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Yale Five Meets with a Real Surprise in Brooklyn CRESCENT FIVE DEFEATS YALE IN FAST GAME |ge of Line-Up in the Second Half Factor in Basketball! Victory. Tk? f re?cc " Athletic Club baaket ( Yn'e five h *Li gal Second Signal ?Z,Brook'.y-.. last night, by a acore i?s-epenlng half Yale led at the j ny ? ' ' to ***? f * po; ?? "*y through its ?es s", goals from the foul - line-up was yL<* Is the second hall ad. Vale wae coming ^j ?? and .. .r 1 was " >ul line for ? and Baker **l 'xj,. ? the field. rfjriM T?> :he fermer S___at, ? tee of the frame ; ? t ? re carried #ff abe got their ?ok the lead at ? .. . agi. ta ther marred ?s? ?tart. 1 -nli aert ?* tue infrac e the Yale j m artet!''* -' 5^'''* r play wiatK.-." better. frech ? g the "t.( ir team . prettv he f.oor on the Tattle, tht h was cre?me the rush re. ows: ?,.. -. - I S 11 R ? MASKE*) MARVEL AND ZBYSZKO IN DRAW f??- ' itrfi Till ra Marvel and ?conds t. The ' if law and -, the iast second hall all t? can affair, c-ne-mtnute It was a - h, with the . t. He ilasst wo:. ? ere several I ad to get ? ? and pt-?r ? ottmtt of ? emanated ..ther Time "? ' ' T.? other coi test! wen keen i * pproache'i OUTO?T FAVORS HOCKEY WATCH Former Golf Champion Wants Boston-New York Game Arranged. * uu*?_r ; ?* *r? Yorit :?. former national ?est at ? . '.f a contest were arranged ?totly. ? out a week sed a . " *? of a? , i',(,.n golfers, at ?Jaial w.s Jf* *: Then Max ?_?*r. S match nation, a *.}?*' " f waa com 3****'' here is his tiwtV '' -with ? crowd of us f. *,-,f l r.ockev to do *?*e -/.? ic and ? good fan and I am eure ? Y'l." < . ,. . raet with th? hat his ? v than *** "v * : ' ' '' _' '? ?.im It true aitua *\s*. ?yj*.-.*""- bia end of it Is t.a -****">? his tig, WARSTON AND WILD HONORED BY HOME CLUB Cranford Golfers and State Officials Vie in Do? ing Players Homage. Maxwell R. Marston and Edwin M. Wild wire the lions of the hour at a mentary dinner given them by If Club at the White* ? iub in this city last night It htors ?nd Its er to do homage to a pair of young men only a few years n moved from their school days, yet such was th< to all the tri i te one left with the im? pression th.?. rhaps, ufter all, a re mada by Jamei F. Fielder, Gov einor of New Jersey, was not bo far out of the wi.y In the course of his address Gov? ernor Fielder ?-aid that he envied the . rent golfer. "Whet. S he i| soon forgotten, but a chan.; r*l rep ?n lives forever," added Mr. Fielder. Picking un one of the souvenir med? als, upon which were inscribed, "Mare ton, t.7; Wild, r'V" which represented ?cores they had over the Cran? ford lir.ks, (.ove?? ? leclt?red that, so far as his c wa?. concerned, "such ligures i exist." In complimenting Mr. Marston a? the Ne? n and Mr. v I as tl Craafoi ? 'older, the ? er expressed the ho] ? time was not so far would the pleasure t..f seeing them national lenders. Former Senator Joel nghuy? ?erred to New Jersi ? down, and liniahed i the recital of a poem "poor golfer who Wal n." Austin Colgate i New long after first giving [lance I .ward . which knew no p.'Ytics nor re He praised the I mil added t'.iit they had to place Crani nap. Inci? dentally, he ?iked the i ranford i because, as he : ? - a creation of nature rather than of man." taking his se:.; the ? : tie that Mr. V. ? i-i future to indulge in his me, for. si ?n conclusion, "goif : i than me Travca ? Tribune, both t: course of r vei it was that Mr. liars! 1 the tie green in the semi-firiBl round of the amateur tourna? ment i l Mr. Travers declared, wtih a twinkle in his eye, that it was du? I of a f Y ? hand, said that the putt so short that "ht but Gardner didn't heal I CLOSECALL FOR COLUMBIA FIVE Hard Pressed ta Beat Brooklyn Po?y in Its First Basketball Game. Columbia almost did the unexpected last night when it was forced to play raset to def. ? five in the opening i of the season by ft score of "1 to .7. The game was plnyr gymna d the sates, wh(a have been satiated with teams that have ? ?" thrills in minut' '.<*? l'oly fivi lumbians. came i b.ans than comfort warranted. d Itself in the f.: ? ; - Poly jump. the lead. It was r.ot for long, however. ?ne team ended the i with a reerr.inely safe advantag In the terond ; |"l began to tioa of frc?h blood for the team from ? .r it shot bask' ? ? d the margin ;h surprising rapidity, imbla r and pulled out the game. -a mgMji to play. DI wholly a los-, -in the were -? ? .It of bril e 'hiiable centre and his lor the Blue and ,. ? ? and he fed his forwards welL I foul ?- off color, beca caged only one basket. noes ? ?rt# * - Pti o l fcotwrt* r* lit < SO* . 4 e il i i i a * , t. r. -nil i o o ? ..07. ? - . -. sol a ? Tltr!? (at BLACK PKINCE IV SHINES AT MATINEE Miss Schilling's Pom Best Dog at Bustanoby's. ? ar d r er Pome rar. it.. ? an invitation ." g ael . er ? s, tango and br. everal ?iris . . tea arid I the dat.r-irvg floor of - ? role of ?". was pro i.dway int. ? ?yGrdntlan?Bice rhe Cinch Champ?. Shout me th* hnll club you ?>ick at ti 1 mit/ht take another for Show me your i rmjg anrl g r fir/ree on thai Une: YOU'U ?ay thtm | ? ? ||? I'll call -,?>? erazy or fiil'.y: Bui ? ? r UV '11 *Up it along to our Willie. Show me the football army of AfOUT ehriire, I'll name another 'in great: Show me the fighter vou.elutt above all, I'll go and grab you Inn v Shov) me the ?wimmer you pfeft from th? hunrh And I'll mime a fleh jiut a? rpry; But vhen it come? down to THE Mi plnyer, lio? Y,'( '.', / . . JIN1_ Jink writes thnt he can turn out this stuff by the yard. ?Some day when we need a yard on the fourth down we'll call his signal, Balosi we're too deep in our own t. rritory and are forced to kick. The Strangle League. I'ear Sir: Would you be interested to know that Demitrlua Tafalos, cham? pion wrestler of Greece, threw within eight minai ..cci" and "Tosca"? Tafalos used the strangle hold in each case. A W. We've h'-anl 'em throw Pagliacci and Tocci irith tl ? ' it sounded as if some one was being ?'.rni . The Winner> We have heard n number of eloquent debates the !__-) day or two since peace waa adopted as to whether Organli -.out. The answer to ? her wen. Roth lost, for both hare hurt the game immeasurably and bar? -is of dollars I ths last two years. The Federal League has gained si nothing that it couldn't have :ar cheaper by p_l_l ising et Itain franchises outright at the ?tart. And h the warfare started baseball has hern set back many years. The amount of the damage - r m* known, for thousands have been driven from the game who will never return, peace or no | it has taVnn a number of mafmntes only two or three years to learn a fairly simple lesson. This, at least, is fair improveni* I "W'h?. ;,!e go out after Al Sharpe?" que-les sn ; .dlgnant M alum? nae, Pi ? reason that Cornell doern't go out after Hau?Mon or Boston d ?is a five-year contract with Cornell and ? ' paner upon which it ?vas written was not of tl Altitudes. ?? Eleven," tsyt an Stchai gs, "has a good alibi for its show in?*; api. -a Unirersity. The rarefied atmosphere worked against the Easterners, who broke all all Bg forced to play 3,280 feet in the air.'' Altitude reerrdsf 3,280 FEFT? Why, after the first five minutes against Harvard the Yale eleven was 1,280 miles in the air and only starting to ascend. It might be just a? well for those who desire to spoof Yale once in a while to do their spoofing while ths Is so accessible. Wc have a hunch that after this Fcason spoofing Yale will not take up near y r-o much of the fashion? able chit-chRt of the fall and winter. Free Fumbles. There is nothing at all in being prepared just well rn?iugh to lose a g?x>d hard tight. Pel Diis stuff of being "defeated but not disgraced" is the grand old bunk. You ??on or \?m lust. The rest ?if It goes back to du*t, forgotten In a **e?k. Johnny Evers Is planning to go South a month in advance of the Braves to test the resilience and sand capacity of a few bunkers. "I put on fifteen pounds playing golf last February," the Trojan Fays. "And I can use all the extra displacement or tonnage I can pick up." Pat and the Phils. In bagging Fat Moran for three years more the Phillies have fixed them s?'?*es for three good managerial years, sad I M whether Fat flni?he? first or fourteenth. N'o one but a capable bloke could have steered that club of hi? into first ???lace last season, Alexander or no Alexar.d-r. Fat is returning no answer to the charge that hi* club was an "accidental champion." No answer but that qui?; smile of his which seemed to say "the ?tending of the clubs was good enough for me." Fat Is making no predictions, but neither It he planning to abtorb a bale of arsenic or strychnine over the drear outlook. He figures that his clan will still be up there, a better ball club in 191*. than It was In 191b One more good pitcher and another good inftelder are the only athletes Pat needi to go far and to go fast. _ In addition to the extra kale which he could eaiily use at odd Interralt through a cold and clammy winter, we understand that Colonel G. C. Alexander detires another shot at the world seriei ituff to prove that he belongs much ! higher than hi? first start indicated. The big Nebrnikan looked to be a far greater pitcher through the season than ho looked t> be against the P?ed Fox. 'ihrough the long grind he had mere stuff, more speed, better control, a faster break. That one week found him below normal worth and another shot at the sld ?juite a different answer. At for being ui,prepared, we are safe againtt any nrmy under ?100,000 itrong. could talk an invading forte of that size to one of the most tcrribls of all du-. At the recent '? g we ted four feet and go? into a golf argu ! en feet furt> ?r on we ran into Messra. Davis and Kent, of Pittsburgh ? rnell, for 8 round-up. It was a cinch to talk anything you wanted to except basebail. WOMEN SWIMMERS TO HOLD A CARNIVAL Miss Dorfner to .Weit Miss Galli t/an in 220-Yard Race Toaigfct ..: of the ? ? sapiens and record I I.ire I of PI Francisco, claire Galligen, ? ..f the ipet diest fui America. ? I are I I ! ropoli tan Aft) yard I . I.urv ?rreeesaa, ef Hath Hearh. the t, ? j mile reee diet, and a big Arid ef fast sprinten. PICK CHESS TEAMS FOR COLLEGE TOURNEY Columbia Favorite for Fixture with Squad of Veterans. Hebia, Harvard, Yale and Prince? ton h. .tns that will take annual intercolt, ?l.i Hotel on December .-, .'.'?? and M. i olumbia, wiener of the champion ihip last year, will have practically the same team, H. EL Leede, A. J. :!..!. Korke -. the captain. ew man in the quartet is N". \Y. Kempf. The outlook for the Hl'ie and ? four Collage team*, with - John i I rI ?? nod, i i .1 Innen ..fia tarea* ,. i ...i ? ir i . I. la? . Il a r'a . M l, *,?ei e |' I I ? I ? .,.. O ? la ai KlUllual Rut-alHU?-* M li I' J H?1|B | - ferme i??r??i-.i. 1 H n??m I Ht,r? 1, H frir? ??? )r HulWtlUlt?? ? w u ntiriiia a. m. r-?..*_ SMART FOREIGN HORSES ARRIVE ON MINNEHAHA Mackay. Whitney and Walters Yearlings in Consignment. One of the most rotable eoi ? ? ' forcif-n thorou-. ' arrived M I ' ?Bt of the ? - earllagi The much heralded nay baby racers dl ?o far as the intere?* of ;'? of horsemen who braved "he damp and rlush to f,ttl the ship in ?rere con? cerned, ?hen A B Be Wrack was led down thl geagpl showy chestnut eis year-eld was the ? his pL ? I rough the -.' sire bra. It is und ?icotk Stud in i Another English sire, wh ch 1 si such an eni ? 1 ? , which A ' meur, ' : ? lirj-s three, pract ist of II. P. ? - ng and well bre the -? ? lira, . I ?. ful race man ? art looking fts any in the lot, cam? in for ' brown coit with a wide blaze and two wl ? by the English sire. Wei ? ..... The Walters v. i bay colt h-. ?r, a brown filly 1 M n K. \ illJT. raced .n England w:th sucr. - t'Vt r :. t Ol own, n ? the rac?*s than ? word for - The i filly by a bay filly bv vir.mfex, n bav fillv fl an unname . shot. In odditiot to the thorougl and hacks antl c eral Western it p had one PUBLIC SCHOOLS TIE IN INDOOR GAMES No. 16.5 and No. 166 Each Score 23 Points?Moore a Star. c School ' -chool ed for the point trop!, ruai intloor games o? the M 'ne*. I Regiment Armor. afternoon. Each made a score of ".'3. The dea.i I when the re? lay team ef Publie School 164 raced in secon.; unable to ?nt, and consequently c ..p ? I, with 1") 1-point margin over ' !*?=? i lace came !' Much eatha I m was shown thr out the meel dent of the ? ?a* on hand. The entry list was < et pi heavy, wh| many trial heats. ing 4 feet h1? In? high jump. Be h The summaries follow i Fifty raid ? Uoo-l P - H I? W a 1 - ' * tMrl Part"?- 1 ? ? - ?? I i* ? a a ' a . ' | ? ? ala I ? ; ?\ ? . ?! "? I' *" l'T , 4 4 ' ? " arts .__,*_?. a ? ? Er&SHlUS Marksmen Win Sub-Target Honors : ? anual Training High Schoo match on the former by n ?he line shooting thai ? ! their matches dur ng the tour ? i per i-ual Trair ' 'I he ewet ? i Manual T-? ten n s ? ,.- ? ? -a. U. U SaJ-l/. I". V?u?, 14. I??;, t Shipping Information and Marine News of the World ; Vessel? Arriving at and De? parting from Port of New '? ork. - ?u???K. i it, B.ooc M'a. I'll a : m.or. ? a*?, .-. BltlH SVATEB. . . ? _. - WIRELESS REPORT. ?___ ?v n? i IM o vim, BTBAMm * ? - . i ? i ?? ? - - I H II. i??' e i ? - ? ? - Dm 1ft ? a * ? I ? ? . ? 1*?C It ? mall. '?V, STF.AMEKS. - - . TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. i P. Ci, - ? ? . 1 - I I 1 . ? . '?e I : Jan. 8 .'?n It A)U-.: ASrai t l??r. I p m. ? ? ? I .: ??' Booth * ?o. i m : . p m .-. , ... ... I . * Mail ? ... ? ,U!T m la "? :-? ?1 to tt? Soul.*??i Pa ' * re - V f th* AUM-ta t Lumbar t>. with l????r Q??r. ; o? t ra ?a. ?_~T t?f Mamanm 11. *?Tanoah. <J?iar. Itl ?n * er-:,- '? ? V.l- ? ? s_ixxr?. - I ?u? r*r-m???-_ ? ? . ' UOSM AT FOREIGN PORTS. ARtuv-frn Kirk-?? .??*_?. ?>?-*??'-n'?*-.r? ??-? Tort n? ?-A? . ? Tnrt. ? ?-? Tl? N?w Tort. I ..-a. - ? I!?Hifrnitn* i Vr I, Ne? Tort ,1? n.~ Tort. ' ? ttmt test THE WEATHER REPORT Kecorde and Parecaatfl for (he Last 1 went?-l.iur Hoars. ????.??.? : - - - ,? o*ntr?t KW Arri-??.- rin??-d raj-lrtlji n rttaturbuMM I* o**r T-iin*??**. Th**? dl ? - ?> Or**t I.ckm ?? ? m. Tuina???? a ? ?ran '? i ? ? ? . ? - - i?i lo-?ltt?f-? ! MM ? par?t i*tr ? ?I I ; te niorrw?. - ??? Art??r???? ? t 1: __ct_ .?? ? ? - lo .la? : ???-???' ? '?lr . ?and colder to day. -?:.*-. t. L*cal Official R?*or< ' ? .- -" I ? ? for Hi? la-* ? .-'... th* carra*pondli4 dala ? 8 a. ru Is B. I ? a. m . 1? ?: * p m ? a. n. I : m i laaraa? ??t ? ' : ... ?~r?g?. for . . *r*m. Bar?m?tM- Rr-adlr??. S ? - . .10 ',5 I :? ,i m. H t? my. S_ID . "I [ 1 *-p~. * Ltnal Ferwar*?.-rUl'. ' Saj p'r ? ? | TWO THOUSAND BOYS IN P. S. A. L. MEET Annual Fixture To Be Held In Madison Square Garden To-day. The bier fixture of the Public Schools Athletic 1. annual indoor track and Seid cames of the elementary . Gardon this i two thousand b-ys from n ni. | the schools in the five liefore the will be an ? hoy? in their ? ?? re Win will Churchill and many other prominent A keen ficht for the "City t'hampion ship i , ?.ich was won 1 ? Man 1 62, of had capt'.. ? ire to ?i the outdo in Many, and in the tables on their T-pec'or of ath? letics In I ' ?1 act as starter. Holman Wins for Commerce Five t .ctor in the vie- ' ? ' game at Mar nigh! ?? a score ? ? the foul line for; a total ? ? a from the foul accounted for all the !' r ? i it*, ., I, {. t I 'i .. ? a I ? ? St. John's College Beats Brooklyn Five College easily defeated the Brooklyn ; court last night by a score o| The s ' by I SCOl the first half. lie fronwhe floor were made in I with Nicklas. the St. John's lefl ? ' ST a" ? I 14 1 M I fctfrit?? A * Sach TtnM o? halm?a* ta.Q BUY BROOKLYN PLOT FOR CHURCH SIT) Scientists Purchase land in Ba Rid^e Section. Trustees of the Second Church < ?ate purchase! fro slty and Mortgage Con pany, of Mar.hattan. a plot. h st., adjoinin th.* n? ge High School, new structure will be erected, at coat c.:" . for the Ba tiste. ?hers sold for the Klin * for occi pancy the three story dwelling at 22 y Place, between Sever th an avs. ?? pany and .lohn F. Burk sold to Ridge, a two family hoe I iny and tl Hall Con comprising the block fi 57th sti The buyer will erect apartment - .?tores. The Buland * Whiting Compan; for F'mira II 0. -\ : rederiek Hohst'eld th< plot, ' (.'ate: rw av. chaser will erec a factory for his cloak and suit busi BRIEF WAIL STREET NEWS A gam of around by till - is indicated by the reported movements of currency this week. ? ?? nor of enta includ otee sent : tor. for redempt ?y to ting to imported during the oper? ations proper ??. $.*>_,000. A Stock Exci irtnerehtp has been formed by I < hambt-rlam, .1. I'upald White be firm if, White _ t harr.ber aeral bond busi ? Y.mphill is the Exchange m? Th. Rail November, . compare? .17 in that month las increased from $124,890 to ? e Nova | and Coal Company have declared a id of l_ per cent on the pre ? rto to r -J4. This represents an accumulated dividend of annum to Sep'ember ; id a quar'. ? Dt ?f t for I ? ? ??cpal ments Mrr*. the first of the month I amounted to -1JB09 tona. | AMERICA* LINE AMLRICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag N. Y.-?Temool?Pier 62. N. R.. Noaa !;.In? U.c. ?tut. l'aol. 1W. .4 WHITE STA,, mi tt.\'.?Liverpool?Pier 60, N.R N'n I Itre. SO Haiti*. . ?**__ S ??/??re???tlibr altar?Naples?(ienoa I nSfc Doe. M, in A. M. (au?|iic -lao. S tiiKii/-.. a ww t*?. a t M ihhio mmttme. FRENCH LINE ? oan*?.?anle f>n.r_i. Tran??1Iantlqn* rOftTAL ?>FK\ I? i: Sailings for BORDEAUX ESPAGNE.Dec. 18. 3 P. ?M. ROCHAMBEAU.Jan. 1.3 P.M. LA TOUR AINE.Jan. 8. 3 P. M LAFAYETTE.Jan. 15. 1 P. M. F?.K lN**\iftM AT) N API :.T COMPAQ'. OFFICE, ?V..,^,,,:': ??&, CUNARD Bttattti.tied im? EUROPE via LIVERPOOL H\!.!!T)RMA.^,i.|)rc Ji.lOAM ? i ' AM Kai ii m ? ROl'Ml THI .VUKI I? l?>l R?. .? ? ? rr* -?TM rOMPAS> b. filUfE . 21.74 STATE ST. M Y. OCn ItV* I IHR ' MONTAQCB A 4 I __H l*A ?] Wall r*tr*?t BD A T 11 nM?IL i ?U barbado. .. *rtt. LLOYD BRAilLlll'l 17 S?-*e St. N. V. CM?. Ol I? miMIM'?? I INK To an Poi. u aaaUi ? o *A?*?i K?-r? >\~? i?m atlam IT*? u r. a T*l tent rracrJU. BOSTON $2.65 > i Mull i??ld llnl?. H?II\n Ti?l ?I ? PROVIDENCE $l.tiO Kill M? 1 RIP, MlM). Colonial Line Pirat stem i-, i *? ? I - i aatl s-ji> n? M. R. i ill tl I. ill* I.II 1111?, ?i.O? I ? H_***lrM ri,ii.tiiiir.-?l. i V ?i 1 liut?. F?LL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $3. OJ h riF.H M. N R, ft Kulii?n Ut. Delly. at COO : \. tstmm? r-i.-hi I.In.: tes. Piar , ??. . r .1? . Ci .. IM at. I M T0?|... - i m- ? i \ i i SS Pallv. Inilmllna M.n.ii? IrN |i m. I F? - (her \t F. ". I' ? ! ? H---?i_?n I .j t y IP Tilt 111 I??-IIS ?-I M' ?i*. ' M-,? , . STKAI III l?MIN I IM. ? iitrs. : *,. t m HDEAL ?NTER vTROMG! .?l-WWirl Til if ;? ? rWTil <D IMI W RIO i]2aiii;or?ii_li^!cn!i2!iii All ?NTII ? ' i V, ?. .1 ???rom? ????.t-ainr JOaiSH WHITE A SONS COMPANY ? ?-;?, ?_k-^_T-y?i*_. 0 "' A T?AVMUK? - _.]ii_T'iii. ? i- i m i:- ?.i Bf?| / ' ' I ION. nSM rO-U_?M-niiaitaa. Tb?s Bcrlilz Sehoo! jf Laar^nsres, ? - ? ttHEET. >j l?too Jt. ? 'l ' M M.!?i>- ?I mliaitan. Hr??"t ?rhi.. I f.r ?" an. m->rinf. il ?aulta U\M IN?,. _LOUIS H. CHALIF ? .fadiate Russian (irlpgri.. Bauet School, ?I ...i?. ? ?-?a. lit-r? anil .ins Ntkttlt, rarlal and m ilam ma in (__!/ and ttreklf Bra i.iir 7 Hf?l <?u St.. N. T. ?,ANUN(* CARNIVAL. ft^'.S C n, ludli n Sunday Grand C*ntral p? ? > Lu m 4?>!h ?t ?Dtranotj. Nu l.!i|Oor Soli). _PCI-OOL AGENCIES. au ami Kor??l?r. Tr.rhrr*' A?--nry._ ? Ir.lmon, T?a _? r* Tutore. ? ? ? ta CYJl-K?.,. h, t,r). ? ,n.i ? A pji y to ?ri? ? J YOL NU rULTON 23 Union s<mirt Ml ?H U. INSTRI (TION. INSTITI T? of Ml :>!C-,L ART fit 111-? <J Ity Of Sett *? or U I *?.M)I rrrtil ? ,.,r(0, ?? ? ? >,r-?.: r-ui?AM ? ? ? : . ? >i.<- ? i? ?". r ? . .. ... ii..! :.r,, i .ii ? _______? A?..M.T. BUSINESS CARDS. IRP ' I M' ? . -? ?*??~_?* -.??1 air. i'.?asa. hand or on Boor ISM t.. Kaat ttia ?u ,,,-,: m bHA.vur! I , r imumUs? (At-i-T rtraS-ixd wo?KT" ?< l..r??a ? "?? '",;?? vv"VrN : ier___ i rlOM lt??-OB?ai?. Si- . r ' '? I'" - 1 ?????? ..I !?' t DOMESTIC SITTATIONS WANTED. Female. VORKTR?Flnr.Uh Am*rti-?n: ?t-?sr|. win ? I?. L?hU'? -. ?-? . ?-. ..... e .;:?, ilarMo. _H El P \> AN TED. Male. i ?. A ? . I ? TV? . ?enwattaa. A4?-? J U Uivmoau i .mimut. _U4d**?_l_ r?ru??yi??iilv IA.NTRJ*. ?-Ha ? r^^V-ar, brl_| t*?/.' _____ C?_l II Saat ad A J