Newspaper Page Text
rOPICS OF DAY HI WALL STREET Ancona ?Affair Only One Stumbling Block of the Market. I?CHNICAL POSITION STIl 1 A BIO FACTOR ijiBt of I'ltimatum to Austria Brings No Fear Prolonged ?i Expected. - the lnterna n the United fate? ?? ? ? x _wrr?* Ctb' ' ? A*M efcl ' I ' in more ? -" __? be ?'' ? ' r !h* nta, but i_,.? i*,A ? ? ??, rslsi I purposee is more iMj doubtful "Ultimatum" Poea Not Worry. Ii th* eommiision houses yesterday p, iltsatlor. . '* regard to Austria mow. leas apprehension than It eettasi to have done m Washington. ft? imp if l< ??,-?t followed the send ,f th? note on the A"" ???natter. '. -r Untan ia ? , ? ? .. in-? UM e ' th the Attl ?I tkoie IO)IHg ll ? ry in I. II lets in tin w?y if sei ' ?f ro* jn-U. van g s. that '>n in Rush? ta ?mg houses ord.i ? mtnuni that no a? York ? aid that ? It ?a laid A ea are being hrwsi-isd : ? er (ron tho . , jniess ?ii) sen :.,utters, and tii? o*i!, rs were im- : Bnaj. srhtened up ikt naserel. is all mall foicg ont of tht ? ih Isles being It s it ? put to the ? rs of iend ici mail U Loi It d for their having it re A Sign of Hope. !:. Grt?t I" taln'i flan to lieue Ex ?BtajMr bor. : - i ted amount "i?r* i? to be read a confidence in the Hlecm? of the ?ar that must have We- bore ?. else than the ??H?nt r. The Issue mtpoa?! ta ? tr-term loan. ?h?t rut. . ere is hope a a better t r before long thai that . . fcriptioni to the Ex MM ben - sufficient I ?a? fOTttT.r.-? ? r ? consid?r? ai? aunibiir -. g or weeks. Aa **tasje, aeer x*r detracts '"?'-'. ?Ms ef ? '. .? It is ?*? *?"*? muft ? hat a rally In tU Allies' fortunes will make an appre *tm In the .?sue price of Wttih weal, _g the ?onsotii d?. | ? ?landing. Not Mach Attraction Here. Th? Biit'.i* | ..- | onds are tax Pjl to for? ,:. holdere?for obvious ???? I he Anglo-French Hientin?-.. .- . ?. on i 6 per cent ?* thsre will hardly be any aub '.;"' ' F.xchequer securities ; .*- '? ?? * -, eve.-, though there Is . ' I*?' c? --"?o?? to p.* i -?inlum on II I Mahlng e.f a (?aa Boom. *t U nor? tkaa a month to the next i^e-id Meet -?? of the Consolidated 7* ****** hto Is a - .'" ? ? there waa and aeTzT, " ??*"*<- expectation would ? ?.. " on. Aa I^Wesed. the dire? - o more nging a ? Vi per cent Sea. - iJ?\ ' there ?ave many 1 In larar,, J*?rfntla. _??__-. "'?"-' *'? ??ready b.tfn n ?-. ex I rana ? : C__. *i rol ,f - *.?'' paaa fro*a roabled hit' ' _*.?'"' ?' ta... ?' ' ? ?losing i ? ___**_ ?gree, :r, itut v.r ^2_I *"?? ?eea.s??ry ,. a? Dor, r, ,,, ? I?."a.** re nut ret plavir,? aid u ??--?*??i?l rart that * ,ftr' <-< ^iian Loan Syrid ?d. ?f1"1 ' ?.dibit at. . ?T-BUOi 0? Tiir TKim vr.s iist ?u i _r__n_M ? Deassahea IV, j-e?ter,ii,> ?? stase 117.*?tt Deessabee m. n: nvz Oiir ?eek ?(o. 1IK .'".-, (BBS iii.*iitli u_o.110.14S '.?ne 4 r_r n?o. High fur Ni.veii.'.rr .l?l.48:?. 1 ?Mv f .r \..?rml.iT.1,7.SUS ll'.li f..r Oclulier.120 Bit I ' Dit..lier.1011.425 r SiptiinlMB.112.SIS i f?. iiirmtier.107.200 fur *-N_ii?t.1C9.13S Au?;ii?t.103.91*. July.10(1. ?50 I ?.?r for July.lOI.IMi ill.h fur .lune.111K.?*17 Item ii.r June.1H3.26S ii?eh f.r H_|.iti.631 Im. 1 .r May. 104 .120 ili-.t. fur .Vi-rl).IIUN ? Anrll .10-.-07 1! I. f.r Murch.10H.108 I ,.\. for M ii. ii . Jlif-li for lYliriiiiry.luM.768 Loti for 1 .101.ISS tur Jiirin.trj .IM 028 Low fur January.IB&M1 Uni? 1?II5 . 1 . I I..?4. ITSM IBIS.101.)S3 lli.h. full year. I'i'l .12H.1S1 Low, foil peer, ISM .io?.oo9 \\ i.u \i.i m I II! i Kim R1 _ LIST ?u i m i i ? i i.\;n *?)1?) \i s. llciemher 17. j e?ter.ln> 'a < ?use NJM Deeeasber IS. o.vons .. N.10I ?me n.Id ii_.. .MJfM ? . .7''.4i>6 Notreeabes.97.406 Low fur HOMBBhSS. OS.77) Hi.h fur Ortutier. fin 700 I?n fur OctobSS .01.448 Ill.ll f..r s..,, MJM : ? miier.Bfl 500 \ui II?t . I . I? f II . lalj .8.1.000 July. lllah fur June . I ..?4 foe June.7H..11S lil.h fur May.?5.050 Low for May.74 47? Wall for Apr)!.S...1J0 Low fur April.76.844 LflSh for March.MUM Low for March.70.0S4 High for Februar?.18.8?B Low for Februar?;.............. .09.641 J_)?h for ?lamiar*-.TS.01S low for January.70.77S Hl?h. tlio? far, 1918.99.700 I ni far, 101?. ?H.S4? Hl.h. fall year. 1914.?1 ? A lew, ful) year, 1914.07.437 announcement to this effect would be made soon. Waxier is president of the Whlt nal Hank of New Or? leans, and has always taken a keen ?n ier?s?. la the welfare i ?them | cotton planters. He iras u member ot the committee ?if bankers forme.i a igo to enable the farmers to hold their cotton for better prices follow ing the demoralization resulting from ??break of the war. "Conditions la the irouth are now much improved," said Mr. Wexler yes terday. "The farmers are not only / good prices for their cotton, but for f-ugar and rice as well. The t industry which has bean in bail shape is also showing In ; The Sou:h is well supplied with money, ?ind the agricultural commur.ity is in good spirits because good prices are ? ; commodities." STEEL MERGER WAITS Not Definitely In $300, 000,000 Combine. James A Campbell, president of the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company, who is biso slated for the presidency of the new $300,000,000 steel merger now in process of formation, eon yesterday with New York bankers and others interested in the proponed com ahich will include the Cambria Steel Company and probably the 1 ? Steel Company. Ns| tbs latter company are still lag, Campbell eald that while only a little more than 75 per cent of the stockholders of the Youngitown Com? pany had yet signified their approval of the merger, he expect*1. ?cully all would give their com?: to learn whether any definite offer had beer, made to the Lackawanna Steel Companv were met with evasions by those who are engineering the n ? It was understood that a ortce i : a share has been suggested, but appar ?'ure is not satisfactory to the stockholders. Dispatehss from Youngstown to the il district yesterduy stated the options taken on the Sheet and Tabs ?Company's stock give sellers the right to reinvest all or any part of the cash received in stock of the new ci i, tion. It was atl ? icady bids sre being made for these right? ranging from $14 to $17 a share. ON THE CONSOLIDATED. The market on the Consolidated Stock Exchange changed Its tone more than once during the ?lay, but the final tendency appeared to be upward. United States Steel common, of which ll.tVjO ?.'(.area changed hands, after selling us high ae 86H, closed at f??*??. Anaconda changed hands as low as 84%. A can Smelting closed at 100'?. it? high motive went as low at 114.Vs and as high as 117%. STOCKS. 1..? _Ju>? ?-ou It A ??'? . . ? n r? ? A I y * . * A I A ??I I. I I ? .' ? to ? 4'A I I1.M4 i ? MINIM?. ?i ii i ? ?ttftS Cat?. aa__, *. ? - STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. ON STOCKS. ? <i?rn. " X ? . a . A Y ? ?4 'a ' ' 4 Calumet _ Hi ? -i .?i lUitt? . IS t? *->_fik:in . ..a. Crook. 4. Royala, , ?j ? 4 . II n i| lio Non Butte., < ? . a M ? - .. 2 I ?r. 24 . I ? a' lo I ?'th Apes. i ? ... ii . 2-H i . ?I W-% ? i ?7 M 4 a 4' - Y 14 > Ma 1 24 ' S II .'-. I 4 . II 4 se . M I ? I ti I 12 w ? > r-. 16 ' '. a*. I 4? 11% 4 ' H . Il ' i * I it VA ah" ton Kl? at? I * M m?. 6 1-1' ;' . I -, 81 do pi of. taw M 41 I 41 32> Am Pr.rii S?rv.. 2 ? ' .... M ? ?-.-? B Telephone . 10 do prof. til 17* tin Br.os Mach.. fa'?-. Hi do prof. ?OHM ! 2 1 14 14 14 ? . a am mm ? 'a 21 231? 28 ?1.000 Cent V. lit l.OOOCumb T?l M E Tel 6?. . est tT?1 4?, 1 l.'-jO Will Tel A T I? A t 4a.. 19 H (?.... tt*? WH IWl.l'V.Va, I -? v, ?** : T U et ii ?0 MH ICI?? MV H M t.?-. tri .11 ("LOSINO. B14. A?k t RIS. A-k Kar 8t Oaa. 16o {Oc Mu M?tala. Y Ho? ton Ely.. 115 tic ,Nev 1 Igtftl ?.. I Chief Con? 1?. IrV L'tefa Metals.. M, *\ Majestlo ... Bxl 4*. ?tl tli Usai PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. ? r ?.- ? .- tr ctf?. ..,?4 u. r. n IN j ? * i ira pf. 43 : ? ? - t -. ?eo ctf? 81 ? ?. ? - -, ? . ? !i:.h ?I 1 ? . 1 43 Y . M ? ? a ( BICAOO STOCKS. ? I I I - . 114 ? M, CI la Rway D? ? ?7 tr ? M a x c?o Kv.-> r< '? "I 71 ? 4H?. M I ' " 4 114 ?7 ? ? n r BALTIMOI? STOCKS. -a 11 100 Alabama Bo.... 11 20 re? I ? i aal ? .. ? lo pr?f. ? I ? rn Fu? -.4?. : ? 1 .lo 21 i--" a 140 Mon Val Trao.. M MM "16 12 Nortl ara Cat I ?na w ft i'w 74 2 I 'a. .... 7 ? Se w?f . 7*4 II fn P.y * T.\er . MU i Weet Nal Hmr* rv? - f ?- -i C M **? 1 "3>e. r.n Pl W 4 .i l?l ? r 5? .... ?6 ? ? .'.o fdi 6a. . Mi? m m M M 10 16 74 7 7-4 M 100 M 11 i ? a 41 4* ? 1? ? ? 10-1. MU i ? 4 ". . ', - PITTSBURGH STOCKS. Hait*. :??? 711 15 <?? ? eis M M Am "V nia? 15 n H ' ? ?? 1 A S Btai Mfr? t. Nat v"'i?> l'ioof .. ~? Ohio 1 - ? . f.u? 75 ?w. S*-? Il A Oaa I I ? las 144 . B..140 ? i i. 43 | . n l 2? 130 ? ?1 ' Y ? ?Mi 11 ? ."*?. '*??. 7( 7? ; fS 17". 21 141 'a' 4j 11. 43 43 I a f 'H - IT? 1-K-H CUBAN SUGAR MERGER New Combine Will Hnvr Capital of ?.1O.?0?.O0O. A combination of twenty-four CuYnn aug*ar comj>anie?i, w'th an afrf-regate capitalisation of ?, is now in price?? of formation by prominent Street banking houses. An offi? cial announcement of th? merger la ex : next week by J. 4 W. man A Co. ? er hnnkinf- firme interested are J. P. Morir?n & Co. und tbo Oui ? Tru?t Cempaa*- It ? understoi '/,/? ? am ? will liau? $f,(),. t cumulatlva ' pe? c>-rit stoeh sad 600,004 sharee "f eoma-oa, with no |.i.r value. Preferred ?tock may be effered at par, with a bonus in tho eessasoa stoik. J. W. Platten Extends Time. J'ihn W ? ,un of tho "to representing ,! I 'erna tnpimy, an ' ' of the ? havo !?, the se I ' ?.OU -a.??* te t .1 la* La. PRODUCE AND I GRAIN PRICES Traffic Conditions Depress Wheat?Corn ?Market Declines at Close. Xew To-*. Dwrmaber If. IS?.5 Whl I - Tra/TV , - . .. ? . J (re?a CORN. - - ?..?ye?, and ?!<-* wi SOHoi or!.! ?J7>-> ? RYS. Mut-at guleti It- I Wi-aut.. II MH ?, _ L 1?** T<r_ NfW YORK fRICIS. ~-tal .. T?*'?-?i?, D?orLb?rf .|1 }|U M?r . . ? *. . CHICAGO PRICES. ( ' ?? ? ? .41* 41U i- 4. FLOUR AND MEAL. ? ? ?ere on! : CH?CALO PROVISIONS. ... 1 COFFEE, . ? * . . * - ? ih. I/jw c Hi Ml ? | ? ? 8L'?AR FU7URES. ? ? . s to I :s t n day. ? . 8.11 t 4.' I 43 III I. si til -r ! C0TT0N8EF0 OIL. . ? (ip?n. II - 1 1 ? I 1. ? ? 1.64 ? METAL9. ? - ' ? au I i oiwtry PBODVCI MAIK1 I ?it. BUI - ( .KfCSC. Reeali.?? I ,. , fmMS ?*????. wtmlt - , ?????? \ .. - . . ?? ... 51 ?1? :? Ka-I U ?U-u?. He I, itm.Ui .\.# I aa4 we-*. . ..... ? HAY AND STRAW. I ? j i. FRESH FRUITS. ' ' ? ? ? ' POTATOES AND VEO FTABLES. ' * ? ' ? r.nrby. J-?i??;?n. i :?. ??i ???? ? 'i peen, I i? . I . . I i? I. i ' nesrty. ? ' a: i ? . ? I"?a. b.k*. ? tt, ''A? i I -r.i\\4 ti t ? i jiaai -. ? ? I ' i-t 11 t I ... ? < ? r- 4 i i . * I IMA ; Cl ? ... ,, . ? - : ? t ' ?. < ' ' ! ? : ? .-' >.bl. ? i Il TT'KNI - ? ? |1 .'.ATKR --. ? ? ? x ? '? ? ? i ? ? ' ? I ! I . g . - ' ? : ? I I\ E8T01 K KAREVT ? - ?r ::. ill?, BEEVES. ?r? en ??!*. In-' . 1'n? ? . i .. ?-. I i . I .nt w*4 CALVES. .- II ' IS AND LAMBS. . ? ! ?- * Il . -, dr? . : .. - ui HOG?. I . ? ? '?r on ??!? Mer : |? < i- t- ? bt an i . ? ' i PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES ,il News Bad if Vari?es ( araaeatleaa. All electric properties controlled by 11. M. I foi th? week In 1 connected lighting loud and ill" horae : the prop-' kilotwatt hours, an inciense of aver -1 per cent, cornpa: t'usines? COI r IflCledad .vatts . . horsepearer in fla Railway A? Timer. IS income of the Georgia Railway & pi resaber, in comparison with last rear's ri-venues. un advance of 11 Bar cent, total earnings amounting to ? ?.'-) After deducting r,?es and taxes, net earnings for the month mors than M per .leven months' report u;> to No - 168, an ? fame pe ... < srnings . THE WOOL MARKET. ;i!y T'>r-?Ph ?<*? <bt I ladelphla, I'ec. 17.?No important chani;i ? B recorded in the local wool market during the past week. At a resul' of the foreign aJ ? ices, bolder? arc very firm In their view?. tarera aa a rule ar? not ?1 I its er-ept for act .. ants. The situation among the illj s.-ry eutisfurtorj. Woolsi ' I ' in"facturers ar.? . i tie combers und spin nera . ictlons nuld up. I he dyestutT situation of the re 8 shipment .?ause la getting aniline col .?uantity to satisfy the demand. (Juotntiona ar?* as follow?: ;?>* V US u. 1 til l.liu Rmcmr?Flr.n w?u_t J * 1U ; ? ; i?rt*r. I<-|'" ? - ? - s. t*a . ?? I ??.??? ? ????" ?L t - ? ..1.1 , . . I - ... .4 ..... .. ? ? ? '?'??.*?? Aim ml* It? tic. Khar-?*. , .*????' dlo. 14 j COTTON NERVOUS; HITS NEW LEVEL _ Recent U. S. Report, Fewer Peace Prospects and Interna tional Status Blamed. The cotton market showed Increased nerronsaeee yesterday ar.d prices made new low ground for the movement un? der a renewal of hear- liquidation. contracts sold off to 11 - u bale under the high level of laet week, ar.d the general list slosed barely >, at practically the low point, or Inte under Thursday's c*.?,?. raree. The decline eeessed traceable to no particular item In the day's news, but. to be an expression of the nervousness which has been more or less in evi? dence- unce the government report of week failed to creutt? any geaeral buying movement. This i.ervousnei? ] probably has been increased by un eaiir.ess over international politics, rather a less optimistic view of peace proepeete, talk of rather full returns for the fin n-.d the continued light export move? ment. Moreover, this m*..' I1"?'! IS**, while Liver? pool struddlers were less sel the did \ ? u de? cline of 1 to 4 points, ? te net : of 8 to 10 poir.ts followed on trade buyiag and eererlng tat shorts, but the demand failed to Broaden and prices weakened again in the afternoon, with the active months selling 21 ' pointe net lower. Stop orders were un? covered on this breaK, which carried prices under the low level of last Mon? ta:, d about 4'i *o 41 points under ? vt'I of the e ? The censal roport ?bowing nn unusu? ally large yield of linters in proportion to seed was rather a si.:. in tho tr ?ome such result, and the ligures wer?? hardly an important tactor. Aeeordinc tu the official report Untere obtained prior to December 1 this year amount? ed to asi,li_7 bales, compared with 841, 142 last vear, although the crush of cottonseed wa? only 1,081,140 tons, agalnat 2,478,931 last season. The In* centlve for obtaining linters Is found in the competition by makera of ex? plosives and abnormally high prices compared with lint cotton values. .Notwithstanding that the seed is be? ing almost poliehed in the effort to se? cure all the .?, It is ?up : that users of linters this year eil] be foreed apon low gratis '. n1 Some ..n wee sttrsct d in the ? trude by the preliminary estimate of tho winter wheat urea, which Ind that practically the same acreage as last year had bet a planted In all the cotton producing il tee, I xcept Okla? homa, which showed a considerable de? crease. The official estimate of cotton ge (?anted in India up t.. Octo? ber l showed u decrease of about 27 ??ut, as compared ?vith las" It Is Sait] British shipping interests had been instructed thai tnetr steamers should carry at least 60 per cent of t?-ruiii in their cargoes from Southwest? ern ports, with this aten .?ire the scarcity of tonnage, ami ? of any very Material bulge in tho export movement for the time 1 ? . Southern spot markets, as officially r*|.ortml, were unchanged to _6 points lower, with New Orleans unchanged, while most of the other leading mar? kets showed declines of from lo to 15 points. The weekly movement figur?e of the New ] lowi Pen < ,?-i ?<? a.-? at - - lit ! ? . ' ? ... Ill lM Port re ... ? . . a . . 6.676, 7*1. a. .a_. :. .- ' . ft '*' On?. Hlih. 1?re. ? -aauary MS? 11 ?1 11 * I .. ? Uetth . ill? 12 11 UN 13 ? - _ Mt- , .... 12 la 1141 11 II I - - ? - . i ; 13 it 12 K 1. I ? 11 11 12 20 13.09 ? ? ? - il ? . ? ? ? a tjt*. ? ?</ ?Mt ? ? I a ! ao a? III n ..... 1 71j 4 1 I.' 4 - 1 ll ? . ..?MM 163.7? I , . 1.176 " ?port *. ' i ' ? ' ? ? ? -?? ORDERS FROM RETAIL MERCHANTS HEAVY Wholesalers and Jobbers See Unusual Year-F.nd Trade. Commerciril agencies say that un? usually heavy purchasing at this sea? son is kee; B the road ar.d continuing to bring remark? able year-en.1 business to whole end Jobbers. Buying for future deliv ;,me. The del: mall stocks ri have been retarded in some seel through the widespread storm* ? have added to the difficulties all felt from congestion of freight. "Dun'? ReVleer" ?-ays: "The storm hampered wire and trans? port?' end aggravated the ? deli-* i and the : eeen ? -., while our . r werk In the Last and Great : ?a was partially ruled. Conalderable ?>? nel t. !. w? accrued from the snowfall and tempt ratures, additional stimu? lus being imparted to the distribution of heavyweight apparel, footwear and fuel. "Commercial failures this week in tho United States are Ml, agiunBt 372 last week, Ml the preceding week ami .19 the corresponding week last year Of the?- IS6 were in the Last, 11" South, Bl West and 49 in the Pacific Statee, and 147 reported 'nubilities of ? or more, against 116 ?fin ? ? '"?-? th*- following! ?> la i? majority of ... .th proepeete el still greater growth, typify current trade condi? tions. The larger trades do not dis? play th? customary pre-holiday char? acteristic? that usually prevail when the tima for the taking of inventories; i.rrivea. There has been a lull in some sections, but b? and large uftivity is so steadily maintained that salesmen are remaining on the road longer than usual at thi? season, and Meet reports i.gree that wholesale as well aa Job? bing trade is of large volume. "in addition, l brutmas shopping is in full swing, buying at man> e? the ' \ears, regular retail ?tiule in heavy wearing apparel relient, nail erdci konaea are doing e sad buying for ( delivers is good. TENANTS BUY BUILDING Factory jn Hoboken for Years Occu? pied by I'urchaaers. The Koscherak Syphon Bottle Works, <?t*o L Koicherak. president, has pur? chased for all cash the factory lag at ULI an i ISM Park av.. 7? tant south of nth .?t.. Hobekea, K. J The company has occupied thit build? ing for a number of years as tenants. It is within two blocks of the Hoboken Land and Improvement i'onipai.y's **.<?-? } '.'-story modem factory that ???" leased before completion to one t? 1 he ' company plans I iag another l'.'-story factory adjoining, le, Petty dfc L'w.ght, Inc., negoti ! BANKERS TRUST CO. TO CELEBRATE XMAS Employes to Get 5 P. C. Bonus at Entertainment To-night. A Christmas pert* eriU be held to? night in the banking rooms of the Hanker?' Trust Company, under the uuspices of the hankers' Club, an or? ganization of the trust company'* offi eers and employes. The reception will be a family atfair. only members of the ci'ib, rheir wive* and the women yes of the bank being Invited. The occasion, according to th.'.-? in charge of the entertainment will BS us ;?s the holiday leasea demanda, aad second floor bi. rooms will be decorated with Christ? mas trees and garlands of holly and liaste *'ill he furnished and Santa Claus will be there to dispense remembrances in envelones containing B tones ?I I fer cent of each employe's yearly salary. In addition to this form of gral ? ft in the shape of a I com i sa fnnd s ; eh was i fears age, and which ? is providing for snpemnn he have been in i apacitati-ii by illness. Bolides taking the Initiativ?? in get? ting up entertainments, classes are be? ing conducted under the leadership of the Bankers' Club for educating mem? bers to a Letter Icnowledgo of the bank? ing buslnos?. A general meeting Is held once a month and an annual out? ing is held during the summer at some nearby seashore resort. Among other banking Institutions which announced special Christmas distribution to employes yesterday wem the I'nlted States Mortgage and Trust Company, whose directors de? clared a bonus af 10 '?> r i mt MOVE NORTH ON FIFTH AVENUE Lace Importers Rent Big Space in Old Building ?Other Leases. Bger Brothers, importers of ?aces an i embroideries, for ten years located at 900 Broadway, leased for a term of yours the first loft in th Arnold. Constable Building, HOI Broadway, 11S-117 Fifth av. and , ?th it. i emprises an area I !.. Tannen? baum, Str.- . for the estate of II? Dl ? ?ble. M. ?*. aased through B. Eng? lander the i "-i st., eonti 10,000 squars feet, I >r s long term of years, to Milton Schreiber ? Co., deal? ers In fai vi'li the Jallas Friend M Lewi Company, ninth It l?th st., to the ' ? H. :l ?v Stem li ssed erith Carat? Linn? ? ath and U ; NO feet Of si'are. I eoi ner 14th it, to S. I , irers of elothing. .1. <;. W\ ? led ths store and 1 I tVesI 21th 17 19 West 17th it, t. pany; . ?Vishnisk & . 4 Hush, and for Spear cv Ce, '?'?est 17th st. to Gusiow A Nelson. Frederic)- Fox S Co. leSSS?*] ths nt at 130 bi . th st., for a tel tti _ Bobi East ? it to If. H?*_ I floor at IS V ? ? tarai of real ? I'nc Ri II oration a atore ? . to V. ory, jr., 4 Co., interior tine .?? Co. leased ?paee at 289 Fifth av. to S Bam pi?tre. James .1 , leased the ear? . ..v., corner 8Sth ? ? ' ' " mm. $1.200.000 BROOKLYN DEAL Hotel Hosier) Leased for long Term of Years. Matt J. Ward A Co leased for n lonjr term of ?/ears ths H Brooklyn 1 , Bos i cur on at an aggregate rental of $1, 200,000. ? F .'. ?? ia beea siade lent and managing director, and F M. Bay, jr., a- BBger, Mr. been manag? r of ?he Hotel ? av. and 26th st., this eltjf, I lir. Hay was for? merly with ths Hotel Majestic. BUSINESS TROUBLES Bankrupt-* Pefltloei?. rscKaa eaonaaa t-?:?-? in tnf?nt*' wtu. in m A. ? Bnimmal A? I --.-O Ai**-_ider. lili, ?i.! I Tt.ejr -_*.{? ?a tt ? . bin km st try S^hr-dulva. if BB_V____J 4 ... . .,, .Viler? |n ! !.. - ? .. ! ? -1 ?- . : ?_? <?. ? , > I ? ? 4 i - . ? , ; II teemret. Booth M* . . I u:ptny. N.?r I.? I :? 1 ' i > umpajiy, i ? - I. ? ? ? l I. Harry 1 | hat In ?'??Ml i> ..' |4 0$4. MnI?llS ?,1.1t.K. manufacturer ..t fur .ii.?1 uoau, I E_?t lt-.h *l. a - I - *_???? of III ?. ae . I. ? ? - I _,:. tl'l TDK TRAW'I.I I? i ORI UK_T ' I '.'et ?t. ?*.,*.i bj a ? ri a et 1 ? ? ? .' \\ iiiTK-ii'::*ii.M KKUIAS r*o, manufr__u-_-?ot* ? ion lia ? ? I 4*.'? ' 1- ? . - . .1 I. ? .?, ,.|, . OUPA.VT dealer? In e.v?-a m? ?M .'. Ill .V -.. s'- ??? il?) *?* . . . ? 111 ? nette, ti TIIK l't'BB I'VK HILK ...'IIANT. .** Ill 51h ?f?. I.?? lui um ? ?h.*r.._i Il* t..?-iw-t '. lal ???-??*. I ? : ? tuil umf I I-AVISTE?) - IJH?I1.VK. rrro.-?-. ?I UOf. Aa , ?>-. ha?? . ?rt Mtlfntunt ?___)ul?t *i. ?? ? I ? ?J t**?U. Il WO. aid ? ? .?ir?. I . * tmmwmmu RII'E A PA-VUIOrJi, IM'. e.munl?_o- me? ? ?-'?>. - - r?*i leu? m . ? s Vieri '. ? 1*1.? ? ??. p. ? ??, * i - ?. 4 Mark i?f 13 tt? . ? .: W ll_..;?>T ?? !-:? F.llur*. et ?h? Vw.k Ilr*.i?'r-?-t ? - ? . ? !n th* < i meet . ? |*t th? ? ?>??* ? 1 i'1 ?'. || Il_l -?->?? at I ?'. ? Ui r ???.-? ha<1 111 Swe I . ? i ?_an ?4 ?yir>'.i?r?iam il ?.. I ft .'? ?1? t?.l ?. U*J.->?- I" ' ' II.? *.r.?-i-l!i i we.. I p? e? ? 'J ..." . -.< .it I.?.I raj* I? 'la** t. ? 1'. -"' ?'? I It kit <?.'? ?,.*?! ttxmt _._*.! u. UA*<? ttl/AleL I INVESTOR BUYS HEIGHTS HOUSE Property in St. Nicholas Avenue, Known as the Kershaw. BUSINESS PARCEL IN MADISON AVE. SOLI) Site Adjoins Holdings of August Belmont?Flats Figure in Trading. Business in the local real estate mar? ket yesterday wa? mostly of leases of business pY.ces. Among the sales an? nounced was an apartment In the Heights section. The transaction con cerned the six story elevator house at 1252 St. Nicholas av.. 25 feet south of the southwest co. see ?? The structure is on a plot 75x100, and was ed *t by the J. genuine Brown Company and Robert M. Fulton f. | A. B.tuni, to a bnyer for Investment. The seller bought the house, wh' known as the KerShaw, about eighteen months ago through the same brokers from Charlee M Iireoatbel The four story and basement dwell? ing, converted for business, at 175 ?n bv., en n lot 2 I 6x100. be- ? . '.mont, has been aold by Elle ? I yaeterday were .. : fietl the upper lVe?t Side and in The Bronx, as fel lows: LORII.I.ARD PLAOF -Lorene Streck has sold for Leo Siebert to Dr. Nicholas ?ahella, the four story sixteen family house at the southwest corner of Lorll lard Place and 187th st. BRYANT AV -James McConnell aold 1130, 11*14 and 111.S Bryant av., three four story flat?, each S3 8x100, 100 feet north of 167th ?t., at Westchester nv. The buver gavo in part payment property In /< M3D ST. Joseph A. Blackner has sold for the I mpan] to an ? ? Y"M it., i ( plot 18x86, t.t ar ? ?ollt ?o st. HOF AV. Margaret Kaei ha? sold 1171-71 Hoe a' , ? law flat, on pial MhrlM, located 150 feet north of Jennings it Her i?. Well Pm aold for John J. Murphv . i ?v, ? ' i it, a flee story i !?r 24.11x7 man. inrtn si' Dr. Fran: fey, of Kentgt . has pareheeed front 'on, the doable fist, 26x98 11, a* 161 Wee! IMd ?t Philip A. l'avion, Jr, Company were the br TTEBOUT AV. fehn A. H'einmet*: sold for the Weber ! Mian?' the plot 100x164, St the southeast nf '1.1. "it av. and Ford S( 'he Tie'?o.;? "ifp Peiapaaj. .hmi. Drene, pr?t -H will er t-Vsaef c*\va In r**rt . . V.oiise. j ? PRATT RENTS OLD HOME Recently l.rasrd Big Suite In House Now lleing Bull. Pee ?? ?' i man have leased the apartment el 640 Perl to., at the north t ?ornei ? ? v, \ ng the en | .pied ert !.. Pi ? t of ? say, te i ? entire top 1 II sd I 1 athreOBM, in the new hou?e under constn thenst corner of 5th av. and " loans on Buildings. A he ? hae been Yife Insur aii.a-p I Vj thor.y A. Pa terne Construction I orporatloa for a irtment house, fiOxlOO. ? sen ei ei ' Title Insurunce Com? pany ' hn J. Tully Conso ' "ipany four mortgage esen on the I 111 ? ? ..? ____. Westchester Deals. Burk-? Stone, [ne, i'.ro.ixvill?, have I for Henri Psuehey hie home on re. Alexander Finley, of Haverford, Pean , for a term. The 'ganiratlon gol.l f. i r ? wat-laa, hi? plot :n, to Will ard I- st of the Karl , who recently two adjoining lots, and will ?1 with a large brick lence. ? ? Bronx Apartment Plans. G mi stag have com? pleted plan?, ft r two f-v_ itory and basemen* ai.nrtment houses, each 5".1x 90, for '?!. Rosenthall, on tho de of Orand av., 175 feet south Y. st These buildings will uccommo.iat. I fty-twe families. The fronts will be of tapestry brick, granite and lime-tone, end will cost $86,000. Mrs. Anderson Buys Hotel. ibeth M. Andersor. has acquired to the twelve Itory Hotel Lo Marquis, at 12 to 16 Fast list st., -.?(.ich was recently sold at a forec'.*?. sure for tlbOfiOO. .Mbx If. Wcrhurg, of Hamburg, Germany, wi.o he! I the mort? gage on the propery, gave a new mort? gage for |28l .--? e Sales at Auction. A? , I I Pas 710 8T. it Pat ?- i Ii 1 : 1 " i CHOsBY IT. 151. i. i >i teesm ? -, UsTSl ' t>l>la; lit. I'.-. . a? ," - II ' - 1 ? -.roi?l ?!?rr,. '?TH ST . . ' ... H ??IM t * ? / a 1 M ?. i. wn, ?.t ? ?? ? '*?? ? A t ?ntv?. tttctt t" '..*??. ?t.-' 1 ? ? ? . . ? ? "._ REAL ESTATE. t til NTHV I'h.iPKKTY. BK*T vr-a- iai. rue* roa iTKHtAse or ii'l \ 10 |8| ..*??.. _ IMBI U Nti I H F*?. -I \I I Ol \| ,\ M.IIK. I ttSTKUl I I K ?t <>l I H I Notice of taauance >?' the n?w d??t?-n ef ? tock tran?f?r tax ?tamp?. m it m?v . . I'leaee tkH? n.ttl ? thitt pursuant la? the prt.? 1*1?.ii? of chapter 111 ef (he law? of llll I have pro?l.t?d for the l?.u?ro-*> ?nil ? e in.? of a niiw .|.-?!?n of ?to'k r ttai, ?lump?, ami rh?t ?fter lh? ?rh ?? ?liara h 1 .IS. rionaa aathaar thtan tit? ..i? ..r .i*>.i?n of esaaapa win Sa ? ? repte- ..r riff u?? ..f m p?,m.?nt of the "(??mm M?r.-h 7th. Ill?, t.? Jun? 7th. 111?. .... stamps ..f ill? eld iwu? may b? for ?tamp? ,.r tir? n.'?? rlca'.gn ?? m ?aid act t>t..?i,lf,i Datr.l. AIImiij. N Y. S >y.!-t I?, llll IL'UtM-: .M-*kTK \\ IS ne__itt_U_r.