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ALLIES PROMISED 200,000 TROOPS BY ABYSSINIA Emperor Pledged Services of Army, French Offi? cial Says. DSF OF SOLDIERS IN EGYPT URGED Tran?por? ?'?'? n h>' thc Japan?"-**-* ,ted McKenna May Be Viceroy. the s de I. iada ? ?Jence ? this ! that the ?reaty i ! rench ? ? French port of Abys- ' could | ? roops, i ,-vncd, ? most n of tad for - He I- To !>?? Appointed Viceroy of India ? r of Kenne, au ? i ..: ? nial Russians ?lerican Building ? ??. s. ? ? IS allega ? airmen :zlou .ted in . ? i, in 'oats aiding fly ? m Con ? who had been ? ? .. . . Em ?**s)' al an ive immedi ? KAISER WOULD EXPEL ALLIES i ned from pas' 1 turn* of ?* ui* A'v;.- ? ? e? ait It due ? -.traut '? Italy Supply II Bg in dis ? M *? uiK - ay of i ? - S_ UM ? ' ? n camp. u_ *mm m j ? Aus ; - eu ' jr01' day?' . re was '? L ? fc?. mta* HOLDS UP COD LIVER OIL New foundlsnd lind* t.ermsns lue It ?n Making Kxplosives. y . Doc IT. Restr C Newfoundland government ? ere annoaaced to-day. Be* I rtr.ation had been received large quantity of ell had found ita way to <>ermany. where the glycer .tained in it could be utilixed in the manufacture of explosives, the gov ii.1 the licenses under which traders formerly exported the product. II? reiifter oil may be sent to the' ? y if consigned to the ? cens?is g?-n?*ral _t New York or B, or to a few firms which have dur?, d by the consulates. Ar i been made for the ?Bion by the consuls of any re chiprr.. rom 'h*? l'nited States ther countries. The -' "' cod liver oil ' from ?he colt?! y eoi i yeas is about 87, alloas, valu? d at MRS. ASQUITH ACCUSES "GLOBE" Seeks to Restrain London Paper from Publishing Alleged Libels. London, Dec 17. Mr?. Herbert II. . ? the Premier, appeared ?is a ? Chancery Court to? day, demanding an order to restrain "The Globe" from the publication of ; i libels. Mrs. ?-sqsrith. ? a w h('le . before the r:t Mrs Asquith has deliberately pursued In the de? fendant's newspaper with accusations ' of disloyalty and of association with German prisoners at Bonning"ton Hall, .?-he has beer, described as a traitor and a disgrace to her sex, and attacked in most opprobrious terms. These at tacks were systematically and malevo malatalaed and were only sus- i I after the writ had been issued. ' The attorney opposed "The Globe's" ' for a postponement, urging the court not to deprive the plaintiff of this opportunity to clear herself pub "Tho persecution of Mrs. Asquith . r. nearly a whole year," he said. "It began last apring in an wbieh the defendant was nf a lower ; i Globe.' That ] ologise publicly and. at Mrs. As I i'i" to the Ked The same people who nated these libels through 'The M ( t*nonymous let ntiff, and imputations Wl re made in social cir ? r has row come to a where the ricftndants . ? to account and made their reasons for the accusa ? ;el pointed out that ? .tits in question were ? ?? . ' ? 1 name, ? min Thers was sufficient evidence, ? d, tu chow that ?Mrs. As ?luith was the person referred to. i ? I. a confession had ? I of the parties "to th bela which are cal confidence in the ad? ministr?t!' The defendant having undertaken to -.. from publishing anything af urt allowed the until Tuesday. , i.ourned the Said Mr?. Asquith .-.der oath of the ? ntS concerning her. FRANCE APPROVES OF HAIG AS CHIEF Praises Sir John French?Berlin Press Doubtful as to What Chanpe Means. Paris. I'ec. 17. The appointment of General ?ir Douglas Haig as British snder-lB'Chlef In place of Field Marshal Sir John French was entirely ! ranee, where it has made a great impression. The presa it [ restions of regret at the departure of Field Marthal particular emphasis on his set-.-iee* during the trying times when the war opened. SI. expr?s? tstisfaction that Field Marshal French is sneceed : nifl most apt pupils, whose bin! good luck is mentioned, pe that it may prove to be a favorable omen. <ral Haig has been in close and ? int relations throughout the war tho French General Heedqunrte-?, his appointn.ent is received w ?. immense satisfaction," eays "Le Matin." London, Dec. 17 German news * the most part seem to he ? view- the appointment ? r Douglai IL?.g as Briti?h in place of Field al Sir John French from two Berlin new? er, is q mted by Beutel '? V-isterdam. The ' jtik" charac' si Ms pushful, while the "Lokal taig I ? o.mmand of large FORD PEACE SHIP LEAVES KIRKWALL British Require Bond for Return of Contraband to Ln^land. 1 he steamship Os? car II, board '.he Ford p?ace ? | /.wall this aftei . ' 'iristiania and CopoBha_?en ? :,t she had been and was made by the tr* ? lired that eet Iteaatshlp's car?'. g und The cap 'a.n of the Oscar II baa give* ? bon i . ,? , f .. , n, which has been ?!? r rgaat renue?? . allowed te pro [" 'tish authori'ie? iCd arrant*?* PSaPS If eaatries. UNIONS GROWLING AT FORD Warned In heep Peace at H?ime In ituiidm_ Pinada, labor Balaai are beginning ' Henry Parti The central i ? : ' u orfaniiation yaoterd ?'. t )iht the antoaiehils tnrti ea ploy as lea label II Okla- i Ls "Perhaps Mi pard ? ' gnan Is an esce? dingl, ??mlea lllilttt," I PARIS EXPECTED A SHORT WAR - "Now No One Can foresee When It Will End," Says Finance Minister. PUTS COST SO FAR AT 38 BILLIONS London Subscribes $120.000.000 to New F rtnch I.nan Russian Issue a Success. ? ?. || delayed i, li toarse of his demand to* ?han : that th? chamber grant three months' credit on the' account, Alexandre " thst the sabscription to the I French nstional loan from London ; tlone n The minister ths caleula oitecrning tl of the loan WM fhr from I fore he won tire. He stated tha' he eoal ?vi-r, that t)ie country nad BBBS II and thn- been a similar number of ? ?? He - declared that the loan had been made ' dtion , played no part in it, end that the sub scriptioas ' ine. "At ths i.ret ning of | said M. Kihot, "financial c'.: took a secondary place. We ii think the war would las' months, and now no one can : ta I end." In the course of the discussion Dcp-' ? had c - ?,,] her whole, he said, had expem;. Preach expenditures at the beginning of the conflict were month, whi M. Ribo: ment that as one measure of finan? cial relief the government had decided to propobe an extraord.i.ary tax i i kptional ii..:-- realised darii , war. The chamber, by 6o4 to I, voted the credits asked on account of 1 semester of Russian Banks Subscribe $300,000,000 to New Loan Petrograd, Dec 17. The foi details were fur:. ces :. the Rn nor cent: Three hundred n iars uas aabscril and the remainder was piacid at the ditposal o." the have take- 111 00 wor-h. The success of the ! assured through the popnlai tions, which are continuing t tion is regarded in official c :. being vor] tisfactoi when ? red that 1 is not accustomed to the absorption of large state . The I iaance Ministry has prepared a bill providing for a general increase In dir? et ": I Indirect tion. to result increase in revenu'?.? lO.OuO i annually. At for indirec of prim?; necessity w.M ! yield more. W trie.'y are .. C"f fee and matches .??. SAYS DERBY HAS WON 2,000,000 NEW MEN London "Daily News" Reports 270.000 Direct Enlistments. - - - London, Her IT. The official results of Lord Derby'i reem I i ? --Io an? ? eing free i sd in cal cire'.??. I* ii? said 1 number of attestations ws and m addition I a din ? new men. "In g ? - c these unofTicIs says "The 1 ?aily Newa," " I ? attes*;. winnowing process which on. and thai ment can be formed OB rer deductions from the gi' tal may be necei will remain -that, althougl ? at the nation, call a:.'.M ei two n men have heer? foaad *pring tu ar; , A this number more than a *? million have i * into the army without waiting f"r the working of the gro ; 600 WAR HORSES IN SEA BALAKLAVA I ?Mtlaaod from |*B?e 1 animn era was no i "'.?'??:? . - To hell wil i horses, if you want to tuve . ?? ted I hole. One aloft, and . the lighter larch? I, brimais light for Ufa. I Net a sound rnmc from Die ' below Tie of on the upper tier made the deck and plunged into the ley waters of the ? n the blind a ni the J' ? The/ ? ?ruft passing, Harl nade a mi ' firebnat I'nane was h. In the i riverfror.? Was forgotten 8U| ? ' . be Anchi.i ed all an aal hor?. 'Ili' the erewe el -.. becam? '.?; Oi .orses were dru ? Rice. the i r. v?. lo ? his bal anr?. and f.- SB) I .t the rnd "f h ? laase went down as the would-b? . I fell A cry of "Man overboard!" was an awered by Marvifl Loar, el th? crew, and be draggi I te safeti ( real beb I s he dldn'l . . | r ? I _?>i Erie h er fall itaam. It had r? ' ?'" j?jm^mm^m mem mem? *>? . ^?- mi'mu> \ gling in the water. I.a??os came oat, and two of the animals were rapture.'. he ropes about their bodiei animait were towed Dl ty-third Street and ho ?nimals wer ? of Cruelty to Animal- I ' - Marry Howard and Si Simon. ? up a r.g?, both animai? . aid saved one; the other d ? The ? police boat hove to aJongsidi I ? Just ? I about two buadn the^e ? is I one hers? top of a ? th?re it hung, a mal - ? ? Sarge of carmg ... Mr the Anchor Line. !!?? to bring out ? ? '. II v that wer. I I It is estimate ibably be ? board ?? ? ? will In r s ei amp'.? played in rl of the crew of the J1 I ? ? Hundred? of .1. on the which wa? lighted by searc shore. The sinking of the barge wit? he All i< red a A sugar vessel, the Crag ? sum? mer. RINTELENS RELEASE SOUGHT BY GERMANY Offers to Exchange Canadian Ex-Minister for Captain. Mont) IT. The German gov ernmei _e Dr. Henri ? i ? ..- to advic - ere to-ds I>r. : .:1 of Antvv. ? ? r was removed ? roots tatas to Hal He has be? ? in, nndei ? He has been I ? ? the I si York for obtaining a false past ?hen taken ? to Mr. Forement r Borden, who ? ? r I'r ? t< outlir. s Val can to l'a lib- . ?y Howard, ? ' wrote : "The Papal Nuncio at Ifuniel been .- ??ern thnt the libers would ; Cap en, now held pi ? i.ner in I hone tl si . the (.? ernment i will be pe PLOT TO BLOW UP WELLAND CANAL ? nntlmieil from pii.e I ? their ephone calls, whiili wci tig Up the ? leged plotters and their allies we* call whicb ? ? me at I'ahst Cafe." rtain inter ests as wegonkamp, Wegener, Winter, Staml' ? and T. W. ay. he represented Murphy, .lames Blank. Kell? .1 dy ? / as C. D. ? : of hnving proco n Goal re thi ? srman ?' ? arrest of Koenig was made as ? at his desk in I V-lericiin I ? oso of a number i the ? ? . ? I pn lemorandn which the Federal ait thorit.. will clear un the work of the now impriaoned In default of 0 bail. Canada Unaware of J'J'ot to Destros Weiland Cana! , , .? ? ' ? ? laaL , ithori ? iiP a). CHINESE ATTACK NEWSPAPER Baaab Thrown a) the Building of a Shanghai Hall?.. Shanghai. I'?. 11 A bomb was throw it the 1 ngof "The Asiatic I'S- : P,ln whieh to nush ? f the ly wat ! the i i cony ?if the baildiag. The damage was: ?mall and there were no casualties. | "Ii.e Daily News" was the only. iper to pui'li-h the, il orders la r?gi. cele-, - i. .,'. 'tie i ? Yuan ?runt of the bl) a bomb ispleeioB in ? ber, m ?* i ? mo tn?- groand ? been rebuilt, hmv ___ ___? _____ ?*??? i?mU. t BRITISH SCORN EARLY PEACE Forces at Last Ready. Na? tion Prepares for Greater Efforts. PREDICTS QUICK GERMAN DECLINE London Analyst Says 1 nemys .Streagti Will Benin to Wane in a Month. Bj un m I | DSAPI R. i? in no tram* of mind for ron-idermi? pea?.-. ?rcrtarM -? ? - . has ?he recoc? has in and how mocil nvjst be accomplished honorable peace" ran SO ?UM.?. Though the erst, tanancially and r.umer , ?h. ' t/Oth in men and money. It ha? und a hftlf to collect v that - ' ? rmation her* I that t'y ha? rea'- ?ht of her ? . ? a will Ml in in ?ix ? ? a keen, i . 1 an I t?nn f the "ene I ir Britain's ?? r hand, he? advantl a Fur: r a- wllO ? the Balkans. !i ?xpeet ' I rent ? ?ike a will be liiKting and II war for ma. ?orne. ? groan and warn about admit ? -' tany. Mr. M.Kei ration'! wealth I new ? ' .- ? :-.y to -?ve more for the ?t?te to use in ?g. rtnight agro there wore ?orne of restleianeat, verging on a form of panic, ?speeches by men hijvrt in official life, following a lone reversa.?, r ??? ar.d a hundred and one anees and disappointments, left the country' wondering ??"?at .'. wa about. M hy men back from the trenches told of the hardship? - t_B ? : human endurance they I I face, and tl ? help to r* ? :a'.ion. Rumort and - ? -...? ?ad ? ?s little wonder peace *?> ercu'.ate and gsir ???i?.'"l. It is said that ever; -,ot members had los?, touch th- people. kai sen a ? to a clear gramme o? : rognai ?ad er* ? . nothing has hear! r? ' g ? ? rnoi mont. Th. July th* Welltl coal miner? har*' y ? ' : look for m a country a union? are opposed to c.nscrp ? r any form of com?v; po?e.i ? of the South \\'n the |?j ? , ml Labor partv. but he asked .ment tritt ?? ? i and relentless | of tht --ese ?ame minor? made ? ? ? wonder m demoi tu m ? -eir feelings In no ?? tain way. It ?a i g blow to - and Germany's hopo ?'. m?, Mo.-?- loenl in character but nono the lr?? tigniflcnnt was blow Ne, 2. which n Monday night. E. P. Moral, - ?p| ??:?r? ?i in Th? Tr moathl hack, antl Charles Trevcl yan. who recently made a "<<?? fpeech in Parliament, were the chief ?ts scheduled to talk under th? at of il hall. Admilllon ?a? freo antl the hall was Bni before the spoakor ftarted the audience, made up Mttl -lidian ???ok things antl who?. ? | -. i ti i r Member, of l'.tr ?-iice the platform it was a lively little meeting while it lasted and full Ut not of th( ?r Mr. Moi I .iTie. FRENCH EMBARGO GROWS Ceaaal ?.eneral at Paris tables I . S. \biiul Ni? Ust, A meagre dis ?ul l_ent i ." Department to l?id the French government had 1 a new and important embargo . _ No details were given. BRITISH HOLD SWEDISH SHII Former Holland- Vmerica I iner Pot? dam Taken to K i rk** ?all. London, Pec. 11. The So eteamship ? l.ner P ??-..-? hound from Gothenburg for New a general cargo, has been I ? all by th' The Stockholm * .< purchased in Oc? tober by ? ?i her ? r the ? GERMANS RENEW THRUST IN RUSSIA Bepin Fresh Movencol in Void) nia, but Kail in first Attacks. Petrograd Reports. '. <ee. 17. T i Velhyi I'ctrograd Three se Pubno arc recorded in the officia' manic ? tes thai ? north are ? lapse of Russian at'... MCI ' e sunn r. - I 0PPICTA1 The ' - .rtli of Lake Driv) era our favo) .tnber nf prisoners, some machi i rrhlights. was mark'?) hf em y in..* ? ments of the vitsy, on the Ikwe Bl I faur *???? miles north of Pubno. Toward evening the ? tied to his trenches under Fast of Hutchach the ?nemy twice assumed the offensive against the heights abou* two miles from the village of Medviednitsa, hat both at? tacks wer. GERMAN OPPICIAL. The German stal ITS! Hindenhu - tackt be ? ? broke down during the nigh' early morning in front of our ? tions. with considerable losses to th.? enemy, (?ne hundred and ? men remain in our hswdf GERMAN WARSHIP WRECKED Bodies of Officers Found on Baltic Isl? and Where Patrol Boat Foundered. London, Dec IT, The German p boat Bunz has been wreck? island of I.angeland, in the Bal' according to a dispateh - the 1 ?hange Telegranh Company from Copenhagen. The bodies of terveral German of? ficers were found on the shop-, dispatch add? ?. S. WAR SALES ALMOST A BILLION Total for Fifteen Months Excludes Foodstuffs .nid Clothing. .< 100,000.000 WORTH SOLD IN OCTOBER ?' htivei Qollg Abroad Were Valued at II0I.87S.8C9 and firearms at S13,40 4.625. - War i-?rplie? ?han tbree-quai.-tor? ?I ?von? export ??! froia 1 r 81, till. to account ' foodstuffs and elothing. The _nlj tere item? ? ?' ii?*r then?* the ?bore total Mr? sugar and men's boots and shoes. i '" th* w ar ?r 1*9,403. ' "?onr-.'sent-xl th? i r : eg 'he pj?. I ore valu- ! .t 51. T'ij rep ret. i patenta ?tenta of explo * ere valued at 5. ? ',Jpt$. nrfo ihipmentt representing f i ? Ol??. ? d part? of au'omr? pmi lient place in these, ctjnr value. ft?r the months b?ing Hldd-f.ltt. Commercial automobile? ?hipped out of the co-m'ry titi'ing <>ctoh?_" last num ? I^MT.IM, and Rger automobiles, S.47?, valued at 12,74?, The tremendous sale of a,immobiles to the t ?owera i-, no sign that horses are no longer h va!jali|e ?n war times. The value ? hortet and mule? trot 1121,* ;? ?' mules, value?! at ? . nrere exported. ? ?! a' -.- of at roplanea, worth ? airted during October. .lue of the* 'laaillthi emle.l Or - 1 to $.3-4 , Sal' ? boot! and shoet were ' aiming the iirat ftf. menthe of the war. Th? to:?! rts during that ; .3,469, Oetebet alone recording ^iinn-it'Tita of .Y'.'0,15'i pair?, ?reined a*. $M ;_ Who the Republican Presidential Candidate Will Be As Foretold by 685 REPUBLICAN EDITORS FROM MAINE TO CALIFORNIA I he Editors of IMF. LITERARY DI GEIS I have made a country-w?de inquiry of Republican l.ditors, Senators, and Representa fives to learn their choice for the Presidency. IV result of this poll is published in THE Ul ERAR Y DIGEST for December 18th. platforms, and candidates are suggested and discust and the chances of victory analyzed Every -?hade of Republican sentiment is reflected, and ?ill sections of the country are represented. Altho one Illinois editor claims that The Republicans Can Elect a "Yellow Dog" next year, yet he and his colleagues state that it behooves the party to pick a man who will not shrink in size before the nation's grave problems that loom in the immediate future. Th are four "favorite sons" who show unmistakable strength. Included in the erticl ere are Exclusive Statements From Senators Smoot, Works, Warren, Kenyon, Catron, Clapp, and Sherman, and Numerous Congressmen llus poll is by far the most comprehensive analysis of Republican hopes and ex? pectations tor the coming Presidential campaign that has been made. Not the least interesting phases of it are the views, convie ?ions, and speculations as to What the Progressives Will Do The exclusive and timely article outlining the Republican Party's views upon their (.mdidates, policies, and platform, is by no means the only feature in the issue of The Digest" for December 18th. As usual there will be found a wide sweep of news of intense and general interest, among which may be mentioned: A Presidential Peace-Message in War-Time The Eastern Freight-Flood Points of Friction With Japan Two German Captains Who Depart Chicago's Quest of "Union-Graft" Revolts in India A War of Tendencies Germany's Mysterious Peace Hints How to Cure Bad Habits SurgicalOperationstoMusicalAccompaniment Where are the Christmas Stories of Three Nobel Prizes for Americans Yesteryear? The Usual Feast of Illustrations, Comprising Cartoons and Photographs At All News-dealers, To-Day, 10 Cents Tie Jterdry Digest [t \^ ft WAGNALLS CO.MPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK