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DANIELS ASSERTS ?. S. HAS BIGGEST SHIPS FEASIBL] trges Increase ill Num bers. Not in Size?Want Well Balanced \a? \. Nnn 01 MW RAI I \s s( OUTS URG? \ ?taicncnt lo Congress Saj Prita;n's All Wound I led Mdv wd Kosi in w\ i ? ? ? i I ? te fan ? ? a) : : ' * ? ? i ? ? - - o be Hi r I . ropound ? pi . ? Departiaeata "?''a < eaBdeatlal. "Murr rtaienl ut'orm? aJfeetiag tl ' ? are, I eral conrY. ? portanl ? - i Beet ? ?ubmarine? date ma.' a?.?urit>i- t( ? a] parti f th? world anc - ' rthei ? ' rti of >ub" ' ? Well Rmmde-d Fleet He?? ?i? btought the si ? Parliament . ? pen added ? i ???ijether ?*, itli . ther type *? of ? com ? t| w."h cli, in ? haract? ?rat? reaenl and pra mo?t . ? ? ? ? ? FAVORS Y0UN?J FILIPINOS Meint? ta Weald line I hem \r?te a? 1 ?? ? I'e.-ir iiiK?. I.effin To-da-. Miau? 1 '4. A pr?posai : - - ?.baY rate at eighteen aas i ? ,. ? Philip day by ' ?? Mein tyre, chef of ?be Bureau -.- the C0IB1 Intrj i-, or amendment? to B ? ea >Y ?i*l ? pear. ral Mch,* ? the islands, who l.a e of American .?ois and I <,? ?? bei ? broucbt up ?ince tl MB in? ? - ? I en tag . ? ? ? ' ENGLAND INTIRNS 45.749 Prlsoaera af War Now Tolal :'l..'?'?. HoHBC of ( iimmuim Hear?. ai.nounced . ;.- that ? . . . ? ! COAST DEFENCES NEED MILLION: War Department Want Wore than $23,000,000 for Fortitications. CALLS FOR HUGE WIREWOUND (jUN Detinue Hans Made for 16?lnc Batteries for Defence ?if \?u York. Doe. 1. i ? ' ?vii* 'lirown 01 the v <?pf el the ad mi utration'i defence plan? to ? Deportmoi t'i ei matei fi c?ias? defi ? ring 1 - < ? ea eluding ih?. mi teni u ami increai ? rmonenl ? -?'"1 th Philippines. ? ' at, will i ? *? iom, aii'l .h addition iKe \v*r In ? ... ? guns ' :? ? ? ? niiii.iiiKi ?OI ) njineiTing. . ? - ?n?/re 11 il I ? ? . ige 16 ? i neb i rntoall] fir?* te )?? mallei ns. lu b ? ? ? .ife-an ? I under? . ?r?l to the defei ? ? ' har 'ua'o- f(.r I61? ? . ?. -, . |, -inch bat) aising theii .? eithi ? big i tod oi raini ;.?.?) moved ? \n of the prppar,.' * ' .4 ! . ? immunil n i ? - ? - ? ? FRANCIS JOSEPH FAILING laetriaa Biaperer'i Rigta! \rm and r es? Paral] ed. Paria Mear?. Pari? Dee 14. -A : ., ? , ?Iyied ?si that the El ?iio hh- mi the as? ? forward? ent o*' "I.? Matin He mti ? ?! ? l: i, this iai naa tion au t?. dm?! ?ron Rartaaann, Arr*1 il ' i ologi ? ' li?me for the i ton \ r. | to 1 Km peror a able t< * .- -:_ie paper?. a ?peel? ip haa been made for re I hi? private ?ec ? GERMANY BARS TRAFFICKING i - ? aarien Haj ? ?rr^ ? ? ? ? a?._t? he?. but Not Merrharidi*** "??? '.- ; ] tal ? psrtment snaoai ? .-? ?an diplomat tweee Berlin and London ?o earrj mer chii'dise. but aid In ? reatrid Ciei " eould - --vent or '" tt between the American ?abas? es at 1 ind Bei It wai iefd on rt? ?" ' | ' ' ?? ? " I a. In Mme r????, the de. ? earl< f m riiriat handkerch ii band art if a U. S. GUNBOAT FOR CUBA I'rinreton \\ i'l l!r Offered for >ale at Keijue?! of Protectorate. . ??rnment to day th? i . nounced t Y , <?'rs at the I'uget Soul ? . , 0f ' fered to that and ha? a ?peed of ? ? ? The req\ - ? ??? that Ihl j.hnned to increaae ?a k|| ?rm? ami ammunition from the I army ** ? ? 1 7 er| ? STEEL STOCK FC?F?MPLOYES I - ? ??moration \ ote? Offer at ?>.:,.000 .-?hare? for *?ub?<riptioM teel < orporation rot? i lei "t. offer To.000 ihari refen t ? ?B Of th? Il d psnies, Th? t? ? ary, 19*4, v ded. There ?vas no ?ubacription o,T January of thia yMi - th? t?mall earr..*?- of th? eorpi ;. I . the feet that ? .-e v. a? - - Payment? or n.a?e in mont ... ... ? :>ei- in ?uch ? t to a ? ESTMATE BOARD CALLED VOTE MAD Listen Only to Those Who Want Money. Realty Men Are Told. MEMBERS ATTACKED AS"CHARLATANS" Stewart Browne. After Accusa? tions. Says Real Estate Values Will Soar. boadred real estate . i ' lowing a modeit repast in Terrace dar den lait night, listened with apprecia oo to a series of otti - Hoard p.-'h* sU| I i ,h.e ritv ?" ? eral. ?.? i ? ? ? al ? . ? au handred members ?if ? Real Estate Ownei Assootal : a ir.easu-- - - -, i ? I . . . i t. and renta I ' ? Broa no n length and ? i ? mi d "ehorli I "I ha?.?' I itter with ? ? g fl is? ? mur ,. ually fol! ? to pub R ? I . hey listen to i ' <? jour i as if thei a ? re are imper ?I011S." Milrhel I.el? ProioC r mi - ? ? ? ? ? ? move | end. .-? certain e ' ? leers, and j talon ??.ho is er, ? ? ' I ? ? sctivel] [ to pi - aie aat reap advantages atcru . ?? ?- ? ? | who |-et I s ob ? ?hem. They i done mac ? larire realtj hi aperotora, ??I . hoot? i ? ? ? ? '. our orf-ar.tiation. ? i -e was too I ? "ations of the potty je?; Ina ? ? - ..... ??lit??? ?A .?4 to Elect. ? ? ?'? . . of them -i'u'.d put up i - | i ?*>? ?ou!d pur th? nff.ce ar>: ? ? ? - a"e " Bird E ' ' rmof i'ontroMer an? onetime candidate for Governor - - ? toreas) ? -1 eooeorali efficiency of "effir.?: :??-?? ' No maoicipal expert is worr decroe f Doctor of 1 ?as ? ?mi * the pros?. letting ?--??? -rucan tur children Irere never hoi ? populou? bor?.ugh so mar > SO, We? and office? ?h?.w?-?d then ugly front-, as at prefe-.r "The am ' tu i ? ttle id ? i deportment to astea 1 _ * rutting ?o man) restl on ha at the rery Hi ? ? t of the i - called ar* mudi - -upt,' -s'd. "II ? as insol. ' " r?iinar> ? ???. It t4 ou!d be fnr ii? to v.a* s to bridjre to 1 UOdei the rivei ? - ibes that hare wel to he '? from noa 1 he paying I ? ? .... ? , ? r - \\ ? ? i.. . roronai pr?->p- . : ? riding: our ? - ? 1 Wagner ai Ittoi WIRELESS STRIKE PLANNED Committee Named ?itli lull Power*? ???ait-, l'a? ill? Fight tnd. . eommitti ? . "*-at"ri. ?.? t'een ap? rimo Schnattinets, sec? retary rreasurf No. ? n?r,mercial Telegra \ ? -a i tat? ? ? ' Mid the r'm n .. g :ne outeoni. ?en*>iai st' rire 11 retors i ? ? ? ossl ?: a general * >. month > - com m ttee LEEBKNECRT STIRS REICHSTAG ROW His Questions on War, Food Situation and Politics Ruled Out. ? ,t of the lay t?ai a Bg te th? refu??'. of the tient t ? - rut by Dr. Liebki at ?r? ? .. ? it anil ??rthet fini Bg to The ? . ring th? The pre?- th? chamber, ?c ? Amsterdam d <>' Keuu ? ? r? ? . >ed to applementary qu> "ted by I>r. I... bkr.echt. -Ahoie re drown? ..: : ? I -???. i r the i 1 ef the minary hiatorj I Bell neutrality." He inqoired also ?-?hetber ? ? .- ? ??.mer." would appoint a com BMtMn Secretar, - -? gi *,*T? r-. Herr um JaR-ow, replied that ?uri- dip? lomatic material hno Blready hei n pub .? -o be pub i nectary, but. ? ? ration. ? gnat ? Bt :?? I .? bknechi ttenc) eatery the preaident ? le accept . . question *? r the | eminent ?rould i ? providing e abandonment of ?^r?-et diplo? -1 I ? ? tattve? r? thil Men \on | ITALIAiFd?PUT??S ADJOURN Send dreeting? to "\ i< turiou?. \rn?v" in Cleetag Hour?. Dee 14. Ph? Chamber of -red veste March 1 A - .- and the army. greeting? Depaties wen -?? ? Dress Clothes for Xmas? Do you want the beat? Our $30 to $60 ?fabrics Fifth Ave tiiilors would ask $H0 to $100 to match?are rfduced. \ vening dress suits. $?40. Tuxedos, $)). Black or white silk waistcoat if desired. Made to measure only, btyle, workmanship, ht and tinish strictly guaranteed Broadway C& 9th St. ikrnhnm HYDROPHOBIA GRIPS 2 GIRLS One. Who Took l'??t?ur Treatment, Ua? Bitten ?n (Maker. Pat?wee y .'. Dm 14 Aiihoui-h ?b ? underwent t after h bj a? dog in (>? 1 ? rapher. is in a critical ?-ondition at ti.i bOBM h? rt I?r. Francis J. *A a. her ?,. - - I from hydrophobia x' u Mav Kaohelor. el ' Jersey StMel laaohag from t 10 laBM -ease. At "* " -- ?????'?? "??attacked the bita??? .ere not considered se*ioca. Pasteur tre_- 'aheri chiefly A? h preeaetioB Tea day? ?tro ?he became I "i ..* I it ? Don t ?-cold the cold; cet on board a Santa Fc train to summery California and run away from winter. On the way? C^uaintlv g_rned Indians, petrified foreste, painted deserts, and that supreme w onder the Grand Can? yon ?it At izona. At the end? Hedge.? ot rose?, {?old of orange orchards, sunny ekie?. (?olf.aiitiunv/. and the romance of old Spanien a..j ?. 1 ou may go in lu miry en ire California Limited or travel ccimomiclly in a tOUl - i?t Moovor. Four daily tran?iciintinent_l train? ana tfie **veek]y b*nt_ Fc de-Luxe. Frca I urvcy meal? . - East? Pss?- Aat ; ? . - rankt? i J m Don't Dive Into a Copy of Next Sunday*s Tribune Without Proper Warning. Otherwise You Might Suddenly Run Into K Y ontague Glass Illustrated, with much pleasure, by and we don't want to be responsible for the shock. That's what happened to the man in the picture, you know, Glass did Potash and Perlmutter, you know, and set the world roaring. Then he took a deep breath and did the BIRSKY-ZAPP controversies, in which a Real Estater and a Waist Manufacturer put world problems through the hoop of retail business, the English language taking the count in the process. Incidentally, it's the first original work Glass has ever done for any newspaper. And just to make it as much worse as possible we let BRIGGS do the pictures. Briggs, the man who made Kelly Pool more famous than the Atlantic Ocean. Funny? We'd have to be able to write like the man who used to do Barnum's posters to say it strongly enough. If you have any breath left after you read the first one we want your name and address to be used against you. ARemember December 19 "Brings One And every Sunday thereafter, until these two funmakers lose their breaths. Ntm Burle -fribtme first to I.?ist? the I ruth: \e\\s?hdittirials?Ad* crtisements. Was A It man a Collector? '"w hen some one tell?? mr down at the store that there is a collector outside wants to see me, it don t make no difference if the collector is collecting for a bank, a hospital, the cloth sponger, a home or the landlord, 1 give my bookkeeper instructions she should say I just went over to Newark." "Well, pictures is different," Birsky continued. "A feller which collects pictures like B. Altman sometimes p<-ys enormous prices. lake for ex? ample Mr. Widener .Selig, the Philadelphia mill? ionaire, and h<- is paying for a picture of a mill one half million dollars." "what kind of a milli?" Zapp asked. "What's the difference what kind of a mill?" Birsky said. "I believe it was a flour mill." 'A flour mill be pays half a million for its pict? ure!" Zapp said. "Why for a quarter of the money plenty people would have been glad to sell him a rolling mill, and throw in a dozen pictures free."