Newspaper Page Text
ORIENTAL dit turbunces hav? ing dosed the fgat\ fisheries, | i are rii :dly. Our lar-'.e ?tock of Pearls allows na to pUrptf OUI P :" pgun] v DREICERa< ? /... rifTrt ?VENUE?! FORT? SIXTH MW VOM "? 4 ?? * -. The Atm of 'Briggs His work will never be hung in museums for futur?*; generations to study, but who caree? Briggs doesn't His aim is to make the i p ? T.t s;r;ieration enjoy life more to-dnv. Be yourself one of those who are find? ing the day brighter for his morning cartoon?turn to ';.??? 14, ?Ehe ?Xribiwc -? ? -i 1.nit- the Truth' ?f:tlitnrlal9? \d\ ertisements VIRTUE- STILL UNPOPULAR 1 ' -'i ; Prated Film trom pointed Patrone. trained - ' ily's Thea . I -. but the audience re limilariy fet ? ? of the audio* ce aros? ? lined right oui Yl their i ell .mi check. ? ? man. ? ? reproof booth the oper ?us the picture to . but half a dozen idience ret-. I L Th' int th? lobby and ? n of their money. ,. .,,.. ?.?lied for the man ? . und. Then they I :Yirmaiice of "Virtue" its giver. . k with fair sue? ts?, and it ? ? it looked as ? immi ?Virtue lest night by ? ?.??loner Bell publicity An at ho hud ? not per g act -e Whltakar, of ?rnable LONELY PRINCES! m HOSPITAL C6 Mrs. Andrews Blames Ne vous Wreck on Colleg Boy Husband. HER 7-YEAR-OLD SON "MORE OF A MAI" Denounces Every One, Hi Is Cigarette and Resum? "In Tunt' ? it h the Infinite." ? -in?! \?. ,-i? to Auptria ? ? ' mor? thai care. Th< | . to read sad mass on pi ? ' ? . a brea bel av. ?r "f bet husband, tl ii whs sloped with her la I left ?. i la England three. ? litter to rstura ' Clev I Lad. ?"I am rot ?c..r.g very well." si ?aid. "I should have sailed I my little son .n London, and hi made arrangements for my p purchased my trank? 10 as 'o he in England f) .'Christmas. But my dear little dorlil will have to do without me this yea jl am brokstt-hearted whsB I bsgrta I ri Loi \ don. "Thi? is only a breakdown," ?he wsi on. "1 couldn't itoad it any longe The psrfld] .sband. He ha-r. a scrap of manhood in him. My litt! Il more of a man than my V . ? ver be. He i| ?J ?o? under the protecting xxirg of hi? mam papa after he ?pent $6,000 of m money and left me stranded in Londoi He left me" "Hew d'il you get BCrOSS?" "I sold my automobile and one o my mares. He promised before h sailed to send me the equivalent of th' money he had 'borrowed' from me. Bu I never got a cent. I did get lettrri from him. In on? of them he asked mi with him to some small piace ou West, whera he wsnted to lettle down The letter xvns signed by a witness an< I didn't have to be told that it xvns f legal trap." "What dtd you answer." Mrs. Andrews turned her great blu? surprise on her que "Why, what do you think I answered' I toid him no! no! no! 1 couldn't thinl , ot auch h preposterous thtng." "Hot, you notified your husband ol your illness?" "Why should I?" a*?ked Mr?. Andrews while a tear coursed down her cheek She wiped it off hastily. "Why shoulii 1? He has acted like a brute. If il hadn't been for him and hia plottin| parents I should be with my little boj and not in this hospital. He is s brote! I hate bint! 1 hate him!" Mrs. Andrexvs then denounced her hnsboad'l parents in a burst of passion lofl tier weak. A spot of color 1 burned in either cheek. Then ihs ? tailed. "That's my little boy," she said, nod? ding her hoad toward the frame?! piet ure of a chubby faced ehild. "He m ?eren year? old and is attending in London. I have to smile when I com , pare my little lad, who ia a man in spite of his age, with that husband of mine. "Why. do yon knoxv. when that man 'I married came to I'leasantville, N.V.. and lived at the home that I had pur I I had to get him two extra servants. I already had ilx. lie en? ticed me into marrying him, yet made me look ridiculous in the newspopen ? that I had run after him ? ?? DONALD to commit suici'i" ? ? ? "Wl ' "i don't 1 iro te. ' . told n lited me to-di not to in' child of mj ' Ufa? lit a go] eigare s, bles a puff late atmosphere and resumen hei g of Trine'3 "In Tune with the Infinite." ? PUZZLES OF P. S. INQUIRY NEAR END Thompson Committee Lxnects To Be Ready to Prepare Charges on Friday. .\.ii i a day . . nd sen ing . the ? ? I ? to obtain. formal .'.'.th liie award? ing O .?? ? I re-president o" m Companj. of Roch eater. Mr. Johnson li?e? *? Rahway? V J For th,? few dayi he bas had a lot of ft.n reeding about '.he trouble? uf the lommittee, while he remained ..'. of the jurisdiction of the committee, ?Y-nator Thompson, in a effort. sei ; s telegram oa on Monday night, aaking him ;.i in? good enou| ear. ine an? received |esterday thai Mr 1l.m-i.ii would appear on Thursday *T..'.rt.;tig, 10 the InveitigetON were other witneaeei aleo have promioed to appear. In th? mean time Perley Morse, the committee's accountant, ha? gone to Rochester to examine the books of the .1 Signal Company. By Friday night tin expects to clear up all myeteriea and get down to the preparation of thar.-i s. Frank .1. Delanoy. purchasing agent of the Inttrborough, was questioned ?day about how hi- rume to own a motor boat known as the Bobble Lee. belenes --li'1. b? ??ought it for $800 from a man named Moore. 'Who introduced you to Moore?" ' ? ' ? ? "\ mr.n named King," I'elancy said. "W!. ? name?** '?Well, that's funny, don't you know; I can't remember that, either," Ilelaney ? red. The committee gave no indication as to whether it had any intention of con Wood with the incident o? the 1 A new loan of 15*00 ?.. W. C. Hark?, of the 'v W. Equipment Company, was uncovered by Delanoy. Like th? |600 loan he obtained from F?hrer, also o* tiie Interboroiifr'n purchasing depart? ? a? i eta i i taper to show that he was responsible for th? repayment ot the money. !>?? laaey said b? did not know Commis? ... . r ". Attractive Presents Can be Made of Any or All of the Following Centemeri Gloves in Christmas Gift Boxes Mousquetaire Glace?highest qualm kid, elbow length?the neces- ?* 5Z A futndalett* sary style for evening wear "The New port"?an entirely newsemi mousquetaire, with tranchant *?} ??A effect?for dress occasions - aJeaJxJ Novelty Bandalette?white or gun metal- tranchant effect in "*) ^P band and trimmings - - ??????' "The Alberta"? a dainty glove for dress?comes in a dozen t a* C* new colors - - ? X.\J%J "The Iff"? (*.H-eeki light? weight fine French kid in most modern colors ... "The Seville"? especially good for women's sport wear or for use with tail? ored suits heavy embroidery and strong contrast; ?for Skating and Sports Use "The Fielder" t Noveltv kid m white, blsck, nsv\, monsoon and co-/eri. < Arsbisn mo? ha? in ?overt, Washable < ape -rt, grey sii'J ?and. -in bud, tan and o>?ter white 2.50 296 Fifth Ave., One Door Below 31st Street Special Values at the Bargain Counter on the Second Floor 'OLIVEROSBORNE' APPEAL ATTACKED Papers in Plea of Convict? ed Hotel Clerk Tampered With, Is Charge. COURT IS ASKED TO DISMISS CASE David Slade Denies Record Was Changed - Safford, Silenced. Still Ont nn Bau. ? ? - : ? ta .. : ..rdtr from . . ' x lor. 1 - . perjury I Hoagh to : . moi ' : ? . A .?istar*. ' ? ?n and .:'or?i WSI litrr relcaied on pending a decision on his appeal. ' In asking Judge Lacombe to dismiss the a] ' ? iorshsl "On information ixrd belief I re ' .?'.'.y call the court's sttsntloB to ?' ?* folio*? lag f.i" tend to indi ?hn* ths bill of exeeptioni and ?f the record Bad? up from of ? led in thli cuurt, hsre he " * . . ? 1 an.l ? -s M. Hough, who '?hi tr;a! judf"'* ??*." ? ? . ? . r affi - davi- Roger B. Wood, As-ist iint i ? ;hat on ; lade by Abraham J. house, a clerk in th ? ; Slad? & Slade, to e ? ?1 thst the ppcal papers ".veri* the same i b] ! idgC Hough, he hi?::.''.i a ..-. pulation and allowed them to be its th? Appellate < sort. Since . ?!i Wood - diaeovsrsd Interlineations written m lead pencil recoriling exceptions and objections and ralla*!? purported to ha-.-e boss made bj ?a l?,'1, Boi ?.-t.. bat which do not appear in the stenographer*! min :' the trial, which, it is al leged, were pruhr-.h!;. inserted to sup? port the contention of the appeal that error xmi? rommi*t?*il In the admissios of l.i a: .i , t!W\ '. I --afford. Two of the alleged ln'erlineatlons eomploined of appear in the record of the teatimon* of Mr?. Loila Van Wyek Osborr.e, wife of James W. Iisborni?. She testified concernirig the talk she man Square Hotel on Man-h || when he "Oliver" voluntarily ?-ame forward anil admitted be '.vas ?!:e man who hHil accompaiir-ii Rar T?nzer to ?hi hotel at Plainfield. Anothi-r has to do with the testimony of Kdw-.n \V. WilleOX, a lawyer, who accomplir, led "01 'i"" from Mr, ('?home's office to -iierman Square Hotel on the sume After the order to show cause had been grai.-?- . .1 rgw'l 1 . who, ??'? 11 * h ? brothsi ?, Ben end Ma*. ' ? ? rm of Slade A . al 'he office of Assistant lM?tr:ct Attornev and declared thi.t the allocations that ?t the record hn,\ been tan.;N r? : '.? were sbsord, main-ion? anl antros. Ho ted that thi .?tions com plained of had appeared la the type? written copy which hsd been I Lby J ' ? '" ?'?. huwever, sold thsl Judge Hour' ? ?? rhneations were ?n the copi he iigns<L !.u<- Toasot is awaiting trial on n ehsrgi ? the mails to dcfrood XV Osbornt by bringing a brooch of promise t,uit for $60,000, ?nd hIhu cm a charge of periury. Two of her sisters are . Indictment ?OT alleged perjury. I'avid and Max well Siade are under indictment on a charge of conspiring to influence the testimony of a witness with int? nt to defeat the administration of justice. SON ARRESTED: LOFT TO SUE (.and) Man Will Ask ?10.000 from Each o)' Accused Policemen. scntntiY? Georgs w. Loft took itej terdoy to suc foi $10? ea h Patrolmen Richard Griffen and BenjaSlin King for the alleged arrest of his son, (?eorge I.eon OH November It. The candy man ? ;rer ?va- appointed guardian ad ? ?h for his son, who is only twenty old. Georg? Leon Loft, who live? with his *> West Fifty-ninth Btreet, rrested t Co imbai, Circle on a j . large of using insulting and a' ? -i-^e anil interfering ?rith wobmb. ; .'rate Krotel, in the night court. the young man for a hearing next - tea Magistrate Oobb, xvho heard diaord rlj conduct charge, dis? charged Lofl -1 3i4.100.000 OF SHOES ORDERED FOR RUSSIANS 3ig Contract Revealed by Agent's Suit for Commission. \n srdei lot ihosa sad boots, which . ? meas snothof Rusoiaa dries ? ?t the enemy, is r?"-eaied in a soit D the Supreme Court '. has beta p.aced w Ith 1 ompai.y, a Maine COI - . .- ? - ...... pairs of footwear ? $11. or 14.' ? - - . Basr ?l >??-? ' to'. ? r , ? .1 bore srUl . .? being made by l>a ? - ? . with soother il. obtaining th" r*| ?1er for the Taylor eompooy from the Ml R .?Ky Union, repre?ent C the P tregrod government, li - ion for thi? tran?ac ? u? to he 'J per err.*., or J'J id h is coir ".? talon. Th? | a foreiyrn cor ?.ment y of !?? property in thi? Ction. ?' ed that a ' pn ixoo pur? sl rrsi ilti** from BostOB yeetor?oy ?t l'i. ? ?in. Nor'h River. On thi?- information fri?ri COOB Bel for the elaim?nt, the deputy st.eritt? made Uie attachment. A one-reel "Carmen" pro? duced at a cost of $300 and a "Carmen" which starred Miss G?ral? dine Farrar ata cost ?staggering even the press agents!?These were only a few years apart, but between the two lies the extraordi n.iry story of "Filmland as It Was and Is", that Charles E, Van I.oan tells in this week's C ? ,5f',r"/,*' oilier's ?HI RATIONAL ?*?-."?-. Y DEATH INVADES ORMEUTERAIBS Sister Mary Firsl to Die Since Order Came Here, tight Years Ago. i i tn? -i Broeklyi Blessed Tri the seclusion o? prayer ai d lai<?r, steinj; not or,.? nr.|> to ?101 r I ? sht? le- rat of the s di? H.!.e r e*m? t.. B I? tl ??? ????n? ice. ? have ie wor a I, ,.? . kr:ess> of a I.. hftjis, ? . remained tnviol 'God ? .ienin . < r's <it-?ith. ' ? - infor? mant.?. ?. n, except that ui?oii a ? person and leading. ' ? "Would yon like to nee the sisterf nsK."l the, . hile th? i out the Behind the bai th? oatoi portion of the fron the inner, the b i I in iny upon a low hier, two her head ami two at bei feet, her? in habit of th? Ca :r,. ?? , . ? .. ? of wax lilies of tl:. . ..i her placid brow, still iii" '. r Mary had 'n.r.Uy reined middle aWO, The a;r was faint with th? of the dyin-r, Hermuda lilie? :?tr***"?'ri ov??r th? be |y, In the era wee only a little hoy with a drawn face, who sohhfd softly as h? preyed for Sister Mary. When he moved within 1 h p ra v ? o f t., ? ' the) showed that he was a hunchback. He was the ore person seen at the. monas? tery. Hurial arranrements have not heen made. The rule'? of the order provide thBt nuns ?hall h<* baried from i ? < ? ,t. but it is .-.??..i thee? lived In the pn ent instance, and that th? hunal will probably b? In Holj Croat ? snetory, Flatbosh, although tl .wire a diapenaation from M il .ell. MULL?GA? GUARDS REVEL Three Hundred Will Sine Old llurri fan and Hart I ii'.nriie- Tt?-ni_ht. The Mulligan Ga? .wich Villa.-.? lichtem and fasted. sat un belti break tl Harrigan and Hart taeorit? of ? fen beck. itrong will gather in e Fi.thth Avenue wh .-1, on ? tant t?t other d hy the nain.- of Jol nni loon for their annual revel. There will be heer, beefsteak ai.d song in ei?ual parts. Kdward F. BwaaB, Distriel Attorney elect, will ".. there, elong eith a lei of other eelebntl i l ?parks, who was th? loading lliah comedian with tl i Harrigan end Hurt company when those two funmakera had a monopoly on New York'-? ia ighs, some thirty years a(.-o, w ; || si I ti ' rop" can old davs when he sir . Dinner Pail." ' Jimmy Carroll and Jack ?.'olemar., hoth old friends of Ned Harrigai his neighbors in the i , war? Me, respectively, "The Little Old Pu deen" and "Gossip Row," after which Bathhoua? I ? ? ran of the | ... ?e on "The Hal Me Pother ?'? r? " Other singer? will he Billis Gallagher, Berni? Doyle and Praaki? Hess, WHITMAN 1916 BOOM LAUNCHED IN KINGS Republican County Committee Formally Indorses Him. ??overnor Charles S. Whi'man was indorsed for President in Itld last night by the Kinjs County Repu' Comnittee. It is the county or . or. record to tl feet. This re?"! Il -.-educed by Leader Jacob A. Liiiagsten, ?a? unan in ou?: y * ,i ? d : "Whereas. Th? peopls of th? nation roeogniM that N ,,:' th? rate ta ai place a aal ional ? ? : electora', vote hi .'"'-? Rep?blica*. ni <i. "Whereas, Th? it] New York ai I' 1 ? ' ??W1 Whit? man, who the state hack .? - '.. h - ? ion of 191 ? litral cat? of in ? Republican Ai ?arel ? i ,-. ihoa ? ? arg? R? | ? I Kings I (ou-.'v bollare? that In l of Governor Whitman for there can Lest be un.;';td "?he various | Broadway atJItli St. Todsy, tomorrow and hi'ulay, Store will be open until f>.JO /'. 'f. 'Phone Ore?los MM We invite you to consider the Christmas possibilities of s "ff ?? S,KS I r Overcoats at $17.50 to $65 For Men and Young Men A ?rift of a Saks overcoat to a man will be a wel? come departure from the inane custom of giving him something he does not want and cannot us??. ?? We would not for the work, destroy any Christmas illusions, hut we do know that a lot of men this Yuletide will contemplate some useless gilt with the mental reserva ion that they would rather have the money. We merely suggest i Saks overcoat as ?i pleasant SUI prise. However, he that as it may, one thing we want to impress upon you is the spectacular range of the Saks selections, at a time when most overcoat stocks are thinning out like snowflakes in a thaw. Ours would thin out, too, hut for our policy of replenish tlt which keeps our stocks at high water mark right up to ringing in the New Year and ringing out the Old I Conservative coat:*., radica! coats, form-fitting double breakers, single breasted fly-fronts and button-throughs, kimono-sleeve coat3, great coats, storm coat.*?, warmth without-weight-woolen coats, knitted coats-?co_.ts in all models, in ail materials, and in a range of shades as numerous M the shades of political opinion. 15 Styles at $17.50 20 Styles at $20 10 Styles at $21 l2_Sty!es at $2S 12 Styles a! $10 14 Styles at S3S 10 Styles at $10 30 Styles at $25 12 Styles at $35 12 Styles from $43 to $50 10 Styles from $55 to $65 Continuing toda) and tomorrow the important Sale of Men's Shoes at $3.95 All of this season's models; ten different lace and button styles. K The leathers are mahogany and tan Russia calf, black kidskin and gun metal calfskin of superior quality. ?a The workmanship is most excel? lent. All have the famous Saks Elas? tic Heel?an exclusive feature not found in any other shoe. Sizes 3 to 1 I. Widths A to E. ?o'lai. ?i.i extraordinary of?crit: ?? ?<? Men's Fur-Lined Coats at $57.50 ?J The opportunity afforded you in this sale to avail yourself of one of these beautiful coats, at such an ex? tremely low figure, is very rara in? deed. The shells are made of fine black broadcloth and ali are finished with large Beaver Collars. 1 land somely lined with natural mu.-krat. Remarkable value. eth floor. elements of th? party throughout the country, and believing that in this ? ..?., ?a Bggeeted, w? his name to tl ? ? . state ar.,1 nation for ? iui consideration as to hi? . . lity, and ouraeleea, Arm in the belief m his ability. Integrity ano tat? manel ip, request all Republ to unite with us in all honorable means to I.rin^- about his nomination." B< nator Klon K. I'.rown, ot" Watcr tOWn, addressed th? I I I p' "?"i; ? at the Bg a-..! else urged the Whitman loom. SOCONY BOOSTS OIL PRICES Kiport Petroleum Up 23 Point? Prairie Ce?*? (rude Oil Jumped. The Standard Oil Company of NY.-.? York yesterday announced an adv_nc pom's in re!':ned petroleum for export, making rases 10.75 cents ? go Ion, tanks 5 cents and standard in barrels 8.C5 cents. Tulsa. Okla., Dee. 14 Anoth? vanee of 10 cer.'s in the price of t.. oil, making tne present quotation $1. -tl, was announced to-day by th I'ra.r.e Oil and Gas Company. T an increase of 20 cents within tw ? The new price is onlj - lea? than the record of 1002. Only 9 mor_ shopping Days before Christma ?, Do your shopping now and early in the day. WANTS U, S TO IGNORE YUAN Head of (hi?ese Republic Asno-Haden Hit? at Monarchy. Su Francisco, I'ec. M. An appeal to Pre? lea! Wll 01 not to recopmize the Chinese monarchy was mailed to Wash? ington to-day by Tong King-chong, : nt of the Chee-Kung Tong, known as the Chinese Republic Associa? tion, which is ?aid to have a member ship of about ?",0,000 in the I'ni'ed State? M ' " ' in North, < ' ? an.' South America. ( Y ?.? ral H .van ??" c [Inistcr of i War of th? I public, "? l! leave I'ern . wl i recu g from i ? is m i soon a ? po lible, il ?? l ?d to? day bf I ong King ? r re .. from th? ??.'''*, g?nerai . ? d he ? fur? ther the movement oppoaiag the mon? archy. i ... .*3--^- 7 .f--^"---^ * * <WJ?V*MM. FAVRILE LAMPS IRIDESCENT GLASS IN DELICATE COLOR INGS? FANCIFUL IN DESIGN. THE LIGHT IS CONTAINED IN THE BODY OF THE LAMP AND THROWS A TINTED REFLEC? TION UPWARDS TO THE GLOBE. DIFFUS? ING A SOFT RADIANCE. DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET. "SUGGESTIONS FOR GIFTS.- ON REQUEST TIFFANY(?)STVD!05i 347-353 MADISON A\tMvR45 ?*STNEWYORKCTTY ? r-*??- HIS? P. ?I.I ??