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Christmas Week Greeted by Special Church Music Ancient Sours and Carols Again to Burnt Forth in City's Temple*?Many Congregations Reserve Observan? e of Season Until Sundav After Christmas. t"hr-.??t?*as week begint to-morrow. putei the eoming of ?'hristmat Day by riving specie their service, A? mos) . irches have decid'?; te celebra"? [ht:.her 26 hi i . - irialay, the oppoi ' ? a.;<e?i?l muiic , I he city 'among its church ?oloiiti many ? ef high rank, and Instrumental nitjsle be employed at many Christmas ?erices, a? in former yeart. The pro? gramme? will inc'.ude mot* ' ' time carola a:..i Christmas hymns < ONf.KKf.ATIONAl F>-r??t A Tenu*. cernir lttth fi?r**t Ike Her A M H?c^-h.,.? *. at, ? to Oe . t'.v IS? i hoir i tolo. "In tbt ?Mi ? Ten- eele "O Little To-*-. -? - ? Bl tr.i '? ? - ? . 1_ Alai-n? ? ? Tl ? Ans*!'? I ? Mi?? II. He!w*_ - ".".fMislsh I* Kln-r" Hv ti* chotr h? hymn*. torn vio?n ? VTetac QerUerti A pri.rarnm* of ??ercl?*? br the etilMrte. WHERE TO GO TO CHURCH TO-MORROW FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Nmt?LM.ML?IEMA?l1O.D. il \ \| nit OMIM1 rout: n>K 01 it MKI'.S 1114 1 VM 'Uli.all.M HI"? IO\ i;HU ?114. Ill IIHIIMI, KH II."* t\ i ?this IM \- ?Ml ?Ii.n H 1? M- M Mil II WIM \(H havk, THE 1)1 \ II *? HI,.11 H.i.r- OK. OOD'S IKII till i>k. ha?Di.M i\ 1WITI.S >oi ro ? OMF. \m> 11 i him mi r vor l<> IH.< 11>J_. M\M l?l(ll>?l> I \?<l 81 s DAY NI?.ill l<? I IKI mi i ?i ? 4.I?T Frld-a) M-jlit. I>?^.nit,er I* K hrl.tmia? la. lir. llialtlruinn vrlll rniMt" III? fol lowlnf vltial .ni-.t,.?ff "WHA1 DO THE >*< HII-Tl III? I I M II VHOI I III. HII'.IH <>F < 1IKI--T ?AH UK \ IH4.JN KOK?. OK Mil IMin ?ItiKS * 18 I HI" Ut F- l?.-' ? '?'?i V HI HUH HI?; ?U.rill.K ??*.-? V ?? I Hi. I V BJ ] ?vin.rut.k Mm ok m\n MAS >" 41 I V I all I. ' *<r-?n??r? mrtllnll? IriTiteil. Mid-Week Bible Study . ? r M t>? iOIEPH W. KEMP. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH. ? - ... [o? tli4) H ? I ?i? Vf On. Mid-Week Bible Study Ai VARY BAPTIST CHURCH A?. Rev. Joseph W. Kemp, Pastor ?It Veer, ., HIN. WllrtJ AL QAPTUT CHUHCM. ?otmn ?t? mee .-...?.. .In lia. **?"""? prill proavli. Ani? ? " ... ?n ! m to* anO la-??t Hymn WHtar?.' I vte anil Hi?, II?, mn?." ?ItiUN AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH. C. A. EATON, D. D., Pastor, . A M _? I - ?? ?I i n*n?, _. M a r m * H All. Iteier ? AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH. ? - IV?, tftt - ??? 11 11 fatlll I, ... C1IKI? riA> -i IKNCB. ere I.? tl In 'ha) following Christian Science Churches Il A.M ? ??' ? t M. W._n?.4?*r?. IP.?. ? ? r> A t*lh St. I meat Cure?, ? ??.: p??? ?>? a t.rjt, at ? a ,-?- ? .A ?klw,? A?*?o?j. I '81h Bt. Ill 3* * 43d Bt. t tiMiKrii VI ION AT.. Broadway Tabernacle ErgrJ???y ?nd 5"t*t ?tr??t. team n a. M. ?o<i l ' ? M '. Vf Ibt PM'Of Will p-*-*L MANHATTAN ?%f?AT ? -. : ? ? im in km or mm, ri Al CHURCH. 142 Wfajt Hit St. l%m*i N. PMIputt. D 1'.. I'l'M ?> THE CLOUD." i I II l> Mill Tl KK. ?I SOCIETY POU ETHICAL CULTURE. ? a. 1't-k WkI tod ?4th St. DR. rELIX ADLER. Sn_K?r. "til JffyOUa f?a4**<*al SelrttuAll? lnt!rp***t?d." BETH-EL TEMPLE," REV IiK vs, A "OUR IDOLS.'" um_B__a. THE CHURCH OP THt ADVENT. H?? W H HOHN. Putar. ? ' __MtOc_ of KlbaUrth Ai'..'.tnraa?T. Buoda? fat ? K.? J J II,, f.ya.pteaohm. *,rrt,-e a a a ' > A 41 mm m>i-1-T gnat oral MADISON AVENUE CHURCH SixMeth Str-M Re-. Worth M. Tippy, D. D_ Pastor, i i ?rol? ? I . PL*-.?.u-.- . - . >:v>r and teierel oo.ernn ?nt.' 11 e.m. , A?. A??. Crturcrt. It Jaih;??*?. ' ?ft. , large ehorm, ? ST. PAULS METHjOIST CHURCH CHAF.LESLGOODELL,D.Ab.,"Paitor 4 . 4 ST. ANDREWS X ? HI j ?. HILO** a;ia v 4 Ira Sterln ?I in. BIM? A I - ? CALVARY METHODIST ?Ta* Rev. W. H. MORGAN, D. D. ? G SAC I ? rlatlal f . Rl a? OLD JOHN ST. CHURCH m \v l HOI till WHAT DO YOU WANT? KIRS. CHAPIH WILL TELL fOU UNITY SOCIETY i?l~r" School of the Builder?, Inc. ' "* WW , ?... m a.?.?..?, S??e, AHm.?? ?, 4 ,.? ..... Oerete, ,, ?4 HARRY GAZE. -<i?l?-k?t? ?i curt?!?? lin m THE NEW THOUGHT CHURCH I I I - III I I Kl \S ?"I" "a ? a . ' ? ?. T M t v>l,| |, (, ' ? - Ft. Wathiorton Preibyterian Church, See. f? HO,?MAS **tt i ri; i RBI il RIAS PARK AVENUE Presbyterian Church AT 85th STREET THE REV. CHA.S. W. WELCH, Minister. SERVICES Bible School .9i30 a. m. Morninn \-> orthm.II o'clock Young People? Devotion?! Service. 7 :00 p. m. F.vcnirig Worthij. .8 o dock Midweek Sarv id <*. \v ^dneid?y.8 p. m. AN INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO A_l PEOPLE. FIFTH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Firth Av?. ?id Fltty-flfth St. REV. J. H. JOWETT, D. D., Pastor. mm1-?? *? 11 A M ?ni I It I* M It temtU ?rffl pte.rh ?t Sett ?*r?lo*?. 0____| ' - ? - i'"?tiyt_r'.?*> HospllA. _U_*| Bl>.* Clttt ?t 10 A K. HIS Wa*S Stultt ei I bt mttme*. ?? <tier% ?"il! b* ttttlts on i'liii?'jiiu Du ?t 11 A St.. la I '.. 1 , l.r Jr-wett THE BRICK CHURCH it*?***? ,,, . WIM ..HU. Mia..- , Ur MKS CHRP . lo ur nnm Br-y u ?"ft. -.r??.* ' ' II .iiintma? r?rnvi<T5 ?i it ??. ? 18 p m MADISON SQ. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .? Rev. ? . H. I' .Ul.lll RST. D.D- Pastor. REV. ?. R. MONTC.OMERY. Ph. D.. A?'..-?' I Mlnkur. 4 M ?nil ? '? " I a balf hour LD FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FIFTH AVENUE-ELEVENTH STREET HOWARD DUFFIELD-II A. WI.-8P. M Univertily Pisco Preibytenan Chorea R<- ?;-fiRHE _UCX_M>EH D D., M - .-?? ti ?i 11 ? r. i'~i WUUaa 'I '? - ' ? - r< t,r-..rr, B*a*J - ?, ?'. . ?i-_ ?? si Ti-l?~-. Iteform" il I F. K . .. ,??. Hern ? FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH we* Bad a?- m ' ? ??? Eds?- Whltaknr WorV. 0. D.. PMtor. Chr.? ? DIITrCDC PRE?.RYTE RIAN CHURCH. I\U 1 ?_l_-I\0 Broad.?* ?nd 73d St. R?v. DANIEL RUSSELL. U. D.. Putw, > il 11 i M tad S P m _>??nlr.* Mul'Mct' "L?t U? fi? to R?-thl?h?ni." .? *? _Cho rp VI IV A I PHCSFIVTf R?AN (HI.RCH. M?dl?on A???u* ?nd 57th Str**_ II-? Wllt*n M-.-I?.Smith. 1' Ji v? ;? m? h u I J _R?t. Huah Black ?I I M i' M BROADWAY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Waltar Dun.?? Buch?n?n. D. D.. 4 M ? ' -, ?I CCATm PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. , CSVVlVal PBOT1 BTAM1 l II?? ?H*\l . Church of the Holy Comminion. ? ne, A ? * - ?i pro) - i 45 P. M.?French H?'. rlni CHRISTMAS DAY. T 30 A M Cm ? 4 [*->_*. l? oo v: _ St. tfbomae'e dburcb ru'TH .?.v _nh : u ht B?, EH.NKKT M RTIKKS. t' H. IU--.or ? A. M 11. V ? . Il-? ? ? ? Cwuata Handel') ? ? t P M n ur ..f ursin M OECEMBER 21. ST. THOMAS'S DAY. I 0 S?. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH .4 T* - 11- ?. .--. ? ?I ' ,r-r!c*0. At ? i VI .?.:... . ? M Krgsri 'i CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOHN THS DIVINS. 4 -?-?? ? At?, i? ?? 1 llllh r?t-??-l SAMT--'. 1 UaUaal. . Il a M tree bor, Wets '<?*? Daai .;-??? iot. 4 1- M i-?? ??? i ??? ?i D ilnaoo S. Mlil*?. P*i r - - -? ?p? . ??? uH ?U-'.iriiajrl t A M ? _ . C4L.VARY mscoru. ciURCti 4th..r Jilt St. Roe, THBOIKJRM -I!".VVHR. Ractor. Rerv . ?? Um i ?rnl H?-t1~. t Y M CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION He, ' ? 11 A .-. . Sfrnioi. K- ? ? St. George's Church I'.? R-. KARL ROLAND. R?ct*r. - Church of the Heavenly Rest, 1 *?' a. ?? .- H ? I ' ? - ? ? ? TM| TRANSFIGURATION. I CAST i '..\IV! ? IRRKTTS 4 ? ( HPISTMAS DAY. I ? [ABS ? - . Bt ? ? :_Mlt. .?M*n Old*?-. Boi >o I r vi . , . k v CHAPEL Of THf INTERCESSION. TDnltf P?r . I I* . ?? H > * ?I ?ttOIt? ( HURCH. V?.it f*d A,. ??I 11,|. ? . ?AM " , A V . [' H, t I" * ' MATTHEW'S I MURCH ?l w-t tiih st. ? Sri ... ??? I Mi, St. riRHtj s .,? ,. M? ?.?,?.. * . ? ?.. u , ?-*? .... tusas u _ mmiiaai ____oo_,__u CHURCHY BELOVED DISCIPLE Etat BVtp? St. tea* Ma-laaa An. KM UKBl M HAIiH'il K. I> I). Hat-"?? 7 JO A. * . ? { . ? ..-.,? u lion 10 A. M loi fresal il A. M.. .. *>. Ra-nj.,? Ir tottm _ __ to *' K n*n a ?. . Harp Oriai a . '.'.a Lord ? ' ?Triers ' 4 P M. Paitil?r Vanara. Praiu".a Ai. luata K. . Ulnnh-iH eil? Hast Otott Har-> Ko., Prajar" i'a.-l*t>-._?ar? ? ?* wi*>, ut?" ? i--u 'Celio Patt A?o-nlon" Sain! Ra'a? Ant/ii-n, Bal) 1 UM l'A?. '?ma?' V. aaa.lward Adalrnaa b* U_r-n t P. M. Emhii ?rrw't t? Me, John A<-"c?nh a' Q*at_?_l _l-,ciras Chrlat-A? fn, MlditaM ta--?u?l?? r bpfaclal MufJc. Sum?a? Ait-? Cfirlrtmaa, Popula/ Vaaaara. Ckrlataaa Ceeeti. Final Sotloca ant ?art. Church of Zion and St Timothy 124 Malt ,??-.? Hum. K-i'rr R^t HXNftl I.l afiCK. D. C L IIn*T '?-*""_ J? .I A. M. Mit-ritaf I'ta;? iHtrtut,..11 ai. M. Or?_n aua.i Harp H?-li?l .............a. .f M P W l??i?<i.i Prt-ar_rr. RlfM Raw. I. L. KJn aaiirlui IV i?. Ulaliu, ,* RcuUyTB M 'H KISTMAS DAT Hol?1 Cotomur.t'.r. (Choral 1 .i A. M. ilur~t_f F'rajar I?j.j taomnmcltm : Praartaatr. IL, R?-ta-ir .....,.,.,_,.. IU 11. st. JAMey chuKcn Mali?:; atad "lai BMA ? A. M ?? > t'-,mm i on ''?.-?r and Harmon. iBlih?? Courlna?, II* , , 4 E?t?I : c '? 1 '"--rr.-.ri iMt. Baorimani. CHRISTMAS DAY. ? 4\i il ? Coi v ? u 1 Rawmi-i iBlihnp Caurtnf?) t> l ClHuOll 4M, ten nun H?. Dr. I rlCKN??T URANT, lUrtor . i En "Maaala ? ? > .? *? aigratl ? ? HJUSTUAS I' A Y 4 U . i ;,- ,.-? , Bl i ninn la tiii: MTDD1 r ( ni.f.FaniATR ? mm h I 1 A?, at I :?'. KL !>? fOHN la FA, ia , p P ?f-'v H~n JOHN G ??! BU VK(a I? H ?l ; rr-ali at 11 A M .ri' P M I A M Till "I IBM I COLIal l.l VTK ( III K< H, 4 Ret l'A', ni IAH m KKK1 la, H P. M nlatrr. 4M -, -! Pwdl ' ? P M Hamm al tha MU. " riir. i 01 i ROI \ 11 ? m im u of Ut. Ml llol Vs. H.?? Ml' \ ?14-1: ,ili 1? D Mlnlatar. ? ? ? s r. m oeoptif tri Rhain? " 1 A 4| \ti-r i m> (oiiii.iVTE nirT.rH. l?r?t 1 nu i? d. m m r. il 4-1 I m . . ? a , ?mata. Hamilton Grange PAI I. -li )'? ?''.. I i ??ni-!! D p.. Mil a -? 4 M HR. H. (,. MENDENHALL. ? P. M ? 14'. -ATA " REFORMED CHURCH OF HARLEM ? l_. . ,? :? m ? wlii . , A. M. and I P. M Mil IAI 1ST. RRYANT HALL ?. i I* M If ' ? . -.lit 11.1 Y llf IIUI.M1I. SCLieiaUS SOCIETY OF FRIENns si,.-: m ? mi a: ..'I Seat 1 ": ? Mao bat?an. . ?- t, at I. "tnllgloiia Sorlrfy of Irland? (Ort h ?-dt.. " - t, t?raioar >? Pai . . A . ! -I'MIITI VI l-I MASS MEETINGS. Ha*- I?. t M a- t r 30 r M , T.???.!,?> -; Ma.'lv.n An , LrltuaUM PhaoonMoa er I i ? a'? : PurpoM lia-uaalnj ? ? ? ?? v. - Mala an,l arrnat .?f Maall f ru - t Ha , A '. ?ene. FIR8T HERMAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH. eundaj-t, .1 P. M. . ??. !??? '? . . ' l.-clak. i il an,) Ethloal Saotaty, 14! Waal :.'* M? ?-, . an i nvtfllnj " ?. ? . -? I - HH?n M-?ora, Chrl.tena. n. I ? Surada? ???.'.?.? ?.. -V4 1 IM.MIOJU.I \V. NEW CHURCH, ? ? >??? Par* a: ! 'a -, ? an a?. LIA.* SMI :'?! ? - AM ^e Certainly ??jmmorlalily" 1 linisnl'IIIl VI . THEOSOTHICAL HEADQUARTERS, .:.? Itrnad oas, i? ? Il y \i '? a I :. , .?.>? a.f Aairola.. , Mr? M IN ITA RI AN. CHURCH I'( MESSIAH ??PAiife JOHN HAYNES HOLMES 4 M "Tbe Ttttmuny of Jeiut and the Apoitlci Afainit War." S JO P. M ?MR. HORACE HOLLEY ''avfhle Uamatra,, I ? '' M I a UR. HASTINGS _M. HAPT THE JAIL. ' ALL SOUI S* ' _rrAa__M. a*\l_l_ jyjiJLeD |,| K< .,,, :ftth gl RIaKXR. M : l.: A M I ai i: IVAN A??*-'ata. * Till '- ?Ml -i UM,,? ? 4\ ?Hal. PKI ? , 4 ' I1BI.-T.I?A4 SKAMU.V a ?: a . Lenox am mi Unitarian ciiircm ?IHK ( HR1STIAN sirinHOI.ETH. 11.? M-.-..? .? t r i U.-, I MV I.K?. VI IM THE CHLRCH OF THE DIVINE PATERNITY. C.ntral Par? Waat and 7Sfti St. I'.,. Frank Ollaar Hall. D. I> I'?--, r. ?r.a ha. at 11 A 11 "Cttrtat la Camin?." a ' ;.r ?irna.. ? I a- 4 , \l ?eiii, wi Haiwr Jwuv" i .-.M?ti_a* Mu?lc. iMnl por-J .r. lia;. Mm ? _ V M ( . A. MAUD BALLIN6T0N BOOTH - . a ' ?|-n ?? \a,-* SI ? *? * i -? A . 4 I? \; .U St V. M. C. * i UK J. HOWARD MELI8H. ?'NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS." 1,1 III K -E.KV It I I EVERSON _i HUDSON TMtATRC. Aitti and Braadaaa? Sunday. I P. M. . , U a-?* ?WHO MADE THE DEVIL' THE UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. . , 4, t.'.araan a . I? Ii. fu'arlj a FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE ? . . . , ..,..;. ?..-,?. |||| ? I? M ? * Donra -'-?? H?.rua ??".?^ ^?? T J V.MS.4 TABtRNACLr CHURCH ?tl A- . 1 . A ? .|Mi'.,,\ Paal - - ? HENRY FRANK T^*T4:IF".?NC:,? .w~a aa_l _- ?u _?_" S-_a faaa. Chrt?tmaa caro'? U? the *choo). >h-t?*ma? ?*'? ? I * ch'ircb eholr METHODIST. c' ? ? Ten s?-*nt?? j- ?....?. II a. in. Organ rr*!ui* In C Whter. Hivdn '"arol. ' [_,. How a Roo* S'*r - ? ? ? ? ?? ??? ? - .? Ar. '? -? ? ' 0 , trait?, -?(? nil Hjmn, -Hark, th? tier*:. A-?.- ? - r Mat I, ? H) nt "Jew te Um World ' ir fail "Sortit". ? o m. Orgaa "-TIaalt ' ... r ??j* ... An:nom. '? ? ?-r.*r of Maal .- -?? Atthm. "O Hoir Night . - aspraao, ta B.> *. e*t Hymn, "Wblla ."?hoohord* Waic_.?<l r I b] ' H>n.~.. ??'? Little Town et - - -- Grgan. "Rltar:.?..! . .. Park A?-naa. eornor Flg.-'- . . -.. ? - FUtv Artnjr Jair.i**?.n n m. Ri-*lud?. "?V>n* | - - Kr->n? Br violin, hesv and organ. Proc*?*lnn_;. ____ ? ?? Hef-M ?__*__" Men . -? Ar.*-?-n. "In a !x>w:v M an.*-' <>ff*norr. 'ai "A ? ??-..-.. '0' --H!??--, of tr . . ?teaaaatoaa! ?-. ? * l-o*r.?le. "Mar-h l'-lig ...... M?r. :? ?? ? P? -san. ? ' It '? "Andar?? . Torhal ? ? ? * Mai ne j i"hrt?tlan Kii'P.. f-op-v? A""i? ?? Ms-v ri*. ? mlnl?t?r Il a. m '?sin? o nasTean" . rs "Bina and Tej?le*".A lern "***h "It rarr? T'pon tha Midnight 'loar" Sullivan TRI SHVTKKIAN. Ral?T?rs. Proadwav tmt Betraatl th? R*v. I anl?. h ....;. r ? m. Violin and oiaan ' Air ..n O tOitm B?V k "?!???? ' . An*'?m -?-??r .Vot. for F??r.. ? .r?.*, rtsii ?? ?..., . Bolo, "i 'ini, Into Him . Handel 'F>"n th? "*?***oalah."> Osran 'Th* Olor? ?f UM I/-rd". llanda) torn Violin and organ "Arto*<-".._.. R_c?v 'M*dlt*tlon" . O-'inM ' aro!. "TIM Flrat No*l"?_Old _*_*)__ Anth?-n "0 Hoi? Night".A Uni Antli*m "Bohnii a Virgin".Hax.lel ?rrom th* "M?oi1*J*i."i "King all 'J'.orlo'i?". . Harnhy "All _Ty Heart THi Nig-ht R?jot-**." I ....v Ftalr CBrel "Com*, o Com* O I?~-rd" Old French Carol "Ood R??t Y* M*rr> Osnlltl Old EngDsb ?"arol. -n Ho!? Nlc'i ?m Nu* Tor'x. Seventh A-- - I2?i'h Sir*?*, th? f-.ev '..or-r., \V Arm?, n. n laiei Il A M r*reliide ' r?**or-il Symphony". *?? i Sing, O Dauj ' ' . i ? lele mi?? \i*r>- i> Hai I AM bear?, ' i"hrl?tma? Lullaby" tv.'aon I ,h?r tVI'h organ ai. 1 el S'?!'-' . Mia? Mar!? | ol" ? !? M Anth?rn. When from th* Fast th? v\ la? Mm ' .im. _ N I'.-- ?*t Solo. Nlfbt o. NlghU". . . .?.and? CharlM Delrnnnt Anthem. "Holy N;gh*" . I lielu'ah Ohoru?". Charl*? lielm.T, !lr~ ? Prick, Fif*h traaae ?ni Tklrtr-astaatfe h* u?.. w )? ' in* r. L ? ? il a m. ? '? ? March of tha Maat." Uli "An ?'?)?! r ?'ma* Son?, .?, I : ?? at the Mang?r ........ Lias* Vlnlm. vtoloncallo hart? ?nd organ. iai "lii* . ? . Tr? ? ' r ? ''r.;. Itoll ? ? Wet-er le) 'tprom ffe?.-?- H!g'*" TVi I ?Oi "Jooul Thou I'??.- liar*".... Tra-i'.tl.'nal Ofr?rtor? 'Ail King?. "Th.. ? ? Postl ? les tai intu?a-?". m. Frein lo lAi "Haanoralo". (b) "A total mm" . Horo?*.??! ??:..'.a ? . Anth*m "i-.l .rr to 'Ici In th? High??? ' i farol? ?? ? Ci rtot_ea? st Ths BtiTlo-t Cbrtal I? l?orn." (cl "Plient KtfW 'T"*1 "*?' n i "' ? .,.,!., ?Th* An?-? " tre ? ? ? ; . ? ? ? . ?-.?i-?: '? ? - rester. rark tWSSt crrn?r Rle-hiv . th? n?Y Cbarlea W Wej ,-.,- ... "TI? T..V?-? Va MES Ajourna, '.r Where Is Ha Bf*"?**" ? Anthem. ' Th?r* W?r. ??. - Offfr'o-- ?nthem. "P?x? Amld Um tor's st,..?? I ' nremi , . 4Mta?l? pour Sott".. .Tombolls M rr.iude. te) ??-?'?-???? ''? ih) ? i hrla-ma? In FI. il? ' Carol, -? ? r? OtT . ? ,- Tbers Dwell a iKnr". Ofr?rtor>- 'arol? (SI It Wta " ?:. ' ? '-n* ?'" ... -What Child la Thlt?".. Traditional Carol - "Hoi?/ Night, r?? ' 11| : <".'i| Poailud?. ?'Oftortotr* MOT No- A?hma,i T Huthorfnrd. Jr . or-: M?d!?nn rVjiiar?. Mudl*'?n A??nm ?nd I:.-?? ?' li ? burst uni <;<-?.r*.? Il M n-g. niery. mlnlatera 10 10 A M Pralndo? "The Oroai .Carrtaate? Ti..tnt-r,r,c SOU) ? Berlwe ??'.?'.- ? .Parkhiirat Slgt Hymn ?? Iin?t. eorOMl ?rd tromb?n?. "!<?*. ?? .-?? . ' ? ? Sin- ... '.'? 'l-i.-l ' sir | Unte i".i'?* i h? rirst Christmas".I Offertor) . 1 . . I. R??"??lonal Il?inn .H. Poatlude irrombotiel .L*>wr*> 7:30 P. kt Prelul?. "An lant?' .Bet ? ? ?olo "Adoration" . Plllp-urrl ? mon'? March".Par "Aria ? . violin ?olo It -? :.< II? tun . \ Lagead ??' '<??? ' - , <o?A?kv [g My Light - .Pa "I.arrhn ?? ? N.?rht '.Tyroilan K Rec#??li,nal Hvivn Poatlui II I Parkburst, organist and dir.. Fourth Weal Bad Avenu* ?nd Mr Btreo) - : - ' 11 a Org?n Al!?gri H ."niant ? ChilHtmaa earelt -' a : II ? ' . ?i-... r th? "O. Thou Tha' ?!? ?iilah" Orffan. "Hallelujah I o nv Organ, ?wo Cht!?*;! It An l tta "Bel ?Id 1 A ?agio Rellg!o*o (?trln* quart?* ?niata. "Th* rlr?t Cbrtatmaa." a? Offfrtorv "Hoir Night" liartiby String q : artet '?) "l?into-'. 1%) Baal air fi'.rin? g;art*t 'a i it Word?." - .hi "Th? WaUHO*".Davl* Organ. Tuatlud*. I'ROTESANT BPIBCOPA] . rt#|o..?.'. Iia.lpla. EJghty-nlnfh B_h ?? Churchill's Mora than a Re?laurant? A Broadway Inttitution Broadway & 49th Street ' tSOmmOm Av.-.,??. fha Hav Ha>?irT M. R ? 4 ? ,. . ,',-?? * * - - ? . . - : Haro a - -? fat?. , . - i-_lnt-Sa' - i ?r*a m F... .-. -, ??t Pau:a rhaD*: m - ' "*' _ * ' ? ?-. a vola-eet. N,rht " . ?I Da? ?? , wim .:? He ?era ... - . ?-.-?- _" ?' " SERMON TOPICS TO-MORROW Baptist. , ??.., Bee. Dr. Joseph V Krm-i lectures gear* Thur? ?ay evenir ?t the popular mid ?-nek Bible ?tut roiritf on "How the Bible C-1 ni. 11 a. m. the Rev. Dr. Go* . child on "The M.r.'.s'.ry of An.els"* p. m., on "Henry Francis Lyte and H ?." heinsr the _ft_ of a serie? c .Tourneys with Great Hym ? rs." Broadway ?nil T9t_ st.. tr Rev Dr. I M-, 11 a. rr.., "B ? Sakee. thai ? s-r,*. Beooni Rich, a Christmas ?ermon* **< p. ? - ? Vou Have, the Derll i Fee Nortl ? ? ipeeial ?* vire, preliminar*] : tttnoa sei vicei ?'? ? " ? The theme wi be "S?,res in I Rn,t ?????" great hj mni Will be illustrated; Mr Y D. irmndag?, soprano soloist. Congregational. Broadway Taber-iaele, Broadway an 66th st., the Bar. Dr. Jafferaen wi preach at both services; also servi' ,- 11 a. m. a? anld l",?t ct.. I ; in M, Bes ?Th. b of Jeeoi Chriet I p m . "Th Birth of christ," illustrated e/ith m?* tion pietoree? Special music at bot lervicea Christian Science. The subject of "he lesgon-sermon 1 all churches -111 be, "i? the Cnlvern Including Man, Kvolved by Atorai Force?" Episcopal. Ascension. Fifth av. and l***th et, p. m., the Christmas portion of "Th Mp?siah'' will be innff, ?ith an elabf nnsical service by th ? M n i i. J. H. Flae ? 'intralto; ,1. Young, tenor; Bar! ? mi. At 8 p m . Lea i. ih Immigration." < alvary, 1 *L, th Rev .'?'?. D D. Hi ni., "The Greater Vieioa"; I p. m "CTiristmaa What Will I* Mean t 'hurch nt the Heavenly Beet, Piftl nv. and 45th at. 11 a ihop o p. m . Shipmnn. a y am 1 p. rn., popular w'spers. tht Rev. Pr Gatea, "John Bunyan and tht Apochrypha," erith an attractive mu sica! "lip. nv, Presiden Pott ei ereil f, Shanghai .lohn the I mu av a*-,?! il"-; il il r. m., the Very Bar . ?. Dr - I ' 'ay. 1 1 I IY>hop. * nv. and 141st st ! 1 p. m., carol service ?. 11:30 p. m., th? ? Saernn-ent "nmedi I ' brist* i f. s* 7:80 and 10:M a. m. Kthiral ( ulture. Mm ? Part BTeal and 6l?h st. 11 a. nv, Pr. Adler on ? tually Inter "t??c. Brooklyn. 11 a. ? iann, " i he Barrirai of the itre Fran?aise. 21 Weal 44th Rt ?non by H * ibleel "if Jesus ? p. m. Methmlist. Calvary. It. 11 n. m., Dr. Will-am H. Morgan, ? II of Time"; in the i of ? Y rendering "Coming of the '? ea, w.?st 104 ba Bar. Dr. ? i*. 1 I a. m . -, . , (Vorld ? pi., "Cheer for Chriat moelc furniahed by the Hand. Heddine, 17th m. Mondar, D< ? ? er 20, at 8 | 5 p. m., the Bar? -. - ' adman, D. D., on "An Anglo '. Iir.preisions of America." Madlaon Avenue, at ?0th st.. the Rev. Dr U rth M Tippy, 11 a. m., "The of Chnat"; m p. m., ??. tian I m n Prison A.imi is Carole. 7th av. and 14th ?<t , i p. m., Congreasman Richard P, Hobeon, on ' '? ? [natron tet. At 11 ?ne Rev. Dr. Marshall will preach. ?, av. and it. 11 r. Dr. Arehi j D Ball. D. P.. "The Princ ,. P? m . ? large 1 ehoir and the Edna Wim*? Trum? pet Quartet. New Thought. Academy Hail, 11". ', |t_ 11 a. m.. Pr. F. W. Bears on "Whnl < briet? ?'h;- Hotel . M a. m.. It *.. i Murray, "The tntlqnil ?ire. K* , a' the 4 p. it ' booklet entitle.i "Subjective Mind," .???:, -a : ? Besides the ? ere ar? el ?anlag? except Saturday i lay. at 11 a. m. Thaatrs Francs:??. We?t 44th Bt, 11 a. m.. Mr?. Mary E'heridge T. Cha a saaal on "What Do You Want? - a?W Exacly. and If You Do. li ? ? \ ?ry Best Thmg?" Special mus? programme. Presbyterian. Broadway. the Rev. Walter Buchanan. 11 a. m. "Recognition Heayen"; In the evening:, two short ei tatas will he sun*: "The Holy Chil and "The Righteous Branch." by 0-S.fl Le.ghter Chorus sr.d w known soloists. Fifth Avenue, at 56th Bt, the Rev. 1 Jowett will preach at both seme Far. Washington. Broadway a 174th Street At 11 S. m.. the Rev I Martin. "Do We Dare To He i hr vans'": at 8 p. m. he will speak to t bays about town. Boy BaaatS Fourth, Waal Fn.l Avenue a ??rat Street Special < hrutm musical programme at both the 11 a. and 8 p. m. services. Organ and ch?. augmented hy the Elsa Fitcher Qu* tot Harlem-New York, Il a SB. at 12 Str.?et And Mount Morris West, Chrii mas ten-ice, "The Manger of Bethl hem in ths Light of Pr?tent Wot Conditions"; *? p. m.. at Seventh Av nue and 1-oth Street, "The Fir i hristmas Taro1." Special music l rof-mmme at both ter.ices. re, Broadway sad S.*venty-thi g| The Rev. Dr. Russell. 11 a. I A Mai aa an Muling Place"; I p. I "Lai (Ja Co to Bethlehem" Speci < htistasas mutig ?t both services. West End?At 11 s. m., speoial se mon in preparation for Christmas 1 the Rev. Dr. A. Edwin Keigwin; 8 p. n monologue Impersonation of "Tl ( hnttmss ('aro!" of ?'harles Dicken by Charles UndarhilL West-Park. Amsterdam Avenue sr Eig-I Lftraal At 11 a m. t) Dr \tterbury: ? p m. the Re hr. E _aa, SB "The Night Befoi i hrtstrras " Reform???.. Hamilton (?range, ?'onver.t Aveni and lti'th Stras* At 11 a. m. Dr. Ha an Q. Mendenhsll will preach ar ?'hrlstmaa music will be tung; fi p. nr , the Rev. Dr. Loinhach. "Tho Chriatm? Sprirt*," and th? choir will render Du< '.ev Buck's "The Coming of th? King Marble Collegiate, Fifth Avenue an I Street?At 11 a. m. tl Rev. Dr. Run-ell. "The Painted Porch' Thursday, December 23, 7:45 p. it Sunday school Christmas festival. St. Nicholas Collegiate, Fifth Avenu Part) stoat- Street The Rev. D Bt 11 a. m. and s p. m. Sul ?' p. m , "The Philosophy I Shame." Bad Collei-iate. West End Av? j nue and Sever.?*, -hi Mh Street A | 4:30 p. m. ?he Rey. Dr. Cobb, on "Th i Romaneo of Rethlehem." J. H. Maur <:i?r's cantata "Bethlshssa" will he sunf , ?*>*.e()i>nlT"<irgian. New-Chun--. "th Stree At 11 a. m.. the Ray. Julian K. Smytl "The Certainty of Immortality,'' eofl ? .. ?ene? of ?ftr--?? on "Cor tainties of Belief." Christmas Da fervid?? at 1 1 a m. Th?-n?i<ip!i\. Headquarter--, 2228 Broadway Pub p in . Mrs. Marie Pon tin, "Theosophy and tho Symbolism o Astrology." rniversallst. Divine Paternity, Central Park We? and Seventy-sixth Street At 11 a. m. ?he Rev. nr. Rail, "Christ Is Coming,' a Christmas preparation sermon vvitl Chri'tma.? music; 4:80 p. m.. "Why Wi Honor Jasas," the choir singing part Bl Randal's "Messiah." ???i-vcellantjous Frei, Synairotr'ie, CarnSffU Hall A) II a. m. Dr. Wise trill IPSak on "Amer icat-.ism and llyt.heni?-m; What Is Hy . phenism, an.i when, If Ever, Is It Jus I, and What Are ths Meals of OvercomingIts Menaci*" Hudson Th??tre, West Forty-fourth Ftri-e. Th.? popular lecturer. Pro? fessor Everson. will take for his topic to narrow i int. "Who is the Davil, anrl Where !l I He Come From?" The II be Mis Jean Ireland and Oillett National Bible Institute. 214 We?r Thirty fifth Street At 3:45 p. m. Mr. ton on "Two Men Who Neither Flinched nor Flunked." Temple Beth El Fifth Avenue and lixth Street At 11 a. m., Dr. Schulman will speak on "Our [doll " V. M. ?'.A tl ir.l Street Branch Al 1:45 p m . Uis Bar. Dr. .1. H. tftlish on "National Prsparsdnasa " Y. M. C. A.. Fifty-??.ver:th Street Branch At 4 p. m., Mrs llaad Bal? lington Booth, of the Volunteers of An.erica, will sp?>ak on "Gad's ("all to Men " Lutheran. The Church of the Advent, Evangel? ical Lutheran, Hroadwav and Ninety* third Stre.-t The Rev" William M Horn, nlnlatar, will celebra'.? Its nine? teenth anniversary to-morrow morning at 11 o'-loek. The anniversary ser mon will be preach?*,? by the Rev. John J Heisehmunn, pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran ' hurch. of Brooklyn. CHURCH NEWS AND NOTES. MEMORIAL WINDOW DEDICATION. The last of a series of five memorial windows which have been installed in the O'id First Presbyterian Church, Fifth Avenue and Eleventh Street, will be dedicated to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock as a memorial to the parents of Dr. Bemjamin G, Detnsrest, who*? gift it is. The installation of this window i?, the culmination of the ?.?Torts of the Mr. Durrii'id. th! _ . who eoramsnesBBeat of his pa-< ara ato. *, hit churi-h wrh im. The w whieh he will dedicate to-mon ? rs of the Huguenots. The METROPOLITAN ;;,,,-?.> i., ri,, ?i,t. i Ooeeiee__eflnaer_ag, ? . ?. ?? N? .1 *?l,,i, .? ? I ,,li-n;rin. t ? LBt '.atixky. ??I. at ?:] i a?,.,!., . . Tlmr?. . ?at,,-, a, Pallia. Mai ?nauar; llarnwl . I.rrlrl ? K.lla-I |ii\ rrl tM?_M_te> Frl. at i In.i tu i. ,.,|. *?Mt. \Ul .- eta* . ? ? ? ? tiauer; Martin?..: Scott / ? I THIS SUN. EVE. , BEATRICE HARRISON. Ill l**t In ' MARII . MBAl U H 4 it. MlHI M rill I IKI Itl, -I nr. Mwi?. ( < Laat P?-f9i"i.n ? To I ? loa.) E?Q.. at I 10. 1 asss GUILBEnT } , - .? p. ? M ? Keats Pin ? J ) . . ? a 4 It . . 4 Milus III! \ I Kl. Iiith. ?. ?tf Hani. Ulh -I lili ITIK, \>r?t ttf lima). I I I 14,11 I IM. ill I It \M r. OrTfia' " 1 ? .:?? I'rlrr? *.". _ so?. frlTlal lliratrr. Ut?,? A U.M. Alkaaabra iin-mr? IMth A lib Aro. AEOLIAN HALL TO-DAY. AT I P. At. IAV0IE -HERZ MARY ZENTAY MORTON ADKINS. Baryton?. -I M'AT MUHT A I. a r?_A__A.N BOYS' BAND RACI III It. I!, V It? SYMPHONY ?...let? of Ne? lurk. tt\llll( ll\\IK?l*>l II. < .iiiliinor. 1? ?rro? ?lull?,, A*t?r***a. ?t S. PABLO CASALS, -/Ma-salla MERLE ALCOCK, osa? ?1? ; ' "r.y. S' HUBERT: l'un for A [.Ain. ?nil esrrrpt. from In. I'I'lit il >|u,l, t.i "llihigenli, In Anil?." H.ili.r I lanirn?, h. . I? , "?? e ,.,., ?to. ;.,... A ? ?. II? ; SYMPHONY CONCERTS X 1 "i; romo non v.. * Christmas Concert This Afternoon at 2.30 ? ?K.VROtE II \i.i . n r ?r*?i) ? 1IKMTK.4 F '??.??111,1? I ' v M In i-? 11 ( nniln.-tor. :? - lu* Chrlitma, Car*!* Stin| try tri? Cioir lr?ra Th? Cathttral *t at. Jona tu* Ui,ln?. ? ?. I? ?: I leudan Hull. Mon. F?g.. He,. !0. at Bill? \ I? .|.iv RBCIT v I. IIJ.l SCHKOLNIK eta to in ?: B01 1 it ? ? \?<M?.II. BALL, tWth ht aii.l 7th Ave FLMENDORF JL__| _tn _____ ?IMlAl SK.IIT al ?M YELLOWSTONE vy!?iu A Tul II TIIH.H Till* ?.ATIRr - ?VuNHEH IJkMi IMI4MKII 1.1 Vlll ; I '..1 ?I'.iHI S .i I'll Tl Kl ** AM' N_'. HAnvK PrlftM 30? 7Jc. ?1.00 *?* I' ?0 Ban?lboi.S7.*ia<lAT Pta_? S13 K. ? *s Vf__ i:t^M^^%*rsi^^fm II I ? IIMIIH HII I. r.\ KRV M?HT. CHUMHIA Tv?t-? I'Hij. : t? A I 11. I'.ip umet e> _*__) >. as ?' i ?? ? m I ? ?-* Huguenot Societ, will attend the dedi? cation in a body. ST. STEPHENS ASKS ENDOWMENT. A campaign for a quarter oT a million dollars for building purposes and an endowment at St. Stephen's College, Annandale-on-the-Hudscn. will be opened officially within a few weeks. St. Stephen's College, organized Iff] Bra years ago to tram young men plan? ning to ?nter the Episcopal ministry, occupies a unique place in religious anal educational circles of the country. At present more than 167,000 communi? cants of the Episcopal Church in the United States are under the pastora, care of S'.. Stephen's College men. This is more than 1 I per cent of the tota. number of 'he Church communicants. President Rodgers. in explaining the purpose of the campaign, says: "hi order to meet the requirements of a modern college and to be able to receive the ever-increasing number of students necessary for us to have at once $50,000 to renovate the buildings and make other necessary repair?; If this fall we had those improvements **e could have accommodated all who ap plieal for admission, and would have doubled our registration of six years ago." Among the trustees of St Stephen's College are Philip Sidney Pean. Will? iam Harrison. Charlei C. Haii*ht. the : Rev. Pr William T. Manning. John A. Hance, the Rev. Pr. F. W. Noms, the Rev. George ('lark Houghton. Clinton Rogers Woodruff, Charles A. Moran and ] Haley Fiske. FAILS TO OUST SPEYEH I Attempt to Remove Him and Cassel from I'rlvy Council IVfeated. London, Pec. 17.?The attempt to de? prive Sir Edgar Speyer and Sir Ernest Cassel of membership in the Privy i Council, on account of their German birth, has been defeated. The Lord Chief Justice, Baron Read? ing, who has had the matter under ad ?riaement since argumenta eren con eluded a month ago. delivered his j - ; ? i k - ment to-day. He declared Sir Edgar ami Sir Ernest, as naturalized British subjects, had all the rights and privi? leges of British born subject?. , therefore were entitled to be members of the. Privy Council. a FAMILY OF FIVE CANT LIVE ON $1.50 A DAY Minimum Wage Insufficient in New York, Says Charity Society. , Something more than $1.50 a d.-tv generally accepted as the minima n wage in New York is necessary to maintain the average family here, if investigations made be the Charity Or ganization Society are to be ace as final. In a detailed report leaned by ?hat. body veaterday it. is declared that this ? in IS insufficient to maintain tin average family under decant moral ons. "in our experience," says the ment, "this sum is not sufficient to kt-ep 'he average family, of two adult?! and three children, in New York, a?* cording to American standards eeney, health, ednention i.i One or all art? almost eorta under the strain. Sooner <>r lat"r mal ? en, low ritalll r r bad bring the family to eharil Among ">:e recommendatioi ? he report ii one thai lation be enacted under whieh , .-. i ibetadi m tif?r?n terme for non-em It is eel forth that, ???hito deee ,r in eomoelllng fat aid, tin ?men', low watres. home improper housing and raj-rancr have important places in "ho list of to he combated. Troop D. Jersey Cavalry. F.lerts. Troop P. let Squadron N. <Y. \ 1. an organisation of 3 has filled quota of sergeants with the ?' of Sherman .loos* and D, A who were promoted from the rank of ra| w. I. Righter and Jnmes B iter have been ejected corporals TOMBS CHAPLAIN 25 YEARS?RISTI/ John Callahan, Friend of Underworld, to Celebrate His Conversion. When th.? roll - Ynrfc is written '?*- a complete if it do, * n,t rj -pace to the tmr . ' j a. ?*acu? fl on the Baiwery. and i lain of the Tombs. H* c?l?br?t.? ...-. a? a (>,rl?t Y'end of that great a:-, "' next Tuesday afternoon ai Theee tu i,tr# I him mach cone* world and its harder ' ?. cause he knew most yeart teaching that fl ,?f hun 1 life all over again R g I well has . ing frien lehi| ? i tion t * ? sons of mei * into ail walkl a?;' ? both high and I Among those n this silrer am Iverearr of tl ?? of his good Wort will be Thomae Mi , Osborne and 1 ? r R ; who have called en Jt?hr Callahan assist them In re of th Tii" ? ; * tul |r< "Doer Friend : I Hull, 293 Bowi :?. ' ? ii , r 21. In the Aftern? . at 3, and in the eve trill tall roa I ow a < tor of ?. r? ' tury ago I met Joaui i how by His half 'I nesslng dally to all people, to opt ' their eyes, ami to turn them fro darkner? to light, and from ? of Satan into 0 8.000 WAITERS CA?I.KD OU Strike Below lourl?, Bagln Ta day, Organiser leys Self M rule in re' ' i lunch rooa ? I their owners make an eleventh-hot, , compromise with rif-lr ' ers who ha* ?? I h' rike. ' the Ho( ? ,?? t'nion, i-.ini? strike hotii last, night I S ? I ng. ie employ? in tholr - | Kfriko could ? involved employini ? eil the deir. I mere? - MORE BIg'bROTIIKRS WANTED Judge Wllkia Mee hop* ? ? far Fund, for Jinenlle- Mirk ? Jut ? for 1 ? - ai irer of the as It Lanman, at I ?i KKW *l?lHh S I KUHN?. I II I ? I |(l ? \ Mi -I ? < I ? EMPiRf r. v?- a m v LM ? ? NRW AMSTERDAM v' ' I ?*-? U ?J r? U F VU ftmoicrvUMit. J (J H I. U K t*. W ,.TH. rntr "rlatlnee, TO DA' I ETHELV EARRYWORK '?? ?. s^\ P?^?^. l^llTT^i^l-. 14 A PI? I'-. W-tlJfcaK mm ?*?> ? [T I a ? | *-H"_l__> ?LI/ *l *H -T'.? 1?1] IS !__________! l*M-I 3_j j*rTr."i"_p.1 A.*'__'s_Tr: HUDSON ... M _S _T* ' LIBERTY i GAIETY OUtm Mora SADIE LOVE .-. ,; rA"?ni i-" v _t______________g i i i? a Um Mai Otan Matktttg, -? - ? I: rAu,ni ,-., ,. i. r. ?>-.? n. w. Srtatk'i LA.tULt ?. ngtni fMganl ? ? ? ? ? ? : Bend f ' 'AY A ?' h M?ry H?i-i ?V El Will ?1 ? ' ' 1 if IJ 1 .ll.yTJ?l?/.1:.*M;l sun,- biiuto.hoi ts BELASCO ;;,v; *: . ?.W't BUENOS AIRES THE BOOMERANG ^??"v- _r______________3 (_________1__I!___ -? - ?E ?SA ^^Fre-J "tl. .? 'Bill, H..I.-J.?. GLOBE ' I.* LAST _______________E__ MONTGOMERY & BA1 ' . GABY ?ESLY.S 4 I ? THEATRE FRANCAIS i?, ? Bryant ? ? i..-. ? ? MON AMI * "SON TEDDY" o HOMME1' CADnCN H BATH ITU ? ? a *>t. ' A.? UArAUtr? .LATI.VEB 4' nn Mi HIT ? Hetann*. S "TM| WEAVER-.'' ?Ill UUNl'CIa Kl 4 :i a mat. only svsr ff? THE BLUE BIRD JJj PLAYHOUSE t? '? " SV5T : MATINEE today. GRACE ,[R;ARD I MAJOR GEORGE, Shaws BARBARA m . \? ,. - ? . tasaos ta ??? MAXINE ELLIOTTS. Kai S II M'a. T .1a-aV*\*?1 LUU li-LLtGtN , WAKttASt BOOTH. : ... - Va-, T La? a u-i. : 13 h. SUIHEKIM Dunoainar. 4rf TH ST. v,..' , . THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE With JULIA ARTHUR. m ABE and MAWR, POTA*?H ANU KIMLMUTTEH casino i ?.? 1:1 Man r ta. A I Ht BLUE PARADISE '"&** COMEOV . ? Mi - r |?j A Tm ? |g HOBSON S CHOICE HTM ST. Kff? i I" M?:a TV? ?lar A WM | il EMILY STEVENS THE UNCHASTENED WOMAN 6HUBERT. E-T, 111 Mau To-<1r* _ U *) ALOiXEArLASi MANHATTAN * tAJF**?. ,? ABERG rs. ZBYSKO . . MASKED MARVEL ? i. HEVONPAA ?StTURN MAIUM TO A FINISH. M_4__ W 4 ???"jpaiMESSPAT STANDARD :-..yoL*M: v.v.P.ICA LLAI^tj I t?o I ?m NtXt W?e? AM4 ! Huii?fl mr m? H??1 SUNDAYi SPECIAL XWK BEtflJ NICHT ' l'ISA ?. 4 ? ? -?' ***?' *'_( V!-? ... ...-, ? _ - I CAIETY THEATRE SPECIAL NEXT MONDAY AND NEXT TUESDAY AFTS. , Y'" .'. slats now rs ?? I <mmt THE SOUL MACHINE VITAGRAPH " . a ? rSfl 'Thou Art the Man IPHF.KI.TH 8, f I ALACE i.. .-t- *55 ? wa\ a ?r ht *", ,.e Loew. American Roof COL'RTCNAY SlSTtaS. i.KC? ? * -'".1*1? A HILL (I ?a, oyrl? Wl?a?r*l r NlCMPl*??* ,? ? SI-T?*^ ?CEM?NG IRVING PLACE THEATRE St. Mi??* Me? '? ?t t IS "H 'he\t Tarrt ?A-?'?" *-?}?. Ptronr. "??"*??- ':.?,,/cW_ \iiaiiu .?vltA-* W .N?it ?a. VaJaak* B?4-T??. Ui TUA ??"??