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Blessed Are the Peacemakers, but in Baseball Their Lot Is Not Enviable Some Snags in Way of a Baseball Peace Old Leaguers and Feds Will Be Forced to Make Concessions. O. B. DEMANDS THAT SUIT BF WITHDRAWN Ballimiirc Men Insist Their Town Rt* cive a Bij? League franchise. ?j I RANI OM-.II.I . ! ne a a;- la baseball is eel tied. After hour?, of oratory, in which < r,e of studious bent might have learned much of oratory ar.u argument, the commit if ths Federal League I, a in. met at the Waldorf yesterday, adjourned for the Light. Peace hovers m the nfli.K, likj leshful your.?-?ter. but it has not i.i en declared. Nor will it lie anti] o suie makes concessions. Orgi .-.ail demands that the i. ths hand- . enter ?ate no -, intil II ij drawn. Th) Baltimore fed major le.gje pOlll! I ne Ke.ieral League just BOtt trill not withdraw it; suit. It ?a genera: ?hat this i? a nu..?* effective clan, U withdraw .t would place the I ? <he same position as a nation \?itii a demobilized army when an ?neiny strikes. The Baltimore men are linn ?| I e nrmand for admis.s.on to the major league. They insist that then? i? a major league city in I BCt, end demand that it he ?o recog? war.t to lune ti,.. . t, Loa - Iranchise and play the team in Baltimore. This proposition met *.vit)i a curt refusal. Hut Soma strides have been taken. I he Brooklyn Tip Tops will withdraw 'torn Washington Park, leaving th? harren of baseball an 1 the city in th? hands of the Superbas. Orgamred hase hal will reimburse (ieorge S Ward an? nually With i per cent of the a value of Washington Park for | ears. Two more bargains ?i*r? driven. The ? animal?, and no* the ?frowns, were purchased by Stiefel and Ball, and will be merged with the St. Louis Federals, under tue command of Fielder Jones. .Miller Hupgins will be BBBiated to pur? chase the St Paul Hub, of the Anier ean Assecial en. Charley W'eoghman purchssed ihe I'ubs and will combine them with the Whalei with ?'ne Tink? er iri charg". Roger Brosnahan will be paid in full for bis contract, which ' ??till has two year* to run. and he will be aided ?o buy the Cleveland team of' the American Association, which will be moved to his home tov ? Harrv F. Sinclair, owner of the New? ark club in the Federa! League, will not purchase the controlling interest In the New Vori? (liant?. II,- i aim? has been mentioned ns a possible, in far?, a probable, purchaser of the h ? of the heirs of John T, Brush, which amounts to K2 per rent of the stop-, of the club. Mr. Sinclair assured th? writer yesterday that he poaitively ?ould not Invest his money in the Na? tional League club m this otv. He ?aid that several <ia\- agro he had coi sidered the proposition, hut although the ground o Oklahoma, he did not propose tu run .? into the ground on Manhattan Isl? and. It is ?aid that Harry N. Hempstesd demanded 11.500.non for 82 pr r cent o' 'he capital stock of ihe club. Mr. Sin clair refused to pay such a stnggrring price. I'nless Mr. Sinclair vas beat mg around the bUsh, ar! hi? word that he was not. anothei :>. i fectly good rumor has gone to Early in the afternoon the etoi i bandied about that the i|?al W) -ettted. So one ha? hern found to purcha?* the lndiar? from ' harlei Bornera, bul ?Ho owner of th" Indians BOS worry, lie ha* the loyal Baseball man 'n the country. Hii millions werr a* the eommand of the American Irina the stormy days, and Ban J 'he author? ity for the statement that Somers will be protr. Another canard wa ate the ad yesterday. Prom some source or other the rumor came that the Senator? an.I ?ould com? bine and play at VI Park next ?ea?o*. W c n ? Gril fith BB*OUt th? BMttei He made a ?weeping denial, and I ?? whole tale as the product of n fertlls imagina? tion. He said that he would not listen to the propo-al to bring any tiatn that he managed t<. Brooklyn. "It. n the world for hasebal'." ?ad Griffith. "It bi a good man. and ?I will break i I'har'i there as long as he has. Now. ? will not ,- long as I have anything to no with them." The American League legation ?r ri\ei) on tune \< - after a trin through a storm-gripped coun -, the ?Volcotl Hotel ?sr chamber council in ?BW, II was here tha* | ? ( wnds and the American I eap, i the matter wa? fl Ha*- It t of the ' ran I i ? r- ; l har .loe Lannin, of the V ha Yankees, t the an League. The ? ? .lohn K. Tener, l ? ?>? -i, I sag chairman of the Nal Of the Henry Harry N. of the Bravi?. of th? ?ard Bar? homes \ tion. ?'he- '?ent ?ti-.-*, arrived there s a moh rs. fans and ?lher? crowded around. James A ****. Pf" ?'ague, (fan ??????___~-?_______________ Hupmobilc ?100 ? ,?-- ' ??? ? ? ?-"uni ex wemr _?? mj ?a ??-' H.l' ? m r-*_? H.?1?e-_ . t. .??r, , m turn ?JC CHAS E. RIESS & CO., Inc., 1090 Broadway, N. Y. C. ? n ? m? 4aB_B___BBr__B___?_BBBS8_________?Ji_a__. mm?esmmmmy' rllagAII? Hi lila- i a, l*?>oi 5B__5_UU| ? ? '? - w u ?< ,, t'a?*? ?>*m**e. +u3*nS inclair, < harles Weerhman and t'arl Kaum reprt I ] il"v .. ; foi e bat on that the American and Na? tional leagues desired BO thraah certain matters out they ? Hotel and had dinner. The departure of the 1 ? ! rr*n started .? wildcat rumor thai .ken or? ami 'hit' t',e dore bad beea dropped I hi? report we ? ? n ? flying squat!: ball ? ? down on the Biltmore at full spent. Mr. i .1 thsl one ? I ons imposed ill wits ihi der contract with the Fed perhei eren in the Federal host, | luretl for. "We -'." he declared, "that \ all men under contract to us receive a clean bill of health. They will have to be reinstated, ami, whl ability calls for it. placeil with major teams. Forring reinst?leme- | mean the forcing of employmt major league 01 ability . ?rern that. ? - will hare to ? ?I insist do .h' that ? things ? ? who -e ('..n - red will b. ? ?? that they ' in good standing, bat they will - ?a le^-al claim on BS." Ban Johnson, on the morn of peace, harked back to the ante-bellum days. Ha gave all the credit for seeking peace i National League He said: "Barney Dreyfnsa arrived in Chicago with the tentative sgreetnt into between 'he National and ti i oral league . He prest to the American League anil talked over the matter. There were many points discuased, end the session or Ihree hour'. But we thrashed it i decided to accept it." , Han. who quit in this fig asked a baseball writer. Jol to his full height, and, I. i 'able, .- ? the Ami League; v.. never yielded an inch." The committee representing the Fed? eral League end the Nations! i ?n sion will meet this morning st i'1 o'clock, and more detail will be thrashed out. Jaiiif? A. Gilmore. ? dent of the Fed?rale, Harn F. Sinclair] v? eeghman wil Ido th _. Jaanery, of Baltimore, their counsel. No agreement ? tween the leagues until this committee ?Ii the National t'om ii. composed of t.airy Hen Ban Johnson and John K. tener. The amalgamation of the Federal League and organised baseball will re ? Federal International team ii Pitl burgh, it is aaid, ? owners of the Baltimore club can h? in? duced, another combination club land in the Monument City, as told pre? viously, howe?i er, Ball in or< lag for the Cardii Wh | -.till let loose ii Peacock Alley. i' it Hairy IN 11 ttinnii. chair? man t.'" the N'ai ional I n and owner of t he Bed fete aa manager Wilbeii Bobinson will have to lota! elsewhere for ? for the Superbai next S| ? Rube Marquard wa? around the ho!<l yesterday. He announced that jr., was a ir ft .lim tiilmor-? refuse.I <o discuss the I i t y of his ?" the i hirago CubS, In addition to 1 . ' ' 'irlcy huyler . Thomas, Ed McK? B, H, I?n- ?. J. C, roole. " and a host of o! her b crashed into th? : ? m ? Bridgeport Plays Squash To-Day. The Bridgeport I n ? ei it y ? lub ? .II Princeton ' on the la" men will rompo??? . team, with . the club champion, leading the Princeton repr?sentai PRINCETON NOSES OUT CORNELL FIVE McTigne Wins for Tigers In Closin? Minutes of Play. IB] Pi ? -(ton, N". J.. Dee. IT. la < the !? all games ever seen on the Princeton floor, the "lige: s defeat? ed t ornell by a score of II to 17 here ,-ltt in th< Ii ri?on. Not until aim . I I moment of I, when Me? lt goal .vhich won for the T . i. hail jump. irly in the fray, Lun len, Cornell's al - . Pi ? nded, but i ?tore ami until the fins for the Tigl I met? the game, - ? r?.r ti.ra.v i*, i. r ? - ? i ? ? i CAMPBELL DROPPED AS A HANDICAPFEI Successor, Eaton. Also Was a Witness in the Kiviat Case. A numb made , in the apt - ?' the comn district eon n and ha: .-.ation. en out by ? -a-oe C ? ? ?? : of Abel R a I Y.rt ?. .1 Smith, the local runners, from the Hinat ? ose condui Campbi The suet I P I ston, the Si er, whi net the ? cal runnel ? Ibbertub ? D, Reidpath, the com 1 Buf? falo, h: ? had his d arged, ? ecticut ten toi . Ivided in'.. ? No succei cecd Leo 1 ? eh hi? only four club ? left open. ? MURPHY MAY BLOCK CUBS' PLAN TO MOVE Says Club Has 80-Year Lease on Park in Which He Is Interested. eago, Pec it Charlee W. Mur? phy, former president of the i I National-?, intimate I here tenia] there might be difficulty in transferring the < ?? their old home I park of 11 Ys, as pi opo ???: I thi peace "The Cuba have an r . ? 'ea?e ? Side ball p,irk." said Mr. Murphy. "Mr. Ts ilf interest I re Ihe other ? de some ? ? m ill ' an* ?' ? 1700,000." a To Widen Scope of .Motor Boat Racing of the \ - Delated "?.-?ht and Power Boat Il a meeting at Chi? ? ' ? for the pui ? |i ? boat ?.. be ! eld I Chi? Cleveland, ?lilwaukee. Pitching Record of Feds PIM HERS' \N ?I Vll? \l I Mil E ? -.-??? z. ?> ? - - I -. ? ?4 ?I *n * i . - > . n ?i ? .j ?? ' -? ? ? I? ? ? ? * ' - Huff ?I. _ H n ? ? 1 ??ri? i ? . i,i i . . . 1*1 ? 11. ? - ? ? i - - Ill I "11 ? ? -? i.i ??l ' i set _ In. i . port H, l/iui? I ?l in W. I. T1 H ? ... ?i ... ? _ l < ? ? ?. ? Huff 111 I I I ? ? ? ? ? I I "-??rk - II I? I II. i I ? ? i i? i ? ? * ? ? ^^^^^HE?**u.iiiieei ?vJ^^^Hsli-4?.^. u-tt?.? . ? I The Mashie By BRIGGS OVERTON IN SENIOR RUN National 'Cross - Country Title Contest Sure To Be Keen One. \ hand to fight for the team title, two out rill start In the championship of thi I iteu ' II !.<? hi Id miles at 1 I Park to ! he ii.|- ?? .lohn U . O verton, of the Franklin Pai ej \'? ' steen. oi tn>- fonker Young the .p. ? runnel i is ; | r. . \ e . ? fr'e? of th(' 1 I lb, of I'. ( tib, of Philadclph' ? ? Il ? shoul' ( ' ro?e Athletic I by the same runt ? ? In this race the I. Millroae team b 'e.-im. is ill pneumonie ? u '? of hit team's chances of reversing tb? rivals. Headed b G I 5tr< of the junii ? put op a ha-.i fight for tne title. ? ? * Mm.- a- I ?? N-I M . 1 ? \t ?. i ?-.?. - -'? ; ? ? . ? i ... - ? . . ... NO FOOTBALL COACH YET FOR PENN TEAM Committee Has Long Meeting, hm i ails to Make Selection. ? ,-. i ; pbe i ? . head coach for ncvt .? ir,c to-day, but failed '" n - ? \\ a* Pom Knlwell. ce. VV'aihinirti i Dr. M. s. . ? en coachini" ? ' In addit ? ? I I ? : ? I ? ' ' th Penasyl i ' ? ? . r of Vit (.nia aleo are I -. : White-Welsh Match Off Mo . Dec II telegram fi I t. ddii / were fiven, sccur?*ij- to White. Personal Touches Here and There in Boxing _ By IGOE _ Harvey, 'he man who attend hammering ' !.. IrVhi) fhting Cm ponter." came into town la?; night fror ? ? rith a chip on hi? ehoulde grom n to tl <? ?' ? \ . . IThitne |? A ' I f the flfl ? ',' ? d fro? I , Har tell. Hi* speak ? rt : .-. .. , r hn> flooded the countr ? alibi in regard to thi ,.;.| up on :?? ? l climb to proteo) He sei over the globe ti . did no) a ai I to <ake the cha*; on hi? head open??. funr- rear it might interfer? ? thing. ? W id hil manager 1 ? decided that i ? ? Mr. v. ? ring on the ?.rrgi , oomed an like ; tiger in a jungle. They du . boy. Whj ? of th? - to kill 'hi- W'ol| ? of them to terest, bul ? to thi? wire?. Pried to ?? ' i >unkie ?u?d enough a? i1 t to reca ' b.? deprived of thf : hare irnne with a mad I am Don') I LOOK i " Edit? ker! , :-. ? ? The i . urgh man say-, he ha?1 pier' | ? k'HIt | I .-OMple of I ? |... . been rounded >r i Barth the family goodby all Bl ? l?ai ))H**.u roo ? ? the lav figur. an i e-two mood. Dergan ? if there is i ho doesn't mind having ? up. The jo! a id ? ha I ? . I ????. . ! i.e | r,)i He eaughl g .. I&,.' | . half - "in of in n ring with Tommls ' cwler, Jim < orbe) I igliahmaa. old " BBSS F ? ? es. I - join thai Btrat? I )*Neil and W'ellman 7 ' ? _ RTeal I Iks me " I ? ? i money I i meet I i allowing me time from hers ta there. You I Brawn ii a theatrical man. \ me. the man home. Ian it he that Mr. Brown is ng of thai ? ka drama ? Money up, "l i Bran a, and ? mops ? Coffer will lav down the n_nib bella long enough to go behind I sparring pnrtner Monday mtrht . ;.*m .lark . ? . ? man how it SHOI II? be ?Jone, Jim ' ? riaakj __ *_ aUilalki -_*. __._ i__? Boxing Bouts on Card To-night Br??d*a, s nortina. Club?Outa-h Brandt and Tarry Mlrtin. Youn| Upp* ant) Find-ll* R-M? ill? Brandt and B'-t Sp-r - falrmo-t ?. C?Ciarlny l*?n-rd and Crtarl?? LI??-. DI?-? Sl??i. and Johnny Bun Inr and Tf< Kail?. ?iharltiy A. C ? All ,"ar rard Clar?m?nt A. C 'Brooklyn -walfr Motar and Johnny Marto K. 0. Brown a-d soldi.r R,j?. I'ra, Barr> Hill and Walter N?l?,on. are he has a deal of re.per Dan Morgan, perpetual motion nm chine. Frank Moran and Willie I'-' ? p to Ht ?:. ? ;?riiii: k the i ? . .- I "HOLD 'EM, \\].Yr session at the Harvard Stadium. It ?a? dark, ami tollen, ts ho ' ? 1 r ? ? -. ? ? ? B '''?? n jig- | ger in the front of the Ii ? I . be broken. fron Baj tide named t}?,> o? ner of the leading he would me ? r Moran while ' loop 'n the Ho? '?an Post Road I ig otf the tail 1..- ider. That br .! ?? Moran into a ? iee, b g open ditch Tl ? Bridgeport rolled up with en e ? .ne. Since then the b. -olene .-? port have been v orking on :. from radiator ? ,,..,! I . sir way Into tl ou- eil FRESHMEN'S PIPE DREAMS VANISH Sophomores of Columbia Win in Can Sprees and Tbacco Honors. [?reams real pire dreams ef lumbia's 300 freshmen vanished into thin sir yesterday when the sopho routed the first-year class in the annual cane iprec meet in the jrvmna ?ium. \ '? in the sprees would ?von for 'he freshmen the ri;rht to ?moke pipes on the campus af'er \*a ishlngton's Birthdav. but the dream iras scattered unen the sophs won five of the seven bouts and then rubbed in the defeat bv paradme up an.I Horningside Heights shouting their *u ??. to a rather sloppy, dismal nicht. Incidentally, this will be the first nmbia'o '.i itory, as und?-r graduates reckon its history, m which ire barred from smokinj-, un? less thi ' ? - - old eorniilk eig |(f down behind Field. The - , - revised the underclass regulations in ?urn e e freshmen from smoking at .-?II anlest, they m en the cane pi ? .1. II. Trowbridge, a sophomor. proache.i ?he record in the IM pound ? D. Tepliteay (i*f the i - seconds, The pair i ?r lightning speed, but with a few i. ' rot?bridge, who ? on hi ' ipr eg, tore the cane free. . mmaric? follow: ? : . .... . . ?' * rum " . ? ? ? .-?i a : . . ? -, 1 10 . ? - - / '.a ? '-'.?hman. frxn II J It: . a- ?? I . Princeton Swimmers Beat City College Team Handily Burchenal Too 111 to Com? pete, but Mates Make Up for Disappointment by Clever ?Showing. The aquatic els h between Pri and City College of New York, held in the latter'? poo: They ths swimming meet by 19 te M and ? with a cri ..-' 52 to 0. It was a keen ? ? i r? r ? t to the irchenal, ths ... failed ' Repor) had aim iwimming in cham ? arni ? turn to thl i e ?eld after mors thai -i idlone Bu he succumbed t.. ? nth hour, and I I :? n the t rip. I - . men ? M-r handilv. Lester, Matl esen, -?? ?? and I ?? ? ? i.-., . ii?el ?'? m '-' minute then .--th. of City Collego, h \ald- ':i _'.'. locond I.- ter romped awaj with both the 100 and 220 yard races in thi" poor tisses da and S minut? 58 -t 5 vely. Prieaell, I >'. gave a re m a r diving, p< iltl? ? ? lient. I . .1 .. 1 ?ai^ri.c. U .a. thought**. l'jiucetuu1 <r Instead, Jones, of the home 'he b?st distance iptured first of Princeton, ere ? ? half of the water polo pame \ i and pluckil). and for a ? held the Princeton sextet lafe. Hut weight ami -peed then began to tell, and the period i th the ?h ?or of t he Tigl I - In the second half the Ioea*l boys leemod to ge to pieces ati.l Princeton ed their goal almost at will, Sel by, sad W arden taking ii rying the ball for a 'I earn work rn king and th< have to saos ?operation in the big gaaue if l their p.titli ?ee, . ? t- la ? a I N I .. 4 I I ? r. x. i at ? . - i ? i > SI ? ?ee, I . . ? I 1 I \ \ ? . ? ? - | I r i s i A I" . I II I It 11 I. . . ? a . i I t. tajl ( 1 a . ? . , tul _ai__?,, I".irt[ ?j, j^,^ THAT BAD EYE OFADWOLGAST COSTS HIM BOUT Cross Getting Hard Beat ing When Referee Stops Mill at Harlem Club. t) It.OK. Ad W?lkst v\a . ,, the sad of ths ? tJL* Leach ? ^porw t'lub last nigh: VVolgast wa? a pitjS' hie tortZ rr* 2 '?''u'lrj^_ -t ? the eu which . again in the i pat his good i ?e ou? of ttml ? ?'? to ?ht ??entre of the ring I 5 "He can't .< rtBtlesMB* chipped In I iteia, w_. The cow,' ? ?,| t0 ft ?b e!etiar elimbed into tn? . ?aid ,??> . tie?. Ik? Wl. Hf h?,j . flghtei ? i ?<??;?; -! . I ? ..' from ?? em, and kid ' he might have hioilght ':ic mo|?r ?r|. da t. In the seeend round | rosi ?pun if ? ; - when ??.'. h left hwL ii.' ??tnl ? onn on ?'! I. in W'olr?-. reached dowa and help, i . m up,?'. fering Ins hand when I.... gOtSBai feel In ?tend of 'hi? prtf. ferrd glove I ? - ts 11 cast's head. I.e. 'vhoottd unspor) luct. Wolga Foot by foot, the East Sider a all ov/r the ring tvith aickemag punches to the middle led OB, iron wan pop-eyed from the effecu of III? thudding blow ? Id . til aa urne trj ing te pn '? ?.?Utn m? with I ? 'urtle defence I he itrttm and ?ven then i .. fflBE app? allngh Uol.??', ? row ii3 the sponge. The beating Wolga? rt I htlt. It was nlein that the game W'etttrttr ? ? ? at od?i? He had plsye-i out his string at I i eetly rignt oping. In the fourth round the galleries rod? I aid because of , W'nlgast | ?' m lighting and even Leach'l friera wanted to see him make mi i asttj a stand. I.each a ?? to real *? tion in the He puncrtl Wolga?? ',ar,| tvith both hard? and tl? !C boy began to <"* tigni of weariness. Bennie Leonard scored a cl??n til knockout over .loe Mandat in th? seventh round if the ?nal tea, Tm and earns suddenly aftei the boyt liai fought a pretl When tit seventh round was fifty ?econdl ?II I.eona d dropped Mandai '<>'?' t aittiag with a I hi.1 t gh| r and rrift OB the jaw. .loe ?at there ? ? dtlH way untii, the coun' of eight II ??. thing bal -???a.:- ?? t ighl er on his h ? tritt i ed .* a fu!! length under the lower ro| ?t ird fought '?< _'- 1 mot tl . ? bor it ? ira and boxed ring? around h'a Il was the bes) i* of the .loe Welling ?cored o --r Y?5| Brown Ifl 'he BBei und ?stt It was a rough tug af war ?il th? wH. .loo landed I '* Brown to hi . hands il I I ' v ith a right ' i :?" Brown got ever. th, wkf | .. ?Ml sd ' irhf htti punch to tl ? McPsrtlsBd, tk referee, ? ggi ng them apart fat when r his ml?.. A larg? eie.l ??? on M brao". He I sd I Bl I t mi??* in the first round before ' - the plaster off wl! . I ' - ?O -?*tti-_~?*> Peot'S* I low many men are ?r>'"J to put this by t^lepath to the good laoV <?? ?* families. "Go to Roger? Tirtn For things a man reallv W to get for ( hnstma<? Kverythmg men and ?i0-*' wear? and play with. Sporting goods. Skates, skating sliff?. 9**+ crs. jerseys, trxjues, n0f ? ? sticks and pucks, ?k?, il?-fg* sleds, flexible ?fret. rvrrylWl* for Winter sport. \\ hate, er the weather Winter ovcicoats for *W, and l)ovs. Sun for hoys oJ 2V_ P*f and men of 54 chest. R mis Parr Compaq Broad*?/ ,t3*th* Broadway at 1.1th St The ^^^^ Four . v< Broadway Corners" ? '"""c, st Warren ?**11,,St