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STORM TIGHTENS ROMS'FREIGHT EMBARGO ON CITY faefitfiftT T-ains, Then perishable (joods Get '?;;?'[*,t of Way. jOHTERAOE CAPACITY CARS A DAY ?t** Export Ooods Sidetracked, s 1 ;ar Blockade \ ? Relief Near. I .? -? if o ? ? I ?.,.. .-.. . Ii i non? ti on of th - ? i?n was ?I e contii i.f ^rfiat letnora.izetion ? ?? ? ? . ennr?- ' " Vo'-'i* ,-lj W?4 I ' V?"' * ? ::.?n of the Trui.n Line Associa" ; to the cont.nued congestion large accumulation of freiirht, ?lc foliov???:;-? additional embargoes km I- ? -The Pc: ,-lvania Railroad hag em btrped ?1! carload and le?? than car tad ireiffh1. including traffic -.witched '??si connecting lines, except on the Philadelphia, Railroad and ? ? , ? . . ? ? ffTN 'i '?" ' ' ' ' raro. ?-Vthr: !. CO?twil "eats - 4 forth? ? M Pel id on al id t ling traf: ?* Tines o? p S gned v. ? d food? - i - - ? !?V - - n ? ? ? ? ? ? ?' - . ? - ... - . ? - - - ? Mr. t I ? t ??eue of op] .? und work . . ? - ' ? ? ide ii ? on ?.?,-1( ,,.? the arfen d ; :b" '* but J *tf effoi . ;>ve ? BUT IF ITS HOSIERY? Wrm* ?.i (fiv? Betty! - mu< Ii ? If H \rt CJiK-ks i ? . . . ?? ?' ' ' * ii lerjr, ?.l?- wiil like - - box ?if a ? |. m 'mmmm ? ii in kl ii'iL tm jCammeyer Stamped on n Shoo means |Stand?rd/Merit A. I 1 HOLIDAY COINERS SENTENCED I ??i? Four Years for Plotting |e ln-aue Counterfeit Notes for Christmas. Frederich Weidlich, jani'cr i apartment hou?e, and Andi.'.v Ruff, an i arriver, pleaded guilty yesterday Is Federal court to ? eharge ot ?en? -,'ir_c** to counterfeit Federal Reeere? "tes. Judge Mayer sentenced '?? ? :r years !n Atlanta penitentiary. When first arrested Weidlich es I by working ou" ef his bat he was recaptured. In \\ eYI ? rooms, at Ifed'tOI) Avenue am' ?'?-seventh Street, a printing prey's. rentes and a full counterfeiting outt'.t were found. The ?partea? notes wer te have been pal late circulation du Ing the ? brlatmai holiday?. a BRONX Y. M. H. A. GETS .$8.854 Vl'itm-in, Koosevelt and Taft Indorse ? unpaign for $"?3.000 Fund. ? ?? daily luncneon?- ' for workers In the campaign to raise 28 for a new th? Young Mei '? Hebrew A-> ?on in The Been* WM held yes '??? lay nt the Union Square Hotel. I* announced that the total ar-ioui I obtained to date was %SJooA, of whic i uns received yesterday. i ??' ?darelag the campaign have been received by the committee from Gov? ernor Whitman. Theodore Koosevelt ! and e-.-1'resident Taft. CHILDREN KX.TOV SNOW IN CENTRAL PARK Above, Gordo. ' elow, Mary, Adrian and -I ? >hn Robinaon Lambert, children of Dr. A. V. 8. Lambert. CITY RECOV PROM S? ! .yLO^ ( . al BW ? Mini -*.ii?e I ? Be which for time !??- ; ? on a train prei ? ? Raven Hard HI ? ? ? rom. and thi . . waa tl nais. TV on I creed 1 ? ? - to : . t th? ing ? manie i .. . ? . wss T're?-id??nt Ell ueh condition ? i ;,,) never transmission line? being down in Av \ i liii-k trai": abandoned yeetet t of I et K \ change bj ? than : hunted mi ''? 0 I ? 1 ? a ?' med to ha ? any line. I Ire Boie* Out of Order. Pire loner Robert Adanaoi ?' from the tire alarw ? n alara eat el ordi Bronx heving tl * ? where 12 ' Com i . preeenl *? tonn damai ? Unary preeantioi I i ? . prevent dm l . ? ..?' |876,0M for k ? ' to 1 '"I tapi praei il ? ?r? ken! An effort re? ' i neei ore th? ? to the - ? ? ? ?? ? ?ter main in mad? ground m ? ?rafe ... ? - ? ', . . ?cticu im* r? U Ii Ht** ? breitet ?.?r. Meoe-lageele, i. i. Ttoj-t-?,) ???.?rnty-eieht inehei i ru?* ? he publie hool . ?. wore closed. ? . ? of saow in . A) Torrytoa Jol n l>. Roo? ? Storm Death Lis. Grows; ?Many Hur? on lev Walks The llot of (load and injured in the .-tonn nina in ai . ? York, i e? suiting directly end Indirectly frooi the storm, continued to _?? ? were ... . ? -, "?. lows. : \ I amnbell, k en. Nul killed by live tro?ey wit. 1 ".?., ? Quinn, lobo) er employed I .? ? irk by B. ?m < he ?-1 roeture. Hem y Sel , ? ?. 'uno' maker of River '.' Ige, N ?'.. died fron ? rom niggling through snow the inllruail station, ii?- i???? his wife 'ni! four small chi! . w ?. irrt, found I rot? in the livei Mugnu ? P. 1.1 ?en, 1 .- * ' Ity. ? eelond, ?-? < ivil W ? Oliver Wilson, laborer. 334 Eai -, employed by the New . blown into obi nuttinu up wire*) end ? . hav I u earn d m Beoeon, Had on end William Bo ? ? . ting. ? or from injury n Harmon, ain ran into ? road .ra: g. ? ' ,"n. The name? ot' onlj ? "he men v.-ere h 'i . from Frank 1 ? ;."n on "he 1 Rail .i- ??-?oped in front ? ? ? ing muffled '? . ? .1 -'iTT?fin; o?i? larmon aei Ident. - 1680 Third *? ? .in dipping ? i ? ington Ave '? ? ?it;e; in ?he i hock re? ,-i ?? which fell . eka on ."hich he j -,. ed ?11 Easl Elev? . c iralk. ? per ? I ? ?'"> - ? ?hovelling rond Avenue; and Piral '? \- ?aae, by i ! '? Georg, ; W . -- IMtl Streel it, vhin th? . ?i ? Bay Ulis Christmas Gift Packed in a Handsome Christmas ?Sox I hey mean comiort and Freedom Iron, iiolt? and hosiery expense for si.\ months, or until next July. \\ h.ti more useful or wcl omt gift for any man, woman 01 child to receive? 6 Pairs Guardi?tee?J la Wear 6 Months ?? or we will replace them with new hose i 11 S paira, ll-JQi rterceriied, $2; Sill I ? Ire, $3 ' ' $2 ? ..*? Wo - pairs, S2| Silk I n, S3 lloleproof, I pi $3 . BR( ' ? ' KAR C.I HKH I '': ?: . Strcd iTH SI R KAK BR< lADYN \Y ?-r ir Ore? \t\ Avc. n ',1 111 -i I \\ I. , A'l I' I.Ti >. . !.k'< N ' EE SAILORS HUNTING PUNCH AND JUDY Bluejackets on New York Plan Real Christmas for 100 Children. BIG DINNER, CLOTHES AND SHOES FOR ALL Youngsters Also Will Get Ride in Auto Trucks and Have Movie Pictures Taken. W\in *? h tan II eroagkjy in its ' wor?.. a i-etrchir.?- part*.- from the dreadnought Ni?- York, now at the ? ?? ard. i? ?? *or a the Yule enterti .... t w?n " a hundred children Car it - ? ?.!, ? other errangenen) by ? kief i)??u- *.- u Il ~'ar * , ' .?m a??i? nut? with all the thoroughness wrought .-. years of naval training, but they j eliog ??. the .'i'-a ef ".. reglar Punch ? arid Judy ifcow, aster lee," oad thoy are determii i.?- performance on actuality. ? only that th" hundred children ore to be made wealthy by their kindly raaa-o'-war ' " ?' ? Pral ? ??? .ud of the youngsters that their ship has eonv ?n. ' For even child ?here Will be, Stocktet, rilled '-itl* knick-knack? and dainties? a pair of storm nhoes good shoes, as th?.- chief fjcats'vain':? mate hastened to exoloifl an American fla^ and i hristmas dinner with all the trimni.n'-. In addition, ?very girl will receive a Ml of lurs and every boy a suit ol khak: such, as the Hov Scouts ?.'.car. And. t" top i? all? there are prize?- t.i be awarded by lot Vi-tii ?I?. the B-OBIbOfl "?' the com ? ? ? ra''-?i through the I ng the eery poor end iovi I - * ... i the ittei 'in-,, ? un i . oi i lot ? i " fern ? li?s, ?? n children. Airead* I ftj chil? dren I.Hv * ted. "Il ?? riniCj yoor heart," ays Pereivel, ?vh.i r ? ? Ons i children ii ? ?/?rl lie oi ; ol fron ? . orpl in asylum. l.rtti rs ha i p ? the eoii i.n th" Ne? V?.'.. lince tn?' pub lies on o? ihi- pian.-? for the port: in Monday's Tribune, but -..?t.?. "And ? i d. r,'- ? an- ? - Sec end ' losi Master a. Irma Galea, 'i i be - - Independent sort o' fell' ?re ami we're doing it all, arnl WOflt to. And - ng ?-- .... ? i acted and rani foi. . Judy guy." Ill be senl to nil thoee ? be committee .?,- ?tes, ".?i:? pleas? iay In your panrr thai BO one else is to come. because we haven't room and v?e OfO inviting onlj the poorest kiddles we can find. We'd he ?lad to help the .?ther?, but please say they can't come a board." The men. who are fyreproing tobacco and other things door to :? 1001 ? bear) to give the eh Idren .?? "reg'ls ? mas? ??re hiring eutomobi ? tracks to take the gas ts '"??om and to heir home. Movie ?eo, hired by the bluejackets, will "take" the partv at ihe Clitito'i "-tree- (--?te al the yard and ??oing aboard *>hii>. WAR HORSES STORM BEATEN Tent?? Sheltering _nlrnals st Vonker Fall I nder Weight of Snow. Tto thousand hors?*- rea.'.v for shipment to the British and K ? ?nal?? in Kra- M ?re?a left k?H ?v. ?r? their ten:? under the ?reicht el a k?avy ? u I terday at Pur.w,. Ave- laatl ?'? I th? ? r the snow had been removed from tht cs |i ??? rter ooles pi vente! t? "'?'??_ .?n wl . rer? th? "entv Those riving had te Itaad around in the sn until the tent? v. .?re ra'.?u-d airain. t--_-*?_---_i_a_LU--a?_l ,1 ?II? ? 1 Like Dust in a Fine Watch? That is Constipation ARl'STY watch loses time. In the same way. a rusty human system is clogged and slowed down by con? stipation, which causes a tremendous loss of mental and physical energy. The remedy in the case of the watch is a tine grade of ma? chine oil. And the remedy for constipation, according to the latest conclusions of medical science, is an even finer lubricant?Nujol?the pure white mineral oil. ?\ujol lubricates the intestinal tract throughout its entire length, and softens the intestinal contents. In this way it facilitates the processes of normal evacuation, and eventually makes possible the return of regular bowel movements. Nujol is not a laxative-drug nor a bowel stimulant. It is not absorbed by th*? system, hence it may be taken in any quantity without harm. It ?iocs not art as a purge, but if used regularly will l>nn_* permanent relief from constipation in the c?.iirst- of a week or ten ?lays. Write tor booklet, "The Rational Treatment of Constipation.'1 If your druggist hasn't it, w< will send a pint bottle of Nujol prepaid to any point in the United States on reeeipt ot J5c money order or stamps. i Hi API RE '?<. ??W r? j? MlNCRAjIi I ? :y:*-.. -j**.! ' I ?_ Il - a? ??? '''S , ! .... 1 I.. .. - .. ^?l ? - ?-Ti * r.:..:ZJj ? s :'.:'.j,T*M'1l I E ..... .. t... j :.-. ? .. ..-._-..,>-!, ( j {,*_ ri.-.i? ? rti ? t ?*: ' ? if - STANDARD OIL COMPANY (\e?r Jersey) Rayonne New Jersey THE PURE WHITE MINERALOIL d by : !lir..?T W. W?ktj, DirectorOeed Keeae Hg Bureau of Food? Ymuitatiou ami H? SiW-iwerri ~V~"T7*T m\ Am ' m v : i -*??? ^ VT'f'Y China's Choice. "The New Dynasty," says Putnam Weale, whose four books on Far Kastern questions give his opinions authoritative weight, "will begin and end with Yuan Shih-K'ai." In an article of intense timely interest in next Sunday's Tribune Mr. Weale tells the story of the furious struggle be? tween the older ("b?nese and the younger element, struggling to control the youngest faction?"the little grandsons" of the third generation. Your newsdealer orders only a few more copies of the ?Sunday Tribune than are reserved in advance. Give him your order to-day, so that you will not be among those disappointed. 5il|i? Munirait (UrtfoittJ? First to Last?the Truth: News?Editorials?Advertisements