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Even Ban B. Knew When It Was Time to Stop Lj of Fraternity Also Expects All Contracts To Be Respected. _?i_Mti, r-r teat of theBaae *???-?' rraten ty, issued the fol *" ?aterrer.'. '??*" " '? ' afternoon: ____d the peace r.egot-.ationa now mmt .e. be taking place betwaen ""i??. ball sr.d the Federal I-eague **ll?e?l?'- ''"-, of course, ?^.?Vriilor. restot ? | all player? who ' rtatto the Fedi *o their or:?- ? 'borrar. ltd basebsl'.. Any other rt?-t Veo 11 b? grossly lllorical JaStit te the players :Vi?Tdtl?? *"*?' doubtless alto be _7(ir earry'.ag cut the long-term T_*j -dgsad ' ,"ers vr'ttl bo:h 55 baae*?sii and the Federal _L So declaration of peace by the Watt em I? any wny affect the vs r.-ref tbttt contre:*-! All r.d.'uet [''._ i-en'.d be mad? tubjeet to these ?2_08S. Otherw'-i-e magnates who Er^tsrssts ir. ei'-'-s may f.r.d later ?,ih?T tsvt enamed obltgationi of J?j tfctT ?*'*?"? on?'*?*? at the time _ Etta-Ma* lea. .... ***Vft m also player? both In or _?dbateiall sad the Fedtral I/eag-.-.e _a_ftS net yet received their entire __-.? fer 1915. Thess ntl.g?tions, too, \Y.[? \,t ukec into eoi.tirieratlon In ., ji'.itnsat. %a*ld peace be -'.* would -j-ltinastemat'.-a y r??toring to full _3-SJ_y .r thl Bettbs.l Plf.yer?' L_iT'.*7 all Feoera! League player? ,'m ?*?** membert before going to the 'tiora* loar-? H_n? thi fraternity Is not ob.lgat ,|,f!U _y-'.awi to protect players' -'-?rtctt ?a-e wbot they were not ac j_p__SSTI ?1 'v ? .-f-nr.'.ration, yet is?, ?t glad to ut? ?te hest endeavors S SB that th? legal r.ghts of the Fed- ' ._ Lttirutn, ?*? aeU at thoaa of the -jm.m- ballplayer, are respected." LHATEUR BOXERS SHOW WELL IN THE RING Brecher and Lieberman Win TTielr Bouts by Safe Margin. ?tritt and Abe Lieberman, t-e __acal ?i ?. anee, whose .-, ? nsls, w>n their Mtti la the preliminary rounds of the ,i?uar boxing toun.aaaer.t at the New :i Athletic Club, last right? Both ' ?a eampeted in the 120-pound claaa siecher oppo?td Jobs F eecy, of the Eirito Ycnr.g Men't Tiristlan Asiocla ?.:?, and thi former **a? forced to . loi it top iptec to san the decision. Utbtraan hsd a.-, easy task with :_h_a fslhsff. cf the Trinity Clnb, of Br*i*_jy_, who tu saved from further .:ste*tttpr pr-r.ishraent when th? ref CM itcpped the cor.teit in the middle \ ?_-.*? tiiird round Tom Gerry, a member of the St Jo-. ??*>'? Young litn't Atsoeiatlon, In the :lt>?pound dMiion, defeated Wiilium ;:.Ttrm?r., of the I '.-a'.ional Alii- ; cet, ?r.d later sd Cbsrlea, ckeni. !":.- i.mrasriti follows: . :u??OBd *sm ftn-B-r.L.-*.????K. Itt Mac*.. _r __?! W.mmi Mu "?'- ?? nnatunhwl f.cvpee. ?taw a tu ?? - ? .. - 7 ai _??-?/. St. .'?-?ti til-? irt'ie.. Wl_l?_ s..??-__.? U-O-ttl _'"?"_ ?v-t-;-.. refvm. U ?-?-0--1 -t_| Ut rt?rr< ? ? _ i->**???*i Toa 'mmfe T M t 4.. ttrta r,??__, *__.--?? <?* ?ix. __-*._ lU.'to? u. . ? .-4 a?*-*-.*. I'. ?'t?tc_. tir, Sid* Emit* :? ??? ro*_c??. ?/i..*?' ___TT_I ?>-" O. '-?- ? T M v A tmmmt Smart) r__*i_. ?.-._: i?,:;,*.. **.c---p*_ by ?ara?an. r-s_l ?? t??l -?-? ??i_s't_?_-i_? ?jo_b r?r~. ? la___M>.: A C .?*eaLM< Facrj WetM BB rtmm _? ut*r r_- ? '? r ';?.! Tom ?^b? r??-_j-. ... i -3-t. _-? "... Ru-e ... K B*r..- ?s- / va a S_-_- >.-?? A . - _?* t? r_r*rn? ? ? . ? of S" ?aa?. toMt*e oui iu ,.: i ?r.-* a r.. ir. ? -?:: Jl-mtei a?*? : -? _r_? Be?. .>.?? ?_?_-__, 4_:_.-. ? ??-?-* -?. .??.-.. H?--'.*r.. _k ci ?_-.-. - tern. hu. ??.??- . . ?HBS Cal, ? rouod .? .>??_t _*__-?? ?. a lac* ?-'??-?^ i? ?an. Tni.-... tSGLISH B.ABY RACERS ARRIVE HERE TO-DAY ? fa; -..*? - mportaat cc.nsign "'? if '' ? that has com? "= ttgla. . - ears will arrive S ta? ____ms M aaoaaba this morn ^Wi ere abont forty In th? lot, iwt ti ths-r: :. ,.r :_??. On? of the ___,a_SSS*aa. cotitigT.*i.?r.t? 1? a let k _____" D?*,7 ""^er? from th? Haras 1 ___5f? t*? S'ormar.dy ?tod farm gJfc^MS y?:*?y. which willb? put B_L_fc k*~' er e* Tburfdaj next at PHMa Th? your.giten er? ?twt M_h_astj r.g'ar.d for W. K. ;*?.-** ??"*rt .?? - Ings belonging to r whitr.,--', ?trir.g. Tha?? will he ??*?? U i_r_v?..- -, the|( _-nval. lew Catcher for Eed Sox. J**_)B? I"ec. lfL- ? : .->??? ef ^?H04"-. a :_? bet from th? Bt. jf*'A-*rle?_s, *?? ar.nonneed by ?"J*set J. J. Lent.::, o? th? Boston ???near??, ir. a telegram to the cub T_J_* "em Co.cago to-dsy. The ?iraetio? involved no other s ?? said. Ttny Wian?r at Billiard?. -***'?t P. Tsn had aa eatv ? _ '?' _*^H?- ? balkllM billiard ??_? M n Academ> ? -ft Th? teor? wai tOO to .?? ? ? of 27 and ?aa __ srearag? i ? 4V ** ? Geifer Wins on the Coarts. O, Das _wi*? tkV N?M?- ronnty Club, ? ?1 ? ?' p*"-- f' ?- ;r.*. 'mm?~}' ln the f- r tie S*_ ?mm? law? ter.r.'s tournament here ?7 BASKETBALL STOCK AT COLUMBIA SOARS Healey and Littauer To Be Fac? tors In Coming Season's Oames. With the aequi?:t'->r. yesterday of Jefferson Healey and Manny Littauei. Columbia'? baaketbali stock soared Healer, who has been resting since tha end of the football season, donned his toga for the f.ret time, and Harry Fisher Immediately put hira in the 'varsity !!ne-up. Littauer, who achieved sudden fame hy his ous.lties as a plunging ful baek. was also tried out on the Yaj slty vquad. I/.ttauer has never played basketball at ?.'oiumbis, though he has 0 crew and earred ? place Track team l?os ?: _ It is not probable that Fisher w^ use Hea>y In tl.? o*,t-: r.g game o? the leaser. srKh the Brooklyn Poly technle flv? to-morrow night, though Bud W?ber, another big football re? cruit. wY! start the game at one of the guard ros'-lcns Eckhardt unidor,who played a sterling game at forward last winter, may b? r?st Is the fv? for more than half of season. His shoulder, which he strained badly Bt football, has failsd to respond to treatment, ar d Fisher de ? of ns'.r.fc him until after the mid yer.r examinations, if even then. With Caider out Columbia will labor under a hoary initial handicap, al? though the good work of Ls Toor and Roberts la practice, together with the return of Korcsand to nis form of last season, will probably insure an aggres? sive forward division. Burgha?d retms to have his piece at centre secured, while Dwyer ir.d W.'ber are, for the time being, at any rate, doing particu? larly wel! at guard. STILLMAN BACK ON SQUASH COURT Shows Well in Winning for Harvard Club in Class A Tourney. The retnra to eompetition of Dr. Alfred Btlllman, 3d, the former cham? pion, after a year's absence, along with a number of anrprlses. waa a feature of the Claas A squash series m which tbs Harvard Ciub defeated the Heights Casino, of Brooklyn, on the former's courts, yesterday, by five matches to two. .ran showed that he had lost nona of b'.s old skill and speed in easily vanquishing Rudolph Gospel, cr,B of tha best or the Casino plsyer?, by the scores of tV?15, 15?S, 16??. In tha opening game the ex-champion failed to warm to his task, but toward th.B er.d he rapidly picked up many aces. In tha naxt two games Btill? man had all the better of the match. Frank H. Davda, the veteran Harvard player, furnished the first surprise when he defeated Jooiah 0. Low, of the Brooklyn team, ?fter the latter had wer. the f.rst game by 8?IS. However, Davis rallied, and. with a ruizling change of pace. lowBred the color? of the Casino men, with the third game going to Bet Erio S. , Winston, tha present title holder, de-1 feated Charles M Bull. jr.. of the ts Casino handllv. Bull won the frs* game at 12 - 1$. but Winston came back, atrongly taking the sec or.d at II P. a.-d making a wa'kawav of th? third game at 15?8. A. J. Cord'pr and Livingston Platt each recorded a victory for the Brook? lyn player?. ***t r.ot until after three hard-played games. * e summary follows: fata A mjrieth 'Har-iar-l C .b m n?4?M_ Ce ? H Da-*j ITa-a-" IT : .>'?a?*l ; n . . ? ? I, is?11: i _ r-; . ,.- - ?.-n, -' v? a at..,.? ? 1: X. C. * Rarrard " I SW?aiad Ta?.-? II TV,:: Hrlilr.a i ra/r.-.o " * t? Dr Al'm-1 I 14 nai-u-a C ut ?ta.*-.--* - 'Ta>'.|'?:a Canse - ?!?-.-. it-?.? reri ?hrt?. teteareri J H W_ um "?:?.?:.?* ?a ' I IS?0 I.-f.- p'-.r. P ?.-: H*fha ?a ataatat 0 M I ?-' Ham ? - Rairarl Club. ' iitee'eA H 'f.'- H-:f-'_ II?S. -ft C talar ? ?-? NOYES TURNS TIDE IN SQUASH MATCH Princeton and Squash Clubs Beat the Columbia Players. In tha series batween the eombinei Princeton and Squash club? and tbe Celumbla Club players, on the lattar-B courte, the firat named team won by four matchas to three yesterday, due to the work of David P.. Noyas, of the .-"V-ieah team, who defeated Harry D ?v in the fr.a! match bv a score ci lkr--4, 1*5?11. Anton W. Riley, the Prlneeton Club enptain, was beater, by Edward W. Put, of the Columbia Club, in the opening match of the eerie?. Putnav won the opening gama, after a hard **r" I by a score of 15 11, and in the second gama P.lley could gather only t*Ao aeas. - k ? Kea'.er, the veteran Colum bis I iub player, earned a well earne'l over William J Knapp, after thro? hard fought matches. The match recorded the Mints counted during tv? n?y. with Keeler making en <?'? - his rival had taken th? ??'.me. The summary follows: ? ?m .?. t?'V"hj?'?,.a Oib n Mr _V\- Ht.w i I-.... LB j r . -'??'j_ W ] K- ?; . ? - ? ? I. r. y?-4 a '?'. .' ? i ? A re) --.aa. f'.ub <W?at/-1 H j -lr'aaVXl 7?. I. B'.-.-^jl.. B?J aub ? ?? * . ?? aa _,r?at*l M '?? -? ? ? ?1V-II r> n rr Ij Bt-I.rr. r-, . ., -, r a'.?. 4Vo*?*> Mntetae clt.b?. 4 OLD CROW Keg. U 6. Pet. Og. RYE America's Finest Rye WHISKEY HAND MADE SOUK MASH STRAIGHT PUKE RYE MADE IN KENTUCKY, U. S. A. H- B. KIRK & CO. New York, N. Y. Vi*Jporili?h? ^^ ?y Cmntkn? Wce Ton will hear H echoed in polite (U there are any, baseball circles thst the Fed? have whipped the National League. Por th?B the Pods deserve aa much credit aa Jess WLY.ard srould get for knocking out Kid Broad. The National League whipped Iteelf, and it began the whipping proeess at least four years ago, when it refused to ?Und by many of ita beat ball player? and let two or three cutthroat?, yegg-nan and thugs dictate the policy of the league. A Cinch Battle. heating the National League the Peds won the softest battle ever fought They were up against ar institution that had begun to rot both at the top and at tha base some years ago. They were up against an institution that bad two or three high cIub elub owner?, but that, in the main, outelde of these two or three, didr't assay e**ongh ?porting blood to keep a gnat from being ana-raic Other Counts. There were other sonntl arVrst the old league which we have brought out from tima to time. Their ysarly meeting?, en more thar. ore eeeaaie-t?. were but little above barroom brawl?. They were fighting among themselves year after year with a selfish <Msregard of the best interests of sperte tbat was unbelievable. The twe or three sportsmen 1r. the league who had a volea of pretest te raise onee in a wblle were howled ?own by the elame-r of the openers, th? tricksters and the second story sports Started the Feds. It was through this decaying wall ir the National Leagns thst the Peds got started. The National League put th? Feds or, tha map by shewing what a wonderful epenlng thei-e wa? for anybody wh? eared to break into the gam? by shoving ? ?lek man aft the sidewalk. But for thi? Inside National Leagoe srealcness, this soul-corruption of the older eirenit, the Feds would never hare lasted out the year They were poorly organised, poorly handled and their cause didn't de sarro any particular rnccasa. They gavB out tha reason for their entrance aa ruahing So the help of th? downtrodden ball player, whereas they w?r? merely a collection of cold-blooded, cagey business men, who sunk a lot of foolish money on this occasion through ignorance und for the most part because of groar} The Uplift? Where? The Pods ont to uplift the game! Wnere do yen get that layout* G.r? them credit for hanging on where they eonldnt torn Ioobo, but when peace was f.rst mentioned, what was the first ?-noted ?tateroent of ilr. Sinclair, their main backer! He probably took up the athlcB of a ease for a brief debate! Yea?like Kelley did "I'm not in this game." be ?aid, "for glory or for my health. Where do 1 get off!" Glv? him credit anyway for not BubpoBr.air.g the bull. That much belosga bis -nay. Fine Smear. Vas. it eras a fine little ?mear, this baseball war. It -raj almost as fra? grant as a mlrtnre of garlte and cheese Neither the Fed? nor Organised ball bad any thought ef the ultimate good of the game. The Fade would have wreaked the epert for an extra IB bill. >lnd bo would 0. B. Don't get that part of it twisted. Hnghey Keough called the turn before he died? "Sing a song of dollar marks nothing to tko skias; When thay talk of millions now it causas wo eurprwe. Magnates on tha ineida, counting up their tin, Graf tors on the outside, kerning to got in Stories of the big toads bocHng other 'rogues. Darkly hinting treachery, treason and xntriguaa. Guasset thai an oraty, statement* that mislead; Just an ounce of eportemanship to tventy tons of trreed. Money-?moneyi?money, till you -vit-mot rest Feackinp for the kale seed: fell with all the res'." The Came Itself. Only th?* proven honesty of th? players and the inherent strength of the game itaelf have kapt baseball en the map. Any other sport, football, boxing, etc., tinder similar condition? would hsva been throttled years ago. Baseball floundered and struggled en in ?pite of thoss nrnnlng it It lived in ?pite of it? Notional Commla?!on, wor?e thar, a joke. That wa? a fine spectacle that Governor Tener presented, when he wae issuing denials right ?nd left of truth? that he knew to be truths. There hav? been enough lie? spilled around the Waldorf in the last day or two to make Munehauaen and Ananias ??mi-pros or only ?ummer-playlng liare. Tha truth*' Why moat of thos? guy? wouldn't tell th? truth If It meant mor? money- and that'? th? acid test Sick Sport. Baaeball ta still lMng, but it 1? ? ?lek ?pert It ia eio* of ita National Oo-mmlsslons, of ita Jim Qllmcrroe, of ita reeord crop of cheap ?porta ?There ers ?till high class men left tn the goma, bol they are deep tn the minority. Th? only baile strength at the gata? ?rill left 1? tbe tradition of the players?the publie regard for ?och man a? Msthewson, Wagner, J' -ri? sen, Cobb, Herieg, Ever?, Plank, Ccllln? and dotare? of others. The player ha? always been square. In the last tire year? he was led off the right track by the monay-lust of t>.o?e above him, but after all the player haa been th? one saving feature of the game in late years. Raseball to be carried back to Ita old height needs more then say peace declaration. It needs cleaning out from top to bottom, from roof to cellar. It needs a man at the head like John Heyd'er, just a plain honest citizen who wor-ld hav? the best Interests of th? game ?t heart The day of th.? prite ?tew and the political trick ?tuff in bassball is over - if bassbsll is to live. Which an? a few additional details tbe three leagues may consider at their cathcrir.g in New York. Masked Marvel Wrestles to a Draw with Aberg "M. M. M." Makca Big Rus? sian Look Foolish in Graeco Roman Style Bout at Manhaltan Opera House. "M. M M.," other?vue the "Myster ou? Masked Marvel," wrestled Alex Aberg, the world's champion, to a draw at the Grasco-Kornan style last night, in the International wrestling tournament at the Manhattan Opera House. Not only did he hold his own with Aberg, but the man of mystery made the cham ? ok foolish ali :?.?? time they were -.i. tr.e mat. A' tv:e < nd of the t**ent\ mtnute per;r": George l'.othner blew Ul ., sadiag the bout, much to Aberg's chagrin, for he expected to pin his opponi* ildei to the ta*l long before the I mr limit expired. Before the mer. went on the ttajre there was a long wrangle, which threat? ened to develop into a free fight. Aberg ? to the footlights and, with the unce of half a donen interpreter?, ar.r.ounced that bu would not wre?*ie any man unless he knew him, and that the Masked Marvel would have to bare h?s f?vce or there would be no bout. Th? silent Marvel stood in the centre of the mat, waiting His manarer In sltted that hll man would not remove hi? rnes- except on condition that In he defeated h *?ber?, BbjmS?. Slid M'.r' argume-.t? fol lowed and the sndienes sided with the un-r.r.wii wrestler Aberg finally agreed to go on with th? match. Tb? big Bastian went at the matked mr-i savagely and attempte?! to tear the mask from his opponent's head several times. The latter retaliated by rubbing bit hands up un 1 down Aberg's face, until the champion, maddened, .gh tactic?, striking the Mar? vel on the ture _ad neck. But even at ?? ? style the unknown wai the mas? ter, and the Ru?sian soon had enough. The met? wrest.ed for more than twelve minut?e before Aberg finally ?rot his man to the mat with a ter I rifle grip around the neck. It was then that the man with the rr.nsk ?hnwed his strength, breaking the hold and regain feet. Aberg ruthed his man like a bull, but the unknown stepped lightly aside and the champion floundered all over the stage. The masked man l?verai time? i."it dangerous holds on Aberg, with the lattcr'a heal in chancery. I champion is gifted with a ballet-like head piece, and each tune ?lipped out of trouble, The Masked Marvel will wrestle Zbyrtzko to a finish to-night Le Colosse hnd L'elivuk provided the night's comedy, th? colossal on? gain? ing a fall at Grreco-Roman with a tide roll and arm lock In U:0t, In other words, he Just sat on Dollvuk, and the latt? r herum? as flat as the mat. Orce or twice r>i hvuk secured a body 1 "Id, but it was no use. TH? arms could only reach about half v?ay around the I ?loess cirrumferenre, and when the giant Inhaled hin breath DsjHvel Bow ofT the mat lia? a drop of water from a hot Have, _. COM. BAKER AGAIN AT HELH New York Yacht Club R< elects All Flag Officers for Year. A.i the flag, and ?ora? othei were rejected last right at th? anr.n meeting of th? New York Yacht Oh held in its big model room. It wai o: of the bett attended of tl year, forty-neva;. faekts being repr ter.ted by the-r owaers T-.e report? the various Boms Ittoos showed the eh to be in a prosperous cord.*..or,, w. the largest fleet of steam, eall sr power craft ever ?r.rolled under 1 *g Ce*r*c->dore Baker presided at tl meeting, and the former corr.modor?? i th? elub present wer? Arthur Cnrtli James, Comeilus Vanderbi't, Dallas ' Pratt, Frederick G. Bourne. Ledyai Blair and Lewi? C-??s Ledyard. Elgl teen regular and ten navy tnembe; ??-ere elected. It was announced tbi eleven of the new forty-foot class < one-desi-fn sloopt have been order? tor members of the club, and that or of their is already plaaked up i Herreir.of?'s yards. The officers elected for 1816 are i follow?: Commodore, Georgs F. Bake Jr., steam yec... ...r.g, v.ce-comm? dore, J. P Uorgai steam yacht Co: sair; rear ccmccdor?, Harold 8. Vai derb'.lt, ?chooner yacht Vagrant; ?eon tary, George A. Corrr.ack; treasure Terrant Putnam. eomzaittoe?w. Butli nan I H?nry A. Eisho Haroid S \'anderb;ll, I ummander F.I Sawyer, U. S. N.j Leonard Richards ar. Charles Lane Poor. P?ece comn,.ttee- H. de B. Pareon Joterh V Maedonough and Frederio < Ipe-eon. Measurer?Harold W ?"ebb. House committee?Samuel A. Brovn i Charles M. Billing? and Henry 1 Maury Librar- liSMMsHlno CTlSllss ?V. Le. I Henrv B Kar.e and James D. Sparkma: Model committee-?John N'eHson.Free ?!. Hoyt and W Barry hfeOUL Committee on club station??J. 1 Morgan, Morton F Plant, Arthur Cm tisi James. Robert W K-mcns, 2d, ,' Harvey Ladew and Walter Luttgen. 'icorg? A Torma.-k has held th? oi fie? of ?ecretary f.r thirteen con??eu ttvs years. Tarrant Putnam ha? serve ?s tieasurer fur (l?teos sears. ThOS present at ths Bisoting Included J. I Morgan, Iier.ry Waiters, James I .Sparkmar., Robert, 2d. Charle Franc!? Adami and Jamet Eivereon, Ji THE WEATHER REPORT Record? and Forerasts for the La* Twenty-four Hour?. - ?ahjr.fur. lies. 18- Th? e?ntra c! ?_? Sou:. ?a?i atorm bu ad'anaad r.-tVattl Xo EIa-iIi ?____ ft ?Hi me?? u t?,? i_ir?? UJt* ??i*n ?It *__?___! MSaUfei Danes u* i*?i t?*otr-f-?i hour? iM? dl?-.rt_r.o? '.?? nutii rain? Il th V :"__-_ Mat?* a__ r_t_* i-.l tntwrt IB t_* Ohlo-Tal mt. ta* upper _-l??l-*_---. V___l atd '.*- Upiwr ,?J? -*rWr. ?... ,.'.??? c-ar it.? p?a__ ii*-*t Tt-i *_?>. paruun rl**_ ___M j V. _M Mu*_?li?1 M Ohio tat-OI m* ?_? ?o;__*a?l i'4a a_d I L? ?___ rttt *._? ?'.aL-_ film te te- nett u Tau? Tb? S__a____ M BMS U?r* *:. -a ralli -.' ?o??t?:j ?_?? rn_aj anl SaU-r.?- _? reg?.: ?f Ott G?al i_w ?.,? -pp?T Ohio Valia?. l*j liHS-L? 4'.___-. ?tau*? t_d Ka*? En.? h. ' li?*?r Oaia i_i, ______?, ir.s ??? .. ' . So.'.b 4,'..__-.!/ ,i*u* r?j_ frtdai ?'_. i>* IM io?e_ b7 t? ??> rail ??? -_ en Hat;rd?y ?tun ?:.. rv>? ir.-.ay -.*x?*.__ut t.*> U.i.e AuantU au. >e? _a?:a_d tu?**. UM Phil '.??,-? m im --*fl__. an- tt Oll [all Frl-?7 la the 1~??? M_*_*ippl Va.U? ? Gu.f r'au* k_d i--;--;.} Ui :?-? MO-b Atlant) aalet Ken? ?? ? . ? . .e? to Lake * - Ham u 3 Lri? ?j 1 '?:. j? .. i.??-? _??_., i??'jr.i r*f l-maitae. ta ?o .-- . r **_ut ?u ....__? .i'.? ir*al?T I srtda, ? _.-. T-u__.un ? _. la (or r-i.u ?.-a 8?-.unl?->?.sent Abactio ??lor?;. ?arl?j.?. btaoalaa ?-_t a:*. ,? 1 - Atlantic, f~a__ ac-U-aut. ?..U. 4-;?nti '???: ?"..:???! 1_.1l ?euUi; ??at O-if, fr?b U ?u?_ anuut. i I ?s?: ?e?? 0-u.f (rail t_ ?:.-..? ??? laaea ttrtof, ?mfurii wt-Ti?. r>ece___i LorUit.a'. '.' M'.-IJjaa * . p?.-lor. leNI .***a. '?' . 1 '. . ?-... lo.-.i 4 ' ???.t.? ?'?* *"; ?t*- -ir tb* *pp*f :u? ? . - - - S -?_ ?tei I IU c_ ?sot:of _*n_ ??j. wl.. ca.te tir.h.I e'_' ~'.. It, ?i.tfun? t-i BtttQ ?... - Bop*rl_* IM V". . lasa, i? ! it- 1 a:.i ?i>u*._?aM c_ liui" rSra K?-r*Jt* *_? S-.???--:-. 1_? a_lU*> - __ut-?-?a N?? To*. rale *r an?- gCMai eaf;-!?, prjla*?l7 rale an. ?an_*r Northern S*? Bag-SMI 4 ?1I7 iH__t< P?>t?*hlj rain 0/ _c~? ?1 __fel IBS SatarOWl ?art-*? BaainSaj han N?? rs.?.?:. I rsta ? __??? an? ?___? ? .?.j rala. r.u?- pr.-n?: .??..i?, s-? Item?. teUemeee, fu? tr? ? o* "-..i....... __a.T__l ?. rain ?o. ?a-aa? Frt dar, Sat-rdaj. ralr. f? ?-?*' '-.j o.-?r!a*, ? ?, Not*..*? aci " Cajo.lnA ij?-?7?-?, taStsat? Of... rals l>t._a? ?atun-aj ei**r->? aa_ 9Ci(l?r _^ - i m--- rain. foLU-???- b? _**_?'.it IM-_r, ?-W IU-?-.7 __? Eaat-aa ?:_-__:iy. _-_--*na. k*o-_?-_7. -u? ac. oc. 1er K-i_?j (i_t_~l_, tal/ ?U___a ?**?>? Tora, rali? o: in m_a? aod _?* ?tdai Ida f'. ??'?7 1? pac?a??*, rat. aad ec'_l?r ?-.' Vj-UI*/. BaiurJaj ?a_r ii_r*_r?f_rt. rale ? * ? r***_S_?ttaa__ rain __l ?ana?? k-USfl I C.JU.ll ???al Olftlal OtOaUe Tt_i foU??la? ??*?-*_. M?> M ria??~ alio-* th* 3b*c*?*a - v-mperal.-? f*t t?e _.,*. :?ar.*j-four ho4ira lr. ? m ?-'_* ?'r?apuo.lU ? data ?< la?t 1114 lilt 1114 Uli. , . n. 1* t p? at. ... .4 33 ? a. n..". ? ?- ? ?? >} ?? a _ m.. . -1 ? ? Da a". li? li Hit*-*?'- tempc-'att-ra >?__??7. H d*?TB*? (tl I pa. *' ? trara*?! ,,,?-, ?r*r..- ? *.?U .?_ 1 .. ?:... '.??? ?*t imr.f B?-?i*?tf' S'adln?* I a av K :'. 1 ? B> It U t a m It II Nt*aSMaS> lam."? 1 I ______ 5* ' * *" mm?M LasaJ r?-?a?t. rUt-: or a.-? t-i rnfgU tat1 ??o? la B-rt_ poru-r. u>-*.*?>. aanari pfjta... arfti _> . r-*_ ?a?*, a: | -?.- ??tola _ PROPOSALS. Krnmdwef rit?iw?. ?vu! Hume Mono-fk? Caw AdrertUtu? I'l-ip??;, -Mb B'_? will ?? re mtwe '? a? the offle? of th* any. No. Il .'?'*?'?'- Htieot, Now Tork -? rt tvednnday, Detumbir mil a- I I j _ A. M . : - -..? ,., , ' pera 1 tb? n?***?ata__j hs [?wins ?tatioi ? ef lb? Cantr? Mreet ..-:-?-. a ? i? I .???>. for Um ?. ' f Mw?pap*r? ai I p?i ?- ata, for a . , 1 of ?nt -.-? J?nuary let, .THE BThTET 1/OOF. Bow*ry. " - I '? I.-?; . Canal Btre?* Sfaet Sid* i:a*t I It Cbtmbin Btree-.. rib End . . rorRTH avaovea UNE ? ?'.??-. '? La?'. I.?K?.t* A'?* * * . N Ninth Btr*e?. Wet? Sid* 1 sal ' rro*r?e-*t A? ' . ? ? - r-tr*??-.. rtth atieei ?.??h Btree) ?tree? . ? ???'? ?he ameajat tha? th*y trtll pej t"t oath *tand ??raratoiy and eaeleee * certified efcaek for on*-th:rd ... of tht rnpe r,?rtM th? rlfht to r?1ert any and all , PH I PAY. ITaa'.dent. .?r 11 F.\ r.tif I'.*-> ?*? Tor., N. Y LICAL NOTICBS! 4- OK SATl.'-A! BANK OF LOI : Ohio 1? teseel?* it? ? - Uni tt Tht USI S .-? ha. ? * * .?? - .. ltor?. If ni. ara _??:?? b-tl-*d t __r**r.t clalia? Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vessels Arriving at and De? parting from Port of New _ ork. ?. ? A " __ AIA{atHQ Oer.rme. | M ; tusMt 4 M. saeta esta, trat a t_ . ?Ml ?41- II m ok WaTOL Bas-fr Bosk.lit A ?rwrari U__d . Ill - ??.- o??*.:. .. ?.c? INCOMING STEAMERS. today Van?-, -,-?_ 8_l??l .vrx?r<liJB .fa -aeuJl ;>? " '-?-?-?-.? . Loci?n . : . t :?? . Rar.-aH-iam _ Pat M wt?-?ijool.?.Napla? .No? 1" an-ma .Bc-T .No? :i > ',:.? d_ Ha?r? .Dar-? . ... S^r .1 ?? rr .... 'xjf.lor. . Si. l! v:.;? ?, Taaauw .... s- ?iu:?t Weir -- in . Bui. ... * -rr.:kl . Gibraltar .... . Vec 1 - * . ?? ;-.:_-. i ?Ara; ?*>?"? . Jac?aonrUl? . D?c ?3 .>--* far ?__ Dm ij ? ? ? ? Ga.???'.T, . IHo li ' Mt>OV|?-._ai-7 Sa?a: as ?4 a .... i_al?w.jn . . . p?c ;i 6AT__XIAT. _ "-a-XMini IS ?*-*?--??. Mapiw. Pet I N?it>-1. .N' . X>et I t-t?? . L.?o.? Dm 4 ? ? ? -a. Bar-? Vet ?. " . .!>_:?!?? ",ec 4 ??-..?.?s . Ja.-a.on?-*.'..? . Doc?; SITNTOaT. DECEMSra II. ?si Pau! . . . .n?-*-*?i?. D?e :: "??_?_? .laat r? l?a d*? i . .Sa-t-l? Vet V. Mar-?.?. Bordaauz _?? I Ve?trle .Rio d* lenecJe T<ee I ? te . Hu.: ... -.4 . Barry ... t*oc : El Moo?.* .G?.?wxs F.. Ociamoe.Otieesmr. "_=U a-r-.ta St _??.-?___ . ...D? U ...IK? U I M: i 01] * o u. OUTGOING STEAMERS. TO DA T .a i v.?* ""???si. Po? Sal ????. Am*, Co.?.liu't-j i ???? r_ :r-i.-.c. LHarpoal . - :,i*m Nordin ia.-.Ua?f? . . ? 1?0IK Mohawk, liiiamrl li . - i ?a? Ann?. No-?_k. - 2 00 ptn ?A7TBDAT. DECEMBIH IS. PhlUdtlpMa "-?en??'. lilia "? tr.i H ??:??:?. lio?) m bara'.aca. ?luc? . ( j" ara Cerolla? -?a.. .Ju?n. ?Mira ,1 o*n ? t.-tr. r.t . ? 0* ana -.J 10 m "- m A.1- "a . Solas 13 00 m ?I m. H??ar.? . I to u? Il 00 m ?laachloeiel .'?_al*a . t J0 an U oo m Lend?--! . ? Ba_ .? v ? Tafuaa. 8av. J-ia..? 13 O? ai *B*ass, Oa.???i-_ .? Arataar.oa ,'t.cSa-rM'.le . - 1 V pro r?: KafaUetm. L?_4->a . ?? ?| oo ra '?Isa; _?; U.u. Ha.a?* ... __? .1 j. o Cl*"- et lIontmrrfrT ???U"nih ?? e 0C pa (reo.?. Nr? Or.eaaa . - I | _ O Sol. C_.e.U:. . . - ;?; o? a TRANSPACIFIC MAFLS. Co?? X T Ha'a ' F1J*. Ial?n_. KM Z?a:e_<L Amtrella "Il Ti_c4-?n*w a_d VUBorti. -*_?>__ To dv -?a . r?a NalUel. Ikldi ?.? Ma.-. li?. m ?ii'ali ?ta bata:-.. !i. >r.:a_ OU II Hawaii.;. l,en<1i 4"-trails KM ?*a .and (?la 8a_ I ndw ?Vaetara Dw H TiM'L ila.-iin.aa i. o? !_,_-.;. Nr* Se a ax.1 A-f___i (?la Baa fran-i?are'. ka ama Irt? 31 r??.U. Uui?. PlUilpptni la.a !a ?4a Kto ?'-?_-_.c ? i:. h ifaaipo.-t D?. si AHRlVEIa Kjnkld N'-T-, Caj-te.aj lice i ?aS rVlflai .t ta? J H m*i_-_ar-r O 0B w U- ?14? Bar al ? m. f-afaWU "?_;. Oeana No? I? a-a Vaeta? M. te C n B-uMa-d a ?.o, <t"_ mdM. ii, ?. : S | t t'siavih::'. Dr>. o^co? No. h a-, - aeisrs ?. *_ t_l ro?jvaes:? Gormra.? T-?.-_a* a.-': ;-ia> 4?1*_ Bais* la.- ? . a i "?K-tur.a r-an Anv-nl? Dm T and Bai-ace* It ?c -... aj^n '.B.r-*-J. i Oo, w-.-ii trate her M I a ir Vall?e-, ana_u r.aac 14 te 10? Aa-vteaa ?_> | left 0t_ a ra ?a a- tiaa laaTl _.-_???? ?t I II a a. Proteoa No* Or!???/* lue le. te lbs Soij'.ftor-. raajiae (V Witt ?__? UN Q?]ir_i'lni U I II Ph'.'.ada-pfel?. Ial?wpo?. DM I. to _m Aaeneas Mut ?"Ji raalU a-1 mite? Bar ?*. ISjll l ta - RM, Tan--rl*-> P?-: 4 asi T-.ipam t to Da?td . - ettS -ni?. Ml lu il ?U i_ Arapf-io*. Jacktax-.rU.? Dec 11 u.d ChMiMB .4 -j '..',? Cr?? 8a fn, w'.Ui radia. Qi_tt--.*la? t'. 4 .4 9 BL t?rate Qretai.tterfiHi Tern 11. te ? H WVieba. iw A Co. la*?*". Ca-Ja:ar.*tn* u 111 o a ?? Arra Saijtr, .N'tari ar,d Norfoll. te ?>.? O^ Doralnle- S? Ob VMS rada?. U--:a_ _ u i? T*rTT-?al2?l P?? S. ?? D T IUMMON8. ?rrrriii ch:rt <~o*;ntt or xett TORK?SuramiM: At^TlON FOR AB ?OLL'TB D-t'OnCK??LOUISE BOER.VEP !? alatUt. against WILfttLM CARL BOEIT .Vr*R. DaJendarit. To tbo a-,'-, ??? r.ata?jd trnf^ndant : Tou aro hortaby i-immon'-l to ais?*??r ?h? comp-alnt In thti action, and to ?or-? a enpy of vrjur ir.i-rir or. the Plalr.i B ? atteraef wltl-.ln t???nty dijro aftor thi eer : this ?-..-r.-. orii ?x-.uilve of th? <J?v of BBevtee and la cas? of your fallur? ta ?pr?ar. or aniwir, tu.lgmtnt ?111 bo 'a* agalnsl ren by dafauit for th* riltef d* I? | li tr,e c imple!] Dated, V*w Tors, rti'nber tlth. 1111. MORTIMER LAN"ZIT. I' alotlfTs Attorn?y. - ?> ?r i roat OSloe Ad 1res?. No IT Cedar S'r??t, Vew gerk Clti TO V4-ILHI?I.M CA?.I. P'iPP.NEH Th* ft-- ?golr.f rjmmoni la ier?. eS uron you by P'jbllcailoii. c-jrouant ?o an ordar rf th? Bei rab?? Eugene A. Phi.b-.r.. a Tue-:-? of the Suprtrt.? Cowl of tb? Sta.t? if Kew York, dated th? lat day sd o ?amber, Uli, and ft'.od with thi ; omplaint It. th? offlc? at th? ?*l?r_ of th? f N?w Tork. at ti.? County ? o .rt '.n ?h* Borou?h of M?uha*:an. CJty of N?w Tork, on th? Jrd lay of Nov?mb?r, 1I1&. I?at?4. U>? 1rs da? of N"??mb?r, lilt MORTIMER LalNZTT, Attorniy for Plaintiff. Offlc? ani foil Office Addre??. ?T CeAar Street no?_u?h of Manhattan. City -f .NA? tork_ TRAN CR E MARTINEZ VS TARLOB MARTINSZ ?OR.'ER OP* NOTICE Stat? of '?onnic'lcut. r?lrS?'.d t'^urly, Suparlor t*"r?urr. ?a BrK1f?porv, Dec?mb?r Ird. A. D. rpo-i t.'.? enrnp'.alnt ?f the ?aid Franc?? B. MafClaea pra?:rif for reaaons th?r?:n a?t forth for a d.?ore? and chanfe of BS-BS to France? E Parks, now p?ndlnf i?' -? thi* ?-ourt. havin? be?n r?turn?tj tharete or. th? flr?t Tueatay of May. 111! It appearing to and be.'.nf found by this Court ira*. Carle? >!?ri'.r,n ?he ??:1 de? fer, iant. la ab??nt from this Stat? and aoi.a to parta unknown?r?a:dir.? la N?w T4WI Cttg, ?nd toa". BOttC? of thi pendency of th? eemplatnt we? ?Iven a? required by aria* at ? itlee h*r*-of-tre laened, and no* th? Plaintiff a?i? foe a further ordur of tiee If ? ? pr?mi??s ? r.ED. Thi*. nor!-? ' - - f seid aplata! b? ?:?-?n t-.? ptibllshtns 'hl? order In th? New Tork Tribune. ? tae?*-?p?i,?r prlnt?.1 In New York rae i tlmii ?? eh? ? .'v, co*n I oi. or b?f^re the 10*.h day of De -r. A. D 11*. t By the Court. WV T HAVIlaAND. Clirk of th? Sepel? M ? ."jr". of Fa'.r_?ld COBI ', _STORAGE NOTICES. THE DAUB STORAGE WAREHOUSE and VAN COMPANY lncorp? rated. 1SS K. 13TH ??T.. I.??. Srd a 4?h Atnuet, No* Tork. Im-imbir Nth. Uli. To A. 0?rb?r. F Ste'.r. Mra J. tju'.r.n, A. tv Batter, Mr? L Rlohmood. Chaa A-ier bach. Mr? Newgeld Cewperthwali a Son?. D .*.:?-.' ? l'.r??? wowhorgor. 0 Row?ra Ma.ur.o, J')?.p;i Mo,mo Pr<n,o. Mr? li lieg? 'Ya A Newrer*?r h I la '?: . e- R V Math?w?, f] M ;(e - ..UM b? r W Roe, Hela* . Mr Jnl.r.. C'.ian. Malina Mr? Quinn, la?ba. H>b? E?t?li? r. Mm? Annl? Sa*lr.?k? Tou an 1 i you ar? ..ere.? notlfi-d '? th? - pai ib sal lu? leo ii >a th? property hefelnafttf '".orrinei h??::.? ex a'rer t? j? not.-? thtreof had b?en fOO, thi? company will (-an?? *u-h H l??hold Ooon?. .er a _ff?ct? M?rch_ridlee. Et, HT?>K?> IN IHI I'M II STORAOI U \RFIIOI>E A \AN (?1MI'AN\ Imorporated, U'AKK HOriaES ti IM -ABT ISTH *-TKr.ET, MCll VliKJi riT?, by you or :i ? . . ? - ? which v,,u may hav? an lnt?r???li. to -, ?,-rort1irc tc th? atatute In I ?* ?!e?n<1 pro?! led ?' rehotta-M '-- Kaa; i:i'h .i-r?er. New fork IKIUAV. JANfAKY 14TH. 191?, AT in a. _U aad II ;i.? aal? thereof I? not con .plated on said d?'?. ?h? ?am? will be ? .:.'. ?? i?'*i a; the aaro? p'.ar? c-, *v-y Frldey thereafter, b?f!r.nluf at 10 m? Boah?n?ng until ait th? roods STORAGE WAREHrtr-ir * VAN '" ' '" ? I HENRYS STORAGECO., ua rniBO ave. T?-?? fo:: ??:.-\? pet??-; a ar?- :.?----.'j. n-??Jl*d ibat thel- ^-J??ht?M effeeu now t? ? toral? W.:i be anld v on I??.?? Jl "aJ. a! 10 S? A H -?-n?. 1?5 F. U5 St., 'a..: ot* pa|-*MOI of a-?r?|e -har??? r.ree o??- ,-. -ar lei . 'a ? \* f-eer !r.| ?? -ai ?ranbaoMi ;??--:.,? ? M S BlmbaaOB. M Unter. InV.g ?:_l_. K ??me?. _. _f?m?rd. J BrrJ!_. w-tniea. ?*?_. end* *_, *Hr u ! ? i ra Por_- F-.-s h____r?. to ?_? >?? Vor. 0 Bal __.?--? TT*_*-"*or.*_oe Co, ?ta td_* (J-.aranaa* M I? .* p a X___|___a Or'. __-.<__ D?s 1 _> C A -t-raa ?a." ??.*?__ B?.? S-a_? Hoc*-, 'or ????_ Pats*? Oua?_r__* u i r , c Ral-.eo*. I'?* 4l_?k|| B ?h* "**_____??4 0*_ O? ?lib __*.?* g.?.-?-.a_* at t v! a av .-.??a.-* !'?? a.*-..-.*.:? ?- -h, ?--a? a* O? >?__ mm y ??.-_ la* at I l > ? ? ? '-*? . tnaaa, WAS Hnii t- ? '.' ci*-? !'<.as*d a ?*_*_> Bao? Ulli ? rr. ? Marta. Carat""? Dm A Pa*-? Cotor.bla ? > laitt I nabal I and Ua_a*p tl to M . ?nth _____ ar.d a.?**. Bar ?? " p B . Ian Ravaaa Oat tl U ?-*.. ___r*.?an a ? ?* v aus ?-<?? Bar u l pa ?!-r- !?:? , Marl, Bar-?, ?.a I*-*c ? M '?- Tw. Ma A i'e w.ui alH Bar al ? ----- g, far? M ??-? ja ?? K_-ta_. LAUy a i a May at f> .") p rn 4-4 P- S? _ Mu-a r?*c U. to th? -' ' I Ot ritt treU, 9a.- a? ? 40 ? m ?a.::.and Bo? I_-d?o E?e I to lb? A-.aaOa - I ? bu ?: I '.c p ?a. a__? B- :?? ? t Do? < to *Ji* A?anU* r-_. ,,?on I_n*. with m?:?? laaxd In temtt 11** ?? '? p tt ASvaaa? t rutoo*. r-er t to th* Panama Rall ?*__?l_p Ox ?US ?#_? a;.d _?.?_?. r?**-?-l Sa; bf Heo? a: ' 4. y m. CUf y h.???? S?jin* D?c T. ?:Uj Br-T? W to '-_? .-???..? \ _?._* IB'.??. (J.*.'? ? ? ?'. : o. _____?_, Ham::*.?-, n-**-)?_ a_i Kpopaa in B*c ymt Br' liarr? _?--arar._?. Tam?. I P*?.??, Ph'. ?? M?r? S*radi .;*!? lur-i Parte pool Par *.".__? S*?a.l? P lr.1 *?ntiir~. ? Bit lia, __.?? I - - .-..-t* . Bu? a I * v?lo. STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. AT*-J*J?-_P ?"han-pot Dao 14??_____? Orl. **_? T?rt ?_' '. oioB P ? . . ? Brtxbam. D*e .5?Dal?n.j?. Br), >?? Tort ? .?:?_'. Xrr- Tort fo." <.op--.?_?r. Ta_ l-ra-i-t t'*e Tl~__.l___. N?? Tort. ??p* */?-???. I?*o ;*?-H--_____, ,Br'. Ke? Ter? ?-.? Si rlr.oaaL C V t.? Pal.1-. Ute ?4- -Madonna |M M?? Tort. fort >??__. D*?lt?Kl;?? DuU_>, N*? Tort n? C)-*., Cap? T?ra. ?u-. Cri?tat*'. '>?o 14?A xiranta, ("*_rt*?ca '_? **?'?? ? -? ?Anj?. Loodar. I)?? IS?Wm:?f--o, TaV-fo-t. Tottiifitin? Ban Jv N*? ii-r. v?ptral?o. l'en 11?H?to? Ban ttrara lt<- Tort ni St Lacla. ?U'. Si MtahaaJ. Zlwc U ! -: L,.*o? fr?? Bordaooi .N*? Tor*. Pert RAUl, p? :??Pontlac (?T> 'tro? C^_~rtta' u-too a_d Km tesa, y.'... d*? il terme 'Sri, n?? Tora. Biroolooa Doc 1*. -I.? d? U lUu.-ilst. '?? ?from ?4?ar?inl.j_i). >'?? Tort. Dot _l? P??".? ,Fr .Ne? Tort <j-?.,.i?. 1"k 11?Uaao.r-e*? Rri. Boad? Pajal. I)*c 15?Djal.wUf. Bl fnrr, Vmt Ta?ra>. -.?-t*. Ron_? iFrl .rroni Sr? Tort n* r?*e~-l,-T?.-t?o Brl fro? N**r York . h?r?cnl. A.?!-- Pac :V-H-.eT?irr 'Sri. Naw Tort _t?-??_ia? D?<: :?? ???_-a:..-_f Br Ne? Tort. Bhla.di. D?t l?-? . Seh *??? Tr.r?. RaJdn-a N?? ijr ?a. s S? Mr.eue-. ( V DM \t? Inde Maru (Ja?) <fr?-r-i >f* Tort . v-.adl'uito? Burno? ayr*?. Tm- .v il ??parida* iBri. Bartoo ai d Sew Tort t Ut -m '.? Pai t-r ?. *??? Tort. PAS8ED. Ta.-*'*. Dos il?Vari:_f* (nrj_?_a_*? IIM1, Www ?3T? r.iT rirarj? f'*c la? Alear Rottorda-i. ICtt, Hiato N?bruka& do, (or London i do, for ?ot'.e-daa. IJ-_-*__i. **r Tartfo? _? ?Ir do? for Ht.: ndoni h'-io--<l*a*4y% (D.v-h>. SITUATION WANTED. Mal?. MR. BUSINESS MAN or MANt-rACvrcn_:R. ir you *-.:. ..?* UM ?erv'.c*? of a r*a_n with exception?; exoeut'.v? ability and ?xper! onoe. ta? hifhoot cr-odent'*:* ee a? auditor and buoln*** *ya-?-i?ti?*- thor? ough ??_. knowledco and tt_'.nlnf. aner fetlc aad ?*d* a?ak?. capahl* of ??-*???? atlxlnj, deveiop'.r.f and ?upirTi?:aa ?lta)?t largo r.r ?mi?.', financial, morcantll?. manu factuilnt. puh:.?hlni or *..-a:,?portatlon oornpar.y. I am op*n for tomporary or per ?r.fa??.aanL 9.. Box tl, Tribune <'*?.'*. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Mala. CBPPVL -IA?I ? ?3*??-__ VDtltreeate ran*?? ___? ?' *. eordaai wvik M**nbaf. f IS tf. Female. Hm-r~wnRKER?nn:i_h-Ama?-Ve?ri; *_SSS_1 ?? laj e'.'.j or c?, *i?ol>ai r??r-?r._-*? L*htl'? A*?!?? ' Km? 1.9'b at 'Pbun* 6'..3 Etarl*-. 8HERI.TS AUCTION SALES DA**r___ OBr^_*nf___ sHi-Rinrs av<Jtiok ?or ?_J -.1.1? day. IVlda? Tue Ifta. lilt, at No W W H? ??-.. s. . a. at IS 80 A. ? tt ?Irtu? ot a (?>r.?:r. ?rlt "I ?-?rutian -?*'? Da**? C*?h Hefrurer. P*. ra C ?it?? ai ? all mb*r pa -?*i ! ? 1 prit*-!-:, ._ ailU*? il 1??T. Iietna.aba. un? at aaid (.;im-?at. MAt s nR*TT_>THAr,*---4- murllt. -.? ?? si via. SURROGATES* NOTICES. __J_f?I?f, *ITILI_UM 0.?IN TV*Ht-asr<r of an or?es of Honorabl* a 5urro??t* of tb,* Coun-y ?f N'?w T.irk ." I l? horoby gtveo le ?.. p*r*on? :.* :r.f c.a.rn? a?aln?t ni..!?m ? Saxtcn, lat? of th? County of N?? T' rk .>'?a?*d. ?o pr"?ir.'. tr.e ?a:;.* with vo'i her? thereof ?o tb? ?i.?crlb?r? at th?lr pia-e of trana ..-?:n? boala-ea a*, ?ho offlc? of th*:r a:ror . Kr-r.k L Holt, N* H? Pr?iad???> H reugk of Manha'.tta. New Tork City, on or before the llth day of May next. 7i?t*ri N?w Tor*, th* Id day tf Nov*-ra? ber 1916. ?VU.I.IAM O. 8AXTON. rJIE?TKR E 6AXTO.V. FIDELITT TF.'ST CO OU "-frrvT TORIt FKANK U HOLT, hx?o_tor_. Attorney for h.?i?cu:oro_ :.0 Broadwoy, New Tarx: City._ IS PL'RSUANCIS 5? AI-} ORDER "O?* Honorai;* Jor.n P ','oha.iin, a Burro??t? of th? County of *??*??? York, NOTICE :? h?r?t;y ?ivon to all per ?on? havln? calm* aaair.a? Frar.k R Te*oor. a'* of th? "i.r.ty ?I New Tork. de-ea??d, to proacnt th? oara* with rouchor? theraof to the ?ubtorlbor ?t hi? piar? of trfcn?aet:r.f l .a'.noas. th* offli? of Stowart a Bhoaror. H . ,J '.Va'.'. St.. Borough of Manhattan, la th? I N*w?ork.on or b?for? th* ltd day of April, next Doted Ne? Terk. th* llth dar ?( Octo? ber. Uli ANDRE*- C. -.'-OOtrlM. Administrator. STr.*~ART a SHEARER, Attorney? for AdmlaUttrator, ?j tva Street. _ ? N*'** T?rh._ TlJ s- of an onnin tr Honor? b> Jf*!-.n P Cohaian. a Burro?at* ef tha roua-.y of N*w Tork. Notlc? 1* her* ?? to all o?eeon? havlaoclaim? agaiaai Lianlol A I'Ovl?, late of tha County of N*w To-k. ct?c*a*e*i la pr??or.t tti? oamo w'.th . * ?-? ther? f to th? ?ub?T her? a*, placa of tT-ar.?M-t -ig ??u-ilnea?. Hoc: N? 114, 14 R??v?r Btraet, In tb? City ?f Sew Tork, on or before *.ae .'*h dav of April next, p.'ert N*w Turk, th* !0th ?i?y of Oct?b#-, in:. DAVID D PAVI5. E. BATARD HAL5*TED. F.xoc-tor? CHAP.l.FS H. RECKETT K*i . A'torner f r Kxeri'ora, 1S3 Broad??ay. New Tor. _ IN PL'R-?ANCa Or AN ORDER OF HeaoraSI* .Tehn P rohalan. a ?urroaate - the Couaty of New Tora. NOTICE la hero) r I ' - p.-?nn* tuvlr.i '-.aim* kfairat ?arrl**t? b B?rn?? ?at* of th? of Sett Tnrk. deceaaod. to present th? ?am? with veacbere tbereof tetbe ??-*> acr'.btr, ?t h'.a p'.ft of tranM r.*M. ?t the -,?T!? e ?I Mtiin Murray. Pren tl.o 4 HowUutd, No 3T Wa.l Stree?. In The <"'.ty of H?W York, on or b-for? th* lit day of Stay r?xt. riated. New Tork. th? llth day of Octo b?r. 1?1S HERBERT ? RAR VES. Ex?.tef KTRRAT. PRK?-Tir-E A HOLLAND. Attoraty* for Exe CITATIONS._ KET'.-HAid. ACOL'ITA A -THE PEOPLE I Ptat* of N? * ' tht .ac? of -- . Heorjf B ran. E?*iei i> Kt hax.. Charte? B km. H?nr>' H "un Ke- ham. J ,?- ..?m Katherine Ke;-.'._m. II ??rd .?:n. Oord.'-. K?"-:.. i"'. ? 1 . - letl Emma Jane d* Bern*.?* A .?-_?:? . ???<n Ii* la Wa.ab and W W. [__? . . **n.t free'-- t wi._ ??*? T:.? 1 ?rmn?' Ix?an ani Tru? r~r,rr,r,?- y a '. ? TOra'lon. havla? It? ; ?1 p ac? o! bualne?* ?r ? ..-? -? .; n ..:. Btreot, In 'h* Borough of Manhat ?jr ' ?no Srat* of *'?-? Tor. ??nt."l an ar ount ' Itt p.- :.?? a? r of and Trustee ur 1er *h* La?t Will ar?*. T?atamer.: et A'_SU?t? A K Mid :.? _-. tb? Cly .?.-,?? a-.' -tat? of New V ? r.. .l?.?a!"?*d. trA hm e'.tr, fir?eer-e^ *.l a petition prayln? that It* ?-. ? may t>? Jullda: y **tr:r.l ?id a. !r.?-il You ond aoch of y??j are .'.e??i > i !t?_ to ?how rauae before our Surr. g?i? ot the rounty of Now Tork. at the H'irro??ateo' ? et ?aM Covets et Wem T ? >? ?ivs Hai; of Fiarord? la 'h- ? .only of ".'??? fork, m -he ''.*h lay ef J? ?t h?lf-paj: ten t> .?r in :ne fo--noon of ?hat 1a> ??h? ?aid mee? jud?ela, r ?**ti*d ar.l ?.lowed in [??timon*1 ?h?r"?f w. bav? eaoaei tbo ?ral of *h? Sn r? ?? ..'ouri ?f ? ?? ' ??? York to be horeur.- ? **>? Win?**. Ii .1- COHALAN a S'irrofata of our o?M Cool IJ ?? *n* of New York, ?h* Sth In th? year ef o-ir t.or1 on? ? "?o-ian : DANIl ''.?rii r the Burr .*_ <? GEU.ER. ROt_STON I Hi-'!<\" Atto?toy? for Tb* F?rn?e?? Loan an-1 T-rua*. Company, a? ?xocu-or and tr_?t*_ If: Porto Rico Make your plans now for a winter tnp to Porto Rico, the Island ot En? chantment, with its picturesque old-world life, its sinking tropical scenery, its miles of splendid automobile roads. Porto Rico Cruise 16 Days $Q>|50and All Expenses ?/T" "P Ft-.? ? loor and one-Half clay voyage from ^?-w "*i o:k "Hrou?",h the ipa-eling itlaixi ?tudded waters of the South. I hen a ar ejil of the uland. stop"*??-, at principal ports with time for ugSt-ienna and tnpsaihara. Then back to N*rw York?16 day?in elL You make the tteamer vour hotel dunoa the ntta* vovigo. Haodionely appointed resieli of iC.000 loos displacement. especially built for ten-ice la the bopica. Sailmgi erery Saturday. Virtefer llketrotml BtereSom Cru?.in? D?e-r_--al PORTO RICO LINE Ganat-al Offic?. 11 Bioa-way, N?w Y?i*k r__>-? The Ideal Christmas Week Vacation, Pontattts en fMngm i?-. ??_--_*? Bertn an? Mael?. KU ?el I ?. B* I ~ ? C C ? t I* a? BAiLiBQ ??? ?>? fcra-feline DUMB AM_BICAI? I-AO Ia????_| m'dr.'ibl F- Mat ?>? j_, t 1-9 .ar Id. S_ll:i? trem ?? y -???? on ?:'_rc?te T>a?a , T*.ii-a A Sa?a I sail 1N0 S? S? ''Bermadian" Imer-.t ft, T *eA.. i>^ f.n* B?- - ir? 1--1?"??. Bee Hit Bai:irif fren N V ? -a'--r ?a.-!, Wa.; ??,., t _, , ,. I-1?' ". erOam Weit Inciei ?*? 1 ? ? 4 ? u a : Tt? MS r-rr flue::, ? I ????* .-. .. U"BV-..')A er WIS* ISDllS a?|l, t? Ou??).. 8 S Co.. 11 6 ?a".a. s y ??1 A ?Vu?, la A . ?? ft -ej 1*4 ? a; a-- ? , ? - -.-? H.| B?aj ? , '.,-U 4 Baa j A. . M a Tr-m 1 "I B--a.rlwa/ CONARD B?f.?,i:i??\?d ?no EUROPE via IJVERPOOL ; -?CALIFORNIA.Sat.. Drc.25.10A.M. , ?( a.VIKOMa. . *-. : . -a lOhDI-.A f*T JA?; IS II A. M. I ?TUBCANIA 6AT Jan . ?Kn ' ???ow It??I Ml Till" .l(i?lll KURS. ? . . ,-- w-r ? CriMPANYS OrflCE. - 31-24 ?TATl ST N. V. FRENCH LINE Sailings for BORDEAUX ESPAGNE.Dec. 18, 3 P. M. LA TOURAINE.Dec. 25, 3 P. M. ROCHAMBEAU.Jan. 1,3 P.M. LAFAYETTE.Jan. 8, 3 P. .M. IKf-ORMATIi N APPLY COMPAN,'.. OFFICE. fln??-.1^ Ren nn'i i lyc - iiosti - s neu u Line ? ?. - ?i?ri? ? 40 * . ENE" ? a -ABAC? IBO :_. I i ABACAS ? ' i'"'?? '?a. ** Bup?r!nr A ? rr.r .?..t'.tr.a f.*r 1', BUSS : llalaSTt A CO. 0?nl. M?-ra i- II Wal! Th? ??*-? -?i- ?r-eanet fOT So???!*??!?* S 8 STOCKHOLM B.ffl v*u HapL Th? I.?r|>?i l>?*ame- 'i errrlee fc?t?-??ri A *- ? ' ? a la???? NCW VOSK " -er? tO ?.OTHf NBCRG. DEC. II. ?V?t In-]?. ? ba Unirla *t.u.a*C .'?_?.?? rat?. 1ST CT. 18' I SWEOISM ABERICAN LIUF. )4 Ble'? St. M BRAZIL : ' Amarla? ?la BallUAl ?T tiirm weela LLOYD BBA-lLfclBO. I7 Sut? St. H. T. QKy. BtS-USB-iir THRr/ii Ti? a.?t root. OOrlal Agente eil ?lama. R*?m"nd ? U lilti-oml? ( O..??5 ftlS Ae.ff.t, F?LL RIVER LINE TO BOSTOiN $3.00 Sir? I' PUr '?*. ?* lu n. re???? ?t? dal.y at S 00 f? M M i?'.a New laondoo Une. ?-r I? Her ?I J* r\ f". HouitoB St. ????!? 4?r? 4>nlf, S ?$? t eL\ .1er rS, E P. ft E IM 9t , II? T M. New Ha.?en Un?, ?*r 1* Pl?r II. r_ IU ft. Cetharla? St. -???a dar? -mir, I II F. M ; Ve- t*, ft E. I!d St. I I) . M. Brldat-'Kirt Un?, we?? day? or../, lit. Ij. Pl?r IT. E. r., K *0 A _; Pl?r Tl. ft Ba. im at. u is a m Tn? p'jt-ll'? b? pi????4 BOSiOiN sm vl_ Boat auJ K?:?. BaOC-TI TBIF S4.10. PROVIDENCE ";.*', ?1.60 kiiimi i Mr, s????. Colonial Line Frat elaa? SSSeSBB vv ??a day? _nd BOB day? ?t 6 F -> fern J-i?r It, 54". SX, f./Ut W- et Houiton St All Ollt44a_? III IB? I, SIDO lo IS.(Ki. Wlrrla-e* ??aulpaaaat LB lo? r. Cite, Uroadeay ?ad lia ?t 'Pbeae, Spun??SAS1. HI T?.fl)K ?TtTrROOMi II It Dally, inrliialinc . nndaf. S 10 p rrora *>"?? :? E K "F???-? r?* Beel _ INf.TKr?*TIONY_ NK? l.i.'K-MaM.aattaa. The Berlitz Schoo' jf ? sarusrri. ??T II ? WtBT ?Its STBCtT ?yj H?-;?-!? Brr. ??? .? Br-a-lrt Sn Lliliip??? ?It rMlertelBti.? .'? A ... ' lir? ?aad lr. a_ '*_w .. _?? a * l.mhi llAMlMa. DANCING CARNIVAL. SlS&L*a ? ???Bin?, 'b ledits Bun.lay tjt . ] Cei trai Palaee, :.'i r j?? 41-1. ?t eoracoe N? l.L. at Solo. SCHOOL A(.E.NCIE8. ?i_erlr?n ?i.a. |,,rri_L Tearber?' tePOmSO^m Supp::-? !'?-,.fe??or? TiaeBeen, Tut?>?e, Co%?rra*e?e?. etc . lo Cnlieg??. _ :i?o,? ?jiS familias ? M J YOUNO? Tl LTO.S. 18 tr on Squar? BUSINESS CARDS. CA.: MI. (ARPIT ri.uMMl fij -a00*00 *t cnupreeavt a . : e?-? ISM n?raaat?a> It] I aal 4<t.*i .. 4 OK A BHAOTrT. T .411! T?-|*|-\VKI"|-T?:> 1 -*-fT?"Bj BS* 1130 I KM. Sirs. 10*00 ? UBO. a ?ATiTTII liKiiRP 1.? Hrraatloay tEtjultifcl? Bids I. ' i i_ SKV. 4 CAR?-rT ?TaKANIMO WOfc?A o:_??t. I^rj?i*.._il.?t M ?Si-rn fiM Kit.s wdVK.s rao M I _D CABl-m. 1' Kwieo?_.e. Bend fer OmllS 1 f?L ?Mi ?Ml Bn?nt I?-?? W?H ?KB a.