Newspaper Page Text
TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET Intimations of Christmas at Last Appear in the Stock Market. BRITISH GOVERNMENT SPLURGES o\ COPPER Twenty-five Cent Copper Again predicted?Sterling at High Point of Recovery. ad. Stases markete,* like "holiday r^?.," in general, ore anom ilres. tun aa f ' :r the e-sracter of torpid . . - a't'-rrroona than of Joyous I mornings. Put, for once In there la a chance that the mis - will .'sappeir. Tsetei of old-fash ,:*.vi-.)' than any for a fortnight ,. "? ??? are itill two daya left to _,'<*? fca**gal_a In, and It may be that jjj, all .eliness will yet ar jve la tin*** to b* *>' u,? 'D that sea I0D nhai tha We?t Indian elevator boy Isasas a] Brla*e_e, or one of those __,*,*? Is if a hundred hands; ??.,- ? fs are decorated srlth ror?cicu? itoeklnga, and when the ?rot j_j population of the non-suffrage t**Ut Biasl 'reverse the tortuous o' .'- shops and the bazaar? ?lib tear* vhtnlng purses. The only <om?'?''r''' uttti of yesterday's stocic __r_et was that the securities that nsr? f?ing -P mere those the other gas had That Is a condition, how -*?:. which may easily remedy Itself. ' Copper on the Rlae. (?Ti* hundred and fifty million pounds $t eoppsr was the maximum amount fsperted as the British government's mrcha?? here. The minimum was 70, OtX/00 pounds. The secor.d figure was probat >? fnrtl si off than the first, hut (Ttn ? purchase of that site Is not to bi ttttc' ''opper metal was re? sorted ' s selling at 21 cents a pound sgsinsl ss tnaa 20 a few days If?. Pk :"ons of 25 cents were com? mon, ?-ere similar predic tlor.s ir. ths snmmsr when the z prove-! to be far under that price, ?r.d (<-;? r ? tien since that tins _*e-M?e. mightily. SteMlng at Now Top. I rose yesterday to 4.73 S-l sr pplng the pre ^ojs I 'rom the recovery of 1st? A fow end of tl.e year there are al- ' wt. .irfje demands for rem;'-ar.ces to Gre.t I ?sin in connection with holi? es; so i year-end payment! of in tinit h ds on American SS turities 1 ? Id abroad. .Vhilo this year there s eonalderabls decrease I i i*?rrs r._.-a-.i.-e of the war, they an ye: a factor in exchange. The - fnr aj?, ... like- ?? '?? tor Into tha nuif? : the advance in sterling tie ail London ; -nail part. Aft.:., the -ablishment of at New York help? *o keen the .. . .- too large l rea MStobi ' ".un, that skilled f the sterling market. Oldtlme New Haven Perils. ll nill be hard f? r ion s peon?a to be ? the Now Haven that it was ?nte ra? re perilous to rids in the cars _. Yet that such was ti? fie. * proved by a gift to Presi? de:: E - of a section of ths I?:, med on the old Hotisatonic Rail rood. It is a thin, narrow strip of bon. They -:?ed to fasten these rails to wocr*' sil q by spikes. Oftener than set - ???? a heavy train T - over tha eeca of rail won bsaSBOfi ai I would curl up arou ule f ft cur. or, w?*rse Still, would (tasgs ? 'he floor and * Uorfl!?' ? f the ssiuft* ? n?ers. Then it would W n??--*-'y for all hands to turn out ud \- ..ctory rail into sub a'.i?. ? ?rains carried sledge i ss energi . I ape? ono ti ? ,e rails made had to to I'M (?'. There is no l ttey ev?r -. ers i I asad. Mobilizing "Americans." Nota". American securities come un 4tt ? itlon plan. T.0M loan ?.e and not con -BB__lt - : stocks are ?-tec?-;.*?. . are the sccuri fat ofi . .in? J*,tr>- BOB mon Ii tapai*? tly haired v a re T-r ?-.?? ?? hall have paid raw? ?_W dividend n of ' [er ce- r ' -er t_"?e January 1, 1911 must J**? : Bines the ?te af ... ? ? ?,re w;?* \,,. seosas '_.'-*"?"? ' .es. These, jte-tver. w reet v -7 thfrll -ovided the gov ?rr*.-* ,?;--, tion is followed that %*'?'?? aell their "Americans" tad bur British rational IsanOt Canada'a Borrowdnfa Here. '?leda has attained much impor j*3*? M a field for Am?r.rnn ir.vest -?? of the last twelve i and its I'.dus " ' wed |M2 [?'"'? .. which P***' ??? soenred What Is ? ortant ? ?" snada In Len? ? > ? ' *' ' money mark*t. .ntry ??. "?: our ? - In ? ? *.n her pre " * >'*~r? Make Poonds. * r "TVe , ? ronto, ths ? '. Mu ? that ? ut e ? at the . . m? /** '?'? ..... tOt Owen. ? vasta ?%t * Ur. ? . ' ' '?' . ... : . ? . t. . i "JjaSryly, ". BOND SALES O.V THE STOCK EXCHANGE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, mi:,. Trail'nj; in rn>niia on the \>?v York ftacft r'*.rhan|-e W*e_n_BJey amounted t<> $l.-?fi?.0;?.. iK.?n f < '.'? - l.OOfj T_e-?da.v, ITJIl.tM a ?? eek ago an?! Sl.jtl.OOO a ?em an??, from January 1 lo date, .?'?-"?,S0*>,00U, against Sli6.10n.00U in lili i.;i\ ERNMI ST BONDS. ?. . .? ? m . a.*or .? r? . .4', . < . : - - i IH? '? ... .... il'i ? . f ? . .... . ! . I "?' lit I? .' i . |4 ? ? 9M ........ ? v. ii h a r? it ? -a I ??':'"> . ft t Ai ? , ,...,.. : ? tit li ??S l*s<* ! - * T*1 >? ?-. ' ?*"* I? P?S t:\ ??,* i . i i?-.? . : ??*? 41? a . ? ? .t>e Ta . . . lY . '? . .4 Ir.l M?l Ml - ? ? Tnu' ' ? T SUU 4? 1.11 alo ta It". 102S Ml M' i'\.i. TONOS. N T Clt? IS? lili It % OSS 4V?i ISM ? tat it ? ? ? ? hat k n . . . IS I . 105*? ?l A etet < ??11 M rrt Art, (a ...117 Als _ Su? ?Ht ti"? ..... ?"* i lai Sa u ... h ? - | B1 ITB KOMIS. \ s ? ? - - Brova Br? eO m t **,*** ? . d ? ' ? ?n ?au ?a ' . ?' . RAILWAY AND MISCELLANEOUS. D M ', ' MU tt t.: V !i ? ? a ? ftl do ort 4 . . -a -. a .a 4 -' .4? aer A . < ' I _ .? ? Sparts _ .N ? ... 90S Kallwsj. fa C K 1 U . sa lat ?i . ?. ?"S ? P?_n i ci r.eae . * i??i s3or. <lo I. 4 .? Bl 1I5S .1014? T9 ta*? t3S ....190", ? r c a Si L 4 .a | 1 a S SOT ? ' II - a R- H-. Bot _a?r->ba l.a-t ? ., *?% . Oesaa Sa 1*31 . RjJ 1 Ti C?P II Baad ,- <7a 4i N .HOS ?a . ia ?r a . .\ Se . NI Am It'? .!?_ I? ... M ? ;. g i ? .114S . - ? ...II-?? f . .lia . ? ? . - .114. ' & T?l col 4. . KO _ ' Is .104 Va ? ' d?. ?.-n IS? I .' . ?_J ?ut* lata . t?a"*? ?.OOu .,_ , i 1 a. S Ftrt Ca ?U.000 . do a Is . to.000 . 1.0'0 . do adj II I*.*>1 ?::::::: do on II 1.53 ?,000 . ?5?^ pW. do Tr R!? Lina le . ?OIS S3 . ? ' Sut" Si 1BS0 I '. >?. 'a :? ara SS? ? ? - . " ? ? " d* .*. ? i I '< . ? ? ts"" - It ? ....... . ?a ti tepil :. I a 9 8s . .. ?o_ Ht L Bata l?t II t.ont.t? VIS IS.0M . do ... a. CI ? ' ' Y .< M 4Si . ?? ? t-eti fllf ? I St I* A - . -? I ?API? m% .?}** l.'0-.O. Tl ?TS *?'' ?' '* '?* *' ?S ?4S PIS la l(*l . ci-, 109S . DIS ? 'tl t?.?')".. T? . :o SSSf .... 07s So r?. if- en Ss . la 1.010 . ?? -I . lo*S " ' i 'a ??r | S B M 4 * Ut II . I . ?a . P* pper Ti . H .138 ! . TU 8.000 .U . * ' . ?.000. (?S At C I. lit MO 4s l.laOO . . ,.. do I. _ N 4l ..?.'09 ......... Baut A 'i.V.-) pi *Hi I.0M l 101S'Ciar,.. * Hh U IS? a ?8S ?.?M . is s ?.S f?! 1-7 .urltl 5. . T? MS Ml S > Ut II M_ ?.ooo .?1S 1 Compi.: Tsb _?m II 106 Si M '' . ?? .... ISS 1MB CM ??a? ort I? ? .13J 1 e.on-i . do a i 4SI VOOO. Mo Ptc Bs 1I1T S e.f* do T-nt Oo rt/i . - ? 1131 . lo ?f "? *:. us . i . - ? 1.000 - e.oo? ? ? eos i i i ' Bior ftj'Bi - > 101S |iu't_. Coa la roll ptid ^ 1 IM.130 ?? T'iai Co crt (a 1.009 ? 31,1 Tria? k P Ut Ss n ? A? rff ?:. ? "a ? - - 4?? do 41 ret- Il .. I? ' Y..-a. Mentsri Piar-r 8? , ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - ? . ?8 l r!. . I ?.? rff Is ?ta, ? P?S 1.009 ... I - '?"' ? '? _ o. Bt'i.'ai ? ... (*um:>rriar.(l T*l Pt 4 B! do ft It ?.091 ... do rrt iSi . ?IS . MS . f"?S . . "Tr ms t P _ x a W Va a . ss? . P? rel rff . .191\ . ? B P, T ? pc nntaa 1971! M . ??3 , ________________ 63S Itl A H crt Si lut? Ml I full Bild 8* S ?S ?*?? ..101S ..lois ..109S ? fil <ii ron P? ? .... ? .*****_ . I* 4? '" ? 4 Cha? A '? -"n h refit - IHi 4 . ?1 d' ? 4SI .... ?I . 81 r lu g n a 1.000 . s? r ?' i .loi d * r--.n dt? .oui .10IS 1Mb a B O asa ? ... M do r*. fi 5,000 -!*IP. B? Dftroit E<1L??n Bl ...108S Patron A Ilao l?t la ?.MO ?-- r t 'a ? - . 14 OOO ... l ? ia S Pr - K 7 7 ' - Il?-, la . ?. t '?? S.0M .. .... 4. ..r A .....nia_ I? ter B ? '?'-. Sert A V - i. o? a T> r i. 104S 7 * t Pt W A Rio C 4a ' ? 17S Nor Pt? TfT P? Hi's r -? T41. AL 4S? .. Tl '. ' . ?lc-b II . .. 111S t- ....lus t -. 4SI ala ?'? SSi ?? ~ ?a .... f _ N- T i A Pt t, '?t 4a 1 OU tl i Rt 4 V . r. T. H A 105 ?TS 14 80>, NV /. ' 8 F II -r A I . TJ ? ?. '. ',' ...108 ...10SS : ? f S? .tes ; '-. i : '. : ? ' ? r Va ? ? - <"-> -m '? . 11'-"a , ... ?Ms nui r? 4? . ? - B A B I Y, 4 Aeb ?Si IMS -______? ?-'...?. ?i . I ? -*? 4a ? ri pi ? f". - .- 4? 1 ? Tr '? ? toi?, ; a'* ??arrroM . 40S. - 14 Cm T rt'. 1 Y ' 11 ? ps 1 rieb t IMS ? - -a ID'S , .-? ? et l r Power Si ??S IS.0M .... ?'S A >t?-i i?"i '? 111 do 4. 18 0-1 ?" ? ? P ' '? 1 'T? 4? i ..... . -.?.- | 1 T. ?*on 4? ? ' GOVERNMENT BONMl '?r?la**. Ttietrlfir. SC-. I la .?* r *? .*?f a c g] ci ? m s? m .. ??S li e.-e-r 4? 7* " l. Za r.(r ifi"1*! "?a eoap ? a - ' p 1918.. 1? reg ' i ?? eoB] ?86 reg ? 'I 4? : CM <? Il II I t N O ? ?? . 101S I'l ???... M 4Si I.SM P"\ Indlsna SUel 8a IMS _____________ : IM Zi l'an Tu r?r In,^! - P.? ;?l reg.lOlH ?g. ta ??:? tul ? ? Bifl. ? . i ? ,1"1U .101-. .110 - ? BY1. Ask. ??'?1i ? - ?npi - mm 110-1 109*. un ? M a ? ?oiM - PENNSYLVANIA DIVIDEND! 4 Per Cent for Penn. Co.; 1 Per Ct on Panhandle Common. Dlraetera of the Pe-rrsylvania To pany, which operates the lines o' t Pennsylvania P.ailroad west of Pit' burgh, declared a semi-annual divide of 4 per cent yesterday, compared srl 2 per cent declared six months ago a making a total of r> per cent for t year. Director-1 of the Pittsburgh, Cinci nati ( hicago & St. Louis declared dividend of 4 per cent on the r>referr< and 2 per eon! or. the eOBBinon, P months ago both di rar? rl ferred for the purpose of awaiting tl ? of the year's business. .-. of las* year the preferred d.v dend was reduced from l'a per ce' quarterly to 1 per cen?, and the cor mon from l1* per cent to three-fourtl of 1 per cent. SUGAR MERGER NEARER Pobacriptlons to I'ndcrwriting Large Oversubscribe-d. The negotiations being conducted I the banking syndicate headed by J. W. ?Sellgman * Co. for the aequlsitio of several large Cuban sugar propertif are expected to be completed withr the next day or so. It was learned yer terday that the undervritng had a ready been largoly o- .-d. Th i f tr.e syndicat? iaclnda J- I Morgan <_ Co. and tha Goaranty T.-ut ?ny. Mast ai the properties to be take over are understood to be those hel by individual es'ates. The metnbe*-? o ata ara expected to r* bonu? of 70 shares of common stock 0 the t.e??- company for each 100 share of preferred subscribed for. The com - has r.o par value. Th? I be 150,000,000 of the preferred am ?*ares of the cor-ir Marine "Common" Listed. The repreeeal ? of rornrnon atOCtl of tha natio: si Mereeatll? Marine Companj ?" which John v, ? ? liortg - - ? Eichanga .-. ?? torday ? ? ha eioaa of the ? admitted I waa $9,075,000, Other isstiea I sted I . <i Railway Company, I ? ? ? . - ' -,r ? * 1 ? _*????: I taifl DlvisiOfl firs! I pel . .... ? ' 11,704,000 ? preferred ? tatas; Atlantic Coast !? s ? sd Co? pai .-. t 4?4j_OjOOO ve ? ? A ?! ? hi rani I - | ? funding ar ? r?pita i Y ? - ? paay. INACTIVE YESTERDAY. i the cloa ng bid and asl toel ? ?-i?? not il en the Stock Exchange Wednesday : I a Hid. Aak. Am Asr Chen ? . . : - I P..IS ? . : ' ?? . . ' ... ...?-?? I 1 I . \ I? I . , Am Mi ' ? ' - ??'? ? ? pi ? ' s SO ? ? ?. ? ? ? ?, ? ? ??i-, ? ? i ? . ? ? ... ' ? 1 S ? . .. I r 0 T A 1 . ? H'l I ? r i* ?Mr. us I . < T*1 . - i a Ei ?? - ?? ? ? ? - ? : ' ' ? . - . i ? ? : . . ?? ? i I 1st Of 42 ?4M ? . ? . i ? I ? ? a A S pi s sais i ss ? I MOO . i? ; M. . 1414 S? ? ; ? ? ? - ? i a Pa , ' . i.i : ? -, ' . ' L, *W , r- 10 1? ? ur ? ?? pi ? H?, : . _ 1 i.?( ai? * :?? *. ? - . ? . .SI 11 ' ll'Ar* ? I ? . i ? ...... ' ? ' - It A r-.el ,-.?..- C_ r- I 4'> va a? a r i ?? % ? io ,- ?.? \ v? I i- A <? ' <!<- p- ' IM SI 4 ?4 ? L A M ? . p. . . ? 4 ??? ? SECT KM i: 9 \T AUCTION. i ring si ? sra aold ? auction al the Exchange v H M?ller ? r - ? - - ? ? ? r 5 ??,? ?-?? al h? ? ?? ? io . ? ;? ? ? .1 | . ?? , ? ?.. S: '0 ', I tr . .,_---. ? . 1 . 1 -1 ?a I ? ;_? <_nt h: _ ?. i * ? ? ? ? l i > 1 -?'?'., . .. < : . ? ????. > > I DAII V MFOBTO AND EXPORTS. Dally Imports a. d ssporta ?.f ger. er.-,l B 've Port of New i York ?? ? !?' -3 't ? f ? ; ' - ? i ? ' ? ? i j. ... _.>;._,i STEEL EMBARGO FAVORS BUYERS Mills, However, Still Report Inability to Cope with Home Demand. Domestic COBSBSieTB, ?rcT-? - - te ?'ee\ trade publication?, ar through the railroad embargoes on ex? port ?hipmen's to this c.ty. St.11 home orders for ?teel are more than can be easily BceOBUBOdated and manufactur? ers are endeavoring to have postponed booking? for the second half of 1916. Prices of finished product? continue to advance and are Irreffllar. as different trs Miry in their ability to make i rtes. The pig iron market, while strong, is a little quie'.er frith the ap? proach of the holiday ?eason. "The Iron Age" says: "The embargo laid by all railroads on ?hinraents of iron and steel products to Sew York for export, while it throws some seri? ous problema on the mills, I? a blessing to domestic consumer?. Wnile billets, blooms, bars and wire products have 1 prominently la I the tas ing up at home duo to the emba??-. i forma of finished ma? terial, a?? n. the release of - el for departments, fi ?, the e of plate mill pi ne a parall??l In l a situ n re?peet to h numb' r of I products ia ao tense that too much ?hould not be expected from the hold? ing up of exports." "The Iron Trade Review" will ?ay: "Each week still is adding its q . pri?e advances ll ?teel prod? ucts. In a nun lines makers have adopt? '. formal echednles which are in excess of any price level quot<*?i rince. 1899, while thero are a number of eases where much higher 1 'ained by those n Y.e de? liveries desired by the buyers. The market, continues to show on absence of price uniformity, owing to th? varied position of the D ? mat? ter O? deliverie?. Smaller plant?, whose capacity is not so completely tied up by previous bookings as the large mill?, arc profiting greatly from the urgent demands for nearby shipment. "New buaines? ?till exceeds the abil? ity of the mill? to accommodate It. Active negotiation? fron European bel ligerent eoBBtlie? for ?heil steel, for delivery over the last he.lf of 1916, B( ? are in full swing, ar.d a heavy tonnage is under negotiation." BUYS CAR COMPANY Putter, Choate & Prentice Acquire Mask? II & Ila-ker Co. Potter, Choate 1 Prentice and F. B. Keech ?_ Co. hase completed ne<-oMa tions for the purcha?e of the Haskell <_ Parker Car Coinpar.y, of Michigan Ind. The company was organ? ised la I86f and was : Marker, aftat irhose leatl Ii 1910 th?? property eras placed la the hands of i.resi? dent of th?? Pire? k, o Chicago, is one. a eapaeity of ebe > year. 1 he Ben eaplte roi ..les fei oniy ??? ? . Th? authorize.! lasas BfUl be large ?b lo pr?vido for such f may have. Th>> earning? of the company In 1913 were i it eeBt on the pn ? than -a BU1F.F WALL S1REET NEWS. llornblower I Weeks and v. te, Weld & Co. announce that cert for Rttl ry on Mon i i>- r 87. _ William E. Gilmore, fonaarly pr?*i ilent of the I com panics, la tor of the N'evin Electric Survey Company. William A Read ?*? Co., who re parchased 18,1 ie in May, 1918, have oVposeii of the entire issue. - Philip D. Armour ha? been elected s .tor of Armoor .*.- Co., succeeding ? Henry P. I tarlii Hallgarten <*. Co. paaoa. It ' the sen < ??' 'he : sts have I ea cl -? BUSINESS TROUBLES PatOsopk < POgaota, HAWAI r.vl-r.a! at I a ? ? i ' I < ? Han in - ? ?? ? a ? t use i ? It.', a i ? - LOI 1- A ' a. ? .-??!? 1 ' ComsoalHon Confirmed. K BIa""M I i. A . ? . . a st 4 . S M "??lie Aioelntod ??arm- At.T\?a\ i.- appointed H. i Binkruittv bchtlulM. r.i [if i - ? ? ? ? a ? ? 1104 ' ? ? ' a" - 114 ' ?? . SB : .. - I I 1 S ' . , , a I .... i- ; ?? i ? . ? . ? : s 1*1 ? ? l i ? . ? . . ?actor, o? ? a ??a I ? - ?sill ?par at I -i Public Service Raises Dividend. i .*',? Pul lie Sei Newark rest? rday voted to Ineri annual divida d rate cent, declaring 1 \ per cent for the her 81. mean the on of $4 ??i loag th?- ste kholdora, "Staats-Zeitunc" Stock Higher. ? - g" stoeh erere rion y?- terday for I fin -hare? bro I "a U S. Treasury Finances. ? ?? . ? - ? a : Ifslnst i i ? :?_? ?->? > ? RAILROAD i '.'I IpMI NT BONDS. ? . ? ? ou) ? ?. . . . ' . ? ? ? 14 ? i ? , ? a ? < ? ? . ? . , < ? Valley.. . ? Nashvl ' < Mo, Kansas > N Y ?'?frill ? ? It I. I? Ml < a ? ? a , ? ? , < ' . ...--.,.||_I? la, NEW CLEARING R??LES Stork Exchange to Organlre a Pistrlb oting Department. The governing committee of tne Stock Exchange yesterday adopted rales for clearing, to go into effect on ?7ar. jary 21, for the purpose of estab? lishing a branch department of the ex? change's riearirg House. This will be known as tha "distributing depart? ment," Its purpose being to facilitate and expedite tha exchange of Clearing House tickets and to distribute sales tickets with stamps attached. This is a labor sav.r.g device which will reduce to a minimum the physical labor en? tailed in the operatiun. Through the operation of the new department ? House tickets will day by firms clear? ing, to the ? | House, where the Unas wiii n-eive tickets coming to them from others. The operation will be somewhat similar to the meth? ods of distributing used In postomces, and one man should be able to deliver and call for all the tickets of an office of reasonable size, but the correcting of errors on tickets will be continued as heretofore. One of the effects of the operation of the new depar' will be the throwing out of employment of a smaii army cf runners who have made a live? lihood by working a few hours a day for^e tirms. STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES BOSTON STOCKS. MIMMi ?ir? n Si ? -? . ?I - ? * Ar ; i.a f<?im". - 4 Hal i ? A Ar'.i ...? ? la] Raasa ?Ta* " 1 ' **? ?:* Hi - ' ? ?.na ... _ I bit IWaia ? ike . 1 Ba_a V?.m Valla? . Maaa Coa . 1 l'?0 Ma?_n*?r - . I.'.' .1 '.a-'< ... SIH 4--a41alL 11 ' a - ' . ? r ' - ? ? I -? t r? .... ? . II S ? . I ake . ? tern t'Ua ... Ne I M Man. K '???-. )H trier Cap . I* rr__ . If | a , : ? - 4IH ?. - \? rerlaa RAn.RiiAiia ? M ' m *" . - ' - ? -i i ??- -? i s i ?nt I i m H ... mai Fxi.AN-_o! s ?. ?s ?'?S si t ? 07?. N y. *"H ?' '? IS1 *m - 14 '. I? h 1 '?S -, S?tt M?, nu ; In -i Ml, '? ||| 1*: s I I ? r? ?i ISIH fl-U H , j ?:'. M 1- , '! ? !*? -1 f?eet i 2 . i?- ;?? f M?-- r,,t I4H M\ .... l?l M K?aln prtf Il . ? - ? - ? ? Ml ? ? ? : * : w ?? l.i- i ??> BONDS i;; sas mi.? m? r-_ *.? ?: ? r tai Tal 50.1S1H : - rtfl '. H?i . BoirroN ii h Pi 4_w4 ?. le Hn ?(-> ? 4 .-? . Douflaa ! r ? .\ 2~ Ohlfl Copper ? ' , -:'-.-.? 1?, IH Va Tord? Lu ?? t?. ? i ? ? - ? SI I PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. Bal?. <?K"? Arr Ha? S? N J ? '.. . a-.. , ? r . <? . S Buffalo A s... ?? ? i , . . <? ? l r fon ?i ? l l i ? i r ? ti?' . ! * - 14 tin Am O s II _ r Ttso 4? si ? ? < iiiiii. lio *, : "4 ' -, 44?, PO ? IM IBM 4 ? ? ; ? l . ? ? . [an 4 4 M ? '?? ?- . . 15 Mil M O RE STOCKS. - ? ? ? i. - i ss , ? . ?' - , Ira S 4 ??. * . . - ? 1? r- ? ? l I - . 14 - . ? - (lili AC? STOCKS. Or-tv ??- R? ' - ? 1 - ? '.? ? ? m r . . ? '. I - ? ) ?. 1 . .ir. ? i r.- ?? - . ..- . K? 'a ?T ?? . '. Di? Ii i ? II ich 144 ? - ' ? !? a ? :? . ? ? ?'?Va ? ' || sau s?1? PITTSRCRi? "-Tin KS. <. . . ?. i ? ?? . IAH I ...... ? " . - i . 4? . . : ? * i ate ? ? ?? ' ? ? ? ? . ?4 '. S4 111 1?. ? - ?? !"V. ? 1?1S l_ : ? . ? "i ir MU YORK OTT RONDS. ? . . ? ? 1H4. Tar ? ? ? ? M II ? . < ? ? a? . '? ? ? I .__?__-? <'?.?. rtfUttft. or ?rsu| a, i'-fi PRODUCE AND ! GRAIN PRICES Wheat Market Declines on Profit Taking?Corn Is Firm. l>?w*_baa*.. .71 US- .'OH *uS ?V.flH T5 '?'? *?S JaJ.riti .16'* .Um :i _ Mat GENERAL .MARKET REPORT. Ne? Twit. Veer-tz'rt 11. 1?15. WHEAT. ? ? T.engBer.i ?r, akmO rt - ?- ' ? ..' _ a - iff 1,-jns pr._t tafclci . nlritrn -' tl.f scf-aaatfa eaport i--.. , , . . ? a-.r-x.f-_-. ? . 'a ? . \ ?*". -.nfr? <?i a a!?a ? ' \ 3 , . . ? . :?ia -a.-.-? -, . T? ? . . | . . ame o?.: l:. .a .? . br*s .??i| i _ : -_j ^ae ?u ;S'.s . .a Tha Urarpool marre! wia P.r-a a.- 1 Ugh? ?-? ? prtcaa ?broad rr'.r^ _S_4J atora t ?? ?aa aalt thai Q?otail?!.? ?ara .ertr ?? a., tat print? raporu ;?:? la the :. i-?ma waakr.faa abroaii. Ei-orl Jao.?..,?; .u a..., .?. ??.Ural?, la t?o* The frr*..:.; aliuuloo la i'lll scuta? altlxxifh praf ? a.-_ teAzf fl?*r, to |?a_. . . ? - man?? ?aalar to a?-co_p,L .??Lar '.Inet. In lha loe?I c_I wia ?juf?*.l at il.ll?? f o b Now I . i-.-.. II M. i ' am ManlU'ts ; f MM* CORN. waa Arm ac?1 Mf:?f ?art*, prltwa atTiL-.^tii Kenir uu m<rre Iff'*.:?? a-,*-.::.: a so tha ?1 If prompted, ?:;._?? t?. bj u.a rocact ? ? '. ?? I? i *!.-a. i;J or. . .'...ta re i? | Has ..?. ?? of -.;.- r..w crop Lata i ?la? Has ma-?:^.. ?t mmi I - ?...? -? a?..: a PI SHU c UI ?^ U- ?"loae of tha ties ttatite ?tre i?jS .H .:,.??: !.. aaifti i Me I n im e_ra >?aa u.u.??i a Proci* sUptasr-.L 0AT8. Oata a,1?ar??e?1 *aL-j ?1.., ? snJ ??or- -a r'.::.f?l .!-,r_if lha lela ? - .?.!?- at prl.i.arj poli.? an 1 tha?e .... praseatrs ual ?? cash ? a. ...-k.-i ess steed) '? a -1 ? -, \ a ??:, ?. a . . . ? ?'i ? ??? . a . r.-Tau>r RYE. Mii-ia'. ?t-?ed? .No 2 Haum, II *B|fc I I I Bet Tr-r? NEW YORK PRICES. v. a, t'k.? Yf?'*-t?j Dees Ma*. |l It? \;., . CHICAGO PRICES. "V\?at O""* "'f. _"*? ?If??? da? - - et... I1.-IS Il a? ? ii as |l.?:s ?1 M Maj. 1 it*? ills I.. I . - : -? a jia.j . l.U LU i us in _ i .: . Com ??awmbar.. .71. US- TO"*, R? I?1* .???s .AM i:s ?-a ?- ? ?S ?la. ... .11 I*1? .IS. .I'S US FLOUR ANJ MEAL. t*."\it wet i|tn u.a.-.,e '-* ** ?/? t?:? '-??.- ?*. ?n of ih< ?hf-al iBariiel sad lbs r?; . STifM, whlrh _?.i? II ? -1 -i i le arr-.T* ai a tetar.', . r, |.? Bl ?'K iviii.AT TU? B Mar???. ? ; - I ? par h\f. flOVB ?Tlrm: fair to food, | I cl,?.oo to f_ y $'???? ..?!;? Ml^l Su*dy: _ . ?'. 1 < ?. BAO m 1-^a.I- - S.-. S , I . ? a I |1 71. ...4TS<\ |I II -? .-} ?rut), brai bulk, 1-; *. a. ,t l-l. rtrar? c.1,1*. .-, ' ? !.? Buui I - . ' . ?. $712; Waal t- . sued) ? r?...<.-?'. a'?. 1 iu-d m.d Lina I-- ?do ' ? a* BOUT, II lb ?_ /?. 19 I .if PROVISIONS. IBs if-nrta'.or ma-'kn ?a? as?tn ?inl? ? ns in .... ? H . f hnga at ' - ? and Omaha 17.1 PORK - ??? . s ?-? 111 111,. r?j I ? ? i . ati??rt o.??ar ? I E_T -????: ? -. ? ! - ' , , ?. 'a. >. ? utra India tnesi ? - - :? i ..*? I ? a ' . .-??;??- i ' - '." lbs I ltSc; i? Iba ns-. u '?? US? y ? .*?i him? at?>a?t>. quoi?! at HS ? . ?S- ???< - ia_rti? *?-rv1, . M. 141a R'aat, < QUlat; (?uoaad, ?Se; rofliif^ 110 U ? m- . Anvrl.-a. i.l Brazil I ????. I I . ? ' -??- sn.Ani.v-. ?.-??' CHICAGO PRICES Treer I.ard 0?^*n. m<h la a? i ? .a ,\et Jaousn .f.ll M? Mai . ? <J7 ?i. Blbs teaiuvy . ?r? ?77 t ? ? ?; ?7"; i ? Ma . 1*11 II 1". 10 10 1" Il Januar? .IS.SI Ma; . ? COEFEE Trtt'r? "H s II'"" I ?a a<-U??? In II- '-? . -^'al aa'.?a ?m.?u: Uni I.SSS I ?s?. l"it ? ?a? eesy an.l bal t?"*? *' '-?? >. T-a ? ? a tir'? tr?'ltr.f ??a ? ... ... . ,-al-nt to 7 for Uv listai I ? , II',1. setss ??a? offered bars tn tfie i frni?lii n.arK??'. ?: 1 ? trilla ??-a!-, r "ii th? b?.al. Santo? ?,. I 1. ? .h*i? a:?aun- ? rt t!.? hsala of T lOo f r "? ^-."1 ta ? III*, ar.l I', wet ?all ? aa buylnf !<>?*? trrad-> r fTaa In ti.e Rio __T_K, : - .,?<;-? - a-V-l ?a? dir! a.-1 imr.lna..? iht ba?u sa" 7*.- ?? ? it .i 7j Ba_s? ?? T? ??-? "r"i H'.ih t ' i ?? d?r '. ? ... . | ay ... ' ? A ? I ? - "l?v , I ' ' ? , . ? ' ' a a "a ? i? ir? e 7- ? ? ? ... ?r .. I ?? 1*1 II] -a ? ??) ?1 6.9'? il 97 SUGAR FUTURES. a'**t r?r?i.Lni ?-.;.?-. ] r-'.'? ?? m ta I * ? a \-? ;i | Te ma-krt . asd ?- -?..? ', i U I ? teas? tarn tmom l*r,e ? . : ? I .m n?r?mbar ?0 4 An .;?nna-T i - i i ? ? ? < ? ? ? . < ? . ? ? -, '. ? I* ? Si f ?1 COTT0NSEEO OIL. - a-, .u ais a ?J'il't trat? In tha rr.a ?a ? lo?i ? ? ? ' ?. i ?? a - ??-- ? l th? I ? ,. a?.y anl ' ? ? - ? ? - Itai ?. Opantnf. rf'fh I"? ' ?# .a? -- ? II - > ? I? ? < ? ? ? i.l - . 13 ? 41 ?I ? ? ? ^ a : ? a - ? I ? ? ?is 4* ? *0 II *: ? 4? I.-.?M.51 S S3 I j'i t ? e? ?co is? i.siiifji to a?.* METALS. .. mtt trot, ?>" ?.^ ? f Tn-s* si . i ? In ,|? I ? if ?aa | ; . i ?. - > ... ? . ?. . i . .,-,.. . I tons future a . - . -? ' ? ? COITNTRT PtODUCE M\RKETS. \em tat*. l>?.-?rnr)?r I.'. ??1? BUTTER. ? - ? eu ' ITI ?>i" II ? M-bieai ??????i T-?? , . . :-.?? : "? . ? ?? ? 'a . ... . ... I", as r . - :? ?i ? lira i , .. c , ? < - ?*? '?*" ? ; . .!?<? On* : ? ? ? CHIES?. ,.'?-? .- ? '.in In upon Stats -i fl?t?. ? ? f eze -a - . a a ? a ... ? |l ? ? ? I - I ? ? .' . ?-'.-' . -i ' a^ra-..r. ape?lai ? i ? , ? i . . ? ? ' - !.ri^. :* , a ? ? ... ??'? a ' ' . ? ?- ? ? * - ? i? . -??, faili?r-1 ?im.* - . I?? .... |i , . ' HAY AND SIRAW. .,??.- .... ilif ... a oa ell . "? ^?? ' I I ^v. a taa So ?. ?....t.-. iiimm, n.?s?i. i__. ,W. So I ?i FRCSH FRUITS. AFT*. - I ? I ,??.<- I ? ? . ? 5- . ? ? <. i | - - - l < . i~ ?I?\ ? . ? ? ? ? i It ATI ?? - ? - - ? J. ? : i, r?.?. r? ? I Rl IT ...?.:?.? - 1'e-n?. 1. ' ?. ? ? I'll <. . . ? m i : v ? 1 orto ?. . ? .?.?.' ? - . ? POTATOES AND VEGETABLES. POT.? - I ' 1 ? N I. * \'i ? , - ? : - * ? ...< ?- ? I - . ta?. S: l. , Va a "1. I. I. ? I 1 ? ? HOKEH. f?l > .... I. t. ? I ?\- r ? .. II ... ' i I ? ; mu? .-?--* ... .... > * s . i si : . ? ? ' < ral l '? ? ? t roicoBi ENDI, '' I .' i . IRJ.IC. I - RAM-' |44t4 ILE, Va * i ? ?..S i?-. Il < ' > ? , . , ? - ?a, Il }S. LETT iX. r?a ?' I i. ~ ?. - :: ? ? |i..inai \ , ? . ?? m? Il iir - : \.-... s.? m t Of ... t ?t4; ] ? -..:?*il ?-nr.:; .? I 4 ?. I . .- - < ?? ? . ? ? 1 '?-, , - ? -" il . KRA r.? ? - ?.?S . . ? R PLANT?. ' I ' ? .- . | ?..-I 1\ ? < . i ?} < ' . . ' i_ I . ! 1 ? ' S .5. I... MAINT Kla * t| ? -( Ron . SJ SPINACH, ? < I 5i ? > rlASB. Bubbai 1 ? I ?..,' ' ? ? -'.- ' ... Il?Il - kod ? ?Ht, t ?. 11.?Il 1 ?n. a ? ' . ... I ? * ..-? ... HOTHOUSE PRODUCTS. ' - rana. bot. . : -, i ' . ?. ; . I MINT. - I r ?-. ? 1 . j CHRISTMAS GREENS. BOU .? ' ? 11: Ml- ?. ? 5 - 5 *- ? < . |'MU.\ ?AI: . ... . > I Hll, i'.i.l'l . ? FtOPI < ?? ? I'llINi E'S ? - i'hi.h foot ? " ' - a? ??,- ? 1-iM. n -.???? - '?.1 * - ?; I.IVESTO? K MARKET. Set Tork. Iie>aoniber 2S. 1?1S BEEVC8. Sa, I.SH l)?a<l St -ara on ?al?. Mean _ r. ? f?w aarb .? Bn_o and i 'air , ... aj. 1 draaTt- ? ,: f elaarrd I mroon u> ~n - ? ! ?? ion a t*.71 i ?? I.". mo ai I ? ? . Udlooda. i. - i f..r .-li? drtaaea call?? ira boar, i?:? CALVES. ! ? -T_ I rlJ h?ad; f>0 on aal*. V?ar. mrmrm, ? '. aboi.t ?_._r1r at Nr? Tor. far-1?, . ' at J?r??w lit- -?a ? - - S?jale; tar., . ral ??a.. ? ! .' I: W(4tl'i '?> 1er 100 lb; cull?, tu I at ?4T9SS tefl ral??? a IT yearling! at l?.rl' Dreoood calan tUm et SHEEP AND LAMBS. R??;,--. |4 ?--?. 4'r, MB SB ?a'? ?i eer^ ??? ?? - ?? k ruotalnod prtr?o. . I -t 11 i I'l p?r 100 lb; ? ?,..? J In .-. i ? ? ?then, . t) l aupply . HOGS. l?A.'?lpr.. ' '?O beaatl ?ar? Itm rw. aal* r?.'.lr.f wrali. Nu - . -a- DO?, 1? .'Ort?tfl ?5 for '.'.?"? 'o ? ??. ? . utli i ?. ?? at it?. MAY BAR TEUTON BROKERS London Stoek Exrhange Roard Would Shut Them Out. London, i The membership eommitt? h Exchange ted the following rule to-day. "A :,?te of German or Austro-Hun gsrian birth is i n ? ? ! i jp h 1 e to member r?l'ip." This rule is subject to confirmation .? Stock Exchange . t a meeting ? MTodaeedap. More Gold at Assay Office. Foreign gold deposited at the As?ay Ofllcs . .:..,!. fj $1,000,000 by J, I". Nlirgan & Co. in the form of 0,000 by the Nitional Rank of Cuba ir. French gold. CITATIONS. _ ? THH BT? : UK, H-. the Ora a et Oo. Fr e eat Foll?n, ?"?r ? r??\lr.var.1 Owen 'aerth, Mr?. I . Mr. i;.,,r_? r.i. Floren. ? Lealle M?v. Phyllis Mrs I n ' ran er, Mrs ? > ?a a Wrenn, - ?' r'tin. J.'aopl, ? ? Qllberl M n-? T A. Honna * M lea Marie Croas ? i la .- ! Marra dS > .. Bo let! for il , of Cruelty to Animal?. Wo ? Catt, - V ?????>. .t"hn E. Welch, John H '? gm, P?r..r.?ii '? il. a , . _ aetta I- Hillar.der, \rthnr Leoll? a- I peraai . Intereated >?a-??-a neat el I other Frar K I.?all?, da ii i lime her death r? , . ? Hotel, Bor ? I f Louis H ( ramer, N.? York, raatdlpf at ' . : augh of i!. ? : aro h?roby el\%<\ ? a oof S ?rr^Kat? o? th? of No? at the 1 -r'/at*?' ? of ooid County, \\e-A at thi Hall of Of New Tork. on ? of January, isi?, at ho'.f-paot In the for?noon of that day, . > H. Cran.' r ano ' Willi*- oil, aa FJxoc:' ? ameal of oaid da " "? n?vi rau??d * ? sr*i . >?rt e? iba - rh ?? lo rabio '-?in r ?~ehalan. a ?-?to of on- aalil . o i. tu. a: ths ? fork, Um Krh, [iCAUl . th? year of ? 1 rd o ? tr .'.?.ir.-i iilna hun droil and fifteen DANIF.I J DOWlJrlBI, <->rv | ? - BarrecaSaa' Court. _DISSOLUTION NOTICE. _ r.iK!"rs MA. ?/INK INC ?A SOTT. - ? M ? -l ?l'a MasaaliM, I at tha ?? ' ..... ||| , .4 H T ? > of l?a???ni!?*r. |SUL at ?wo i * r -r -. ?' > < as . . ?i aiwb ?-orta?ail..r. bo dio r Tool ? mtmriet ISih l?l? l'_?UCT IL B_A_L Bouo_u> COTTON SAGS OFF IN QUIET MARKET Trading Chiefly' Pre?Holiday Su itching ?Close Is Steady. Cottaa Wat \ery gjBtet and tradera found nothing ?n the news to stimu? late fresh \ entures in a?ivance of tha hoi ?lays. Bu?iness reflected llttie more than a further evening-up o? ec counta or ?witching from near to lata month?. Prices showed a disposition to sag off in the ab?ence of any impor? tant support The sloso ??as sttady at a net BwcIIm sf I to .' points. Liverpool was a ihade lower than due and the market here opened at un ?.?hangeJ prices to a decline of 4 points. SjSM r*pot BOBOS BBf?Bg of near poai I BM COI lag eaaeed a rally to practically Tuesday's elosiag lig-araa right after the call. The spot houses who bought near months, however, were sellers of late ?ieliverles, while there was scattering liquidation from local an,! New OrtsaBI sources ?indar which prre.?-. soon turned easier. Liter pool bOBSritl some Ma) here, but was u'.so a seller of bo*h May an?l October, 'vhrle mpport seemed fre*tv well eon ? *.. scattered eoreriag. The close was at practically the low point of the day. The second note to Aostfta was with? out effect on the market, although BarroBSBaaa over international pol?tica may possibly have contributed to the recent tendency to reduce commit Bieata Y tporta amounted to S4.1!?l bales for 'he .lay. whi?*h mn.le 1.181.481 hale* *o far th;? s.'asor?, agalnsl ' "I Ml 'ast rear. It was reported that a rate of 12 a hundred had boea paid fof ocean room from Boston to Liverpool and that tha frr:;-1'* rata or cotton 'rom Galveston to Havre had been ad vincd to |_ l?-1 a hundred pounds. Southern spot market? as officially re? ported wer?? Bflchanged laaas of pn-?? T?-*?t Oasa wit? i-*? ibas fH :.???-*?r 11 .') i: ?' F ?1 M M lu ?? ?' ?I Il ?: i: ?5 il ?< n ?? 111 t* n ?I r . ?. _ ._ !:??>** 11 ?4 M..-h UIS 1111 11 IS 11 1 ? ? H S 1 May. 11.4S IS 4*1 111? I' "SIS ?S I ?4 l. ?I? il ?0 . 12 SB 1140 ISS! ! ?liflS-M 11 f" . . ? ? ? . i* H so ?en m is si i -o lus ti.? ? ta n r ? '^.-?1 mar??? So? ?f? :"*n ?a? on'.?! and ?ir ?' an* da? ' - . ?a>?. ska . , porta arad t i ?? BBS?. ? t?.l r?a??rt ? ?j ????? ??ar ? il.ata : *i4 ? i ? . ri* .'?s .... 1.45* Il 141 ??? *?? i -. :<i ? ' , , , . ro .... _ S" 1 s I 9 1-' ? II? S.S?-1 4.??s r r .... ,4 , ?v .. . | . r Aiia-uita. s.aej !*0 i I ? ? ' . I S?J.ISS ' ? ? - ? -8pet alun and ? - ? . . ? ? ? ? ?? r. bai il I M lat.uary-l ' ? M? ? ? . ? i ", . ? i aaad. PROPO8AL8._ iTATE i FI 'RK oFFr?~i: ?f si pi i TF.ND__*tT or PCBl Alhor,, Do? ?< -r l*th. ISIS | HOTXCr. T" . Il .? .-??-?Ired by th? I nr1?r?l?m*?d at hi? ofBoe In ?h? 'apltol ?? leeh noon a< Tii?ada?-, January il'ti. Ill* ?? whi^h pia<? ..... . -1 and a* ?h* N??? l.r. ?.fa??* pursuant -o *h? pr'.' ?Vma of rnap i ? . ??..... . . ? ? sa fol Iowa l 1 - 'two connoetln? ? la ? - Jam.?e ?'.reel and Walteabero otreei ? H sfreol in "?? of Kotue. ?>n?l1?? ? '? I .?? I pletina ?h# ??"??? <';> ? r ' i I" ??n'.H-r la?. [lit I'lana may h? teen and d?ta!:i*d ?pacifica ?' I, ?nalr.eer'a ?.?tima-- o( .... ?? M, [.ro poaal blanko, form i . _, | other h '? ? ? pi ? "*-' * be had at th? of? ? of the Seporln ??r.1-nr. i,t Pabtla \V.->r?. .?t Al?any, N ?. ht iho eft'? if ?ho A.? -lai.t Sj? - I ? ? Idle Dlvtl >e, N T . a*. " ? f tho Aoolo? iat of I "orko for th? I??? lolen at I or. N. T., and at I ho ? " Kithang??. Unffalo. N V ..,?-.* detailed plan? or drawlne? ma Rtato si near and ?? Albany, ?? v . ? on i ajraaaat ? i . ? -. e.?'.mateo will be paid of rlr?' -? .?ntiim 190 per c?r?!.i if ?ha work dor? ?t lh? . ..r.'.raM prl< ?? II- ?ry prop"?' ? .nrk rmiot to ai ompan ?-1 by n i of a draft or certified i me Kr"-' banking inntltu'inn ir f a i my or N.-w York, leeaed ' a national or ota??? tank In rjoM credit ? ? '? at ? '.. tl ? of 1 ka for flva p?r ;?r tent i of tha anr.unt of th* -al ;.?rson whoa? propoaal shall tu? ac ? . .\r, ut? a eemtre. * ? frota tho .. : to him o? ; ? -m a idroaa ? 'n fn.i P'ot'' - t'pofl ? ? ? . ".n'ra" a*' AS ' pro??: - ' orttfled cheek a* draf' ; ; ? r .- ? ?? I mm. ?hall ha-o : , ? ? of 'he de| ' ! I ? th? Superintendent of Pul le STofta Th? .lepi.Kiia of '.rldrri, o?h?r than tha one to whom 'h? .. I h-t ?hall ha n.n^? ?::i t? return? I Imi af-ar tho ' r.nt I -er\ u ?? r r?.r;lr<-1 for faithful .. ? . - t. n per r?r?'.m M* n?r t of ? *-. eoatrad pn. ? i-- t an addltloaal tf-nd. known aa tho lah'.r ??im of ti?n per r~n* .m (10 pai , ?n? i of the ? ' ' - otlaiated eaol ? work ?er -.rdir.g '" the centr?e* prt. ?. ha raaalred a? en jrlry that the ron rra. ir.r wIM pay In full at .??at one? In ?a. h . all *mpi..>>l ?> blM up'.n Bob op*cifl??<l to la dona In ?ho ion tract In the evaht that mora than on? a?j??"y ??ompsny I? efT?r??d as r*ur->'y on oald tondo. <o-ln?urance only will bo arc?>pt?*d Award. If made, will he mad* to tho ??????.n or r?*roona whoa? proposal ohall be leweet in < >.?* le tha Slate for doing tho and ?M'-h ?hall roinply ??lth ail pro reculn . to r?n!" I? formal. B?for? ?rl ohall h? mad* th? loweat bidder will V* r??j'-!r.-I r.i *?tl?fy th? f?.ip?rlnt*ndont , ? p i ol '- ?to nrovld? m I inAO-: rala for th? ? ? '. tbo ?? ..r k bet propo?a. it. ol ? ' ' aaaal to th? ? at A!hnn>, N f.. and .-. .a- >??????? l . ' ??? r?r??>l' pa ' fonatructlon of two r'?n?ctlr? Mch~sy? at rt?m?. .'? V " Th? riebt la roaervod to r?Jtct any or a.I Mds W. W WOTHKRSPOON. F-,r?rl-.'er '.???? e* ] . , Wor<o : : ?"mTtT?SE proposa ? will be received at th* off.t? of tho C-r,?-.: I" hi?:? < T.^or, Tr.a Pan arna ?atiai, Waahlnetaa, i>. C-, ur.tu i;|o e'eloeb P. M ai It, ?.-.5 at which ' r fur Hmlt? Planlit ? ? formal n latine ' i S'j? i m_.> I ? o?.taino.I * ? - * the A? Blataat Pui I ?- a A.n'a 24 mat? 8tree?. '.?_ Tork ? ' . 4:4 ?A i.''.n*y-Contral Bulldlnf, ' -?? ana I*, arjl also from W.e \\ p Rnslneer Ofrv?a In th? followlna ettlee: Philadelphia, Pa, Boston, Maes fnlraffo. I I . ar.d P?. Louts. Mo. F. C. B'^tf? Major, I 'rpj of Enalneora, V. t. A . i,?n*r?; Purer.?sing Officer. ? _SLRROOATLf. NOTICES?. rv ptR.?'a-. r or AB ORDCB of rtoS'?iU ? a M irr ?tu cf Uta CMnty o' NeoI Voofc, r."?.;?-? la h?r-r. _1??u to al! p??er.? Iialr.i calma MaJiiat Car ..t ? Pl?ap?r lUrpar, lai? of trro ti .; ?> <jt Sa- \ rr?. .l?c#a??.l. le proooot t..? ?.._? ?lu? fou F Un tha ,j'acr.b*ra. ai t.'-l' pla 0 ' Uaseo ? ? t I at '.ho oft.? of . l C. ?"Tai ? Naaaau nu?M. . 1 l't ?' New T. r?. ?.. ut letlort -M lai au t' '.(?? h Mit. t'ai?d. No? Ttfik. Uto ;:? la? et Aurut. UIS? : k!\ ES, 111 mi v ? h a m mV, IIAIIl'KIl STU.IMA.N, I II? JAMItH rVHK!.Pa. Ji.n.N r rt^n.K. Att-r ? . I r tr ic?.t. ra, S4 Noa aaa ?*tr??i Boranab of Mi ?? ? Hie tor* rit?. _ MEETINGS._ I?.-.'?:nbor 1*. l.lS. A Sp??!a! M??i!ne "t the Actor?"* Fund of Anpries ?..: be h?l.l s: th? Loaaaoro Building, B m *9t. N K Cerner af Bread ?ay and ltd Btrool Nea York, on Tu?? da*-. Januai? 1? 1-14. at S P. M. for lb* purpnae of M.'lng ..ii and adopting ? I ?n.andnrant to Bectlea l*a "f th? H>-L???a DANIEI PBOHMAN, Tr... ^?*nt _i)WIN L>. J_1M.K. t-o?icUijr.