Newspaper Page Text
IRe?mand&CLQ. High Grade Investments 33 Pine St.. New Ycrk Metropolitan Petroleum t op tat . I <I-I?I7\ All? Our ?I ?? : . ; I ir.iilnr No. IM ' root?. Knalneerlna M?aJea?tlc Min*? I ?? i i.i.i a lleantli ? National 7inr lot. MerrantUe Mmrine Drift* Seabar** l nii.ii i ,, , - ; ni ondu?ha-i Sent Upon Request Harvey A.Willis & Co. iF?laal.ll?he.l l!l'H I 82 B ???- v *a. Theaea l_1?S4 nroad. Manning, Maxwell & Moore Burns Bros. Pfd. Amer. Power & Lt. Com. & Pfd. Cent. States Elec. Com. & Pfd. Pacihc Gas & Elcc. Com. & Pfd. H. W. Johns-Manviile Com. & Pfd. Kiely & Horion nil Br?ad HI., N V Planne Broa?! SS~S. ? PBC1AL.1ZS Y'. ?i om A PIB, i " benturei ... Toledo Tri l.liht ft Powir i 'am A Vf 1 ; . ? i Tri Williams, Troth & Coleman ??h ?\?iii M. I'lioae aeao BUworer, M. T. Winchester Arms J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co. i?h ,ri. i Jal u. s?: w C.R. BERGMANN & CO. Investment Securities 6C BROADWAY NEW YORK T*S*fmaa* Kector 1540-1341. Railroad Bonds f the "an* ftatu? i ? ? i?. .?? i f The I h Is no lr.? Tim?-?., ll : ? !>? on rajlr . ? fol ? - arkah'.e lin? en I In the ell f at irlli?? hikI ventura* to ? ?i st'ii" foi ? ?i moat i; - ? Send tor Copy The Financial World 18 Broadway Now York RVING NATIONAL BANK 5_1 BANK WOOLWORTH BLDC, NEW YORK '< HARrtKKI) 1**4 Union Trust Co. of NewYork _0 BROADWAY f fth A: ft Mtfe St. llfth A . A reth Si lili?? lnt?-??t no l?.i>o? t? lets is Executor. Guardian Trustjj, e!:. AJ? WALL STREET reds DOW, .ONES BULLETINS & TICKERS In\C7*tors re?d THF. WALL STREET JOURNAL > ' ? . RAVINGS F. \\KS. SEAaMEN'S BANK FOR SAVINGS .4 ami *fi ???11 ?-irr?-! I y ' * ? ? a a a .'.'?-' I'?' . ?' '? \<?ll< la? ?' ' ' ' - ? ? .?..* ties THE BANK FOR SAVINGS ? 1*111 BK-fl WM \| I.I*. II.? su In.- ? ,. I li i:l i AM? OM IIMI I I ll ? | M ,? ' ' ' ???th, : ' ' J?l? ? JA"'. GREENWICH SAVINGS BAM k I ? ? Nam York. rwnmil iktihui Diviniaii) ets annTMH iBBiae dii - ? ? et FOU* et* f I '. ' ? ever. > ? ihi'I i our mai a ??? * um ? ? ? ' * "><*???. met, ,? er eater, |Ah. It) ?ill un* Ul<<*.1 Item IAN ? III?. r? I : I ?. rr'Allm. MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Advance in Copper Stocks Brings Strength and Activity to List. DAYS TOTAL ABOVE HALF MILLION AGAIN Industrials in Vigorous Rise? sterling at l'est Since the Break of Summer. The further rise in price of copr. ? | "i eents a pound sceompai ied by new? icing an imi for the metal ?it last Mar'e.l buying of copper stocka. Whin th sua messags had ? 'I around i - out th? ? only the ' of the mar I raneed. Ir ei ? was rr'" ? ? ii in acti. from '?'? to :.. ] ? the I . ? ? * ? .- I s tri ders' below the be1.?. Heal ? ings expanded to above th" half-mill .11 k and in bonds the day* total l a million dollar than on the day before. At the i was some certainty, -. . .1 aii'l ivored ! ?.. ". ? r. - storks became pi o - sds, still quiet, rener ? their best ger -i fraction above Tuesday, clos-? Union Pac) i r 1 hon . ' n point .?can Smelting ami Refining ? to a i. Anaconda on heavy dealings went up over 3 point' and ("tali ? upper, Tenneisee, (. | ? Stton ;?' ?! Chino also un ? Britain, it was learned, had T.iaci ?'. a contracl fir delivery of ' : ear amounting to v pound?, and ther pui ehases by the Allie? -ire e?; eeted ?forks \sere a' *- ? r x * - can Petrol? g ai aggr. rise late in the that sen '? ts above the eloae ul tin- day before. ? an. Crucible Steel, I Studebaker, Westinghousa, Baldwin Locomotive and Republic Hterl all higher in the middle of the si ' noon. -. tes Sti <?; rose ;. '..c.l ?ts pll tock, ? Mr sterling exchange COn tinu? ?. ?":? drafts on I ? ? .'ii. Tins WBl th?' first time the ?nice ha? gone abovi '. 7". Inec the demo: .-.l the end of the summer 1.60. Purehas : .i for sad of the \ eat ?.? has aid ??! '!.i bankers, ??. ho hers and in I ??? have been ? " market The 160,000,000 anticipation of which strengr1 now eomplete, end as ether '. organised return o? ?iur securities are in prospect, the specula "ort posit;. ,:.(-e liar, be? gun to appear dangerous. lids of th- '? e. which . had led the market to ? i news of the day was farorsble. Th" indis resumed dividends on com mon and preferred stocks and the ? d it * butions b. of th? !'. ? ? ylrania Bail tan? t?.r bu pect : of the cu i .I trade publications rr ported rs Iroad to d better with domestic im i ? ihington foreign trade fig lires for November gave exports si . ? and e I balai ee of over| 0,000. For .1'" en monthi of th" $1,176,000,000 and in ' we bare reieived OTC1 avEBAQE <?i i hi Tcnsi M ? I l-r ?il l 11? i I v BAILS. iiei iniiif r ."?. reoterdar'i elaae liagll DninBtaUi 'i. ,., IU.1M line weeh a..,. I |g.SM One mi.tilli UK" llli.KliO ?in.- ? ?.ir age .ioi.i.:i : High fi.r ?."?rmlirr.Ill ?.?l?. i ..?? ii Matessshee. i it aa. iii.ii f..r OeSebee.i?ii.sii I ..?? f.r ?lit.?her.ld'i I r"> High tea *?r?,t(-mii?*'.IUJU i.,?? f'.r lopteeahoe.in7.;oo ii.nil i.r .?n_,i?t I i.vv f..r,;in? mai? for jiii?.laajaa 1 i ?? ("r -lui?.Ml 'US Higa f..r jan?. Lew fur .inne . lea.tea High for Mi.,. . in aai l -.?? i . SSaj . um ft* nigh r. r tprii . itajaa i...? (..r \,,r?i; High t'.i Hatch . ios.tos i...? i.,r Hat? h . in: ,-,? High fur lrlirunry.|rn;.7.'.H 1.,?? for lrlrii.n?.IOI. IM High fee Jaaaarj . iea_MI Low for .l.n...ii? . in I..",67 Hieb. Um? fur. t?? S -I . . . I'.'I.Ctn low. tint? fir. lOia . 101.19? High, (ni! >ear, I?I4.ISCtgl IXtW, foil ?rur. Mill .10.'DOS \\ i.i; \?.i <>r i ni i BIBI m ? i nrt Ol 1 v. : ? \ I IM I - S StI M s Poca whet SS, > c?enla?-? dase '?<.?.-7 Hei ssnhee IL .MJt? Our \\e,V US". ??or Uhu.iii ????. Our \t-ut age . ' I I'?!'. High for ?I7.*,0i? i.,?? tor Woiiihoo . tt:..77l High ti.r Qetehet .!in.7oe i an f?.r Oetehai . SlAtt High fu? ?sgleashee . SIMM I m? fur *?c|ilrmlirr. ?'.'1..MH? High fea Augaal . St H* I ,?v fur \i is imI . K.-..1S? High to? afsstj. SSSSt i,.?? tas iii.?. sania II.lili f..r .lune I .,'.? for June. 7**.*ilS High i ? Haj. tutee i,,,? f..? Hai . 7i it? III.h lor A| HS".IB, 138 1 ?.? fi.r April . .....IS ii..i. tee Marsh . ~-~>.i3u |??? for ?liirili .70.0*4 hi.ii f..r i riirimr.? .Meat Ixi?? Um . ?.!? M _? I..r i.,r? . 7..910 I .- laf 1 _iiri.ii ? .70.770 High, lhaa '.?? HSU . li'r 7110 i.,.??, ?i o? in. iota. ?1J.04S II..I., lo.' ?. i. I'll HI X 4 i. ta, full year, a?ll ?;.?.?; \ MONEY AND EXCHANGE. . > TISII :. . ami ala l i M i u -. - i ______*-,_ ?.?._ tas _'i?' .i NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE trnHOBDAY, UBCEMBEH 2J. loi'?. Total ?ales or mocks \a edaeaiajr, agalaa-. BMH T?***ag, UtShM ? ?eek apo and IM.100 ? >ear ago. I r??m Januar? 1 to date. IMJMJM, aj-ain-t IMS4JM a >ear ic?-. '' ''',.? ,.. ? l 'inal ch*e. Bid \*m All. era Co. pr ....?? , - \ Bei Sugar. .m. Ci .... :*.-: ? i ? ? pr. ? * ??:. 2 iaib. ? :'!*,.?.. . 4 Am. ' . ' 20 ? ? ? ? . II I Loath, pr.. ? ? ? ??*... ! . - Am. Locomotive . 2,< - ? . '? T Am. Locomotive pr.... 200 1014 101 - I - 10 102 I Malt. ,' , : ,'... : \*n. Smelting . M.700 1064 106V, 104*, 7 A melt ng pr. 200 li: Y - I 4 I mrp'-A. 7i ... , ?9 ., _m. Snelting pr H .... 100 84H B4 ? MM 's * * * * teel Foandi 62%' 61 61 I ? 7 Am Bagar . 700 ll-'? 115 i 11 - " ? ???? ? ? A ' ?hie. 100 64 64 64 24 H Am Tel. ft Tel. l,200? 1284 1284 12? 4 1284 ' bacco . '-'"" etfa. i ?' : t 1 ? ; 7 Am. Woolen pr etfa.... 100 06 ' * , . 41/ - . - Oi] . |,7<N I * ? ? ? 64*4 ,i,i,(in . 1,800 105 1054 1054 1054 'i 1064 . - \ m pr. 200 101H 1014 mi 4 1014 4 1014 101 i Baldwin Locomotiv? 1,600 1164 117 ? l' 4 1164 116 i ft O .-.. 2,100! S ? ' i ?i Baltimore A Ohio pr... 200 774 774 " *? . Mining. Bethlehem ."?teel . 200 460 170 '? I 4 146? .7 i ipid Jr. 1. 4 88 - | (Y>. pr... 100 ?4 94 94 Branawiek . 100 n II n 4 n ' h Bre. 260 844 864 -' 14 80 Butti r. ii arlor Cop.. 8^0 ? i ? - Petro in . 10,300 31 . . 4 i al. Petrolleum pr. 4.Km 60 ? 14 14' 61 61 ?? 10 l .- ? tine . I, -i ' 4 i entrai Leather .. ?' ' - ? 6 < entrai I So. Am. Tel 10 in 141 141 Ml 141 ? ho.?, ft- Ohio. 000 61* 614 ?", T- 4 614H 4 Chicago <;?. Wi??.*.?rn pr 100 : ? - - ? '? ? . 4 i'h., Mil. A st. Panl .. i " 4 ' 7 Cl I St. P. pr., 200 1.1 ;. i : . 4 Ml 7 Chicago A ?? rth-West 200 130 1804 130 i . ISO i l... R. I. ft Pac. ? ? 141 Con. Capper. 6.100 534 544 ?'?'"? 644 l W i I epper . 2.900 24 244 24 244 '? il. Fuol A Iron. 2,600 614 ? Col. A Southern. 10 34 I 34 I ; l 7 ?Coi I ,.. 1,600 I 164 1154 1 16 1164 r 4! 14 .h Predoeti.' 1,700 ItfV, 194 litt i 1 '< E ?o:t, Prodaeti pr. 81.14 914 91 91 Crueible Steel. 1,200 724 734 "24 72*4 4 724 73 7 Crueibli 8teel pr. 1,100 in in in in ll< in 10 i aba Am. Sogar. ? 158 ' ; 168 I 181 n. . _ M; ; Y 1524 4 152 I^'ti ? 10 (? , !.. A W. " 2224 2! '? 230 D tilling Secoritiee... 2,800 17U 474 174 474 4 17 M ?. 28 ? ? ?, Sti ?rage. 100 544 644 64 . 64 64* . - ' I ? pr. l.Y - 66 4 Fed. M. ft S. pr.IS 41 624 52 ? .,. . i ,.. . 200 174V174 1744(1744 i! 1734! 1744 Gi ? . Mol i. 2,800 60 l . ? ? 11 499 600 7 Gen. M.r pr. 300 i:"Y 1244 1204 l-'l 3 1204 122 Go? Irlch, Y. I. 1,100 ,;'Y 73 724 ? 7 Gt. Northern pr. 4 Gt. N ?rthern Ore. aaba. ..'. - 48 48* 4 184 ? 16 IGugj .... i-'. . -' ? - - ?784 Greene ? opper.! 7,600 49 11 ; ? !:i 14 6 Illinois < ' ''7 107 101 1".'.' Int. Agricnl. 100 I 20 Inapiration Copper_ 21,400 144' 40' 144 48" 154! 464 rborough Met. 100 2141 214 21-V1 214 21% ? ? . 300 214 214 214 214 4 6 if Harv. of N. J. 4001111 1124 m 1114 % ni in". In*. Han I orp. 100 ** I SO HO 80 ? I M m Inter. Taper.' 1,000 12 I2S 12 124 4 124 124 2 inter. Paper pr. 1,96 . 18' 4 184 484 10 I ? - cl ' . 500 196 1" ' ? 196 4 1954 Kanaa I tv South.... 100 814 814 314 314 ? 4 814 314 1 Ka ' South, pr. 100 ??: ' ? Lack. Steel. 1,800 814 - I "? '? 80 ? 81 10 Lchigh Ville*/. 700 B14 82 I 814 ? 4 814 82 Loo -? Wilei Bia, Co. .. 100 23 [.,., 3d pr. 100 i ? 66 66 66 10 G I .- Naal. 1" : - : I2? Y I! 6 Manhai. Shlrl. 100 61% ( ? ? I lotor . : 7 Maxwell Motor lei pr.. 600 mi 1014 101 1014 ? 1014 i ell Motor 2d pr ., 300 ? 64 ?'??? 664 i i Petroleam . 88,600 ? ,\ 984' U ?' i ??'?- 102 a 103 Mex. Petroleum pr. 100 96 '.'7 96 '.'7 i 97 974 80 Miami < on. Copper_ 5,800 34 : . . . a 344 Mer. Marine pr. 44,100 . 4 784 734 . Km. A TeNE*.. 100 7 7 | 7 I 7 7 Pacific . 600 i 4 4 -.'-a 14 Tarif:c etfa.. . 100 ill. nt. Power . 600 724 784 14 714 734 7 Mont Power pr. 100 109 ? - H 4 1104 1124 7 Ni.' . .. 1274 1274 12' Y 127*4 . 12" Nut. Cloak A Suit. :. 78 i 794 7. ^ 784 14 78 80 N'at. Enamel A Stpg... 800 284 29 . 1 '- ? itional Lead . 2,801 64 I I ? . 66 . R. R, o? M. :.'.: pr. . 300 Coppei 1,60011 ' . I5H I ? . ' . "fork Central ? . V., N. H. ft 11. 1,700 74 . ? i ; f.. Ont. ft West.... i- Norfolk ??? '.???? tern_ B00 120 i 1204 1 .*' North AmfricM'i . '. 724 73 7 Northern Pacil c . 1,< 11 ? 116 i 1164 1164 Ontai... - ilvi i- . 8,100 1" 11 10 104 4 104 10 ?? Pac . 100 114 114 114 114 114 114 Pai ?fie I? I. & Tel. 100 42 4L' : , 124 13 Railroad.. 100 684 M ? - . Y - - Peo. Ge I ' oki. 600 I":1 1094 108 i 1094 1094 ?; Philadelphia Ce. 600 444 M ? 444 144 4 41 . 4:. ' T ? . y. A St 1. 200 -1 y.\ 81 h SO I 834 1. ( oal .' 600 864 364 35' 6 Pitta. Coal pr. .?OO; 111 1114 1104 ni 107 1114 l'n laed Stei I < ar.' 25 ?>?* 64 14 64 ''.4 "i' . 100 1194 1194 1 ' 11" r.'ii r . ; ", 4'? 44 .-. 200 44 4 1 14 14 I pper. 1' 244 244 244 . 2,000 ?i .-1 - - Rep. Iron * s'rFl. ?'??'""" :':'~* '-' '? 7 R< pr.., l"" 109 ? I 194 lin Y Rock 1 ilai . pr.M ? St. Y. A 8. F. 100 44 4 - *.'. t ; la. ft S. F. 1 et p 1 l ? i 41 10 >'.]..(. ?'?..??. .'.im 20 20 19 l'n i |9 -_m St. L. J t pr. Il ? aboard Air Line. - 4 174! 184 .-. ? board Air Lise pi 7 IS? Ifi - 4 183 ;i ?AI.. 6 Southern T?cific. 4,600 1004 101 101 ithi m Pacific c.f, . 194 119S 118S 118 1184 - Sio. P. Kic? Sugar pr.. 300 108 lOf - 14 ]t,~ 109 ? Southern R. R. 1,100 . 4 Ihern R. R. pr. 100' 614'. 614 1 61 12 ,'. Studebcker . . ? r. 100 113 11.1 11: lia ! 112 1144 ? opper. ' - ? ,,,i 1 <ii:ir.nnv . 1 l'h, I Ave. R. R. Bag A T. pr. ? . ]??,;-, 1 Un ? Y pr. 100 834 Y - 1 *ar of Aa I SOO ,!. 9 . '.i'a? ?, pu : ' -.' 201 ... M 8 'United Fruit . '..\ :.? , 4'149 160 United Rr. Inveat., 4 21 lYiitoi! Ry. T7!v. pr. 200 !?? II 1 Y. S. C I. T. A I-. 10. U ' . 2,100 123 1264 123 , I 1*144 1 Rubber. 2.100 544! 66 , , 541 S 1Y s. ?' . 00 1084 110 II * n.'. U. S Ste.'l. M. pi. -; Y H6?i 117 ! 1 k, H7 1 opoer. 15,41 \ 1 Car. Chem. 600 1. ?; ; ,-t Wabaah . 600 154 164 15 h pi A . 2,300 : 45 , rr. B. 1,001 284 29 i-, n .-,, Bxpreaa.. m?i 130 1 ;o : - - ;, \\. ? y- , -i Tel. 0 Westinghouse Air Hr 7 Weatingbouac Mfg? l'"1 -" ; Woolwortl. 14:1174' 119 .- I E. IW ' ' i' 44 44 .-. \\ id .1 1"" y -, i * : - . i ? i ' ? ? lo II? i .... ? ' i < ? : ... ?n , . ?? \. i.? -i m i l.i-i ... sT I.a . ? ? . i .i . . i > :/? ? ' ?llanta I par ewii: I tricas I Ii . , ? i ? . H ? ? i rj-i vaut. _?.??. <:., I'?r lp. Jai- , . I - ? ? I I I..11 I ? I ? ? ' . ? I-. ?I . > ' 1 . ? rai; I -lum. I CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Oil Securities Lower in Small Dealings Coppers Up Industrials Quiet. The ou' side Bsarkel reeterds . r price ss< rous among -;-" copper \ real ton? developed group on a compara i ?mal! business I? s ? .. - ?... .;.'.. r_ : and ? i -a ere ma Keanccot! Copper ara in an.! improved aboul a point, while Bra.'- s si ? i erre da Pa -.? i Copper each . Trading in the ?? r. ? It Jre. and pr i "re fairl?, ? ruler, the commoi . while the preferred d< tion. Chevi strorg or-, I it 4 ?.r a point, INDUSTRIALS. .. ? ? ? ? ? i - ? * ? i ? . *. 1,000 ? .. -Mb . ? .- ? - ? . - I. ??.".'?, ? ? Haaki I B ?-ai ? Ufa i ?Ho? ? .-??.-. .Mi f ?..,??' ... j SO- I ' ? l- , ? .." , . in K - iw. Ijsat ??? 14 ? ?i l 111 ITS 1% ?do _ I. .... ? ? -? V. : i ?Mr, ' . ?: . 1 ??'. I. M j IS ?-. ' a ?? 00 ?Hi ?? . ?i Lea I ?, 17V - "?? - ? i . Hum -.,.. . ., ? ? n Fruli rr. ' Sha- . ? ? ?I* B I. _r H I*.. ? : . i ret Mat m l I "?? ISN STANDARD oil SUBSIDIARIES. a " . '? ? ? - It. Its ? <4'a ? ?s - ?I! ??? ? rss ??, ?? us ? 33 IT H * IM SS ? Hl il I- t, IC ? i. ... M? ii: S* N'ai Tranalt ,. ? I ? .|i - Tl TUA ? IT 112 f'ralrU ?ill A H M ISS I I. i. . ? i.i . 4 . ?.? of N J ? * ? OTHER OIL ITOCK8. ?? TS ? ? | o Iret;, it .. . : . ? ? -.. Il ? ? ' ??';?? ? . ?-."Llura fer. I '. la . 'S minim;. ; M ?? nia Cob Mia ib ? I.70O ?t-Atlanta i ?? . !??;? i' S.TSO ?*..?? ?. ii < ' a z v t ci NY.... 3 - ? i Cop t ilr.lonla . ' I * P SSS ' ' ?.. * l it l'op.. ? ? :. ? - ??' / r Am ? ?>??: ? r ? .!?. nine :. Ml Ming _ ?-. I. ? ? i i .i ? i . ? i ? ? - I? M ? ' .. ; Bin 11 ? ? ?:? 77 ... E-l ?v. r. B Cop pf. 1% BONDS. .??..' ? ? "!' 1 ? *' ?s T1. -:?S US ll" II .1?, 7'? 1 1-3.' I.?, 1 7-2-' 1 -V ? . ?? ? ? i; I, ? II ?? - ? . i*l . -, ? '. ? ?A ? ?. ? - iii '. in n 181 i: SB ... - 13 141 II - Ir. . ?1 '?? '?? I ? i IS J. '. INACTIVE YESTERDAY. IMH -Til.A - ' ? ' \ RM II- ?, T "!?! MS ' ? ? " MINI ?Q ??Marari M K t ? . *, BOM) . ? . - ?bar? -?.. DIYIDSND8 DKl.'LAKLU. * ? riai ? Nnt HI?. ? I Sal l ' S \. v .... ' ? On Sear ? ? ? . K S pf . ? N .1 Win ? la.e . ? :?? I r. De Ji ? Jan. 11 Jaa l Jan i De, U Jan It Jan. I. .Ian T .Ian .. Jan. 13 ? i' ' i IX ? * . ?? ? ? ?lira I ll ?j i ? f I PI Bill" I'TII.ITY SECURITIES. n. : ?f ? .., i. ? ? An. 1' * !.. Tl I Am ?V I ? . p i: a i. RDI r. i L, .?. r. ? ?. r i. a l ?la? A g as : :' < - E 1., ?.. S N n I. <? SI ?to ' S ? I- .- I-, " ? . - * T . ? - ? ? i: :?. i* n i I. A It'? < ?? ? ' I ' 41 S ? 73 ?: tl '< '? ?l'ar tel-t %?0. 'Li .lnl?k._. GOOD MARKET TONE IN LONDON Oil and Shipping Slocks, with Japanese Bonds, the Most Active Securities. Lead a. Dee E '"^ ? ? ? numb? r of A I ? ' ' . . . - ?. . regar con,pa- ' - | . ' American ? ? pleased ; that ?mall amounts of Amener*, lee ; n aced at the dial the I The Bank of Eng in bar gold > ?200,000 for K_ Mop*", Bl ? iteadj ti ? ? - ,-,-? '? .? - ratea for ere em -.. ? . '??'. Paris Do? the Hour*=e. Thr-e pi i cen? I ? ! unchangi I ? LONDON i LOSING PB? ES. Brillai. I . . ? i.? --.-' - . ? _ I hl ?I ?Xr A ?? ?I ..-? ' ? ? . i ? ' ? * : " i * . i H? ON THE CONSOLIDATED. The general Isstl OB the I OBI ol displayed g- ?eral iran? is, with ?ar reaction al the e conda led, with a turnovei ol 12,686 _l to W-4. ' '.Y.i foppei h basl ??i-1 !??? ;?n(i Tenu? United Stal '" M' ? American Smelting ehanged hands as . 106. BTOCK8. ...... Maaa. Junta ? . ? . ... ? ? . ? ? . 100 ara 1 ? ? i ? : I* Are ? . . * ?.? ..? Ira Hui . ' . ? ? Bait A ?I ? : ? , ... r. a i j '? K. 'I 'IS I . . .. . I'S " . i . ? . 110 l . ? - tt . Tl T ' ? .1 150 |. - If4 IS 41S 41S ?SS f HS ?'"'? ,; '' *' ? ! . - . . ITS . IT4 - ? i. ? i . :t\i ? ? ???? . I? ???? tl ? i. ? . ?'- I I.' '? *. ? ? I ; rai ' :-*. : '? ? ? I ? 11? |. ? M?r M ; IK l ti , :? Paper ? ? ;. l?% :, kawa ??? - ? Un 0 I? ._? Vall? -'.'.- ?IS . ...? Hlaml ? ? . I i || ? ? 44 Xal t. a.?, A - , * j ... La. ' -, ?.. Nova.l? L-U '.'S '?' . !?... s y i mirai ' ' ? i ' ? '?? . . N Y. N 1! A- il "I . I . I Xoff * U'eaU .:..-', ? " ? " . . ?. |>a ? i>l?ai u *?'?'. 0 Pitt? I'M ? ? ?? 110 Hi-, flipper -? . ? IS ? ? Reaillni Hap Iron * 8 ' . ? - ' ? - . - i: ? . - . . i . - ? ? _ i ? . . i . ? ' ? ?. ? - - - . Il i ITS 41 ?T'? " ? . ? ? , .4--. .. Maha? pf II . ... :-. ?'? ? . - . , - ? ? - ?>? u . . |i?S MINING. ? Atlanta , lite .SIS ? ' ll. . ?'. ?' !' I . . ii ii St N M ? ? i ? . .SS .S3 .. If I- ?. 14 ? ? it i-lat?a 1.33 ?. .m,,? ? | -'_ ,|| tvrad ?'??:? pah Kil ? . S.S?S I tal -ale?. SHORT TKf'V NOTES. H: I ? ? > ' - ? | 4.1 ' . - v . ? . ? I ? .' ' ? I ,1 -. Erie V. . - ? Rub??. . ? ? ? ? ? ... . ?? i .4 1. T-nl'e-1 Fril' ? '?'-? . I .-. | _>*_ -, . Foreign l.?*?.crnmen? Ismier?. le. Oct , ' ? ? ? ? ! 1,1 ' ? ' - '. Nora/A] i - ITS INI IM MEE1 INC8. The American Exchange National Bank New York Th? annual tn-atlna of i ? . ? will be ? - ... ... Ilth. 111?, .-?t i : o Polla ope P M. IRTHUR P LEI Caakler. __________________________________ l?l\ IDEND NOTICES. UNITED FR?ITCOMPANY m?, mi mi mi. aa I of I . nt on tiie capital Bt? ? Beca ? !?" ar?. at the ..Tic? of the ? -? .? ?tree.. ' ?ten. Mal r.l ar .. ? ? nil.T '.'.?. 191 1. ! : II ?' Tli? Iiii|?irler? t Tru.lrr? Vit liiiinl Hank ? if \r?i *? nrt. \ art 1-. an ? \ dl< > i- ml ?1 Tw. .?? Per I aat, frai of ?ar?. ha- ? ? bank, par* '- on ?It? thlr.l .1? ' u u a III remain ! : 'ii! that ?Ute Il H. Tow III.I, Caahter. I Reo Motor Car COMPANY a\cw Stock ?When Issued Bought Sold-Quoted | Moil & McWilliam ;? PfefMifl 1714 Broad. ?5 Broad SI., N. y. (Hi CISC.*!. ATI. HAMILTON & BAYTO. RAILWAY COMPANY To Holders of Certificate.*, of Deposit for General Mortgage Gold Bor.ds issued undc7 Agreement dated February 1, 1915. and Holders of General Mortgage Gold Bonds: Ann >un en em made that the amendment Jated NY.-,?*: . _?; 1915, lo th? ...ireement or Februar) 1. 191 ? ' ' I "*ntr.l Uortga 'd '?'? ?' - red M BJortl ' the en'.-: ! I -n*r*l Mortgage Gold Bondi outstanding, are ? the agreement of February I, 1915, and are em ? ? benefits of the agreement, dated November 24, 1915 between the Com? ' aleiara. Kuhn !?,... espect to the ?ale* for casi ol ?7?X) for each $;.<*?> Gene _! Mortgage Gold Bond t gether with i on such purchase price at the t?te ?>f font - per loaaat from January 1. 1916, to date of payment The Reorganisation Managers have agreed, i" ?ase the sale i- -; make provision for the compensation and expensei ?it the i ommittee ' pies of said agreement ami of the circular letter - Committee dated December 1, 1915, maj b? tained b? interest?*!! ondh ilders upon a] plicBl the ? retary of the i ommittee In order to make the ?ale effective holden of a sufficient amount of such bonds mutt participate therein. Holders of undepoeited ??enera! Mortgage ?.i?-^l?-i H ?nds who desire to participate in rach sale must dep til their bonds with ns c; January 1, 1*515. and all subsequent coup ni i except Hankers Trust ? mupany coupntis lO-call before the dose ?>f Yusinrss on December 31, 1915. Deposits ti;u?; be made with GUARANTY TRUST COMPAN. OF MW YORK, cither at its office, 140 Broaduray, New York Lity, or at its otTi?-<\ .Y5 Lombard Street. London, England The Committee strongly recommends the immediate deposit ot General Mortgage Go'd Bonds, and gives notice that it will rep. relent only deposited bonds. Dated, .\"ew York, December 17, 191?. CHARLES H SARIN CfatBBB* HARRY BRONNKK SAMUEL I.. KULI.F.R. ASTHUI R HAT'HER. ?<*<-Tf?rr. J. H. HcCLBMIMT, leo Broadway, Kew York I By. GORDON AiiiiOTT, JOLI NE, I.AKKIN k lATHBONE, F. P. BMITHEM, Coaa * Conimi'.t-?. INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE COMPANY COMMON STOCK Tu afford a further i ,?p irtunitj '? S".. k of tiie above named Company to -i\ lit of the ' ? i ? of the Dei ? '- reemenl dated ' 22, 1915, t!:?- time to deposit shares thereunder h.i*- been ti? and including December 27, 1915 Upon deposit of shares the ' nited States a!?,? fnist ( ?? at Depoaitary, will issue its i ertifi cates of Dep< sil which have been li-ted on the .Jew York Stock Exchange. In order thai the Committee ind ef?ert r'lv protect the rights of holders "f Common Stock, it t** essential that the deposit if ?hare- he made Datei: New York, December ??, 1915. .IOIIN \\ VI sTtmir, ( lislrnsaa. II \* 1** I I I M'.kl l?<?s \i I? a. i.l |i|?K?? atJPltED A COOK, ?? i> a r??-i. 'I \< . ? Kll IIIMMi BV H ULRPHBT Bacretair, ?ini'Mi un \Miuitr I iiMMirTT.l To the Holders of Five Per Cent. Six Year Gold Notes of the BROOKLYN RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY secured by Truit Agreement dated M 1st, 1912. By the terms rj| te ind the lid I.":*-: Agree I ' ^vv-'n?, option tu exchange \i?ur :i??tes with ?ll unmatured :. furr equal face amount ?it lir.t ,.", ? ?. t a,.? v?.* Five Per Cent Sink -n ? u ? i J i ?old Boni m the NEW YORK MUNICIPAL RAILWA. C< with all unmatured i i ittached, ind b. arY*L' t. Brookl* n R I it l "ompany and ?it the Ne".- "i ork i ;<>;:si : Jated ; . i ?I igreeing to pa* the prim tnpna Your attention is culled to the fert that th-> option ?above provided for e* only her exercised prior to January 1st, 1916, be presented, in bearer form with all mm itu tached, .it tiie office ol the Central ?rust Compan* of 1 ? y Ye-.*. York i 'Av.. during busl ? da ; tion nf said option, to wit, Januar) t t. 1916. The Net York Railway Corporation pa-.s the normal Incot orporation has also rud the tax on th? mortgage i m_-.| thai the bonds are exempt from local taxai th? I1?'-** ?ate of New York. A circular, giving detailed information, bas be '?' i i ? iy be obtained upon applicat on to the Treasurer i I i to the Central Trust Compan: ol Neu York, i rU".tee u der the TrU" Acre- ? BRI H ?KLYN RAPID I RAN - December t, t9i is. \. lu.t ..MS, /? ? HI. jDEND NOTICES. _ i \s BUSS CO_tP.\X* ugh ol iir- ?? 11* ? ?. ? . ..,.?. a. of tl on Ue ... i - ? i rar book* ? . Howard C. Seaman. .,. |. i m Buaa (u?ir\N. ? i.? : ? - arad i "', i Sloe. ..f the '? .. intu?ate ; ?.'.-? ? ,,< ?) r. . '. r ? the '?. pany '? * ? ? ember :?<? Traaetee I.ka rill ? n eloaad De. camber ttad to 17th, ! .,>ii .'_?<? :r. Howard C. Seaman, I_Be retar) Bad Treamir?r OPEIOE OF Urgi?la? i .ulina ? hrmii ?1 Co.. P.' ' r . ' . I" ? . -r ... 1SIJ. I'I\ ll'I.M) * ? \ _,- ? ? . ? ira the t t : ? tl,? rln?? of _ ... - I -i? -? I III- II.M-. UT IMIIlll \, \. . rarfe ii?. ? ? ?? H ? A? ,|<> l.i! ill? Idead ..f fourteen '.-... ,,t i|?, payable Jaaaari ? ? ? ... i. ..f racard "f ihta ' - !.. ,,k? ?. til reman, until J*r?u-.. ?" I U. M Hr.NNET. CaehlaT. DU IDE <U N01 ' O THE CHATHAM AND ?0 NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK * .., . ' '.' * . B. L. Hatkins, Vice-Pre. & 0*** Nat I rl Da UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD C0*| \ ?*n_r|prl> IH???!?*'"' of M Tw? llulliar?. ? ? -* ?*->? > I*"- t'"u' , u | ' r Mr.- -nT -'?* B^ , ?I th? ? " a_Za t** urer'aa ?nVe. H?& Hi.a:>?>. . ?Sli \ V M.U?. J-BU-r? ?? {*, I ''re? f"* fa** ,.. Iks a.At t** ' .air** ?... .t-? uraeni ' ... it* ' .m ? . . a , , t ?V Or.HW \ H t ROHB1 T?? T ? ?? '!_> New York Mortgage & Security ? It' l<r?ia?l?ax. N ' ._, 4 ' / ,v. r-ea_ Hi.? .-spinal Plork of in? j-i| .l-.-lsrf.l p????'1* Janusir. , ... st.K-kt-<*ld?>i- ,?f reeer-l ?' ,B* 1 tiualiifM on l>?"-*mt'*r '.'I. 1*1* .ml Datad, V??? T??rlc. l'?f?"iM' ?; 2i I'll ASK I- COOK?, 8s.l******