (I ?Jay wi* Wl???rt) reserv?o I rosira*? JITAGRAPH ", -....?'._? , fi ?OLUMBIA T-? - r??:r I A 4 I ?. I' p - i? . A lltO. r*lll** *r Th* 0?. I?ri ? ?UNDAY MATINEE O?lir S? ? ? A ?a- Kl -' I I HIP-HIP HOORAY ??? SOUSA *. ? i SPECIAL XMAS M ? ,vv ? ? t ? 5 Mil. M. ? W i n rt * *?' I METROPOLITAN .oil To-niaiit ? '' Th iir? ? ' a in a? ? M irte, -at Mat. ,,.,?. terd?e_-^ . Well ? . Ne?! Mon. ?? ? I ..hei ? is - - r . I'-Jlftj Weal, al I la? at.l | Erl., Dae !? Imu Mit. ?? - -? .--i ? __y ?aret>l? fall Hall't III?*?"?--! Saata aow Sellla? ^, ? OPERA I - - ?a ' a .!* TICKETS. I KAI?ERH0f OPE?* '\ -??? Hr-.ti.t | OFFICE !?: *??' " OPERA I. ." TICKETS. I JACOB*. TICKET 0? ' II \\ 4- ? ratee Ott* THE 1 ? 'u I'l _? tali ? ??? PRINCESS? CORT BLOSSOM HERBERT | ?. ?Hi* MuSlCAl MIT | ? rlfANO? ?'" STANDARD VvoUNGAlS^ LEXINGTON ,l. a.m/?^ A ??? "0-??r ?'_I**^ PB I K(IT? ? .' . ALACE ?j?? ' V 5' A ? -T I H___-T_ "* * 1-1 COLONIAL SJaf?aJ ? A?d Bll Stir Vtud?. BUI. ?-*? ' "' 2 CAIETY THEATRE -^ NEXT MONDAY AND r^, NEXT TUESDAY AFT'S, I ^ *? !>!.< MIS ?? i . . _ ?a?- - . _.a%llll THE SOUL PUNCH & JUDY TREASURE ISl-A Strand. ??g? W N?It a,'*. >'?_?!? MaTT?'.I IB ???? 1