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PACKERS'ENVOYS TO SEE BRITISH Attorneys Plan Trip Abroad to Rod Dispute Out S 15.000,000. pflOMISE INFORMAL HELP FROM U. S. \\ashini*!"n Officials Confer with Chaadkr Anderson. One of Delegates. ??,,??- - sndler Ar ?j.rwr.. "? eoBtly ? ? Stai Dei led a ?enes o? ' ounsellor Polk, and. - fred R. Urioa, of '?-?Ion. in an at tloa of the , ? packers. -a U;Cf *.. 1 077 the mattet. while their ? IForti ? ? ?h*-in a.. : . ???'* id Mr. UrioB are at? ten cti th. have li i ? .. omscy. The depart ? The question of the seizut of cargoes o' mea? pro I ;ral countri??. in Ku ? ?diction of the srjroe? .. ?abject of contro ,frtv ?irre December, lfl" TI e Bnt i-h eevernment i ow .? understood to $e rilbng ' ! ? ?'?' IndBBSBitl lo the pelt-, -.rther formal ncj-ov. i*..0*aS ? ??If ndlei \: en on, of I pack-I eat ?? i dam cation : l laim of the BO ? MtaVstii hheld from the*lr fweat* even shiploads of An?* mee: B . ?-? ps were ? . r?ttd by the Pri - cas?? ire i ? pp. ir.cil. -on and I obtain ?r,s of the ih Eovernmeat,** aiai Mr. l*r on to 1 ws ?ffr.i! ? ber. T ? ?? the are eminently ? fulY" .5*C?.i ' mpanv _ BBITISH PLAN TRADE WAR '"?"?-re fur ( ommcrr :?l - rBggtl ?ith Ceiiuaaj When P< .->? ? oa i. ft'uh njton. Dec, :..'. All lirnt Bi : ? . han?., and con .-?ed. Irsel Britain Is prepar. rosir,? rattere- ? j not . Gerr-1 and . - ? - ? ? I > r prepare! Britain as a manu I he ?hi 1 be ZEPPELIN TURNS LAWMAKER ? ? lir-t Cheasher ?,f \\ urteiuba rj-. . '-' ' ? TO AID U S. DYE SITUATIC Hr.i.iin \1 ?\ Mlrw Hi* ?iii.rmcnt IArg-e ixkI from Jamaica. . Dec -.' h ? DepSSrtasOBl tnat ?.reat Br; 1 airi WOtlM I'err ? ad atS ' ?teal ? teas af logwood ? ?' ? .Jai-iaiin to '.he Unit ?tabs ? \ ? i n ? -??. . Ca? i mu i eon-Hi .- ?? mod dkioi ? ' ? ? mplated .1 much larg moven".',-,i af 1 ? ? "It )i< hone?! thiv 'r?Ce i dye?.* Brits ??ill short be met. when ? f liecaaas Jamaica will he "? utr.eil. ? lofl ?-. the r-lat .-? ? .>;? front , ? State Di partment. -. -, ANCONA'S BOATS FIRED ON, BOY SAY! Submarines Shots Continue After Ship Stopped. Asserts Survivor Here. The Aral survivor of *r>e Ancoi rOS Klare*] ?.vhe he _| rived ? ?? on the Fabl ? . ?? ir wa ,,? hee Stopped, aril ihm the liicboat?. wer ?' mbardrnei.* 11 vanni ?Je Marco, fifteen year? old, of th ? -inking. ?'I ? - .era vhe the aubsnarine was first lighted," D - d, "The eagln? ? on momentum, waiting i"r oi der?. Wo were creeping along slowe little awav nur wirelcos. "fhrr the shot? car e thick ai Then loisible paaie an hut the ? ress d "ul?l t. woBsea int. ' tending nppei ? i saw a boat pullin* rs in n it. . some of 1 ??till on the Aneona. when the sub ' Aring . Lout next to by i ? ? ?er hat lii? hand blo*.vn off. oui women in I - S ne, and ? little chilli who ha? eparated from It? mother. 1 cou'i ' : o ha? been saved ? I boat, We ?veri ter severa: ? ? a eame fi Palermo aiil stopn?"! I ! iboi . Ol 1 ? ough the ' ' ran ths ran as close a? he uareil to the Sre hune over ? ? r< ? ?nwer inc. hut :'o hoatile periscope wai BRITISH BOYCOTT CHARGED American Firms in Kngland Claim They \re Sufferine. ThrOBgh Blacklist. London. L'ec. :'_'. Varioui A; mere.-i' .ring firms n ar ? said to he " s to a the Bi tish : ? \:.g aifilia '?ior. admit that rm SU! ? able to discriminar .?r .1 ? hS or It such tresl ? ce, for ? ? - I ? an . ikna.l i ?? c firm. already sui ? vain to ascertain *"r ?-ar;*i nat it. o DIPLOMATS FOREGO GAIETY I'.-iee and Other? to Juin in Making 1 ..nili.n < h r let asas t.uirt. Itjr (*? ? ? circle? this Amb ? ? i? In a Sport Shoe for Young Girls THIS Coward Sport Shoe for young girls combines splendid service with comfort and gooo appearance. It ? made of heavy chrome Calf with full double soles, and nay be had in either tan or black, regular height. The extra high model comes in tan only. -.This member of Coward ^ Shoe ^."" / J ?*."?../ in an Heal shoe for out-of-door wear \V ?er growing girl*-,, a* it gives a helpful support ; , ?M protection not found in ordinary shoes. I A highly desirable shoe for skating. We have your exact size in stock. j?. X Sold Nowhere EUc ?ff /^ \ James S. Coward x?/ J? 204 274 i-.r-enw.-h St., N Y. /f**> *thfM. ? ?*** Otters _ tlUal S'-taJ lor C-M-HJ ^f /g Biil-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(. .^trtm\\\\.ii -__ CALL ON BW1A?K TO WIN BY SAVINC Bankers Appeal >o Natioi for Economy?"Task Is Stupendous." London, I?cc. ! ? . - ? over the * ignature of -.. ? leading English bankers snd ^r ?? on the subji country's Ai position. The I . ? reasurer of t Flank of Kngland. The nianif part folleo S : \ this is a time o* gres' ; ? danger it if? Imperativs 'ha' svery eiti ?n realize the rastneaa of the '-or, Great Mrituin has to perform in a lont Success depends mainly upon thi ? i- Anancial resources of thi e-"i-iibatants and the consequent, power ol one of them to nihintain or add to it? fightmg strength while the other.? an ?leclining. It la r.ot in dojh? that ths Allies' financial resource?, whe.i full) mobilized and wisely controlled, vastly greater thai, the enemy's. "The Allies' suceess in defeating the enemy'? effor*? to cripple them in men, munition? ai"1 money he'v.r* tl aaaemble their full strength hsi b**ough1 the war near- to its II is stage. Indeed, onlj ? smely, to pi al I the money ne? f new men am ? ?-.???* quantitiea of arms manu*" ?iiiig tne greotc of tie immei of money needed S ?special dutj ? - ? r eopl? oi the in particular, the necessary tinanc;?.; re source?. Their manufacturing power is ? es un deatroyod; the r hut off. Thr ? . ; '?? ? Thi : ire great .. . ; l . .-.iin.n "'.? ??f the in a ha . ? ' '? task 'i' the s*. man. thai ?he nal i gi? bo e? on the produ? of i tall] ? hat 1 of ??il non . ? old the eo ntisls, a t tl wsumption ?if t their emeu - ell them to pa;: for good muni; ioni for whi ? nt can be provided. Ol n<idmg to and car. I ? ' r income, by - ? i ign ?ecurit iea, bj ereal -. will it he possibli ? SW?DISK SHIP SEIZED BY GERMAN WARSHIPS Pursued Into Neutral WaU: Report U-Boat Captured. I.orr?;.-' , Dec '. '? . ' w, "he Exci . rgo ? T. il g le-i": in I . . I - Two Germs - ?? I boa ? i f war. 'l i many, * . : i? .t Has inati . ," of Rome, an Austrian ? What Is the Gary Plan ? Or By ALICE HARROWS FERNANDEZ Tribune readers Will find in this department a clear ar.d nulhoritatiie account of the Hirt school system, proposed for this citx. Questions of parents and teachers will ?be gladly answered. 1 he de? partment will appear on Mondays and Thursdaxs. \\ H VI THK WIRT PI VN DOES. Ii takes rbildrra of the ?tr?e.s and k.-eps them wholcOBBSOb bus> at ?or!.. ??ud\ ..rid pla*. fur s?\ ?>r s<?en hnurai a da>. It iri'-es a'.i ?iiilurr.. |80l BO BIBCfe r.radetni?- wo*- a?- the Iraditioaal school, bu! h. Icagtheaiag the s? boni dB) 11 R?? es lim?* fur pr.n tical shi'P aVOek, ??rimer. dra-in_. miiti'r, auditorium and pla) fur all child rea. \\ HAT THK V, M?t PLAN NE.-NS. I o r:,r\ p.'-it ? x rhaaee to rive bis ?hild the enr bed editara? tional opp'?rt nr.i'irs usuill.? r'ifri-d for the chtMree of the fa- ?-red le ? . !o ;ea?h'.-'s?N,. .T.nre of ieaihing; mots eoBgeatal work. To the ommuni:??Better ?ili ;-n?; belter sehoole for tees rt.s:. Misr. ?Elizabeth Roemer, Settlement Head " orker. Sayi Gary Plan Train? Child ior I.ifr*. Unites I .onv* ?and School ??;d Develops Self-Reliance and Cor.ccr.trnt: s ' iip'.-.h; "I have been a public te ? ? pared 1 thi - ' SCI ? IC burines world. Ri ? ?one si ont -? t. sai of teachers is to 1 the pow, I entretien. Thia i? not possiel under ths plai In tl stai liianging the pupil is retponsibl? ?.ne and the result is chao?. TRO .:<i\'i) PUBLICO." ' ither -e?. her writs ? oe car '?led , i . ? ? ( ... ? .- 1' i maossible teach or pupii^ e the M es Boeaser, of Rtehassnsd Hill Mouse ?m Gar? I'lan. .-,?'. M bly givs thi iwers to '.he'i bmitl . ? a i s last two yeai - i| | ' ? II.' ? e s p.'Oi,'.,- | ' ? . ? ' I '? ? ond ?I'll lio ? ? it foi sd unusual oppoi'.um* ? ? ? .n Sen * 'heir effect : ? R . Hill House n the settli mei - '?' ? sd i . ? ho; i ele ? ? work. A thei lr. e?i e , , ? - ths the cond ? ?,ar I it tak< en1 ? ; Miss Roomer ?h:.| : i my o| on t h< two THE WEATHER VS. THE MILK SUPPLY THE RECENT snow storm caused one of the most difficult situations with which the milk man and the railroad man ha\c h-.d *o con? tend with in many yens. The delay ci the milk train made it impossible to deliver your mil . with any degree of regularity, but if yon realize what it meant tor the farmer to a,ft his product to the country bottling plant, the railroad man to move the train and the* milk man to deliver the bottle of milk at you- home, we feel sure that you will be willing to overlook the incon? venience and mein*,' hardships which you have been asked to endure. To further add to t'ie I Onftl ion. the storm wrecked mr.ny telephone ard telegr.i* n | oles, vhich mad? it impossible to I know when the milk train would ardve i:i the city. Thir. m.- !e :t necess.rv ;or the milk rr.en to rcn.ain on duty almost continuously. Al the mule arrived, e_'h route ; . ive-i .1 portion O? ihii lUpply 'o distribute to hi"* customer?, always kee'-iiit; in mitid babies and sick people first During the pa*?t two ?>r three week:; our a_ompa:*.y ha-? marie it*-? of all its available re ourcct to the extent of BS_n| the Fluid Milk that ,r<Hnarily would ?<o into the manufacture o? Bacle Brard Condense?! Mill All this ha*-, bren done with a high se**se of the rcspoit! ? bilitjr and duty we owe to Oui fresh milk i onsumerr,. We prim tin? information becas e we believe that j*oo sre inter? este*1 and h.ive a right to know the i,hI^. We thank von (o? v m confidence and as ure you tnat we will always gtVB *f0fl our vciy besl servi., e. BORDEN'S FARM PRODUCTS DIVISION ? osl disting ... I . Ii a*e. ? ??? n-.n sy and st - f, ? - ? ? them ; and - j ? ,.-?.?? t o?s -'hivils Tram for Lite. ? ? '. seheo is ?? - coal? i under ? hi? the teachers tas? is to teach ehil :r>.)<-i re,. '.fP condition to grow tel gem ?? ??pabii .non " ' Bien, P - s hai ? . r formation . . nr? - ? ande? rloistered re no relation ? , e. ?but it s ? luc? -, e !" forma* . ? ' ? r thing i Gar; it thi ? . . ? i ? ? ? ? .... , , . ? . BWSy r'ro '.n ing sequestered him in . . ' - ths ? ? ? ? e ? i-- I r '?rr iptions of !. ? . ideavors *.o tese.1, him "eon tratien." and thinks she hassuecoed ?! mite ke-?ps ... ? r,.r.* ,.,- recites > f..irer.". indi ftl gl whsfj he ria; oi ?;.?? not understand Then the child ? .i. a.? I kno* fn i ? oi;; the lower ?Veal Side af 1 bra .f.. up on.1er I I gly lael g in the 00-a e o' . .?.1 ent s 0 in the abil 1 ;.ip?- practical kituationa in !?'?'.?. ? eally v, ithout the | ? Noise and Work. ! ,(:. _.' - , BS B develop lelf-reliance und initiative ?nd he power of concentration, for ?he ? ? .??.'.. concentrate ander normal ? ?"; nder normal life condition? 1 mot. Koise or. tl-.*' playg Of ran ?bet I, h it the noi" ?'.-... f ?1 ?*na 1 -..i :. noth i lg Tiffany & Co. Pearls Pearl Necklaces I ? . I - ? , i. or tl'i - ? ? ? . ?r.<- ?-'? 1*0 '?- Mad) nr-?l Plaj Need'-t: f??r No >?irk Cit* Children. II ill well t'n rhicl irdinarj* city ; ?'? ? - nj?le-min. i Mac ?lou?*.i Street. I: . ? ?? ? ? ... -:nans 7 ti. y ? - ? ; Oil ? (he ir two old hi ? - '? .-> "i ?? . ? ? ? . . ? ? . fth Av? opproi . menl ... ... that ... i -, i at ? ? boy oi . ? thir.f \ . ?. me . children - i an?l ?vai*ted m N'<" "i ork i ? ? i ??) work tilth thi ..i ,i- and -linking Children Inder lti<r* Plan Develop Initiative. Tue resal) f all t? s that ths ehil? ? nry are mort "? and rave more initiative than eh.!.Iren ?'-' up ir. .he or.hrai v - . s ? ? . itica. I was ng on 'he costa ??nie children we: ? ? help me in this ? ?- ....... ? ? ? - . e of thi tunies or w . , . done. ind had to b? d reeti y step '? ? ? ? Gar) schools i ?? ?r take ? - i. They niwaj ? rant ? reason why. That M] 9* .?mbarrass': | sr. A? I said before, the ?ir.r. ?y-rem i? a challenge to the teacher, but once the children understand sed F?*e the purpose of what ' they are doing, ?h?. werk is actually easier for the teacher?, because the children develop their own leadership an?! help orgm: ;e thr work thenise ?**. The thing, however, whick interest? me most an a social worker of the school on the home and COS! The tome ari.l school are drawn together in .1 ver netieeahle *.*.\ I r\ampl?*t the ?chool devolopi .*? ch'Y ? .Treat levo for reudu.g. BtiBU? lated by :'-.. .-. ori?. thc| ta??* roe) the librar . ??id mar.. lite ia the parent? ko cob? im il - te*-est??d ?11 the hooks, and. ?'onafqii'r. ? ,? in using the library. Sai - .'a*, al tho library is packed - - par?ate -7-..1 ?.ii??o! ehlidroe aad habt?--? another good lesson in eOBCen I. Again, the work of the chihlra , io the eehool gardent has latereated ti e rarer.* ? ir ??."en? tha' ? parente have start?- I iraniens n their own tiny ba?-k ^sp.cuous of aii. i e il the way the .--ehoo! draw ' in the evening. It le ? : Btural gnthTir.g p'.acr 'or the yeot.e coran v the preeeBl Ubn .. ? <>o\.??.;? -lis* .- :o ehaaged so-.a! :an.i .rdu? .'._ IBB I he do -e 10 eeako c - ? t placee for children te live la. Somethrg BIBBl 9* _BM 'o .hange the cord ..??*? that tu.?? -ur u?un?l them ir. 'he crowded te ? diet riete ob the lever Weet av?l Fr? ????le?. The citv eaaaot atToni to ?' ? ? hildrei -neir kealth a er.? und eag^r hope of acl men! a? they ere ke 1 a* ??a ted preeent tine. Menv institutions tad e - gBBisetioBO are Bttaeking the p'ohleiii, bal th?? fact is that tie school i? the natural Bcenejr for th?* task bee?. . ire- Moreover, ander Mr. it 1? the natarel eo-ordtaat? Igeal t'ui all other child uelfar? . ?. I can a?*e not I at r.n.'r:?' ... !?? tWf? Y-rt.' I ai'?l ti?r school which ???.uY; --?.ver be pos? - hie und?*.- the presen" svstrm. Bankbooks as Yule Gift? I- re hum'red worker, a' the I *? 1 H I . N ?'.. plan! of the Geaerel I cal Company erare oroooatod with . OOkl '. esterdav if which wer?? rt - ?orieii a 10 per cent, bonus for fhos* who had been employ.,! a ve-ar and *> per cent to those who had been em? ployed IBM than that p?*riod fho averag? hoBBJ on salaries of the | .? :? nr.-i ">??- erai M& the *<jt_l .imnun*. - ,000 & Altaian & Ct.. ?Afternocn and Evening downs ?- reduce :ei of $18.90 & 22J 0 constitute ar o ?fe ring o' re na 'ka! b inte ?ci now in e,!fe':A.. Departmei Dresses Floor) ?fifth ltaratr-_8_ritiiati Xu*t%\t .Mili and 33?ti| ?irrflfi Htm l?urk mwrjm*mm?*?>?? ???.-?>-?,-r.^-m.m-fmr.^vr? * ??'-??' ?*? t **??**' fc ' /"-?'".'o .*t?|r Haig?Gentleman Soldier- maybe the Cirant the English are looking for, or he may be only a Burnside, but Will Irwin tells in next Sunday\s Tribune why he was the logical choice for the job of "organizing British victory. ' It is a timely article b\ one who knows the situation thor? oughly. It you are curious ?is to the probable outcome of Eng? land's action in swapping horses in the middle of the stream you will surelj want to read ?t? it is yours to read if you but speak to your newsdealer to-day. <Hl?? ^mt?ag ?fribun? First to Last-the Truth: News--Editorials?Advertisements _>_. ~