Newspaper Page Text
G, O.P. EARNS HAPPY SMILES FROM SUFFRAGE tfomen Get Verbal Bou? quets at National Com? mittee Hearing. WILSON RECEIVES PROS AND ANTIS nr. Shaw Thanks President for Casting His Vote for the Cause in New Jersey. By l.MMA mt.ree. faahlnfton, Dec. It. Suffrage .;>? ?re all for 1 errata, pi k*?t ge" ' >f in wr** ?*r''<" 0*0100 a i?y ?? ?' tp luch a flirtotlOB xxitii the "et _*.??. ?ere ? lid ?hoi nrai i what thfir b ?t was? ?' ?? floor lesder Mb "passed the buck" to the _,!, ?? this morning, COBS ?-?hngthim to bear the brunt of r? M Um enti ti sfMrsssiaf the B*ou_boru. I' -au Hilles ? ? ?ring before th) tuDiican Nal t the \,w Willard ?' '?'??' BBlilBI all oxer I face.'. "Ti-f < evi- i . . when , ?. ajH ? i, in gallai.: to the -? ~uf" ' j-tfi er "l'e \n fact, lit* x- ?th the Republiconi ?asissl -her. T-. ajsasbe! Newsr the iurTrsi?;:st.-?. appeared on tl ? . pood 04 I Xi-,tn ?'bet', th? dear lady's ??.poped, and she turned to ask Mr. . If her time xvere up, he ?ponded quickly "I'm sure you have liien talking only txvo n. hough .'. -4P ' The Woman Said Something. And ?fter that ?roll, it xvai simply to,) nsset the way they laughed and ?pplsuded Mr?. Sara Hard Field, the ?esei o: th? four million Wi ?omen voters, "You say the Republican part, (hot to pieces b the West," she r ttuowiof eut hi * to the party Usders. "V? here's thsnee, gentleme:., four Bullion voter?! We womoa have balm for your sounds. We can heal your hurts. V. ? hive enough votes to carry the Pn c?r.*.i_l election for any party which i Q.ick enough to swing into actio: M Susan B. Anthony amendment." A pompous politician in the front row leaned over to the reporter?-' table. "By George!" ssid he. "The woman said something then." er.t on saying thing?. "We hold no party friend or fos til women have the vote," she paid. w* sr? like the negro in I ? fetid. It w?s terribly hot. i irai . M aso. frantic with th.- ln-at. ??p soi snook h ? Ast at the sun. 'Where *u TM last December?' he shrieked. I i ?r,t.4_er., watch out, or we'll be .-a\ ?r.*-,to you next summer, 'Where was )oa lut Congre? . )oa?'" Expert Republican Help. Fhaw was the Brsl r-piakei ? ? ttsring. She was followed by ? - McNab Miller, , for ' * Nstionsl Suffrage Association; by Mrs. Arthur Murray Dodge and Mrs. A J. George, -or tiie Aoti-Suffraga x i the ( oi.gre sional I ipeakers, Miss Frances J ? '"? Str. i' ? Held and Miss Maud Voacgtr. After 1 t| oil r.s confided to the women .idoubtedly Mr. H'.lle? r?d tlie eo :? ry Walke*-( . that since women had all the rig it would be on? ?SSSt'.t ? ft Mthi f the hear SfS met by the evening gre?t headlines, "I1? - ? ?**'\m??? I -iffrage Lobby," an ..n on the part 0 ' crats. Repre UUM T? Byi ' ith < arolina, m at the morning ses ?'t, but aeglected to tell t_M Congres leaders anvthing about it. *"0**T?r, ' emoon with ce locked. Irowlod, when the door was aaolly rters. "We **__yhw me. I want to know '??**>' Bit ts or honest, ?_2_rt ?? "cause." _?*** * diff? rence in tl I treat ;:"f- ? la as, but 1 ? time, the place M the I* Page r aros Bloci Mark. ^^^?U I'mon, ?of* ?'fBuixatisa xxr-r?- alxxays ope:i ?__?u? ''? '; ' or A ???Vd ?a?? tl trouble to look at them. ?V*?* ?'*r- Bj ? ["^?f'-r their good ?rill toward him !??* ?Biy to that they bear Ml ??P, ?oepresentativ? rth Carn? ea ' ' meW.^J ^???t? Two members of ^^ncressional l mon packed the ^^?BB for ?n hoar and thr<" ?J*-*** "??? members liste-.ed ? ?2**"/" ?neerning tt mm* of w . ?<? paper and a : her ' '.rigressman J*" L Nolan, of ) . _ pro bi* *' -?? take ???Or - ,,',.. j | ??-?f N#* York, a I?. ? r**** th?t it was againat th? ? t? ' ?" ***** for ??t?0u' *-a anybody it ?C?_*rf ' officially in : ? m j. "* sat back and let P^**mecrats put | - vo object and BUYA BCOC OF APPLES l?.titt on crooyu-vi ?MUB represent i r\# the r?i*Jn??at uueii\y effle? tjorwn. in or??** I frod??rir?4 ,",,i'*] in all the mom ?:;.^'t.;V?> riT*j* from, your tousse *t?njtMfTV KELLY-:*ew Vthrk* Irin UUmU 4AMUXH. IrU M A?. the party !>y r?'fusing to mak. it Wilson Hears Pre and Cots. "Tee, l -Aas th? ?oat,'1 said y. arda "! 11 I I ? r\ est ? rri ho] I a ?. ? 'it it won't nur mo dawn in North Carolina. "I- ??? ,i* :i't. you :, that am egaiasl luffrage though I a'. my real reason lor 0] .- in M ? era? that if a? let the suffra] talk, to-morrow we'd have to let th? nntis in, too." Both Bid? woman questior . to President Wilson A delegation from the National to Woman Saffrag? m tor h i.-? announced opposi tion to the Federal constitutional - to the an? ima! n ? si America?; Woman Sul a asked hint to supi imendment and use 11 indorsed in th? next platform of the lY-mocratic party . . and to the h? already ration s request that he change his original position in oppo . Dr. Sha?* Thank?. Wilson. More than at! -ornen shook hands with the President during tho numl about 800 and tl 10. In con at the to-day carried banners nor w;is headed by a l>r. Anna Howard Shaw, president of .-?.h Suffrage \ ?it for or 1 idded s request that hs i influence with Coi of tl msti itlonal . and with I he 1 'en - to have s worn i fi plank 01 111. - nesting on Sunday afternoon. ill n of the National convention wai held to-day. Eeery woman to -?- hai sd it. "SUFFRAGE LOBBY" CRY IS RAISED Byrnes Wiints Investigation of How Women's $40.000 Fund Is Spent. - Bastaa ' IV a shin (ft on", Dec. 14. Tired of so many women parading through the cor? ridors of th? ' tl at "thei looked in the shopping dis? trict daring the millinery opening sea .-on," i P. Byrnes, ith Carolina, proposed to-d i rag? lobby," as he termed It. Alluding to tho re? port that the suffragists had raised a n behalf of the Su-ati 1!. Anthony amendment, the South ( arolinian demai-ded that the House in .-?.te how this money is being ? ? MOn? of the arguments in favor of equal suffrage." said the statement is? su d bj Mr. Byrnes, "has been that it would tend to purify polines, and among other things stop the use of money for the purpose of influencing legislative hor.ies and the electorate. "In view of this COI of the advocates of equal suffrage it is but fair to them to have trie House and ascertain whether it is true that more than 1-10,000 has been raised am! many more thousands are to be :. to influence the action of Con-, upon the suffrage movement." Mr. Byrnes said it was not to be pre? sumed that th? |40,000 waa to he spent for literature, that if any of the m.iney went to employ agents to lobby Congress ought to know it. He con? tinued: "The time of members is being taken ' up by women who visit their offices and lobby for this amendment, and Con-, gress is entitled to know whether they Igl t? or volunteers in the sen.ce. When th*- Mulhall inv tion *? -?- vas much less .- ind buttonholing of Congressmen in the interest of tariff legislation than there is to-day in the interest of the ? endment. "It is true that a blacklist of Con-? gre^men was prepared by the Manu? facturers' Association for the suppose 1 purpose of Intimidating ?ongressmen, but it is reported that this is also being done by th? Congressional Union, and an inv? . I ?*e whether the money heir.g rail "I is to be u: such a purpose. Even if thi? money be used legitim.. ? unfair for the country to i impression that the advocate1? of the suffrage, hav? ing in the merits of their nd it noces sary to rai?e 150,000 to $100/100 *o in? duce this Congress to consider it." DYING MAN LEFT BOUND TO TREE Three Youths Accused of Stabbing Aged Victim on Lonely Road. BARROOM DISPUTE PRECEDED ASSAULT Pole, 65. in Hospital. Names Prisoners, Prosperous Farm? ers' Sons, as Assailants. Patereon, N. J., Dec. 14.? The arrest to-day of three sons of prosperous farmers of the Black Oak Ridge ?section of Wayne Township, NY J., caused it to become known the! Lawrence ? hlfosky, a sixty-five-year-old Pole, is in St. Jo- ! eeph's Hospital here, a victim of ex- i posure ar.d numerous stab wounds. 1Y is not expected to live. ( harged with being responsible for ondition ar.d lodged rn the I'. y jail or rcleused on bail are An? drew Keefe, Walter Young and John O'Grad I ore than twenty-one lieg? 1 that ? ? laid i hifosky on a mountain road near Preakneo? on Wednesday night, him to a *ii.? and eul his el? tl lag with kii?-.-c.-j. An attempt is ?aid to have heel mad? to injuro him [ ' ; ? . v.ho is employed by John ]'. ! lives irg Tut;,pike, t? lom here. Last Wcdneodav ? h I ? tl ?? dinnei ' . and i'':.' ad] When the .'?-???er ? party gathe: <.' ,-it tue bai. the elderl) Pole took exeeotion *r something one "f tie young men ?aid to him, and voiced his objections. At a Spol where tin mini winds through a thick woods, it is said, the boys attacki-,1 (hifosky and after . struggle, carped him to a tree near *l ?- road, tO when -hey tied 'mm. 11 clothes were cut almosl entirely from his body. The nature of the wound? mak< ? ? rno-t , ; troci? ? inty Pi ? itor D he has ever I A farmer <iri\ ii^; along th? rosd early r.e\? mor: Chifosky's limp, uneonscioui re 1 rut the eords ami t.,ok Chi-; fosky to 8t Joseph's Hospital. The polic? now sevsral h? m I ? aged Pole ral-' iflciently to rein'" bit by bit what had taken place. He accused the ? County Detectives S'.i.ine and Drei arrest? I '<???' ?SI.000 bail and was released this oven? ing, His companions are still in jail. a^EPUBLIC?NSMEET IN CHICAGO JUNE 7 ? oattaeod tesos pase i committee liad decided on June 7 as ?'??? ,i-,?e. ? the vote wa? taken the contest apparently was forgotten and all sides , ? ? work on campaign plans. Kach of the four cities had its check ready, and before the ballot '.m- take*? Chair? Hillei held paper worth 1400,000. All uns returned except the $100,. I h i cago. The committee officialiv took no cog "'zanc of candidat?"?, altl lobby of the hotel was ?ill filled srith icani who have been mentioned Pn ? donl :..! : ties and their supportei 1. About tiOO of the .."?.'i delegates to th? i tion are to in1 ehooon at pi , and by the tiriip most o? I ?:? are held the leader? expict t'. i ;i\?? a good line on what t'r.e differ? h Ink of eandidatee. ? '. go .sip M? day, will be waged on a few plain prin ? ?. \."-> -a -ui commerce and industry and defence of American points of at sek will ,1 the Democratic party in Con? : Ot stand for an ad ? ?f pi -. until tl i A' lantic foi c ?. .-? l i ? attitod?. One of the last things don?-? by the B ***_? ?AbsoluteiyPure Avoid All Substitutes EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY MAKE THE BEST BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS. 732 Volumes of the world's greatest classics, at a nominal price, yet in such attractive bindings that a Christmas present selected from this list ha* both beauty and distinction. Price only 35 cents net in cloth Price only 70 cents net in artistic red leather The following eleven volumes just added: Green'. Short Hi.tory of the English j Ib.en'. L.dy Infer of Ostra?, .tc. People. 2 vol?. | Gogol's Dead Soul?. Margaret, Duihe.? of Newcastle. B,jzac*i Ursule Mirouet. Life of the Mrs! Dulce of New- ^ ??;_??, Mrs. Overthew.y'. .-asile. Remembrance. Newman?Un the Nature of tduc?? _.,*?___, Mr?. Evving ? J?ck?n?pes, ?tc. Per,,,'? Peace of Europe, etc. ' Mat-Donald's Phant?*tes Send for complete list t. P. ?UTTON Ac CO., 681 fifth Ave.. New York Tiffany & Co. Importations Enameled Boxes/Vases,Trays Clocks and Desk Sets - committee to-day was the ?election o a commit,ee ?in arrangen" ? I bid \\ ;11 select a ' the convention and name .some of iti imp??' raittooa of "he ar ? inents con. 1 the othei tali . I ?Vi.liama, oi Oregon; Pranklin Murphy, of New Jet. ; C. 1 ' rolina; ? . 11. ' Mar r I, i -i? ? . Adams, of Iowa. Chali heard . 'or tern an, but ? ed to be i r the winter woald : ? eoald i resolution . fyture mei proxy is III, to hi ? the I l . ' r. \\ arrea and for H ? ?'? on th? ? ? ? : ? ? n up. Chicago Coliseum Holds Record for Conventions Chicago. Dec 11 Mora nal ooal po? litical < "i "? '. I i ?? be, n b< ? publican COI ? : next n the ! ? tal K?publican con ns have boon held x\;?hin it.s . and it was there thai I i< P ? ck--'. i ? ? . WILSON WEDDING \ HOUR A SECRET Washington Thinks Late After? noon or Early Evening Will Be Time Chosen. 'P. r?>s-?; Washington, Die. 11 Dm hour of the marriage of 1'reside-u Wilson ar.d Mrs. i;ait next Saturday i? not pel known. It is suppo?ed the late after or early eveain ; will be . : but so closely is the matter guarded that Mrs. William Holcomb (tolling, mother of Mrs. ??alt, and her other daughters, Mi?. Maury, Mrs. Buntei (?alt and Miss Hertha Boiling, re Y give a description of the eostUBMS they will wear lest it furnish a clew to tl. hour. i'lans for the wedding journey. are can fully guarded. A family ,'? said to-night thai th? Pr< Mrs. Gait would board th? Mayflower, make th? run to Baltimore and ?he?? ?a tram for th? South. Th? will proc? ?d South without them, and they will board her there for ;? short crui?e .11 Southern waters. The doorbell at the home of Mr Gait has been rung all day by n.. gers with packages, special delivery boy? and '.?-.'.!- Th? Mrs. Champ Clark, who will with their son-in-law tor, ii;?'-* selected ? compote of -.' rought .?ilver of quil ? limpio de ,:;ft for Mrs. Gell I Bgc of ran? old lace eras seal ' ?rom one of the society women who worked with her ;n th?? Women'? ? Guild. 1 he large piece of sil? ver presented by the Virginie delega? tion Dean 'he cout-of-arm? of Vlrg In wl,.- both th? Presidei - Ins fiancee were born. ?AR1TY SKATING NEW SOCIETY FAD Dances and Teas Passe? Secours Nationale on Ice to Aid Wounded. HIPPODRO.ME STARS AT BILTMORE RINK Exhibitions by Alfred and Sigrid Naess and Irving Brokaw Enliven Afternoon. ? ? I. aewod, eaten aad 1 cards for char:*.. New it is skating for it. Perhaps skating is ?crip tion ? "' the Bit! more, n Nationale held I of '-moons of ? uroud ? men and the short-skirted an?l rink. The ' ? ? deba? . . - . iour4 t?*rday g and tearooms xxiiic.i have lupplaated the 0 tl I I'.il -, which look chilly under a a little house ' ? Ian : - Dg ??katers. it I the rink, xv! ? .n in- i ? .: ? " atch the skat : art "knting h-xs . ? ?ni to ? ? 11 rs esenl ' ii.'m ind Mr. noon Alfri.'. H ppo MKELLO EVERYBODY! If you'll take a peep down this chimney I'll show you how I make the men folks happy on Christmas morn. This list is all you need ?mostly boxes of twenty-five cigars of the kind I know smokers love best." Brand and Sfc.e FLORENCIA, Victoria (box o? 22) GRUMBLER RICORO, Perfeccionado (box of 13) GEN. BRADDOCK, Colonial PALMA de CUBA, Bouquet BENEFACTOR, Perfecto La TUNITA, Prinreeea DUKE of NASSAU, Invincible RICORO, Saratoga La REALIDAD, Monarch * PALMA de CUB.\, Meaia Perfect? RICORO, Invincible SPENCER ARMS, Perfecto HAVANA-AMERICAN, Senator ORLANDO, Media Perfecto RAYLAND, Media Regalia RICORO, Cabinet MAGNIFICO, Key West TMiat?o FLOR do MUR?AS, Tulipane HAVANA-AMERICAN, Univert*d ORLANDO, Bi.smarck MAGNIFICO, Key We?? Ptrrtacf LORIVANNA, Blunt U RESTINA, Perfecto FLOR do MUR?AS, P?--rfeeeionado HAVjANA-AJVIERICAN, Perfecto Royal FLOR de VALDES, Perfeccionada RICORO, Bismarck U RESTINA, Fancy Taka FLOR do MUR?AS, Perfect? CORONA, Belvidere La CAROLINA., Media Regalia FLOR de MUR?AS, Corona Prie?, Deeeription Box of 26 (Mild Domestic) $0.65 (Mild Domestic) .75 (Imported Porto Rican) 1.00 (Mild Domestic; 1.00 (Mild Domestic > 1.25 (Mild Domestic^ 1.25 (Imported Porto Rican) 1.25 <Mild Domestic? 1.25 (Imported Porto Rican) 1.50 (Mild Domestic) 1.50 (Mild Domestic) 1.50 (Imported Porto Ricer.) 1.75 (High Grade I>;?mestic) 2.00 (Tampa Made Clear Havana) 2.00 (High Grade Domestic) 2.00 (High Grade Domestic) 2.00 (Imported Porto Rican, 2.08 (High Grade Domestic) 2.13 (Tampa Made Clear Havana) 2.50 (Tampa Made Clear Havana) 2.50 (High Grade Domestic.) 2.50 (High Grade Domestic) 2.50 (High Grade Domestic) 2.50 (Imported Porto Ri??an.) 2.50 (Tampa Made Clear Havana) 3.00 (Tampa Made Clear Havana) 3.00 (Tampa Made Clear Havana) 3.00 (Imported Porto Rican) 3.00 (Imported Porto Rican) 3.10 (T^mpa Made.Clear Havana) 4.00 (Imported frsm Havana) 4.00 (Imported from Havana) 4.00 (Tampa Made Clear Havana) 6.00 \y ' '/-fCfc?- ^r--- ?' yJHI CICARSfSL rZn*rr\:. *.'/V :j-'?. '???*???''^-?OtO - ice ballet. Several times the i'-?? eared xvhiW they pirouetted an.l ' - MOTS Nationale BOS ab?": . ? '.a under the direction of Mi P Warren, Mrs. !'- ? I Pi i F. (iray Gr I Mrs \ a its of patrol women. Th? ? ? ? members and their foeota on lay an?i Thursdaj as for the, and for mem Saturd ning. ? were opened te tl S public or. Mo Side Set? la spit? -?in in the nooa an I slash lu the evening I :.-:.?re thai: itOTS who X - - Irvtog Broke? sad Mi?? - ing. -X were Mr^ Barbo .r. '?: irx-ing Brokaw, : i ir".? lU-mar Mrs. Edorord B. Barkaeos, Mr*?. . Low and ?????ont. Th? . ?. which are the only '. ? Fork, will be *.".!': rkpril I. I ?' arti eftor that date is fort f the injurious ? Ifect Of the ammonia US ifaeture, With the exception of Tuesday and Thaioclay often lay mornings they are open ?? goaeral publ e. The Naesses B ill five ?*: I ibitioBS daily. U. S. NOT TO DEPORT SLAYER tssBBBlaatlaa of koatriaa Gaoasaatf called Political Offeoca. WaahiBgton, Dec. l?i MiroBlof Bi? ., a Buthenian who aasaaaioatod Aadri? Potocki, Governor of rVastriaa province of Galicia? in will h.? permit'.?'.I to remain in the United States. The l)ur??au of Im itiofl decided to-day that Sichln? offence was political. Sichiaaky shot the Governor at a private auilience. He eras sentence?! to twenty years' imprisonment, bat 'S :. came to America and eras a?l becauae bis record was not 1.?rent!'. Sichifl kv xxent t.? Ellis 1 himself u ?. said tliat 1 ? rooted to become an Am? ? bob aud asked the immijrration au paas ob his ea ? ? TILIMAN'S FIRE MUFFLED Senate Post pone-* His i.oxernment Armor Plant Hill. [Press - ' i Barsso.]'-.- , I'? ?-. 11 ; ip tS the ' :".-r-, determination of Senator Tillman. of South ('anilina, to put to flight the "thieves like buzzar.l? on the fence waiting for the armor plate contracts ; for the new battleship?. the Sena'?* Naval Cor. iood t" da;, to annroving his bill pro? viding for a government plant. committee decided to post) "The Soul of Russia." THE WAY OF MARTHA AND THE WAY OF MARY By Stephen Graham. To read this book is to un? derstand Russia. Stephen Graham has travelled up and down the country and lived among the people; he under? stands their nature and the.,' national ideals. His book is an intimate study, a reflection of the spirit or the great na? tion, for all those who love mankind. ' if.? ?> . - ?? * -??I Uii??l? ?? I isrript. S?. (' Illl MM Mil I \\ HI. I'll)?... V V I CseM .-,,??. IWM?I lili i II i f Kennedy & Co. \ 613 Fifth Avenue ?? i ? t 49'Il BU. t ' ; Special Exhibition f of i Drawings ?* ?1 Etchings \ of Birds By j FRANK VV. BENSON, N. A. (Old English Prints in j Colors After Morland I further consideration Of the measure until atter t.-.o holidayu. Whether there will b. OB the bill arOS BO< de? eded. - ?rere held by .i special committee OB thil MSB? tion la*-t session, and the printed re? port? hi ? in the hands of the Naxal I w ?^ The Aeolian-Vocalion is the phonograph of today more beautiful in appearance, richer and sweeter in tone and im? measurably more interesting than that of yesterday. For the Aeolian-Vocalion alone among phonographs has that great new invention? THE GRADU?LA This wonderful device enables you to play the phonograph?to shade its tone to your own moods and wishes ?to add to records a quality of liv ingness that makes them new and far more expressive. AEOLIAN -VOCALIONS $35 TO $2000 Moderate terms on all models The Aeolian-Vocalion is on exhibition and sale, in New York, only at Aeolian Hall. Whether or not you are a possible purchaser, you are cordially invited to hear the instrument demonstrated. THE AEOLIAN COMPANY AFOLIAN Ha-VLL, 29 W. 42J St.-In Brookly-?. 11 Fli?t>ut_ A-/?." 'Wf.i'.ers >ifth* Aenlian-Voi'alionand the fawnnt /?.,..,?, ',- torpetl ***v*MfoetHrors o? mtttiemi instruments in'tltc world" t -m?;-.'. if:a. The AttUte ?..-?p?.