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Baseball Peace Will" Have ItsVi_tories-If Only the Fans Respond Next Summer Factions in Baseball Sign Peace Treaty Long War Ends, with Suits To Be Dropped and Immunity for AH Players Full Text of Agreement Withheld Until Minor Questions Are Settled. ..'. Tin- d B to an enii liere to-night, the Federal League ati'l The full terms of the agre? time, posed of the members ol i National i i Ian \. Gilmo ?-. Edwi d Barrow ai.?l ? rpp rasentati i I Baltimore i'...'"-. ol the F< League, hav?? ?been empower itev? estions still-exist re* . ' ! League. Two major league ?--lui.-, at o? fh?* psacs pac*. Charle W? .... has been presiden! ol the ? hicaii?, club, of tha Federal League, ?rill p ? i controlling intir ifi t>?.*- Chicago club, of the National ?League, from Charlea P. Taft, of ? incinnati, while Phil Ball and hi iU . who were connecte- with tht? Si. Loots Federal League team, Brill buy control of the St. Louis ?lui?, of tin- American League, fr< m Koberl II ? players who jsniped tin both the ? >?<? nil other Tt?t ' ' fi haVf i,. .r. ,1 01 made I? to play m ?,;. I'fiat there will be a wild scramble for .some of the recently outlawed playera was clearly indicated bv h nio visiofl in the treat? thai the Kcdcia! I.earue. which, in i?o fat baseball playing is concerned ceases to evist, will as-ur ??t its playera, Semi-o?Tirially it hot-am?? known that several would g New York ". ankee?, while ?he Giantl ? r"i are of getting lier.ny Kaut?. The .igreement. doe? not go into the ?Ystribution of th?- playera, uni it ??na *?iinounced that t ? bar had been thrown down and that, iBBBBSUch a.? all - ?-re e'igible. tho?^ who were for sale ** t'uld probably go ?1er. The Federal League elub? in ?'hicago and s? Lou ? ere exceptad, inaa i? *.\ ecghmnn and Ball will be i.<*> ? ?-?/i to keep what players they <!<? ?ire <>f ?he rodoral Leagu ah? in these cities. I BBBOBWBBBieBl ?'?'?.<?? 11. ing the if nib War.I ?I in the Brooklyn Federal League club' aas i art. fr follow?: "The Ward n ! be reim baree ai ?uminic this ,? Bponsibilltjr " Ne announcement ?.f furar? made ? i ? -to thi?. but it was un offlcialh. although BQthorital ?fated 'hat the amount will be MOO. 100, pa>ahle at I of 130,000 h yea*-. The International Leagu?? BO* Was the obstacle thai ?lela\e?l the ?igning of the pea.-r agreement 'his evening- Objection woi mad? the consolidation of the twi Buffalo, while Baltimore also wa storm centre. Jack Dunn, who transferred bis In? ternational League t? to Richmond under r?res-ure. demand? the Baltimore franchi??, luit terms eoald BOl I ?'ed. BBd "he question went over for further ?iaeusaion. Those who signed the acreement ?Tere Ansaat Herrmann, chairman of the Ye. tional Commiaalon; John K. president of the National League; Ban! h. Johnson, president of the American League, Jame?? V ?. 'more, ?"-evident of the Fede*-nl League; 'bar?es V men, chief owner of the t hicairo Veil eral Leugne Clnb; Harry Sinclair, owner ' the Newark Feda; John H. Farreil, secretar* ?*'" the Natioaal Aa? ?ociatlon: Edward Burrow, presiden? of ?he International League, ?'id Thomas ("hivinjrtor. president of the American Aaaeel When ??kerl wba?- disposition would he made of 'V suit of the Federal League agalnat orgai iaed >, i'hargir** violation of the BBti-tn rending before Judge Lni. ("Meago, Presiden! Tenei of the Na ?lona' ' -pokesmnn, ?aid: "The SB?1 will be withdrawn." Mr. -a-'1. 1" .--'tne the - new BWBOi of t'".' ? hlcago ? ah nected to leiive to-night for Texas, ??here Mr. Taft is banting, to ma? nual transfer. He rh?i*ige?l bis "n;?..l a* Mr. Taft on Januar-- '? urn to ? The mee^'ng of the committee *o take up the Internat onal League <*. ? will be held '?ere In conjunction with the annuel meeting of the National * ommisaion on Janua It was announced late to-n'gh? ? all su?-? ? arta ling to baseball pi ifl any court, would be withdrawi the Be*rt ?lav or I "The the future statu? iger of ? e i ai - ."? "/eeghmaB, who w ?i ? ? - said : "' don'7 kr.ow what ?? will be naa -, will he our mai iger, and tha* > sa tat -??? i ' v i takei *ip th?' ques . *an The National Commlsaloa issued a ..... praiaing the atl tuda that was ring th? entire negotlatiooa b> President C?ilmote of ?deral League. gerne with the BB the tabl ?a try ree] . those who attended ?he meeting here dopartod for their ?_ht. following the ?.' -??nee. ?r?* the St. ? - to-nigat that I ? ?? new manage* rw ch Rickey's contract as manager ? Brown? expired last ^iC___**J_l ? iiniia-je l*oo, *EU?| ??l. a I.;..:? _ _ ? ??' m p H.^f,.,,. y?mll ii,,,y jar w .Hat, B.uera V_?a?*A_l -1 - ( Chief Points in 3asebaJi Treaty ( in? innali. I?ec. W.?The baseball peace I real?, aigaed hare (??-night, pro* ides: That ,-H federal League players are inad? eligible l?> plaj IB nrgan ised baseball. That the Federal I.vague assumes all contracta of Its daba aa a league and nut as Individual rluba Thai 1 liarle?. W 'eeghman. prtel? denl i?l the < hicag?. Federal?, ??ill purchase (he < bicBge ? 'lab ?>l the National I eague I rum I liarle?. P. Taft. That Philip flail. ol SI. I.ouis. ?ill purchase the S?. I.ouis club sf i he tmericaa i eagae, Thai lha- Ward ?ulere?is in the Breeklya Federal leagu?- rlab ?ill he reimbiirsfd In the r?t?-nf ol $400,011(1. m t?cnt? a early pay menta, the National ami \inerican leaguc BBBaailng this burden. Thai all suits no? pending in the cnurts a? ill h<- ? ?fluir?? n. I he lull le*?l ?,l the ?igreement ??ill not be made public at Ibis linn. DENIES CUBS ARE FOR SALE Alleged 'Phone Message from Taft Says He's Had No Offers. ' orpua Christi, Tex.. Dec. __. "The Cubs arc not far .-ale." This ?as ?liarles P, Taft'a answer to. luestion ?oncernlng bis atti tiidt* toward the peaci agi cmenl be tween organized baseball and (he Fed? eral I.?-ague, which is ?aid te include the parchase of the Chicago National League club bj i hai ghman. Mr. Taft is on a hunt on his ranch near here and vas reached by one. "There is absolutely nothing - (Veegl |i ral? will declared. "\<> proposition "or th<- purchase of the Cuba has bei any pi oposala to pose of my holdings. I re not foi ? the , . ., . . Charle? Weigh man hen to-night shot*. Christi I < '. P. i .1 ng that the b ;?".' "1 cannot go Int - s mat? ter." be continued, "and 1 will n< ens? it other than to ... Mr e Is good ? ? | .-.11? % else. Mil ?? ord to Mr. Tai him. 1 ha? is .ill 1 can m s?>- on the PENN. NOT TO PLAY WAV Y ELEVEN IN 1916 :' tball :-che?iul? games, - - lest dren ping of All lege and tl ? ?or th? . : ember SO, West \ rgil a at Phil ' I Mar ?hai'. .... t P ?del) 21, Pennsylvania State, ?t Philadelphia; burgh I ..- Philadelphia; November 11. gan, ? !!. nt Philadelphia. PRINCETON FIVE BEATS CRESCENT Tigers Come from Behind and Win Hard Fought Basketball Game. Princeton defeated the ? re??en* Athletic C!uh basketball tcSm it. tn.' Second Signal Corps Armory in Hroolt . l\n last nipht by a score *t '-'*? to '?'' Victory did noi eon? la the Tigers until the last two minute? of piav. When they caged a ?foal from the foul ?'n.' and one from the field I railing by a r-roir n; 13 ?'. I end nf the fn.'t half, ihe Princeton me - an attack I I .norr ..r.- '.' its oil thcil "? ' liter a f? ., i' atood _t . i each '.?*n a doubl . ton th?" earned * lead di i.efor,. Elaton, who replaced ? sld< goal fcr th. Crescent r".\p after eighl minut? play. I Hi nur- I I r,, , i ? i ? ? opponents tin ee, With Prii ilar gi ? fron! with : te ico ? - th? field. Hal Halstead ami Tuthill < I field goal t, givini : '."our poil ' ton Are renewed iti a.tack with a vim. ,' -,'! und ( 'r. ici i ..I ... ?? from the foul line. ! Moon club onlj one poinl in th? Th' - i the seo i ? he foul lin? . -, is. ; I ? - I McTigv ? ? of Do Witt i of thi ? lin? .; i iir ' i . i i i .-. ? i e si cold? 4 lia?, r f, I *.* 10 1 . ' ' Lei I * fill ', . I , ? - ' 1 ., ., 0 ? r f- e . 4 a S It ?S 1 !....?( . r g....I n n ? ? ? Bits of Baseball Chatter Heard on Winter Diamond By IBANK O'NKII.L. Braves Field. Bost i . || -.n posses? sion of the Turk?. No; there is no fer apprehension: the country has not been invaded. The turks are just th?- good, old-fashioned Christ? mas turkev '-., George the Braves. i a floek of 'be ehoieest bird? on his farm to fr?en?!? in Boston, ami ? Harry llM;>go??ii, buaineea manager of When ordering say? Burke's Guinness. Most placet frvg \\ axcluiivaly fettled by-E ftJ.BURK. the Hiaves, turned them oui on the diamond 10 fatten up There ??ere no developments la -he Bakei eaaa si the salees ai tki v. ?Bel Ropperl could not be found, ai.I Hnrr* Sparrow refused to ?it*. : ,i ill.i p. Dich ? arroll is the ?nr?: erreeUei la arid. ft* engaged him ?a boots at ?.i tain aad Grscco-Ro terdaj a:'t?rnoon. Mad? it] prevents ant naming the victor, lie ?..paw. -Aiti: ;? double wrist lock ; ai m roll Just liki thi bic tournament. i . ? .??. ha ieea bi i b< lleva in ? i|.i i decition?. ?.,,.? the t mie v. hen th? heel af wander -? ha*, -..rI ? S '?"? .? .r Mol ?' long aga tl L??-yiniiinir to frnme their demands. Ob nts will uepart foi Mai lin ga m i nue ta arrive Um re b. March 1. Il'.r.v would this out'iolii looh 'o VOU. Brooklyn fans? Bach a heat, lefl Held; Bennj Kanil entre Hi Id; I Stenge . ' fhl Held. All good batter-, _ood buse raancir- ?uni sUvtii: iIiiu-a ers. ,, T, . , . ... By BRIGGS Movie of a Man Thinking._ Another Shortstop in Tinker Home < Imago. Dee. 12.?Joseph Tinker. managet *i the I hir.-ig?, Federal league baseball club, was t??ld b? his phyaiefafl here fo-da* that he u,i? nul of danger from bis recent operation and <?>u!d l?;a?c the lu,??pi? lai in a fen da>s. What ?eemed to pICBBC the ball plaacr more, however, ?as the an noumenunt ?if the birth ibi? morn? ing nt an ele* en-pound son. linker is now (he father of three bins. MASKED MARVEL IN DRAW WITH LEWIS Str.iti^lrr Puts Up Bat? le in Bout uit'i Mysterious M restler. Edwa . lad tha Masked Mar el arreatl? d one hour ;?. '? ?,, .. , .?u ? m a tel a) -.-:t? ?'- -a? eateh?ean style - ? tan <'P'-ra Houi* y ? t had to be called . -... i .?' k I rm to the tl I i.. r? mat '-in .1 for an? il BCXt week .?-bout. Burning indi r th? against onday, the M, ?u ? ... ? i ?? ?vill, ,-? nrfer ; ?' - im un it ?ured i i| : I 'e of tl"? | i ggrmsor, but that alarays bb * h.t ?ive. In ?.- I was saved from defeat by thi whistle. BABY RACERS TO GO UNDER THE HAMMER Sale of I renctl YearlllgSI from Ma kay Si I at Durlagtfs. - ? ,1 ? ? .. llora del i ?' ? eld thi of baby ra? f*il th" ? ? ? ougl out ' ?nit m Kentucky, rind bi to. All the ? l frm Pranc? last gol ? ' theii -ca leg - ?: u ? i I. -" and a dauf ? v.'hi ati i filly by a bb of eolf? Courtis? ? . Bllie. A I . Alluiiirui . Med.i,?-' -. ? Light, a a ? ner in bath Prane ? id Ei gland, in a.l prob? ability ail] bring a pretty penny. The* . by Lncle Sembla MAGEE FOR YANKEES, SAYS CAPT. HUSTON ? oal. Dec '--'. t aptaifl Til Hu tun. oi' th?- Ken fork Americana, ?t_t?-d to-nigl t that il ab.? almas! certain he wonld obtain Lee Magee. "I h'?ve ? number of promise?, aid * . ? jnforeiaeeti at thi? time happen?. I will be si I I get Mage? from tha BrooUya Federals ? v. days.*1 Cas-ignol Beats Kimgei. Cai gael thi .irat Preach, billiard ?layer, defeated Jacob Kliager, thampioB ot Austria. !_?<? Bight in a i . krine, played a: "-lau Daly' Billiard Ac Broad? nay. ? it his SM i ? . a high run of and .-? el i"> 10*11. Klinj point? in fat ? I innings. '- *'? a high elm ?r of n and , rage ?.f 11 practibing c .-r\ d.?v ; ??77. with the iatentiofl of lliam F. Hoppe in a match ??ithin the ne_* fee ?e'.k-. COWLER S?RPRISI TO PORKY FLYNP Corbetfs Protege Give: (lever Boston Boxer a Terrine Hiding. Hv Ii,OF. Tom Cowler made },0')i? Sgaiaat 1'ork; Flynn at the American Bp? .- I lest nipht, .Tin? Corbett'fl b'?: Kiip/lr?!?. ?he clever Bos-. for ten round.-, H .rpr Si of every one. Truth tu tell. Tom didn't BOOB? " ? ivg much of a l"ok in with Hynr ?he r atefa -vas mad?. Tori hH?n' rtned well acnii -t the . ever b>t un.I I Ivnn i- a past ma-'er a' i owler -?as coached from '?'." ringeide bp Jim Corbett, and he fol ena that made victor.?, him. 1 -.. ?'' climbed up ne? a .j'.r gilt into tb** rint?' aid aid "i: '"? aber rhal I've been t^llme: yoi .... ?'.. i dars. l on'. If. yot rit that fellow while ha ii i. ind ed up behind hi? elbows I'll tahi you oui baell of 'his building and whlj myself when the light over Re er ? ' ? ' tar, 10a . don't p'incl ut his elbows; he'? got more of then thai?, h .-?? ? pede, w hen h ? ? ? ? lit, i tell you. irait, sn< then pop him right on the noae." "Ill do that, Mr, Corbett." ?a;c ? owler. And be did. N'ot once did English 1 taki . -raii-. at the Bos? ton boy while the 'utter ??rail in trenehed behi d th? Bunker Hill monu The crowd didn't like Tom's de eral hit I hey booed the ello?. bul ? lorbett only smiled, and yelled: l .?? . i hat. n ?a theee people haven'l ng like this In of I hem erstand thai ?i ' . ralshlp It's a t ? heir head?. Wouldn't Tom s - ' ged ?? ay, while . "Vi re.i ;i|i like * clam. ??'; n. i . aranl ??? -, t.. I , rs oi thai fellow's lard l'uni.;,' bone-." 1 . . ?? gjabhea, Cowl sb ten long rounds t !> nn a s see ralenties ily l ? a -., ? ? bird \ ord must be said of T ? lynn should ? lorn? ing and sa? thai . ornpl? te rom did tari la big train foi D av?rai 1 nd on ? ,- Hun *;>: . ' opes Il ? ? . | . ... g Flynn, Porky was ? ? sold hardly raise h'? thousand elbows to a fortified 1 rh ? - - king af tha? promised ' orhett whipping out behind the building, was .? little too careful. \ ?a?, he sent Flynn up on his ? mea ? ith hard ng-ht i araaal a pretty*. The ? s of irait a id .?ai> had <-. ? . ii i; '. ihed .? i .?mplete disarrangement (?' pool I' rky's un.nue .' ro? beauti? ful feature?. Porky had only one good round. That .* tifth, when he fairly outDointed Toni in 'Ha' ehukker. Cowler -cored h knockdown in the second round that was a'ded and abetted by a half ?lip of Pork] , I ig shoes on a wet ?pot. F'.yr.n leal BB Mme browsing about on :\a~. Me lit about lightly on his rd elbows ami bounced r.ght up .? ed a Cowler night. That he actually outboxed clever Daniel Porkubus Plynn, of Harvard arprl e.i even Jim ? orhett. Beaay McCoy beat Prankie Brown ia the ten-round preliminary. Brown cams ?vrth a ?rcreat ru-h at the end, but Me? ? ? BBSP* in the lead. Daaay Ridge and Frankie Mcliuirc.o: Williamspert, closed the show. Mc <; lire 'in-, because of cleaner and more willing fight Two Knockouts Mark Bouts at Sharkey Club Buitley Madden. Krank Moran's Sparring partner, knocked out Soldier lielaney in the fourth round -'Cheduleil ten-mind bout at the Sharkey Athletic ? 'lb last u:ght. Arty MeCovei n, i *' 'he We,t ?rocked o.t Walter Brook?, of Jei W| i ity, in the fifth round of another ten round bout. Lou Bhcehaa, of the West! S'de. outpointed Young Larry, also of the Weit Side, in si. round*. Personal Touches Here and There in Boxing _By 1GOE _ r.oaeh ("ros? and Packey Hommey "--ill have to meet a" "he Har'.?m Sport? ing Club whether they vant to or no. ( ross has bren practically forced into the meeting by the boxing COmmUsiOB ers, bb Hommey would in" feel that he had been nugili? tically ?nuhbed by Ad ?Yolgast, John the Barbe- and Hommey was matched t . bo* Wo l gast before tha ' roes Wolgaat tight -?n? e'.en mentioned. When P/ol| rt ager go* m town he wai offered s match with I roes, and the Hommey bout btb< lost sight of quit?* conveniently. Marry Lenny, who doej the bally, hooing for Hommey, objected when John 'h? Harber pul a derailing frog ander his useful charge. The boxing eoflusissioners arare .i?ke?i t?> nnfangle the matter, and they decided that the r must meet Hommey on this vary night. Cross thought ;t too shoit a time ?o get. ready one he whs declared the winner, and declifled the issue right up to th" moment that the commissioners froamed down from their roosts. The-. ??Hid he COUld ?lid would ;"? 1/ h t. little Packey for '??> per cert, of the gn or ;?.-cejjt ais months on the t?.- !? i. old ground aa their Ifuletide offering. Brother I.?.ach and Brother Bam looked Bt ?"ach other and turned the ?.olor of Irish i inen. Turned the <"Ior of real Irish linen, too. A friendly little bee i its way lato the meeting at this momei t and borrowed Leach's ear. ' H\'/.Z-7.l-7.-7.-7.?-'.-Z 7.-7.-T..7.-7.-Z-7.-Z-7.-Z I-NIZ, w? ? it-, honeyed ararning. T'u ' |f sma bee " sited arltn Sam's ear b'.p-o. iim identical pourtd into brother's ear. "Hi commissioners, we will 16 per i-e.-u," railed ?'??am and Leach. So; ?.?r, ie good, but r.ot so very, ? ery good. Not from Hommey1 point o| view, ?'t least Thi.; foro g nenl w ith Cre ?? ?io .e ??. ?tu ; l.r ,.r. ?dea o' ?irotectlng Hommey, The boxing com OB, BBBUIBtBg the rri\f ,,f mm ,?1,1 ,?r?l hen, 'u? merely offering a protecting WiBg to one of Ye bro,,,i. Hommey allows that it BTBI *?1! very, generous and thoughtful on the nart of ? immissioaers to see thai V.? go* oiiie Yir.a- ':i"ney, but the great fear, of iff,nme;. Y bes ' . BIB ?"ill BE ,i" Xmaa money for the -m-.pb? i-??a SOB 'hat John the Harber Ya?, not ad-. led a full card to help swell the evening's eatertaiameot h aas whis ?heu terday that i I ?- n..-ne-. M'oold ha-.-e been perfectly arilling to ?ry'.hii-g '..'T. b it. he didn't know . do it gi a? ? full; R havs the comnr. ?loners call him an in? grate he will meet Leach to-r. iglit. kid L?--;?ne ?at a" the il I S in the ; Harlem Sporting I'luh 1 lesday Biting to he introduced as the referee of the DweB -legler-Kid McPartland ? ..- on? rui Iou ? little light? r ??ore in old-fashioned -.?i*;r of iteel? . ! spectaeli S a? word ? ?? I I ' g 'ne fsmou ? kid ? ai k< .1 If thi threw them to 'it would never ?lo to gf in there with my cheat? ers on." -"aid Levigne. "Yon don't "**ant -? i ' . '-." gin n - 'Dar! ... I Am (?rowing Old,' ?lo yen?*' ded the eg -.? Kid, Bftth B laugh, ?- : Johnston 6 . ' ? .>.:??: 'Tve Just insured Ted Lewis'- ?ell hand again?',. possible injury with Lloyd?, Ol London." "Confiscating Kubeli'-.Y stuff, Iim? my?" "Not at all. Not at ALL. L They always ir.sur-? r'ate-gla-, win do? i, don't they? Of cour?? they do. ?Yell, thii fellow can't, break one, and I'm g-.iardir.g again?' a try. K Ibel ill bad a bounty of $.?U.00'i har.ging over ?re let of dig"-. I went dowfl to ti?e office of the company and hoelie?! Tad's entire left hf.nd for 115,000. ' will hive to pav U tally. "If Lewi.? injures his hand ,,-. th' :':ght a ?th artille Ritchie on next 1 ne day night be will get S'iuu a week 7. i all the time it is out of Commis? ?ion. 11' anything serious -houtd be-' fall hu left ham! I! , ? ??oe-, mil -I you little Jimmy wiil collec the entin 111,000. That go?--; IF something happen-?. 0a Christmas Bve I am io ing to pre? down my old man's muzzle- ? loader an?l .?hoot that Engliaamanl right ?traight throsigh his v ri t ? \?atch.' | Packey UcFarland, the brewer, ** an's Boxing Bouts of the Week TONIGHT. n:yn>?lc A. C?Walt?? Mcnirr as* Jimmy Kee natty; Johnny Kelly ond Al Matan?; Fronale Plnr-a ond Johnny Ruuall. Hnrlnm 6osrtln| Clu??l?ae? C'ttt on* Paofcry Hommry. 8ATUSDAY (AFTCSNOONi. Vondorbllt A. C ? W?o Wm Barton on* Vous* Ml'k?. Srvad.ay soortto* CluO? Battling Leyfnoky an* J.n, Flynn. Fairmont A. C?Clorry Va?.hall and Ml?? MeCab?. Eddla M?y and P?t? Hartlay. rommy Touhtry ond Fddl? Cooiol. Quaontbury A. C?Johony Klela oo* Buddy Elehlar. lea Polo A. r - .f-rfrii? s-itn osd Poul Ooyto. C!?*me?t A. f?Voun? Ah??m ond lulu Kl*. SATUSOAY (CVENINGi. Ploii'*r Soortmi Cub?Soy?? ten-round bou*?. to com* here and fight the winner of the Ritehle?I#ewis contest. Packey writ?**? that he is still to he eon?idered aasong the decidedly li\?? ones. He eaya that be baa beei pitted against larger meo ti an himself all his lif.? and that it will be a treat to meet a brother athlete arhe trill come into the ring at 142. \';,*e lexis, who manage* Charley White, af Chicago, begins to believe that all hope ot getting Freddie Welsh into the ring wit!, the Windy City boy has flitted away. Nate writes thir> heart breaker .' "It's no v up to Wc!?h and hi* man? ager. Ha -r- Pollok. I'm through. "I bars done everything demanded In behalt of While. [ signed with the Denver promoter?, and they gave Welah what he asked for b few months ago. Then Pollok made more and higher do -. I even agreed *o st;?.e Welsh an additional $.:.,",?'u if he lost his title. I allowed the i go at a higher figurt than eel befen 'i-?ed in a light? weight enampionship bout. "New Haven cannot put on the match. Mew ?Irleans ?ill not have it. becau-? the promoters will not pay Welshrs es orbitant demands. Tie juana ha" been stalling, but we have received no rea: BCtio?. Now they talk of Bu?nos \ ? i, I'll t?i?e Whi;.? to Timbaetoo to '.? '. bul it' I go to any out of way, place I SBUBl he na.d for ?t. It Wl 'our mentha to go to Bueno? A>re?. get seclimated and whip Welsh. Ihat. $25,000 worth of work gone for a*. I waot S 1.3.000 for White for that ght, but I'll take ai mo-- anything If we cari put the bout on in America. ".rack Curley. who is Pollok'? partner and pal. ?S the American represe-itatr e :'or thr? Bueno? Ayres promoter?. Tlven it's up to him to inaKc a proper ar? rangement if he sraata a man to travel 11,000 miles . to fight. Al.?o, Curley should knew enough about the game to realize that we should receive some rancia! consideration to go down there. * \V'c!<h and Pollok shewed their when they wen'?, buck on the;r words sad *'ii Bed down the Denver peo iilf. l*ha I was legitimate and shouid ' sea accepted. I have reached the conclusion tha*. Welsh does not want to fight White, and hin action in the Den? ver plan seems te prava it Now it's up ?o him." Joe Mandot :? almo-' at 're end of hi? rope BO far as tightinc is concerned. Ni.t that !" - - dem physically. He ?ants to give up the gan.e. Some one mentioned the fact that he didr.'. look a bit like a fighter the other night. "And I don't want to look like one,"' said Mandoi. ??[ never received .? mark that would, SO S - "f what my trade is Ultil I ra'i kerplunk into the head of. one ot my iparring partaen. He re i.rran?e.i the elaasie lines of nap nro boseia Jest eaough ret a shVriock Holmes to g *t mj iillinp. and I ??? _ bit ruffled about it. A *.n ear? I ? | It makes my blood cold to think of it. ' I've made my pok. and I'm f r the |Uiet life. My fathe? is a wealthy baker in Now (ii leans, and !*.e nr?ver" did me to be nything but a master pie pud dler. I ih*ll retire to the ||fa af a, wealthy biscuit maker in lase ? ;,ear. I've got enough, both of the thumps atid the thousands." * KAUFF EXPECTS TO REAP COIN FRON DIAMOND Benny Willing to Play Any Place Where He Can Get Best Terms. SAYS RECORD PROVES HE'S ?A BIG MAN' "While I'm Able to Command i Big Salary I'll Demand It." He Declares. H> KRANK ONK1I.L. ? are ."?.eral i ?rSBBI in ti, world who ?ay that Beany Kauf? h., niiil a new eoatract to play w?,;, the New York l.iants rent *<-a?on. uc, o*" t!ie?e ? Harry N. "TBIBStSSJ pgjl ?ient of tiie N'en ! . is Bel ny Kauff. That makes n aotsm 177..1.-. or ihould, ;? .. KautT woul?! like *?j play ;r, thia citT ?n?l Mr. Hempstead, John .1 MeGtmr and the fans weald weleoBM h im. Ht Mgne.l an agreement t., pik, ??' Ui, City last lUmmer, ami \? : e;, the QLjegt were forced bv the \_t ?nal i or-.mia ?ion to repudiate the contract B-ri-,-, brought suit for $?,000. which hs ui4 had been premised him for ?ignin-* tttj contract. KailT to rre?. ?., . suit, kop. m* thereby to astabli h hi? legal right to play with the Giaati It :.M ^ hil contention Miaf the Krooklyn Tai e?--?! League team hai B claiai on hi?,. ??ince he never signed .??,. contract h p'ay 'here. Tie Giants will not opp?. KautT In his cour" action, for tl.ej, ?m?, him. A? ha? been pointed oat Hm end again, he wen1,) bolstel ?p .a f?!t_. ,ng machine. But Kauft is t"' fussy on wh*r* k? nia;.? The one thing he seek? i money, ami plenty of rnoii. .. II. , distinctly neutral as "o wli:ch club ir which league pays hbn hi? prie? Benny was up at the oflcea of tr? Federal League jresterds ? arroll and Hi Brewer the co of the season. He ?No ??-aa ? talk o-.-e*- in- . ulk ha did, ir, this wis?; "I have not signed a contract witli the ?iiaiit| ?.. ? -?.I wnn't be able to do so until ?he peace coir. mission in Cincinnati srrirsi ?* tapp leeia bb. ?irtn then I doB*! know wh,t I will be able to do. I have H contra?:*. with the New York club, which [ urnti last season, but I was forced to ?? nack to the Federal league. 'frO-??? i hopes, anl so do I, that this ontrwt i will be declared binding when the sat! which I have brought aga.r.-t the G?mU com?? to trial." "Well, if you are old t? a-cfc? , club, what Will you ?!'"" we asked hira. "I'll go anv place in thi world *htn I can get the best terms," 1? ?3 "New York, < bieagO. Hrookly-*. or D-? ' troit w;!l suit me if ? can get ny prie?. Thi? talk of my r rluT ??f place but in New V,.rk i? ?? it? and so?* ; f ense. All that is BOCOSSar-,- t.i get a? is the old do, re, mi. "Why chou Id a h.-il! player ha d:f-r eat from BUJ ? igt If one t&ts offers a man mor?' money than anithtr, why shouldn't he make the - A businei? man has a who!, h'etimot? ' build up a buainess -V about ten rears if ha have to gather ours in a ?hort i.meof ?,ve won't- ge?. i*. "But you can be sure of ?M?." \* continued, "I will not play ball for Ik? ; love of th? game. \ have been playiag ifl the Fed'-rhl League 'or about te? thirds of whtit some ct'itr rne*i wh-M t equal I am have been recel g. IM time? or neaee times do not maittr ; wi?** the big men of the ,;ame. My m? i r.rd proves me a big r every league I B**ei Bl IV IK I hav? W ia;.??d i ., ?nd 1 am just roniing to n * 1 ? ?' row. Whfi? I am able to command a big ??Ury I am going ( ? i I itt\ care who supplie? the demaad." Manual Plans iixtra Feature for Games A reloy race for former itadM some of whom are bo? van!, Cornel!. Pennsylvania, ' olumk? and l s?gate, a . '?? ? I il ira of ?* annual g? n of Ma r.c Ht** School at the 14th (.?-gimen' Arrcrt, Brooklyn, on Thur Bf,Dae_* her 80. About, ten '? * ' four raf" eomp't*? will neeei -,ra' tr*' heats. Matty of , --will ?I? to,? tiie mark in ? i handiesB run, which is ol'O ? : - -' ?dual** ?' the school. As u*nal, tin? great?1 - part ? ' th* Fr v. ill he !< om**Stf?U i the student? f the Squash Match Q_1M Off. The da.-.? B ?quash *?' rl? '?? Heights ?'?-sin., and in the -.-ham; ' ' " ' ?as ?gain t , be pla\?-d tome ? Downtown on Waarr.n St. 0,?po?il? ( i'y SKATES For Everyone VOU ?III li d popular model) ?OCkC) <?<Y th? - ? rattern ur the 1 nutn racing ??kaffv ?i nk>n, "Winslo ? lohnson** make? ' I HOCKEY SKATES** WITH SHOES . "* <;. at Blrattne Bkoaa f< A Hue Bo- ? BBoe at Bgocl-I si.? N. Y. SPORTING GOODS C0| IS * 17 Warre? St, atar B?o?4,****J MADISON SQUARfc CARDO* (Tati-ay. Dee, '",h'.,-. LEWIS v?. RITCHIE Hot a>m<e >?>?? "l""*- i relephniie M_?l. -q -'1-,'?