Newspaper Page Text
FOMENT STRIKES LAMAR'S ADVICE MELOY ADMIT! Wolf of Wall St Accused? Instigating Labor Plots to Harass Allies. OUTBUY RIVALS, SAID RINTLLLN'S All I cderal Prosecutor Gets Nci Clew*, in $500,000 Fund Pay? ments from Peace Council. ' Lanur.tb? Wolf of Wall St ree ? ?'.an plotter?, urge '?"' th? moi ; ? ring tr r aupi -s froi ?:.: to Ar drew D. Meloy, In r?..*? c I officia Meloy was the friend and cor' Kranz Rinteien, now a prisoner i tl lower of London. It is underatoo that tins eenfeoaion was later i U tue I | i,rand Jury of thi ?net. which baa ? *igntin? the plot? rnsan propagandist! I'ntil in ? knev was largely a Better of ?-peculation. lion, in substance, fol lea*? : 'Kram Rinteien, a captain lieutenan in the Imperial German navy, and wire on very intimate terms foi months prior to our Railing togothoi for Germany last September, when W< were both examined by the British au thorities when the ship reached I tl mouth, and which Yd to Rintoloa's ar leet and rnv return to this country. Melo> Opposed laOmar's Plan. (???ion? we started out for Germany in fact, long before, I learned of I.a mai's connections with Rinteien, and particularly the ?.,#00 fund on de? posit in th? liansatiantic Trust Com? pany, and Lamar'a Idea for ciirrjirig <?n the propagi me of this money ?aid to have gone to me:.-.Y .-lice Council.) I argued with Rinteien and told him that L?mar*? ?chema wai foolish and that m up mine. I. ma.* waited to prevent the ship? ment Of supplie?, to the Allies by hav? ing strikes called in plants where sup were being manufactured. My dea was to let th? plants alone, but to outbid the Allies on the salient parts of every supply they wanted. Kor 11.staue? : Where the Allies ordered automobile?, it was my idea to make th? orders asolee? by purchaem^ the output of automobil? wheel* and tires." This government olTicial, who told of the oonfoaaion, declared it his belief that th? purpoa? ol Meloy'? ?ailingfer Gonaany frith Rntelen was to submit his scheme to German officials, and I ave r approved, thus putting an end to Lamar's activities. It was through Meloy that the gov? ernment learned that the $600,000 lund <>n deposit in the Transatlantic Trust ..mpsTiv was used chiefly for the call? ing ot strike! in plants making mutil? ons and other supplies for the Allies. This fund, it was declared, waa ob? tained by Rinteien through credits ex? tended to hur. by Gorman boelneea houses in this city. ted State? District Attorney Mar? sh*-.!!, whose impeachment was demand-1 ed by Representative Buchanan, of I'.li roi? In th? Hoaaa (restai ? comment oa the sltoatioa. .'?> : ? cha?an ??as president of the lahi National Peaco t our ci!, wl ru now being ir.vestig'a'.ed by '. Marshall. Sert, ( le-?. for Marshall. BaYVOfol members of the. o*rfl of whi ? fund? cair.c to the > t ? I ? Mr. Mar.": tant le Threat* to impeach Federal oflei m not m members of I.abo ?. (in July Ohio, an . : ' . M ? i mpi s ?or. .,** ;;? ?wed shl ? r froi her? t.-. .?? [ Ijr wsrshi; Mr. Moi nett, I ?roi , hnd ii-, rriir-.'l some ? ..? I - - - ?"???S. The Gorman propagandists hav? | ' ' ' er thi . Austiians ?rn-i G?rai : ran ami Turk re? . event of ? ? , . - . . This - vieltli tea, I ?trian, In 1 rldoj tkej btb i h.a. eetlgeting tke bar irgs and '.x!ilo?*o".? of ships earryii ?ufar ta the Allies ?<vl thai the ressi ii ships ? ere . ? eel >.f the 1.en!? incendiaries ar bomb mm, xa? be? 1 ?io?tined 'or manufacture jiiosi.e ?in.I in hand granad tod ? HOTELOWNERSEEE TO ENJOIN POLICI Public Officials Say Traymore I Respectable Place -Court Reserves Decision. Justice riatzek reserved deri??on ye.? teTday on the application of Bernar Heirh, owner of the Hotel Trayn.or? m Weal Fifty-eighth Street, for a per mnnont injunction to restrain the Po lice Department from maintaining uni formed men in the hotel. A tempor?r; injunction hau I . ! by -fustlei W > itaker. and Reich asked thai I continued pend?;- I tail by him il ? MO dataages foi alleged injury to his busineas causer ti'nee. Ii. support of his contention that hi? hotel is a respectable place, Reich pro ? . affidavit? by Justice I.eopolc Prii ee of the Municipal i'ourt. missioner Joseph Barondt?ss of the Board '.'. ? 1 "-i?"n Commissioner, n ?1 others. On ?.'..- other hand, secretary of 1 Coi teen; the I QansAeld Spencer, v-ch of the Stronger; ? Inspector Dolj and others made equal!- . affidavit? that the Ho? tel Traymore ?vas a place of evil resort. Justice Prince mid he had stayed at ??tel at various times m hi! family was in the country and I 'mil rever observed anything improper. Commiaeioner W? .:'.?1 in- ha?! dined there several time? and thi premises "were quiet, orderly, decent end respectable." Mr. Whitin said the refutation of the Traymore xva.-i bad. Mr. Mieneer, -.-. j , . church is in the rear of the hotel, said he had been much annoyed by the pro*? unity of ihe place, which, the minister declarad, '.v,?s ;-, detriment! to the chil? dren of the parish. Magistra*.? Breen, in the Court, discharged from custody yester? day Charles P. Carioll. a clerk at the Hotel Traymore, who xva? arrested on November 25. charged with aid: the conduct of a disorderly place, "Anj hotel in New York." *?:?.'! Magi Breen, "could be brought in by police officers who u-ied sly method! t.? gain admission. The most that can be ex? pected from a hotel i? ordin?r;. lance." LABOR COUNCIL STRIKES BACK AT MARSHALL Buchanan Asks House to Impeach United States Attorney Here. CHARGES CORRUPT ACTIONS IN OFFICE Illinois Representative Head of Body Which Marshall Is Investigating. Washington, Dee. 14. Impeachment proci I it f'nlted States At? torney Bnowdeo Marshall, of New York, v. ere begun in the House to-day by Representative Frank, of Illi? nois, of Labor's National ?ouncil, the activities of which are nader investigation by a grand jury in New York, under the direct ' Mr. Marshall. There was some amusement ,n the ? at the dr-imatic charges Bled ? Ifr, Marshall by Mr. Buchanan, since the Representative i? virtually In the position of a suspect and Mi. Mar? shall in the position of prosecutor with regard to the charge? that German spies ?d the money which was snent by Labor*! Peaee council, of which Mr. Buchanan has been the head. The language used by Mr. Buchanan, particularly his "I impeach," was not regarded as proper, since impeachment can only be ordered by the House, and the statement was merely referred to the Judiciary Committee, where it prob? ably will rest for some time. If any Investigation ?-e'-uits it will go Into the 'es of Labor's Peace Council as as the Buchanan charge?-. What Buchanan Charges. "By virtu? of :':,(? power conferred on m-? ly th? Constitution of the United States as a member of this House," said Mr. Buchanan, "and to th? end that justic? may be restored in th? adminis? tration of the office of t'nited Stutes D itl -' Vorney for the Southern Die? if Htrtl *ioik, I impeach H. Snow den Marshall, United ?-'aies District Attorney for the Southern District of New York, for the following sp?cifia offene? ? "1. He has corruptly neglected and refusei! to prosecute and notori law Of the most pow- ' erful and dnngerous crinr.nal trusts' and monopolies in the United Slates within his judicial district. '.'. lie has prostituted 'Le great office intrusted to him by the people to the service of the greHt criminal traita, ''3. He ha? u-ed the powers of hi? ?.ri.l office for the purpose of publicly defaming, slandering and libelling the good name of peaceful and law-abiding citizens of the United States, to their greal injury. "I. He has violated persistently the eight-hour laws of the I'nited Stntes and of tho State of New York. "i>. He has corruptly neglected and, ed to prosecute men who have made ?he port of New York within his district a naval base for foreign ,-erent powers. Refused to Prosecute. "*'. He las corruptly neglected and refused to pro.-erute violator? "f the Federal statute-- prohibiting the loading and ehlpmeiit of explosive? on ships carrying passengers. "And for Other h'gh crime? and mis? demeanors. "I call th? attention of this HOUSS that any attempt on the psrt of this VON PAPEN NAMED IN BOMB PLOT CASE ( ontluiif-d from page 1 seek to learn how It was possible for aliens to travel with American troops on a government transport. The sii? of the bribe offered has led to a sus? picion that the men were more than common sailors. When the transport docked there were more than 1,400 troops on board, among them hundreds of casuals, men for discharge from the army, men go? ing i: to tl Bod men already i y mar. aboard had to either show hi? papers or be identified by an officer or t; non-commissioned officer, an?i after several hours the bo? gus i : ?? located. The affidavit male by Koolb^rgen goes into mach circumstantial evidence with re?:,ir.l ta an alleged organized -.piracy on the Pacific ("oa.-?t with the object of blowing up muni? tion? pla* " - Tli? sert? that Frar* Bopp, German C?1 ? I ?? I ? ra! at San I'r.m personally supervised the activi ted the attempt to hire him and blow up tun r.e'- OB the Canadian Pacific Ra ' The o declare? that Bopp ordered the money for this work $1.6'.)0 ?i >. KeolbtrrgBB und'-r the Impression that the work had been ac - ? il by . :.g ir: conjunction Koolbergen, whs . stories ? -i the telling of the destrue ortant tunnel ? by mysteri? i us a nffi.-iaN Directed Dynamiter. The affidavit al?o declaras that] nelm von Brincken, Bopp'.s assistant in the San Francisco Consul? at?, worked out all the details of the plot and that he and Bopp went over maps of the Canadian I'ac.'.c Railway ?ula'e and directed the latter where *o blow up the tunnels where they would interfere ?i of muni? tion? of wa The affidavit states also that Koolbergea was instructed to steal the d ? ?i cer ictiofl can.ji- on the Cana a.- ich **as pp and Bni.cken. t the muni plants at ?I . and Ish to-day "hen re made pubiic the do* ? -t three alleged conspirators in uonaaa plots. 1. and Pinole. Cal., also W_tr* ''' -r' alleged ??.-er t of ?-? a fertile fleh - ? -he plant CHRISTMAS CIFTS JOS. HEINRICHS 948 BROADWAY ? 5TH AVENUE, t.*? *4*?h St. Weaaymaeteet IBs ifes iu?t f I ?a*lri( limit?e. Vertu latosa em* tee Kmir, I il.lrni? Electric Specialties The letters containing these piar. were three, alleged to have been writ ten to Louis J. Smith, witnehs for th. KOVOrnment again?! Baron Ceorge Wil 1 aim von Brincken, an attache of th. ?m Consulat? here? Charles C ? rowloy, a detective employed by th< German consul g?nerai here, snd Mrs Margaret Cornell. Crowley'? employe th? 'ime persons indi? Held in $10.000 Bail. All appeared to-day for arraignmen' on the two count? of each indictrnen' and were released on bail bonds o: ?10.000 each. The indictments charged conspirar?. to interfere with and destroy to" with the Allies and use of the mails t< ?der and assassination a Specific charges were made thai the ^ree allei ? ? .1 bj Wnding a litter from here on August t to ? Normandie Hotel, Detroit, in an attemnt to Incit? him to eroop. murder and a-sasslna b* burning ertain buildings el '.v. ? ed by th? aCtns Chem? ical Company, and works and building? a? Nhpeming, Mich., owned Bj .?lltr.a Explosiv? Company, of Ne? York. The indictment? ?lYfi? ?hat th<? let? ter was of a character to incite to <! in the buildings The con?piracy *,vas alleged to have hae BCOptien her? Mav 1, 191S, anc numerous dates and incidents and th? ? forth. "Cot 5300 a Month" Sn ith was alleged to have been em plojed by the defendant?: i |80Q : month to further the conspiracy, ot May ->. The fcllowing I ej wai alleged to to Taiotna, WY -h., to obtain informa? tion concerning tbe sailings of from northern ports for ,u. and other port?, of the S I I? d th. steamers Hatel Dollai thybiua Smith wa- sei I two |M mono* ? on June 4, while he was at Taroma, anc on August 1 von Brincken. at the Pal ?ce Hotel beie, paid Smith 1846.80 I ing to the illegal 101 ??. A to New xorh was bought for him bj lay on June II, it was slleged. On A I the defendants were al!cge?d to have put in the mail a letter of a , I? Smith to burn buildings of the Hercules Powdei Com o!e, CaL eoncernlni th" destruction of the iord.1 p to Is, win ?aid ? in th" ? "job," and that ?he matter was "put I Fran I tache of the <?. i man ; Ingtea. T-" Made Dedslea. A letter in which reference vus made negotial ? It ?.?..i? ? and r? I h clip? ping : have to ?j. them i IRciale naid ?tood fur I ' ? ? ?? ? . raiting t ?o canne I gel from .. ? ? to arreag .- Smith In ? a . th? sttei .. . gaed ' was dated here August 12. 191?, and contained a dipping telling of a M per cent wage I ?Ktn? works. The letter was without punc? tuation and read: ").. J, S.: Eoclosed find clipping, this s tu " got I to th( ,1 tni Siiro ?.-?ve f.v" hundred for each and newspaper dippings ?nd dis patchei to show what do yon think raing and outside flary, Indiana, let we hear from you, nothing else new." .100 Letters Found. In all. about 300 letters and telegrams passing between the alleged conspira *?.rs are said to have been obtained by h i m ral officials. Mr;. Margaret Cornell, ind;cted yes lerday after i-he had been kept under bail bond of 11.000 for-a wi as a witoeas, Was alleged to liav.? been go-between between von Bnncken and Crowley. PosBBBSion of evidence which Federal Is declare to be "the most vital ti the en??- r.f ai.v yet il'.scuvcie.i." b came known to-day through, the do tailed report of testimony alleged to have been given by Johoaaes Rearikai xan Koolbergen, now in lanada. Van Koolbergeo, it was Uarneti, was borating uritoeai ,i( ob whom ivernmarl depended to a consider i.b'e (iegre.. to support the in!:?-trnente . i . According to re? ports, he .?.!? alleged to have repre g? ts of the Dep ? . of Justice that s German official here employed him to act in violation of the neutrality laws and that von Brlncken, xvhom he knew .luring the Boer war. hiied him to make dock work bombs in th? rmos bottles at ?100 a bomb, xvith a bonus t'ur each ship de? vil. The allegation is made that V, -, Koolbergen was employe?) to dyoamite ? rs road trestle in ?'?nada over which ' ? ?. IS BB led and lhat he was by vn.'i Brineken and $3oo by a representative of the German government at the Germai? Consulate he produced ciio ,-'rom newspapers to the tl beer, desti. ? I anadian* Planned Trap. Van Koolbergen also is said to hav-* received $ 1.750 in payment for ser Hces, of which |ZM went to von The newspaper which he produced, it was said, were ordered printed by officials ot the Ca? in governrr.' \ an Koolbargea'i a?-1 ? ties in i fort to trap the (?erman agents : Halted State? l verj, detail of th? ak-e: i meetings with German ???" with corroborating evidence, '"a? . . li'ged In tbil roaOBCr to have been g. en t.. ullioals. Von Koolbergeo, it was stated un . !..n. had been lu? Ser? *?aiil he probahlv won ?i be broBghi here under a ? < r warrant u delixered at the (,< r n i.n ) .ir. :n.? 1 it and ordered more. Later this Bitter . : ? gestion :???mb plots in t'u East sab n . Dec. i-i ' Vsn B . ' the Ishp? ? - * to cans? : ?--der?. sd to msaafm l . , ..i pe ? ." i " Marshall's political or inan?-ial mas '.(.. | t? ?hie.d or whitewash him, o.* to Interfere With or obstruct the processus sf law and Justica .n this ca?e, will be luff.ciec' to warrant tho prrrr.p*. and crast.e action which I ?hall ask th'? Houis to take against a!i such inter? f?rence." -* FEAHS DEMOCRATIC DEFIAT ? rtzgerald Weald Prevent It by R?i?ing Navj *iard Wage? - | -.a Washlagton, !'ec IV "Mr. Roose taid P.epre-.ntative John J. Fitz? gerald, of Brookivn. r'nerrnaa of tho Appropriation! Committee, as he en tored the ?fie? of the Assistant Secre? tary of the Navy this afturnoon, "I want to ?ay ths" :f you don't pay me? chanics ar.d el-ictr.C'.ar.s -,r. your rr.vy yard- a living ??'.sgn this administrstlon will get the tar knocked out of it at the next sloetlon." The sail? ?- th this as ser'ion hsrdly discounted the fact that' Mr. Fitxgeral *. i leaat at least half of s se r. B sevelt r.-plied thst he hop"d the Per.- I .Tould ' ?? 'ice a bill repealing the law which the lent to pay - ? -. i ate prevailing in th? vicinity In which they work. "Ye-., . doe? that law oper .- 1 tseerald retorted, ?rlth an? other smile. "You send a lot of officers around the department stores aid ex-| ,? ' an idea of pre- ailing rae cbenie I am in fa*.or oxhev? . . stay there." CLAIMS MEXICO HOUNDS PRIESTS Mgr. Kelley Protests That Old Regime of Perse? cution Is Revived. Tii? frit _J4 B'jrwu.' Washington, Dec. 14.- Monei-rr.orj Francis C Kelley. president of the Catholic Society, la'd before Yecretary Lansing to day nf*r charges of persecution of the clergy by the, present Mexican go-ernnent. Not only ' are the lsws of religious reform, en? acted in IS.")?-?, being enforced a it h vigor, hut private letters show, he de? clared, that, governor? of states are i '?suing new decrees which make it im? possible for price's and nuns to live ? in Mex'r i. Monsignor Kelley was accompanied i by the Hev. Thomas V. Fhannon. edi? tor of "The New World," a Chicago Catholic nuhlication. After their con-, feme? With the .Secretary tliey el pressed confidence that the State De? partment would do everything in it? po-Aor to secure justice for the Church :n Mexico. The Church had no persons! aninos Ity ?oward Carr?ala, Monsignor Kel v.d, but ?ras anxious to learn whether or not the Fir?! Chief was sbl* to control his governor? and prevent the promulgation of unjust decrees. In a recent conversation with El?seo. Arredondo, since appointed Ambassa? dor from Mexico, Dr. Shannon said he . vi? assured that Carranza desired onh to enforce the laws again?? politici? activity by th? clergy and to insure freedom of religion? -orship. Mons?gT.oi Re|!ey ??aid that reports red -ed in San Anton'o and Chicago ?hawed thnt in Yucatan priests were BOW reauired to rnarrv and to work' eight hour? a day in the govern men; In crta,r. pcrts of northern Mexieo pnests were forbidden to o**n any property Whatever, even their homes, which were lield individually . in Mexico, and not by the Church, as in ibis country. In Moralia, he said. ? J.tholic women were forbidden to con? fer, while in some parts of Mexico ?? were not allowed to ?.ear over Coete, bat masl wear the peon's blan? ket. The cl? r, r Kelley added, hod rever been in poli'ics. The ?.. Catholic party was entirely com ? of laymen. All that Monsignor Kelley and his society were attempt? ing to do now, he sta'"d, was to Insist on "a democratic principle recognized by ever;. r?al republic and guarante*?d by the constitution of Mexico." ;ny t v ? as 1 El rnt*o. Tex.. Dec. 14.-Colonel Hip olite Villa, brother of the revolution? ary leader and in charge of the Vil lista gambling houses and t'.nanc'al agency In Juarev. l?ft to-Hav to confer General Villa si Chiheahaa, or .er Villa may b? found. It il . n Jaares tl at Colonel Villa ha? ?.?one ' ? srgl I I PI ' I " not to hsrm the thirt] or more American employ-1 of 'he Madera Lumber < ompany he is holding prisoners in ? hihuahua. among American? on the border that Villa mnv carrv out his threat to retaliate on Americans hv killing the prisoners influenced Colonel Villa to make an effort in their behalf, it is h? a violent anti-Villa sentiment ? border. In tl ? opinion of Vil? Caused a falling off in business Jaares gambling house?. American? sier? '-..mapped by . after they liad succeeded in send? ing their ?remen and children to the border and v. ere preparing to follow. I - believed lhal Villa plans to u?e the Americans to extort a big sum as ?ui.som. What effect H,polite Villa'? visit will have is a cuesti?n on border, a*? Vila ordinarily doe? not readily, and he is known to be I ??? r against ?.moricans. SAY M'ADOO JUGGLES TREASURY DEFICIT Republicans Complain They Can't Find" Trace of Funds. [rroo. '. - T-! . ? H ??i 1 Wash! gi starj the Treasur, McAdoo1 ? I th. ,r\ stiitem? it com? pati.c? ? last year :?rc aln.ost lia? ble, '" II . OSS? >?. arp queries from the Republican Represent* . th? consideration Of ai ? hill. . ac'nu ??ie fear that if a small tmount prei id? 1 for tppYauce? for mail ' ? ere appropriate., the Treasury I o this Mr. \. retorted thai '?' G ? erar revenue tax. ' ? ?? '?-??? id? -, of P m lylvaaia, "th;? ?ry no?, j t ' ? an th? | tlemai , ?? ,-.., ,? ? mach money is in th? <-' th? changes in the daily ?ti!?mc: ? "I would ? -,;?> th? rapacity of th? otl ? sd Mr. I ? I from 'he Republicans '? Democrats, "by > . ? * ? If* that I ? are '.ill Wail ! ruh.- reell} I I $9,873,090-000 CROPS?TU914 Record Valuation an In? crease of ?S83.000.000 Over 191?3 Showing. EXPORTS MAKE BIG GAIN DURING WAR" Show Advance nf 42 Per Cent Over Average?Animal Dis? eases Cost $212.000.000. Washirrto"?, Per? |*_ .-'??ret ary HoUB? ?xrnusl report, mad? pttbl c to? day, places ar, SOtiflSBte ?I J on the xa'.ie cf'rxn farm crops and animal predi.-t? fot last year, a valuation withont precedent. This. how?v?r, pr ? ai?'? I b? ?he pressai ? Th'? valui ? ? bbjjjtj ?" ? ? . ,i erto ?' "? * Th?? Incre??? occurred ;n the f ?ce of a dc -1,.? ?? U - - round for the ?'.'..? trop to I eeata for lfl4 The total value i 1t?13 cotton crop, ??'?mated B< |846, ? n m ?.?-in.. uns f nfiOejM more than the 1814 crop, although the latter was 14 per cent greater in iiuar.tity. Of the ?lemendotJ?, floo?! of exports which began nev the ?r.d of the fiscal year covered by the Secretary's re? port many hundreds of millions repre? sent farm product?. "BotwOBB AugOflt I, 1914, and Febru? ary 1, 1915," the report says, "e.?;p"r's were $1.167/???'X,0O0 and imports $771, 00(1,00?), giving a favorable balance of f.1Sfi,o00,"0??. df th? total valu? of ex? ports |fii!_.000.000 represented agrt cultursl and only |4P?S,000,000 non agricultural rommoditi??, chiefly manu fseturers. "The totsl agricultura! esparta in the fiscal year ended Juno 8", MM?*?, prac? tical'-; the f. rst year of the war. who $1,470,000,0110. which Is an increase of |3M,000,000, er 32 p< r cent, of the preceding year, and of M8S.000 - 000, or nearly 4_ per cent, over the i.vernge of th? rve years lilO-'ll." Increase in Animal? Needed. What is needed mor?, periiap?. than ?nything also, th Secretory ?.ays, is an increase in meat snimals. To that end the department has extended Its activi? ties as far ?? its funds would permit. Elimination of common livestock dll SOSCO, from -? I are ^a:d to be enormous, would recuit in a material increase of the mea) supply. "!' lias he. ,i eonssrvatl ely eetimat e-d," th? repor) eon) ni ee, "ob the ba??:? of data for thirty years, that the an? nual direct lossei fr. animal diseases me approximately $212,00 I,. POLICE DEPARTMENT Ratirtd Up D ?PI ? Sert? A R I I April .. ? I ?... .-..-. .1 , ? '. 11? < ;--". i' i i. Traft? a. ? ?' -, ai. . > ? ? insi Tranalfr? 14 1 ? I? * I ??? 1 : S li. ii ' Il 'e.1 .'. r * '-? H ilrl II' B 1..." I? XI .-???! mrtX, with hnr??? ., ?. I ?Ji1 ?. h, --..-., to r ?.T.. H. .-...-.'. i Mtrolmsu, ?t'a TBl T-*T?. i 4 . th; S. M li-nillton. 174U.; J II i ..? T. TraJTi B lir|.I*--rr?-n. MU; ). J. Hosan. Ota: XV. XX i: . ' i J ? i. ?rt?. IMIbi I?. I Hacr-n XV RUr ?m. ? r Ward. ITtit; XV. .1 i Trail-? ' V4 i. R .? U - .-??r II I*me Indra* Bel i*-l. W I. Beek. (Stb. To Tr*-. Il H ' '. . ! > ? ." H B Lfff ? I. Teune. I ? a i i ' . " -,- .4 MUhStl ' "?I . Y )t Bni. ? H II- un .- I. XI l - ]?? . - i. , . - i ? . il g. H. -??--?,- T. ???'-. l 4 ibri ? . !' . ? . !? XI??.?ni. .u 4M; T J". Bran, ?3Ui; loti J? ec-l J - .?-?? Tfm??r?ry Anljninir.t?. ?*{,? K. .ri ... :. IBdbl? 141 I. P '? ? Ht) ? I ?. i :?? r-qj? ', -?I. a I . ? . ? ? S l ? .. . - . . Il'.-t? I- ?'-? * ' ' 4 - . >?. - . I il i -j--- : ? . . K:*i '? R)n?rl?ln, i e ?? i? * - . . ? ? l 4 4 ?.. | ? rst j ?, pa'r il? , . i ;i. . i ?? ?. - - . ? ? Dee. l, :?? ?. ? . I ; ? ' t | >. ? ? ? AMlinmtnta Ollf*ntlnu*d. I ? . Ml . ?-..I it. - L????* ?I a?,??-? 1 Ua, . , . , ? ? ' Fru? M ; ' ? rat pu Sert ? ? ? MU ? j. r? I l'ba'lM V. 8 i 81'.- l?*a?a P i . top - - I i Ad?a*e-ra?nt* ?a jrad-*- Pa:r.-'n ?a, to I ? ??*?:- Jan.?? J. Bu A - ? ( . . . ? John I. x? , . J sa**- r. Il I -.. !. i ? .i m Kee?- ?. ?V ??. u Ha- |*|| . ! M,- r, i I ?' a? U m II r . Ill" I ? ... ? 1(1: UattlM- | |. u , ' ? , . * a . . 01 . lehn r H?ritier. i. i ;:. XX? I? ? Ksi ? ? ? i ??? ? Ui ? '. . -. ?. IM: U? - . ; .. \:? I? u i Trim?* K. Me? ' ,.:?: I- i ? i ,, ? ! ? . a I I ? Mi ..I POPULAR TAX IS TJRGED Kind Out What Will Flea?? ?he Public, Mills Commute? Is Told. The Legislative Co-Mitt*-*? on Taxa tion. which is endeavoring to Be means of raising revenue for the "t?te, resamod it? Inquiry la thl? city y*fter ? the rsoms of the .Merch-.-.t? A-. ? the WY.olworth Building. .-.,- 1 . Mill? presided. .-??or ( herios -'? Bulloeh, si vard, ?aid th? p*?0"-*' taX 8>',tem was better enforcM in Massschasetts I - In New Vori H? said hs thought it ? most favored by the public, then adopt a, a. 1 'essor T. S. Adam?, of Cornell University, who for ive years **.? .?:;*.n, said he had id the jersoiiai property tax ex? ceedingly ricioua. ??N'o tax it rop?'lr?r?" h? said, "but the most popular tax "hat I have ever ;.so, that there has de? veloped r.o party or faction which dares Introduce a measure to repeal or seri? ously cnppl? it, is the income tax." NEW FREE TOLLS BILL IN I'oinde-.ter Intrt?du-e?? Measure to Fx emp; I S. Sh'^s at Panama. I on? BofeeaJ Washii gt< bell? f ? .' he question of free pt ama ? anai for ?* :can ships ' ' ? . - . . ? i!i, Ben ?tor Poln dexter, S bili for ali Amei . ? ?. whether eoastwi?? or i ?\?er announced I ? -,- ?? iiis bill on - ? . .luring the Fres? , ? ? . The original pl^*1 ,va* to K1V?* on'-a' coastwise ship? free passage, but Ul der r peal biil advocated by Presi? dent WilsOB, and passed at the ?ait -., a'.! ships must now pay at the same rate. wom?nhTckles ex-senatoryoung Mrs. A. N. Meyer Interrupts Ad? dress to National Security League. Several hundred people met in the ballroom of the Hotel Astor yesterday rnoon under the auspices of the mal Security League to consider ? he national de'ence. J..-?f'Pii H. ( h ou. te presided. ?Ither 9. S.anwood Menken, nu-dent of the league; ex-Senator La? fayette Young, of Iowa; ex-Secretary of lia' Henry I-. Stimson and ex-State Senator J. Mayhow Waiaurright. A reoolutios offered by Mr. Stimson approving the administration's policy ' of preparednei-s and recommending 'bat the views of naval and military experts be followed was adopted. El Senator Young attacked hyphen StOS, "We have t'.fty-seven varietie? of American citizens," lie 3aid, "and every one has his own ideas of preparedness. We have men who came to this country who are affianced to the _odde.JS of Liberty, but who left a real soul mate on the ether side, "Some too. are so anxious for peace if Villa should try to invade us from Mexico they would try to pray liini out of the job. I do not want per to introduce war into the 1'nited State? by a system of espionage and not be able to send anything more than a perfumed note. The nations of the '....lid don't un ?erstand any language but that spoken by the red tonguo of flame from the cannon's mouth, despite all that .lar.e Addams and Mr. Bryan can nay. "I'd rather be free If not as efficient ns 'oim countries are." "Why not be free and efficient at the rame time?" xnnpned Mr?. Annie Nath? an Meyer, of 7f?5 Madison Avenue, who says ??lie i? of American stock as far back a? the seventeenth century. "We're ; -??.? r going to get anywhere with thi? ipread-eaglelsm. "That's why I've aiway? wanted the ladies to vote," replied the speaker. "They alwajs know so much more than the men. I've always been in faror of woman suffrage." "I'm a gTen? anti-suffragist, so don't I drag that in," was Mrs. Meyer'? re- < joinder. "I believe," resumed th? ex-Senstor. "in fastening your heart on the aid C. S. A. and forgetting everything oNr. And ?rfaen :? citizen dossal itand bj I United States there isn't a StOOl . ii. with a hide large enougr make a boot great enough, to fit a fee! hard enough to kick that man far enough." Mr. Choate rose. "All who are in fever of Senator Young's doctrine say 'aye.' " A thunder of "Ayes" mingled with cheers was the response. MAY DELAY CLEARY CASE Trial to Start To-Day, but Snow ?lock* Read- to New City, So blocked are the roail= leading t' 1 as a result of the snow irorm, that it is feared the trial of W, V. Cleary, former town clerk of Haverstrew, scheduled to begin t?-day, may be delayed. toads are impassable to I mobiloo. Ju tie? A. 8. Tomphins, ol the Suprom? Court, who is to preside I Cleary trial, had to drive to court in a sleigh yesterday. The are -nable to run on any kind of a schedule. FIRE RECORD. ? ? i .,.,;.. , South* l ?V-;-e?'ii it. triii B ..-???? .? , .? , II i . ? it?; J'-). ? ?? J'i ?-. , Mn trlflln* ;. .1 ?, Hi i' " '*??? - lui I .' ? - . , * I -? -, ?.?.HI: e * : t tr.fllni i ? ? ? ? - . j I?"?). ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS X? *a.?._ . o. i ? ? ,, ,, - -, ? ... .. - i , x H'v i . ? ? . .... iu cy l'uni?. . ; ? ? il? i>l ..??.?> > 4- ? ,, ?. IIHINl, W ' ? ? 1.1: . _ ? '-111.! i \ ' ? ? . ? - r . . ? r ? - - - ? ? . ?' 0 ' '? I - - i um \x ?i rnn ?: xi un ?a? u u ,- ,. r ra. ?' .-_ I '.XXII LIA.XI ' ?'.AM i ? iirir. i. ?? ? j i ? . ? '.A*. V lt. O ? . ? -? A . ? V. HA ? .*?.? ? ?! 1 li'i\|i'-uN j?. ??. '-? s-wir* -I --a:? a | r? ?;r?a*. Letet .? ; ?? i,-bed . - ' a ? ? ? : - . ? ran ?'-? ?v- U ffar . 1 l: | ;.-... ... a | 'i v ft] : 'l p ?? ? ? ? r?.f dut ' \ ? ' '.!?! K .!a?a-h'1 rat?: ?-?Int-i? ? ?a?' ,.r<1?r? a? a I - t Mil .a ? . '?rvi ?o r? FM? J?n 8. a III. ' |. . ;? ,- ? ? J^ti ? ? i? ? ? '" ? - ?Ha I ? -,? -. || a I,,- ... ?. | a . EPISCOPALCLERGY DENOUNCE BOARD Mission Heads Exceeded Rights, They Declare, in Panama Affair. HAVE CREATED SPLIT, DR. MANNING ASSERTS Zone Bishop's Advice Agairst Move Practically Ignored, Williams Charges. Provision by the Episcopalian Ik arl for delegates to be sent to ' svaagelleal seagrses in Panama la. | ! ? lary was criticised ?'".arplv by ? hich m th? ChBtCfa at the City ( Club yesterday, wher? the Catholic ? . rk Yeld its lunch* i..- Dr. William t. Mi of Trinity Church; the ii??;ht Rev. ?? . i Vary -, eral Theological Seminary, -Oio ? id .:: ied of Episcopalian ni nistete, conde,. feeling of th? gatber ng ?aai inning vor? beartilj applaud-d. - id th? rector O? Trinity, "tilo authority of th? Doard t'> take ac tioo con.nut'.,i,g this anarch to partid, nation la the Panama Conference v?a-i at least doubtful, and, therefore, the action shoiid not have been insisted upon. ?ond. we believe that, in taking action, the Hoard of Missions e_t ceede?! Its powers and disregarded the will of the Church a expressed bv tha nction of the last general convention, and also that it especially disregarded the judgment of the House of Bishops. "Third, the action of thu board was partisan In character and was. there iorc, wrong In principle and policy. The board should be the agency of the whole church, not of a par?. "Fourth, the action of the hoard in committing us to a congress which rep? resents only one side sf the -?.orld is contrary to the Spirit of Christian unity In ;. larger and more world-wide view. "Fifth, 11 has created d:vi?ion In our own household and has seriously weak? ened the united spirit in regard to our own mission?, which has been attained by adherence to a iion-parMsan policy." Dr. Manning said that he had read th? statement issue i by tl board's adh?rente. "It la not eonopicu OU? for i*3 sen-e o" humor." he re? marked. "These peoble have i r? the iltnation and forced th? is ue. and then th"y come OUI and DOg us ;o ke-n cool. ?tie> have is?_,?a , 7^^ g.vir-.g their _ _e of th, ?Jtv?T,**-"V they have distributed bro?d__!; *?<? have p.?dg?d themselves to k.''*"**? matter preached upon in ?*,-?, * V churches, and then they ?a'1'9* ! ? sasii g :t." B" as, vba rejU... ? p. asserted that -, telep?, ?**? - bv ?v. ? -? of Fa-ama. the K-?fct W *'*? ? be urg?,; nor '? ' e-4.1 ?H" ..?; .. t^inm* ? ce, ?a* nexer toad to th?T ^ ? included In an omnb'js ?^ lich the re? 0f at" l .'? * tional'.y, they ?? ? ? p> i - ? e MELLEN COMPLETES FIVE WEEKS ON ft* Former New Haven Pre?:., Temporarily Excused. Chorlos S. If? . r?i?r ti| UO'J! ^ in the tri) M |^ u ? ? oi ,;' ? '? N 4 C> of attempt? i s , ,.n 0( Aft ?' the \? from Now Lb Bisad a | _-.,.,, queries of K. I.. : ????. s( ?? ? . . " p?.rarily. Eve .v M 1>i?\ i-, a ' ?X arren l h me .lames W. Osbora? tald he ??ptet?j show that Chase xvai the ripr...-r?._.. of Edward D. K fendant*?. ?B the proposed de?l (9r ? Metropolitan itaamshii Bfiliiaat B. Lou renci, a 1 yer and a ?on of t I Lawrence, formerly director Haven, told of a directors' kskj which he attended with Mi ! which the latter declared his __-?*] Mellen that the p**ODOS?d .-?hsoramj , th? Boston & Maios oailiaal n, lOffBL DeLaneey Nicoll, for tl ? - nexve,! his proposal to take. on n dip over all the rr?K:. in the suit. Judge Hunt ruM?i the motion cou!. til the government rest? i ?????.-. Hospital Appeal to Smoktri < ommissioner M. 8. Stern, of ?J Board of EdoC ?'?rdir ? out an api ? M ' i engaged in the ?"'f"?r ? ? .... care ' [OJO Second Avenue ' ?ribut. .1 to the hoop UtaltaftA &oiWtt?ra Gifts in Leather Articles Travelling Bags, all sizes, of dark russet cowhide leather, leather lined, sewed on cor? ners, very special, 41 Suit Cases Suit Cases of black enamel duck, cretonne lined, ?L.50 to 8.7 Leather Hand Bags, newest models, .75 to 111 Moire Silk Bags, with plain and flowered lining!, inner compartment and mirror, 1.00 to 7.9! 5,000 Umbrellas Made up specially for Christmas (iifts, formen and women, manufactured on premises, wonder? ful values. Prices ranging from ,95 to UN .500 Special Pure Silk Lmbrellas, sterling silver trimmed, values 3.50 to 4.00, for *\% Cane Lmbrellas, 3.98 to5.00 The new short length swagger umbrellas, 3J8 to m Folding Lmbrellas (Women's and .Men's) for trunk or suit case, .95 to 4H Children's Lmbrellas, JO to tM Rubbers, all sizes, for men and women Christmas Cards, Dolls ?*_ (iames ?koa?way.flflr* an? 9?i Sts. y - >? y 'y ?'-* --j-??^*?7-?*?-ia?,K?s??_**-'-*^ m j / J'i,'?\ V, -i' ""*>*-._* - fa&* ?* "-^-?"a? -?- Bern ^-^'vWi. Jf?f'' W*"^ *\Z *"t3L *Wsam\\ ^^tenxjneae* \fp\a\k. - ,? e? *a-*-i V^_t__l ? M$9 /_ . ?f'-^^DH _____^7' ' T?1 >* __t __7 ___H J'? Texas and Louisiana ? . -. Lund of Njtur?! Knjoyni-nt. V.? : ? ' l - _ur SI." I ?*J I ??j U-.s..rpi?..?i1 I,-,*-! ??rvice: wa-aUli of irterrsln g pUc'i* .?" '?' '?^ L You arttS - .... , . LeaWoao. Southern Pacific?Sunset Route Trio W.jr of th. f.niou. I_?.l-?1 S? in II I Ve. I* T''r':f? i I HI -, .-tr.rl : -a |..L,,r?l .t<.| -.i-ra C : ? ? .1 ?alrr .1 u^.'""- j ?? Ot!(n. lor ,uli information .nJ ;.ttr?turi. k_Jr?i? U 1150 Broad*??- 3?6 Bro.dw?. ?-o n ??tf-M" Li