Newspaper Page Text
I PCS OF DAY 0 WALL STREET I Traders Use War Scare to force Stock Prices to Lower Level. ?FMONSTRATION NOT WHOLLY SUCCESSFUL j.rlp.french Bonds Make a Recover Britain Not to Dump "Americaiiv" - of the a-HuTi :.. ur.? i.rroad I. "r-rd St *?Zr. 'a! ?'??blic'*' 80 that - ? latent .*"? ? a* *-, Yave to ?at a ssM at if it sbaY prove pat hrtl War Tail? t'ssfll Now. - ..-"?toc.-' hi -"??' ? eonsidarablsway a*"? bt?or* M ? ? ?: top ?-Troera M tgrtt I ' ' emaelvea. the ?ictaaticB tht." <? p.otr.atie rambling? 3 mt '?? ? ? ? *"LC* Wlth *ftr MM further prr-fr"*. *??*-? ? almost .?in-, a oscse for der.i'or.. "How teald w? fat at Goa-meny or how conld q,,^; ?t at u? r v ai the Invari? ant ohallenf* flung at the timid n,ar? Msal ?' eon satisfactory iuoat found har.d-. Yesterday, how #t?, with the n ipul ?aik of Mathni question did ?J c;inj, g] st has been prirali-Bf ' '? '-*1! market *0. MB? ? ?'as ?>ee?" * ? ?::r.i?rly so certain ol enliatment tbia say was run ttOt up '?: ' " ?' *?*??'?' ?? :ion that Street ? Al?e?' Huid?? Looking I p. ?-, ?apport ' n ?on, and. 0 r.eed of ? urse ? - ' ? d yes ? .- action*. .ed for ? art- ' ? peace ? T cent ? aa any ' ? ?ibility . ? M a aee". ? ? ? : ' nil MU i 1?-ni i i:i wii i t.MriM - T? ;ha at Irelerrrti -?Hark In 1- . M '.. d,*.\ , rj i ,,n,pan? : ? -? . < ." a- . a -*?_> ? ? ?? . a..- a ,' . ?fat?*t -? ?? a a. 1 DM'.ll.a ?a-? -fcj,;- . ______??? .. Ji u S"li *"_*? ? *.? * ? - ?at -, ???.- a , ?* * ? ? . - .-.. cm oc M? Ti-a i I. aad r- I . . Ma <-???,? M ??_? -_reof t ?. . ? ? . !?__: r ?-. , , , . ff? -** W* Mi " ;? ?. ? ???4. M ll*?-i M ?? ir _.a? . .... r. MM -a*--* - ;?? a " . -. - . - ? n-aSi a??. ?,. w, , , , ?rtiSeataa to sur HP a'* ft*** ?_?_U O? -??f?. a-.j ?i? ._4 ,:.i ?ua-iia. i- maxah ereul F W_Tt W. :. a? Xt~. Il -je rexjr r, trail? __*- ??' t( ?? '?? r"??-???r-n 5?; __: ?,? , ?-HJ a* ?* HP ' ' * ??ca.-, c? ?..??ht?! ?tori n' ?g? ? DH-BW ;. IS? ?? ?*- -? " - ?-1, - moa tost 5 "?*."""?'? ?tf?ft.-Tta? Mock c: o* 2 _r-1*'*'? *-??" a_ art em r-.fhi aft? ?M?u - * _m <-_:_?:? o-T __?**? ?P.:? -;..?? ..-?p.. ,<, -a^, , "???? ?" i? : mit ??>. r pneo 0 llt% at u--? r** **"? lf~ra?y . a.? ? ,- - ? , ? T""", ?' ?-mie :re- . ? '.- c* .?j -a,? J-??? *???*?_? ? _i ?5 ?? .x aal* 3T?* e> .,'^--. ? ?_?? *_ ?* ?'^ ? I ?f ?-,? a va cet ? EL?? **? ' " ?-B? ?--;<! -*?'?""? ?*? ?:i*? JY"*J^ --- .a ? , . ;/.M?>.*, w-.u, -.h? tccnud *"?_? ??fie- y ?. - ', - ?j? fc? pajr ?__-.. ??-"? *'-?'- ? '-? U??l?l?n-- t? tb> I -.? ??*? y. fee,- a ? t?<l ?urrarul?. rrt>ai U| .-.?-* .i ?a w_S*_laM ??...-?-?' ??.# : ?? -? S ?fr-TT -?-.A .-?a -?ai?w.i..n.r -? atem _ _, V/,.a ^ :,.????,., _riNAN? ?AI. MECTH-fGS. r * :.:f:r.s oF Al.rKKH HKK\ a CO. r-a-'.l??Y* ' * - '-' IB" ""' lC' "??"I*-"-?* *f j * : ? . i ta aai-rjon Y * ? " ' ' awa, a ?pa?-:t ma-ar l*1 ,'" ? ira will be t*.l a: th? *_.<?"? * ?t 00 *<*??**. Ifth ? ?'?>?? "i crS C.t> cm l_a _ . -1 " ' ' at I acoca tf ???< ear, f-r Uxe vttr r_? ' * t "? ? -.- Artlale if at ' ***? . '? u ? ' ? ?' i t- ?r t! IH ? ???a and for ? .a .. ; . . ' - - >\a If.t ? l ?""?'?4' Kl I 4M? <<?MrV'\T. M-a-tin^. ?? t " O kl ? . i.a h*.1 at I ?York ? - | ?,.-.,. ?a ?. aa ix.?r .vr- . ? err ? ... . . a ? ?. , - ? AM ?_ .PO-ALU ___ ??- ?i? i m 4N|, >m. rm-iiira-.H , KMlRn-i, , ,, y, ,. a. M paru _? ?? ' * H_ii_4* ''* ? ? * i s. ... ? . . ._ aVKILAGB OF THE TKIBOT.S LI"T OP PIT-UN RAI)-** Derttnber IS, ?reotertlH?'? tloae 117.94' D->c?*nib-*x 1". IIS 6*.*? I'l" .?-Tl? ?f. . .11S.1.MI in,- in?.rj;h ace. 119.n:s <?ne ;e*j at" . . High fur KtMOOSkeS. l.'l Ijll U? fur N<?rinli-*r .117.St.! High for <lrt..l.'-r .120.841 l?WU t?r OtOehSS .10S.4?5 liifti fur *?-[rtaosfess.lii.sis Low tur ??r| 10. .00 lift f..r Aii?u?r .in-. 1 S3 1 ? Augu?t. mmSSS High for .T'i!? . 10.8511 Low tor ,li,;.? . . . . 101.91? High for J-ur .ms. .m. 1.4.4? for ?luso .105 *.6S itifii for _Uj. iu__s Ixiw fur Mr,? . 1"?..V!0 High Tor *?;irll .118.301 Ix.w fat Auril.107.?8-, Illgb for Mfu-.l? . int. 108 low for Marili .10..5?S High for l'i'hi-u-ry. _10S.7M lo?? for ?>h-ti?rj..101.UM High for Januar*/. itS?St Low for J-wouu-r-r. . . H'.1.*i07 _n__ ttm? far. ISIS. ItlASt I w thu* far. 1816 101.192 _____ full ye_r, 1.14 l.'lSl l?-.w. tul) rear, 1?14 . IttJttt ATULAOE OF Till TRIBt'NE'S LIST OF TTTFI ? 1 |Nl>r*iTKIAl? r?4*-remb?*r IS, y?-?ter<l?j"*l ?tue*. . SG fWi.S Dsrsss?bos if? .sr..:.?! On* we?_ -go . M M : On* month mgo.rVt.o.v* On? rear tsto .HUM 1 High to? Sc?emb*r.97.406 Low for Ne??gWrnUM.SS.771 High for October.SO.70S Lo-r tot* OoSofeoe. e ah High for September ... ??MM low for Pei.t--iuher. SB.MM High for Aog-ot?. aaset *_o?w for ,*. jgutt. ...S6.18? High for Jui.T. SA.nes low for .Inly. ?V lilt. High for Juna.S5.?T*8 low for Jon*."t.* II Hlgb for Mar. I?? for mimf. T?.??? Hl*h for April.. RA.1SI Law for April...-,.76,344 Hlfh (?1 KUr<_.75.158 Low for Marri*.?_>..........TO.StM High for Februarr.T8.3.S Law for Feeroary.SS.%41 Hlgb for ?la-narr.7S.S1S Low> for -lammr-. 70.77S Hlgb. Hint far, 1S13.99.700 Low. tbn? far, 1915. f?W.M Hlgti full jrar, 1HI? k| || 4 low. full ye_r. 1W14. mttSWl I r A>.be\ aiid fox-hunting s whole blame, work?.." acordir.g ' 0? Mr. K ; France. Not Wasting Good Tools. It it not kno*fl-n too definitely ho*x - British Trr-aur-ry purposes using -.encan securities that it ; g) I rring from large Brit. It 1? point ' _>e o\ them, or, rather. 't ii? going to keip on selling them. liier?. n't thi ilintOSrt chancr. how '? II dump them in thil They art- too valuuh'.. ' ' that There is every reason why the prleei obtainable should be tion o? ?hopkeep ? ?- away opportuni ? - if) m due haste. Jf no other leratTon af?ects its policy. H 1 tl unied that the British Treasury ? not lo?e right cf *'*.e fact that additional quarter of a point gained on a hundred shares of stock' thing more than five golden ? ?gna from the trip aeront- the I ?.olden Billion. : not mite s billion dollars in gold that the Bank of o now I elds, but 5,0.6^00,'>,'i''! brings H rear enough to that, extraordinai There Is more j bank Lar- ever held. ? t?r'\ half a.? much in that single institution as there ir- a!! together In -.?ted " And In the United ? ? there is the greatest stock of irold It the world In a single sroek snk of France gained about ,17. ' geld; in a for over $: 7? I, O? courte, duo to 'he heavy subscriptions "I 'an of Victory." >eeking Bonds Abroad. . I ' purchase ir. London by Kohn. Loeb _? Co. of a large amount of the consolidated first mortgage 4 per cent , bonds of the Penns}h-ai.ia Railroad! fnirpany represents only ona of prob- \ ?1 ?core of transactions of like : el aracter. The bnnd? In question are payable in sterling, but there are any number of dollar bonds which d.t tributlng bout?-.? here will be glad to get, so great ii the scarcity o? U mer.t securities in the local In all likelihood a considerable number ?f Inquiries are now being addressed tu the British government, looking to ? the k*. r? over of blocks of good Amu lean SW.fttlss acquired bv it under Its ? r.ew plan of giving relief to the ster? ling exchange market. ' _pmPBNDt ^UNITED LIGHTS RAILWAYS CO. hlcaoo Grand liapld? Drsssaupsti FTt-r*F*_J_RrD BTO( i niVTDEM) NO. tL T_* SxaeulH* Coir.mlttaa af tb* h ?*r". of Lilractora hav* Cec__r*-1 a divi.aii. of Ona an- Oc? Half Far Cent, ri %%i on tb* F1j*a? Pr*f?,rr*-1 ?'.o<;k. payaMa out af th? aurplu? ??rr'rig* on January 1, lilt, to ?nockbolder? of rator. at lb? ries* of bual caas I F M De* U HIS. BUaek tran?f-r book* wP.l raopen for t-?trfer of fork c*r*!f!eat?t? at tb* opening of bualnea?. Thar*.ay morntng. Dec. It. 1111 L ? H-1NKE. Pee ISH Seei etary FULTON TRUST CO. of N. Y. .??> hnm?mte. N?? lor? Ojj. DesssatMS '.I. ills 47th CoBteca?To Seai-Anouil Diridead and St* Litre Dividend. By R?*?i'.Unr c' ?_.*.? h^ar*, tl ? Ha ? betnl Annial nirldend c- F1VF. FFJt f KNT. tat m Elira IKTldend of T??0 ri-R f KNT. 1* rv?-_? t ._.,-??? ' "'.1. u, ??-> khoMn "?' mem* m tb* i??? ??* ' j."-?? ' 1' M l" 'rnr_?r .9 .?. ' ?!_*_.r_. M VAN KIX" K H?---t_?-) ?tt 1 Am?r1ian Oil f'?lf |*4?T, Ltd. Jtrrlco la r.nrr? ? gi- e? ? ? I ef -t.* a) ?. ? - : ? ? _ ? ? et met ? " altar ?_>? Bftat -? r ,T?r *jary. ? - I len. ?, g per share sad aa 1 . ng per ehar? .., ?? s ' if two ? go per el.ara fre? Sene) ?. .neeut ... rren? foi 1 - ' I ' ? ?-'-?"? ".?.--? ? ?. 1 M a*- af'tr ?h? ai.ov? r.amao da'?* I stlenal Fio ?, ? ? ' . at He head office In nnhnpag- * ' l?o ? - o? a* ? ? ? >- a ?t 11 - f Nee - Statat ? j 1 r '??--?! i.-,.- . ?re ef ?hare - ..... . . . r rrtej 24 O... * ??... - ? f bi. ??'? lad-fa rrHi? I 1 ? lelai III* Hailwej. ? "Hi;. .' t.,. ? ??? ISUk 1*1*. ? 0 - 1 ret . 1 ? .... . "? - . steo serpltoa et e ... ? and after De ai 'r,* ?m.?- f M-*?r* , ..... ? ? ... ' . NirifWt*?(l MINT? ? iiMflM 1 - ? - . ? ? ? 1 .? ? |A_?*_?r ., . , , ' LONDON MARKET HAS LOWER TREND I railing Unusually Quiet, Ex? cept in American Issues? Rubber Stocks Off. . ta, I - - H -1 .-ine?? ttu Tery I | xchange to-day arid the tone was undecided Gllt aeeuxitiei - so laoi to g? ? , ? rnbbei .?? ?:ir.od witn ?.e ra'.ls were A ia:r busiaees was Sriean bonds and ra:.:oad share?. . igfa the lattel :'ppfd near the -? ' goo'-i ? nd ar.r.c. ar loan 4 ?? nght ?629.001.' ? . - ; psd ?200,000 to Soutl Amar?an, ?82. te i a?ada _:i<i ?1">,000 || i d State?. ? ?- and d:cr: ::-.t rate?! were qule* ? can exchange ?as fair.y otea at 4.72?_ /or cable trenafera. T:.e **:ar. credit ia no". aifeet rate? ur* for secoptanes ate receiveu i...- i . ? rt.- ce:.* and three per cant lia ?:? ?as 6(1. ? Doc 18a? ' I Baal rev E esntimos ex-coupon -e on Lond'on 27 franca 73 ?i ea:. ? Trading waa qu'et on the Bouraa to ? OMJOIN CLOSING PHI? I.? .:? ? . i ? I ,. i \ Y i - ? . Ilan far-.tin ? ? . Jt I Wee*.... ;l 4 .. V ? a ?t p.. ??? h-'4 f-?'. - * . ,. _ ? "?*- TZ . .. ;? .... a*?H UK **% + * ? Central... Ml * * ll /. Kail. IM Kan _ lex., k -.- t centra . a aa ia a *?*#?.. t.*, io m -h ai la f >? *' l,N - *? t ?.. ? - 1k r. p.y- ::- . -.? *> m Tfarlflc . *>'?., ""-a ?' . *? .llkv. aal. 'S ?a ANC0NA DISPUTE UNSETTLES COTTON Market Quiet and Prices Ease Off Under Scattered Selling ?Close Weak. The cotton mark?--! was qnifl :??? terday. ?*.ith rric?^ eating off *?? der red Belling, whieh niay have .nspired part .-er international . : ' ? elans was ban!; SteS decline of 11 to M poii.*.? 'Jai- around tbs r.uR suggested quite a:. e\en dirislM of aentimei.t, ? ?_: buyers shoved a diiposition to follow up advances end after selling at 12.80 ear.;. ? tl 1 morning, Mar, contracta gradually worked off to 12.18 iaost prices were at th*> lowest point ?,* the day In Most Instaneoa. The market opened steady at a de? cline of 3 to 11 pointa in response to ? sly eas- cables. I'r.?-ate cables ?ttrihuted the di I i.'erpool to SOI ' hedge . tbs absence of - tfa i.r.gluh con? nection?, wers go? ? sn Si the de cl?no here and prices soon rallied. In addition to for'- rn bn] ng there was sonie covering of shorts and a little ires', demand encouraged by the steady rnl'ng of Southern spot mark? et??, but on an advance t_ witbis a point or two of Wi dnesday's closing f.gures the (>mand tapered off ?mfl due purt'y fee the ?'-uhdrawal of ??rh'rage buying onirrs after the clos? ing of LiverpooL The market grad uailv en<"'] off tlti'lr.g (he >,fternoo:, v:iid?-r ? Wa? Street, local. New Orlei si Memphii sel :ng. There appeared to be no change ir. I ?<ner:.l rharacter of newa from ihe South. Most of the private advicoi rae? rod ;' d thai holdsrs la the in? vars refusing to sell ot con tt.!?-?:onB, ar.d about the only item dis? cussed sreund the ring which had not been previously as much talked of was the easier ruling of the stock market arid the ui.favorable :r,,pression pro duced by diplomatic exchanges over the sinking of th? Ancra. The de? cline in the bur silvas market at Lon ?sas considered a bear point ? to Its posa hie influence on Lai ? tashire trade. Ofl the other hand, ad? vices from "he (i"me*tic goods market indicated eont'.iiued activity and s? t? ?strengthen the larger estimates of American mill requirements. II was rumored that additional r.rivate ginning return* suggested that tnc gir.nir.g prior to December 13 i might ap("regat? hale?, or a hade o?cr the fignroi mentioned I* if- anticipated that ? | ratants - ras to rev ;?r crop estimates upward, h there is gen . .t disposition te ragnrd tbs m timates of the Department o? Agricul? ture n- s miaiM?m view of the yield. Southern apot market?, as officially ??; ?' ?r-re unchanged to IC points lower, generally uncharged r ? ; - ?. Ym-Jt '? I la-? '-,av r!M _*r-m!?.r ? .-. l?iu M 13.03 ? - - ' 11II 1 ? 1 ? ? ? .? :. Mil a. . Aur?l ? ? ? :: Mar us? III? it?? it t< ? ?? Jun? .- ? ? i 4 - j 101 lire u.a.? I . ?asesl ?-:.?,.?'. Np4?ia_w ISM Uio ::to l. : Ala -_w r.* m 0 -.oi.r.- .: ; Ills u il i; m j - ? *: r.-.?r_it tar m ?*.?-..? : ata lo??r 4: .' ' r aUdrj lui ut a i>'r- at ?_.? paen aaO liartai v inu ?mi . i ? ., ? - : a.' Lut Vremrui Pirn*. T?a'?a-1f?' ??wir teer ?lark 4 4 a? > ? '4 . Ml .'4 LI |.0f! ? ?-?ruul-, ! Ml 4 ?*? ?"'io 111 ? : ?i 'I 4 4 a ? . ?. , ? I????: . , * ? . ., ? I 14.1*1 '??I t"T ?04 -? . IJ.--T?nr?, I a. - -, > * . a -t * ' -.->". 1?. ? 1 ' -? ? -a ?- . . - ? I ..? , . "... ': ? ? . LIVBTOCK MMIKII ... , I I I . . ? ? . i ? - ?-.'.? .a I ' . CALVIS. 1 .? ? . .- ' MM " ?a - *?.? ? ?.a Mill VU It Uli ?-. i- t '?' !>-??>?ar* ? -e, |-r .It, ilr???? ? lern |t 1? - ? ? Ulf ANU LAMB?. a rr- .. . ... ? . ? a ? t ' ? ? ? f ^ ? a . ? ? I | . M0 I ? ? a ' ? a*M|t',l a a ? .'1 ,. ,r?J * m* ru?4_aaJ P*. M .It. STOCKS TN OTKLR CTTTIS. DOSTON STOCKS -, . AJ-l?t( M . -?.,->.?. , IM Art SOBS . M i- . *. Biet 4 Arla . ? mal a Ht* ** ?*. .? Si: <or;*r Ka_c? 17 i. ? ? ?? ??? , ?*. *a4rt *..*.?.?? a* "Yranty . _.6> Hancock . -, M Indiana . i U' Kar.? C*???* la !'.oyiu? - fi ????-.a?- . J'ij ai ? i.->? Maeoa "? ?..?? 4? Mut 00 ? ?I? * a.? .- Kl? -I?:. . i ". Mail awk ?ii N? - ? ? . ^f-a- lire. I .*?? - . I? 01 - '? ? 4 <C?OU . ?4-, mat ... k?H tua re .0 Sr-annun . . . M Soitb Im*.* i Sapai d-rper -a-, -.0 ':_?: ar?. < ?*?. altara < . - a ? ?: et --. ttk*. M a ?. i ? . t-w .< l* . : i M% U _ M as 'la ai? - ? M M| a - 4 . M> II :4"i ...h .--> i ? II ? ?? ? "a ? ?a'. M ? !.. . ?44 ?? 10 v.?*? 4* 11 ? a 4 ? . I R ?41. ?V ??-? --. t3> 1 54 4" ? 4 -, IH It. la i I.' I I . 4?. -. ?? - I ?j-.on L.? - I ? r ? a i j a a i ? lotea Cen? ic-* ?t-> Watt t:.. F: I m M Am *f*tiai_ San .. 1 4 . lea M ? r r . -4 ? ' -. ??-.?? . _? t p N n Tel utssai-cH - r; te ?\ f* , ? ? R a_T?-n Ta! M M i -tTXJN Ci 1UI CLOSDfa. Bid AA. Bid A*t AYu-ado.. . 1 h M-r. Metala l?o lu* fca- 8? Gaa. t>: la- ,Nif r'o.(U_ *t ' Boa'.-ir. :? C- t ? 'o Copc-ir- . Vr V - 2 . . C Ver?a ?M. 47* ( 1A : ?. a '. I ' 14 ? a " . N 11 Il ??'? ?? . . H "l'W 10.v* m* ?h r-v ?? -. ? ??H a N Bohi I'HILADELrHIA STOCKS. ??? - ,?'-.. r aWasjae ir.? :--i ??<-> .S ,\r:. Oai Minina U BjfT?.... & Suit. .. , . , -, t'? 'r M . . H ??? ? f IM ? . '. < la-.av'.aaa .?t t * ' -? : i. ? . '. r Ha? ?;?-. , -s . IM !_?? e_t, coi-p. ??. r?, ? , - - :? ? !? ? -, 14 y ; : ? i: . : - kaa . H N ? -. ? i ana Steal pr NH ?'??? I -, -. v - ?Al PbllO H Tr i e.. f) I l'ni-m Tra- ??S <?'i * Y ??',.-? ? , I M I ?.- '>??.*. ... ? Jam, Fit* a., ni?) pita, ? , ? ? ????- ! i <? ? ? ?? . ? . ' a 1 ?.-?-? ? IM ... te ta IM IM l 'V>_-Am I A fi M M li? 44 ? - ; ? I -. !? a. H 44S I? ? Y CHICAGO STOCKS. nu--. ?. ta :s ??'* ?aha 18 Am Rhirv'.-?? M ?6 Bt-riUi Fiah pr... J':.?r Tto. r-, Pk?Por ?WM M .t '? if. .lAT! ? 4S Mont VTari Dr 114 M Km ' ?-. '.*?-.'?? :m Union ?- l ? , ? > ? BORDS It?-?, -!?). j-,^ i-,. -r^ ?rar- Cltr R- 8a M. Il"?--- CTlle r- _ t' R Sa 73 1 ?r, Coin Mlaai ?"? I I - vier? -'.?.- '?? S' 13 ? I a 72-1 ? -, y l/ye . '*. ?a? ?? . ? ?a ? I ? L_a ' a BALTIMORE STOCKS. ?t. M ? ' -, lil 10 a 19 4 ; M ? ? f --? '???-.?. . .lo .1 or t ?m , raSli . au ?Coal ''.ms Po?*-*r ; ,tv ,?y.. ? lallt. _ It'P 140 ?-"Ira*. Nat Bank. 140 Mereli ? M . V r i " -i, Co pr ... Nor C?nlrai ... Pa Vu < Pwr r??; . r>a OU ... "to r - ta'nlon Barak ? fis a lui Rt-s I But Dr I r?av r ??- *? a> 1 :? s ? la *.'. a ! an ? V? H * 1 lr. 4 r E '. tt ' 4 .. . -, va R a f-wr !>? r. ? ? I. A A *>? V . 3/. 141 :? M ?4H ? i?f. r' *4?4 ?? 75 TH ? M Y t-4? v. M l f -i ? ? ? IM Si ?? M . '*?% i? -. IM m -. M ti. i 71 l'? IIS .? a :< .a ? ??. If ? -s ' - . BUSINESS TROUBLES h.-i- ???, Pirtnitma ABRABAM *. BMI .'?.-:-?. ' ? - - Il Wat tilth ?'.. !-> ??-? eradilor* Rf rj ?a (?m it IloTaudur, ??' I. ? r r-awi l 4 Bai Ida _- ?i?ir.mnit un \v. ... i | , ? : - l . ? - ? ? -,-.,-- I -? . - a ?, - an4 ???-? - ???'? . .. to ?-y r al I -II-- rcu-r, munt-r in r-.l - a ? ? -r.? reer, es - r.n'ih- MIENTO ? Hani-ma*? trat t t_ r \'i a' ?r Wbtta C:?o!a Ma." '*~ -*. I ? at IS ?alar ?i . t>j Mai .? Haifai - 41 iMifm* on ? _n. for o?w ILOM r" BBM tj. i_?lira ?' --. rstlu UabUll r SI* -*-*"-t?; t? t?> * a*;]-? J TR1"?A> . ' ? ?? i*a a?, li.f Tt-? 1 ?n-1 ln?p?-tr- ->?:.? Bpii-l a'j-ara. ?nai :.-?-> ?f I Ml > ' ???*?? I ?? t "??? : '-r a a . - 1 of n? ?a.?-.? A.-S---.I t: ? en a ? n-fa i. ffiram?.! M ?ec Aei Bfaaa, :- II.MO *i?r'. 1 * r ._ Il C"' '7, ?a? t II".' la. f $: OM t : \4?-1 i TjJT.pll.-ta? Ha : ..' -TA4X T."""?"INSOV r.' -m vnfl 0. '"?. ?j \tr.l a: ? .-.??' a .?y? '" ? ? - .. ? * .... - I ?. ff-fy ."??'..?? O* 4 lia?, 'tta? ' ' \?,.. |MU a Keeetter Aia-atnttO ?BMMP MBM CO, IbSm r.i_aa. P.-.r??? ?our-. Ha? ?p-aoln*.?-1 H?rt??r-. J ?V tv!?lr! r?.-c-if.- foi ?-'* Ilt-4? *1 DM '* '' '?4 MMI KO ?* Id r"?"**: r? Ni ? ,,ia_?,;-r. ?1 un? '?;u^4^- W,,-..|.,t . leeSl? I. PM: ?fi ?JV. r- '? 1IM ir? I" ?44 anl et? ?t, I A||ll?All4P '?' Sta-?l> A J PiaanW? K A . " .'? I? Uai ? Bl 1 ? -?-- - Il - . a - .;: ? :_ a'?-. ? ? \ . , ? J a. A 3 Ptn-t" .-. A ? * r. a '1 ? ? Itl Wa?i .::h ?? U> !'??? S f - ? -. ? r?- , ...,.- . * a - ' a I * .--. ? r>? I ? - ? - atadla? U 1 ?*t* ? ?' - - t.? * ...t. ? - m ? B4nkru|lry SrhMulw. -n-.??!-! r pomo ? ? 1 "**". ,| ? ? ? ? a. t . . - I a ?? . , t 4 " ... s ? . - ? . . f ? *r"*, .. ? ' , . t ? ? a t? ' - . - ? ( >? , |. a- ? 1 Itii -? ItOTi ere T* 1 A t ? ? , 1 - . .? ? . ?. - a . i. I. ? -r a A ? laiiKH ?? ? ? - a, , . ? ? | a . nn-h_-aa kea s*niniitc?. . ? . . a ? ? ' ' ' ' a ?1 0.?il--l ?er CreAltar. i m u 4- 4 li - ' Du ? . -a. ?? l/OQl 41?,?. . ay- a ? .-.t . -4' I. a . . U let* ? -? , ti:?.?- i ???. --??-?? . ? ? ??-?a-.- 1 . ' r?* im tun itaei ?4.4 IIIIIHTII >. oTiDio rAT.i'i r-?-' ?? * *-"?1 '''?" ? ?! a r> .,?? ?r malm 1. ' Bank of France Ri-tuni . 1 ..... ... ? ?. I . - 4 ? trreaeeo 1 - ? ? , . 4 .-. t ::iaa PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat Closes Strong, with Net Gains of P.c. to 2c. ?Corn Advances. ?t : ? r- - WhtAT. t w.ef E _.-.?! ??. .-....- ._. ? . -? I ? ?. ? r - lb? c?-- a 1*1 - - 1 ? ?. m .:*rc,*t. ? ?. ?? ? ? rest . .. ? ? "????? ? - - ? . ? Buu-kat r ? _ ?, 5_~i? r?_l -?S" *' ' '* *? - "-*? "?7 *M '- * ?? ?.?>??? Bndlag j???.. -,?? ? I '??-.! ?.??Or Kl rrr ?: Il ?tir*-.? ? ?... ....,??? arrian ^ kti d : ? ???*. :? ?>? i i ? ,_., -r- . _ ' -?? - rely a -~.i lot ?- . -, * - ??? ? .-it >? ?? ??? it 11.17V I - fer'ri ' ? ? i . CORN. - ? tni i -? ? ? i . . . ? '-.., ,. , _ ? r . ? - - * , ; ? ? OATS. *-*?_? ?. ? ... g__4 trad? ?--? ? ,.< by U_> ' rtei i-A at -.r? elm? af >?? .' ? . - ?--? s -, . . - . ??. : . ? ! .T? o NEW YORK Rf ? ? - Or?. . ?- ?.y. pemmttmi ? i. . : _ CHICAOO PRICES. -. tHeembm luita i: it* ?,.::*a ?i ;? 11 :* ??it? . ; E_H ? ? f:i5 i .m .??, I ? , f. :i_ :'? lII? . xs I M v.?; -.M ? 5. fifi * Oata *N?-??_ib?T t:-? tin 4i i:?, 4i ?J?y ttu ?'?? tt? ? "? ?' ?. . ' AND aiAL. ? '. .?.-/?*. w_? on*--:-_--_ IBS SOS d. tUS-BOO ~r_.? -I?--.-.-) *_?*.:.?*. r ... . - . ? .--. - " Ml ' ? *l* ?* ?. . , ? , . ?. > . ;. i .... .? g Soar, i? ? . . ? i. a? :. ? ? g S ? ? : ? PROVISIONS. T.? u.?r. ? for hog pr? * ??? -, , ??rt Hr__ -r?. ?.? . . | -4*| -? | ? ? "* ? - . . ? Iimmo eu relue . i ..-*;?.?-_? : ? . ? ? - v . ? ? ?/ - ? ? .? ige vote I ?.?-_? ? i --,-:???, tsoslau i1 ? . '?.?-?r (v-. ?* ?... . U i:-t. .-* i ? ?? . ? ? ?-.-_? ?? ? i : l . ? ;.???- < ? ?? ixira ladle c???. ? ..? iii?u*-8f.:/ iifjus *_?__. r.? *.?. ? '?? ?? ..... - UJ_4 - a ...... Irale ?mi . ? L4S tai.!/'? ?t**dj matt] ? v. c-'-j. . ?-, ?**.*? LARD - - ' v . . ? v ??: . ? r-rOrf-. lird Un? * ?- .?..-n-iK lit ?'ItPOl'Mi ?toa.-)*. OS.lOe. -?:f.ak . ? . - | ??. ??.?_- ? K CHICAGO PROVISION*. T?r_*r npm. High. Urn C_e_ d*y .? .-.-T I'J' t "O It! t *0 1*3 ltd ? m ft* i-oo its ?. - ? t* t m i -i na i.n ?fOg .lt.PT 10 15 II?: H.-J 11.11 Por* _ , - IK' . *-' ? 4 >??? II 40 coffei. LrBem >u ?? ? - ? '? I ? ? ? ' '1 ? '' ? ??a , ?.'.???..(??.?:? t ? . ,. . ? , ? ? ? ? ? . ? lag 3o*l ?.- 'or? tb? a? uii.lar t lo teer* ?.. ? mrttetm Itqald-I ? ?r I fln*J pri-*? *?*f* 4 p-ii: lo kit?? l not Sigh? n.f .??..". rapnrtid ? --.n* of I ?*>'?? asarktt a--.? M rel? L-i H_r.__. i t-it ac. ?i fftrt r.oni Brazil *?r? ?g?l_ -If .*?rt for toro* ? . ? ' r??. .. 4 ? a, ksewi ???-,?- , tug? lot I I?. 1 .. , ? A_erl-en rreUlU. .? from St ? - ? * ?'t. A ??le ?u wiorjul r Kan tat -- ?>.? .. ??'aUim ? .of l ?aid ?o Le ' tai te ? ? i ? .??'*? - - ?; .- ? . - .,?;? 'S St? ?? rat *** term (rpn.. nigt l*>- ?" ' Daeaabtt A? ?? e ? t inuary ...... - ~ ?? ??' .- ' .' Matth..e.T? e?5 era ? A -. * - ? ? ' J.U, IT? C 10 t"l . ? ? II * I ? SUGAR FUTURES. - ?H- ? ? - ? ?.-tl?? aid fir? - ? ,t t*,? ? - - It] I '-o It P?tn?? ? ?'? l.-tar. i .,...- i i?i?. or tricot TMt*T r'pr: i'll". 1/ ? ?\me . ?I 3 It J? . 40 4. - ? .- ?? ft rol.Ti ? 5 w * ,. ? ?? ...1.40 I? 140 '? f " -.' ? ? I COTT0N6EIO OIL. , . -- -.- ? . i . ? i :? ? ?'- r r . ?-. . ? - _,. ? ? ? -' ? ? - r- ? . i -r " !l,J ?? M nrmm rwfgr_ ~ Illg?! I?? ' - ___?_! ,4. .? . ?jo.} .; ?? . :? \\\ 1*4 I' .' ,f ,., ? Miilttl S.SI METALS. '"IRI.R ?M ?I--1.I. ?U- ' ? "*r* ?' -- ' . ? ? i . ,- ? ?? . i am ?-?>*? . ? |.*V Leed ??? . ?J ? ud lut m. L _ . . , . ? ?..? . ^ - ,?y . ... , _*_ (| r- .;. . - ..' _: . ? ? ? . .? Ipo . urn. wtui ?_?* if IftJ um? ??? ? ? -.?'ira? i opft ame* ? I ? ? ? ???ndirl ipet a. 1 t"?- 1st '?r '?''?? *"?? ??- "' , | ? ., rut mi Derxfo -? '?? ? i-pni ? - filfNTKV reODUCI MARKETS. v?a fottt, I??-?-.--- ?4 t." BUTTER. ... - ? ? - ?. ite_eri .? ... ? t ...? -, .- - ? .. . ? - i ? ? ' ' ?? ? i ?- ? , . ? ....... , .cy* . ln-ar ? ..?._-?? . | - -,..*??.?-. -? ? ? - . ? ICsl. n?.?.ir. ? - . M -,... ???.- '? toa it?*. . . ..--_/? '? - ? ? I. - 1. ? ? It I ? ? ? ???? . I - I II ? ? ? ? ?? . . ? -_-? l??*4? ' ? ? -? * . ?. .-? u> goad, l? , . ? ? . ? ? ? bro??:?? .... ... ?. ? a , ? . " ... .. . .?. ?? - -_-.. * _- ? eeeA -i' at*-l_'? ?r. ?_? ueiC b?.'?- ?aui itr? t*!"?-? 4-t??4lt ??l.t? RAT !ar*4t b?_?d, !_?? ? i i?s. Xo ; -. ? .*? . t *t t . . <' '. ?I?*?: rai??*at J- i?. ?T1 ry? Sa 1 T'?-*l.4 Sma_ i . 1 ..-ft FBESH FBl.iT? ait: -. K i- ?' JeaatBaa ? .. ? ? $ -, I - . ?". ma -3*14 * - ? I _.jf "-_-_?. I?Y5J r : a s * m. ?! .. mn r- - ' > . - . a . I It J , ..4.. I. ??? , ? ?. ? ? r....c ?. ?-i ?? .s-?--..?-, -it?, t. rrj ? a. ! "*S1. _?OPi-U. I .. ) 4 1. - : e -. _ 't . I ,. a t I?-? I -.,?-.. r;r>pl_ ll.MM?-aJ .?4.. ? .-??.? 3 ?.:-?. ?i'.aai, |Y." 4 a . ? aU P.4a_ Twla "*-|?y-.-_. i r. ?-. ?4 ? i--4.---._i. r -i<sfi * _? Da _? ?..:<>. 4. b.i_t Baa. I. ."A?. - ! .4 . > i ?mi . ' II11 ?. _. .... i: * ?.: : un?: 4 n ?a s: r 4; v ;va-.4 ? .?.,? - s-b. t. *l. ";. .\:a. 1,11. i ? ? i ? :? _ i - - i ?. u .... ..a? ?.--4 !.. :. -. .-t ? ?. ?? - ta J ? ? J i ; t . M ? . - . ? i . t. .-i-:i.-_-7 .?-? i. . . ? ?? I ?I: I . - a ? _ I . . aa?-i. 14-? .'?_'. - . , .- t?j.?iB.4 v.* ? n ? .. ?MB. l.f? UKaVN-Sa r_, :>? I. 41.? 50: Jav ?__-i. i. $?: ? -.. . il lit* I ? Tj,m;_H_N__ r~a. vet ????: I -'? a . UAH I .4 a:*, I * si. _RA t I. ?<? ." i : - i.?:. . ? . i. . Naaaau, ?: ***i ! I * <?? a, ban :-.>,~i_.i I - I - a - i I'.' SI ItUajOtC - r ' -: eOTATOES ANO VS-HABIES - Bfna u :?. : Ml I'*?-" Mi n? ? ??4 '. \(4 D4J 1 - ll ? . . . I . 1 ? . ... ?. "! II a. . | - , : ' ?. ? .- ? ? t a. ? . V? ! . ? . I . 1 I ?. I* ! - . ? I ? , - - * ..?.?IB. I ? 4 r . . ; I Bur-- i . a. .4 ..' ! il?_J-?a>t , 7tz. trear. eerx I: t? -1 . ' ' - I .. ? at ? ? ? 4 la, ? a '. ? . ? " ? 4 ? . 4 ? ., t' . ? - I ? I 1 I ' i. , . ?? . > ? ?a ? I ? ?a J- .<?- r?_4 ? a?? M; Ita ?. a 5 ? BO AS I J. ??-,. ?,???. I.?): -" ?- .. ? ; - Fita-i I . ? aban ooi. I. 51 .A?UJC ItAi.a . ??.ri.-.ri lb : liari-iu. : .:, It "? I_A__. Ta. t , ? IJMA til 4 IT?!??. tiAti 59. \* C74'? t'.ftl. *' ?ahita, trata or belt. I "I fir Cao* ' 4. i*?. b4t |i.A*?|l r.4'_ net WartOT r?d 4o1 - ?:???. tirici? County r-~ *-r* re> ?**. 'KiiA. r.?. -ATTiT ?: ? < ? ?. ? I1.T? -, can-Wi i. "?', r_? t. *?. "' ? . a-- ? t 't ' ? 4 a . ? MSI 4 I ?J , 4' ?-? -?.- Il Si-flfli ' and i ?.i. ? i 1 M ? L-ikt, I 'J . ' . _ - I I ? ' ?* U| I ?i ' RllMA . ? *t ? . ? i ? ?a I a -.;a I . 9VISA . t ..-.-?-. a I ON S. I a a ? - ? , rUaoi ? -, 4-.? ?. ?? . I ?*, i tien ?i.'.ia?. ?? i ? rooked ?elf ll.'i.?|1.7| 1 II 7$; TI SNIP? 1 ?jya il ?? r. . ?. Ha IM ? J <l .' - bs. i <|1 II > isa ?. ? - ? .' **t>MAT. ! n r . ? - I ? . ? 0*? ..* WATXR - k:-- ?. 5 .?. HOTHOi -> i*r 'Di ? ' i?. ? ? ft. : . .? tv i ?. ? - ? ?. ?-.- and a ? " Ml ? ? , I .?4 111... . '?ai a I a ? ? 5 - -., ?a',1'? 4 .:, ? t 4*J | I ??.-?r.?. |i?, I m ;? ai4ia?aM. ,b ? rTRI-;r.MA? I rUaEM? ... ? a-j Surma ? ! ?.l ? ..... . I ? < ? a ? ' ?I ? ? l - -a.- ?a i a ! ? I? a . ! - - ,;? I J I ' -.- ^ * *? a ???1 I ????..?? a- 1-41! .17 " ? I r a Upa r-- ??)? t- a? ?--? - - ? '??-I tO ? 1 * ? ? ? - . ?.a- a, I - - ' ; '?? S * J.- t3 f?v; eu-t , ,-? .?? '. n ? ON THE CONSOLIDATED A general decline in price-1 ~-Vook place :r, the afternoon on the ConsAli dated Exchange. Anaconda'? S?,? wW? h*? Mexican Petroleum, after spotting St 90'., Jeclined to H^t. I'nited .-'.ate? ? - v a? the most a? ? ? -, o ngi o? 16,7M rransaetions ir, all t?tocKa amounted to tij,770 sharea. S1<l< KS. ??4.W DM Hllti Ia?w l4j M A a., .a Gold .4 . 1 < J4 .4 Il A.Mit .I'J.TaJliJ I" II 1* I" S I I A: Air I -.? - I<i|a- 7? . i ... 11% M till ? ? ? ?- a i - ???, 4 -, r?vi A Kid* * 1 "?-'?, - '. ? ? . . ? ? 4-1 | ???* ? ? ? . , ? | . > - ? a - ? ' . ? I T ? S 1 , a 4 -mi I?. ? . ? . . . .I.A., "1" Ha , K -, -?? It- -. ?ti B 1 ? . - a M M4| t A Sup) : ? '. . It? Outra) laaathar 54?> ?,?-, -.S '-?? III .-, . , feu 97', ii : A !? :- a '.'Y :?*. < a / 2 830 fu. l-uel A boa . . - ; -*-i eo if?n prwiu-u im, . -, ?" ? - - ? , .nop? ? . it - " - a . I ? 4 .-', 4.-. 4 . 4 ?, ' ' .... ? - ?'??'. ? a 4- ?S II', ac. ,? , 4", : S 11? - : ?i t-.:?- - a Y ?iU ?'a ? a l'S 4"S - - II -, ? : ? - . ,*?:'?* ? -. ' , ? . ' , '?*', 4 ? a a ...'-, - - , ? ? ! . , a r - ' ? a 4 . . * - . I - ?? ' a ? !?? , . . . ?-.- : ! -I . '?-a ?H ?40 . . -. - ? In? at 4- A .-, n , i - V 'I?- 4-. *4 . | ., .... t. , (J. a -r? ? l?i T7H 4 44 4. .? Il - (???? A ?? . 4* "a 4 , 4 , r-" B H ? '.'I - 7.1 H ?i l? -. . - B 4??a "' ?? "a '.''. a ??>? MINING. a- .--.? :o :? .m 70 ? -I a II ? ? ? .11 54 -> ?4 1 Y*. ! _ ? 1 ?" a a ?"? - . V, >' \tt . : ?a - ? T II ? ... ?4 ?4 . -. Buy Penn R. R. Bonds in London. Kttbtt, Lotb St Co., it wit learned ye?".eri?ay. are continuing their potier k' Is London the ronsolf? B nrat] m or* eng" 4 per cent ' the Pei.naylvar.;,t Rai'.road of ? ?r I ?ue irndf In IPOS Th? -, are bir.g acquired through irs, will bo atamnod I ? .. - : ? I BMI Participation in British Credit. Partitipatioa Mitiflostai ! inert ;*l t rejit rSCtttl tended to tbs ?*t* big London ? lie i--rr.r>: tte? ers. of "-!'d Pmnli A Vandorlip is rhairnatl. i*,!! be ISSOSd next Monday. The partit ipanU are being rfnii""" I .ertlfi 1,. ? a . ade o at .-??? $100.000 Brooklyn Plan. 1 ; . '? piona ?o?r. nga to be erected on a plot ?j on the BOtttb fide 0! ., . Brookljrn, taking from aWth to fil't at., to cos". 4. fot th Parhsida Aranas Holding < o.. as owner?. - a ? ?? Bank of England Return. ? r a , a 1 a - . , . . a ?-?.,"? ? - a a a ?a.~ a a -cr rail III ' ? - - ... ... :: t_>.^_. r?u.4;.j : yet oa_. CITY B?-?K H CONTROL Re?leet H. T. S. Greon President ot International Banking Corporation. National C-.ty Baik ir.tereste. now loB?aaat II the affa.:? ?t Um Inter? national Banking Corporat'.or., at a moe'ing of the directors, o*' the latter ?? "...ion yesterday railwt?_| H. T S Ure-a as pretident and general n-.ea ager; L. _!. Jacobs was chosen riee ? resident and treasurer, ar.d P. w, .ones secretary. The ftsUera_sf execu? tive committee was appointed: J. S. Eache, R. L. Farr.ham, H. T. S Greer., Lionel Hageraers. Arthur Karanagh. W. .*-. K'.es and YV.llard ?. Straight- Mr.. ?iavar.a-rh sad Mr. are viee-prtii of *?e National City Baa_, ?rhils Mr. Straight It a rice-pr?aldent of the American International Corroration. The offering of the $50,000,0.0 stock of this corporation has been largely oversubscribed. Stockholders ef the Hank, who had tho privilege of "akir.g |25,O?:\00O cf the Issue, ?-ere practically a unit In subscribing to ti.o'.r allotment. G??GGEN??D. " EXPLORATION Company Anne-neeo Distribution of Its Aaoeta Directort of the Guggenheim Erplort ? ' otnpany, in accordan?'e witr. the ition plan, voted yesterday to dis? tort assets to stockholders. .ng the proced? et the tale o? the company'?- noldinfl of Utah Copper ?tock to las Koanoeott copper ?.or poratioa, so that each shai-eholder of record or. December 11 i e tho following for each bhare t>i ?iuggenheitn stock: .7277 of a share of Stock of the Ken necott Corporation, or fSd S*. 7-l? In rath to tuen as shall elect to lake cash, 1171 of a share of Chtr.o Copper stock. - of a share of American Srr.el'.ir.g a*-. I Refining common ttock and 1R.S0 of a thare of Kay CoaaolidaasSJ Copper ? ? | of the Guggenheim Ex ::o:. Company aro r? . "-. before January 15. 191?, ? .. ?hey will take Ker.necott stock or cash. $200?WTj_ASE IN WEST 49TH ST. Site with Large Frontage To Be Used for Res? taurant Purposes. J. Arthur Fitcher h.?i itated Yr tl I .:; Holding Compon) Lee * iimatii three four story and ba?e ? buildings, lift, 118 o West liith it., or. plot 72x100.6, to Jules Peek ar.ri I onstanUno L. /ucea fur a term Sf twenty OBS years at a:, aggregate ll of over 1200,000. Mr. Peca is a ?veil known restaurant man, having until quite recently a restau:an* at 14f Fulton st., Ne** sorti ? Ity, whore he ??a? located for the las? tn*OBty?ivs roan. After o\>- ? i Urrations the > fur table ?note restaurant. Arthur Fl?cher ha? been appointed apent for the prop? ? J, B Maxwell hai I t the ... -g. i Walker Company for a term cf venrt the store .428 Broadway ?lies P. Nojes Company has leased a Jacob Ruppert Resit) < t rpora tion a part of the twentieth floor of the Madison S<juare Bunding, 15-10 Hast 26th it.. to the Association of Na? tional Advertisers, Inc., for five years; spsce on the nineteenth floor of the same building to Joseph Grumet, Inc.. and also to Frank Fro il, Inc.; also ? ?jai tho Frankcl Building, 45 John fot * ,o North Ward Rtwltj pan/ ?i David Saks. Hpear ?- < s havs rented to the farl '.' *'.?) Company the sixth loft in _*)-3n West 28th il for Henry P. '??-rd ner. This lefts? ?-,*.? . renewal of the leases of Keiff Brothers and A. & B. Heimlich, completes the renting of the entire building. Fidney L. Warsawer ha? leased for a term of years the first floor and base? ment of 218 West 37th it, to E. ? Carroll. The Cross & Brown Company has leased the entir?? sig floor West ltd ?. Company for P H '?' Mult? all fool i f : tue* In 7-9 Es ? IOi I I I Now ?>a Linen Manufacturing ? om B Hraer.der; ?tore at Hrosdway for the Rodeos Motor Car Company to the Allan We?tro't Motor Car Company; in M-108 Madison av. for the George Parker Realty Company to K. Schwartz for a term of years: tho seventh floor M West llth 5*. for William Stewart to Setekof & Gaier. Also leaned ?pace in to Fa-? 42d st. to E Iword -X CaSSidy, F M. Pe'mour, ths Lundln Company, Inc.. H V Roi?? ? ? ' ompresaod A;r Gr<?a?e ?"orpora tion, Walker Bajrtls Company. Inc., and t.-.e El.ii" Prodoeti Company. ?ne Bastinc * Co., as \pert?. have leaned the fifth floor of 87 F r*>- iv. to Leo Newhoass & Co tap floor, 2*1 Fifth sv . to F W. Hockstettor, INVESTING AT JAMAICA \. ft Fielder Purchase? ?-it-? for Fine Dwelling. The Hilleide-Jamaiea Home-Building ? o ha. sold to Albert W F 'Mer ? rostr ? -5 h y 127 5 foot on the east sids of Delay road, north of Wex fori terrnce. on block ad.'* resi? dence of M. J. Pegnon. Mr Fielder plan? to build 'n the early l| ril | T1 S Real Lna;* S?*r icr Bureau acted as broker. Louis Gold ha? purchased the touth west corner of I.iber'y and Minnesota avs., Jamaica. Lctig Island, upon which hs srill rut ;in store buildings SOUTH BROOKLYN ATTRACTS Builder Buy* Block Front. Which He Is Improving The Dolaok'Lovoy Company and the Francit Hal! Company have sold for P Thorsen the block fror.t on the west J'.di? of Seventh av. from 56th to 87th St., Brooklyn It comprises eleven lots in the heart of the Bay Ridge sec? tion and is only four short blocks from ?he re- sabtvay The purchaser is a builder and is improving same with up to-date F'ore? ar. 1 dwellings. Mart'r, Splnelll .old for Henrietta Johnson )?)? 8th st., a two ?tory and ba errei I frame house, to Augurt Brornl for investm?*r.t. Tnc . hare par cru?-' l?S81 ???' it., Brooklyn, a two und one-half story brir-t. two fami' ?? .-? room haoss snd plov Rents Terrace Garden. T*"* Terrai* I tMei '"on pany, forrr.en ?t A'.bsi.y ;e?terday aith a capital of 8M.OO0 ha? -ecur-"i fro"* the r. -. M - Hre?i:.? i. oinpar.; a ten-year ,??.. ..* , ?rra e ijaroet.. on Eatt 67th , west of Thirfl oe< Adolph '? :;d. ? ??o ha* SOOn Connoetod wit: , . tot ? ftOO) ? San, will hea<l ths Tie? i smpaaj Suburban Lard Co Sale? a V'.r.-. Sabnrbai i bat sloi 'he Fourth w.r.i Borongh ?? Qoeent _ slot, 2"? : Para _- !: .ter. and a plot. 20x100, on . ? ?-) A Wat son A' Gar**"Ood. N. .1 . a plot, 20x100, on ?- av . to P I" 1- -artoii. and a ."?.-?100. on Fourth a. . t? C Wehr. Gets Babylon Farm '' ?? Build _ -, -?.dent, ra? r S H. A K.lwarda - o - : ? BUYERS Di THE NORTHERN ZONES Entire Block on the Grand Boulevard and Concourse Changes Hands. SITE OWNED FOR YEARS BY J. P. DUNN Market Found for Five Story Apartment House In Weit 140th St., Near the Drive. Buying :n the northerly seot?e-s w?a the predominant feature of the 1 realty market yeatarday. Kurs A I'ren aold for John P. Dunn the entire block front on 192d at. |tt nlng frort? Grand Roclerard and Cen eovM to Treason a?., hav'.r.g a froi ape of 214 feet on the north elda o* 192d a'.. 173 feet on the east side or* i rent-on av. and l-? fee? on tbe weit side of Grand Boulevard and < ? ? ? ? riot ha? been the hotneatear! of Mr. I)unn for eightaan years er.I ha? been one of the show places of that satttlOB. It it" Id-ally locate being bounded on the ?-.-eat by Bl Jamea Park and on the east by Pas Par* The Rs * ? hsi sold lOI John Palmer "o tar! R. F.beith a l'*e s'o-v apartnier.- house at CI_ V. esi at . 41 SxlO ' foot, ad.'olnirg ride Driva. It waa held at ?"0. 000. Il ?4 fully retted Plane POft* bean tiled w!U the llan hi*un Buraau of Buildings for the constructio!. of a tour story aehool for . dancing, with a ballroom. There will , be '.lvinr qtisrters for the owner. It will be located on the north elda of 67fh it, UM 2 feet eut af Seventh ar having a frontage of 89.10 faal an?! a depth of 98 B foot Louis H. Chalif Is the ewner. Oeerga JL and Henry Boahm ar? archlteeta and bava pieced the coat at IllO.OOfl Other aalea vesterday were H ST Katie F Tucker eo'H "It West lttt_ St, a three storv and haie ment dwelling on lot 16.8x99.11. !>e ? ?? L-r ? ox aii.J Seventh avs RTBI AV. Another group of apart? ment houses ia projected for the West Bronx, cone to the < oiirours?, whera buildere and operator? have beet wag ,"(? h buying campaign. Tha lataat operation || to bo t-arrled or. by tha newly formed Ajea ('?-instruction Com? pany, which haa purrhaaed from I arl RottvaottC, through II A Douglaa A I'o.. the plot of six lota located on the eaat aide of Ryer av., extending through to Valentine av., 2?? feet south of iM-h ?t. The property fronts 76 feet on ea.h tlii-rougi.fare. With a depth of -00 feel. 10F1"S 13TH BRikNCH ? and*. Man Renta Store In Broadway, Brooklyn. Yeorge ft. Left, candy tnanufaetorer and retailer, ha? aecured a location In the Williamsburg aection of Brooklyn !or the establishment of another branch to bis business, the thirtuai.tb in his chain of stt r? ? Through P. H. J Daly he has lea-ed for a long term the -tore. 2?:'6fi feet. Iat 12-19 RrnadwH\, i.f.r.g a Mftiott of an arcade build;r.g. Y',..5r- feet, to bo ?-? ? ,? bj Hoar) i Bohack The Kdi ! con Company a'?o Is sa;d to ha\e closed a Yate f,,?- ?pace in this building PICK UP FEALTY PLUM IN AUCTION ROOMS House Assessed for $90.500 Bought for $45.000. One of the beat bargain? eror r ?-ked up in the Exchung?. calesroon- at 14 Vesey ,?,t. was secured y?;et*rdav hy William A. White A Sons for a client, i ' ? property purchased was 72 Park av., adjoining the northwest corner of :<?rr. St. It -?*? bought for 145,000 Bt s psrtt tion sale conducted hy Joseph I* Day. It Is assessed at $90.600. JOHN A. ECKERT BUYS 100 SAG HARBOR ACRES One of Largest Waterfront Deals in Section in Some Years. estate of Rober" Cblistio. jr , sold to John A. Eckert, of New Vor'r. a tract of 100 acres of shore front at Sag Hi.rbor. Long Island. H II ??] jettent to North Haven. This is one of the largest tracts of !d In the last few yoara I of Long Isl?n . Theo Hall negotiated the sale. - ? Leases Daly's Theatrs. Ira A I.une hac leased Daly's Thea? tre, Broadway, between ..'9th and 80th .Tone? to Hnrry H-r zog for a term of years. The exact policy of the theatre haa rot yet been dec ?ed upon. New Building; Piaas. Manhattan. 67TM ST. .'?'. sad .*? tv. fear i IJ m* aparrar.! .?? 4i i??: j'l- bireex Ke*.-,. ? mro, :*J a? a?T.?r S T Vront. Tccim. ars_1'.*-*.. ti** I 1 57TH ST. r. *. 10? I ? :?_ a?, for t I fc ?r ?_ jJ : I IJ I. H f*h_ilf T W i:4 I ?: -r t, A A H UoariJB. 1 W IM |L ir > In?.lie I01TM ST 12*. ?_ ?T E for a 1 eg atara?! laida. N.-.a- Mui'ifa-turlna ?5? 111 I* lOHlt ,- ? ?: r. T J Lu? 4." \t llth St. WJhiU-. M MB CONVENT AV. . <r or 141?! et. ter a II 0* tmaaa vv B M Keeltf r? lae. l?i fei* ?? i * r L Nortoo. N?>w n?1?_i<_ -,-rr. ij^-.i ar-Mtaet. IVI ?a| The Broas. MINNfrOBO ?V ? a It? a S--t)_rUa4 it. Caj It ail. for a ?H I?; ."arc? fime 1? UcJS f) la.a.-.t H-a-i-, la- P'laiont, ft ???j-atj ?*. pn?.:'?-.?.. o?-?-,?r ga.-: r M'art '.H '* i:. ,t, ai - I a-, I1JTH ST. : a ? ? It Ajm a it ter itre t ?<# -1 .?-._.? ' t?4 ilai--*t; Scliaiti Co I , I'--?'?.;.-! 4f.-?^a: ,. Ml Tlr'?ar. a. praalla 4? :.a -4 ? !?. ? : a> ? . i ? ? i:ioe?o ??*D BT - - " ?. ??-?a? for :*, ?V, aty ? ? Wiliaj? T,tmre Ce v. ? er, ,.i4? Tran-o-tt a? a???-*?--. o?:??. a? -. - .. - 4t *??.:.?..?. aa er-Idler* _ _ I.T ?0O Salei at Auction a: 1? Tta?> . r 'eMc*. r Dar M> AV. mt . ? 11 i M S ?s**s, i ?ts lamBt ?*? sta-ei. t_ ? ?4 Ro-L-.a. for l'.7,0H BANK AV. ;. . . |. *. Stth el. UUti; ? |9 ?me u W! lu ? ' - ' ? a -..ret 'v |a_ e*f -10 ST 4?5 4? a . Ml l?*J. a?. '.ifMlV. I? ?"??a adjf irv re .'. . "" liHElst ?4T . , '? a a 1U a Prteoa aa. -- t te Ve 7 calf '_> S- B?t- I. Kenoai:?' i?TM ST : t , .. s ? Itirliaan a* 10 Sa Sttll IS ' ?l to (if plalnOff for tt.OM B- H?n? BrvV MTM st rm n nit:?, -r e, u,?o? i *** i i* Jaba J l*Bfa-ta_a*h f? tts.tsi. *y B_o_?- Man SiJSrOLK ST. II?. ?a ? 111 a UoosUB at. iexUHi nteoon u. 1 av-aa eij i atj raw U_o*i M ^??-?a??-. Morcai* r-i ft-r |? ?M ISOTM ST :?? w . . I'l? , ??, ,. UlfSOUl * *,, flarf. t?-. t h? p'.air.dff lor I.? itt at i i _a ar,? 1 ' 'a'-rtu ri?-* ST BAVHONO AV. ?IS. II. 1ST ? a BV FtlBr-a 4, -.?-,.? ?a axil l? Ua t>c.::' fa U.M. -??? REAL ESTATE. coo tnv rnorKiitT lirai .uam-iai rvut"'rom rvacS?M -?r ?ontr, hanr. aialainad It teme O "'?. ??f ?? in i:-w? -aaa-? >?_ ** tteei ..?4 ??t. ? Oma. Z-m. T. C T-roa tttt HAA. So.