Newspaper Page Text
D.S. NOTE ASK FRANCE TO FR1 SEIZED TEUTO Vigorous Protest C Descartes' Acts Fl. ^rant Violations. rTES TRENT CASE TO BACK CHAR Neutral Rights Would Be En Words Under Such Proccdu Lansing Declares. WaaMagtea. Dee. 14-* S nata * - ? ?>?in? against til? HS* ? K-ench cruiaer Peen.?-?-", <? i.ermans Ht.', Austrians froa. Amer | and San .lu?n was cabled I eee Sharp ?? Pasta tan.flay * tion ?o ?? ?' French Foreign ? ? ? ?ase of the men is aakec ?<r gtaaad 'hat the Misare ni dtii ..f ?ny nation from an American ve . sea? 1? wttheai n a-.d constitutes a flagrant ?ation of American right*. Tha note was dispatched by So. tary Lansing with the full appr? of President Wilson. It also Is on? .??toed to have bean discussed by President altl his ?ablnet at to-di meeting. ( ouches in friendly Urrti?, tha c< mur (ration state? the American p-t of ries** emphatically, and cites pre <.?*ntJ ?m* '< ved 1n the ease of Aug l'iepephrink, a German, who was moved irom the American shin Wh rn?i? by tha French cruiser ?onde Nartrnber of last year, and relea* after representation? h. State?. Were *\??t of Armed Forces. ".t'-r.tion Is directed to the fact tr the men removed from the ships **?? not emhndie i in "the aimed forces ihe enemy," os that term is use?! the Declaration of London. It is a herted, heweear, that there is no jus? ,-?t:M I ' I removal of subjects a nation which la an enemy of Fran rom an American vessel on the hif cas bound to a neutral part, even 'hey could properly be regarded f military person?. To Hupp'irt this position. It in ?mde ?teed, the not?- point? to tha rule si noun by 'he French Minister of foi . K'n Affairs it. e ? ?". ? r.t during th i ml U ?i le ? I French Mil the Ualtod State? in regard to th? H ?aval of the Confederate Conu ? n Mason and Slidcll from th; ?t? air ? r< Trent Thl? note, considered ?l penally applicable to the pre?? Btion, ?aid : She i the Trent i was carrying he her passengers to a rifu ' country, and, moi take? them on in a neutral port. 1 nable that under sue! ?i the niutral flag did no '?ipletely cover the persons am ?vhandise v/hich it was transport tng. Its Immunity would no longer b# anything but an empty word V any time the commerce and naviga? tion of third powers would have tr ??iiffer from their harmless or even ? Ired relations with one or the other of the belligerents, ?he latter would no longer be entitled merely to require entire impartiality of a neutral Bad to forbid him from la? torfarlag in any way in ?he | Would place apoa hi? freedom of commerce and navigation res? modern international law ha'? -? '?. adn - Possible Dispute Seen. s text of the American note, which is said to be brief, ?rot.ably .? made public when word of it? delivery to th? Freed ! , eeived ay the State Department. uttaeal ap . ? may tea Hi to eontc?t th? asser ? of the Uni that the ?rill not be released until < ommunicat il is ha? ? the two revernnunta. TI ? op-nun i? 1 at?, d on the ai mander of the T'egcart'-s was acting in aceerdonee with Inatruetions. 1 he French AmboOeodor her? is be? lieved U hav<- r.?. ? l of the la? '? ??? Boeretary Lans ng. NOTABLES ON WAY HOME Large I'arty ?if American? I.?rave Kal mouth on the Rotterdam. London, Dee, ii There wor< ssliio Americans, who left Folmouth on the Rotterdam to-day for a Christmas trip to me I'nited States. Among those sailing were Mr*. .Tohn Astor. Rercy ( loi George liar??. Washborn, Mrs Har I reach Boron Fr?d?ric de Repp, I ??',,-*. Mrs. \. ft. Bacon, William Criehtoa, A R TV K I.yo- . ? con? tin?en?, bound f??r Chicago. -? - STEAMER'S LOSS CONFIRMED F.ntire (re*? of Itrili?H Hoa? ?'?rterir, F.icept Two (b?nese, Sa*.ed. joo, Dee. ll The ?-por* that the Rntish <??? to-day by Lloyds. ? embers of the crow were ??. who were killed. Thi ?? ound? ..i _ro feel - ? oirnod last reported a.? i from I'???? ? BONAR LAW WAY RESIGN.HEWARNS Colonial Secretary Won't Stay if Unionists Show Further Revolt. Lor.don. Pee. 14. AttdtOW Law, I Secretory for the Colonies, told Sir Ed ? ward ?arson and a few Unionist dis ? sen?ers, in an outspoken warning in tho ! Eonse o* Commons this evening j further signs of revolt would lead to | his retirement from the government. Mr. BOOOI Law wa? i mo I tion. backed by the dissident Unionists, for the rejection of tho Parliament bill, ay iris'. ??? Af? fair-?, : " continuaiion of nd the Av?? nement of a general election ?luring the war. Thil won! The objecting faction took exception to the prolongation of the life i plural voting bill and urged the desira? bility of a general election. Mr, Honar Law. that the present com? promise biil wa h Otra proposal, l| criticism . ? - "I a m laj to my Unionist friends." sa'd the Secretan., "if '.he time eomes hey honestly think the war r.y ;.'iis country with? out I change of government it would be better for them to go openly into oppo? sition arid move a vote of no confidence. We Unionists are members of the gov? ernment as the representatives of our and if 1 thought that in this po we had lost tin lOnfidenco of our | party : * dream for a moment . of continuing in the government." Premier A ited in the debato. He deelari . ? nerol elaction at the presea! time would bo s national calamity, bat, he added, the Lgaxommonl wa. no) inflexibly wexlded to the precise period of postponement Domed in the bill, and would be pre? pared to consider reasonable sugges? tions for an alteration of the ter ? Italian Guns Hammer Gorizia Without Pause London, Dm. 14. The Italians are Still hamme: ng away at the Au tl Gorizia, and the town ombardod again. Austrian oflcers who have been through many l>g battles on the ea-n-rr. front de? scribe the Italian artillery fire as more terrific and continuous than any they have previously experienced. AUSTRIAN OFnClAL Vienna ga/e out this statement: In Oludicaria the Italian activity continues. Some minor attacks have been repulsed. A portion of (ionzia. on ?he rond to Sank" tillery fire. ITALIAN' OFFICIAL The Italian official report says: During the 18th the anea tinued to bombard | along ?he laonxo front u. replied effectirely. The Year-Round Car $1240 With HieName Insures The Quality When you own this model 22 Velie ?Six you do not have to buy a closed car. or #ive up inotorinp for the winter, rhe freaattfal DetnrhnMe Top fit?? perfectly. It look* and la a? mn<*h ,-. part of the '-ar n* 'tt built for a peraaaeal dosed body. AH the amarrnepn and romfort ?>f .i d?>H?'d eaf witlioiit th*- addltlonf?! expeafO. I'rice In rlndeg itimmpr top- Uacking this en idf-al year round t-ar. Room? and ?uxurion* *.n appotatlBOBt. Unr*?* of hodv are pimple and difOiflod, bnt wth *he Rrarefu! b?*.'*?'P of the perfect etrejun line. Rilent, powerful, flexible Velie ?ix ?-yllnder motor i?, thoroughly dopeadable and haa ample iiill-rlimhinp strength Coaie in ami aee thia tv?autifnl car. Imaied.? ate delhreriea, GARLAND AUTOMOBILE CO., a/mmon f.i. **t* 1,888 Broadway, at 62d 3t., New York. TURKS HALTED ON THE TIGRIS London Calls Reports of British Losses Greatly Exaggerated. SULTAN NOW HAS 6,50.000 IN ARMS Tcnnant lolls Commons That Moslem Forces Can Be la? creased to 1.000.000. I/ondon. Dec. 14. Rcplylef te a ques? tion In th? Hou??* of Com? 'n '"?'?? Harold .1.", Parilami der-^. t War, ?aid tbal It ?raa calcu: W0 men in eld. and tl ? certain c i eomatancea, n ? creaaai The Peninaula. The ? their Turk.? , ? ? -he Tur;;?, are opera' who retir? . s is taken In t here as an Bdmiaali th" British ' ? ; declared In prit reach ?o hii.e Y ? lag ?rated. le, the tht? .vhich i two bargee. TVRII8B OFPICIAL. The following oficial commun - ?rai I? - h i .il ? eaatai I Dardanellei front an enemy armored cruiser, i.- iated bf an ob aervation balloon, bombarded our po sitions near Anafnrta. ?>ur artillery replied, successfully bombarding the enemy trenches and batterie?. Seel Arl Burnu there have bCBB ?evere Bg? and artillery COB Bedd .1 Babr en Betarday nif-ht the enemy tired a larg? .?f -ihell.-i again-t our left wing. un Sanday, ai for hours beaibi ana aerial toi againat the same wing, the ? 'noted nn attack, which completely col ied ander th? tir-? of o The enemy wm In? ov.ii trenches with great I FRESH BATTLE NEAR ON GREEK SOIL ? ontlntied from pa?e 1 parlan administration Is hein? inri ti d toen?, ofl i '?"? lb? acts of th's administration ha? to close the frontier tor traveller? troin Greece." The Athen?* newspaper "".'eon -Lai Bttribat? th? following '?temcnt to an ornea! X "In aay ?veal "he Balgariani .?mot, don.i .-ment ta force?;, and .'? lie?. German diplomacy, a < i ? .i common sense, Greece what it ??t ?mpoaslbl? to gi'-e" The retreat of th? Allies, the corre? spondent au.!", il bi ted as rapidly as -he transportation i I rial? to the neighborhood . I?nica permi*.-.. Wort on the col tion of an I camp I? ''?Y ?;,.,,.. ?k'a opei '?' . onica aayi "?'? ? fighting during the v.eck did th? the Bulgarians i, I roe 1 .rters ?inc? \? ei'k Monday. "The Bri savs th? eorreepondent, "al*hnui*h ?e vere, totalled le?? thari n thousand, bin . dozen would sum up the total i I -ilonK -he whol? British front., "Durintr the week the Allies r aboal roarteen rn I? removing all th? ? ?a DENTES BERLIN'S PLEDGE IS BINDING ? onllniierl fr<im ?m?e I same time ?1 wa? decid?-d no?, to de niand the recall of ?:;. manic oflriali an - ?an note ar. .1er it a i optar? tieally cer1; bei will be h.d probably als* of Baron Z ber, ri eeat a hris?Bg tha purcha?e ? I ws? iimi-'r the direction of A was . tion that a? Dr. Dai ? .Ye? if re lationi ??!.? broke? off ted out bj - v "repre.ii i.*,-" Geimafl and ti'rest? in most of the cou which they arc? at war. fee | ? In the mag Ind? of the v beinp mrr I BB in a frica ' Hundreds of Amei - omatic and con?'.i il ? ? . inc exchanges of ea *-* I (?Imrr!i Citrralttrr }Jm.B CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS >. ted ? : - ird> ind Personal Greet h ? i irdi ?tth <?? eel | , I bildren'l Pra\cr ': *. I bles, *i '?" lo t? Aitar Seti tot mat to i hon I |40 00] Prj\ cr Book] II .1 I < tO#1 sft: * rwo atan ? hoi -?? ai ? .<o<k ? - a . . ?? U-f-* ,..??? I* was -.itnensej was Of < Bttlc and sheep i I ? - this i 1 fatigo, tal sor gaai ' ?. .. I'oiran had Bril :iume?"0'i* '?erman ui. , amonif I "Meanwhile r? ?-ontinue .ud'.ng sev? er?' S.-ottish reg'.-:'.en*s, an?) on th* of hills surroundi* .? ? ? or?- rapidlv npletion. The soldiers ar sad many of them express ne tha* they tvill soon be able the strength of these ?or?? " :? a ill meet on ' ? ? . ? : '.ment ranee, ?in.! will be - y all the ? aecordlog in advices from il .? ? -lay. At the meeting nistry a! ed to convent Sobran je It .vas announced that Bol hod an ar^'ed her territory by kilomette? over IIjOOO milesi BULGARIAN OFFIl 1AL. ? - | ! re m a i n I I h- .? ? . . ? On tl ' ?? Maced?n ? till in the hand-? ill and ? rhta again-* la Lakes. The Mac? ? ? soil. Aft. r yesterds of the ?i the righl River th? . ;he Greek The town of I'o'ran was captured at noon -reived our ? - - ? trt t eered The prisoners and dead and wound r,l ,,. and 22d ? brigades, whieh wars and In their retreat abandoned gUUI ' rlfioi .? covered with eouip MO British ..- bon counted. The mobilisation of the Bulgarian army was announced on Septe-nber 23. |a.f | the Serbians .o- ember 23, the Berbion si ; ' i ? and M trovitts and thrown opon ? no, t; e ? rolan army ? On December 3 fighting on the Var ??gati again?? the ad French. In the i ... tionory ' latw and thrown a neu) Dee? ber 12 the whole of Macedonia freed. Not h logia host h* soldier is on til. '?'his was tl ? ri.?' portail ? nain, pursuing the French on the ? .'dar, drove then .urageous attack, from rard the (?reek froi ? At 5:80 in 'On we occu? pies' ' inch, before rol and ? th two hoi ? a.-r ? ? \ ... I I. The number of ?S T ? al Sarrail'a army I I ? i : is " bach from the D ? pon the (ireek f 11 It . lie French troop- fought much more b than the Pritish. ns, which - the \ . 'loops ? Ule . ? ' .4* the r all I ' ??. our troop i rbians ? tin..? .... ; undred le* 1er? ? . ? each ore i. American consular o:! ? Germ ? ? ' \ ul! .i lia are v h led in nu m i. R< eallr, there are D of the Alii? llrcak Would Stop Work. ? ations :? WOUld 0 carry . Son na luffleient on i;-. the coun ? fall upon her. Bat the American or gonlzal ?ora -han "g. and it would bis for Sns:n ?o ip the work where the I it an en.. rn' . s 1 the ? ' to prise that ? Austrian intei I ? re being eared for ? I ' \ !"*?*????? :'; - ngary, and Bi ? ten, Japane?.? and - lta in benns Austria U ill No! Repl) Until Inquiry Is F.nded i The Vienna cor - . Zei ? . ??? on will ?? the; . mill be |Oal| be Mated that the note ha? lOMOtod an unf.voiable impression. BERLIN SPARING IN ANCONA TALK Leading Journals Refrain from Sharp Comment on U. S. Demands. ARROGANCE. ONE PAPER CALLS NOTE M estphalian Cia/ette" Believes Vienna Will Not Disavow Sinking. Berlin, l?er. U f| ., ...v ,f tne American ro*e : Raagary on ? ? Berlin "?rs. Th? "Lokal An teir ?"?" th? "Tageblatt," -He "\o? her l"adn(f journals refrain from an-. ? Bg to complicate Kreaa Bel i ialg? eay ex . "Kreuz Zeituntj" says: "Ih- ? mark? I a, through al : - ' the stand earlier takei ? -. tight to c eratloa. ac it the coma of the to d?cide whet I? I ' . ? t re or ? ;.. her. rh? I - can, tOt the lu?s of life only the captain of the A - cona. who did not obey the ?ubtrI rather, those upon whose In? on? he so acted. The Cabinet at Vienna will therefore probably . ??ims of America as directed te , the wroag address." The "Tost." alter commenting on , American celerity la leadlag th?* note, ???d with week , and, in the .-;??* of the British b'. a, even ( months, of delay in inaugurating nego? tiations with ether geverami ? "Ti..- fot the aeeeleration perhaps, h" sought in th? now in mal?n, and ?h ;? new ' to garner as ma? aa ] for hi? policy." "Lokal Anaeigar," refraining from extended eOBUaei "Wl eaa m thai Mr. WiNon thia time, a? .n . tral Power? ha?1 not mine? ,-iswer of the Austro-Hum-aiian -?.ment will, it is hoped, leave . i ,. "Zeiteng am M . rsion ef the fact? mal ? th? \ triai The paper think? 11 remarkabli governmenl "ha-? I .en a mo: xamination ?king prompt sat f or 1 \ - ? ? Vncona th one liility \ \ i ? , ? . ? ... r.j; . Bg to I .,?? i ecoif I.. :. I I - a-nnngary -will Bg of the Ancji i abma ? "The demands addressed bv ?he ncu ? overnment ? "In general, ti r wait ?? Th.? Ao?triant need re 1 -, the - ii." $10 A SHARE OFFERED FOR PACIFIC MAIL Ship Purchasers Agree to Pay Wore if -\sset-? Warrant It. W. r ',-???? I ' '?v. acting f- ? American l-terna"'""?;il I Orooro? fot to the Ft ... stag ?team?*:? named a pre? of 51'? a ?hare for the . if the steamship com -.??y'. ? by the S.mthern l'a mpany. '-ex" t*?e ,! vidoad a share roOOOtly ?odoroA The offer add? : "We spree to pav a M of ?...-.0 pet shore for said ' " ?hare? M tho asset.? of '?' ! < Hi ? .?i-.p C-oaaoe sevn steamers. ?>?? la o ' e\c? I .-? njSO??t, ?1 being understoo?! ? H chai -.all be ? ? - hs ?ooh, s? ? ??""' \ an i II 'A . d? Forest thp -,;, -. ? aaaots to bo ad I . en ol ??|r for a ? luction .- .. ? ,*,.. We fi to make StOCk hold."' "< toamehip ' i Jan ???" THE WEATHER REPORT ::, uni- sad Faracaota for the Loot T??en!y-four Hoart. 4 ? . ?. - ? ? - , ? r.? a*'.i-? . em* ? ???trier i*?? ?- 0 ? ? '?'?? tmttt ?? * .liirtri ?- | | .-ir N * tutee, met ih? re-pou of U - ON?? Lake?. 4 ? . ...:. -an t hM N r'n Ti.-iS-' ? ??:?! 1ue?.tay U0* ? ?a? .-..ral em? '..? ?:ii ?a-foo. Tin? .tona h*A .. i -?armer ?---?'her ?it?r th* ?cu;..?r?f, ??rural rloii.lln?-?? ????'. ' th* Mi ? - ... - M.-un '.?in ? - - -, ! ra'.n? "1 Um Pa? 1-?* ???'.? T- .i?at*i-- ? -a - I In '.h* ? ?,r?-it l.*K'4. Hw ii- '.- ?.?'..?/ tU'i . - ? -,.-? I * -?.-?? ? - 4 - I .-? ?? rharsdu *> i * ? . Dmlnliblns: M ?. v .. moitersia Gulf. I 1 i ? ? ?. F?r*??it f*r Saeelal L*?-? II tie?. Lai ?m \. | . ? mmtt aiil warmer. ?'?'?? ' ' ? new. Mir?!?n<t n?-la???re l)|.-- ? . , , | rtrnmia, fair ? ? *?i i ? ? rala of .n*> i ' Kn??:?'i ii..- ? ? 'a r ; a. fair " ..... -? Lo.?l Oltl.i?! Re.ord? - * | ? , perl - - ? ' - IIMJ . .314. 131?. 3 ?. IE ? ? - ? a. TT i ? , 9 a in.. ... If ? I P r pete ? I t m. . ? I --.ff* tnr I . 8?r*m?t?r R??dlnj4 ? ?'? Mil ? [> m ??? ;? Humidity. 4am- l ' r n 4? L*i*l Fore?*??!. Pafttf - ? ? < ? -- m^r-T-w. f- ? ? beromlni ?a- ? ? Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vessel:?, Arriving ?<t gad De? parting Irom Port of New York. -a I '?a'?.r. * ?? WIRELESS REPORT. a ? I ? in? OMING BTEAMI B8 ? l-roi? ? ? i t ? , II.? a ? r ? ' , ,. . ? T . ? i l?lbraiU i HI I!. :, , i . ? I . ? . ? a ? M ' it . I II. '?',. >: K . . ? ?I ? ? ? , ? ? P ? II ?data Oateea ? ? . I ? ? .,a ?- ? ?: _i a OUTGOING BTBAMBta. ro ?? , . . a r? ? . a ? . - I | . -a?, . . , Tin n-i'A. pa. um 14 ? ? a. a li. a a ? no ?. ? i ? JO pin .. ? i tunal um ? TRANSPACIFIC MAUS. . ? i.i -i ?... . h?.- :? i .?a- Ira ? I)?c II a . :. ? . n?c : ? ? A . 1,1 I I . -a |)?C -J ? . t tes \ , . .? Mi i???- 31 .... ' j ? . ... D?: 31 !? ! I* : . . th? I ? PU' -II- . ? ? ?? A Kar tC rill? 1 . 11 g ,-. ? ?: i >; It 9 10 A IB ? ... ? a ? I ? ?' .0 ? m ? I \ , ? ? I ? ' a . .I. SAII KP A , i , ? : a ? l l MfERB M POREIG.N PORTS. Al.ItU l.H , ? ? :. Il ? . . I - . ? Sea I ? ? ?.??ii See I ? ? ?* ? . ? a |B Htm T..r. ? ? ' I ?'???? ' T \ A V.?rk ??? . i . I . ? ? . \ I ? i See ? \ ?l ? . s?. re. lier IS -Im I \. ? | i ? See \ ,, -i \ ml. r V. 1 .l.i BaUfta . - ' ?1 N?x ? ual l*r 11 - . . i in ? . :. > i i ? ? I ? a . I'rrlm I?- \ . . ? ? , a ? Ha a ., | li SEES U. S. GAIN IN M'KENNA PLAN Paish Says Check on Flou o? Gold Will Restrain Wild Speculation. - PREDICTS BALANCE OF TWO BILLIONS British I inance f.xpert Doclaro*. Iradc (-ai;; ?.f America Will Increase. London. Pec. |<] lut KkM ?tag American securities wa tuolly the sole topi?? of discuss ?? I the American section ? ' P'iir'-.,.' I ? ? eroue ? n'an i? thought ? . - - i ? ? *. peeiw' believed 1 .roc) ? and insurance houses will sen*? ' the op* at the pre*ent high level. George Paisi ? an ofll ? on mutual financial prof ? '\-n follov log statement I on 'he proposal: ? Pha "'an II to -nable 'he B . ? ? ,,? the great quantities of American and ptotfacc they Will n??ed to huy in titc ne?.- ??..?:.- mooths. Farther, il ?' ? the pataaas i I ig the of Groat Britain with the samt . : tat good i i in ? United Si ? "In the last year goods (?ought from ' America have been paid for largel> in gold, and still more largely in sec-ir The emouat of gold in the United States Is no?' SO <*o!ossal that tl portion of additional amounts may lend d specaiotioa, and it is arnaasira hie, in every one's interest, that I of (fold ihoold accumu? late in the United States, and desirable poymeat should he made 'or the I. -, ^(r, * '"it* in ?eeurit,^ ' <<:ie kind and anoth r. or by -.^T* * nal rredtt? similar te iy?* *' Sec* T*?o lit I i ton Ka|Hact "Practical <;rw|. - '?<?' r. \ ? ? . and afl ''t of r'";?,-f? prob a-' of ?*' - ?? -*it F-?'. ill ,. 0? a '" ' "In ? i " ? Great \n ?'???i'\s, j,'. make aeeeeearj preparation for??,,' ? l B. ? an Vbsorb Holding?.' ??The pian of ; - : - ' - may lend tl ? ?id, ?ad Stau? ? ar* Ilka] there b ' ? irUag mi I I -a ? ? ? ? : men) loan* . r for?; -. ??I?, other word?, th? ; '?d sut*? '?. ?ill ?? r income than il tttr uj ,?. inro-i, ??'?- ? ? ? hich -?sill be r?tun?? new tut?, . South American which may lif u5.?( ?riean people." The plan is received witn favor t a major nart of th? pre?- | ma ntt? however, are inclinr.l '.i ?*, detail? befor? ?'rpre?iin| , te opinion, h particular, ti,??, b h demand fo? clearer detinitioa ?f ?a I i ?| ? ? ; | MM, FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $3.00 ' if ? i ? '? f- Pull.m Bl M .? Ne? I mu).h? Une, st I- r'-r *n V l< . ? \ew H.i??*n I me. rf ;-. Pier II ft. Catharine SI l ? i ?.' Pier 7?. f Briil?r|i.?r? I Ute, ' ? * 1 ? Th* pufcll?? h* plea*ei*l BOSTON 8 2,65 ?i, Baal mi.) Kmii, iiiiimi tSSS -'? PKOVIDENCE $1.60 ?00910 S3.00. Colonial Line First i-,??s sen e ?-...?_ tare sod <j>* ?l i f M t-.r.n I'ler I?. N >? . f.,j: Weal i;..u*t..." m. ili Ootoida I SI.00 lu ?_.??l*. M irr Ir*? eoalpOMOI ? Rea Llru?_??_: and -J'i *t. 1 bo ? i-piln?i--0491. 4)1 ( *? 11 ? K BTATKKOOMI4, 11.00. r?all?. Inrludlns -*iinila?. *?:i'0 p. m. From Pier !n. F. H 'Phon* I70*. TWkt-Jn ?. V ^____ ? ? i -, , l BRAZIL Coast ':. Ameri ? ? niF HSV ST A MS H IP LINK *.i.?\ I PER. I .'HAI l'A.?-'! m, !l ' . -- S?y S.S. RIOdeMNJROJAN. 18th SS MINAS GERAES. FEB. 3rd .-? ?? M| | ... LLOYD BRAZILEiRO. VAf?P? 5 RED "?" UNE - vr ,?<; ? ? :l< .. i i HA 4 . I'll ILA DEIJPH1 ? KARATA ,.! 1.IA . I ? ? - ? ? . . -.- Min ' lall kl?**, The Ideal Christmas Week Vacatio?, R-.jn-l T-lo or sf.i~?r l?. ?uta??,, ? M Ml *,. S ??-t i., K?Lc;:_ S. 8. "Evangelauc" I M".H AMI HI I ? " .?S. S. "Bermudian" .? S v Wa? , ' ... .. ' ? West In-aie, ? BERMUOA er WEST INDUS nil? ?a? One??c S. 9. Ca., I** Broad... ?i ? I ? v. ? .-. CUNARD OKOI EUROPE via LIVERPOOL S.AXONIA SAT.. JAN I. 10 A. M I A < P I . I ' ? ? r M ?Kn l Kill Mi THI .VOKI I? lOIR?. j, ' "a ert 1 COMPANY S OFFICE. ? 21 -2-1 S*AT? }T . I. ?. FRENCH LINE < i?iii":in;iil.- Generate TrAn?atla?ll<F? I'll-l \l ?I KM? r. Sailings for BORDEAUX ESPAG1NE De.. 1ft. 3 P.H I.A TOURAINE.Dec. 25. iM ROCHAMBEAU.Jan. 1, 3f.M. LAFAYETTE. . . Un. ft, 3P.M F' IATION Ai'PI.T COMPANY'S OFFICE, ?k??'&o* INSTRUCTION. NEW ii'Kh --Miinli.,tl_n. The Brrlitz School _f Lancuage?, ? - ,?s Hi wtsr Mm arRrtT. ei ? I- I A? r- ' . ?? mum -?t. . ? ? ? ? n i( ) . h? . i ?, , i i- i i li: .?i ? k??? I f"r siimni,riD|, ? ? -li ? ' ? at .--?u!:a . u uta st -LOUIS H. CHALIF ! Graduate Russian Imperial Ballet S.hoo!. I*i? *:i? Hi? lie? le/nber?, a?. I .in?. Irura, Interpretive, ?-?Hieiii-, ra?inl mm* .linn ins in ?iail> ami \.eek\j soo*ace. Bra? mtsee -, \\i?l IM M- N. Y. DANCING CARNIVAL. ',; r < ?*??_ afternoon ai.) ?, [ Bunday. Ci ? i Ho IL, or -..l.l .?< HOOL ?GE?CIES. \>i. in _in; hiirrlfi. Teachers' Agemy. Buppl s Pre I ? rs, Tul r?. sees, ate * and i w i i to Mrs il J. VOL.NU r . -TON, tl l.'nion .?..uar_ BUSINESS CARDS. i. ? ARPI I ? i.iam.m; ? ,, . , , ? i ?. -'eaui. haiij "... ? .?. ? 1-1 ' Ml 1. r ? ? - i..- t ? ' Ti l'l ?SK?TT1 S I Uli I. - I. ? . Broad?-*-? il ? i . . ? ' Alll-KT II I AM??. nst i. rt Prl-e? It?-. .??.- ?, i M Tel ?.<?? ?ut" l!n?..t ?HT (,.?.? ???, 4' l. -Ill \ I ION W \S| hi I. Male. A\R. BUSINESS MAN ' r a man with ?plloi ibllil , . IS oush ?% ?. ? ? ! f.. turn . - : ? manen? <*iig??em?-n? B? Boi 4 ?f*1. ? ? iiaitd ' ? u 4 ? ?I " a? . la DOMESTIC SITUATIONS ,\ WTHi Male. ? ? ? I tar* Fo__Ua? 4 4 ? - * ? ? t am. _ - RESORTS. i '* Addre?-, C. ia fRUSSEU . M?n*i?f ?B?ven-*tropic? a^naammm HOTEL CHAMBERLIN v / ? ? #* isii X _e|lS__ Bath a i /\* J^~ ^J GfO ?. AOAMV taHna^a?. >j/?<0/ la."fil Hce.ot. Vi or mmmmm "* i, i !. _ HOTEL GR-J_*VE-Ji L ?_ minutei hon - :- '"'" ( 'imrr r ill II P ?"? ' ' JH I ?...rfcer. Ill no Hoot *taStA;ttm \ ,,, u.' - . tat .?IM"?*? I ? 'l|rr.| ratr? '"?"" JJ5 mvrei g***"*T.4" IM? IUOIN'i -IfSORT MOW <H TMf *<*** A II.A NIK t CIT*t OavNreanie ???? '?'? .-a?? I JOaiAH WHITE 4 SONS COMJ__U Laurel-in-the-Pit* i ,1?.?.i. *>??? '? "*?' NOW OPEN FRANK F. SHUTE, Mir. Art o"! rtf1' GALEN ? > ?...,. 11 v i i vti i.m?1;"1 ll.Vla.laa? I' Aiwar?Oe?a . ??. ? -ti; TRAYMORE 11 ??-.''? ?' ?ftaJ _t"L ' '"""' f11'1?- I'll ?ne B'V?L-i-?-' BERMUDA ?iirtUi* PRINCESS HOTEL i?. . ? N? ?.*_ PINEHUKST, "iiMi im: UIMI.B oe ?*? I aU*l ?. ?.,?. .aj J(i, At?, at* ab