Newspaper Page Text
tat* e tatS*} mot aeme 1er : Vil liratl?r?. BABY, 3. CROSSES ?ATLANTIC ALONE ??-a, Who Uttffced at War. Weeps at Lea\in? Steward's Shiny Bra-**? Button?. ? -rt Thila ? - id has r. American ? it seen ? she is afraid , M.I8 isf, in velukl I n i "Her *r, and he took A?.-.?'" BM ..eno?. Ayrts, lea?. 'i-> the bel'V *??? ? - BruR ? n out of E? I r th? l; and now" ? .'.-?_r'?',<t 1 ?a>. If ? FORD IBS DOTH NOT MOVE ? rkwall Rim m Board. : ? ? ? CLEARY GUILTY OF FORGERY; MAY GET FIVE YEARS Jury Returns Second De? gree Verdict and Recom? mends Mercy. NOW WILL BE TRIED FOR GRAND LARCENY Twelve .id.ctfflentl Disposed Of. Me Musi Next lace Charge of Carrying Revolver. ? . \. Y. Dec It ?"? C e_- ? . , r t\rr\t ?nd &0!>? ? f HlTOl-Btrow, who vas acquitted o? murdi rie Newman, was found l li ... ree* ? ? e ? h< naxin m pen ? eery get oil rentrai \\ bar hi niece . ndictments Then g o re* . . ?narried ( icary ?rill co\ :o Po? lice Chief Ford of Heverstra**?-. !:c chorgt Ognintl CUory trial jjotterday and to-day wa* that he hud forged the indorsement of as Aliison, a former ootooaor 'if ratrow, to a r.ote for $3_o. I leery ate was lost, bal Henry ' ?? ".'. DO] H-l.k of Kbv -ier.tified records showing ? ri by thi < etry that Allison frequently i t thtra his hand?, bat Allison swort -.? ' '' I Citai to fill . . : er signed sny noB. ??-.'.. ... berge of conven poblic s, --s tnrned state's tri? Ba ? - -.he occoant '._ ? ? \ onld use ?1 By his nc - an munity. - said that '? . -.."? held ? ? .- ? q . they persuadid aeod ni.rcy. |r at 4:15 . N'ot a move I ? - f] on the former b? jr." lie ?food ;: -.-libr?se, act took him bach I - -siveiy I had anything to say. still stand franklin Simon a Co filth A\enue Wer?s Chihwj Shop ?S?__?????? ? ???in?a i ?S -??_???????erf H West .^Mth St.?Store Floor ?S'e / arate Shop, a step from Fifth Avenue Reduced Prices TO-DAY Men's Hand Tailored Suits ."?/eevtv Silk Lined?Approved Custom Tailor Models 19.00 Heretofore $24.50 and $27.50 Two, three or four button models of the newest Invisible Overplaids, Overplaids combined with Stripes, Pencil or Combination .Stripes, Checked Velour, Oxford Vicuna, , werd or Navy Ser$-r. ^3 to 46 chest. Men's Custom Tailored Suits Vewt'vi Imparted hahrits?.?? to 46 Cheat 25.00 Heretofore $30.00 to $45.00 These .Suit; are made of Imported Fabrics, purchased from the ir_cini" Ilnglish mills, including stripes and the new Invisible Overpla'ds, also Blue Serge; workmanship equal to th* fiaeat merchant tailoring. Men's Winter Overcogts Semi-Kind or Slip-on Models?33 to 44 ehest Single breasted slip-on mode!, pitch pockets, of gray, itown or dive Scotch overcoatings; also single breasted ??mi-form fitting model, of Oxfo;d or Navy Vicuna; yoke *r.d sleeves silk lined. Special 20.00 Men's Winter Overcoats / it ted, Serni-?tled, Cheater field or Slip-on Models ijtnd Tailored. Silk Lined Overcoats, of Oxford or Blsck Vicuna, Velvet collar; also Slip-on model of Tweed, Cheviot or Hc-nespun, yoke and sleeves silk lined, tili (?BlTa 23 to 4fj CtSagt. Special 30.00 1 Men's Mackinaw Coats 0/ Mnckinau ( ttithjor Knitted Fabrics Men's Shawl Collar Skating Coat of genuine Wettert Mackinaw Cloth, in gray. blue, maroon or green colorings; ?Mo knitted lubrica m oliv* or brown He tther Mixtures; belted back; ?;z__ 34 to 44. 7.50 12.00 14.00 IHl Y.\.\. v.. John MURSA1 r.-i*tnr ?if the ( hor-h ?it the Healln_ ( hriet. ? , - ? ..torn? -,.??? i moi ti ? ? - a CONGREGATION GIVES $5,000 TO DR. HILLIS Resolution of Cunfidcnce Ac? companies Purse. Dwighl Blllis received tridtnet of th* *.?teem of his L'i.?regation tt Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, last evening, in the form o.f a purr-e containing $?.00". The pre* ? en was mod* In the church par? lor? after a dinner in which three hun? dred :. church had pur ticipa" ( oloi Boochi who acted ?r, toaatotatter a: tha dinner, ? | '? i.uring --'-granim*. Dr. H - - ?.i.'ed bei at the banquet table, smiled broadly and announced that lie bodn't .i ? or; y In the world. After the dinr.ei, which wol served I an embossed set of re. bearing the ??.??natures of 1.600 ni?-mbrrs of the c1 virch woi .n evidence confidence bis congregation. WHITMAN OPPOSES TAX Agaioat *?*?> Indirect Let] Except to '. nid Direct One, He Saya. Id, Governor Whitman, in a formal statement to-day. that he would ' - favor upon oay sreaaes of revenos by m , ? ? ,-? ? ? that tho?c increase! of rt'?.-iiue are re gent i eeds of govern? avoid direct taxation, .-?r.d I .) Igel BStimatei to the BSt? ) ontrcller 1 r_vl = recommended the passage of n.easure? -.??_.-. rhe ? mmittet of th? the sub ind i'.-' taxation .hiou/hout th* a\ hi. mode i it ii p< "I rt | .: ? effort to inereas- "he revenaea of the stnte as secondary in importance to th* efTort to reduce the expense, to a minimum where a direct \> year could be tvoided," the ? road. "Ko: th? thl I htTt devoted a great aal of timi the ei to bring about retrenchm? ? n the cost with the idea, if possible of n .- the ssnenoes of ? tat next year could > ? i ETHEL BARRYMORE'S PAY CUT Will del Onl> J.10.000 a Picture in Movies Instead of $40.000. Ethel Borrymor* was "lured itito according to an evening paper ?rdty, for ?ne ? triggering sum of 0. lour pictures a year for I - m 140,000 a picture multi ..-r to MMjIMO, -aid the r M Bl H-.rrymore. however, is by no mean, a newcomer to film?. She has posed for numerous pictures in the last rears, and all that ?he did ye?ter 'iav was to renew her contract with ? ? Metro company. Daniel Frohmi?n. Miss Barrymore's manager, said last night that the ac ? would reeeiva I 10,000 a picture la? ?.tend of MOjOOO. Despite the cut, how ever, 11 ? believed that Mis? Barry? more's additions! .ncome from tbs ?hgr- will enobl? her to ehe oat _ ? ?ten PRAYER DOCTOR HELD AS FAKER Silences and Fees Cause Arrest of Fashionable Hotel Preacher. "TRUST IN GOD?$2." WAS HIS FORMULA The Rev. W. John Murray Lays Troubles to Woman. Former Member of His Flock. The Re*-. W. John Murray. pa**or o' the f ?uirch of Y.e Healing Christ whose congregation hold? New Thought ?? ?:*. ?t '.he Il"t?. KstOl KTOTp Sur, tag, ???a? srraignsd la the Wast 1 de ?? yestordaj moraiag before Maj .strafe Breen, on two charles of pruc ti-ing rr- it a lictnse. ?abella Ge ... ... Re'. Krank W. i-ears. ar^ Thought preacher, on "he Ml .. : :'nrton art: Di ? bail for a decisi?n D? r itrmt? Breen lud heard the magisti u t record of the i? guilt] i ths si ? ?.. ? ? sdvic? IM rue she had paid m exchange foi . ...-.? I el I ft - ?. ? i a de? er ." Mi - Gos h? ..-? tsstiflsd he had pa. * v s advice. (fl each instance, she ?aid. after diag | her rase. Dr. Murray WOttld go ? ?-?ience ultb her. He w.uld put hoth hsi Is to bis bro*-\ elass his eves, and restail ?Yen*, speechless, _uinb and mats for fifteen min?tes. "Did JOn ?.lose your eye?, too?" asked Magistrate Breen. "Indeed I didn't," said Mrs. Goc N I ,i .November S3 UtO. Goodwin c< '? plained of pain* la her knee?, stating to Dr. she hurt taken sal bspaties for not take any medi ? Goi " s h? ' she ss her tt. In hia o~ . . | ho ?.va? a ti Iniiter who had for sis years "1 <i'd net diagnoi - ? l DOTOr dlapnose ca?e?. kid 'It sound? like neuralgia.' ? rs * hu* ?dl ' bristisns b? ? ?' ma* praj ta Ood ts rassors - ; - ytieal 11la La? > ? - Jot b J. Roone; ? ? ' for the preaehcr, said that tas plaint . ''Tt, on ths i an. of a member sf ths congregation *vho tssatisf ehe could not ? - ? i t the c ireh Wh il ?ras !? ? e source thai Mrs. Henry Van Pelt, i f 172 I i ? ic ??roman referred ta, ' ? St her resl ? mnde r.o bonos aboat her hoetil i Dr. Murray "He's ? hypnotist"* she declared, "and a? ?non a? I began to SBSpOCt him I left his ehareh. It. all non saass ts say that ! was d ?satisfied thou* sny ehnreb organisation. And as ?pits work, ? ii '?? ??? - talkirg it the go ? I poo] ?? ? rch i Id no longer be taker in. Dr. Murray has bra?n teaching New Thought, but not I (ring it He's . sad a spirit must, that'? whet he Is!" When I>r. Murray vi< told about Mn Van Pelf? accusation?*, r.t his home. 11? West Ei. Street. he ?aid, "Poor ? ho il bsrsft of her sense?! In our belief there il as room for say ur.duo influenr?- . letrcissd either consdoasly or nneons ?? si a ehaich msrahsr, sad it Ii untrue that I have ever mede BSC if v.' pn itism.** WAR BRIDE'S DOT BUYS SEAT ('orb Broker Invests Winnings in "Big Board" Membership. J. C F. Robinson Duff, a curb broker who i? report.) to have made half a million in the war stocks, notably Elec? tric Boat, ha- now bought a seat si the Stock Exchange with some of hi? win? nings. He purchased the membership of Krar.k K Sturgis, a former president of the exchange. By acC-airing a seat on the "big board" Duff is following in "he foot itoat of William F. Stafford, another curb broker, who has made a fortune in "war brides." Stafford was elected to membership yesterday along with Clifford Hemphill, son of Alexander J. Hemphill, chairman of the board of di? rectors of the Guaranty Trust Com? pany The following partnership transfer of exrhanpe seat? was aleo announced. Henry K?hlender, of .peyer & Co., to Jesse Hirschiwan; Frederick P. Ristine, of P. P. Ristine &Co., of Philadelphia, to John A. CisSsL Mr. K?hlender became a member * I the exchaagc in lBOfi. Mr. Ristae joined in October, ltll Jftankl?n Simon & Co. Tifth Avenue rien's o/>oe Shop 4 West 38th St?Store Floor Separate Shop, a *tcp from Fifth Avenue Men's Banister Shoes / iit> Six les?un ludlrw Cloth or Buckskin tops Mahogany. Dcirk Ian or Black Russia Calfskin, with tops ?if same, Taupe*. Tan or Black Buckskin. Imported Patent ( alfskin with tops of Dull Mat Kidskin. Cloth or Taupe Buckskin, laced or button style?. 7.00 tfeaular Values $7.50 to $9.00 rsi fid Gifts for Me*L Tan Kid Faust Slippers .3.00 l'an Kid Romeo Slippers 2.50 Tan Alligator Slippers 3.00 Kid Opera Slipper.s 2.00 "Comix" Slippers 1.25 PME REVELS 2 WEEKS ON $U Temptation Took Broom from Porter and Put $400 in His Pocket. MILES OF SPREE LEFT ONLY $389 Stripped of Wealth. He Sleeps Content on Husks After "Some Time." Bit 1-f) P BOOM d?y har : I ? big 1 .- -??allied ar.l r-iftly shattered, Jimmy Gsr.non. -? ?? rhile 110-s-mi.r" .-ard-cioard porter at St. Vincent's Boopitol, eiept !?st .- ? in the h*_ kt ." ??? Bis fortnight of ri? I - - ? - - ? il -? hi ended. ' ? ..:.- ' : it tern. Il -?as pay Av. : ? t my of I srior of th? perler i ? ? .' ' Tue flap wa? tu- otleh so?a I Jimi . ht saf". . cough . ? ? ' _? tne 111? ? - . it ? - - J.r\ Be pi led tl >. room rigorously ar.d then stopped. Why no) thing in . '*? i And ht sfoli the soi** 11 ? f.r.gtr? shook SI ; closed over t'r.e I | I ths bill stick? ing out of the envelop? and hi* fore? head was tiiimr, as he transferred th* banknote, crushed into ?. ball, to the pocket of his overalls. Bs - rail) But the lit) ? * Y'' Si Wi ' ? - ' I u ?'??'. ?-?..'? h 11 from the ly succeeded, ?:.d n. i ' pocket. Jimmy had i all the office I | g : "No - i und Jimmy madi- a third trip. Ar:u then he ii'sd a fourth, both timea gingerly fcp*rat ir.f. B bill fri.r.?. I ? .After the fourth tr.p Jimmy ?'.iddrr, !v M.a? ?"'..*. ? panic Bs dropped hi?, hroum, jrrui I :nto tne Bt "Goo, it arao | ? ' ; Do? tectiv? i.iuar -Four h In *t make ai much i the t? h moath for. 1 bead? l righ. ferry a:.? Jos1 caught a train foi Netrark. "i got th* hills ehoaa-d I dida't haec anything than a $5 note and. believe l ? - th? "trite f oldnt ?;et il 1 nut ' ? Seren? mill In th? burg. I -a?s there. 'Girt -?.'.-? ?? .und i half d f?sr '*--.**' i fin i OS ttrfol head t Se I Then wasn't r- iftOf th? third ?lav so I heedi for Philadelphia 1 h a ' ' - T n ; ? stuff ?hout Philiy being * slow toorn -. ali hunk. "Well, I got Btewtd and they pinchH m". Somi tritt guy thert mokes mv name ano says I'm wanted and they on*.' Dettctit a Bottit says 'hat J ? i looked th< j.'.r; of * notoaa he g*ve up hope c ' getting th? - '. i ck. Th? rhilodi r:'..:. hod n? tted somt wise crook -lie r_ money, Hottie thought. '?;.,w macli lis those ?a- e yo.i "' th? detective asked. Before J many r*ou!d s_y anything, the patrolman who arrested bias chimed in: "I don't know how much he eot away w.r.h Is New York Hut when I got bim thtrt ???..s money sticking- out t>f teen pork' t. We counted !?" hills, al! o? fS i -?eh." Bottie didn't believe it until he counted the money, ar.d then th.r that perhaps tht accepted reputation of Philadelphia being the "?leep\ was justified, he turned to, with: "Yes, old top, you must h?ve had some time on clcen bucks in fourtee:, days." jimmy didn't fight extradition and ? ' ? .? hr this morninjr urnugned or. a charge of ?rrand iar ? ? ? . ht toy*. BOY SAVED FROM ASHY COT Hobnken PoUcosaoa Found Him l neoov? sriou? fr?im Fumes. There was a peculiar movement fron; the midst of a little bundle of rags that reposed on a pile of warm ashes in the rear of the Hoboker. Paper Mill, Adams and Ninth Streets, Hoboken, early yesterday morning. Patrolman .Tame? Scot? tf th? Second Pr>' decided to investir?'. Hi foood that only a part of the bundle wa?. mg?. Th?- reel wa? hr.v fifteen years o!d and unconscious from inhaling the gas that rose from the warm ?she?. At Bt Mary. Ho?pitaI he said he' was James I):'.!so. of Til Adami Street. Hoboken. After a quarrel with his; parents h?? had walked the streets until, attracted by the heat of the ashes, he threw himself on them and fell a.<-1 ?? cp? Th. tt : - * ? life. SMASHED UP. THEN HELD UP After Being Humped b> f-led. Hri?er b Pounded ?silh Hlarkjack. Robert Eggsteiu, driver of an auto an unlurkv ? last night. About an hour after bio machine had struck r. sled on ?Thick twu people were ( ?as beaten on the head and ? 'wo hold-in men in a Har!? m halle reaty, of 112 Sherman Aver. .? - - eleven-v?'ar-o!d Klhs Berdine on the Street hill They ran into K.-?. ste n's tr:rk ar.d m-i'1 taken to the Weehingteo Heights Hoapitol. After the eed ? tein drove to .,? te rnake a n'?lu i-r. When he reached the '??'?? rd floor a man ??true?, him on the head with a I jack. As he strogg keep I the hold-up ma;.'.? companion fired a ? at him. The shot bur ad the wall at hi? head. ooothei r"? tine tec deal o?-cjrred ot ISSd Rtreet i in Avenu" Ellen Dracker, thfrteeu, and I Khjh, fourteen. *.4rrr ? I ?Iri it ?1 rui?k s hydro i I fr_c ired tohea \\ n . ? ,-? H< Hospital. Anna ? ?scaped with cuts and bruise:. ' Broadway at 34th St. 'Phone Qrecley 2626 ?ak_r&?ampatui Store open to-day until 6:30 P. M.?Saturday 7 P. M. The Character and Style embraced in our popular Overcoats for Men at $17.50, $20 and $25 simply reflect our reputation in clothes of the higher-priced variety ? It is almost an axiom that popular prices and exclusive clothes are not members of the same club. Ai Sah* ."'vi under the mistletoe together, ? he reason is easily explained. We gained our reputation first by excelling in the production of clothes from $30 upwards. Thus excellence became a habit, and thus we cannot help but tailor our popular-priced models from a higher-priced point of view. This is not nn opinion, but a fact. These overcoats prove it. They are marked at popular prices, it is true, but they show conclu? sively every evidence of higher social contact. They are, in a word, popular-priced overcoats, so cut, tailored and finished as to obviate completely the earmarks of price. Exclusive as a Fifth Avenue Club to look ai, and as comfortable as home inside Single breasters with snappy fly front?. Single breasters with the buttons exposed. Double breaaters, one-half waist, the other half skirt. Kimono-sleeve coats that are comfort personified. Semi-fitting coats, neutral but not nondescript. In every worth-while cloth and color the season affords. Beginning this morning In the holiday bazaar?2nd floor A Sale of Shirts for Men at 89c "-_ A real economy sale of shirts, made of woven cloth:* and high count percales, in plain negligee, soft or stiff cuff??also pleated mode!-:;. Reduced from our regu? lar stock to make this sale eventful. Broken lots, but a fine collection all told. Also, 10,000 Men's Scam at 2Sc ?-.' A great variety of patterns in silks that usually seil for much more. Made in a wide flowing end shape and thoroughly well made. A most extraordinary value and a great Christmas opportunity. Today ?c tomorrow. the fast two days of the Sale of Men's Shoes at $3.95 All of this season's models : ten different lac?* and button styles. *-_ The leathers are mahogany and un Russia calf, black kidskin and gun metal calfskin of superior quality. Sizes 5 to 1 1. Widths A to E. -? The workmanship is most excellent. All have the famous Saks Elastic Heel?an exclusive feature not found in any other shoe. Very special today for Men Sterling Silver Gifts Sterling Silver Cigarette Cases, extra heavy weight, in thin con? cave model, hand-engraved, engine turned or plain. Gold lined, to hold cigarettes on both sides. Lsual price $H.50. at.*pO, i O Sterling Silver Eyeglass and Spec tecle Cases, hand-engraved or en? gine-turned. lsual price $K.50. Special. $4.75 Special today ?t tomorrow Men S Fur-lined Auto Gloves, $2.25 Made of Cape leather in black only, and lined with genuine lambswool fur. All are finished with strap at wrist, which will enable you to fasten them on the hands to your satisfaction. 6th floor LIVED NEARLY A CENTURY Mrs. Wade Remembered (.en. Lafayette and Canal Street Farms. r'-nera! service? for Mrs. Eliza Ar.r. Wade, who would have been 100 year** ??Id ha?i ?he lived un*il March 1, ?-ill he held this evening; at the home of her ?on, Dr. John F. W_4t, 908 Greene _T? HOC. lirooklvn. Tie r.crvicea will lie ond-cted bv the Rct, Mr.ur'cc Am roM Lory, pa?tor at the (,re**ne A*rt ? _?? Baptist Church. Mrs. Wade ha.I teen ill only a veck. Among Jther incident? of her early ?I e would often relate the ?tory of the reception j-iven ?n old Castle ? larden to General Lafayette, at which ??he had the pleasure of shaking his hand. TRAFFIC SQUADS SHIFTED Wood? Make* Keapportlonment foe I'ollre Efficiency. Another move in CommiHs-.oner Woods'? campaign to 'ncrease the effi? ciency of the Police Department's ? ?nd?ng of the city's traffic was made ea'erday in the reapportionn*ent of eta covered by the various traffic ??quad?. Traffic A, formerly tosroting ten** Fourteenth Street U the Battery, will take in all Manhattan "raffic p<?st? be low Houston Street. The traffic men or. Staten Island are ?No iaclo4ed [ rom Ilou-tor Street to Twant-*?MT aath Street ?ill b?? i<?\. red h y 1 raffic B. The district formerly cohered wan from Fourteenth to Twenty.third street The boundaries of Traffic C have been * changed from Twer.ty-th:rd to Eighty? ?ixth street, tu T?er.t>-?eventh Street to Fifty-ninth Street, taking in th? Central Park Plaza. Columbus Circle and all of the Borough of Queens traffic posts. Traffic Ei formerly covering from Kighty-eixth Street north, including the Borough of The Bronx, under the new ??rrangement will take in the entire city north of LTlfl reet. The reapportionment DtCtMitatad a big shift of mer.. The Commissioner announced yesterday the transfer t>! twenty-sir men frorr. Traffic B to Tratte A. nineteen from Traffic C to Traffic B and twenty-two from Traffic C to Traf? ic E. PORTO RICAN MUST DIE (,,>., rm r P ritman l'efuse? to Interfere In Convicted Studisnt's Behalf. Albany. DOC. 14. Antonio Ponton, tht Porto P..ra? ?tudent convicted of 'he murder of Bessie Kromer, a teach? er, of Schenect-- th* electric ch-ir at I Governor v. ? ,- inno-.--.ced to-day that he would not interfere. On 1 ??? of Porto nor to ie that n commi might visit Porto P.ico to invettigott the ciaim that insanity was a tri. 's family. s Save $5 to $25 Take advantage of our great Reduction Sale?be? cause o? the big advance in woolens, the most important in our history. $25 to $35 suitings and overcoatings reduced to $20. $40 to $50 value? reduced to $25. $50 to $60 evening dress materials now $40 for full dress and $35 for Tuxedos?biack or white silk waistcoat if desired. To measure only. Broadway CtL 9th St. j-vnthemt