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CHIVALRY FLIES AS SUFFRAGISTS PLEAD FOR VOTE Delegates at House Hear? ing Heckled by South? ern Democrats. WEBB DECLARES AMENDMENT LOST ( ommittee Chairman Loses Tem? per .Mrs. Catt Sure of Pr?s idency of Association. Rj ______ Bl'GREE. ? rr-r* t-> I?? tttUmt Wathingtoi bet .r -Traft rime? n *? tkt door tklt-llJT flies ou? of the -. ?..m?, A cross-examination that rapidly hecsme heeklmi* wai itltutttl by the Judiciary Committee of the House against representa):? e? of the National Woman Suffrage Associa? tion and l)i?. < oTitrre?iional t'nion to- : The women rame out raging at lha humlHationa to which they had been ?ubjected by tha "chi**alro*aa" Soottftfn Dtnocrata ?ho comprise th? rag ttitj -1 I ? i m p?ltt-tt. Mr?. 1'nttie Ruft itf Jacobs, of Ala- I hama, ?i-ei? tkg Hfftt ire. It ?earned ? o annoy the committee exceedingly to find a Pnuthein woman among tha op? position ??-hen it has been their tran? quil custom in the past to disrnlsa th? aubjeet of suffrage by -aylng "their" women dirln'r want it. Representative; T: g, Whaley. of South Carolina, )n- , terruptad Mr.?. Jacob? sharply when ?.he stated that South Carolina had no l***s reg*u!ating tha hours of women and children in it? industria?. Mr?. Helen lodd. a member of the .National ; ? h M Lahor Com mitt im*, corroborated ? ? don't believe it yet," tnappad the Rtprttantatita. M this point Chairman Webb entered .cm, having been ab? sent during; most of the hearing, and j violated a cnrdinal precept of the ju-' ilirial rode by announcing what )he de- I not only ot corn m it tec, bdt :u be. ptlft *'v well that your : pns?; '.his " >A hy do ?ou come and annoy us?" >ufTragi*?l? Nun-Partie-an. Ur. daw, Mrs. Carrit tone Black ^cll. Rauta-Roci and Harri? I fti<*ago, de . ?apport the mili- : ? ?? i ongrttaiana] Unioa, ?. non partiaan in then . .. Anthony .; pca'.rd to and Republican ?ban nad . 'fll to ? itional Union the ?/?-?rati then and ?.f tha "lobby" tvai athad for by Rtprttaatativt i ida; liai iiemanded Mi tfbalty. ? paid," tai. Paul. "I, ? . -?\pen?es paid when I was ..-out the country-. I am not ~y" ?Have vol . rs who are paid ' ?lui- orgaaixtra art paid $70 a' month, out of which they pay then- ' :?pense*" ( ampatgn Againat Democrat?. 'Wc campaigned againat every one , of the forty-three men running on the Democratic, ticket in tho suffrage states, and only nlnttatl came back," she went on, explaining the policy of 1er organization. "whir, we ?-am? hack in December Wg vent again to' the rule, c-nim.'.teo. ai.d they aaid | they hail no greater desire in the world than to bring Burtraife up. They said we, must have rnisunderstood them, i Laughter from the Reriuhlicnn i ;emhrrs F.very one of the men we had campaigned airainst vote?! for our bill " Representative WebS Are vou cer? tain to ge out against the Democrats ?ga'n |f the Mearon lost this :. ear? Miss Paul What we ar? doing It g-iving the Democrats their opportn- Ity W#? cannot ?Ute what our future policy 111 be. Can you state what will be tha Democratic platform In 10D>? Webb- ? can tell you one plank that 11 mt be there, and that is a plank n favor of woman suffrage?. Kcpre-entativ? Gardner We should BOOKS tonn a molt acceptable a*?d artls '.'?? holidiv pr?sent. Wide variety ? if books on any subject suitable ;-'irs;. MALKAN'S NEW YORK'S LARCEST BOOKSTORE 42 BROADWAY Phone 3900 BROAD not approach thi? hearing In any p? tisan sense. What reason has yoi orgnniza'ion for asking Congress this amendment to states th ? i on the question ? Caul They have never voted ..f tin- national amendmer uni] we power to back up th method. ei You are using this meth? ? you think you have power enforn I'.iui- Because we know ? have powei. Repre*en'*?'ve Volstead -This ii gniri ?'molutely unfair and in It is cheap p1 Sin?, i .-?! r;e Chapma Catt as prtlidan. of *.'r?.- National A. sociation was practically made unan by the withdrawal of Mrs. Mir \ ar. Winkle from the running. Mrs. .? Winkle was the "hyphenated" cand date- that is, ?he wa? a mtmber ? hoth the Tongressiona! Lnion and tr National Asseciatior.. Her platfon was eooptration battra? Um rlttl ? gani'-at;ons. Mrs. Frank M Ro-??s!ng, of Peni ?ylvania. was the unanimous choice c the convention for first vice pre?,den Other? on the administration tu-ke ?hieb trill undoubtedly be elected, ai Mrs, BUitKy Me-Cotnuek. second vie? pratidtnt; Milt Ksther Ogden. of Ne Jersey, third vice-president; Miss Har nab Patterson, of Pennsylvania, cot? ?ponding secretary; Mrs. lames 7, ?,; ,. ,,.- -i -, ii ' ng secretary; Mr Hoary Wads Rog. rs, treasurer; Mr Walter lleNab Miller, of Missouri. An ? ,-. an4 Mr? r?ttlt Jacob?, ? Altbaata, second tndltar. The in*ui ? have nominated Mr? Ago' Jenks and Mias Maud Yo*inger r? Ml and second auditors SMITlT?TTACKS WILSON POLICIES Senator Calls Administration ; Failure in Address to Republicans. President W 'son's ?nroi-national pol icy and his programme fur dealing wit I tha nation':! industrie? alike were sub jec*ed to hitter denunciation by Sen ntor William Aider? Smith, of Michigan in an address last evening before thi Republican ?'ount*. Committee )n Bry un? Hall. Senator Smith declared that then was a close relationship between pa triotism and h protective tariff, sine? th?, protective tariff did not conten? plate placing the subjects of a foreigr country upon a footing of equalitj with our own citi?. '??ierrnany is a striking example of a successful protective tiiriff," said he "Any policy that places the foreigner on nn equal footing with those whe live under our flag is an unjust one I think thai the reason the British 1 H-.e responded ?0 slo'viy to the call to i uns is that there is a j-reat -?.eakneF.s n the Hi.rish ?r.mprc. Their funda montai fiscal and financial polie;.. un 1'ich the foreigner may poach upon the unprotected mar? ? trouble. ????hen ?Voodio-v \v on tool, the oath of office our factorial hummed with industry. In lot? than nine month? his policy hroujrht vis to the ?,c:vc of industrial deapair. The pros followed v?as due loll the war tnd artificial eonditiont. "The Democratic party ha? b?*"n ig hol? the tariff trail? ?? er ? ni ?5, I on too? the oath ? et. -'1 think our people are ashamed of pari they took in the latt Pre-, .' tltction. 1 think the Adniinis tratioti is a fallara. T do not think that nave any policy at all. Tbt Dg. They drifted In the Mi situation, arid they are drifting now." GIFT TO EMPLOYES BY COLUMBIA TRUST Pension, Death Benefit and Profit Sharing Plan Announced. A pension, death benefit and proi' sharing plan wa? adopted yesterday by the directors of the Columbia Trust Company for its employes. The scl.eme will include the distribution of a part of the profit? of the company, after allowing a fair return to the stock? holders for their investment, th* being 6 per cent on the capita!, plus and undivided profit's, Ten per cent of the surplus earn;inrs have boon set h side for the employes' fund. The initial distribution prom: be liberal, as the year just closed has been a prosperous one for the true* company. Formerly quarterly dividend? of ? per cent wee paid, but foi ! time past the company has been paying "per ? ? ? .at each quarter deposits at the beginning of the year wert tppro ? ,J now : they are 110,000,1. In addition to snaring profits the em? ployes will have the option of r? on a libera! pension at the age of sixty, provided they have served twenty year?-! There ii also included a prat ;on for payment at death of a round sum based ? lary and length of service , example, the wife or other beneficiary ! of a $2?ri00 a yepir man who hat been with the bant? fifteen vears will receive over $3,100. '.'he new system supplants one of paying to each employe at Chr time a certain percentage of 1 is o hot ?alary. This custom is Inr. lent in the finan?ai district ?Among the banking institutions announcing _Tatuitic? to employes yes? terday were the Liberty National Han.. tie directors voting a bonus if 10 par cent of each employe's paltry, pared ??nth S per cent last year. The executive committee of the l'nion Tru ? Company voted the usual boavt of 10 per cent. The Guaranty Trust will pay 10 per cent this year, against I p. r cent a year ago. C<M+4c? Sfart jfrf Win/ Style and Service arc thr very foundations of this long r.stabliahed business. Whatever you buy here you may depend upon as correct in style, and in quality. Neckwear at 40c, 50c, 60c, $1 & $1.50 Ihr best that tan be obtained at the abo\c price? if jinu've never bought h/thcrdaxhery here nom in the lime to begin. Fi?f.h Ave.Building- Broadway Cor. 24th St. VOTE WAR TAX FOR NEXT YEA* House Democrats Pas Measure Extending the Present Levy. ALL REPUBLICANS OPPOSL THE BIL! Senate Expected to Agree to th Extension Before the Holiday Recess. '? Tr* MSSB* Bur-lti I Washington. Dec. It?With the F.? publican? whooping their war cry tha the Democrats are incapable of runnin ?he government without, special t&xe or bond issues, and the Democrats ami injf the dei*nc? that "the ***r Is ra sponslhle," trie House, after tall | tbs afternoon, passed to-night a join resolution continuing the present n tax for another year. Wvs Democrat joined tne Republican* in votioi against tha re?olut;on. The resolution will go to 'ha Boaat ?o-morrow and is espsotod I be passe? by that body end be ready fot the Pre? ident'a aignavjr? by .qatuiria>. ? |r,th houses hope to ndjourn for tin ? hrl'tmii? holidays. \ risins *?"'? eras takea^ ss whirl the Rep?blica ? ?.<? lu n ocrai i only ' rolleall ?i. dsmanded and paga sent scurrjrlng foi mors Democrat! Finally th? ?? ? tot th? previous question *in?l 192 sgaiast, anc so the sneeche* b Mr. Kit'''.in did most of the talkii.c for the Democrat!.- ? .if Ha begun th? debate vrlth ens apesch and elo?'.l it with another. His principal aifamea, was at> appeal to the pa'riotism si tho members to vote for the continuing resolufion on the ground thai ' ?** Treasury had to havo the money. Ha ?ntimateii that there night br no ijir:?' mas holidays if the rsoelation failed to p(.s<!, as the present tas sxpirei t- law lVeember 81. I/ongwnrth ?ii?es Figure*. One of the most force*' ac?tin-?* tbs Demoeral I ? ,l ,ioii<--,, which ha<! mad'- th? tl : v. atnl figi.inst the Jaggling of '1- '' " '?alance, was tas Btaidsti effort of h i ? '?=fr?or.d timo'' m Coagrsaa of Ucpre tiva Nicholaa Longworth. ??Ill- situation simply is, and I illustrated in the Btrenoonslj enthu siastlc speech of ths Isadsi oi the majority an hour ago," said Mr. Long worth. ' ? bal If ws do nol pas? resolution before ths i I or re.'ess the Tr 1m. bai I "The fiscal *>ear of 1 a balance m the Treastirv of more thai. 100,000, On thr 11th of thr? fol lowing .Tun?? the balance hud ihranh to $17,000,000, a losa "f more than $127, 000,000, or an average of more thai 1,000 n month. In ths las' f? 'lays of Jans, however, ths lerews had been turned anil twisted to exact th? 'ast pound of fle.-h oui of the payers of the income tax. ami tit- balance rooe on the 80th of June to $82, $104.000,000, but tu $82,000.000 an.l ! again *i.e process of rres.on set in. un ?;! on the 30th of September the ba'anc had fallen to $-.0,000,' three mont-s, or on averse loss per month of nearly $1 ? r'.---, marvellous to re?a'?. nd tha the balance It ? I i mor" lid tl happc: ? Had 18$ fron hea- I . .? of paddln fig irot ta | ?*-. it?d, i I nal tra of th situation. "Ti.r-e It a I trftei ?ray I find out what the Tre?.?-jrv bal trice i to-day. Snbtrt I ?? - 0, th amount you padded it ?:tn in iictobei fron -?'hat ;t is to-day. ar.d what i your ans-ver? About :- ? ?"' Th paltry f2i?.0on.ri00 represents the rea balance ii tht ffM -ry, and If ?n cons have been lo?i*?gabou zrt"~ ?- r. ? * ; ' ?iftlj ranish awa; heard from again.*" I nelt Joe ?"annon ?uggi itad I ? crats the ' 000 of Panana Canal bonds, could be issued row for ?ron principally ander Republican adminis .ration- Re urg. ?? th? I I I int war tax to six o: months, or to the IIf? of th? | ' ..ngres? CHURCH PEACE MEN OPPOSE BIG ARMY Union s Trustees Urpre Nation t? Fight Proposed Increase in I.and and S?a Forces. Trustee* , ?" ? I? i by Andrt i ? io. I9H estar 11 on a eed that th? , fit incr? , hould h.* made to the peo; a demand, and that -hould be aaked to discover the | oil; pended mor? ' fber tht armv ?'I? :ent in spite of 'he ev i R? solutions to thi? effect were adopted at a meeting on Tuesday. Several of the trustees were obttn) from ? ? ?;, ai. I i ne, Borough I'r il dent sttrday disclaimed vith the rian?of os ? mbodied In itnt i ? l '? 1 . t present at the i hi? h wa? tho D David i , Pro) Bipscopal Bithop of . i Mart i, ' trd W, II I'. ! Judge Henrj Wad? Rog? I Glei Dr. C. S. Ma , i Henry 1 ord, Of tht ) ? ? ? .Ira?*-' ;' ireer. F B. ?A'i I ?on, Dr. Joi * ? Ish, Iranci? : ? l,. Bpeer, Di Juni ' ?.-?? *> j'lyi ipton, lohn R Mott, Dr. William Bdwii D Ret '*?* illiom Lan i in? e, Dr. ii . Pi ofessoi \v I Hull, Ham Iton Hoi?, Rabbi Kmil Li. Hirsch, Di Prank O. Hall, Bishop B. R. Hendrik, Dr B. F. Clark, Dr. A .1 P?rtai ? Mean r Mai Cb icag. i nivtr bteni ? Dg tin? ? mboaied in the resolutions. Kaiser s Guns Beat Time as Belgian Officers Tango ('?inlinueal from paae 1 .scars of shrapnel on the ceilinjr and jagged hules with lonfi* eraclu radi - from them In tin* glasi behind the bar. Evei 'hells Ostend the German! shell Ptnrnes. \nd the Unman -ta?* Oa. Hut when we asketi the aroman from arhon* we bought our -Ane why .she did not go away she laughed and said: "This is ti. ."' and when we left she asked 'is to come again. "I avili be here," ?-he said. From Fumes snd X. we wer.t Into ' the first line again and stood with the Belgian soldiers in trenches that hardly cama to our waists, and looked across the inundated section to the German lines. As a wet and gTBS hanged suddenly to a Wat, night, wo tramped back through 11 ? e uotlilcn fields and tht? Y clinging mutl to our automobil?-. to La Panne, the Belgian ca: wet, dirty and cold, and as we CI without light:, through ths blacl lighted streets of Ls Pal ne I shi? ' i. the corner of the automobil thought it a fitting cud tu ?urh a day eh ;? front. Our car atopped before mai i. loon a t) ?I ?? .-. ? -i .loor -.tumbled lab lights uf Broadway. We wen : principal hotel of La Faune. Thick curtain.? veiled every window si VOBted the slightest particle ..f light reaching the streets, hut iasids tho electric ?amps burned in prodigal brill iance ami the halls and i were Hilad v.' th jovial, su. fres Belgian officers, while ? a string orel Si trs of Bi -v ? played tangos, oaa-Stepa t all the latest music from Y From Trenrhei to Tango. Some frurn the front, in mad-caked, rain-as ? and uniforms, t. to tha terio?- depths of the big bestial retained fresh und clean ami smiling to join in the gayety. I went to tht to obtain a room, nr.d then- talked with ? a gray-haired Belgian woman 1 to run the hotel for the officer "It is terrible peuple killed that w.iv." she said. Her Indici I I were all Y>r t: ? Phat she. too, was in danger she thought of. It was her d ? I Tanne and look aft.-r the officera. And all the time. at:.. - *he hail, the orehe-- soldiers p ? ? latest l St night the only time [ ate .. ? - ' :i the Bel it. rman guns, :,-v:vtir; of B nation tango whils BdgtaSM Build Vn ? a?tle?. < luh, ? ?? ' lighted wine ami prospa ' when the < | -tie hill Id:'.. lim it a at? . light on t.) victory, DO ? i' takes. T thought af the gray-mustacheti I i.i,.! I tele] he sai'l. " Ton Id,' 1 tells me. 1 - Bacl ? f. ? y $ ? tel, I s . thin cover- of the summer ? would con; ? to La " through th? aighl sdowy eolj ; e train* ' the m out linej ' I ng I the way to the first line trenches -pec"re of an ?rinv risen from Ami I fell a?!eep te tha mui ..... t, float? low. 1 rol i Ball SN uncn.T; uerablc. ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS (r?? de Tiis~? Bun-*ti 1 ?-???' ?r 1?. AHM r -. i.?..?. RM v? i tTTVt ? -. > ? ' ?. 4 ,-.!?? ?I >?r-l ? - , - - IOHN V ?.IlKf.M M?* K * I ? ?. ? ? . \'. I ?- ? ? ' I-' . - ?., ? - - * j ? . - ,.- *' [__> ~i ,'>IU.4\ '-~m -i rtu.-?. n_. ??> I K-t M - 1?*?.- at ?*???-? f'.r on? m-r.iS > I I i . u ? ? '? I *r-*?_l I- ' If -?: i : . wn.r.iAii a -.i in - ..??Jl-l ?l.r?B?.. ? A\". I'.-.- *.-??? j-?1e> R. r. gn.i. ^.,?4. :.?fl -,:,. 1 t.-?l'iir* ??? ? ?*,i K*r*/>cl*? ? , . I*... ? , - ,. il". > . - ,?-?11. I ? ? ? r? *.??? ? , -ns, d?. I I" n?r> i . . ? ' t*| >*rit , . -. ?.' ? I . ?. .. ? ? - J HUM | on i u__i? o-L a. ur. -_ u > te t ._ s..; ?____>- ' r~?ree. A ? - lea ? ??-??!? F^n tamrar ??-> ata ?"t-?? lai-an i M BCTUUL ^.x"a.i r~v, Mart? - Baj--. ? '? ? -* Marte* '.-a. '?I Vaa? lient i Mi ! par. 1?- I r?a? D* ? ! . ? ? ' i ? ? a ?' ' ? -.- ?: l x..:. - r ? l-v ?? T-v a - | ... . uui ? ''-> ? ? ' ? ? ? ? - a - -i a. H?' ? ( ?-. . .... t?,. t ' ?-.?. - I... ? t 1. la II ? ? < ' ? ? la .. r<_JBM .'<*- Uta.. ?a CALLS TAVENNER "PORK" HUNTER Navy League Officer Says Attacks Were Wade to Help Pass Bills. CITES $1,000,000 I 01? HOME ARSENAL $6,000,000 Armor- Plant Pro posrd at Rock Mand for Polit i - cal Plans, Sa?,s Dadniun - ' Arthur H. ? m an ?i i Club to-night. a) o' OU) - I pi H. Ta i ] oasaulti oi ? Mr. Dadmun a ? ? iting . ? "i ?f Mr.'s ... . . ? rheir eriHe.T ers to insure . capable O? defoi ? linst i ? l< 1 ? I fin nul;. and an in. v? h i c " v inton - Mi 'a ehargta ? Ogaintt ) ' ' \ ..rii-an I ? .;ui* : ; ? the opening of Congraii kl lut n lie introduep ? -. ont g for the expenditure of 11.000, ' ? no for tht eppi moi j plan' ? s) Kork [aland The ? plan) ? mean hui '.ap-j thou sands, of political job lerving enable ? ? ral machino, U, on turcs tie seems to have - ? "In hi? aridity to ohtain these ap priipriations and plunge ant ht trill eren eomprow . " *i . ? [ Ltagut he of il to ) nmenl sh.-. ir. If the Navy i . Ult on thi? proposition. I w i ! oy demand for an in I, ? , I I rig a bill '? ? ? TO LET RED CROSS AID FOE Biitith njunl I ? ?->? Ataaraa-tct That icuioi* njonit Vet "-?uppiie?. r , , . | : 1*1.1*0'.' ? ' '" ? nieili g with on un - ? ll-e,| 01 FRENCH AVIATOR RAID FOE'S POST Surprise Enemy ^n A|S|1 ?German Airman Bring! Down Seventh Plane. BRITISH CAPTURE HOSTILE TRENCHE Deadly Fire of Preach ?iui Shatters I cultin P.Tsitions in ArgOniM and ??n MCWC. London, Dec, II Germans are preparing for an offensi* in the west persist, bat thus iar tha: ? pt artillery engag mente i Bight French svfatora mad? ? l rosts c i a;.'. tO*da* German ' ' * :.lau?', an Fn; lish n o ear Valencienne Berlin ? [*hs Briti'h oflcii communication denle* the German r? port that four Allied aeroplanes wei "?-a.rcraft gur I .1 g -, i me and Peroi ? ! \I llhelm, Baden. Berli raid o ? t no military dai ... report reaches nea The deati fat., rman amrou avieresi Yr the (lise and the Aisne, last meh ?i.-.lay of ' OStils trenches an. other positions in the Argoiitie, on th Meuse and on th - ? I i y l'ai ? - -in otfl cial stammet:? - ? mete. GERMAN OFF? .. ? There have ? , ? greater rar of the front. S'ear \'ailly, two smal . f th? . . . wei sttacked bj tlip French 'hiring th? night. ? Immelmsna' pssterdaj cau ? aeroplane Eng! I ih moi to fall ova? Val? ? ?'??- an it'-rial bat ' BRITISH OFFICIAL. I ?? Bl ? ? I itat ows: Ls It mall enterprise? werf I out neai Armentieres, hoatile trenches being entered at d their occupants disposed ? ? 1 >ur looses were trill Th?? report h th? German wirelesa Of the 16th that WS lost four Bern i I untrue, l REN? M It ?tat In the Valley ot ti i Aisne .?'neust of Vailly, ?oil on I ? , 'lay against a group ??' ! by the ? In Ihe Argonne mine re? ded In I he r? gion i - ? (>ii t!,. Bol . : i . a well rei: age. UM (Serbs and shelters sf th enemy and caused several 1res. Out trench guns blew up .. ammunition depot near Quer.nevirre last night. Austriaiis Capture Italian Positions in Flitsch Regioi Par.? Doc. '.t.. Ihe continue bardmaat sf Geriaia by the Its ? ' "?-.??"^an attacks , .tnd the t'aiiuv? \ - id SB two town* m Vs a art rep.? ll com -. ? -lav. Visnni eaaturs b| Austrian force . an advanced po-U.on m th. - . CITIZENS PLEDGE DEFENCE SUPP0R1 Mayor*! Committee Ariange1 for Convention of Prepared MM Bodies. "Th.? organised voies t? ? I i - ship of Nsa York." ,? I Mitch? called It, spoke in th? Aldermani l'hamber in the Citj Hall restarts] E ? a? prepared a i bj tiie ? (ationa . i a orgaaisatioi ng, ehoa? ? rommittees and cbeertd ? on an ader . 1 ork ha? a right to ?peal upon thi? question,*1 titc;nr?d Mr ning toe m??? t ing, "n ' I ?? .-. i it i? reated -.. ... ,i ? r the meet . ? sraslles Vanderbilt, chairman t.f ths executive cor:i?ii *?ee Maitit W, Littleton read the preamble ot th* itltution of the United States, lay ing stress upon the phrase, "to pro rid? for the commun di fenec ' A resolution was adopted without fter being seconded by Her.rv imson, former Secretary of War in ?rbich th? committee agreed to sup? port President VS Uaoa and Courreas in their efforts to place the army and navy on at. adequate fighting basi*. It was also agreed to cooperate with other orgai - ati ngl ening the national defence, and. furthsn on I and munleipali? urged to org ir own it? preparedi ? i i fa ? tat The final cIsUM of th? t*SS4 smpOW? red Ul? executive committee to communicate with other defence or K*ani-ations snd maks arrangement! ft?r a convention at ?rhieh ai! < a be represented. POET SEEGER* NOT KILLED Other Xinerienna. Also Reported Dead. Are Alive, Baps French Fighter. Boston, Dec 16, Bdwai .1 Moi Angeles, who vlth the Pre?e i for mora than swarded the Military picaoua brat ary, ai rived to day on the Cretie from \ay It had been reported that he, \ thi poet, nnd othe. Americans In the Foreign legion, had been L Keeger, when Morlae last saw on Oci sad f I who, 1 - Franc. . Y Y K | Dennii l?o\?d. of I ? - - It J. J. Casey, a ? "Bob" Scanlan, ; ? riliat, and I of Batt e Creek ! eh. The last nsmed hsd two rib broken shell. INDIA'S REVOLTS LAID TO CHINA British Press Charges Aid to Germans in Smuij. gfl.tlg Arms. WARNINGS COME FROM TEUTONS, TOO Republic. Pressed from All Side? and Shorn of Jurisdictin Is Utterly Helplesv r. ? og, Nat It. ' ???: ? - ? irbt i b] the rumors of ser i ing? in India. All te'ej-rsm? cent?.-, ? ?' troubles int-.n-.ate >., the di?turba'u*e i? th? rttl man activity? mad? r ?*iv'e t?r?... the smugi?linjr of Bngtl '.7?ers chsrire th? | I ' ?- ? et in . preventing Hermans from . arm? and ammunition, nnri that the Chinese are too friendly ? . ?jerman ??rent?. I ?'?patches from Ruaakt ' -, that the Russian offlc all ;--ei th? set.? Barata? agaatt it ?hma ?hcu'< -eked and al?o lufff-eitlng that ? ? . All.-* se|-e i.erman ?c?. ,????,or.? Il Chint h?ve he?- v?r?r ?).?. concerting < I?so official? ?re -,?. with roiitd threats from ill ?ides. Hi; li-rertntt eonttantl) remind th? Ch;r*n* of what *?ill happer ofttl th? ?it I? case they chow ? ism. German t eer-spapera intiattalb f?n> ure the Germ?n ar i Turki?'.*. ?c",v;?m :n Asia and boat) "?at th? toro*? I! Emperor William will ?oon touch C\' r.ete territory on the w?s? Japan and Run.a ar? eonttantl; ri 1 ? g (luna of its duty toward tt? i hina's helplessness wa? n?r?r _*, clearly rxtmpliflttd 'liar, in th? pre, ent international cr?ale. Hs*"inf Un forced to ?urrender Jurisdicth-, r-? much of her territory, her hold os?. affair? is frail u.-.d her rfli"?.( roign power? are more ur.iu??j ? er as a result of the uj??e?t -j ? ? -. 1 'ir hai bt? i n? chairman of the Cour.c;! ?{ State, luecaoding LI ' nan-hun? l.i Yuan h IB titrated te !y rank with the title of Print? '?*? | ?he men* ing of which I- k Righteousr ? Tokio. Dt? II He' '? r?tific?tle* | arrived. Japan ha? for-?r_?d t< Chint the note f ? ? -.>nt? Piy? ors relatre to the rr "'abliihrrent ?' ? a I nine-, nor ? :ote it e' . nit* nature, hit empbastmi m ' MM tl ?"en nf tk? thelt ri_+*i in case of outbreak? ITALY HAVEN EOR KLNG l'a lare at (aserta Will He I'st-d ? h inte Peter, laya Report from Roar i, I ?ce |?J - rr.*-l Sa ' '"rom Ins M trill tab? i?' ,-? \ P?-if H - * Mttio" an tl .- tht King f the pataca i -" prep?"*) M. LOUiS DIAT, CHEF OF THE RITZ. For Christmas Dinner What? How will that family of yours dine on Christmas Day? and what will be the cost? Let the food experts help you. Two pages in next SUNDAY'S TRIBUNE are devoted to the menu ideas of dinner architects as different as Commander Eva Booth and the chef of the Rit/. Itemized lists of costs are gi\en for a family of six, from soup to nuts. There's f)r Mar\ e> W i lev s chaste repast of the dietitian at $2.10 complete, a Teachers College feast at $4. a Vegetarian Dinner by the editor of "Physical Culture" for $3.50, a suggestion from ihc luncheon director of Pratt Institute at Si per einer, and then the two extremes? I \a Booth's menu at $1.80 for six and .M. Louis Diat's Rit/?Carlton food-poem which can he scrimped, perhaps, within $50.00. The prices listed are those of one of the big markets. The ideas suggested are practical and can be applied to your own dinner table. Tell your newsdealer to da\ that ?text Sunday's Tribune is one paper which you can't afford to miss. (Sd> ?httt?ag STrtlnttw First to Lost - the Truth: News-Editorials- Advertisements