Newspaper Page Text
T__ie Conducted by Saxmaol Hopkins Adams. Thi? arirpai-iment ha? ?entered the lecond stage of service to Tribune readers. Primarily it was intended merely to ?operate the sheep of ata-.-rrtising from ?.he goats ?and hang a boll on the faata. But now it goe? beyond me-e identification. It nmbrace? a humn-i nature study of both sheer? and goats. You ?re invited to B' For every letter printed in this department describ? ing experiences?pleasant or unpleni-tnt?with advertiiers of m->rt hnndise, excepting only patent medicine?, Tlie Tribune will ?end .'?YOO, payable in any ir-orchhtiaiae of any Tribune adver? tiser. Foff the most important letter each month a special prise <if $50.0.0, payable ?ir-iilarly, will be? awerded. Nime printed or withheld?a? you prefer, but mutt be ?ignt-d or we will not know 4vher*? tt? ?end the prize order. Adort-is: The Ad-Viior, The Trib? une, Harm York. ? real ???? a gr.?vence irkieh, I believe. '.s erperiem-'d Uv *.h?se who, like in ? ?'. .->!?? of? n obi fed I i eil I ? paresias as for ? ? .1 '.' WOtlld "?pr.eur 'o be I OB in the 01 ? ? ..- aii peal to u aalesper'ao'. i"-rr-ipertave of whether thi Intending buyer be a man or wo:- bawerer, Is Bot the mis I? nans of fhe iartrer ?torso Oho Ihoiigh lati- eossors, being ?.,-. si sb ? gitan preee .ienee. Ab a rule, T hold with tl e goneral ru e <>r "Mare aux dames'." but * think the last piac? in ???? be observed 1? In the busy ?toreSa for the roaaoa ? as s Ibero rnore for "?=hor ping" ths ? ? ? tei porar I fron b .?iiriets to do ths errand and are eonsoqu? In a hurry to got arhal they '.vant i?nd ,,'0 hiifk to work Whoa I hare objected to lato-oomtng "butting in" wh.le I wa? giving my ordert, the salespeople whose ?"tention has boon diverted have replied that St is a "rule of the establishment to nail or: ladles fir?-.." In man".' <s?es I have loft thofll to thfc ladioS and bars gone awuv without making the desired purchase, simpi* because I ilid not bars the t.m? to waste. Ab a result, In ?oeh instance? the store hat lost my pat-unage, and I have had to ?rbmlt to diaappointflSOBt, besides loss of ??nie. V? hether 'he lady "shoppers" bought anything or mrrelv wanted 'o satisfy lone curiosity I do not know??or care. But I respectfolly ?ubralt that 1t la a errang principle upon which to run a ?tore that raters to hotn seTea. Priority in all ca?es ihould rule, not sex. ?T. .. 0. It would ce>* ly MM M to the Ad-Visor. But that may be be ho happent? to bo a man. So for as hi? t>vrj\ shopping experience goes, howo-eer, ho has fotrnd that m?*r*rt stores respect order t>f precedence above all otherr oorurideratlons. Referring to your article In the "Ad-Visor" eolninn wh'eh refers to an n Ivortlsement which we inserted in "*i h? }>rnlng Mail," ?re wish to ?ay that this advertisement was Inserted by error ?rlthonl the writer's knowledge. Long before your article appeared thiB error ?ras correct? ed, and we think it unfair that you did not make a more thorough In? vestlgatlon before inBerting the article. If you had dore this you would have found that the "ad" yon referred to was only insert"! one* ?nd ?hat this was thrcirh nn error. Tho very next insertion was correr' ed, as It Is positively against th? Davtp-d policy to mlarfpr???tont We are fully in sympathy with the purpose of your column, but, we fool OUld be moro careful in separating the faker? from those -vlio->e policy has tain-ays been to denl fairly With the inih'.lc never to ? resent find always to cheerfully reffend money to any customer ? .* ?4'v td with the purchase mftdo from B8. I>AYr"('A'S. Per Harry B. l>h'?~a. Proi At tinfortunnto error for Davega's. pince a Tribune tcider went i m response to th" advertisement, found the store unwilling to make . and at once complained to thin department. Thereupon ? .--t!:'iitor was sent to the store (406 Broadway), presented i ? . - * and ?sired If he could purchase a |200 Victroln at $1 the "ff.r iiulioateil. He was informed that, he would have to j ? ? *-:>0 ? month for th?8 olas* of mschine. This experience the claim of th. complainant. The Ad-Visor published the farts. ega'fl wished to ins'ire itself against charpes of misrepresenta 1 only have sold the Victrola in accordance with the terms of -, however, that the statement in the above Pavega , ? . rhe erroneous advertisement appeared hut once. Hud Stattet with whom The Tribune inveftigator dealt ho had full opportunity to do, he might have Baved his '.: = tre"<s of mtr.d. As the matter now stands, error un-, . when the test came, must be charged against PavegaV, but not -,'pr?sentation. ?r lY.*t'*;:i who rushed into th? m?l?e doesn't come out so well,! ippear by the following: Our -s cslled by some erf our customers to a publlca ich was in one of the morning New York Tribune papers in the lolaan. Yon described In that column how I. fiavega, of 405 Iway, advertised any Victrola at ?l a week, and that when a per ? ".to the store to purchase a high-priced Vietrola he vm told ? enough paid tlown he could purchase a $20f? Vietrola : | ;i week plan. Ifl the f.rst place, I. Davega is not loratod at 4ir> Broadway. Wei*. llYVh Street, and has nosit.vely no connection srtth anv other l>nvega store. In the second place, one of your representatives was In our store to-day and inquired about a $200 Victrola. and claimed that he had read an advertlt-ement stating that we ?old 1200 Victrolas for $1 a week, and we wish to state that are tr ink It Is a vary cheap ad? vertisement for The New York Tribuno to send any of thfir represen? tatives, who does not even make himself known, and tried to He to one of our clerk?, stating that wo had advertised $:?00 Vietroliis at $1 a week, which we positively have never done. Via know ?hat we can prove thi? In a court action, whi,-h we have under consideration, for a Uttle damage for about $5,000. Our advertisement specifically atated ?hat any one conld own a Vie? trola, and we have never advertised that we sold $200 Victrolas at ?1 a week, for we do not do this. We will go ?head with this lasrsult unleea yon print in your netus psyer that you had made a mistake and that I. Davega. of 125 West 125th Street, does not misrepresent any of their advertisements and that It was a mistake on your pert. Our advertising i(i"nt, Foster, T>ebr-oi?e Company, of IB and 17 West 8Sth Street, ean benr this letter ont in c-ery respect. We will await your rep.y before proceeding further. 1. ?U VEO A, JR., INO. By h. Davega, V. P. Before brtngfpf that eeurt action "for a little damage for about, |3,000," Mr. Pavega, -read your own advertising. On Oct-ober 11 you pub- ' Hshed this offer: ''VirtTolas $18 to $150?-11 ft week." Again, on Novem rurr 1, appeared an advertisement: "Any one can afford to purchase a Victrola on our Easy Payment Plan, SI a week; Victrolas Si-, to $400; I. Pavera, Jr., Ino., 125 West 125th Street." If "Victrolas $15 to |I60 |1 a week" doe? r.ot mean that Bt the Intermediate prices may be purchased on tho*-e terms, Mr. I>avetra ' is requested to inform ub what It does mean. Meantime, a word of advice \ to him. Pon't try to bluff The Ad-Vlsor. It's a waste of time. Perhaps ?blB etmilar fr?tn ?he Oeneral Emergency Rerrlee will in West you and ?-apply material for your \ery interesting articles. IKE WEHTHEIlfER. Right here the Oeneral l-aYneTgency Fervieo gets some free advertising Just for the fasdnattng unlvereality of what it undertakes to do. A concern which attempts, or even offers, to sell, rent, shop, audit, escort, tutor, type ?-e-rite, translate, repair, investlf-ate, insure, sew; to clean buildings, secure introductions, round out parties of thirteen for the superstitious, write B"Hr'cFes, take care of children, provide dancing partners, open and close houses, operate mechanicsl plants, perform domestic service, and look after the cat while you're away?that concern may or may not be able to perform all that it promises, but certainly it glows with the spirit of ?*nterprise and human interest. Somebody ought to dramatize it! I am following wi'h -nneh lntereet your work In The Tribune, ! deal wi'h Ex ?QoVoniOI GlyBB'fl ''1 rr.i -t'nion" II 8? !sy. I count from thlrtv to fifty adver'isement? of the ? * Mod Of medical ad\e-*l?.ir!,- :n '-.-,rVi day's i -<ue. The paper ??s a great deal regarding morality m Its editorial eolumi roe all the "f^ke?" reading BOticei among the nc\*^ itoms. I pn-aclr+'l a sermon th? fht in which I mentioned the ??Ihsny par.ers by BBBBS A thi I rod to publish of it was the " e on tho incloated clipping from llame?'?* paper, "Tin JOBTBal," which is as bad as "The rr,ion." Albsny hen more U.r.a atlvertis'-me- ?. in its papers thBfl any ettj 1 ever riw, I wi?ii T-i-i woal i ?.lance over "Th* Tlmes-I'nion." i HABLES .1. DUTTOK, rst Coagregatioaa] Cbareh oi Ksnssolaei. M point to William BttTIM?, pabUshw of frauilulent adver ?nnir. At ha-_ he ian't afraid U print in hi.- news eoh-BBI honsot criti ? kind of _4heilklat ^^^ ha earrie?. -\< for "Th,- TinMa-j ' ' a ***** ? npendiom el th? wont kin.) of fraudulent. .?ter aoweamnt, taelndin? soxnal stimulant, venereal q?ack.*rv i dosan advert entstel ' ?? ?*. a trick upon the ,, i,).-,' If? eatatory ol dai , papers by alphabotkal ?'uill be fou.,,' v-h"ro ' ' ? "i had the eonrage which the I ' ' '? ?? ? pap? ? i ,-. re?nonsl-| ? an ? irekoas than it i k% \m UM rt-u'A nxA hi? of p-b!. Mti.ns. CHICAGO HIT BY FREIGHT EMBAR Only Perishable Hood?- Everr t'd by Trunk Lines. ? ? . Chicago, I?*-'- '. ? seabuui'i to-day ' m b*_r_rc . for exi oerishable goeda, lad) ??- fi ? B_ Otkor - ' - PS exe: ; et orea: .going h'!eled congesrinn in the ire, ? nd docks a* . orts of . re given a? rea ? smbargs ? rineip . i., 1 MO i sit ot ? ???. n aro i to be h*, iiK shipment s! Ka*t Thfj railr h.)? rh eh have 1 ?;'.cairo i fork Centra i' alley, B . __ e, \ ?H ?.. ! im . .'?'..r elk e .'. . ? V. i i ? ? i-, . tetj n ?iian (. . a! triiii though! tha) ? . one it a?o YEGGS' RECEPTION SPOILED BY POLIC Brooklyn Dinner Party lor R turned Craeksme.i I ?ids i)i Rom. Up. in celebration of a_ . 0 ? ? ?i blowini ? -i S?arr. n'-ft. ' | ? i ' ? D ,-;? .' Kolai . - 1' . eh, an 1 Mor Stuhl. ? ' ? .-'.ts ai tl. ' '. ? f || i i el Mil Place, Brookl ? |oj able ? im? m as being i , ling moo its load o 'i- lieacies a ben ; Brosaan and Edsan, ?*. Postofflce Inspector Jncob?, "horn I ? .vit-?.!, Intruded, pr I SBtil g ? r. lieu of vititii . arda "U > .' all '.. ? .? oalk ?rouiiti 'o tl ? B , hri'l . of ?r? rnal?' direr? e. 'ild Bad ?nv ?? | i - * ion they wei . ?. charged :: ?th biow.r bpei the lafe of the postoffice at 8 Mir! nel -, Md., : ? g $1,5) worth of tta'np?. Slim m cu?h, and ti ?old tri ' laster, M? -'.m1 dor Radeliffe, The-.- jh* alas ? . ? of various ether postofflee obberi? in Virginia. North Carolina and Sou ' areliaa. It ms the postmaster's watch ?vhic led *o the downfall of the fs mediately after the rohbt-ry '?'? '''?? ': Michael- ia.D November lfi, dl scrlptioni of the loot weie ser throughout ins country. On? si tboi came to the hands of Aeting Captai ( oughlin, of '?he Poplar Street statioi days aco botoetlrs Brosna found ths ".atvh in a pawnshop. I had been pledged on November _'). b Minis. Sines ,v"a' discovers' a detective ha been watching the Minis home day an i.ight. r "... '.o' until Wednesda evening tha* things appeared propi tious roi* a raid. -? GRAPE JUICE BIBBERS WARNED BY DR. WILE. Harm in Excess Use. Me Sa\s a "Get Slim" Suit. ? T:iirnil???s If not used in exi-esn, tks export view on grapejuice ex pressed in tho Supreme Court yester any by Dr. Ynr:ey W. Wiley, t'onnerl; chief of the Bureau of Ch'emistry o Departmei t saltare. ll< n.U'le ?he point that ? ? - sup j?r.?".1 innocuous drink? were dangeroui vhen taken in large ?luanr;- * In. (Viler aas a aitnosi ror ih< America! Home Magazine Company publi-her of "Good Housekeeping," ir a libel suit brought by Mr.?. Jcar Do?'.-!;- *_bernatl y Hi?hop. who manu fr.c! ires "(ut Shin." The plaintiff al that she was injured - worth by an article published in thi ino, headed "Swindled netting Thin " Thi- article, it is alleged, war written following an ana' "remedy " I*r. Wiley testified that he revised the art-'ie on which the suit is based. I-r. William (I? if, professor of bio? logical chemistry at ('olumb.a Univer? sity, ba'ir.g his reason?, on txperimen*?. mnilc on MgS, said that the acid In "(let Slim" was a drug and not a food and that if taker: In quantities would make a rerson sick. a FARGO COLLECnON SOLD Sixty-fonr Palntlnga Rrlng ?HV.G.*, ?t Anderson ?Jallerie?. There was koen competition in the bidding last night, at the Anderson t?a)!er:e.s tor the collection of paintings by American and foreign am-it? ?o'.ii by order of the esecutora of the Jami s C. Far| Th?? .?ixty four pictures brought ;? total of 110,2. Canvases by ThauloW ?rid ( a/.in brought the highe?t prices of th? $1?2M each. "Ti... Rippling Stream" by Thaulow wa? bought by Joseph Thompson, after some spirited bidding, ich -lohn Levy and W. .Y MasweTl were tie competitors. Carir,'-? canvH?, "The Bead in the River" won) to -lohn Levy. VorboockhoTon'a "Lai lacaps with Cow, Sheep and Goat" was sold to the Holland Art Galleries for $1.17."?. That firm al?o paid Sl'im for "In a P Garden" by the Americas p;. i Rids iv h:.'ght. SUNDAY'S DEATH HOUSE TALK NE\ OSBORNE CHARG Jurors, Doubting Fvangi ?st Is a Clergyman, Fea Address Illegal. JURY. TIRING OF QUIi UROF.S QUICK ENDIN Expects tu Quit Wed?.et.da) Chancea of Warden*. Witness. Keintf Heard ThoagM Sliyht. ?'* ? ' I Mot) "sborne ?ho. tting the H Hill? S.r-day to a.i. ,: Sing dea'h I. - i ' | i Juiy. rhat -: inda? ta known ? It is against thi Itan ether than I lorgymOB, lawyers a relarive? of the Hi 0 sbOUt \0 'lie enfer th? ?. . ??? The quest'. ? bothei * Gsborno's pro?ec ' ? ? | wl t?? -.? ? ? ,;?'??>< It a . > gymaa <if the lav Mr. ' -1 .?d un th niHtter whils before the laty. He . ? ' ? . ? -..' Suiiiia? ?-peak in the d? ;? " '?' Y..-< : quest of the evangelist and the co >ie:ii;,-fj men, but ?_:<i he bad BOt pe mitted i] sah te '-hein ioditri aalljr. ? ? the war-oai mai neitner ei spa a ? i i i rrai n jui ? bas i reached '.1 _i?\'iuu_ to get. rid i the sntirs Sing Sit??.- matter. Vette tornoon, in th" pr?sence of sa ? ? ailed at the request < Mr. "?borne to toatify 'o conditions I ;i e prison, "'???? of the jurors told A Dis) ri? ' A) loi i "? William '. ..' sit latt _::to this eiteraeon _nd waul n..' meet on Satur.i;.\. "We've boon i ? "?? oi now, sad we're g.-'fing sick of It," _ declared, "Our pri' _'e business Is sul forlng.H In consequence of tins ioclaratls only Richard *>i Hura, president of th State Prison I omm scion and presides the La? n Mor gag Compaay? erl be called today from the hsr of thai ? dlj ?" Mr, Osborno. Mon lia. ).? beard, Mi Pallan i.en MMM of 'he Osb ttfy 'hat there ai ? to hear. Tentatively members ot 'he jury ha. agreed te wind np it? sessions v/ednes day and tu devote Monday to a ?? Ii the piinon so it catino; be said that i failed to look over that place. If thi programme i? followed mo?.t of the On ritaeaSSS Will not be heard. May Charge Mismanage?ten). Humors heran.e rurrimt in Whit' Plain-? yesterday that Mr. 0 tod not on the eharga of person) made bj eon "ictr. igemen '? prison, "ne mau who heel n the ce ? s g '? ? drive Oshorns from Sing sing said thii course haii boon decided <?".. 'i'hore ii snether ah rae) I the grand Jury however, which favors making a pre .cnt alli'ging that ((?borne i? un > ' lo hold office h'iii should be removed ? are some in *hls group who favoi continuing the inquiry until nfter thi ?B the hope that, a gen? eral legialativo inquiry will be ordered i n d by friends oi D itrict Attorney Week?. Mr. Week? hopes fot' a pie. ?' o) the bench, aniJ ? ? ,vh.?aid like to ice him thert fear his eh) ? damaged by the attacks nn Mr. "?borne, while in a Mate-wide prison inquiry it is felt the resentment of Westehester voten would disappear. An inspired report from the District ,i that Mr. Weeks had reversed himself on granting Mr. Ocborne. request te pa - mit thi ? mad., public and would to? '..,. ' ppo e the i fon Justice Morchauaer, He will urge that these be nol ?. I? pul ' i inquiry is conclude.I. UCO-gS <. I will make Mr. Osborne'S ich'. for pu:. Kings County Grand Jury Lauds Osborne's Reforms Within four hours of reaching Sing Sing vesterday, nineteen members of the King' County grand Jury con? cluded their investigation of Warden ".sborne's reform with tiie remark that they were sorry he v as not present for caen of them to s-.nk? hi*i hand. This tribute was paid by men who admitted they arose iceptical before arrived at the prison. So aathos loatic won the jjnrymen that they to nid tas warden in every : way poesible, "This placo Ii ye.-. _ to in ipoet," ?aid Warden Osborno, by way of nesting. '"I fee! thai if my fa??* won in your rather than in those of anothei erand jui y there would be nothing to Warden O-boT-,? explained convict lie pointed out, he did no" trv to coddle the- mer.. Hi? ms lire, he Saisi, was to educate them that ? ? In the scale of thing? went forth into the world. "Our prisons have been mi, by a i com? nation of crooks inside and crooks outside. Prhind this movemei-t Reserve Tables Now for New Year's Eve. CAFE BOULEVARDS - DANCING-CABARET - Special Hnyaovnient \ la Carte Specialties THE BRAZILIAN NUT DINNER ONE DOLLAR ?Mi "adimii Lunch Fifty Cents OCR Un HnDUL sonnai noMT mon 6*r. ROOMS FOR PRIVATE AND CLUB DINNERS ? Churchill's More than a Restaurant? A Broadway Institution Broadway & 49th Street Cuchen?'* a 14th Street, nesr Fourth Avenue. TRY A STRAND SNACKI i or Luncheon I., da?. 11 30 la 2 STRAND ROOF GARDEN. i , * : , - 4! I IVA M ? i?si ms S to II ' i . m? i: S ' a/!, fis?? \'?w Oat*i| '? \ ... p*. fauf i irari'a? Bal. Nr .S.?at- 4 L-BSISH, K?_li*r*-*l SlUlr-iDi to oust rr.e ? thS pore? li pr:?o . ? - ',o stioptsd, ? srenld m : d?-ath to tha contrae*, -?.-?"em thro-. , ?? tk is roartry " What woeld jrea sd-.-se. Mr ' 1 oorr.e"" asked one ci tha jurymen. "Amone th.r.(-?.' replied vardan. a farm of about tO'"1 ac sew si i lota fsrent . mo- ? Trie K.r.i;s Ceaat] grand juryn i i,a- rio?-n *<> a ma' m the v.en h I M "ft of *.-,?in a:ose b*f. r? .h-..:.g i other mcu'tftil. From tha BMSS I e-.- womt to ths bard room, avhi the?* were entertained by tha c -n* - sns. The viiforot;? strains 'We're All for You, Tom Brow ii-'rued te Inspire ths ?ornees uppia'jn<*tl enthuaisBti.-alJy, ami ssl ; for .-.n a? p. core. The eheorfolaoas sf ths i . pla . . eil bloc! ltd house il whieh ttto I ? i i this moi ,i,g. conspired to pro.:, i -. ths ?: sympathy When ? bey retara???) l tai waidei ? set Spew ? .*? warden "Wc ?ve agreeably ararisod ?red l-"oi ?. . ? ">>'? Si: S Y ? i >r to aid Mr. ? rsberns or??." Weeks Eacoarmgilg Perjur-,. Sa\?. Osborne in Quiz Atta? Thessas Hotl Osborne, ward** Str.fc S?nr Sa ;.Ytr??s *o I Woman's (Im 9! New Rocheilv, ; < tordsj seeosed District I Week? of violating the law by pr sentlnir in four? testimony taken h ,'oro tha Grand Jury investigation Sing Sing prises He al?o aecusi bin. of faring to make inmates of ll prison conna?t perjury. Mr Hiberne added: "It is the I' ;rict Attorns***! hasiaets te proteel H man he li hanl ng it ires his dal to Investigate snd visit the prison b fore he hi .pp'ed the word of thoi who want to Kill prison r? '01m. Ti. raatter ultimatel" ?'ill seats te tl QsTsraor, for I don't purpose to sal 11-11. Thors i? a deliborets st1 to blot t.u" pi : ion roforoi " BURN ALL AMERICANS, ORDER TO VILLA ME. One Already Killed at the Stakt Say Refugees. ?rase 1 l . Pi bo, Tex.. Dee. I?. Refuges rder imba . N. 41 to-day lay that s neu order ba?- bee id to Villists soldiers n the in 1 all Ameri ,? -h?? ransomi >l? msoded by Villa. w. A. Si. Roxb". an Amer ca? 1 ai, ?!-. ? a- 1 lidee '?? 0 week ago, ?-? bei Roxby ??. ? carried <>tT by the \ ill. ? ?0 death. In is ar \tv Mexico ni-.. to Mexican r? Mexici ? ? The fate of thirty A_aerit*ani hold P] \ ilia In < bihaahoa is in doubt. Bist] thiiusaiid dollars ransom demanded fo: their release has net bt en paid. ? ... oi era saling V'ilU opno * the Carranza government is before ;? cottncil of var :,,-?. .,, pro .,., 1 lb Villa an, ndanee. This n latioi , Ameri irri I froi HAVANA NEW MONTE CARLC Parisias Bays He'll Hake Cabaa city 1 sreaeea R?ert'a Rival. A lecond Monte Cario is to b?" formed a: Ha? na, Cuba, seeerdtag to Ernest, s PsrtsiSfl hotel owner, who is vie:: ng the I ' "We ha\e got control oi the Roya' Hot"! at Vedado, near Havana, and we v. ill begin to build in February s biu one." la ?! Mr. Beeh at the Ho fi?l McAlpin yesterday, "It li on ;hi> t-onst. ami will br? rn-id?1- something like your h\ trots all ovi-T the ?torid com? to Havana, und. with racing and ether sports Bouirishing there, ?e will draw even more crowds, I believe, than Monte ?'arlo lY 1 i I.e. POVTO, a Wealthy :?u(jar plante?* and land owner in Cuba. ..* the head of the company." Mr. Hei'h retarai te blew ?fork in ?iry. N.H.ALUESLH BY SAGEJANITOI Stenographers, as Din tors Scanned Finance; of Boat Lines. BILLARD GAVE $75,00i TO S. HEMINGW; "In His Heart to Do So." E plaiiation of New Haven Bank President. Jaaltars '?-it? dropped *>elr mop* i brooms to vota s? d.rector? of stei ihiy -ompar.ies were amo- g the bita character? introduced in the Feds 'ourt yastorday as former colleagues ?he eleven i ?truer dlroctors of the N lleven Railroad ot. trial on a charge conspiring *o violate the tint picture ef janitors, asslsti Jan tors and Stenographen ?enou aeanntag and. parsing upon matter? high Bnaaec ?? directors of the M repolttaa Steamship i.'ompanv S drawn h*. Henjamin G. Ward, of Po land, Me., who appeared a? a witn? for the pro?ecution. Mr. Ward declared that these bui :ng employes had ail the rights a privil?ges ef directors, to which po tions thiv had been appointed, and th . Grover C. Kichard*. a coat tactor, BCt ' as treas'irer. Hillard'? |7S?IM Lift. I Earlier in the dav Samuel Hemin way, president of the Bocead Nation Rank of New Haven, unwilllnglv su plied the surprise of the day, when : described a gift of *5"I>.<>'?|1 that hi been made to him bv .lohn L Billa: because "thev had been good frlen? for ' >'ar_." Wi'h the Pr?t mention of the gi: lames W. OabornO, Whe wn? examini* ? ? for 'he pruecufion. nrickf un hit ears and evinced a eieater ii SB at ?ny previous time dur*n the trial. } "Why did Mr Billard give you thi ? "'.??' he asked. ' Well, I ?uprose ;?. v.?? ;n his hem *.. .Ii. <o." WM the r:R?v,> re'o. "But isr.t there tome fact ran ?-a ve the at-.' "None i h a friend an eomns of Mi Billard: had bee tor *,i>ar?.'' Interrupted Mr. Hemlagwai "Mr, Billard idi i director o Boston .'-? Maine" ?\. ? "Then he gove yov. |7|jM0 at a gif'T "Ves. ' Then the Boston -? Halae wat 'ak?i 0 er by the New Jlaven ?" "\ e?. "And you can think of no other rea son why he should make vou this trit* | of $75,. " ?ill Heal Bmiir-ht Out. ***Kons at all." answered Mr. Herr. ? ay. Another ef the interesting witnesse? of the afternoon was George a. Mein tooh, of i'.*'? Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn who acted s? treasure?;of the Now Eng. land Securities Company. Mr. Mein tosh told of handling millions of dol? lars in checks, about which he knew ^''.?olutely nothing, He had no ide? when* he i l coming from, he h.d, whore It was going, or why. In all of these traiKHCtions, he said, '.m ?va? under the tlon of warren 0. i basa To Die for Killing" Pohcemaji. I'homa* O'N'eil. a gangster, who (hot and killed Patrolman George tapping at the nutiiiL* of "The" MeManuaa As lociation a- lanhattan Casino on Sop? or 24, -.u? lenteneed yesterday by Supreme Court Justice Weeks to die , during the we?k of January 24. "'Neil , ?? h . . obi : rted a l sob ago. PRINCETON CLUB HAS OPTION ON NEW SITE May Build in Park Avenue a 58th Street. A new home for the PHneeton Clul mir be built at the northeast eorner o Fif'y-eight Street and Park .-.venue, oi a pic with a frontage of 76.& .' ? the BTSaee, sad 91 Met on the street Ths ciub ha- -.bta.ned an option U luy the property through Peaie & DM : an from the Washington Irvlnj- es tat?, *r.d J Metenlfe Thomas.. A me#t iff of ?he slab will be held next Mon ?lay night, to act on the r#c-->nme*?ala toe, tt purchase the proi Dm Perl Irenue property *vai as -ei=. ?d Y tas ???: HI ?'-? Itld, *i ?-"1?**' I propel il between tin . lorkraas ciubs, the form er of which il for sole. ?The ad-. the proposed site. Pease - Oilman jreesorday, "ii the exceptional Iran poi i faeili ??es, winch a. ? BJoyod on 'he coin ,Y- up of the Brooklyn Rapid Treaai and Loxingten ?.-??*.*?*? Subway syi tem? " Some of the other clubs in or neai . h district are the t'ol inv. Kr.icker bocket*, Metropolitan, Ridhg, I'nior nd Uni? rs |_ RED CROSS SENDS HELP TO WOUNDED , France. England ar.d German) Share Shipment?; of Amerf can Organization. ? suspiring " ciaus tc ?)b<erve Christmai II spte of 'he war the American He.i Crees, tbreagh uptown bra;. Ml Fifth Avenue forwarded tour ca?e; of ??'?o,!?? foi ' wounded men during the last week Two went to France, one to England and one from Mrs. A. Hyatt to ?lei .many. Among the r?sout mntnbu 1 tlons received by the uptown branch are $_,."?0? for Serbio, fiom Mrs. Ed? ward C. -lone i of New Bedford. aniJ Miss riinnia ? . .Inn?*-, of this Citjr, and 191.01 tor in, goners ? i from othei Hource*. Two Now Feer'i ihipe Riled with rtour aiui othei 'r,t"i itaplos srlll -?ai) under the Buspics of the ? ommisi on ! for Relief h. H I Broadway, Otir?, bearing gifl from the people ??' * Pittsburgh hboring te will have a cargo worth I qu>? a million dollars, A "' - I ' Ship" W?1 ! food, eloths :,:r,buted by the people of that si ' A new l'in,,l . rosi distressed Belgium, to he known a - ; I < " ?ardi ' Fn i Is aaaeuueed b) patron? . Y . Y-, ?M Bord? n, Ml i .. ?. Billings, Mrs. Joseph ii i boate, Mrs Bdu Uould, Mr-.. E. H, Harriman, Mr a. ? ?-to II. Kahn, Mrs I, P. Morgan hi..I ol Headquarters have been established i st the Belgian Bureau, 10 Bridir? Street, whore sld v.'l be distributed to "hundreds of thousands of ?Hin?ie? i heretofore wealthy and to educational ! and charitable organisations In Belgium | whose work il being abandon?',I m curtailed ' COI :ay liy ? 1 a ' Forty-Seventh Street, amounted ' ? , '(a rhe Relief Cot i ? ? ? . h .-- edges < onlTabu? lions to a fund uhiih now totals $178,03 ESCAPES GALLOWS TWICE \ri-ima Man Saved Sisra>nd Time When Jury Decree? He Is Innane. Phoenix, Alis . l?ec. 14 | ? Faltin, irhon R. B. Sims, warden of i ;orent *? Penitentiary, .?-fu'ci to on November > ? eat lared in? * ? to-day mihI was taken to ths atete ? -.-. lam. After Bimi ruf isod he wss ?. .re the Sur- eme Cour) for contemn', bul was exonerated Fsltin 'van reoenteneed to han? on January 7, but the verdict of inSS I from ths lallews. Ths ?r '.h eonvicted of having mar . .1er,-.i ? man '.r. Phcsnlx. SYMPHONY Boe to Ij el v-? v?ri. ?\ \l 1 I.II II .MKOM H. ? ..Hin. n.r. 1 hi, tftiti n..u ,i? :.. %EOLIAM BALL. ? ml Seit lumlm at 3. PABLO CASALS, ie., MERLE ALCOCK, cmtrem.] rr.n:ilnh?il Symphony. BCtTUBERTl I ?_. eerie for VI ? '? LALO, buiI exierpU frmn Inrldenlal Music lo "IphlaenU )n AulU," Malter 11.?mm?, h. ii'ir?* performance in New v .? BMta ,' Br., Oft ? ?:?<? ll-ir-m 1:02. ?ecilr.. H,". FOURTH BILTMORE riiinw MiiRMMi HTnCALE Itnlel liilii,. .-. I hi, M. mini; at I I <>'? Ini-k. ?IM I II nfin II MELBA 6?D0WSKY i:?>"?\ I.oil 0.ITZKA SIEGEL i ?___.. i ?? i ? . ? h ??- ?' " TO-NIGHT (FRi.) H ROMANI . me?) ? ' teaec ????????-,?; N i ?mi ilnNV <?K< HEMTRA. -.**??. : . ?? luctir Mile. ?Melt?- le fonte oar of ?Opera Coi . - ? ? ? ? ? PHILHARMONIC I???!.! >TU \*>.**KV lOMill HIK Thi?. Rteraeoa M CtM, ? aracat? ____ FRITZ KREISlER ]_, .,-. | r. i- ? - v B ? ? Pi-i .,- ? ?? ,f ? ?n?b* PI? ?ui.NM.ii TO-NIGHT (FRi.) H\'n .. . ? ? r.<_*. Mm CAF.N-l.IE HAU WtO. AFT. BSC, I? AT ' PADEREWSK j t. erntet i * '? __fj I ? Offli ? - ? ? ? AHM (.11. II XI I __"',__,' CLMENDORF mmmil V?l I I ?I I ?I *. I? \ *? Ml.llT m S VI YELLOWSTONE "VHS" f-T- ? _ ? },**.?(',., 4 ? ' ? * ?. . "... ?ji.oo ee* JIM. vl\< 1 I M r?EAT_U I'll' -I nr. B"w?y ' < TM. A'*--.?.?, ?t ??- L?*? j ) ?tetmmtlrt Sust?, Dm. I tt !_-.< -___ GUILBEKT ?, t. rau a? ?? ? ?- I'?1 "~ ? K *_ _? ? I ?;.... -, :?. in ?id ? i ? i ?-sao. > II I T?l> Till 4TKI.. 4H?h, \\. of B>. 4 II h ?? I HIM HI.. Wet* 0* II'?*?. I Ii.II I IN?. In IK \N( I. r.ffl, ;_' V ?r I I tur?? I'rlre? 25 a SO?. (oli.nUt.) llientre. II win _ flj.l Alhamhra lhealre. I*?lh a :?h A?e. IRVING PLACE THEATRE ./.". eu M?v, ) i). ' -h-kSt) -*__n Wtime." ir. llthl ?? if. * iv I Vid I' i a THE BLOSSOM ? i,Elise0- ? PRINCESS PAT C0?.T BIOS.?. 01 ItERBER ?n?SICAL HIT. | -.. ELEANOR PAINTER. ?sTANIaARn B?'" * "? ' ' ' ?''?l ?a??. ^ YOUNG AMERICA" y.,. u.a. gome ?i?> . laffia ?!? A;:|e:_. -uurniivn ?UY bat?s post _ ???a*. Si*.. 25 4 3"- 'Omar {l-e Trs?t"iali*f " Nnl Wiaflt ?"DAMAGED 'iOODS." booth IHKATKK. 1HI?. AITBMHOOlf. SPECIAL BENEFIT MATINEE, a'.il of th? BniTISH IV.Ul RELIEF ASS N", Inc. Ai. I lili Battre "a??n doa Co in "LORD DUNDREARY" To b? prece I P II by a ens 4-t elar, foe thi?> occanioa ?- at no?: Otllet, U M ?<> 11.SI. B['.l?i:-H WAR Uial.Ii:. A3* E.H.SOTHERN METROPOLITAN ;? g ,r ?? iiv-ni?h? at - ?fi4r?i4. pel, 1er: ?'? Mali ? -, '. i?k- agnail ??at. Mat. ?.>i??i.-rali?i?mmerane. irt, tfatzenau r, Helar Hraun, .. I Sit Sf\i Mon. .at - l.eheoglla. ?'"?.'?rin. Ob??r: rel.i '. B, ?tavl. t ? Iriaalalai. H ?? . ? D* I,?,. . ? a. .- . Cond rit.v_arr.oll. niara, a? ? Kasaeoq n linlllu. Mat ene 1er; . . iM.Pe ; i . _MAH MAT . - ? 'l.i> ii.a-i . (?retal ?. It.t'l r Ol4t-rtlai4??m?nt. I rl. *? ; ? Matan i i*>ifla>. Kurt, Ober; i rltta, Bi ? . '. ai.iktr. PARAFAI '* ?*19 THIS BUN. EVL. BEATRICE MABBISON. ? - .? Or h ? M Mil:' I'.APPOI.l? lOHAVNBB -i-tMHAfrt HA1 .NO I BED. OPERA |< I CUI'M \14RTA " TICKETS. I KAIBF.KHOF OPtRA TICKET CFICE I .. W?! 40 St. \:m i \\ H \i i. i i;i i?i ? l" at Ri:?i. I. Y. Chamber ??sy" Music Society \;;;::\:2?\*;^t?. I I a.I. | \M\|| Ma.rarl I'lunaa ami B ln?l t|tllntet. Iiruiitaa? i lar lar I ami strtee unlnt?*?. \\ elf-Ferrari Ki4niiii??r.? inr,>l>?? nla?. ?-?ni. ? u liad ?t . : : ?? BED TUESDAY, 8:15 P. M., Dec. 21 RUSSIAN CATHEDRAL CHOIR AEOLIAN HALL. Ticketi $1, $2. THEATRE FRANCAIS .W^ i - - Btrs .? ? Kt|? s is *'. -a. n .'? ".a A Batai ? ? . : "MON AMI * "SON TEDDY" S HOMME" !'? III" * a . a l> ?TafSOS 1? v Brrrla-hsB Butidlioi..".; 1 6? At *> en SI J ! ; ? ?a,?, ".?at. Ml I ?IMKIIt HII I EVnn M?.M I. GARDFN 'Hr-.ATHl :?"? M A Ma. 4.,, UArtUE.?! PI ?.- Oreem T" NH.HT * i "-y Vit : ' . Bat, \la- 2 ? ?>?.-? > - ?a. "THE WcAvtRB.*' t-Hh Ejian: r.I. sen HFK ? - :- . * I'-ail.v P.rT-.n. YITAGRAPH "oSBeJET* V ?? * ao_ "Thou Art th? Man' Mffli , ? bEEEuH y MATINEE D?IL?- i,; - S1.00 HIP-HIP HOORAY II?i_ ?- :"s **?-???' W-?/- BAND, i? ?? ? ?_?i--_ kl n K Bui?U? SPECIAL XMAS BENEFIT SEATS NOW Sau?* A M*mm?th Star Bill, 1 A Ute. LtDtUJ. -_?'? -?--If- "--T *i!i'?'-. I''r?l Nlble, ?i. - tlr-)th?r? ? f 'Chin ? hin, ' Ai s? - . ? Ii*. r a-.t ?.i c*'?-, '.".??-' th? litt ?m? Loew's American Roof j \ *, f "? ,-?; COURTENAV SISTERS. firiENDA ALL SEATS S HILL (I .?? >>?'!? Wlenor?) RESERVED. ?i H?*_?t) ? tat rt COLUMBIA r?:-- Dan? -. - . r p B- a A ?"?? rnlll?. ?I T'i? O-,. > MANHATTAN ',., '^ MATS. 0HLY?*'.v ^ J THE BLUE BIRD PLAYHOUSE ',:,. ; .! ? GRACE _______.[ MAJOR GEORGE "-? BARBARA ? HM ~??t ?-tinln? th? -o,t lr*g?rtj-it. HM ~*,t *.,orblng play ot tfi? ?'.?or.. i, M MAXINE ELLIOTT S. I M 1.1 e. W? LOU-rELLtGtN WAKLLASL h SOTHERN ai NCB.anv. 48TH ST. ?: THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE With JULIA ARTHUR. LYRIC : *- ?-? ?'? ? K_a_a__\V/Al?51 e , i?tl ?tor, 'I PilTASM AHO PEiH MUTTER.' CASINO. I IB 1:11 M, . 1 . ? A W~< . [ THE BLUE PARADISl "?iy?? COMEDY". 1 * 1:11 "?' . i T MM r HOBSON'S CHOICE 1TH ST r?, ? ? Mat? i ? ?.?.?? THE UNCt^STENtD WOMAN ?Hubert.???;? v.? Ta-r?'v a Wet ? ; ? ALONE AT LASi MANHATTAN &?, n M A ?? ?. TO-NIGHT ?THE MYSTERIOUS MASKED MARVEL' vs. ZB?SK0 SATURDAY NIGHT ABERG vs. ZBYSKO TO . FINISH One week from to-mph?* Christmas Fvr! One week hon. to,-,. you'll be in the swirl of Q mas gayeties. I ou certainh don't ??.,. to slip up on your e.-^ clothes. Why not get it ol? y-s mind to-day. Fabrics, rich and luxuri?s Cut, correct. Smart shapely model-?; c_y, more conservative. Fit? That you see bcf? you order. I..?i.lnir ?ni*? teeclr ?? wrtr ^ Ml * > I"' ?a BBfSSOtSll $*? .? ,?, Dies* overcoats, ?,*lk hi?, silk waistcoat?, dress M patent leather::, walking stick?. For formal day wear One and two hutton c_ aways braided. J. Hs Pd t ( oMPun Broadway BrotrJ? atl.?thSt. The it 34th 9 Four Broadway Coiners'' Fifth A? at Warren it 4) it i m ?*. iiii?i>'?a i i.tniM. TurciR't" NE rV AMSTERDAM ? NOW ?S ALWAYS THE TIME TO BE HAPPY! DON'T PROCRASTINATE! PROCRASTINATION ii the THIEF OF HAPPINESS! BE H..PPY TO-NIGHT IN ? if car /r*e. O? Ylf. ! >CT!CN fft/???S$ fi IT IS THE JOY OF THE HOUR ?FAT?* ?ILLINO S WFCKS 11 A0V??l aarrCP ttiE PLAV VlWre^;i-.*rvrTeZ^?fii ????Q? SADIE LOVE;:;. EMPIRE. II ?V * 4- Bi '.< * Ma? 1 JOHN DREW LYCEUM, W 4" ETHEL BARRiI>H'KLm?hRu* i HUDSON ' Ir_?''TV * ?' "1 * IUA1I 'I . . - **? -,.?-? ii.aa*?t.'a a llllt'lcHrJ-l.-JJ ELT'N'i-?: hznan_j_z_ Harri- . :.; ______________tn__i ATE LIBERTY ;."'." - i tad ts :.r A I ... 0. W. la??0?? ? - -.' ? ? a-%?3 ? VJlv a,,.. m. Cei [__fi________I-. ? i> - il;: ., a. CANDLtK . i 4 -_n____ii______-----fl Miry R SUN if'V'.\bURT?>HOLvES MON'f, BUENOS AIRE* LONGACRE ??"C ? .iHAN * 1'AFt'. QDITRICHSTEIN THE GREAT LOV* BELASCO THE BOOMEI REPUBLIC 5 _____ia______?_ GLOB F. ' MONTGOMERY & STONE 1*1 rst - a: : TUESDAY OfC. Ji ? GABY DESLYS _s CAIETY THEATRE f?| NEXT MONDAY AND p_ i ? NEXTTLE5DAYAFTYS, hfT : ? ' IS a <? .1 ??AT?4 NOW "?I ?4ALE __^ THE SOUL MACH?NE PS. F. KEITHS 'IK- 1 AI_i_Sl /? V A a*-?:* * A "???'.*? ALAiata |,,, | 4 .4 i - ?: ? ' Y : rOLONiALI ' ? - ! Fightinj- in Fit* and Baa Star V.aada. Bill. ???*' ? ?* -*"-"* PUNCH I JUDY