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100 Years of Commercial Banking THE (ily ei New York Capital & Surplus, $5,000,000 Resources, - 70,000,000 Char ter Member S.Y.Ctearing Honte Member Federal Reserve Bank l mied States Depository 192 Broadway Cor. John St. pitANCHFaS Greenwich and Warren Sta. Bowery ond Grand St. 345 Grand St. Fifth Avanue and 14th St. Ninth Avenue and 14th St. Fifth Avanue and 20th St. 2 Wast 33rd Street 57th Straet and Third Ava. t?t h Straet at Second Ava. Broadway and 104th Street Lenos Avenue and 116th St. 125th St. and Lex. Ava. We Invite Your Account Habit The habit at saving it at once one cf the most profitable and easy of acquisition. Our Standard Savings Service presents a very limpio and practical method rf putting it into practice. Ask for booklet F-S?o Bigelow& Company tS Pina? M 'Phon. ?***f>0 John. Maryland Coal Co. o! West Va. FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. rkeae Broad 5140. SS Bread M- Sew fork. OrtreU UUahron* ?a Bo-loo tnS Pbt'.i?1<i'.pri*a SCOVILL MFG. J.K.Ricc,Jr.&Co. Pbonta ?Ml to 481? John. IS Wall St. N. T. FOR SALE American ???>?? A Bta Com. American I'nMlc 1 tllltlet Pfd. Ameritan tfoorot ? ?S. ? ?an. Pacifie Oat & Klee. Com. htandard *?*, Si Baa. Cota. I'<ed It. a Rvs. (am. Prtval? Telephone to PWIa. and Sertoi H.F.McCONNELL&CO. t? Pta? hi., Trl. ?ir?4 .lohn, ?w York. STANDARD etmsEOisntra *P arms m bloo TBACTiona r OLD rrtv^ SS^^o?^eiwiiRi_ca wmmmm taw-l-M-d t3 Bread SX. K. T E. W. BLISS J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co. 4S?1 to 4010 John. II Wall 6t_. N. T. Wm.A.Read&Co. New York Chicago Philadelphia Boaton London All WALL STREET readi DOW, IONES BULLETINS & TICKERS Investors reset THE WALL STREET JOURNAL MONEY AND EXCHANGE. nmsui aaaaan DiaoocwT asm?a*** i ? .- Li un dir? at ??M. 3 p?r e-at?t. up ? V ope*"?' et t vet cant; DKhart, t ?.-?-- alas. ? oa ?*?'?? rnu *? -Mi ?_, ?aM s?-?, -.?".t. ?>-? ntb Atjt. '\JIZ ter e?K.I ftr i n K met eteeAr Rullri r?'?. ? ? a * . ?vta-U-n?, Hi >i Ht TRlVSAlTI'f I I - I . T31 ITS The ?' I 1.81* SI I: tee 1 ... fain?, from . ,,:.?Co. . .. I . ? fit? I? I '? i KIHRAI. V- - Rjt.TF.-l _!.!"_ >?u?.a> ? - . . - ? up 'n I ? - . a ? . '"???? I ? J . . ?. . ? ? ? . * Vet r- ,j ..... I , ? . |,| ? ? I ? ? ?? _M?OUi 4 - "* I ??? I .,, ,u -?, tw, Petsm ? ? ? ? , -a ? "??' ' " r>. lie diMwot ?A"?'. * ?*I-I.r.r,f?. ir. ? < ....Il . . ,?? i ?' a ' . . ,??, al?. ? Il 'II.Mi li-Vr.B V? ait? in L-rait-, WM '.- II 1*4 B da -, ??a Mfco. ?>?? Mtakaa aUaw ? ?~ a. BMs roano* tarns' <.r. ****%,*, .-?. -_. tn?wht t?; u-' < ? t.'lar ?Iddaj. bat re* I leim ? -? ?raM *Jt*a*l ? . \* ('el* ?.-"?.? ? 1 a ,_fS_rad. 4T1 la a ' . - - I . *H-1J>- ? a'..?. a ' ?' - t M ilitl. ? ,t M. Bill? t ' ?' ? ? ? I . a a-?', tUtr J*>a I Il MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Prices Give Way on Fear That Break May Come with Austria. INDUSTRIALS LEAD IN LATE DECLINE Early Advances in Speculative Favorites Short Lived? Sterling Higher. Prices gave way In the last hour of trading following intimation from Washington that Austria's reply to our demands on the Ancona attack would be wholly unsatisfactory and that a break in diplomatic relations might re sult. Selling was genera!, principal de? clines occurring in the Industrial litt where early th?-re had been an irregu? lar advance. For the most part pres? sure came from traders who decided there had been a mistake in assuming that conditions favored a speculative upturn. In addition, there was some liquidation from the commission houses that indicated a more widespread ap? prehension. The statement of tho position of the Austria-Hungarian Admiralty, received overnight, was In direct opposition to onr claims for disavowal and repara? tion. In case of Germany, however, it bad been found that the Foreiirn Office did not conduct Its affairs along the lines laid down by those In charge of the navy. So beyond some heaviness In international Issues and a continua? tion of publie apathy, the early deal? ings Bhowed no disturbance from our foreign affairs. In the late afternoon advices from Y.'ashington Indicated that this time our international com? plications might result seriously and the market turned sharply downward. Losses on the day among standard Issues were in few cases as great as a full point. Those wnr industrials, which had been stimulated into activ? ity and some show of strength by the Fame kind of professional operations that had been conducted previously In the week, v.-ont back in unmistakable fashion. Early gains wore generally wiped out and changed to losse?. Hald U*i_ Locomotive had been advanced over - points and ended more than 3 down. Mudebaker made a net loss of 5 points, Texas Oil of I) and Mercantile Marine of over 2. United States Steel fell back more than a point to f>5, and ended only a shado above its lowest Convertible bonds weakened a little at the close in sympathy with stocks. The Anglo-French notes were quieter than on Wednesday and ended at 95 after changing hands again early in the session at the low of 94*-_ for de? layed delivery. It was denied that there was any syndicate support being furnished for the Issue, or that any such arrangement wi?s in contempla? tion. This latest international menace has r.ot brought alarm to security holders, but it did suggest need of caution. As compared with the popular Indignation that followed the ?inking of the Lusl tania, the peoplo of this country are in no state where it seems probable that they could readily become involved in the European upheaval. Crises between nations, however, do not come as logi? cally they might be expected. If our authorities are really determined to stand on their demands, It may be that diplomatic relations with Austria may be interrupted, and, following that, there is possibility of even moro se? rious complications. From Paris it was reported that the Bank of France as result of its ap? peals to the French people had raised Its gold holdings to the unprecedented ? total of $l/i()(i,000.000. The Bank of England, where still the. effort is made to give out the precious metal as well as to bring it in, added a few thousand dollars to its gold. The reserve propor- j lion fell nearly ??* of 1 per cent as. loans and deposits of the money market' increased. Ilere sterling was firmer, ' with pome purchasing for remittance: of proceeds of sale of Hritish securi? ties delivered here. London checks rose to 4.7l"^? In the pound, up "* of a cent from Wednesday's close. Exchange on the Central Powers continued to be ' sold, and, in absence of purchasers, reached new low levels. INACTIVE YESTERDAY. The following table gives the closing bid and asked prices for stocks which ! are listed but which were not dealt in ?on the Stock Exchange Thursday 1 Bi___i*_.| r>:t_?_9_ i?Mir,?i*i a ,nv bu ta pf - m ___?B?J_Tr" lS4Vl_>rt:;_-_ 1\.7.110 160 i do ?*?'_,??.-J? J?. ! -O rn-f.US1. ? Am C O F ??.U8 11? M?il?y fr*).... T8 71*4 ! Am Ce?*- .... .'I ~ IM?.-h*t. He.*?-?. I t, Am C iTodpf 11-' 119 _.-.:? 1, Am Matt .... <*H lOVi.M.v T'-r-t st.. ?3 <lo pref. Si .'?S 1 Se p"' ,1M 10T m s?.- ..144 1 - M do pr?t.10: 110 44 M ,* ?.-. J... 144. )* il' ?K-, 11*S MSP4SSM ;.' Am T 1 ?'*!.. - ?? ? I. I. An. T pf 1 "> 112 ' Am?U H Co.. 10 I'.'? M - K * . r ? pi m m? a t.? . ?m. ?. a ?i ;.' lit -..? ?. ru't * 11 pr ? ..... ?? ' Nat '. a S pf ?; 1 , I Bk^n l:ii.ul : ' N'ai I/?, r' 11) 114 Knix-r-lrk ... US '-H Sa? C A Suit. , c ? B - 11 a P.. no i * ? - n* -f.110 V? ? N V r _ Si L 4.-, < -, * - ?' co.. it s; d? l*t met . ?. -?-?.. 44 "? an M tr-r do pr?' *?. '- . ?? 1 i' ? . .. :o IS C-m> J I ?* ? . I 44 Cent or N 1 ?! M v 1. _ w .11 ?, ; , o-.t T****. r' : 1 ?? 'A4 -, A <io mm -? Paris, t'oait.. 49 t : '*??-. to do prrt .111- met 1 1 r "-?? ' ? 1 _ r pf. . .- I II Pmrta a Etu .14 1".U IM I. 41 ? f> C C a St L7I I) ? do prel ,...74 ? , > pr?! cl M ' r.?? ft FltU . ?' :?? M ? l Coi r a 1 r>' ? nieti r' f?. ?.-.. A ?> ?. .?;'"' pr?t ? -, - ???' 1 '? .' ?S ? ? I pre'. 4? ', \ r ., 1 IAP I" 1 "S ? P?**l ??? '? 1 -, 1 up Ce. 40 '?? y ? ? '.' il Mr Un*. Il is?. ? 1 *-r :?: pi ", ? ? pf .. tt v*V, m L >?.?? n- A n '. . ? ? '. ? DIS S I ' i*?- a Kl > (Jr H il i Sa ? ? )io ? . '. n II l-f c1? ?IVf, 4 de MO?) dit t! "3 ... . ? vo ?? < ?? 5 TtxmY ].! -.' - ? 1 1 ,19! . : . ' , (j r Kl L S ?V. . ? ?'?, t ? ' . T?,!- Cil? B 1 ; ? ? 1 ? . ?> 1 ? j-pt ?0 ?<? 111 ??ni : ? -.90 ' ' l'-v l.oct?. M - ! ;?? : ' | H ? .1' .11?1 * lil*" .44 ? . I ' fI_r L'or?. M ' ' **??- A It '. 4', ISS 110 . ?t* met . 4 ? ? 1 ??r Cb P...1UH 11J\ UU I v, j;, a f .45 ? kt 41 ?. ' met 1 ? r... 0 -il 1 ?o 1 .- ' ? ? ? A w 10 IWimlworth pf.lz. , H ? UM ' . :-'-??? '- ? I . hi pr s.:? 1 BRIEF WALL STREET NEWS. 'Ir* ?>.".; BxploslVOS Company hss 1 klin Trust Com? ? suds ' * rode?n | ? A ? per coat riotes, which ma t'ireii rooeaUjr. To date $'_.15,ri,000 of the $3,000,000' notes hnve been paid off. Joseph P. Wi.liner has been elected a direct.-r of tin? Electric Storage Bat? tery Company, to take )he pla<*e of his father, the late P. A. ft. Widener. The Sett York Cotton Exchange has elected Edward B. l;nrt!, jr., a mem? ber of Usa board ef Managers lo serve) th? unexpireii terra of Kobert C. Cairns, I resigned. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE iiiiksdav, MCBMBBB i?, ??is. Total tale? of stork-, Thursday. 659.200. against 61 6.50? WlMllllJ, 65..200 a trash ago and 7S.R00 a year ajro. From January 1 to date, 16*204,500. ajainst 47.662,200 a year ago. 104 129 324 100 \ i Jones i._j 1Y 4 Adams Express. ? - \ . ?, : : Mines. 6,00? - I ? A, . 8,11 I - pr. 4 Ar.. fcgi I bemJcal. 800 71 6 Am. Agr. Chemical pr.. ? ? Am. Beet Sogar. ? Am. Caa . 13,100 604 7 Am. < an nr, u div... 100 1114 1111* 2 Urn. Cat ft Foundry.... 1,400 BO 814 7 Am. Coal Products. 1,500 162 155 4 Am. Cotton Oil. 100 56 6 Am. Expresa . 260 127% 1274 ? - Am. Hule _ Leather.. 100 U ? Am. Hide A Leather pr 60? 514 1514 ? Am. lee Securltlei. 600 26-a 264 ? Am. Linseed . -? '-'? ? - In Lim sd pr. 600 414 ?1% Loeomothrc . MOO 694 704 i ocomotivc pr. loo 1"1 101 4 Am. Smelting .' 4.3M M4 M4 7 Am. Smelting pr. 200 1104 1104 5 Am. Smelting pr A.... 200 *h%\ 89 v 6 Am. Smelting pr B... 200 644 M4 Am. Steel Foundry.' M00 604 62 7 Am. Sugar . MOO 116 IM4 8 Am. Tel & Tel.' MM 1284 1294, 20 'Am. Tobacco .I 600 206-1. ! . ,:,. ! ? ? al chj-e Bid. 10 10 129 129 244 4 31 - 14 -j : ? 100 .... 31 - : 10 129 24 21 - I h 10* - ? . 214 ? 71 1 l'a ?94 1"! IHM : - M 69 ? tii4 in* ni'. 1114 : ? ' - 1514 1614 2 151?. . ; Y 65-4 - 1 544 : ", I . ? 1-5 ? 'Am. Woolen . ? Am, Wo,ilen etf?. km. Writing Paper pr 200 1,000 100 47 464 12 644 8 Anaconda . 13.C00 8 Asso. Oil. 900 h ?.* hlsen . l.Y ,"i Alchison pr. Baldwin Locomotive.... 7 Baldwin Locomotive pr 5 Baltimore & Ohio. Batopilas Mining. 7 Bethlehem St. pr, ex dir 6 Brooklyn Rapid Transit If'*1 5 Burns Brcs. B00 80 'Butte & Sup., es dlv...| 1,200 ? Ca?L Petroleum. 19,900 4 CsL Petroleum pr..: 6,200 8 Canada Southern. 8 10 Canadian Pr.clflc. 1.100 180 I 4 ?Central Leather.! 8,000 6441 47 464 la M4 644! 106 127=.? 11 604 I ? 684 974 HO - B94 844 604 1!". 204 494 464 U 64 1034 Y - a 207 47 47 It 644 644 1054 41:0 101% 101* 1014 1014 - 4 1014 101% 42,000 116 120a, 1134 11S4 ? 34 1134 IM 11 - 1 264 14 414 -Y 101 974 - 14 1104 - 4 ??y f 4 -, - 4 61 - '4 1154 1284 - 4 - 14 164 14 ?164 - 14 t 14 -14 - 14 - 1 ! ? 4 - 14 104 . 404 684 101 ' 974 1274 11 11 204 41 6*1 102 974 1104 m - 41 I ? - 104 ?1 1164 116 128*4 2054 464 164 12 -:'? ?'i 1064 600 1094 1094 1094 1"*: 1,100 924 924 92 | 92 6,100, 84 Mi 64 If 600 150 160 150 150 B84 85 4 ! Il 61 | 69 ! 6 20 4 100 6,200 I.4110 800 M 200 100 6,700 200' 200' fl rentrai &. ?So. Am. Tel.. ?- 'Chesapeake & Ohio ? 'Chi. Great Weitem 4 'Chi. Great Weitem pr. 4 'Chi., Mil. A St. Panl... 7 Chi., Mil. <fc Bl Paul pr1 ?- |Ch... R. I. & Pacific_! 6,400 ? ICleve. i Pittsburgh...' I 80 Chino Con. Cop., ex div1 800 ? ?Chile Copper.! 1,400 4 duett Peabody. Colo. Fuel t Iron. ? Comp. Tab.-Rec Co... 7 'Consol. Gas. 6 ' sal Can. - Corn Products. 5 Corn Products pr. ? - Crucible i?teel. 7 Crucible h'teel pr. 6 Diamond Matin. & R. G. pr. Detroit United R. R.. ,i(" Securities.. Mines. Elee. Storage. - Brie. Erie 1st pr. 4 Fed. M. ft a ft. fl Cen. Chemical Co. pr..j s Gen. Electric Co. ? Gen. Motors. 7 Gen. Motors pr., Good-rich, B. F., 7 (it. Northern pr. 4 Gt Nor. Ore. subs. 16 Guggenheim Expl. Greens Ccpper. 74 Homestak? . ? - Int. Ajfricul. ? lint. Agricul. pr. ?? Inspiration Copper.... ? 'Interborougli-Con. 6 Ink-Con. pr. 5 Int. Har. of NY J. ? - Inter. Paper. 2 Inter. Paiier pr. 10 Int. N'iek.1. 4 Kan. C, Ft. S. & M. pr ? - Kan. City South. 4 Kan. City South, pr_ 6 Kresj-e Co. ? ?Lack. Steel.. -- I/ii'he Fr e <fc W. ? L. F. L W. or. 10 Lehigfa Vahey. 12 'Llj-gett ?'? Myers. Lot,se Wile.* Bleuit .. 6 Louis. A Mask. 4 'Miu'kav Cos. pr. ? Max. Motor. 7 Max. Motor 1st pr. Max. Motor 2d pr. - MeX Petrol. Mp\. Petrol, pr. Uii mi Con. Copper.... Mer. Marine pr. ctfs... - M. _ St. L. pr. 7 M? S. P. - Mo., Kan. * Te-:. - Missouri Pacific. Missouri Pacific ctfs.., 2 Mor.L Power. 7 Nat Biscuit. - Mat Knarn. & Stp. 3 Nat Lead. 0 NYv. Con. C*>p., ex div. 6 N. Y. Air Bn-ke. R N. Y. Central. - W. Y.. N. II. & H. - N*. Y., Ont. & W. 6 N'orf. _ West. 4 Nor". & West, pr. 7 N'orthern Pacific. Ortj.rlo Silver. - Pacific Mail. - Pac. Tel Ac Tel. 6 Penn. R. It. 8 Peo. Cas & C. 6 Phila. Co. Pitts. Coal. 5 Pitts. Coal pr. Pr?s ed Steel Car. 10! 140 400, ?2 100 144 700? 39 700' 98 400 132 154 884. 614 864, ?34 6i er, 29 4 59 59 1784 ?'J% 140 62 144 114 614, 1804' 54 4 140 62 ' M? 39 ' 98 4 111 154 524 244 74 614 ?17 107 H" 4 92 924 4 141 8 4 14 1434 150 88 4 884 M 63 ' 684 294 294 684 61 684 61 1784 - 24 1784 179 - IV .".24 524 88 4 664 634 - 4 1 . 94'? 14 59 1_. 2 59 1 ??? 464 624 244 100 74 15,400 514 1,000 45 9,300 U:i4' 146 Dio it.--41 854 2,onn 19 ! 194 200 91 ' 91 12300 72 754 7i?i 1104 m 100 106 108 7O0 27 ' 274 70 46 29 654 140 n 144 - 4 884 - 4 924 - 4 132 - ! 144 - 4 454 n -14 . 734 504 -- 14' 47 I + 84 92 ? 132 14 4 4 .V.. 51 21 73 4 45 14 14 1434 MM vi-, 1- ! 184 ? 904' 904 ? s 724 I 15,600 .1-4 564 100' 50 .?1 47 4 29 654 424 564 i 50 ' 110 1N 27 71 484 *m 414 N 50 - 4 ? a - - 2 + T 110 105 27 70 49 28 654 414 M 50 ' - 4 84 14 IM 61 144 884 92 131 ' 144 464 ..1 23 4 7.''4 604 464 143 4 884 It 90 72 101 105 2<; 70 46 284 14 4:4 55 1. 4R4 141 614 144' 39 924 ' 13" 15 514 24 734 61 4 494 143 4 844 19 n 72 4 ' 110 1184 ' 28 71 41 284 II 414 M II 100 1164 1164 1164 1164 ? 14 1144 116 885 173 4 174 172 172 14 172 1,200 530 530 '5104 513 ' 20 518 900 128 1254 1234 1234 - 54 121 4,500' 73 4' 7-14 72 72 -14 12 700 1254 1254 1214 1244' - 4 1244 TjOM ?4 494 474 474 - 4 474 1,100 764' 7f*4 784 764 '. ?6 700 16 ' 46 454 454 - 4 II 100 124 ' 124 124 124 I - 123 28 II 444 22 784 23 ' 58 ! 454 784 454 454! ? 124 124 J3 21 '-- 1 .".8 ' - 1 444 44-1Y? 4 214 214 - 4 71 7H 4 1104 1104 12 49 800 111 1300 12 5.100 474 400'198 100 M 100' 314 300' 634 100 260 43OO 82 100 144 MM 844 40.! 82 10 250 100 25 25 26 4M0' 129 1294 12;-', 1 ?4 200 664 664 664 ? 8,oou 764 78 1,4001 1014 1024 101 574 664 994 23 55 ? it 44 ? 21 - 173 514 124 724 126 4? 4 ? ? 464 24 61 444 214 111 124 1 49 4 4 1984; 1974 197'; 814 304 634 634 280 290 824 804 144 144 33 : . 82 ' B14 ?50 4 1104 111 12 f 14 ?84 4 1964 - 4 Hi 304 4 304 614 - 4 260 ?in 260 804' 14 14414 '- 184 ? 814 - 4 - 1 ?? 14 700 87,100 400 100 44,10.1 100 1014 574 99 95 334 74 34 94 100 122 4 juo <*4 1,400 SOO' 100 84 73 4 834 '? 84 : ? Y 4 73 4 _ 1 ? ' 1 0 1 si 21 85 76 124 ' 49 70 II 114 304 11 34 ? . 255 21 : 129 1 664 ' 764 lul4 101 4 96 - - 34 1 i 122 4 1 3 '. ' K ? 34 1224 I 84 34 , 734 14 1 l.ion 164 2,300 ?a 6.000' 105 800' 744 1.600! 30 Pri-.-sed Steel Car pr. . Pub. Ser. I or. of N. J. 400 128 1274 126 ! 294 294 294 8001 64 64 61 , 154' 164 154 - 14"4 138 1384 ? IO54 1044 104 V? 78 ' 74 4. 744 804 :: I 80 500 1214 1.M4 1194 120 ' 1 604 ""'.4 864 694 ? 116 1164 1154 114 104 104 - 12 ' 1141 114' 424 '124' 42V 584 694 111 114 114 I . 434 434 ? ? 88 Y pi "il - 4 734 1 1264 - ? 9 ' ? 96 70 . 354 123 64 84 4 7.7 IM M4 Quicksilver . Quirk-ilver pr. Rav Con. < op. ex. div. Dg .I 2,0)0 l.aon! !16 6,0011 ?14 2.000' 114 100' 424 I 200 1 i ! . : 37 2.100 1114 111 1,200 64 65 .100! 105 106 300 119 ' 120 13091 4 4 11 17 35-, 354 111 111 105 1101 , 41 154 Y 4 24 186 1 18 1 11144 1044 4J 714 4'-i 4; 30 194 14 1194 1204 ??. n M4 4 1154 116 4 104 104 4 114 - - Hi I 81 lio 114 '. - 115 13 4 111 14 ?? 1 104 !.?? "?'lintsf 1st |ir [Rep. Iron 4 Steel. Rep, iron <? Sf\el pr.. Rtamely . Rvmely ctf*. Ran ely pr. etfi. St L & S. F. St. L. .'? S. F. 2.1 rr.. . St I* ?- Southwest pr. s'f ,-iboard Air Line pr.. Sr-urs Roebuck. Sloss-Sbeff. S. & I. Sloss-Sheff. S. & I. pr. Southern Pacific . Southern Railway . Standard Millinj-. Standard Milling pr. 2.000' 114 46 8,ino: 244 244 814 814 42 4 424 554 800 1104? 1104 1104 im4 ;oo' 2 I :: 14 200 :. ? 119 ' 4 4 44 4 24 n . 424 534 20 4 4 14 ? 80 . ? . - 53 4 - Studebaker .186,400 1714 174 184 M 44 84 45 II 8,700 1794 182 I.-3 ! 63 4 191 '101 300' 200 100 200 100 44 411 134 2? ' 4S 64 II 40 1794 M : 101 14 -' 1". - ' 40 100 14 110 120 14 6 44 244 .-?04 414 ?? IM ? ! 24 4 4 44 I 39 4 4 4 ' 1 4 2,400' IOO4 1004 100 1,400' 22 4 22 4 100 84 4] 844 400' 83 4 884 Y 7 Tennessee Copper.' 600 Texas _? Pacific.I 100 1 14 I orr.pany.' 6,7. ThirJ Avfp.ue R. R. !CS Products pr... I A Paper.... Beg ' Paper pr.. h Union Pacific . 4 Union Pacific pr. 4 I'niteri ' ipar . 7 ' if Mij-. pr.. t', IY-,,'<?,! C'.r of Am . 1 l'.y. Invest.. ? . Rv. invest, pr.. ' I. P. A F. C F P. & F. pr.. Ind. Alcohol. S. Ind. Alcohol pr... v _ Imp .-, Rubber . S. Rubber 1st pr 8. Steel . 8. ."-'eel pr. Ctah Cooper, ex div... Virgin:;* IruTi, C & C. . Wi bash) *r. 1. - - Webest p* A. - Wabash pr B. I Western Dalea Tel ? ? Uer-tlnphouse Mf>r. 7 West-hoase Miff. 1st pr. 900 7 Wnolwi.r'h . 3,500 117 Wheeling A Lake Erie. 100 44 57'?, 144 IM 607s 101 9 314 22 844 B84 1674 664 144 137:, B3 . IM '.* 151' 604 Ml ' 1864 M4 1,14 106 94 20 - 4 1 H ' - 4. 614 - 14 ion I* - I 14-? 4 1484 22 '?? U. u 1O 604 100 101 2..'"' ? . 1,201 4.300 137 4 - 82 4 624 990 101 S00 '.'?. 7.501, "48?. 2,200 *JJ '?2 200 ::-. H 100 21 24 1"" 114 614 6.90" 1204 124 4 120 100 104 104 104 IM 41 41 404 l 644 63 4 ;.. . 1084 1084 l'l""?a l"-'a a 4 6<?,:. - - - -, i 100 1164 1164 1164 1194 - 4 -7U 7W -, ~._ 14 ? 24 4 80 4 43 M4 no 144 81 r. 45 4 40 1794' + 14' 1794 IM M4 ? 4 ?-4 H 10] 100 1024 IM - 41100 '1004 22 4 ?" 22 4 844 4 144 85 - ? ? 14 H : 84 64 1174 IM 694 4 M4 564 144 4 144 1*4 22 7 - 14 227 22? 604 14 M4 M% 101 - 1 Ml IM 4-4 -4 30 I 104 1364 1M4 824 K . 924 1044 110 94 1484 149 884 24 (14 8841 24 19 234 61 214 M M 62 120 ; - i4 1M4 1211 104 - 4 4t)4 1 M 4 - 4 S,?'."!' 100 30ti M9 4 M 164 45 27 4 MS 4 974 ... 117 4 4 ? Willys -Overland .| 800 2194,249 4.238 ,238 |- 104 235 ? 11 464 n 894 70'? 804 1194 4 . 60 15-4 45 274 994 97 , so 1174 4 4 2 'a Y 3 IM , M 4M 53 4 ' -?- 108 ? 86 1164 ll< . 774 :: , ? 154 i:,4 44 4 45 4 27' M4 ? . 117 M4 - Ils 4 4 246 Executor Trustee Chartered 1822 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Nos, l?, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York, LONDON, 16 Cockspur St., S. W.? 2. O?d Broad Street, E? 01 PARIS, 41 Boilevard Haas-n,*.*? BERLIN, 56 Unt?r den Linden, E W. 7 Travelers' Letters of Credit. Foreign Exchange. Administrator Guardian BOND SALES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE THIRSDAY. DECEMBER 1?. 1915. Trading in bonds on the New York Stock Exchange Thursday HLMMll $4?V?4OO0. arainst $7,311.-00 Wednesday, $5,502,000 s week ago end IU19.000 a ?ear a.-,. Iron. January 1 to date, #909.491.000, against $449,634,000 In 1914. l.OVERNMENT BONDS. I lg,**. its'0" IHT?. T .''lot A-1'..^r-.rh r*. ' l-n?4\ JtnnA. ? M> .!?__ ?-,?-_?._._ BaS . HS '" " 30F.?3 ? r M _-_S ""'.S?. Tom .:::::::::?.:* isiSS .m tS " ?5* 4l'??0 ........ M_ I'*. of So-lto ?? - ' ??;*; _j ? .. j :::::: fc!___8___?.-? ?i :? . tier .... m i ?.?s . ? . ?;.? . p o? _ 14 um . "" . .}?\? / - :? wo ??? . K_ >t_ 'im.1M* ?. ,. ' .Ji rt. ?7, ??;. - !_ - ,. " ft.^.s?4*.?s? I4.0M . ? 4?4 i;.. IM4 . 97 N , u ?-) ....-?'? ?to i-?? ie_i II I.OOU _ ;? :' ? ?" :.'-?; &&'*..i*s :. a*i ?. .gj toi'2?mimh ? .. ....... M ? ? _ . ?'.:* _ .,- "'_ .,,? ?___? " _ lO.SoO . -SS.". MM . ? . P . ? A Si I. 4 ,. .; ?? i oot ??ir ?I?. ' ... ?3 1J.SM . WM l?.ooo ... ... i01S IM 10.000 .. I-*'? . _?,, ?,_'?.-,,???? ,% ? i 4 ?. il . .?.,t S? 43.91V* . ?'I'? Port K> 5? UcO ?. ? Oet 5? 43.0*11 . MM rort K> I ?i -, SJ0P. i:?4 I.ISS . M ,. M ssii i Vi -?i' ??? f *s? .?5? p,Jb H,,r of n - ?? :? emo ....... ? ? : .. .. i:1* ?l.SSS . '?'?? 4.u"*i . ?0 SMS ? . in I ,. ti 0M . t**l', R?* Coa ropfi ?..000 . ??: ' ? ,. ttm lVuO'J . M?? l "'" .lt?M . ti-?1 do i rm?a ?*pd ?4 MC . W? R*?il'f en 4* - ? ??-? ... M It.OOO . Si 4,000 . 04?, ? ? i,1 4j'?oo bjof .... ri-| ... m% r.sss .i4S : o -?.sj i i.SM.riS Zcr. I'??xt en ?t . 14'-? - l.sos sior. ri, test .? Hop-mi.? i a s s? I.I ... !?",' -II.IU City So ?? .V'OO . |6'4 MSI . MS 13.00) . D'i'4. ?STATE BONDS. .MM tu? d wm i,t 4* NTS..*.!.?. , V.W-t ?M.-.Stn '" r*'U H_ a?l-Xtt.8' 1000 .11.1? 10.000 . 55 ??ee . tn ;.,.,,?) .?4 Ml NICIPAL BONDS. U ,' Jj. _ f?,"A "^.?* ? *?m^ M T CKf ?'i? ISII Wt* M Y QtP 4'4? 1?44 ISS? Si L I M * 8 4? ,, iiiH li?i .|?|H loo? . i|! :?.'''? . "-'.i _?? 4'n !?'.T No* :'.r''?o .loi1? Leekawsnaa ttetl ', '. . '.'?00 . 75 ! |0n Sir .10?la _o 4? IM1 2.000 g?j4 4o44llA0.1f do 4',, I.OnO . MS I '-L4 _ J'-r.W. Tl ; r,,. . . II?. ?>??'. ft L A B F 5* 10S1 -Jn'41*1 : ? ?, A I ? *- 1?'0 ISN 830F.102 1 m..i ISS? 1 .'i .ISS 1? "00. US I t)" rfg I? Tr Co ctN -I I ? ,? ?es? ?jo i? l.'s -'.''Ou . 13 54.1.1. .?;:-, :o2 - "."-. . . s?'? L E .-. w : ? 'i fit i. S'wa u*. ?? . 9??^ . Or?? ? in.., . TIS HAII.WAY AND MISCELLANEOUS. " . * " ff?f -?v. fc ?'.'." 4, r("* < ??? . 6, '4 ilu.i (,..ld en H ?> ttl 4'4? ' ?. ?IV, St I- A Iim\ M :? .Ill I r.SSS . 101)4 -.000 . ?4 II,IN . .101V Am A|- ?hm dob It do ;-. 4? ?cr A do as ",, St:. A. A A I' 4? ,..**% 4..'-' . 9.S 1 "00 . |4S I . . Tit .M - ?4 Itaboari Air Um rf? 4s A- nuns* *. ?* ? [a \?; af K y 4'u li.oet .*i . liS !? ' -r. ? - R!or ,..wi I5.M0 .:o?a A lin? 6? "? C A F W ?lit l/i-l .?r : i ? 8 0OO .M :. i - -? IF . .loss s i ,isi :o'i 1".'S L A ?. u: Ifli-I 4? ' do ?*J I? Am T A . ? i CM t. S W ?T. 4? . ?4S 15.000 . || . M <K h A N A AI wm Sri 10.000 . ?4U r..noo.:".'?? t'i ?'-mr-ii : ?? r. o.-o . . e<s LIDO .i ".'-, 1.000 .It I.SSS .101 Ho 1I-? t a T C? 10,000 100*41 0 ?? M_iih*?*?j. R*r? 4a 4."00.I9U 1.00" ... . I2S ?.00S . 01 1.000 . .. ?? 11.000 .1"'? CT?t-O. IUllw?T? J? Mn! -, l??t 4j ?er 0 So l??.-tfle t?>. 5? ... ITS I.SSS . 101 II.000 . 105S A 1 A | F m 5? i hl !? I A Pr_3 ri *. Mil???.--?? O?* I.!?tit |, n.OOO .105? 95 do oil 4* d-, ri 4? . I?'* M K A T lit 4? 1 0''0 . It to-io ...w-. -OrtoOt . tl | 4.000 . ??H ?.000.SS? B.SS0 . ?S eo H II ?Jo <-: 4? . i if ?; il.SM . ?:'?? 3.000 . 54 1*000 . M dr. ? ? 4. ? ' , 5l 9 00? . *. ,?*, I 000 . ??f. MU i.i . 4?S d? its 4? '.'.ooo . ??S i i .i-i? i .ees .is ? -..'joo .sis ?001 ? 4 d.. Tr Co Ott ttp? do - r mi <lo r_ 4i ?"'????i . 41 tt 10.000 .45?; l.tSS . 90S A ? I '? 'M I' M A Ol? S Sfo P?. ron ?? 14.00*. 90 . , i ..... 101% l.flio .loo l.iei .90s ? - Chi)* i ? ?tper :? ! OOO S30F ...100 do S?n F TVrra 4i 14.000 ? '. ' ?? ..i."'--?* ; ooo .loo . -.ees ... Mil Bt . ?. ! -.?>? .131*4 do I? 19?4 H il'-.. I!;? il I.OM .t?3 ' C< - St L 4, Cab* 1 ?< 0..0 . M_ 1 O'lO .103 P. | " .. 5.000 .>>-i"4 do ret J? I.0M SSOP 10.? .... wi%\Cmee Sh Mr* 4-?? M.SM . . 4'^ "? "oo .. lo.S ??I '?? ? .?OS d? 40 ,- 4? <lo 4? i .; ;? i Tills: *, 1.000 42?^ 8 ..?0 .*.?ij 4- *-'*? do Tr Co -.'? '00').rt ""- ^^^^^^^ _? . :r'H , . ? ?: of Ml St : -o .4;v -'A"0 .?OS Mol.i-k A M 4? I.OOfl ? , ' '.-' en r. SMI1 .. I?S ''" ?? V ..? 'no,.o IMI? u._.... D_.. ? r??.i . .4? Mot.l.? A O .11? . 91?? 10.000 .i:0S Mor.ur.? Pow-r Tl I.M0 fl do rn 4'iJ M.O'"' .1?1 . 95 .lo 4. ??! Lout? dlf HIM '.?-?, ? i... ??.'. ?n 0...I . 1, . .. I2l ; - | ? . mc T->un toop*r ?? fu?: r?l r-' . ["?I A llu.W-:i 4* 19H I.OM M 4.0OO ..119S MH M v m dfb 0? T.-i.? i i ett ?*? d? rf. <J IHS I OOO .10? ........ 13% II.OM ?:?", T?n? A P lit 5? SD i It ii 4 4? '- j i j v. 1 000 .II l.i..".o * ' ? in'. TWrt At aAj '? . ?. : i ?? lija .? - ... 41 ? so jn mo lim T ' A " C tit '? d> Pltlt JAM . . to?, i- nnt, [{ju |0M t03-t I -"?*.?- 41;, To| ,.?. ? _ \4 4? .',.000 . .. 10S ll.SM . -..-.00 n-i. 1 Oiw).G3 ?! . ntH I. 1. A W V? . -2'4 11 ooo .. tri. fr.l.m P*_ lit ?1 ? ? ? ? ? MM . . ?"'i ttu . ?i'-? d" ? ? is im ??"? rp * . . ?' . .. SIV do en 4? ',? ? :?'?-. 4 "O? M t ' ? ' IS 0 ms ?.*?? 3 ?0.1 lo iff Si 4 (Ml i1*., de iff 4? B- iff ;? i". . *'? . .t- 1 s ju? 1 roo .""? ? 4 ?"O M I no? , F, T V a 0 ?? Z? v Y i A ~ T. ??? ?. r "?ni* .. 90?4 un?'; 105 ? Ml oj'i f-o-, IMS ';-.-?? . s- y 1 ?? '. 1 r.? IM? " 9SM : . 5t *mr ... 15ft 4 ?no M yn nn n| n r i. ** ????Tl* -??? Co 4? 2000 ? .'?..?' . M ??.Mu ri c ? i--. *, a 1 .-? ? ; ';4 .' s- y r . -,.*? *. ; mo r.i lie* A Kits - - - -- .. 9?S ?Tan* In Soutli-ni 5i .104M Cm. 1 ? ? S?0P ..!"! i tso . . ??>-. v n Rniatr 6> ? ? ?' -? ?> o?iii . .. 54?? 1 o?r. ....101? **" ,w - .?l l^oio . . MH 5000 .1?3S . :.-?? \ t -??*"? iff s* r b b.-i ? r 5? 0 . ?$_. ?. IM N 1 ooo.1?4 Zl__*? v r --?n??tf 4M? I ?no SICF '''.103S ;? ? -, nr.n.ttu] 4?) 0"0 . ... 103'4 __________________ ?v. 1-**** ?- ?? ?/?__??._?? :- Lets ?""?.'wr.r ?*__? ?? " !SS *?,'. ?_,; 4' Mf B ?m ?,l*.: fM0 .M*i . K8 ?Corf ? W c-t 4M. MM . r ... m c?n par rd ?? ?'?0''0 .JJS mate .t?i ? . mm ? S3 ???? ?'!J d. ; ?? _ oratgtajai si' tor.1 P'OP.. . M_ 11',;"' *__???_??" I do 1K.95 TT -rt 4* I"?'? S?0P . .101% '"' . -. ?? "' <? ., 1?ono " llll tot? . IMS - 1 ?*?'? !?__? ?? g_ ?VsinMk do ?d i* -, \. . ***? 1 0? Ml I.0M .......... SM o?- V?-_ '? i .-? -rt?- 3S* do P- r ft r 4. do P Te* l?t 4? ?>n M -?'"1?1 i __ f?? ,no? *1" T? -rf? r_w? A riMo con '? i.r?...j Ilia Si (t??I m*?? ???"*- ?? ?t-'OO ., l?, ? ??!?? f?t -. <?->- W??*.- _______ 5. d ? r 4'i? - . . . - - ,.,,??,, ?*?< i Ml . )o?S ? . ' * ?u I v.o - ? WUtem if?rr:-_,d I? I'-? ... ? 1 MS . f3M 11;' A MM rff ?.? os? i , .,., ?.-F ..? ,,,,,? .l0. - ? , ,: , .. " -i?.?.. ' -?? 4? H "1 icstt f p ,- |. .. ,. . 1. tr..-m* 5? .1 mi .... M0 ''?',?.? ' '* " *o . . 13T ' ' ~'u ?.a.,v-'* '- ,nirts?tlW,A ?? ?*. I. A ? ->,_,*? ? I "? . ~. "is GOVERNMENT ROVDS. '. 4* .-. '' :?''.,','b4!*\ n Teoterday Wodaoodoi a ! 000 . .. i- - cm u ??,' Rid. Ask. Bid. Ask. T-. it? :::.gH|S. reg 1930 ... 9J% NM - - ? ?.vr-d" s'> IT? 2a coup 1I?0... .0 ? 99 ? , 9:** J1*'So reg 191?....101U I0H4 - ? . ? Z 4M?."is coup Ifll...101-4 -, ioi?4 - s* STr_ Tooo . 1?% t 192S (09^ 110*44 IOt>H 110*4 4, vu' : ?Si IS coup I0O...110 110 -- ''??ooo ??? - - > T rft 5.1 .-- Pan 'af, reg. f'8 - 98 - C v ft M ta iff ex ... ,,?J j, paB ?;,<, r?f. M - - 9B - mm *iom ?"?Is Psn'?1 resr-lOlH - 10l?4 ? ?10 .. 4u. L .?*???_ -.??'? Ps? '01 eooolOIH - loi1?. ? NEW YORK CITY BONDS. ?litirlty. TIM Ask ? '.-.*.?.o:!, r.s . isit. r--. : ?. ir-N >?., HIT.Itt ??-... ' . I B - j ???? June, ??'.:. 4 H ? ?t a. Ml . 4 M ?? . lune r-.: ?-.:. ? ?iv run? -? M . 4 t.* . M Y : Y . *'?'. ?t M '? US7. I --. *< . Ml ISM. 10H?, 101V HeM . ?,'??>. ISltf ?? . Mari n. Ittt. I'M?. '?'?'V ?i.. Mar.-' 1S3C--M . 1*4 : M . M . . \S".'i.1-'l3. ... '-? "?--. ??. - m.. >.? m? i . ?TV. ??V. No . UM-'BL.... ?:?? II t--,s ui 1-?. ? "'?? Il ? . ?Y. Il M . 4 :0 4 KU - Il ._. 4 1? . I M - ?I ??- '.i-i-i'J?. ?Ml?'?r"?<l ?' e?upoa. t?*a?j-x?n :ll'f.?-f ' l DAILY IMPORTS AND EXPORT3. Daily importa and exporta of gen? eral merchandi'e at the Port of New York were: basarte gap nu Thunder. r*?** M....tM>M*. ? Dim ',&. .. l ta . va*, u- i.:: ? ?.,, -.., Dee. Il. ? r: I l '11. 1.1* \.< a?" . Irl.lav. Dar. I?.M4.SH , : ? " 11.211 (13 : t -. ; ? I. ? . i . ? . . bac. T. . : ? H ataooor, Vtc t_i.4*4.??l i?.-**?,:.;, DIVIDENDS DECLARED. S*t-or4 T?rm Rate, I'a\?bia>. date. V!ft*- A-.'? Bank.. Q K% Jan I l)?r 11 tabla T"*?u*.. ?-a De? Cl T'? i '.". ?lalbortv Nat Bfc. <3 \1k ?Ian. S Da :i Heading Co . ?? "', I'rb. Il Jiin V4 Reading Tra-.... 8 l%% Jan. ; De? ? t.- ri* S J. 8 '-''^ Jan. C> Dec. "t ,. Hank.... m :i-i J^n. 3 1" I ? t '.. .: pf . - - Jan. 11 Dec 31 1 ; : MM I.* |,f.. ?V l*%% r**c* t J-tl. 1 Baoh ?'f Coba ,.. B ? - Jaa. i Da B |i Iphla ?o. y l*A% Fab. l Jin. . . El I. I* pf s ?.>,?? )?>*>. I Jan. M ?kihevllli I- La p? U 1?,'. Jin. .1 Dec.:. i n 1-* Rw?s pf.. '. l'j a .??m. : Dee i? t'iarol'.na 1* I, rf- VI IV? Jan. 3 Dee ' .' Uaaryent Miga... W l*". lta< Il I- .. ? Tnint. tj 6% li?-- ^i I><?- ?_. ?..?.nilo-Am OU.. 1')% Ja;i U IPultoa TTu?t.... fl i?", Jan 3 t)??- M lUa-Andrewi i- F y .',", Jan. U !><? It .;.-? pr?t . y iu% j?n. t; D??. Il fDetroll Bdtaoa.. ?J :*. Jan. 1". D??<- M Flanc-or l'.v Kl pf y IV? Jan. I Dt I* I- rf A Q IW-JI Jan 1 1>.t || ?T T?-p?v. y I','. Jan 1". !>?.- 11 ? f . *' I".''. Jan IS Ii?r 11 S11.?C.. Arm?. y 1-,', Inc. I.", - -???i t-i Nat Rk 'j 1% Jan. S D??- -3 Metropolitan !* y "'. Jan. - n??. r '. Neat.... .-i ?.??,". ivn. 1 J?n ? el l X Ky -- S-a Dm, H r**- Il Wettern K!.??".... ? 4 a [??.-. 3: 1 ? ?i.? 1 r-f. ? 7|.iaa-*tD?c. Il Dee. 21 :??- Tr P?.. H J',", Jan. 1:, l>a- 14 ???I? llrnlla.fl pf ? it~, Jan 1? l'-f It Weal Bid? Hav I* - --a B Bp i?t rf Q IS Y F?b. l Jan. 2T do .1 i-f y IV. tot). 1 Jan VT Pi 1 Oil C l'f A., tj ??.,.. Jan. 1 I>? I ? t?o rr?f n. y i?"??_ Jan. i Dee U T'nlin 1 ?rrv. S Nj fSI II Jan I II Trl pf.... ?J I?,*-, Jan. 1 I" ' t'l.lon Nat Ga?.. '4 :-a? Jan. 1'. I*-- || -Mn S Tuba? Q :??-, Jan 1 1". .? do pr?-f. y l??-". Jan 1 D- 1? ?A. I M r?*r fr ' ?i:r_ *A:,.l ; ???? MM "Ira ?lltldrr.,1 IAjvI 1 per ,i?iil MU?. JAn lu nu? ?f U atr ccal. **riii4l _,fld??u_. Established 1810 The Mechanics & OF THE CIl 20 NA For over a century this institu? tion has served the public. Ou, growth and good record during that period are evidence of the value of our service to our de? positors. We invite an interview with those who consider makini new banking connections. Metals National Bank Y OF NEW YORK ?SAU STREET Deposit? No-emb-r 10. 1915, $183,400,000.00 CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Dealings Expand in a General Decline- Heavy Losses In the Oil Group. Business expanded on the Broad Street curt? yesterday, activity extending throughout the list, and price recesiom? were general. The declines among the oil stocks were on a wide scale. Illi? nois Pipe Line nuffcrt'd ths fTSal loss, receding _0 points, while Prairie Pipe yielded 16? Standard Oil ?t Indiana and New Jer-icv each lost IS points and Prairie Oil and (la*! *< Standard Oil of California ended 8 points off and Standard of New Yorl. 4. The lower priced oils were also de? pressed. Declines in the industrial group were riun-.frous. with trading in some lssue active. Marine common closed 1 ' points lower on the day. while the pre? terrt'd lost IH. Drias-Ssabary dropped C.'l points and Lake Tc rpi-do Boat sud Miarais Steel showed of 1?. and 1-? points, respectively. Ajax Rubber was admitted to the trad? ing, ronging between 07 mid Motor stocks showed considerable weakness. Fractional loss*? wore gen? eral in the copper?, with trading active in .-pots. Bond? held fairly Stead-. LNDISTRIAL3. Vota! ihar??. Op?n. High. I.?*w. t?a?t ? to A'ix It-ib Ine.. C7 MS a I Ctrl 1./.-P II l.un) An-. Zl 3W A < : a?, w ; 10 'Bant? -v Dla C i*. S." ?> ?i; . -t TJry n ? .. ? !,> 1 - f 3.!*'?) Can Sal Oa* ? . SM ?Cat i.- t Pos? '. MO ? i Mi 1,800 ? Mot Car. 141 118 I- SS -? l ..1? ii?*-. rlshu .. :?: in? r.?.t Dal ?? ' ? tS ?Hall Sl-fiia!. ??0 ?do prff. IS ?Henilee Mf*... :3 ?M p \ .?;? Arm? H -..-.o ?I-a A t toe ' -??? I ? ?In? M-r Mar . 17T? ?40 putt. 73.? S ?Ir.t Nklcl new 80 Kathodlon ? pf l*>4 MS ?Kelly ITf I. JP*j I ?? ?IaOk? Tor Hoat 13', ??? Mo :'??* . n 1 -a? Mr Tronell ... IM ,?i Marconi ?f Am 3'i 6 W ?Maxim Munit.. 14 -? ?MMvale Steal . 70 -. ?? ?vina Bl? ?? | ?? Peer I S M C. 4M. 100 P KO ?v '' *?? '? I ?Pool? 0 a m.-h; - Mai H Corp.. .?-, :o) ?M Rtmioiy new ? 1?0 ?Saxon Mot oar R . ?-I jovph U-.1 1.144 i M ?- S Kr. ? m I ?Y .3 u "i 31 '*. ? 1 -'i < 141 148 4 4"> n u ?OaT II l? ?4 14 70 i 41 H4 n; >?? v. I>7 1 ** i; ? . S'*. ?-. M m i j i?o 14.) Il T? 80 1"?. 14 W II C'a". ?t M 14 ' m -. ?Y H C4?. W '* N ? ' ' :? 141 ? . i - ' EO1-, -?a ? ??? U !4 114 ?l'i if ? '. ? ? t Rad 1/1 S.OOu Sub II v r ? tfe.. 4? H 1Y! r v t ctfa.. "> H tat ?fn *"rti!t rt*.. IV :on fn Prof Shiu-.. 14, t.o?? ?f S L* H C 1.1?-<0 ?.lo pr-f . I 3-a) ?fir, -r irC. 1?4 US ?Will*. s-O pf w 1101 4?'i M ltl 4 '. ? 4 IN 43S IH 4 Mi II ?ft* i STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES. M Qalana si? on.. ? mo ri .-..*.- p i.. ? ?00 N U Tri?ns!t. ? 400 OW , (Ml . ? fia, l?li!l M?x OU.. ? -? "I!. ? IM l'i.ilrle OU ic G ? 100 l'nilrl?- I' I? - . "Il of cm ? . i il of Ind. ? I "l of Ky ? ? ? ?tan "ii of N J - . i hi of N Y ? on Tank L... ? > uum t ? 11. ? t'.T IM in ;t IT* en ?47 r-o i ?> ? ? :? i Ml ?M 3.? 1-4 70 IT* ta tat 3.*. ? ao OTHER OIL STO? h??. n?4 l 1244 -l't ?1 : -- I? to<2 i 1*14 ? 1< "4 V) 1% U 14-4 10 2 Mi :o i? Ml S? ''4 1". ?a <?4 U ir, or? ?Coaden A Co.. 1*?* ?M ?Hi uoton. ? ?ini Petroleui i . Hal Petroleuii , I ?Mldweat Ref ?i ?Ventura Con? I 4 t .. ?Vletorta.* MINING. 31 Ml *failtS Con Mln 17 I.IM ??Ai.i .*orntr,_nJ 7% 1 MO ??Atlanta . M SuO l?H Iaa-dge D?v. 1\ I tvv Braden Copper . II 1 M D C _ Z o t cfl t'4 Ml Batte _ N T.. 8:i K. 4(.-al.donl* . I? ?00 ?Calavera? Ca>?. M a.f.r-0 ?Canala Copper 3X 1.800 tfaaMvoy . ?4 1-af. '>rro de P Cop ?7-? lM ?ttromstoclc T-un 10 T.iw i?r,n Aria -*lma);t i la, t,lM ' 'on N?v-L'tah.. jV rnemnal H b. 4'* ?l.iK?* ??I7:nma Cop... :, ?? ? ? ? : Hen Mlri.. ?.; i.:.y> Ptrat Nat t.'op.. ?i IM triait n? ? . ii i .. rtoldflei I Con ,. 14 . ? ? old -M Mer. 15 L't? It?.?:_ Mln. 344 I.SM How? i< sind.... 4-, ? Ti ? Minea. ;* 1 . -j ?tJIrn H'it'.er.... lr?, ?.MO Jumbo Bxt.1 :,-U li OS Kenneeoti Cop . .'. ", - *iK???!,ai .. .1 I tM ?; . ?'?? Mm.. |U M0 ?tMarah Mln... 8; M< Kin-Dor ... o.'. S .?oo Mini - ? f A:. , ?? M .-".in? -on ?, :i ?tMothor Lod* . ? -, LKS Sear t t?.h r.:n? 4"., I.8M Nlptaatna Mln . ,-, l.OCO ?North B t-v.. A. t ? ?Hny ll#rt- Mln 3,, I 100 ?t!>x "on Vln 3h 2.ltX> tRacbeator Mln ' ?an Tat. is 4i? *8a ?? fa Mln 3 1 IM ?tSae !."?rm K VA tlM Seven Tro Coal. 4* ? -r r rick... 7 ? laniard Sll-L. lf| 1 :.n Stewart . ff 12.6M ?tSuc-'s? Mln.. ?4 t -. -Superstition M 3? KO ???vriopah Mel... 444 I..'?*.-, Tonopah Ext... 4 tci Tonopah Mln... 7 Tn-Bulllon . H I'M totaat Bad f on 7i 8,?00 ?U'st .u:n. Kxt 8 BONDS. l-_ ono ?H a o n?w ta ?oo'aj 10?^ fgau !.. Y C 1- P Cop ??..119 H?\ UN 40 000 K?nn Con 8?....:*10 210 M 10M M l'.jiiiely 8a... M 88 tt ?Vallatea ?h-ii? emite et* anon M| M ? IS ?A 4 _ V, 11 5 13 II ?4 ?'. M 1rs 1 l-M Ifft IM r?? :.-. M 14 -. 1-. I? ?? ? M4 6?r> Ml Ml ? ' . II 2 14 M 64: 2H1 Cm Ufe 10 i??. A 44 r/t ?J I ?4 U ? 4 IS l i H : I? ' a .1 IA 81 RS M A 3 . M 71 Mi s 41 7 M 34 41k 'S 4 ?i A 8S 3.1 70 15 . 41 m '.?> 32 M 3.1 4A 14 ?14 2 3'4 4 m 7 ?4 A 1S 8-'? 3 _ < I? 83 4A 3*. .014 t? N 3 INACTIVE YESTERDAY. INt)IST__U_l Pti Afjw.i nu pap n-A T or?l. Il 1? ?Keyitor.? O. to*. 11 rio or? ' r !.. 1* ! ?I.lma I>o: ?M Bawraaa l_ i??ji '?4 Mut. not 8h 9 s-, ?l r.llste.. P1TTSBLRGH STOCKS. ?_ ?? 100 f??. 740 ?? fo 63) Ml -.-so H un Ja*?) M 700 4? tl.OSO Am S???r l'ir* Ida KJv <>??. 144 fol um ?... a Kl U 1 l_ H-.ll? I * H ? ' laon? Mar Uae.. ?S M7r. I.t _ Ht 8M| Sut rirf:r,K,|'.!._ n 1, do pr . MU Olilo f\,e. (?klahnrrta Qw>. Pitt? Hrmli.a.. a do pr I? . 17*. Pur? 'Ml . .???n Tov . fnton Nat Qa? I Qiaea. MlMtkaa Air ? BONDS In. Drewlna ?a. 87 144 ?1 111(1 a. 104 35 ??4 M M '? U :? i? M Y i*-i 11 Ile MMft M 140 la"??. is4 M? ?1 ! ? ' 10%, M I . f: i ?H U4 b4 2? K*. 17'4 IS'-, I i?4 no I liu 17", 17c 1?4 " ' _ 140 United Drug Co. new H hen issued RICHMOND & MYLES MsssOswJWe- *>. ru. stach r_h____ i.i ri' \m? MINAI, FIVK 1*1.11 .:??,- ,,,?,? , " t! ? >l -rtf*f? . ?i ? ;??? > ?!-?! (..-.T . - . . l*?r i ont ?ni ? ? ? ? 1?I ' . ? '? ' Lie 7 1111. ?! U VllRK Till ST i 'iM.'ANT ' ?? UOBSE Uten-?* P*:?_:bof SM OWVIK ?111 HKI.I III? 7 ?I mi? TIVK 1*1*1 rhKKIIi ?Hi? K M ?Mr,, ri KIN?. ? <I?U'\N\ i IT I It \IISi, |.Kl,i IT \ltl 1 MIM \ I \H? In ill ?, I \Hl r? III ?Il K ???MM(?\ *?li??K ? ?Ml (?u* I'\N\. ..IllHtl.?**? "I N) M \| . n,.? fKIHl SE ?>1 II? I pr T.? tuf HT r ?u ? ,,? Tnr .m \ ... .... Till. LAKK T"IU*I Do IHM MAINE f.,r it,? lr?i.?r-. - "*?*.' *r?a nr!1f-.->.-tt, ?Conn . D*r. 1H ? ? ? . SAVINGS n\NKS. IN? ?IHI'OH ? I I II |s.: THE Brooklyn Savings Bank PIERRLPONT and CLIN10N STS, Ne?? Intiiii.f??IMI I'nlli.ii |_ INTEREST AT THE RATE OF 4 Per Cent, Per Annum will be credited la depositors Jtsstry 1, 1916, (ptytble on tnd tiler Jit. u?rv 20th), ob all ?i. mi ratitlf, Ikereto. Depotit? made en or Wefort January IOlh will draw interest horn itaatty lit. : III CROffl.TI H*?r?I?rT>, Pre?li1??nt. I.AI'KI s I. ?I I TUN, ?|itnill?r. AK rill K ( IHK!., Cethier. ?HA? < II |V?M, ?..i ( ..inpirsUt*. Metropolitan Savings Bank ! i _-.i fr Tiimri a\; -.p i --?r ir?ti?> CHART! Kl !? i .-.n. um im m. See '. ? M'h. Ill? | rNTi:._>-T l-i.K Till. HAU '. . Ml I.Mil.M, D1XTKMBI B ?? ran of Four Per Cent. Per Annum ? - n_tu i to lopesl- ?? - i I.NTKRKST 1 ?TABU) JAM ? . MiiMY !'KI'ii.?ITI 'i ??rill .Ir.n 1/ ?? i i JONATHAN M i I II . ~ - F. SHF.RUt. s- . II l> \ SHORT TEKM NOTES, Nsiw * ? ' , '? Ar h, TS . ? . Halt * ?Kilo 4 . ? ft ' . . Chaos ? Ohio I ? ? . Chle av ? Dal av Hud 4t, J in? ? ' Elia lUi.i..,. ; i. A * . . Er:* Railr i * ??? y.erC\ !.. ? ? ' . Hock aa Val te. Nov. ? ' , ? ir.t llar ? -.? . N?w En? Nav 0?. May, WH m% ? N T. K Ha HU. Mi ? ? ? < ;'. . .. < ? BouthOTB R? ? ? i ;, Southern n 6e. M-'> > ' . t-nlt-d Fruit te. Mai ' ? ? Ualtad , la I ? . ?-< ? ' Foreign (.??vcrn nient mmUS% _?-______> le, Oet 1 _ '*. __ ? * ? ? ?. ' ' I , e n ? " . ' . ? ta, Rwltserlai * -Al'/. Italian - ? N,,??.- ? N h ??. lie . PUBLIC 1TH.1TY SKi L'KITIES. ni i , | ...4 Am I. A r ?? r *.*??? J So pro) US H) I P.., 1S ?e pr?t.... n , : . ? ;>.., -, tet . ? km P a U. Tl <1o pr?>f. ,. M U Am I ib 0 ? ilo iret.. T.' An. U ? B ?'. do ?.ir r? '? Ida prof... N 71 . i: J .?*_ ?)*? C i- i; * t. ?-o ?: ? on an ' ? ' I '? ?A K eu Et M - ?. ? Kl im n rf " - ' ? R m a S rf SS 1 i. ?i K! [f H PS '. L a t n 13 i .;?. ?l?r ??lu? |50 ?F, .lrM?' 1 RAILROAD EQUPMENT HO NO* 'l_.;o?.*"l ')0 ? l> ' - ' ,. Mi Atlant)- Coart Un? BU ?', ?'_ ? ?? Il :rr K.?-h A- l*4".? ' ' ,. ? ??*r?. i-llnohf A ?'Mo .) ? i Cheaopoo i < ?-.?: ?I ?m a*., a North* i ?!? ,t '?ni. . In-l A i..iiil??...l H?|.'a 4 , ?? * _ ?J ? !:'??. MI Lou A ". ? i *.m l? i lava, <-|n. ?'h .1 SI I, -? I.. J 1?-Uv4ar-? A H..' ?...! I 1 ?? 4. 1.1-1? ll.?|lro?.| .|?|t -" . I 4 J ,4 Hocklnf Valloj .... ?_ _ ,S Il InoU Centn.l , ?* I/mi??;;!-? A N'aahvll ?, 4