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MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Recovery as Crisis Over Attack on the Ancona Seems Less Acute. IRREGULAR ADVANCES IN THE INDUSTRIALS Traders Cover at the Opening International List Quiet Specialties Put Up. As Wall Street Interpreted the over? night news, our note to Vienna had bee.? described as an ultimatum was not to lie our last word and Aus? tria's reply, aneettafaetory though it might be, would probably lead our au ?ie< itito another maze of dip'.o falthor com ? n house selling was in evidence sning to Indicate public ?p I raders who had put out short commitment? late on Thursday bought stock back and price? rose. '?here wa? little to carry on the ad? vance, as it ?till BOOBied a questionable to start new buying, but after a on from th? I ?nprovement prices hardened In the afternoon and . d fairly firm. Bo far as later dispatches from ngton went, it appeared that the lustration still toos the Austrian question icriou blie, Who when , ?i,r. ,..,? i dominates security market?, lug bo ilgi - iturbed si criais? II may well be thai renewal of widespread Inter? "larket may be delayed beyond what had been the general ex? pectation. Yesterday's Irregular advances were partlcalarly convincing. In the final trading American Smelting and Ing rose to above par, more than I points up, on active purchasing. The copper stock? had earlier made gome -3! advance a? better reports came 1 ?.m the market for the metal. Mar? ran tile Marine preferred on large deal? ings made considerable gain, of which not all was held to the close. Baldwin Locomotive, after rather erratic fluct? uations, ended nearly 4 points higher. Consolidated da? advanced again, and. Sacral, those issue? which had proved most vulnerable In Thursday, locline, made up the losses then experienced. The intern?tlonal list was quirt, hut for the most riart ended without reces - on. Steel, ?ess activo than Mercan Varine certificates, ended un changed. 'Ihe railroads received little attention, through fear of ?elling for London account on any important rise. New York (entrai, however, advanced on a ?.mall amount of ? is. The Anglo-French notes Early in the 0 they rose to 95'*, and they lower than 94V In I for the note? is un? derstood to be up to expectations. The British five-year 6 per cet?* exchequer bonds resulted in marking previous government issues in British investor?, Bceerding to French announcement. purchased $120,000,000 worth of ths new Fiencii loan, which wa? dealt :,?>;,- at above the Cable advices from ? report success of the billion ruble I pef cent loan assured. In our market a little further flrm appearad la monetary conditions. Sterling exchange was quiet and some? what lower, Fvchange on Amsterdam high levels and, with Brit? ish authorities interfering with our thipmentl of gold to the Netherlands, is far above what customarily is re- , garded as the gold export p DULY IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Kaily imports and exports of gen? eral merchandise at the Port of New 'i ork were: ?mr ? Vxports. : II ??'.Ml 5 1 l.urR-ln?. I" ?< ? ? \\ edueiday. Pec II.... 1 ,'-?? t'.m.M It. I it. 4.170.041 t??tU'day. I'ee. 11. l.tM.ri Il K7 |7S Dee 10 . ??< ?- t. 5.7S5"_S 11 _12,612 - ??!?? Vets. I I ?! U.ITl.til ' ? 12 WX>.7_) ilotiiU). Pec. I . t.464.?41 1? 270.167 _______ ,ow Price Rails r?eR.R. ?-out hern Se?b~?r<1 M . K. * T. ? ? ' * :-. \?e?l Mil at 1.1 \? i?,. * i*?. K_n. ( It? Southern I' nr? I, th* tlm? t? buy tt>? I?? ?He* rail?, ?*u ?III ?ant I*? in*?- Which hold, th? |r??|??t ?'?-I,? f?r **hane?m?itt* Whlrh I? t*,t ?rf?imhed a-rsjnit ? l??i ? artas i? i*???-_i i, th? ?Mt dMlrtal? srtetrtyt T? uiui- ?turtrlt wrfwr. I?. ???ti?? ?-?.. ?heult [?null STANDSSO CARD ?CPORTS ? n tl? HMBOee-kl ?h|?h l?t?r??t ,?u *>*?t '*?. ?Ill k* nallad t* l?<|. ?niu?!i ?t SO (??!?_ mcV Bank ?r? t*t trtktrt Mr* ?it? ?"?-? !?' U? ,-_r? Addrea* Ilepl. r Standard Statistics Co. 49 We.) St., New Yorlt City Union Pacific 7,** ?S - ' ? ? ?inl't, I*. Were*W V. *" 1 - ? ... M?r_it__ . Send tor Copy The Financial World 18 Broadway New York AJI WALL STREET ra ? DOW, JONES BULLETINS & TICKERS Inveilor? reed THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, .? '.' NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE l RIDAT, DECEMBER 17. IMS. Total ??ale? Of stocks Friday. .""?Di.-OO. against 6.-.9..00 Thursday MS3N ?* week ago and 221.100 a year ago. From January ! to date, 166,721.300, against IT,svi,,.ioo a year ago. rate Shares Quotation Range. .?!,| itnen. High. Low. Final, chge. Alaska Juncau.....I 1.100 10 -?', 188 81 4 88 101 IPO 4 Adein- Expresi. ? i Minea. 15,600 -".'it \ ? ' . leWO 31 - AlYs i halmen pr. 60 An rar. Y'*" " . \ . B. B. & F. etfe.... 100 102 h Arn B - I P. pr. etfi i? i'-"1 Kta. <a,. 6,800 I 7 A- . 400 111'4 1 2 Arn. Car i Foundry.. . . 7 Am. Car & Foundry pr. ?.: ' ?.-ii Product? I A Oil. '. Al nil pr. \ i. Expreai . Am Hide * Leather pr Am. Ice Securities. Am. I . Am. Lineeed pr. An Locomotive . 7 Am. Locomotive pr- 800 101 . ting . 81.61 2.500 100 116 400 ' 200 |S0 . .",1 ? - . 108 190 M 111 116 To'. 300 ?jon 100 100 600 Km f :??? ting pr. ?Am. Steel Foundry i . 7 Am pi . 8 Am. Tel. ft Tel. i obacce . ? Am. Woolen ctfs. - - Am. Woolen . Am. Woolen pr. 5 Anaconda . 6 Atchieon . 6 Atchieon pr. 6 Atlai ' Line... Baldwin Locomotive.. . 6 Baltimore & Ohio. 4 Baltimore & 'Uno pr.. 116 1634 152 - 127 127 51 . 224 18 4P, ?Hi ", 101 !' Y loo*. 874 100?? .".Ill ill 111 111 '.tun 61 '"l'l ? ? 700 ! 1164 115 - 1184 118*4 4"" 12s', 1284 1284 128?. : 88 127 26-, 69 13 i 81 a 824 ? ? . 102 190 ? . Ill 78-K ii? 163 H ?.", 98 127 51 114 loi ;, Rid. 181 4 814 3 1014 ei 59 4 1164 Y. '?, .'? 1 4 874 4 128 . i,. 101 I 1004 1104 61 Ask 104 140 I ? 111 i 2 ; 4.". "a 10 a 614 4T 47 . 8,000 600 1054 900 101 '-. 150 II? 20,800 116 1,100 92 ion 7T4 18 18 954 i 1054 101 4 114 IT Y IT 1064 loi Y II I Batopilas Mining. 1,200 84 - Bethlehem Steel. 200 470 8 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 200 884 8 Brooklyn Union (?as.. II ? Brunswick . 100 114 :. Burni Bros. 100 .'?O Butto & Superior ( op. 1.".'?"? 3 Butterick . 100 81 < al. Petroleum. 6,200 4 < al. Petroleum pr.' 13? 10 i anadian Pacific.! 2.Toll 1794 7 lire, J. I., pr.| 100 B84 4 i entrai Leather.' 8300 7 Central Leather pr. 100 109 ? hcsapeake iv. Ohio.... 900 614 Chicago A Alton. 108 10 Chi. (.rent Western_ 100 H"< 4 < hi. Creat Western pr. 800 884 4 Chi., Mil. _ St. Paul... 1,800 924 7 Chi., Mil. & St. Paul pr 60 132 Chi., R. I. & Pacific... 2.600 164 s.i Chine Cop. Copper. 3,ion 614 I i opper. 600 234 ? olo. Fuel & Iron. 6,011'? 61 i omp.-Tab.-Kec. Co. . . . 700 194 1174 IH 924 92 774 ti Consol. Cas. E. L. & P. 200 1Y"> :C 178 -- . 188 n 4 864 68 ! I 81 814 80 1794 584 109 614 10 144 38 4 98 183 II SS 24 62'7 49-4 115 774 ?? 884 114 864 68 II 2!? 69 1784 83 - 524 109 61 10 144 - 924 182 18 01% 284 61 It 116 II 48 1014 114 117 924 774 479 884 18S 114 864 68 ! ? 81 804 ? 68 109 614 10 114 884 924 182 164 ?M7?. 24 614 4s li? 4 14 a 14 *> i Consolidated Cas. 11.400 1434 1464 14S ?-a 1454 Continental Can. 200 B44 M Continental Can pr. 60 108 10? Corn Products. 1,100 1SY 19 Crucible Steel. C.100 73 74 : Crucible Steel pr. 800 no 10 Cuban-Am. Sugar. 100 lot 7 Deer? Vo. pr. 100 I Delaware t*v Hudson. .. 10 Del., Lack. ? Western. Denver & Rio tir. pr.. Diamond Match. Distilling Securities.. . 20 Dome Mines. 1,800 1 Electric Storage Bat... MO . 16,1 Kne 1st pr. 4,400 Erie 2d pr. loo 4 Federal M & S. pr. 900 lio 164 96-J B44 108 184 72 110 164 964 844 lo? 19 78 no 164 ? 206 Ii U - 10? i 1014 113 77 176 H ire-, 114 - 694 80 1784 61 1"? 614 10 144 884 924 131 164 24 -IT 118 1464 81 ins 2054 ?? 1054 1014 in 11T 77', ? ? - II 684 .".1 80 -- . 1094 61 4 II 144 Sf 93 132 154 62 244 1164 14 - - . 110 l I 73 lo:?', 1104 200 1614 1514 1514 1614 f-ral Electric 300 2244 800 27 100 101 8,900 464 27 4 66 414 564 60 2244 108 474 2H 81 417s of. 4 60 524 612 24 M 27 101 46 27 4 65 404 654 60 M 1724 Ceneral Motors . 1,200 610 General Motors pr. 1,900 1184 1204 1184 Geo. W. Helme pr. 100 1124 112" t.oodnch. B. F. 1,400 72 784 7 ('reat Northern pr. 1,100 1244 1244 4 tit. North. Ore subs_ 2,300 48 48! 18 Guggenheim Eapl. 1,'joo Greene Copper. - Inter. Agricul. 100 Inspiration Copper. 11,400 Inter.-Con. 1,700 6 Inter.-Con. pr. 100 7-< 6 Inter. Hair, of N. J.... 40o 111 7 Inter. Hair, of N. .1. pr. 100 117' Inter. Paper . 1,100 12 2 Inter. Paper pr. 860 48 10 Inter. Nickel . 5.800 197 Kansas City Southern. . 40" 4 Kansas City South, pr. . 100 6 Kresge Co. 100 Laekawaana Steel. 3,000 h 4 Lake Erie ? Western... 100 Lake Erie & Western pr 100 igh Valley. SOO 12 Lir-got* & Myers. Loose-Wiles Biscuit.... 100 .'? Louisville & Nashville.. 224'?. "7 10:1 47 1 2s || 414 664 60 62 4 500 120 a 1124 1124 - 2 ? 1 ? - 4 1 . 13 1., 200 127 46 45 28 21 414 464 214 214 - 111 1174 124 484 198 804 634 260 814 11 814 260 264 634 14 834 -1 260 254 1244 474 76 4 45 28 444 78 1104 1174 12 484 1964 304 684 80 14 81 264 127 744 127 Max. Motor.' 8,600 76 Tt',\ Max. Motor 1st pr.' 1,200 1014 1014 101 '.a:. Motor 2d pr. 100 664 5r'4 56 Mav Dept. Stores pr. ..' loo 106 Mex Petrol. 19.200 944 80 Mi?-ml Cor.. Copper Mer. Marine pr. ctfs. .1 7 M.. S. P. & S. St. M... 7 II., B. P. L S. Bt M. pr. Mo.. Kan & Tex. Missouri Pacific.' 2 Mont. Power. 7 Nat. Cloak * Suit pr. .] Nat. Enam. & Stp. Nat. Lead. Nevada Con. Copper...' N. Y. Air Brake.! 1244 ?184 774 45 81 44r's 214 - 1104 1174 124 'a? . 197 304 634 260 > I 14 814 2.-.0 254 127 75-4 1014 56 106 N 33 4 + 1 165 91 22 1 26 103 ? 28 II 414 49 4 614 1734 120 lio', -?> 126 - TT4 41 20 , 444 214 22 774 no , 111 1144 9T4 151 . 222 4 - 104 ?IT || 41''. i i 41' 4 174 610 121 117 774 a 1> N. Y. Cctral.! 6300] 104411064 744 M 1.600 T t I.400 1204 ?214 800 .24 724 500 1164 4.200 104 114 584 2,100 400 100 3 II I 6 - N. Y . N. H. & H I Norf. & Vest . .*? North American. T Northern Parific. tintarlo Silver. Pacific Mail. Penn. R. R. Peo. Gas & C. Philadelphia Co. Ilfh Coal. I3OO Pittsburgh Coal pr.... Pittsburgh Steel pr.. sd Steel Car... . Pub. Ser. Cor. of N. J Quicksilver . am. Copper. aling .I 2.100 Rep. Iron 4 Steel. T Rap Iron <v Steel pr. Roch Isla'd. Hock Island pr., - St. I.. <v S. F. I S F. 2d pr... 7 Sears Roebuck. Sloss-ShefT. Stool & LI 100 6 Southern Pacific.' 1,900 100 6 So. Porto Rico Sugar., i 200 146 Southern R. R.' 2,800 22 ern R. R. pr.... 400 61 ?idebaker .' 13,4? ?MO < opper.. . . Too 50 Tex. Co. full pd.; 10? 231 106 106 964 944' 1,100 334 881 7O3OO 70 T-l'-a TO 724 300 1224 122 4 122 122 4 100 1314 1314 1814 1814 1,100 64 64 14 14 Ron 34 14 14 14 100 784 784 78% 734; 100' 1104 U04 1104 1104 3on :-". 284 2*-y, 28\ 300 , , ? 024 124 700 164 164 i5i5 600 1254 1874 1354 104 4 76\ 164' 137 ' I054 124 1974 81 - 27.". 814 14 814 261 M 1284 76 1014 i 4 ."...'' i 1-4 1044 106 2 96 ? 4 88 884 24 72 Y 4 122 4 1234 4 1314 1884 4 I ! i 4 3 4 73 4 4 109 4 2? 4 4 03 Y". Y 137 1064 12 4s'? 197 248 11 II 814 241 21 1264 T.". 4 1014 :>:, XL 1194 120% - 1154 1164 1164 114 104 104 114 114 114 684 a".'.' 1144 1144 1184 1184 4::4 43 4 43 4 484 354 364 864 ??>>'. 600 1104 1114 1104 111 300 m 00 074 . 64 634 ? 120 120 128 6 244 24 244 81 1-04 - 644 534 634 110 110 110 4 4 4 4 a 4 300 100 120 100 Too 24*4 804 4.". 584 100 110 200 4 100 4 200 4 4 600 64 200 181 ' 44 64 181 44 44 14 1804 190'., 624 624 100 1004 141 146 22 22 4 614 M4 604 1704 1664 1684 614 57 2:!2 231 222 li?' '. . 4 10 114 - 4 -, na 4 434 ? 14 110 ? - % H - 4 ? 119 4 4 4 244 t 4 80 4 4 1094 84 74 1104 - IS4 137 4 I0.-4 7-1 121 7:1 116 104 M , 114 44 864 1114 971-, 64 4 120 244 004 ? 14 1104 624 S24 1004 141 lu Texas toi.?: pan y.? 1300(2264 2314 2264 2294 ? . bird Ave. P.. R., 7 Tob. Product? pr. .. lu -1 Cltf R 1 . Un Bag _ Paper. 9(iii 60' i o?- : 25 934 100 5.600 131.4 136 4 2.100 94 94 loo 71 71 60', 60 4 ?;o4 101! M ' 8 .on Pseilic. . 6 l'inted Cij-ar of Am.. I" ',oods pr. I3OO 1484 1494 tod B\. Invest. 800 204 214 in Lv Invest pr. IM 884 ? LP.IF. 100 14 14 i Alcohol.' 4.0110 1204 123 1014 1014 934 I"..".*, 94 IM 71 71 148 149 I c 8. Rubber Robbt r 1st pr. 600 634 634 1.-Y 1084 Steel . 62301 Y 38 4 24 r.'o4 - 1084 ? ' pr. M I th . I ar. Chemical. 1 ar. Chemical pr.. Wabash SVabsali pr A . 214 - "i 1214 Ills', 854 4 4 44 4 14 7 1 179 1804 14 12 4 1004 1004 140 141 14 21 4 804 61 4 168 1684 Y 4'230 24 2294 2:0,4 4 60-4 804 4 100' : t 4 8 4 136* ? - 24 122 634 1014 - 136 a ? 71 14'.' - 1?. 1 23 4 D's'-a 1084 :. 116', 1164 116 - 1164 1,700 Wanes)) pr ii. 1.400 M fg ." Woolworth ? a !.. I - . ? 1 200 4?; 444 2? ' 4 ?a"! ' - lot, HOO 1|H ? - 4?; 1124 16 - , 8.1 ? - - .11 II? . - 112?. 1124 14 15' 414 - . 80 11* 16 : '* - ? H 118 - ? I * 1164 - . 11" 1.-.4 - - 884 ??- . ? 85' 47 111 II 46 I . 88 4 ? - ? - 1174 1184 I 240 211 Tri-Bullion Proxies Solioted i represen) i ri Ball on ? i ; i. . i lopmenl * omi in ein-tuer ?talement to ?barehuldera calling- for Additional prn\ie?. ea tention to the alleged Btismaaaeemcnl if the eoi ipai ? Piro eat? of ?fu i -n '. \> .1 m Wail Itreet GREAT SUCCESS FOR FRENCH LOAN Treasury's 2.250,000,000 Francs in Bank of France an Indication. GOLD RESERVE MORE THAN FIVE BILLIONS Rising Price of Coal May Present Opportunity to American Exporters'. Hy YVP.S (.1 YOT. i ? - ? ?. . - Paria, Dae. it. The ?"an cloeed Wednesday is unquestionably a ? mceeaa, but it Is it?l impossi Me to gct tne slightest exact fore? cast of its total, though Rome indica ? i by the appearance the i.rst time in th?* weekly nenl * f the Hank of Franca of 100,000 franca subscribed di? rect to the Treasury's current ac ? with the bank. This amount, however, is only part of such pay? ments. Inquiries al poetoflcet and loan bureaus show an enormous Hit of liquid money has been forthcoming, even in small towns, a surprisingly larga proportion being in gold. A curious fact was an elev? enth hour rush, evidently bf persons who had intended to subscribe but poatponed it until the last moment. It should be remembered that pre? vious war loans cannot afford a cri? terion for judging this one, owing to the difference in conditions. Thus. m the 2,250,000,000 francs loan of 1871, or :,..oi.'),000,000 "f "It, the total being determined beforehand, many people deliberately subscribed for far larger t-ums than they wanted with the certainty they would be allotted only part of their sub? scriptions. Consequently, the totals were abnormally ?-welled, the loan of '71 being subacribed twice over, while that of the following year totalled 40,000,000,000. These were largely paper ligure?, whereas the pr?sent total wholly represents ca-h or securities actually produced. Fur? thermore, 10 francs per share must be paid down and all the remainder not later than the end of next March, in only three instalments, whereas in 1871 sixteen instalments were allowed and twenty in '72. Besides the success of the loan the Bank of France's figures are very satisfactory, showing a continually rising gold reserve, now surpassing 5,000,000,000 francs, which is espe? cially good, considering how much gold has been paid simultaneously as subscription to the loan. [India* counted bills deposited hy persons wishing to suhscrihe to the loan have Increaaed 55,000,000 francs in the week. There has naturally been a large inert*** 500,000,000?in adrancet, against scrip, al.-o due to the loan. Finally, note circulation has been diminished by no leas than 621-000,? 000 francs. An altogether exaggerated atten? tion ia being paid to the rise in price?, especially of food and com? bustibles. Prices have risen, no doubt, hut the rise is not execs.-ive considering that the nation is at war, with consequent limitations to : the supply of freight and a shortage of labor. Anyhow, prices are less high than 6ome years ago in time of peace. The rise in coal has caused the proposal of remedies which are rieky, if not dangerous. Thus, it is suggested that the state undertake a coal selling monopoly on the same lines as its grain monopoly. Pro ? moters of the scheme appear not to realize how cumbrous and imprac? ticable it is. Unless this proposal succeeds, which appears unlikely, there might be an opportunity for American exporters to put coal on the French market. Hitherto, their efforts have l*een unavailing, but France undoubtedly needs a larg<? quantity of foreign coal, and it is possible that America might compete > favorably with England. RAILROAD EQUIPMENT IlliMis. i.uo-ei o?. ? ptettataoi '??' | Ma I-, . 1 " ?? ? ? ant) ? Cees? Lia? .... . H..ltlinor#> a Obi? ...? Hutr. Redi _ ??m, ;- :? , . ,, . ?'anadian I'? : i , . , ? ?i i ? . ?ik? & Ohio 4 4 ? c' u. ? ?*o A Nerthwi i , i -i , \\ ? '. , . ' . . ? Ix-i A N i'- ,1 II .1 ; , . , ? - Cli i *..--?? I. . ? , iManar? A Hudson ? , ? . < i I'.il? n?i:ro.1 4 , s . , "i ? . l Ii s Vi?!:*,-.. ,. . , , .? < ? ? . ? loui?..l'i? * Naahrtt t?) . -. , Mi Kaaaaa A 1.SM..1I . Vi??o.i*-i Paciflc .IS1I ; N Y Central I.lno? - ? - ? 4.- ; ? . i , |* ! Norfolk a Wtater- ? ? -, , . N T. N H 4 Hartford. ] ? . , , 1 ruin On i ?? , - ? i , ? , Ht 1. Iran Mt a, Se.... If II ? ; ? - , ... 1 - . <i ; Southern 1*1 ... . Virginian Hall?*. . , l)IVII)K.\Ds"|)K( I.ARED. _ . . Becord T'rm Rat? Payai ? I? - f S M S ? ?? ... . ? !.. - - -. I ', I. ' ? ? Mln Q f. ? '. - I r-roai '-? i -- , , ' ? ' ? un? la-J 4 (MT ? -.1 tl'Jt, BOND SALES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE FRIDAY. DECEMBER IT. 1911. Tra___? in bond? on the Ne- York Steel glbS-Rl Friday ??onnt,H to $4-14 000 .galn?t SI.KO.OOO Thur?da>. I ..171.000 a *>eek af-o and ?1.404000 I From January I to date. ???!.t.7?'Vni.O. aj-ainst $451.0>.000 in 19U. .?.ear ago. GOVERNMENT BONDS. i' B Pan 4 - ?30f_ 10.?Hj.. ir,.eue tief.... ? iz.w? tuet.... ?itf - IM I ? 1*3 - ? . ? ? ? ' ' ' I . i ? hi 4 ? ? A >? ?? . -.'5 II ? 4 ' ? :<:?. ? ?'4 994 ios-, ISI ? ?. -, * ? ? _-|( Jr. T?l ?? . I? ? -' 1 ~**~*_^^Bl 4 4? . tstamm_ : .. . i r__i? ? I--! 1?' ??? 11?. <? '? SI ."'. ' ? " ' ' v J-"?**?. 9? ?; ; .*. riant ?44 iron ass? it?, 1011?, M 1 A ?? K ''s ?? " de it? rirett Co io: s ?? i: ? l'Ut at i ?? ?? ??-, Tiki loo?, ?'H '. M 4',, iSS_ Bmb a th . rrg 4? It . '1 : . . . . . I a I.' *? . ? -. - .n K I J,l .110 1 .? ? M ? ? - ' M K a Ktl . ? ? _ It?-. ; 11. (?ii I Ml M< ll'AI. BONDS. ? . i ... i, . .. p. . ? - ?s ' ?t? ?_ KAll u \? \v> HI84 Ki LANEOl -. Am A? i . . ? . ?, II ' ? - 4 A \ I? Am I - ' . ii ? !. .?. ? ? Ml, 'I ? . ? S?l, MT, . ' ?. ? ? .? ? Ann Am <? ?-? ? ? rff '??,? ? . A 1 a I I -?? ?? i-Tl 11 .^* lOP, . . ... ? ? ' I I I <!?> ?.il 4? ?ran r?.| ? , ?>"?. (.KM M . T 5* <**?'?. A- i t. ? nil [. I i! ? '. . i Salt Oh)a p ) SHt I '. rff 4? do ??'??! It ? ... I? -?? \ h a Rio Or 44, -? 904 s i ??? .-.- 4? 90 <? "4 Pi T?mi 4i 8) It, S? * * rs . ... :os , ?, "?rrph dt? tea ?. - ? .'.? .n, . * ?; <? rmi ? ? * less ... . ? M ... 114 ? ?' . . ?l1, 4 4? _ 9*>4 ? ??;??_ lETVtQ ; 9 -. n? t a o-piut L E t ' - ? it i i ? ? ? ? .? <? >?r B ? I . i ? I . ? i 1 nun . ??"'? . IC4 < "4 ? ? ? M I? .?. . ? T-ii?t CO ' . 124 ? *, . 4t ' '',ft _ . ? ? 4 T- i cpper t? full Mid , ?', I'.OllO .1194 Mon??.'? _ , , _?_.??. I04? g noi . 144 Tr?! I'?*rt? AU4? '? -W '? '? -.-.'' . , " ;i*. Third A?? rff 4i H4 To) A ?i i i?t B? <.,??? - .. um ? ? ''"* ?? A\ __"rtl' ? ,?.,, 1 no TJ 1 MS .-"'H Toi Bt t A W-?t prior 1114 - ni? _ ,,n? ???_??_,??? * ?'.ly ,"4' , '""' . *? 4 ! 2 "00 . 97?, - -.? , ,,,r _? ,.T. ., ir.iee .?... i3t, do rtt 4? . 10 f ? ___________ 1 110 _ 4 4??4 I 4?; e '. ? tl ? . i ?- u. ?it-/ a i f? 12?, . St cos _ . < ? ? ?? .. ? ?:i0f.... ? '?? - : -. * ? | I I. .1-b 4? u 1 110 R It of . ' MS . ? r ii ? ____?_ Ot Fall? Pow? ?? .. MM ? ; I .. .? .'. : - M ? I rff 4? 1 ?01 ni i. ? ' r, _ n ? - LfllFit |M I |SS_ 103 ? -, ? ? ? > _ * i - ? ? ? i do M ? i. ?14 . ?* \V \ ? 4? ?.. Ml < n? a " ? ? '..? ? ? B rff .'? . 10!?, -.? '1' I'll? ? i I <??! flaa I I ' ? . i ? - || i ? |td 4l (>? ? Il R Ch?? A 11 do i?n! 41,? .. ?; ??? . ?n't : ?', ?'. 11-1 ?',? , ' . ? 944 44 ?* " CBS li-ta ? 4 t* 0I ____?_?_?_?_?_?_?_?__ GOVERNMENT BONOS. ti-, ? ?4? ?. I s ? eh ii- i? ? C I. S A I ? . . I'.no? -if .? if? !i?-, . ?',? ? 1, ter A looofl |j ? II c ? - . . t ^ -?..?: ?? it ? ? -, .10 ?*??. : ? -, ... lor-.*. ', 3.010 . US \l-g i: (, t?4 -, I.MS .... . 9??? '.. I* T?r It 4? Cent Tr ?? ... 14 > i Tr '? 14 '? ' ? ir drp r. mi : -, 1 1 All -, V , ?? .? ?*. I. . 13 ? * ?1 rs*4 Wttl i i '? ? '. inn/ ? ? ? I, <1'l ' ? ? retf 191? ' - i"i- !'.'?'.'? . . Pai ? I couplOl'i f?al M B I. ? '.'!?'? .110 Thursday. Bid. Ask. 99% ? 101*4 101'-. [10% )09'2 llO'i 110 ? - 1?>1 * 2 101'i - INACTIVE YESTERDAY. The rollos bul and asked pricei are listed but ? iiicii I on the Stork ExehaagO I A- -I |- ? a ''" P' ... tit? pr . R if a Seel ?u pr h ',.?( . A . a ?j |, a A i ... FTf- lia 11* Ml) . a t A 111 > X 1 , Atn Mi ! ,- ? , \,.' A . a- ? ?t . A Kro pr i : B Ain s |fl . 141 .,- ! A-: : I , . . . . ; . ' ' ? ' * . I Writ P i v y i. . a I . ? ' ? n. '.'0 I - ?j ?? Buff it _ r -. . a , . 11,1 a - . a, t ? c m _ o 11 : 1 p r w * ci.i n , i . A il , ? ? I A 1 pr 1 n "' ? te tat pr.. '? , - . , , , ' ? . .... , , m? Km . ? i- I :. a -? lie? i m: ? , . . [> S B O ail et . ? / ? A - j ? I ' i. U 11-,m* ? - : ? * '? ? ? -.'.;. m*a tir m m , i* M Ti t ? ? ? ? t, de pr .. il n I ... , p. ? - ? tr. ...... . 1 '? ' .?Al - * . ha??? il* ! !.. I 'SA" * !? "?! a ? . , ? . I h'-r- Hff.ll? I il si l et A. M t n,, ? a S lerne Uli , , I. ?' H . . i A ? : ' i - o? |n: d in? r ir i a 4 a M. I . Ill I 1 "a ; ' ? \f. M a: < ._' MONEY AND EXCHANGE. IM'. ? . ? I i 111 '''Ml ? ? a - - . .-? - a run MOM r ilna?* l Itnnr . ? ? a ? Mill.' I'AI-I II - ? ( -. .... tiiAi-.lsi; itoi sr TriA\??.i -nos? ? r, ... . ? i ? ? nu larei * ?- i ? ? ? a' I a tUlUUL Kt-LRVt OIS*.*.'., r U-l I WHERE B_S for I? ? ? M* ??*! ?t* '? . ? 1 4 :-- ? ? ? ? 4 , BI : tr... : ? > . -i. up lo nine-, 'i??4. i .. IM pu t . , ...?.'-? < ? ? ! 44 ,-? I. SU r?r cent; ... 4 ;-- ml; Dalit*. 1 r.*t tent; ' ' -r '.?.4 3 per rent; th!r*? lltf -o ?litr d?'?. 4. ?Utj l* ntne'.r ' . iinMisrii- KxrnAN'OE 1 ??? ?- ? ? ? ! . St". ' ? ? rxsaanraa Bt:a?aete ri-h?ni?*. , , -? ? 1 lea?? ?__? ? ? ? ' ' H l*i.l? . . ? : ... ? ? . . ' t; . ? -. ' ' n wa? ?? ? . . I . '! 1' IB I I ? <-?- tl'. . ON EXCBAXOB? Dmmi I ??" i ?,? ., .:??..?-. -, - I ... 1.72 111; demand . . I ? 1 - IS.41; rhe.v <T I ? . 1 . ' , - Biitj di ? * ? I U. S. Treasury Finances. g Dm II ? MUmst ON DMM .? ? ? * ? ? .v..: In f?-.?r?: . < ??-.:? 1 mi ms? Mel ' 1 - : 1*: .* H_t Bm_1 y??r I? . a a dt)"1 tl ??- IN "19 i??t Pt??WB < ?oal ? : SEW YORK CITY BONOS. FM Ask. ? - -? . -, ISIt. . 1... ?1 " . 4 . 4 ? ? ? ?44?. - 1 .:?? . 4 10 4 0) ?' . ??? . . , ?? - ? . , -. . ' . 1014 ? ? , K**iO. Ml?, |iM?, ? . " ? - ' ? , ? , ? * . I . .. .. ? ??.:: ? . ????. I . ? , I ? ??. . . J ?.1 ? ? '. or coupon. ?? PI HI.M I TII.ITY SECTKITIF.!?. ? ? ? ?. 1. 1 M 1?-'. P... II ':???.-? 0 I. A f II 1 M ?. : M ?a ' . ' II I>p ft) I I. , . - ' Bo '?*; i..i . B ?-; 101 . a i: 1 t ? ? i* n * i. , - i? i. * r 11 n ? 1 ?T I .1 , prt>( ? ' - ' 1. a r. ? 11 ... ? ..., ..- fi 1 ? I. I , a T. H i. te peel 'lu tafeM IM, t_t ?iridiad. % INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE COMPANY COMMON STOCK In view of the application made thil da\ t.-> Itsl on the Ne*-. York Stock Exchange, the Certificates <<'. Dc| issued by the United states Mortgage and 11 ~ ' pan y as Depositar*, under Deposit Agreement dated No? vetnber 22. l?M5, and t<> afford a further op| to holders of Common Stock to av.iil of the !. the Agreement, the time to deposit shares thereunder has been extended to and including DECEMBER 17, !9tS. Holden of Common Stock are urged protect their Interests to immediately deposit their shares. Dated: New Vori?, December 17, 19.J AI.FRFP A t'OfiK, - CHAUNCET it vnirnrr geeretarr. Mat Street. N?w I torn* Pt. PI K I 1 I V lliairmu. Illll* la. CI ?KKl . I.l t N \ a I* ?. (il :>|tl \ n > POST, STAC1 C. Uli ilMiiM? ? ii i I km C. VAX \M\\ i it. < oMMii rr.t CURB MARKET | TRANSACTIONS War Contract Stocks Higher in Active Dealings Oils Firm, but Quiet. A stronger tone prevailed among the outside securities vesterday. Advances <>* pood proportions were registered in nearly all of the war order group where trading was most active. M.d vale Steel Improved 6 points, Subma? rine Hoat 2\ an,! Maxim Munition 1 \. The Marine issues, after displaying weakness at the start, rallied to close with gains of 1'4 in the common anil of nearly 3 points in the preferred. t'anadian Car and Foundry fell back 2 r-oints. Motor stocks were bifjher. Husiness was reduced in the petrol? eum list though prices generally showed an upward trend. Standard Oil of California advanced 7, Standard of New Jersey 4, Standard of Indiana I, while smaller gains were made by sev? eral other oil issue?. Trading in the mining group was on a fair scale, with irregular fractional price change? among the coppers. INDUSTRIAL!. Total ? . ?? 114 1 _ II I ??a R In- ?? . ?", \?n /.In.- . .. TOO A .. .?. -'. I - M 1*1 ?Can f a i'. ? ? f. I'.IV, ..I, _., ? - ? ? Mot Car Hi 141 . i I'l.on. 13', ! " ? i: ?n. p a A i ? .?,,,- \ : II lo.eee * i??? ?Kelly s r ?v I 81" ?1- ? 11 11 ? ? ? . Boat ll ?.'00 ?do pr?t ? . II .. is . 13'? ? * ' ? Eloc... ?| 11 ..-? a m - . UM V M i> f.? <? w i ns, ? < ? i E a m. n 1 -'i Uli I H ? ?? rp . lu ?. M Bum i f n?-* ' .. a ?-" J .?-;.!, la . m Had latd ? Y ? ' ' I - rrl t' ? t .-r?.. .; :.... ?i n r- il! ?ta.. *; ? - ? - ? B la * H < I ta ?!? i--* Motora.. tt-M "i-n lli.h !/?w. Ijst. -. . 13 |] IJ '-'a ? ni', 113 1 % M'a I 13 1 **. u ?? Il . : ? ? " ? Il 1Y Il , ? Il * M'a 113 Y ? I 4 a I7? 114 * . 17 V, ' ? 1-. BTANDABD oil. SUBSIDIARIES. ' i ? ? ? ? nil . ? _ t? - ?1 I ? B ? . of . nil tit Ind on of N .1 of N i . im Oil .; M IM OTHKK. OIL STOt KS. t ? ? ? ? ?int Petroleum 13', ? . ... Rat ? ? ? V le torta - ? normo. .- -yy, ?tAKa-Oea Mm v " ?M .?*a . tic IMO* Oi '? "_cf) *tBooth ... M I 000 Bratl-n fopp-- . ic a ?* ?? ? efi vk ???ANT.... 3 . a ? ? ? l n ? *_lareraa C?*| Y I ? -??-arta Cep. a I MS tCaahl - ?,-.-, re * ? - ' ' ?'? .'0 ?''on COO Mil ' 'a nn N'ev-t'tah . I.e. .1, 1* not, tred Rea Min . I? ?t Sat ?m. 13 ? a '?'I n :i ;? <? ??' ?> 1 v. t :'?? les 1 II M . 1* 1 Y ? *?? 1? "? t.-, :i 13 IH 16 . Y, M t t? t . ?. i H P? 6 ?s 1*4 M IM : ?7 34 ?A 4 ?*** li Y 1". >t 11 11 Y ??. ' 3:. I . V, 1% * ' ... 4'4 1 <W> ?tin' Minea. ',* ? . ? -. |Cl ni ?? . ? k ? ?? ' ? t ? 1 (W0 tMaJoattc Mil *? '?', ? ? ? ? -Nt ?Kln-Dar 1 Ml Mil 's at Am ,. S?. ov? ?. Montana CoB. '? r .. ?-1|, r .<-,?? S iW) .?Nat Zinc A- '? 1 ?> t -.j \>t rtah Bli s 1 m?o Ntptaalne M'. SM ?Non n '>?? f, ? . ? . . ? ? Min. 71 : e Min. fi -???n Tro <".?.V. 4? t.. m . : ... "? ? ?s Mii <U < ISup. ratltlon M 34 -.3". ?Tonopali Bel... 4-V aso Tonnnah T.xt... 4 loo Tonoi ah Min.... 6"i -.00 Trl-P'illton . ti | .-1 tWeat Knd CM 7*1 ; ?>., .v. m En ? Bat 1 BONDS. MIM! ?R * f n?w 6s 1*0?4? ir.Sa, j??a-,-ai - 71 3 . 4' ? S f.-. *?', *'. 6?. le 78 t -t.tyv) f ri? r fop ?a. il? fc.1.000 K??nn 1 op ?? . CM _ooo *.m Riuaelr t. ? M 111 S_H_ 707 ? ? 11 ? a 3". II ? I ? . 7? : . b *'. - 71 3>i 4? "M ?I 7*. 4 ??S s.' , . ?", per ?-? INACTIVE YESTERDAY. IM .1 .?TRIAlaS r * IV I br 11 -- M IJ. r D A C w I M a ?I.l'.l? la m (a r. . ' de 1 ?a Tun. tl'iam ? B. ?. 1 Mar<- of Am. 3*, " ? I I Kr. s ?r I 14', 4-, ?r.. MH ?W-( pf w I MININO f. ?<->i Te? . . . 'tdand he: H ?'.-...? r PI k K ? 4 ? . liiiMtS ?falav Ia...7?0 ?00 SOL WEXLER IN NEW YORK New Orleana Ranker Ktpccted to Join Bache .1 ( o. Sol JVetler. th? Wf? known Hfm 0f eans banker, who is expecte.) , loin the New York brok. rage Ann of . B. Baehe A to. arrive,i here rilay to close the ne - I \f, exler. when seen at the sAeea of h il rospective partner., ?aid that al ? wessen formalities connee rd til Il f.tming to New York hil,, , n closed, but he predicted that an CONSOLS LOWER: WAR LOAN DOWN ?ilt-f-dj?cd Issues Depressed by New Exchequer ."> Per Cents oil Share. Steady. London, Pec. 17. Ths Iteeh market ? French las ? ??? ?n,i ? ? her with I bond iesu sdgi : -, -, p?r l.l.ll 'A :??. ?orbed. !? whs principally in rubber ., .-i a*i. I K ?, 'rt new war los Ami i weak because of the diplomat tituatisB Austria. A food rumb*r of American gold bonds ehSBged handt. The tupply of money ? Announcement of the .. per cert Exchequer bon I -.1 dit cour.t - z'.titi shipped ?.316,000 in sorereigas to AmericR. Money loaned at 4 to 4>t per cent. Diseoaal r short and three rr.onths bills ?rere BM per cent. proa .' . i.- l boa ? LONDON i i MING PEU i?a I ? ,. i mom ? i !.. . I, i, . in , : ?'. M - , . 14 ? . let pre( ? Illlnoit i a Nt . * ? ? , i .... ??i->- ', < ? '? . Il?1*, I , \ . ?? ' :.' * SHORT TUM Nil I I I Nam? Ml Ml i i ? ... * ? t ? i ? ? - * ' ' lilt I! ? ' . I ? ? Persiga Cerereawl I ? s I , ?a muht: sr.utn -?nui-n? m t WIM ns I P. M ii'. -. 11 th? t of -? ? - l-liil??.leli,,i .,. wllmlagtoe and l.-It' K_i;,..:il -;...!. Iru.l I. il.,..?le? M - - I ' m? re than I ? ' i ej iec\ tha : p 1 (a-?*.' | ! ? - , ? OU M ? M II I BRI l ?M? ? ? ' ?t''* 11\ t. ri.i rr Kiti n - i?i< k m \si ? tr* Tl K!S?, < UMI* \N\ (ll'l KVTIMi PIWJT I I Ml \ ?I W?, \ I \l<? Mi III ?. I M?'' B Itl ?il I? ? HUMUS ? . n? I- ?AMI PA.W. \t ill K (-.???? "IMStAI,'' BO* ? I I4?III M, ?Il I I? I praatfAifT to tttf ht ia-v*- "r * LAKE TORPl il ' ? * ? - ?., I ... er ? *' A- ? P'-'f^nrt, Tonn . I>?e. 11. _ MEETINGS. Tttle Gu?rante? and Trii?t < <imp?nj. Notice l? h*r*hy ?t N t*?' ?w ? .? of the, ?toekholder? ' - * '.'?A!? 4- . BR AM> -. : ' : at th? offl^? of tb? ' P*". l'Ity of ' k _? '* ? ? ' . ? ' pia? e. .,? u,,. MB ( di ta ta* ?emw of 1:41 t S. WRAY ? D?4**.| '-' _. HIV IDEND SOI l? I 8 i m m\m? m- ?.Ml m? ? T' . I I ? I p. f " , I r?mele ? f" until J.' .? i , . \?. ? ' - ?im.e ?f n,,. i mie.i Orne Impt*M???_** N. '?' Phi , Th? ' ? per ?lin payable Jl , . ' ., IV -*' ' - llll. NATIONAI PARK H***h M-H \ ? i M K. ,r THK miAiin or r*n;; i imr ? "t*- ,T ? 1.1U. 1911. UAI-J.L 11 I1?*-". i-,tbMV I