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???n-THE HOUSE OF NEtSOW'S^"^ THE EDITORIAL STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF JOHN H. FINLEY, PH.D., ?LLD. ?M,ner ?>' Kdin-ation ?nd .-?resident ot the rnl-rrsit- of the State of New York ?.ANADIAN EDITOR V-/11X1AM PETERSON, LLD., C.M.G. r'rin? ij?al of McCiill I'nlvrriity, Montre?! EUROPEAN EDITOR GEORGE SANDEMAN, M.A. Kdinburjrh, Scotland EDITOR TO THOMAS NELSON _. SONS SIR EDWARD PARROTT, M.A., LL.D., F.EJ.S. mOO ?.penalitts and writers in all parti of the world have been eajSPn h ?'?-tn-fr Weh?'l the great Staudard Reference Work. A PARTIAL LIST OF NELSON'S EDITORS t.. n D . As?!*rtan? Director. Editor of r ?* ?Tfarperlment Ska K* i! D . Dlrec-oc ?f lb? Department of Phy?).?, E-u ?'? '.'?'?' y*-. ProfetsOT ef Latiu. Teacher? Ceii-f?, Columbia .1>ER WSSSt ' \VmUU of Kneneering Seme." Hew Tor*-?BmpmmWtma. Ummflt. tSmV ' HI?* CHatWl of the I'aji-American rnkm-P?? ii-4?ri-?. mrpmjJLLg rilAKlJCS. Ph. D. Profesoer of Chemistry. College ef the ?City et N*w TJtmtSmttwtr* ,!??/>",_? C F. M. A, LI? -> . Pre-fe-aoT ef ?el It lea 1 Xcentmr. Dublin C_t.-ef.lty ftiitirel leteect ?i-ER. l/K'l* A,rH. r, A. M Director PrpartKimt ef Terrer. 1*1 Mtinetlim. Car ?*?'? B*-.'**-*-" of Waeb!n?noTi---_/r'?e-r_4iH7v. IfN.'AlCS. MAPCrt't. Ph D. Editor. V. B. Natiom?) l_*-?se_r-_?KttueoHott. tefXtl C. I' Pt r' Instruct??- In (T-_olofry, Columbia T'nlv-wslty?Qeeltpy. umnKS, ARTHVR B, Ph. D- Director et Fublle Librarle?. St. Loul*. M?--_fon4> M ?:' BHPI.?T. HKNT.T. K A. Ph, P. *o)at Edit*- et the "Ottor*. Kcgllih**? *_h*?n 4t?LtT WILL. Artist snd Au'rior?-Free Art?. ??""fOL. CHAKLF.S I . B 6. Ph- D, Profeesor ?rf BMaa-p. ?t?-* Ttft UBtr?r?lt** wsmn nssrntg, wii.i.iam hand. JE . Taetuil -i Editor of -Electrical BnitW*?^MMaayi ? , X> D LI D., Ki.tor of the Nam York -Chr!?tltn Advo ILL1AM H i P ' inglwtiint. ?SWimpM* ?P_.?_i_Hj?Bwffwaar . .171.r. ?? \merl?an roee.Ye'A"?Sports. - JAME" - * ' 'fiirtli NutJonal Ban!t. New Tork?Banking _ v. : ? , * ? and Navy Journal"?American H^uraphy. M I' C. B., ProrfesaoT of Chemlstrc. Columbia - .;l.i: A .' Professor ol Oeelogy, Royal ?College ?1 t laaoa for Ireland.? - HAP.TLET. M A . LMitor of "Letter? of s I ('olerttge"?Bi tfrat*'.1. al Of ?Virelea? Telesraplr. rr?r->lr?s Teleo V Literary Manager of th? Ne- Theatre. AMkof m in U M .'?: L. Prof-MWOI of i..alo_-y. Uarvard I'm-, er.?:--.- neO0rtiphy. et Me l ?Tent System of WIraUaa Telegraphy?Wire - ?> of historical works on the Bautliaia Confederar;,?Am?rican I Pre ?dent of W Je-ieph'? 5-emlnarv. Vonkers?Mem* > . : , Ph D. Profeaaor of Political Btoa?y, Y.'.e 1'imerBlty? E JuHN, a M pi* D. A-Jnnct Preteeoet et English, Columbia Ualigi_uj . .lnHN A A '?: ! D., Profestor of Pout, a | it - Palliatif ef Illinois ? v JOHN, i.i D r S a , P'of??or et CTi*__latiy, Gl* go* Calyrtlljr Ckeme C * - .?? P aftaaai1 of the Principie* ani Practice of ... R. ABRA) of aflea F>-.ort. "Medica] Education in the Utdica of Ion, M ... ?. . ...rltl?s AU Anoclation of New Tork? I'x-r . ? ?' I' <- !.. I.) )> . Litt D. P. R. .-'f.:? Profesior of a.' I'HAKLta I ?>!-?'. -?? .??rfic.Vn. ef Logic an: ! .. of Xorih lVal??? - I). I.I li Author an) rr"tc?Ble--. I?r./es??r of l)__1lall LI tel ?1 r.'o:. \ - ? ?;;.?. ??', Oaaa<n??r"??i?etteei . ? Proftaaor of Beta ?i ? ? I Pi 111 tel si eect. y. ? -i a :?: i: ? B., Profe.??c- of Aaattaq f WaM ? ** '. 'otr, . of A?rloulture. I'nl-.i.'.ry of Call? ^: iDN'EY [? \ I ? U !:- '*-? J - Kn.lroad-i .? ? n?nlag1?al Department of the Ai:.?r! i-, M':r?um Sets 1 ???. KertMquekee ? D., Chief of Bureau of ?THIII?*,lll??**J. I' ."?' Department ? ?? -r...--) Profe-aor of Do?)-; and Ethlr-s. lolumbla Cniversity OtMB-tO).).. KP.'.:;- ,??.:. i?t. K'lltcT. and form-rl? I.-r-urer en Zcolo-r?, Cnlver.ltj .1 D, I.I. D., Prof- Of I. ?-!:.. - tee Voik I ni.Tsitj ? 3. / W ?. !?. l.i. D Presiden! of LaltDd .?-* .!.- . Cnl I RAS !-- ' r of Electrical >.:?ain??rin?. Har.ard , --? ?ItBT. CAhi. ph. d. Professor at -? *?; c -- ?? ? Pwnaylranla K?-reni??. n?_a ?a* P :,?.r. et 1 ? ' ?? I ?#?) Article?. ? D, Direct f the > ? ? .or for the ?rttKly a ad ?..-.*-? '. -e- CWnabta '"nlv. .-?:?;,? ~tme Art . ant-M? ?nd ? ... Ph. D Chief of Nutrition investif_tlon. I ? tiepartraoot ' 'i ' J LAI K) ... Profee-or of Poll) r.;-.eri.|ty of r ? V M . I.I. I forniT I I ' 'mml*MoneT of li.dlan Aflalif H.drefraph! ' >m. e? Hydroprn ... ...... Profei r History. Bra-wn I al * --it>--A..ier. '** ti *? . . ? ? ? o-r aeUmee ? . | | . , - !? >,-1 f( . . - - ? -lire. Prof* if ..f - alran-t**? i ? ?' - r of K^u'?ilon. Te?rher-i ' . ?.' " ?" ? ? rw ' ? ' r- ?nvhstetmmj ? IITT. LL D. Prcf. <? ? o. al Law, ? 'o. ?nib'.a 1 -?iTemity? ? ? ?,.-.- ? .- ?.-?-k dt? -Po.r opto? ? . ?te ',?oior'?t ,'>? lor', .?--..'e Museum Cenlr.qy . - . - ?signer of the U. S. 1 - ?- ? ' ' ladl f,l:?;i. a ..a.? ei _ - Fort Monro?. Va ?? ? t?teme* Al !??; - Autbar of Northward uver th? ? *_P WU ? 1 ? :!.?.|...? ;? ? I ?i? I). I.I, D. P It 8. Prof-.i.-r of ??Try*? -.r C'atveraity Colleg? !'-.-> ^- I aee o.: ? ? ? - entury Dictionary of Namea"?Blo#r?| . 'Aw I ? .*. . LI D. Librarian of OaeT_*tt? ItwtmWttl ? A M ?""it f-oo ? ?*j-T?0 r-rif.i; BDWAJtD P. U. I * - "' ? ..... rne-it..-*. New Tork?Teehnfeal PWu ' H. Ph. D. I ?? - - - ? ...... Cornell fnlverslty? /n-iu?rrtoI ?. . ? am h . d d ..*.:?? - I - .- Otatral AtttarM ?MNftttM ? ,. | er ? I Btveralty of Pei.neylsania ? e*l4?4??! ?... . ? .'e-ier of L.etori an1 En?ll?b I ,. ... LL D D n. Prtfiaa?! or a -rtology, I 4 . .-, . - paaarfM Ktwt.** stem T?w B-jfatu - -? v . r ? ai. i Itnttrt] I? ! , - ? .-?-.- urnbla r D ' '- ar art ?Wawtr. OatuBMa Ualytrtlt*r: Atthtr Jier.-o mtS Btrttf M? / laaaatta" Bal<|?Jtti Sfv"*? Arm*, ttilit'ir j H ography ?!?? I of D?i-artraenl " t of < aleago H. - ? Itrarwr? t*\??L MA. Piof?Moi '?? ?.r? ??. Wtareaatla f Tytae ? i y D. A?sl*tani ??-...? * - It t. ?__!_? ' " BOLLi ? .aB j jJJ*^i:. ADA-* __?.___'':M' ' ? *? '? " '"' ??' ? ? ? . .?? - Da " ' ' r ? ? ? 4 ; . WtUmm^^^' '?'???''Ai'. - ' ?SF- '''?'?'*' M.I* I. |,|. D. A**?>:Iate Prof?-- ? ?.' I, - I nl ' ? ? -V thM-m^- *"'? V/''.'"M : ' I" f M A ?Sy*' ' '""?' ?Li'i?..*''' f" '*'' ' ' Arn ? ' *?..... ^J**t'?)/l: .- IVW.L'AM r* f'.r; ??? '?''"'?' 'JiAI'I.K. I.WrAHII ? '? ? Of Pu I. . . . im Ult-,.* ?'*' Hleior/ ? .?, v.,.. *****?1???__?_h'?' '?'*'" *' '-''''?? A;n?r:*ii Manul al ?tarai Miau? In the year 1798?one hundred and seventeen years ago?in Edinburgh, Scotland, Thomas Nelson laid the foundations of what is now the largest book publishing firm in the world. In the year 1854 the American house of Thomas Nelson & Sons was founded in New York City; it is thus among the oldest publishing houses in the United States. For three generations, the name of Thomas Nelson & Sons has been a household word in all parts of the English-speaking world. I This great house publishes Bibles, Educational and Scientific Books, Juvenile Books, the Standard ! 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A stirring episode in the desperate ti^htinp occurred in i ranee darlas the prest nt European war. ? Tea leparate ttnmGerntaa troops saceeeded la throwiag pontoons across Um canal, onlj to have th<m destroyed by the net of the Allies, Proa VoL IV of KELSON'S L?L (October, 1915) One of Over 7,000 Illustrations in | NELSON'S PERPETUAL LOOSE-LEAF ENCYCLOPAEDIA And Research Bureau for Special Information Letters of Indorsement from all over the World Vaneen ver, n. c, Jane II, 1911 > Chicago, Jane <>, I9ii. M? its. Thomas Nelson i Bens, Pabllshers, Near York ( it?. Messrs. Thos. A. Nelson ?**. Sons, 3**! Poarth Iveaae, Ne? York City, NY Y. Geatlemeai After having s loose-lea i encyclopedia for n.rr two years, I Gentlemen i Yoai letter of reeenl date received in re sterilization of Crte? cnnnut do morr than reaffirm ?rhal I laid m few rnointha utter receiving It?i c, Inals, for which please sccept ray ilncere think--. 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