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GUARANTEE Your Monev Rack It Von Want It lc? _Ji?_ra?j7 /' ama ^- a?M?i i-v'^ r^_d___. -2_d WFaATHER Sn^"*' ??ol?ier tn-morji-i Increa?!!?1: oi.tli wind?. First to Last ? the Truth: News - Editorials - Advertisements Vol. I-XXV lo. 25,281). [Cepniahl ISI3 Ih?* TTlbtine Ite'a I THURSDAY DEC EM B EH 28, 1915. tt o /a-v-i-? /'la'X'T I?? **?>?' lark CM*. Kowath, Jaiasj ?Vttp OM', I? a-J-H I anl H?:?'V<n WlSS-lil e\*0 OBBBBi U.S. Softens Tone to Win Austrian Compliance T.R. IS BACKED BY OLD GUARD INHYPHENWAR Republicans Hasten to Disown Pander= in? to Germans. WILSON MEN FE.AR COLON El Democratic Leaders Wor? ried by Growing Talk of His Candidacy. .;.? rri?j-uaB-.-. Vasaiafton, Dsc. 22. The tisn m The Tribune this morning that Theodore Rcsevelt will suppo:*. Wilson for IsMaetiOB in case of any pnt-doring U th? Germen vota by the Republican jsrty on th?? issue ai Anu? esui srvfety | snd honor a new ton?.* te th? talk #* the sel'i ean-M?acjr ?hick ha? r*i??n safinsi % l*f?_sh?ni en for ?ev- i ?ral da;.?. topabltoaa leaders of all ( ?hades of spii sa were easphatic la <*y iBftha- h? woalfJ find no such spirit in tat Republican platform, aartjr ?t can- i ?rdate Ma:.- I ??lared that the issus of : Americanism is rapidi ta the i front *?r ?.?>-?? ., all others: la the campaign, and s '?? i of 'he old ; ??osevel! Bten prophesy that the Colonel will be the only log;';?'?! nominee ?f th? party on tha' ?ssne. The Colo n*T? opponents in both parties see in kfe attitud? ?' i? nee of a tAnr. to force lis own nomina? The lncrepsir.-- ts SSI ? ??ndid&ey is plain'v sIan ng the sup? porters of the administration. They : take pains to declare loudly and often , _it he would be the easiest p' Mr. to beat, and that they would wel- , teme bis noi ation. They sa;. 11 ?seid drive to the support of Wilson ' tho-sends of men of both Republican i sr.H Progresse tendencies who are ] i-':? d the Colonel would involve the Usite; - t ' same tin? .ce?-'.ctar.*' Garrison launched his ?ttack on Mi Roosevelt's prs] eredness reeord while 1'resident, and It is under ?teed that similar attac-i? from ether ??urces ?r? ? reparation. In spit?* of the fact tha; the .?^ue of th* hyphen ha? not yet been brough' ferward ( or.gress. the Republican leader? agreed to-day that it would be foojht bard there, and ?said be pre *lo??!iar,' as * ear. They BSS an in-' ereasing ?upport of ?? s Mr, Roesev?:* hai ' en taking for months, and ?ri he;.- see no i reaton *. be evi that this ? I make aim the logical candidate, they are con **i_?ed that the part*. ?\:11 indorse it ktariil**. Ha Paltering. S_>a Smnot. "If Mr. Roosevelt is afraid ol t___rtag v,:*: the issu? of Asnsriea rat 1 the Republican platform or car didate.'' ?aid Sei I one of the ' J-adtr- ?? ?-. a lins conservatives, _asf_ay ?4 The pla* f?rm, I a- jre. will deal strong)** with , ?otect Amencsr ????-? ??? ?rests in many ? Crts of th? world Si ; ?riUi bis hesi- j ?Jng, vaccillating, unrertain and ' ??aarjtar <- attitude at '"tque:.- and veri ["here hesit'a t on or eras tsta. ? he i,!atform should I rctiotr I Lizena ?hould be the same in f the ?orli, whatever the wealth or impor |?nc? et the tit san, end ?honld make' '>* ?s hip mean Nststhing r,-a! and ?here fjw, te that 1 an Am? ' ! Lujiunia " ?.ter, of Washington, * * r ' ????"?? ibiican ' * i iear. _ "' - ? r- enator said, can platform will dc "? "rr-li pol - r.ama mbian ( th? live?, itisans ? be one of the chief | ' Kepub ? -rlook -?Lu' ... . ' .a< he aa ad *.,,.. ? A?.. ' :' ?preps ?pagand? ?I -~y*jf '*? ?head ?f ' ' ?. ... ' . .iughes ar ' ' a ' ??ana.?? ?_ ,_,, t ,.)?_,?, , New Year's Gayety Must Stop at 3 A*Me Ail Except Nt'oht Owl Places Will Have to Close Then, Mayor Rules. Ihree hours after the New Yeat romes in the light? In Broadway caf? whicl possess a special license will _o out together with the patrons thereof. This *vi.s the ??eeision reached yestei day by Mayor Mitctiel.who,torn between t.'ia- pi.a for muir'?-tit closing advocate?, 1>> many ministen in the elty and th? btSBBBhlBfS of the liquor and restau? rant men for a whole night of celebr?? tlon, took the rni.lille eattrs?, _.?.?! an? nounced that all gathering plaetl or New Yotk revellers would become arid at the stroke of three. The Mayor algo wrote a letter to William U. Anderson, State Superin? tendent of the Anti-Saloon League, ex? plaining why he believed that the mid? night closing law should he suspendo?! in honor of 191? Mr. Anderson had asked that no special licenses be gianted this year.but Mr. Mitchel point.? ? his communication thia?_ "it is ?torn in this town, of many year?. SI mi unusually large num ber of peuple ?<_? go tn ?estaurants on Nsa* Year's Era. "In recognition of this," ht contin? ues, "it ?eeme to rue wise to prant. a?, the law empowers me. to restaurant? of good reputation a special license which w;l! enable more people than usual to take a late supper on ?hi? one night of the year." The Police Department will be ob? liged to vouch for the rectitude and virtue of ever-.- restaurant applying far a license. Two hundred eating and drinking places have ahead*- sent in their pleas, nnd after they have been mensure?! by the police standard of propriety, thev will be informed af their fa'e. On the stroke of three the stream o champagne in which New Yorkers ?rill endeavor to forget that morning brin*?"* in the day of renunciation Brill cease to flow. Patrons of the resorts will be allowed a reasonable amount of time thereafter to psss out into a dark am? very dry world, illuminated only by the fsr flung lights of the twenty-eigh ( saloons and restaurants of the cit which rejoice in all night licenses i ?"i.icago. Dal? --? Every bar h Chi-, cago must close ore hour after mid- ( night ushers in the New Year ar.a thsM celebrating the advent of 1-1R ' will be allowed to purcha;e only a j "reasonable amount" of drtnks for con- I sumption after the closing hour. Thll a"*a<iincemen" to-day from the Coi-< poration Counsel put a damper Bfl preparations for protracted New Year' Eve celebration?. THINKS HES CHARLEY ROSS Brooklyn Man Racks Claim v* 1th Clip? pings and Records. WhitS haired and wtinkled. William R. Yolernan, of 1198 Carroll Street, Biooklyn, claims "<? have discovered in hlflSSati the long lost Charley Ross, for whom the entire nation srareheu nmrc than forty year? ago. To sup pru c his aaaattton he produces a pile sf age irai Pi lippings, photographs an i ?eeords. "I firet became convinced of the fact that I was Charley Ross seventeen years ago," he said. "1 have made ex? tensive in\estigatio*.s with ?he aid of 0. A Sargeant, of 21b Washington StrtBt, and he. too, is certain that there can be no mistake." Mr. Colsasaa posscsset- a picture h says ia that of Christian K. Ross, fath i? of the rnissin"- hoy. Al?o. he points to an old picture of Charl?** Ross ami to one of his own son, taken at the SBBM age. a?< h'-arng markeii resen: blsnce TREE LOST CASH WITH TRASH f.'iOO in Pur??e < hirago Pickpocket Tool, from Sir Herbert. ?b Ttl??riph le Km IM ? i?cago, Dec. 22. A pickpocket ton? $500 from Sir Herbert Hcrrbohm Tro IOOB after the actor left a Lake .?'hoi' train to-day. "I must have los?, i right after that man jostled me," said Bit Herbert, a? hi reached his hotel and signaled for n?taxicab. "I'll go back to the station and look sbOBl When he found no trace of the ma Bl th" walle? he lighadi "Hi r ir?e steal' trash, l> |1 fpA -, '-, ? of east ?' well " ? II, . ? ' .on his way le U Aagslaa with hi? daughter. In? .h BhahssBaariai a GUN SIGHT GONE: HA! A PLOT! r?i?iorlian lli??o?er? |r**sa**J Theft anH Kear? l.frman \r|i*iliea. ? plot. and, then, ? , ? " ?a ?I William Allen, custodian of thl ? Arti] I ?)><? natio- si Franklin .i in reporting ? The ?' ' ' a *? look h , ?n of i'ar ?"'<? 1121 ? m ." srasseal i ??' ?nt IS e-r-'r ,-., ?,, ,,,,,.,.., ., ffoln ,(,, 'l' rir". h .? eai ? ? ? .. the pi s hop e I" m >? i ?hiiiM, m , aK, NOoO II' I?? A I a at?t A . RESIGNS PLACE ON NAVY BOARD TO HIT WILSON Henry A. Wise Wood Attacks Prepared? ness Plan. CALLS DANIELS INCOMPETENT Administration Accused of Crippling General Board for Political Reasons. Indignant, at the "rnaueq late ami , dangerously v. ear." mi itsry and ii?\a! ; policy of the Pies.dent, Heiir> A ? 'Wood resigned yesterday roa Naval Consulting Ruard, which i raset ir.g here far sub-cosnmitt?? confer '? enees. In ghring uri his position >? i man of the sub-eonim!? :e? op. net.. ? r.Hutic?. Mi. Wood, in a letter to . tary Daniels, says thai k? feels he must relinquish tin, eonnsctloa "'t.:. ne will be free to prosecute w.'r ? tttalnt his campaign for tit . peresbseaa, Following -he aiestiai 'he boai sues the following statement: "Mr. Wood's resignat'on i? :,i, eatirs ly personal matter with Mr. Wood, with which the board i? riot concern .1." W. !.. Saumlers, who gave o . statement, said: "The board il paitisin, scientific body, organised for I the purpo?e of Improving the capacity of the country throuph its navy in peace an?! ?rar. Th? QUSStion of pre naredne.?c ia a ?eiaiive tersa, W? hav? nothing to do vit h any particular scheme of preparsdni Ik the I policy ot any administration." . "I have done this," Mr. Wood says in hi? letter, "in order that 1 shall be tros to attack the thoroughly Im do quate and therefore dangerously woa'; naval and militaiv po)i<r* af the dent as expressed in Secretary son's and your own rocontm? and to urge publicly that me recom 'mandations of th? General Board o" the navy and Gonoral Staff o? th? army, as contained in their original re ports, be substituted therefor." Mr. Wood then SCCUSO? the adminis? tration of crippling, for political rea? sons, the military policy ad' the General ' Roard of the in the General Staff o* the ai i DaaMs incompetent. "Where th? Goaotnl Botri. mends." he ?rritOS, "that ou. navy be made the equal af th? mo-it pi. In the world b Ittf. .ind offers a pro : gramme for 191'. withheld b from the publn? which the boa id says: will acconiplir.ii this ir continued in subsequent years on a similar you have arbitrarily limited the ; to a given sum for ne*?- SOSIStraction. and thna have forced it to substitute for this a Programm?? which in realit) i? not h? awn, but that of yourself. a civilian, who as such i? wholly la competent to judge how largr* or of what our naval fnrrrs should be. ?**_1 ? re, ITOSI this restricted pro gr.-tmine which yO_ have forced the hoard you have further weakened by eliminating from iti Arat year tws dreadi ? cru a ????" The former member of the \aval I onsnlting Hoard then attacks Seere tarj GairrTsoa for not having the eonr a;.. tS .support the reeoinmendations of the General stuff of the army, ami crit Icisei hi? proposai, in the face S ? i?-,, gives b> trained expert?, to limit lobllc force of the United tS ..ii.OOO men. "This, notwithstanding the General Sta.T's statement that on? satisi ? - 000 'i apt in forty-sis day?, sni other upon our Pacific CO? troops in sixty three ds Paints t*> Hanger?. ? ; M Wood's eritieisi th?? unprepon d condi! ion ? f I State?, the sitte? ami Explos ml tin. Board a - Ighj thai i-ould. by blockading ? - '. bieak II ? Hack of nil attempts i - u rM to latrj essor L. A ' ' r I? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .inl piepan ?-. ? i a ?Chili ? ism th? Frn the nitratei ? man nci<i ?n SSI ' ? insl ing nf smoki I? ? i ?'? d< ? ly unsl ... i h i-1 i i 'I ke pr" 1 la Amerii ' ? no 1 ? a* 11 h t hi \iir?. Plaai t ri -? w i .. ? pi. be tl i,i t.. ? | fre ; ? ? ? ? .i a plant foi Its manu r i m If " ?V pre? mpl I .iiilmiiril nil p."?' '.*. iiiliiinii ? BEAT HEADS ON BARS AS FIRE LICKS CEU Prisoners in Burning Brid?rep? Jail, in Frenzy. Try to Di.. B| .'-.a.i ' . .7 a . Hridgepor*. CoBB., Dec. 22 A $, rs ia the Pairflald l enaty . ? daagared -;.. : < -''" ' ??rs ioeked in their zt Msr.y o" :i?*? prisoners a* "he sail be..'ame SBIFbcbI *,? attempted to cc m;* ?u'.cnie by hutting thl r hei Bgaiasl the steel bar.? o." esll doors The alarm of fire in given u- ? .. H. King, lawyer and former ?.ate r ren-ntatire, who was sentenced ?? wi ago to ?..\ years ia nn?on for tart St <?:- priaoatra *??<?. o*\ held in thi? jail thl CoBBW cut state prison :s oven-rot*..-. 1 moans and screan.s ?Y -ne * eaald bi i srd on ? sway :'rom the bal The Are start? where the lesther shop *s situated, 6:10 p. in. thil ' ?...:;g. Its cause . :.d tiiere I* a rumor?hat Michael Scott, of D? ? I the only guard on duty ? ml a:'i:t. .??led i the eaginei m th.? ??,*?. ?,, tighl ; fl:uin -. -. i- b rao rae story b , i he flam *? ? . o'clock. - ? PAINTING LOANED BY FRANCE LOS' "Peace." 27-Foo1 Canvas, Vai isIy's fron Pier Insured for S'.O.OOO. ..ja (,., ? \ Y . the Fri i ha snnouae? Dsoat ssads '?-.-? : ,. - by Franckl) Par ? ' ? ? Museum of Fi rec A:' 1 he .. be th g Y o.' ? h government to th Pe? . i'.. Si I of The ?lar-at early Isi ? on tes Frai i Mr. Patil for in the familiei of Fre-seh sal diei -n i , .? ? SBVBI :iri ?*e?? *? right "hat imich Mr. Paris Itaoirs bal ince it wi ? i on 'o ?h [I vsn ?shed, and 10 ??'. th < frlc'al ? ? tha . id ?>? R - . Packed n i ; bei n?>n ?.? placed end or es ' and ?a i i H si inner ho\ of les. met i sled. I he picture, i beei stolen. ??* ?-i? be object il ?tes! ina it." rt.d Mr. Paris, "for it is to< .'.ill '?.r.r. ??i to bs nn\ '.e.i DI dispOSO? of, "d i- - ?? for anv BBC U Ther<? li -r.r ???!?. I room in th? . ? ir'** ei ougl li tttt eh to hang II for !' I is am :ind dOWB. Il . i ;? , ? s had ti a, ; I I ,.. to the ci Y.if:." ?a, | h \t\i ? I govern mei >< ai ago snd di Ih erad on l '? ? daj . aclarad, t s the ?osl ? ? , ghi ? pai iting itgaod b: preminenl French a ti?ts erhich ?re to K . in the Rit : l arito*. foi two sfiBalaa* Jaaas 111 Ya" had Ih * eai ? ai 120.000 ? o HINTS AT SPLIT IN BRITISH CABINET The London "Truth" on Lloyd Oeorge and Kitchener. ? -. ..i. r-ii.i.-. , . Doc l.lovd (ieoige's the las* word in ;r,,, aren. polit?. ?true-He between him aad U i KHchanor arhiah has .????i. ig far month?. Thi i s tatemen I is made b) -Truth." which enumerates Uoyd Goarge's reflections .?i Kit'hener thus: Hi-'t. Kitchener either did not know of or tall his <*<**' . shortage in machine .un?, which **os discovered by Asqutth . ?? , 10 1 :r-n? * ne th? supply of hi_h .?? . r\ ?la?., -hiie , -> -iih,t...Uia' .i "o data. ? . I ie m\ I.. pre "? ? * bi , M in ?? m lai is K " noi ,;. ? sftei il Lloyd ?i the ? fcaqaithj ... ? t? car? ta ' ' Ml I .i|'l i -"? r"4' i ;:.'? pasead unnoticed b? '.he scnaea. II Ynrd: ? - ? ? ... ?? , . ... i? becs g* ?. - .v theJ KAISER IS ILL; FOR?DTOQUIT WESTERN TRIP Wilhelm Is Suffering Prom Cellulitis. Says Berlin. AILMENT MA\ BE DANGEROUS War Lord Is Greatly Worn by Strenuous Travelling Between Fronts. a.- ? a ? ? ?? \. V. . hnipe . ; sned 'ii?' t rin ',,e had pli rnsking ta the ?.?.????ei!' freat, th? se?; Ken - Ages ?y am ., || ir essary foi ?i?io:^ for . 'II? H(?h! the Emperor, ailmei sa "a ?i |l flammst'".", ef ths sellulai aystsm." ..- ... .'.;? ft .' B ^?r.n? : ? . William's Ulm ..,-???? c' mon ? ? d?ng**). An Amsterdan I ipatcb la th? Ex ? ? ?? i ipa "Emperor Will -'?? ?? .? bad eold, Ha is under ths cars of throat ? alista snd eonftned indoors. rl- as great]] 'stigucd bj bis recent ? tous rrar?! g and ist take pscisl pri :,.."' roi t Pi -?? II pay - ?hori ? r dm - .nr- ir-.e holidays." Kaiser fias Suffered Ailments Since Boyhood Rmperei William? ?- sufferer cbilrjhood ' osp '-armus infirmit.???. -as forced once be'ore >i".co th-? ?s*sr b"gan (s d;oo activities because af ? ?ud less. I "' i ? I, from whieb ths Kaiser i? iu(faring, is descriaed a* a ?Jsnger . -ease m r,v. fol BSS A suthoi.'?? rs "?? dii pubii -.i-.ui: gl ? ? ?he term "cellolitis" a*-.?! descrlhea ? : "!n_ammel on of >. ellular or loon o conn? a tsns chiefly subcu? taneous, bnt ?Yo af ?hat between muscle? and viscera, or surrounding va ? iou? oigpas. I ?i characterized by the MHU iptntdil r Sr alonrc character a? srysipelss, snd ? eireumserihed or diffused. i j?,,,. ?yelling I es branchitiir lines S ingitis. Pain ! is i.-itrn??? apd great, and the -i. ? glsi'd. and ????"' srr ??"ten inflamed. Constitutional symptom? are ci The dis"??? ,- nff-n Mild in d?gTM, s'-.i ths lymphatics may dt?po?<? of the poison si.I suppuration ">--t 1 to occur." I F?rly this year Emperor William ?as reported to b? returning to Kerlii* lieranjo of thru?? trouble ^ little mars 'han ?? year *p". an l.<*c?nib??r fl. ?H4. there *?*? official edsnisi on that ths rmeerai was r-ni1?. III, ths sn nouneenunt ?tating tha? he ? a i .-uff??r mg from a fOTerislI bronchial i-atairh. It ?*??? ?aid, bearerer, that h? waa to ~i> ? >**? attention to I ':?? '" on the situation from the ??eneral Siaff. ^umo! s of all hind lave b istrii as 'o the Kn .-i r's COI I ? I -i? repo*-t.*d thht he ws deal. It a? ir>.r Ion;; t ft.?r In? illnOM sf last v?nr that he lesumed his u-'U'i aeti?. tie?, and the nirno'-s Utte quieted for ths time. Apparently hi? ?lines? Issl year *va? th? result of the ?train h" ;.e<i bees ander and th? hard -.?nri.' he had deas durir*g *tV early asentas el th? A??. What, ho? s" er, baa mad? sor.s apprehensive is the fhel that the K.-ii ?-r haa been ? - i ?nie sufferer since childhood from various illness? \ troublc ami disc? .-?.,.?.? it was hich '? apt .?"' st his .' ?V he* !ii??- -. dan ; ... sxacl : . i> be ?? bei? ,. em?. ;' i. ..(?? to he fatal. D Howard 1 Rinai Hi -.iris'. ^*ii,i tellulH ?n of th?* I i- Ml?* "-??'" ' ? ' i t that coi snd that t h? rossa the fa? ? ? i.. .. ? me I? da :? I,, o ...... c i?- i ? Ml "... ?,,?.?? ? ? ... -. ? .-, ? Responsive Chords I hcK i* a tnuvc critic in New/ ^ ork who nevr f?*?il?a to .Iril.f ,\ reaponaive ? hord in the minds of mu3?c lover** ?became Lc is ? nraaic lover himself. Y??u . hould r?-ad M. I.. ki'*hbi?*T?- i uniment in I he Tribune- ?you nrfll find i' tv^ll worin while to do this regular!) Hia ape *.?l Sunday aiticl*?* on music are alone UfOfth tlir prier ol ihr paper. *J\p ?utt?mg St?rmt?? I itst ta Uso* the I ruth: \e**s~Ed.torials?Ad\ertisemenif SECOND NOTE TO AUSTRIA f statt li',;?. ? ? I'.'. '.7-1.'.. ? ?? r ? of Statt l imhooaa I id ?. ?!?. . i ? ? i ??'"-?7" ? !"' m Affairs i tilg as folloteo: r.,e government cf the United States has received the note o.' You: Excellency relative to the sinking o: t'.e Ancona. which was de , li'ered .t Vienna on December 15. It! 5, and transmitted to Wathington. artd has given the note immediate and careful consideration. "On November 15. 1915. Baron Zwiedinek. the Charg? d'Arlairc? of the Imperial and Royal Government at Washington, transmitted to the Department of State a report of the Austro-Hungarian Admiralty with regard to the sinking cf the steamship Ancor.a. in which it was admitted that the vessel was >.-,rpcdo-d after her engines had been stopped and when passenger! were sti'l on board. This admis-lion alone ia, bi the riet? <j? the go*.7*r.-rr.e:it of :.he United States, ^7ufi.c:e?*t to rix upon the comma, der of the subm .nne which fired ?he torpedo the responsibility for having v.-iliully violated the recognized law of nations and entirely disregarded those humane principles which every belligerent should ob? serve in the conduct oi w:r at sea. "In view ot these ad.v.itred cir? umstanccs. the goven'.rr.etit o: the United .?'ates feels justified it*. hoYiing that the details of the linking of the An;o-.a. the weip. t r. .'i harae'er of the additional testimony cor? roborating the Admiralty s report, and the number o: Americans killed or injured, are in *o *.v.y esaential matter* of discussion. The culpa? bility of the c07nr.7ar.der is in any ?.-?se established, and the undisputed met is that citizens cf the United States were ki'le-i, injured or put n i.onardy by 'is lawless act. ?'The rales ' ? international lav.- and the principles oi Inaasnilj which v.ere ihr.* wilfully violated by the commander of the submarine h_?e bee.? so long and so umversally recognized and are so manifest from the standpoint of right and justice that the government of the United States does not teel called upon to rebate them and does not understand tiiat the Imperial and Royal Government questions or dis? putes them. "Tie government o.' the United States therefore finds no other cot.r.-e ope;* to it but tr bold the Imperial and Royal Government re? sponsible ?cr th? a_t of its nava' commander and to rcne-v the dei'ni'e but resoecYi;! demands made in its comm*mic_tion ot the 6th of De cernber, 1915. It sincerely hones that the foregoing statement of its ?position will enable the Imperial and Royal Govemn-.cnt to perceive the justice of those demand" and to complv with them in the same spirit of ,ranl?7neJs and wit. the same concern for the good relations now ex? isting between the United States and Austria-Hungary which prompted the covrnment oc the United States to make them. 1 -LANSING" GILDED PIG BOW TO FORD ENVOI Mascot of Norse Studei Gives Thanks for Gift of S10.000. B* THEODORE v. ?*<>< KM \v I. i a. ? . . e : : 1 ? itiania ia Lendea I, L?e.-. 2. A ?rilded pig. '.arrie.i ?ato the O ?i i ?if the Norwegian S : ' associai by '?heeritij- iii-.derirri'lua'e?. ?aptu nil honors a( n dinner given for Me Ford as an anprecistion o:* ?lO.OOO preseated esrhcr la the dav to I ;,s?_? in.t.07? 'o'- a lew bailditlg. ?,.ho '? a?? to he the ?? an unable t.. al te ? lije the pig, like I i i '?'? ? iule an! tli?? navy coat, lias b? the masco* of the SSBOCiatiOB fri time immemorial. His OBTBers ?are ? 1 inp to eater him aj-aM"?? an-, other _i mal of hi? ' ? . ? ;:t far the a around. CBtch-BO catch-eBB, luck-brin mif championship. His ?pnearanc th<? heed ?if "I"* me,lie?- al proc?s?! viii. h enter<*fl the aid hall made OS varrina peso-? delegates forget the .??iii?bblin_? and th.? rJlaner b.came Bear riot arhoB hie pigthAg, oromnt. by the student-, thaakad Dr. Ahad f Mr. Pord's et In a short speci Dr. I led, a- of rial roproaoatati e of the pea 'old the dinner attests that th* friend! ratral governments tor ai '.?? ?;.; Im Keilhau, president < the Students' Asst ition, 'he seatiraenl i rd tl expedil ? ? .,- -.. -,,-. ."-.? < not ' tiot ran I attt feeliag bel?get ' i ? \ ..-??? ->,? ports in tir*r 'o -ail o! OS? II ar..i "n the 1 '? lei eh '. Iii, Ml Vor.! >'?{ : ' "\ee- .' I ill ealle ? a\ttome? General Locken and Dl Lang? i ' s ? c .?? Interpai entait i their cards were ?'*". Ford. ?>;,.. Rosiki Scl - i ? ? i! .-? >ian, still iaana < - ... . ~.? Ren I and Frederick il Holt. An aa ? . Y . ? ? | i. ? Alii-onir? re have ? m Y fhe I les - V flnal meet - the Laho 'part; -..?... ? RF.FUS-S TO TRY HAISELBEN State's \;;orp?- Will Sol PraBct-ate' lli.llinr?: mmhr} Darter. i ,?:,.-.. Pc ? ? .1 11 Marrj J. liais? .- ,.? Bah** I eg? a, in an effoi I i | Mr. H*>*p ? BI * ? had doBSBBded 'hs' :if eaase the feraad jury to investigate the csse. ALLIES' BLUNDEF COST GREEK AE Plan to Win Golden Hoi Rejected. Says Premier Skouloudis. I.or.don. ?le?. _'. ">?. ?. I ,?e Greece ., to be ravaged bj ? erm relsaU?ss war because :he Knirnte A lies have badly blundered la ? <_?pi mai'r a? ?rell as a rniiitar?' sense." in lile?. words hf, Bhouloudl Premier sf Granea? criticised tl diploma?'-, sf i he KnUnte pocers ths Balkan?. ;n an interview wlj 'ihr ii.ilv Chronicle's** Athe ?pendent The prediction of a battle or. C^-r noil i? lignifieai ? of a dispstc ptriated by th? "Tape? Eeitung" i Bel ' ' . say I tl?a' Bulgarin troops an* m.?ring dreek territor but that if they ire no? attacked r (trreU. troops they Will eontiiir? Ihe operations to seising th? S?lenla rail*.**. Th?- Greek Premier complained h;* terly tha' his ? sd be?n m? lii-nsd a*ti! bis goremsaoat attached, "But," M. Bkonlotsdla is .ted ? having said, "ths fault whs not snn We Tied to play the ??am?, as you Bag lish ?-.??;.-. and if -.*??? frt.'ed ??. no' we. "i," s " responsible, i'?rla'-ir.? in th-it he ha er.rn??t.; ? I o eye arltl , Powers ar-.J to ai rt blood :. Macedonia, If. Skouloudis ?aid "Ths All'i*" hitv?> touted und angere. lirrec". Instead of placating bar. i?i of dealing openly with as the; coquetted with Bulgaria, while treatini u? disdainfu Ij 1'.- result is that ths; have fallen betnee tws ?tools. If tin \ ??? haul eems ftnnklj to Greece sa? ii?l?'l her aid and ?old her ihn.? ?h1 .- r - del Bed recorr? P'-nsp .-it the end of th 'ri?:/le, I af ?"ir o that Greeci would nel nave besl rated fo>- a sing!" moment in? ?ad of l "land s ? ,; v .;. .? .'-"i se -i'ices ''rom .re ?eked te coop?r?t? ? - . ? ? i ? ? ?? ..? Kavsli . ?r ?? to ou !.',' t?r. - , . un. m farr. our riche?-; provinces, whicl ' .-.'i beei bj ?."-irk blood. '.*?'? .er.? frae t'i shed ot.r bloc : ? ? an attempt ta fere? the Daydanellea, but we " ? ? warntrd that , . .? ?count muai > ? dream ? m- rehing t? I ... ? t.' sir Al I" '???? _*ti ? . 'orbid lei In in? ? .... - ... their nal le? of ?h? ?r. ie '? pi tal." ... , i ' ,-.. 1. sal r. be half ..?''.- iloudi* . ..? ? . led : ? y__ fc ih? ??? . ? li sncomplaii inglj W< ? . .ri .i'.-i which vou rejected." tetina. ? ' tal ^?d af fered a plan by ? Dardaaellea mighl have boon fore d, but thai the VI ??'in<?d tl.? ?dviee, Premier loud*? contended thai sl'o* ?* Alire? ??. i o? *. Sal?nica traosl ? ? "r? ?tS . i - n I,r ri<? - be"n Into ho?? ? . aeai'' I I . ,?? {hi ' th? TV pai ? of ? ? v.u. isan ccupat ? Va-?a f tr?i?. i?. ths L i -hi.' editor . ' an? sf ths , t war." ... ? ?' ., in ssaanll be n ? ..??ii????-.? i.n page .'.. ssbnshs I SECOND NOTE MILDER; G?VES AUSTRIA TIME Demands Repeated, but Reply Need Not Be "Prompt." HINT L. S. MAN TRY PERSUASION Critics Say Changed Tone Means Attempt to Lin tice Disavowal. i i Both H/aghington, I1?' 22. Presiden! I Wilson's second nota '?<> Aw , the Ancona caee, ma?lc public al the State Deportasen! to-day. ii accept? | cd here as at; olTor* to place th?* All (trian (?.nfrnmi nt ami piopb* in a franse o? mind that arould nake compliance with tli?- demandi ??.' the Iflret nota peeeible, but without tack? Inically receding from the position bi tool .y,'. . ii?- arit? ; draws none of le, '?ut In* ' sets th(*m forth in a far milder tone, The request for s "prompt" an? : ivrer is not repeated. The ?>mi ion | is Intentional, an?! State Depai ofici?is ?ay thai Austria trill in ; given any reasonable BUM Uli at !lase I up to several areeki to pr?j?at< ? n ply. The epithets aaod in th. I not? are omitted m ;h" lecond. "Wanton rslai.??htcr" ha- bee ans "the act" of the .V ?trian eOOSOIOnd No Hack?l?)?n, ?-<_\ Ofic?ale, [nfiatancc ts still place?! on th< ?tatement that the Unit?,i S:? in no essential particular i?ac!. down from i,ts origina' petition. Thl fO ernment, ofliiials rep.?nt, i_ -till will? ing to brea!, with Austria, and will ?i? -<i rather than accept any ?**.ttl* me*it ?-li'irt of :i complete compilant*, ?vi'h th? President' demands. Critics O.' the ?'r?*.?! |i asking trbj" he stade as? inj* ehxra? fenzationa of th?? Anc?n* erilBC in the drat ..?'te. and **hv in in ! sisted upon prompt action from Austria t he ?as later to reaoBnee'thi ssothed. The Ars I I ' a I 041 I .'areii, meant dearly tha' thr United St ?m in?' ?i.ily I tlliflg bBl break artth Auattit '.'.v JBOt a? ? ? St thl :.ii in$r. a? (tract ? ewal. The arif'jri'.ent nr -n? note, a? Cast In The Trihcn?. is 'hat Austru. herself ims pru id?.I an the (BCtS BBC ee-ar-. .. the AtBericaa 'Hi", and tha' . the !a*> of ?h?* ? i ? too generell' aec"pt?i) to provide ? subject of die eassioi So farther roi roi madi to th? coBtrororsiee trith Gcrntep ! submarine -.*.?u-fp:?? Xrbitration Suceestior*?, Irrnored. thai the Aas. aa I nity, but -? . . ?*a.ity . . - ' ' dad r.o echo of sj . .* Depart? ::? Bt It latl euch erran tremer t -?"il'? r.oi --.rn be di '? that el ?' of such charF.c?iT .'roni A. preted ai s wilfal .ittercpr the discussion '*' Th?? .?'?.t? Hepai?menl Is chied? i ?? .?h 'h? prohii - h *????.?-(? i,i| th<? !>Iamc for -i"* I It is admiH"d I "at ? Aus Ight have the effect <*? riaeiaf ?.hu* government In ti r II?J*_1 before thi world, an quent ' l.'ni*, d - - - ere rel ? ever, il ; that the | .,?' r.??,rn,| tself HO] ' ? o., the hi stive ? ? ? I Hol?; tastifs i- theatres. I ? ? ? - . - * : ? - tior. ? ' f-av- Alia! lag off lelattonr t ? ? rhat the Aast ?it?! not do so, but. ? e sad ?? in reply. I . ? - .I, . ,. ??-,. ? ? t ? v 1 eoiald -i p 1 lit and ptaj "?? ' , ||.?? * Hi ' to ? ? i ttoni u ...-.??- i h BW] H