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WOOD CHARGES CAUSE AN UPROAR Democratic Committee men Demand Action Be Taken Immediately. CHAIRMAN INSISTS INQUIRY CONTINUE Herman A. Metz Tells of Offer of Place on Public Service Board for ?S25.000. T'nrnindful of the fm-t that this is the season of peace and goodwill the Thompson committee last night ad -.riitmaa amid a bitter ? -ci ?rhethet onld be preferred i I immediately. The several mis?tes after hompoon hud hurriedly ad bII its mem bers insisted on talking at the ?ami. ? *4 ?rn-or Tl ; SB started the ver ? ??? ' ? '.>r Commis? sioner Wood ar.d asking him if he bad ever considered the projir his sitting as n member of the com mission in rlam of the serious ehafge* '?.ad been made against hin: *o the \ investigators. Tne chairman said he i asked the question at the request of ? r Lawson and Aeeemblyman Purr, tbe Prooklyn members <.f the i committee, v.ho had told him the las- j portant "project of third trucking the Brooklyn "I." vas before the commis? sion. Wood meekly said that be could not i*r the question. Assemblyman Callaban, one of the Democratic mem bete of the committee, took up the sis for him by declar?n?? thai be did not 'hink it a fair question te n?i:. ! as no chargea been made against v?raor. Callabas be d!<H^r.t?d from the action of the ehairman and wpnted it known that bs , Wood Refuse* to Answer. ?enntor I BBreOB broke in long s Wood whether he i thought he should sit In ths deter- : if so important a mattet BS ! tracking. "I don't think it fair," Wood ? "1 r ? . ? r on the ground ? ....... granada thai I othei day " .ffer- ; made J various rted for the deer ... ? r Thompson r.n insisted thai ? mid hC preferred ? Sen. ? son Insisted that the proceed, and As Callahaa insisted that it I ndied Finally Senator "Th' ' ' .-ation must pro y has come before this ow that Wood is abse .1 member oi th? - taken Uve da . d he ha? never I to com..' before this ? y it." kept on insisting thai tl a far charges, and was Joined b\ ley, ulso a crftt. -.n Da it ThiiBssalrea. 't you prefer charge* yonr laior Tho "Thr ' I ivory <" '. ? now; thev . ?-.??;. ? arked rath?! \? ? ? >vi ?a on. ireL '. unt .1 the chairman an That didt ? ?imibble. Final one of the como talking ar to catch ;, and the talkfe?t stoppt... . Former Repre Merman A. offer he had I the Pub. i\'e up .i the said the ( ' \. bar.y at the tit e 1 Ras? ed. ? thought the matter was a joke.'' Mr. .. "but the fellow ? where I su hare." Be said r the name of the r.^ th.' offer. Amsterdam Franchise I phfld by Nicoli ng ' 1 ? OS or Gay This case . ? ? rnan of the - n the King County . ? jbsid ? ?ny, which ha.i ,. end com ,r ? at I an injunc . ' ? I Churchill's More than ? Restaurant_ A Broadway Imtit ,tion Broadway & 49th Street rOUXG.STEHS WHO AH? SURE OF A HAPPY NEW TEAM? Pageant ai;d ?lane for ttlament House aril] lie given at the Astor ??n Daeemba pany. a ere litor of the Amsterdam com The conclusion, therefore, ai ?, I have ani\ed ia that the com-. ? should be dismissed as to the Edison company and *ha' the Amster-, dam eempanj is entitled to an injunc trie d?fendant from resolution purporting to ???solution II 80, ruinate the ? ? ? ? . plaintiff thereunder." Tho pap? the eass shot? that Mr. McCall '.'?: he -'ns on the bench, had ? "rjation, a- he testified ' . ? soi .-oinmitte.-?. Bis name s ? some of these papera, but Justice dcCi ? fen .1 ; s case to i.noint 1912. It is the conten? on 6f 'he city that' \'lister.lam company, which has' been aeojuin son eompany, Ii? ? ?,;. to the terms of its ? of 1898, to operate for the benefit of the public. The question now r-ttlcd Is whether the Amsterdam, ' holder of the fran can h.* -<?? ?vad and carry out the terms I franchise. POLICE IN BOOTHS, WOODS'S NEW PLAN Patrolman's Ear Always at the 'Phone on Hxed Post. Com? missioner's Latest Idea. Within b very ,-hoit time residents tiofl bo inded by Fourteenth . ?. . ? -h Street, Fifth i and the North li'ver will have1 easion to say they cannot find a ..; the RtreeN. If the plan announced by Commissioner Woods out, the residents will not have ? tl "? - omei to . '.'i the police the) sre I elephone subaci - Stem ia based on ihe old ' and ' i ? details the old system lacr."d. Along ?. ..I thoroughfares srill be po- j lice '" gh to hold a po < booth will be equipped with ? ? police-, the nnm-1 I be peinte? in large ; de of the booth. will all re connecting dir? Headquarters mhu also with the ? i its policeman is ??? ant? tisen, tha eil I ne or i 'th. If | Headquartera or the ataion house want i . n the booth " ill tx ..placed every , half hour, s.? thai the booth will be id every minute of the day ?cadi J ;teiir -row in u?e has ? mproved upor., and will be trun in it? new form In the Fast Thirty fifth Street station. Th? improvement a oublie as .well ?. flashlight pole, inclosed in a booth. 1 ??? ii oner a. sued anetl cr an innova? rlo called .'.ion of the ? ti OB bouse a card roror<' snail t.o kept, ? man living in that p.vcrr..-'.. so ll,..t if s . I I men can be called out at once MRS BARNUM A BARONESS \t 70, Is Living In Pari?, with liionme of $40.000 from Plena L?tate. M.s. Phlneaa T, Barnum, whoee hu? rrcus tbst his name, is now the .m.". Barnum d'Alexandre ? Paria, ?o income ?>;' ; 10,000 . from the estate of her husband. ir ' rculnr? WCI pi, Bl ed to th* State Controller's office by the Con fe I eposit Com which the showman's widon - drawing her .n cottnec ?1 of the estate of M ns a ninth part of the Par num * to Hi rbert Harnum i of Mi Barnum ? of hie Intereal ? -? waa valued at $.'1,741. but 'Iji- ir.i?' furiil ?i*t api . II ,?04,000, distribute I die * d!< May Succeed Iiigraham . r??|,'.r ? i ? i r yes* . . Uovernoi ? Clark, a lawyer, of 82 N bupren a ' ourl I ? i. when a An I ' -, ?. Repu i Ufa in I ?i, Lan i? aa? , '?.sor?. YULE WAY STATION READY FOR SANTj Christmas Celebrations To E Held for All Comers ?n .Many Parts of the City. El er hear of Santa ?'??us? Y.-i Then .ou probably hnow fhat to-nto n?w night he inspects the hosier*.' ? little boys and girls v. 'no bare mind? their mothers all year. But a? ?Santa ha? been known ' drive his reindeer high over Klli? Is at ?1 without stopping for little IflUH grants. Commissioner Frederick ? Howa "vil! help him out this afternnn with a <'hristma?s trie and prOBOBtS '? 150 kids. Other celebiat'.ons Ib the city an near by are: Distribution of gifts to sick and ii ..-.ued sailors on Christmas morning i StapletOB by the American Seaman Friend Society, through the kindnn ot Mrs, Andrew Carnegie. i hrlrtmas tree for sailors at Sailor Home and Institute, West ai d Jan Street?, Monday evening. December - Neweboya' Christma dinner by Wii lam II. Fliess, jr., at Brace Lodgin House, 14 Now Chambers StrOB < hristmas Day. at 6 p. m. Christmas carols at a large e'er tl .? lighted tree on the grounds o 1 athedral of 81 lehB the Divini u Arcane and tilth 8tr ?? m, Friday, December 24, Bl i P. fl il?- tree will be lighted every evenin. Prom Christmas to New Year'??. Day Numerics c Little lothere' AI Association. Trees at Loving Arm and Happy Day Honse on Tbursda* December 28. Festival at Websti . lift Fast 1 leventh Street, ol .lay, December '50, at ,i p. in. En tertainment Ht Sunnyside, 71 Sontl Tenth Street, Brooklyn. Loving Arm \? ill give ' at Bfty baskets of provision he Main Association 200, the con? mittec Including Mrs. Sidmon McHic Henry *?. Kiddle, Mrs. G. H Strong and Mrs. Clarence Bum?. Ensign .lohn Allen, in charge of Sal vatlon Army Christmas '-. ?:'??-, ? ? 1 last night that the total eollei me 20 per cent short of limitai last year, Vail Street has shpwi aii improvement, but ?i fai behind thi shop] ,mes to *ep arating Itself from change, he said. Peaca mai bb Christmas at St. An droBf*! Banian Catholic Church, il a Street, will begin at 2:16 a. m olemn High Mi .it 12 midnight arill I < held for nowspeper men and others Monsignor Luke .. Even arill act at r?.lebrant. Living Christmas tree at Chapel ol the Intercession, Broadway and 1 ",','. treet, decorated a th electric liicht? ..p, "Tne Peaat ot Lights, or ?.u,as Eve. Pageant for benefit of St. Mark' ent House, at Hotel Aster. or. December B0. Iva hundred colle-?-?! and ?ugh school glrll v. ill appear in Creek dai LONESOME PASTOR ENDS LIFE l.uent RegiatOCOd aa the ROV. J. C. He? ?ell Takes Poison in Hotel. Detemi.ned to end what he called th? "unbeatable lonesome'.??? of his ex? istence," ?? man registered as the Rev. James Candlish Heswell, of St. Louis, committed suicide in his room at the Broadway Central Hotel yesterday by .. '..Y? m ni. Be ? fl letter requesting thai S 1.950 ir. bills :. tha police found In his trunk be given ? -. institution for the i .. ' Ifaangei J< ha ,L Jordan ?lie man had n present? d he Presbyt? rian mial In hi?- letter, the police .-'ay, he said ne had had three paateratoa, but that ?hout friends or rele? ? . ? PETITION PRAISES 0SB0RNE u eotdieatee Priende Frame Appeal to M hitman to Retain Ward.n. Friends of Warden <isi?orne are cir culati? g a petition, sddi ed to Got ernor Whit ibb in Mounl K ??.-". , u, ????., .i t oui,! . staiaed at Sins .- . "No higBO] ti.bti'e could be paid to i ?-...rue'' character and i, ? ira? ta, read? the document. ''hai the nitre mOBtteB Of those BthO ?? him. 'We love him fot the ene iiiu-? be has made,' and we bespeak for humane ami faf sighted SHOltS the ., ..i i inaam of * Excellency' iup. I'OI ' ?ta and are . u stures. Plays and Players of the Film World I'?e Wolf Hopper, in <ie??p silence, is to continue in "Don Quixete" at the Knickerbocker Tmatre ,'or another week Mr. Hopper, who does not recite "i *s<*y at thr Pat" at the close of the ucreon play, divides the honor of being a two week star at th?? Knickerbocker with Frank Keetian. whs remained fourteen days in "The Coward." _ At a meeting ot the Universal yester? day Carl Laemmle, R. H. Cochrane, P. A. Power?. Joseph Mi'Kn.ney and John B. Stanchfield were reek-cted di ' rectors, and the following officers i chosen: Mr. Laemmle, president; Mi. < ochrane, vice-president: P. A. Powers, tteasurer, and Josenh Brsndt, secre? tary. It was announced that the new studio, at Leonia. N'. .1.. costing $500, 000, was eomob ' The publicity man of the Fon films, taking his pen in hand and scratching his head, figuratively speaking, deduces that the Fox fores carry $38,000 in paid Bdv-rtising In the newspapers o?" ibis great land of ours every day. He alae figures that this means a total of ??'J.Onii.OOO annually. All of which goes to pro?, e that it mu;t pay 'he For? film? to advertise. Willard Mack, a Triangle star and author of "Kick In" and other plays, is reported to have utilised hi? ?pare time at the Califori in studio? of the Tri? angle to commit another play, an? nouncement of uhieh will undoubtedly be found in the dramatic columns of this pape . Somebody has offered Hepr-, R. Walthall, of the Essanay, a "rattling" good play. Tin? principal fig-ure is a rattlesnake, which rescues the hero by sounding the SUS call with ris tail. Mur^aret I ourtot, who has become a oat ?'ar, will leave to-morrow for t1 >? company's Soulhern Studie, St Jack sonv ille. *\rt i? art ar.d time is fleeting, but not in Los Angeles. Qulnn's Theatre, t ai oit*,, bad s cont'nuous perform reeently, lasting thirty-six hours 'em thirty-els during ?? Inch numberless breathless audiences ?at :? i according to the veracious tha while "Damaged lioocis" wa? -hown on a paloitating and dofencMcs* screen. Florence Haekctt, the baaatifnl ?il? lainaeea of many a Lubin melodrama, is now doing her wicVeilest in Fuuitable lilms uadei ?':.? direction of Rdwia August. Helen Helmes, whose hairbreadth es? capes in railroad picture? aro known vo all photo playgoer?, ha? had her life ?nsured for |l00,008. Joseph Fart.ham. of the OcsBB Film Company, announce? the rel?ese of "Race Suicide," featuring Ormi Hawley ami Farl Metcalfc Mr. Farn'nam, who resigned from the management of the publicity department of Lubin's not long since, occupies a similar position with the Ocean films. 1'.i?? Ruegle?. piay.rg a lead:'.g role in "Rolling Stones'1 thi? is not nn intentional pun), - being feutured ia "The ii* form Candidate" at the Breed *- ay Theatre thi I ' eek. $6.000 A WEEK TOO TRIVIAL Mar> I'irkford Likely to Kejrrt Offer? Liperts More. Six thousand a week for Mary Pick ford! That i? thr uffer said to have been made bv (he Triangle Film Cor? poration, but it :- considered unlikely III accept. She believer that she can get more. Pick ford, who j| regarded as -? ur?*ate?t "picture jiroperty" in the **orM. has received 12,0a. weeklj dur ing the laat ?rear, with a percentage of ?lie nrot'it?. \ man elees t" ?he Farnou? srs I ompar.y ..aid la?t night tha? irninga this year will reach fJ?O. Her contract with the Famous Player ? i ,. a. ,,,?, ,.?,) ,,,? .,,,. I. H ; thferd ?aid hsal night that ehe will tako a month's vacation and ?im: ?he will probably not consider Ulm ?fter.- Batil lebruarj. DR. SANTA GIVES 3 ILL WAIFS A HOME C. R. L. Putnam Plays Kris Kringle by Adding to Adopted Family. FIRST PRESCRIPTION. LOTS OF YULF CHEER Then Tvto Girls and Boy Will Join Dimple Developers at Seaside Farm. Whoa Mr. R f'laus jflide. o'er the roof tops to-morror.- nicht he will ?top to investigate the capacity of three lit? tle stockings hanging from the fireplace o*" a browns tone mansion in Fast Thir? ty-eighth Street. He will find the stocking! able to hold very little, for their -mall possessors haven't had the right kind of food or clothes or com? panions. Should it turn out that Santa was only Dr. Charla? R. L. Putnam ma?(*uerading in cotton whiskers it ?rill not at all be necessarv to explain who the three kiddie? are. For he knows. Dr. Putnam's little family of children otals nine. Yesterday he ami h '?* if?* adopted two little girls and ene modern little Oliver Twiet, obtaining; the neeesear* decree from Surrogate Fowler. Perhaps for the Aral tuna la their lives the stoekiBgS of three sickly Brail ? id to capacity. Th.'re is Emma and Mav and Arnold. The surnaiii??' of PoBdletOfl and Barr lett have been replaced i,y that of Put? nam. and Ma* are s.sters, and will keep their own first mimes, bu* Arnold Bartlett bereaftei "ill b?* called Sebastien V. T. I'u" ?am. Their past histories are mrcteries, and bid fair to rOBSaifl M if Hr. Put? nam has his way. Iti BBSWOr to a que ttOl :r regarn te 'neu identity, 'he nurse at Dr.'? home. 111 East Thirty-eighth Street, declare,! last night that he would lay nothing. The SB?WB?? lin the f1\e Other adopt? ed children. Fnnna, May and Arnold beg pardon, Bebest lea Patean are sickly. That is [ why Dr. Patnai n from . among all the other thousand-, of ehobbj yenagetors m the rarioes ehil? , dren's home?. Like ill the other chil? dren adopted by the lYiti.anis. ihe two girl? h::?I boy have been without the comforts so neci ? i to gi ob . dren. The <r*-fet hai bien their home. Like the other Putnam foster-children, they will he carefully fed on V -gs should eat, dressed in the warm thing.? fhev should wear and treated medietaea they should have had a lo ?c t me ago. when I hristmas is nothing more than a dim memory they aill be ?,, n( to the other five at North Tisbary, Mass., on Viaeyard Sound. In the brac inff outdoors of the Putnam farm they arill be expected to till out and encour? age the dimples that poverty pinched from existence. About eleven vars ago Dr. Putnam, ??id to be related to .fames Rus?ell Lowell, the poet, cam?, wirb his wile and liitle .ion from Hoston to New York. Fight | ears later they adopted a boy and a girl, twins about a ".ear old. A few months after that they found Christine Kucale, aged four and a half, whose mother had abandoned her. As playasate for little Christine, they adopted t.n; Hi Ion Conrad, two and one-half years old, who hull been picked up ?fl the ?treet b, a police? man. About the saine time n little hoy was chosen as playmate for their own son. VALUES HER LOVE AT .$50.000 Actress Sa* s Hat Importer Protx?sed, Then Jilted Her. Misa Dollie Doyle declares that Ben? jamin 5. Bronston. :. bat importer, promised to marry her. and then didn't. Miss Doyle, an actress, who 'now appear? in "movies." thinks that thia alleged broken promise has m 'jured her feelings about 150,000 worth. Yesterday ?he tiled s.ui* in tiie Supreme Const for this amount Mis? Do*, !e la tWBBty-foar and a na? tive of London. It ;-? alleged bv her that Bronston proposed In January las* and that they were to be married in i October. ?lust now the plaintiff is ?aid to be ?ill in Philadelphia. BrOBBtOfl mak?-? a general ?'.enial. SHOVE KILLS KINGS COUSIN **nuth Held, a? Ko\al Serb Die- in Belle* ue. Merman Merehowit.gch, of IH East Drand Avenue, Jersey City, *BO is said: to h? a second cousin to King Peter of j ?Serbia, died yesterday in Helle*, uf.I i harged with homicide in connection: with the death, Jacob Dodick. seven-1 "???,.. of NO Fast Tenth Street, waa h'-ld without bail, pending an ? 11 q a e.- r. Do-1 ilick, if is ?aid. gave MercboprUeeh a shove. The latter fell, fracturing his skull. Merchowitsch safd that he wa? the gr.-.ndson of Princess Helena Kara georgevttch of Serbia. His father, rr'n.-f? John, emigrated to this country i ISM. Dr. Whitney Gets 19 Years. Dr K. Waldo Whitney, sixty-osie, of. _4 West Sistietl Btreet, convicted of i n an-laughter in tiie l:.rst degree ?s a of 'he death of a WOmafl after an , illegal operation, vas BeBtOBCOd yes? terday by Judge Mulqueeti in (ieneral . Sessions to Blng Sing ior not !<??< than j two nor more than nineteen yeig-?. The court in pa.-? i tig sentence explained that many petition? besides those of the jury asking leniency on account of the age of Dr. Whitney had been taken into eonsid? r 1.500 MAROONED IN ALASKA Workers on I nlted Slates Railway Ice Blocked in Keereel Frontier Town. Waa\ rg'-o'i. Dee. -'-'? Plfleea ruin men, pioneers, '.?uilding the go. i ernment Alaskan re.lroad. are ice blocked la Anchorage. America's new? est frontier town, waiting to resume work with the first appearance of the Northern spring. William C. Fdes, chairman of the Alaskan Railroad Commission, just re tu.ned fsom Alaska to report to Secre? tary Lane, braucht news fron, the marooned carr.n. Me -aid that the mos? quitoes, from which 'rouiila and an? noyance had bejn anti-ipated. disap? peared last vear as soon as the govern? ment health oflceri had attacked the ponds in which they bred. Lieutenant Frederick Mean. U. S. A. late superintendent r>r the Panama Railroad, and a member of the com? mission, is ?ponding the winter in Anchorage, making all preparation* for the early rush toward rairbai kl a EDUCATION BOARD VOTES MANY CUTS Drops Substitute and Vacation Teachers; Classes Decreased. With $1,587.10?.0(5 less than had been ? estimated for 191? at its disposal, the Board of Education yesterday adopted the twenty-two resolutions offered b> the committee on economy. Substitutes in sixteen vacancies of teachers of drawing, music, physical i training and sewing will be ?1'ncon i ?inued after January 1. 1916. English classes are to be consoli dated, and drawing ?lasses in elemen? tary schools discontinued. ObIj 16? Saw classes will be formed in the fall of 1916. Positions in the high school? to be authorized during Itle will not exceed 105 far the spring term, and luT for the fa" ;erm. with no first as? sistants. Vacation schools and playgrounds and evening playgrounds must be with? out expense to the Hoard of Fducr.tioa. The eveming elementary, high and trade school? must be operated fo. $788,48:2. General professional cintrol and specific professional control ..? cut 110,300. The 1*1.000 asked far addi? tional atteadaace afleera is dropped. RESTAURANT WRECKED BY STRIKERS' ATTACK I crowd of striking sraitars attack?.1 .'oiiii MikolsBs's reetauraat, at 100 Bee? ond Avenue, las' night. "I'm the only one down there who doesn't belong to the union," the proprietor told Magis? trate Levy m the men's night court as be testified against e:ght of the strik era who were arris-ed. ,-l refuse to recognise the onion, and they came 1 fter me." A crowd,eatimate I a? n'ore than 1,000 by Patrolmen dross and Poyle, gath? ered in front of Mikolaus's place at >< o'clock. Before reserve? could be summoned the bricks began to fly. Windows were BBBBSBOd, chair? and j tables were wrecked und bottles of cat? sup spread their COBtCOta over the di ?-oration? on the celling. The police had a hard light getting the proprietor and bis ?on out of the. restaurant. When hfikoleUS appeared in night court he wore no collar or tie, his coat was toin, there were bruises . over hi? eyes and he had gashes on his head. Me complained that a pearl pin Worth $-<>0 and ,*40 in cash had been taken from him during the figh*. Hla sen, John, jr., also had cuts about the head and face. Magistrate Levy held for a hearing In the Yorkville court this morning Nathan Massnor, Sam Fiser.baum, Julius Steinart, Norman Reubenstein, flyman Cold, llalph Trite, Harry Vogel si d Max Swartsola. -? Hospital Is Quarantined. Cumberland Street Hospital, Brook? lyn, and the IM pntiOBtS in it, are un? der strict, quarani.1.0 because of the discovery of diphtheria among the in? terner?. The quarantine order has been in fo'ce for two days, but did not be eeasc known until last, night, when an abandoned baby in? taken to the insti? tut ion. but was turned away by police I men stationed Ht the entrance. Some ' ?if the patients have fully recovered. but must remain in the hospital until the quarantine is lifted. With good old St. Nick just around the corner, we've a sleighful of things for men's and boys' Christmas. Useful gifts, not gimcracks. Tilings to wear, things to play with, novelties in leather and metal. E.erything backed by our guarantee?"your money back if you want it"- -after Christmas or any other time. Winter suits, including those of: ^Forefathers' Cloth." Winter overcoats ? among others, rainpicofed *"Scotch Mists." R us lMi.r Company Broadway at 13th St. Broadway ?1 Warren "The Four Corners Broadway at 34th St Fifth Ave. : at 41st St METROPOLITAN TV.I?M ?? I ???-????, ??? O'lll?. ? ir. e a frt. Met. ? ? ?tSM Mm 4t ?' B?_? . Il.iiii,. ' Ballet ,..ill. I. f'i Trlit.-i 1 ll-a a S?t. Mai. ?? Ai-I? ? ??at M?n. a' ? M.rta OPLft* HOUSE Mat? Hatr-n 1 laalal. ' '??I . |-,ia ? ? .- ? P.- H. l Wf?. ?' I WilkU?" *la o a. I r.1.1 Un Thur?. it I lift I m tria,, te?', s . |- i a .- . THIS SUN. EVl ? im? iirsTua ? ,,\? i ur Kreisle. i... lot -Ml. ^^^^^^^^^SASSISON IsLUlT HALD-IA**?' I'UMJ LULU. ? Maxine El?ott's Theatre ^'"11? SlK t Ml E \ i r.ii.r .in.iirc YVETTE GU.LBERT D B at i Nr\( s,in.|a.< Rrg., Der. ?'?. at S:3?i ! I 'I.I.. .WIM. UATRM ? Bl . s ? ? ?? - 'II. PIANO *,mh i \v ii \? * in.. \fi . Dee. M -i S. OHMir 6ABBIL0.VI.-CH .* ? i"?.p COLUMBIA ? .'r b arg a? 1.10. .-__ Heeei KIhIM .irii..l-rtesa. n ?Me6srs_YQUNG BROS. vOaiV_R-BEARjfT" Y Mr.? :*w_iT ANO CHARGE TO I Why gues?? A safe gift?because f it enables him to choose for himself? ) an "Order on Young" for any amount ? you care to pay?good for Hat, Cane, Gloves or Umbrella. psgftys ONE BETTER HADE a. I ?a?. 231. us?."?. Ht?. ll?7 .a* HI?! U'eray. 1*7 >___?? i?nt? Hr>,..l?l?n ?it Wl ' >t?. NKW TOUCH I.EAIUNO THKAIKKfs AM) BIT rEBSEH. EMPIRE Bas! M s, Mti^a Sa* ? Wa* NEW AMSTERDAM JLf 03 MAUDE ADAMS, "Peter Pen" em. ? is m?.? ?* ab?S? Lvc?u?.w..,h... M.'.rooa-ra,.' I ? ""? * _?_5_-S -_g-? ETHEL BARRYMORE ?ftMR' HUDSON sv;?:.4,/ /T ?'. .ROUND'aMAP it S lt. Il ?nT?-T^?-liiTyT^ HARRIS ??? ??* ?? r*t* " " -*8T i SMWBBBJ , ,, m,. ,, s,, tlJ NiQHTS. HARRIS t?esr.?dec!28: Seat Sale Opens Today AKTIlt R UOPKLVB prcaw- ?? D E VI L'S GARDEN UniCI ? M,.|. -a, H,' A VVa.l Ott*St MsiSaiS H*M.'? ? ne*? roBxi.t'.?' far.?. SADIE LOVE ks_s! ELTINCE ";,-. _._;*-?-?*? ? ?' E3I____I_-_____I__1 CANDLER "Uete'om'ttem THE HOUSE OF (.LASS HMH RYAN * tbO ??real A'.i -Amerl.-aui < ?_l. republic \\: g& gg&r - r?W_T_w:Mf'\_l GEO. M. COHAN S il ?,-.? V s ASTOR ?;:;;':;;.,^ hit-thetrail hollida." artttl 1RH> 'Ulli, et BILL! H?"l?_i.t LONGACRE *?? Sn*U?M LEO DITKICHSTEIN l ? T?a ti-tl Uaar AN S il ??' - hfal?a? ?_ i OTIS SKIltaEl ' . Ill ?. IM nal "COCK O1 THE Wtu Tti LIBERTY V'iV ??IN o - ' . l.a- 0 W il-tSt?, Wa. . I.-, I I ? on-nbs ?f e fulton ;:,: ?;.xmase?/;?' RALPH HERZ in RUGGLES of Mil on Acrn u-' "'?*' * r**?,*_'ii DtLA-t. Mttl. tata) S?t. t ?at 1 MATINEE T6-0AV AT lit. THE BOOMERANG GLOBE r ?2 '. Next Sat.',, GABY DESLYS Tim' PRINCESS ??',.*?& TO-M'WEVG. PLAYHOUSE 4?"? ?i o****. VERY GOOD EDDIE ?4TH ST. THEATRE. TO-NIGHT. 8.10 ?HARP. An v a T i H If A th? Mutt, ?. I' a __ __ Maali'? Elliott?. K??. ? IS Ma? fa >*.-'. T'e. H WARE CASE l I B'-aj I ??? - M. _ Tc 1?) _ IS?: : <* ti >H MATINEE TO-DAY. THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE With JULIA ARTHUB. I YRir ??at** UfcW.?ri'war. Ban ?*SB*SV iiatioMi a'adtMadaj nul Bat., 2.M. | LOU-TELLEGEN ?*., 48TH ST. i,,? ?;; ABE and MAWRUSS A .?oi.Ui.uittoii of tlje ?tory ff "POTASH ANO PERLMUTTEB." S1TH ?T. T.?r? - '.' U*At Bal M*?4 _D*c M THE LiNCI-AST__K__b WOMAN FOURTH TRIUMPHANT NOHTN GRACE '? MAJOR GEORGE \Zt FOUR MATINEES HOUOAY Will T,.,. An.. Dm ttta THE NFWYOM till WeO A Sal. Art. MAJOR ZAMAll tri. Aft.. O.e. 3lit Ht Hi) ' a M - LOBB ^^^^^^ ULNDBUBl casino. i,|< ? "?:_**' THE BLUE PARAOISL BOOTH. I f. M SOTHERN "** tat .M C0MEOY. lt,i ? *-.-i?\ . HOBSONSCHOKl SHUBERT. i:? ' ' ;. ALONE AT LASi TO-NIGHT M**?A?N TO-NIGHTl "MASKED MARVEL" ?s. UNOW BOTHNER vs. COLOSSE CATCH-AS-CATCH-CAN TO A FINISH HIP-HIP HMRAV CAUCA * BW Ba__HSai i Heal? ' ; dKIljjn. , ami ! - sal Mas-'l lv R. II 1 . EXTRA?Special SUNDAY NIGHT PAVLOWA ? ? - a i'.'.-r?i*. ... HA Cl with SOUSA and HIS BAND ?EATS N'iV\ BPBJCUt BOX "H!' I. "II* SYMPHONY ?nri'iy ? f v aw fork. il m rut iiahhii-i 'i. ?.m.i??ter? BE? ?NI> 8KBI HT l?iipila> UtB. H'alnnin?; .l.innirr 5 ni i i n?>\ in rmxuB \m KSEiS'-CR HOMEK HUTChl'.ON SCMMIT SC'?UM ANN-HE IN .< Hl'f MANN van oresser ^A->L?-VSKY ? CARNEGIE ?atUtUT^ A("T.. IB Ticift? r*> i-t?. Is ..: Ba?-?. sisaste. Na? it flux Otile?. Dire? ? loa i' \ i m ' a KREISLE.. NATION AI WINUn EXHIBITION ACAOEMY "" *& '? OF DESIGN IRVIKGPLACETHEtTRE ?.' ii.?. a llTAGRAPH : I B'*ar DEl?jii* LEXINGTON ;.7? ?BIGXMASEXTRAVAGAt? Matinees Dec. 27-29 30 31 4 J? i ?h H ii.Kn.nM . *.? i - ??>>? ''??V: ??VI>KNH \M \M> 1 I i?V\ I K Mi'?' " ?im R?bBi ? dream?ui, S0i> i-K.ii'l K ?m* BBOAnBAT t\ ?????i lui s??? tear' ? ? l'KI' . . I MON . lt.. ' rt' ** ALICE IN WON l'KI? I?. J-, t.. ?c?rtT.'H; pbimiss?-' MUSICAL l'IT I ' ' ??<"? ' | STANDAKP LEXINGTON. ^^^FDCCCC] , k, ith; ?At'???.. r9J ALACE * i ???.V.? ,? ?? "'?Varos. Ol.ON?AL -i?' M?T l'*.li.l ? ....... TRIANCL? PI* *>- H. ?Ti|? l,-f?n *?' r ' l??-ll hl.IlB??? Kl K I"?i*?Tl*,? ,r ? j Lof-w's American Rf?f ' EDWARD ABELES & CO L/?_?l??_?_^^ ?il ?* i* M * i > Si l ??!?>* ^j a._m ? '^''??.iH ?trand V Sww i<n. i?. il ' ?