Newspaper Page Text
GERMANS RETAKE POSTS IN VOSGES Recover Part of Summit Won by French at Hart manns-Weilerkopf. MORE THAN 1,300 TEUTONS CAPTURED big Guns Active in Belgium Munitions Depot on Meuse Heights Blown Up. London, Dec 22.?A part of the Ger? men position on the summit of Hart manns-W' llerkopf, in the Vosges, that was captured by the French yesterday has been recaptured by German troops, according t?? tho official announcement of the (?erman Army Headquar. The Germans dec?an- that, 'accord? ing (a oficia] Preach reporta," the sum? mit of Hartmanns-Weilerkopf has been :n possession of the French since the end of The successful action of the French at Hartmanns-Weilerkopf was made to bring to an end a situation which the French regarded as intolerable. On the summit of tins mount-in there had been incessant firing by both sides. The trenches were separat?.I by only a very small ?? stance. The reeult was an ap? preciable loss of men each day. The Preach success resulted from preparatioB and the dashini* onslaught of the troops. The iiermn'is were forced burl- some dis? tance oa tho eastern slope of the moun? tain. Many Germano Captured. The French War Office announced to- ' ?lay that more than 1.300 GermanB were ?ritured In the operations, among them 21 officers. The prisoners be ' to six different reginv Bte French admit that the Germans .. 1 a footing in one section of the OB captured from them yesterday. i H 0PPICL4L, T?. niglit's communication from the h War Office says: displayed tel vit*? Ib the regioti of Het Sas and : 1 . ? To the south of Arras - around Beaaralno We < sploded a mine which .?-?-riously darm? h along the road to Lille. ? .neourt, la fion of Rove, ? strong German patrol, I under OUT ?re, fled, abandoning sev? eral wounded. On the heights of the Meuse, in th? ?? the Bouchot wood, our ? )>.-? r \iolentlv hombai'led the ad nchei and caused the ? initions dej Belgians" Big (ions Active. The Bel| communie ays thai the Belgian batb try active to-day. They bombarded! he German posts on the left Yank of I as the cantonments Te the north of Diimndo, the F?el- ' heavy guns completed the de i'loekhouse overturned j yesterday, which the enemy ha.! ? air. The British official statement !<j I t says th-it during the last I ty-four hours there has been artillery activity on m in) ? sides of La Baooeo Canal and at BADEN INCREASES TAX ON INCOMES Raises Levy 20 Per Cent on $600 and Over?Other States to Follow. Berlin. Pee 2*?. The movement for an increase of taxation by the Ger? man states has begun with Baden, where t?-, D .?? ha? Just passed a bill lpcreasir.g the income tax on income* above 1600, It was r out in tho Reichstag ... that "Prussia an?i Saxony also intend to in? crease their incume * ? The third instalment of subscrip ot, the third German war loan, a _?*> per cent payment, was due to-day, thl>, with ?he ftrei two instalment*. which totalled 50 per cent, making 75 per ?-ent of the loan due. II. ?AH t pot cent of the subscriptions had aetae : Bid In m cash up to ?l>er 15, aci | the Ovei leai Agency, which money mai ' .??need, call : ainlng at r, the . rate of the last few ? The Overseas News Agency says 7 e official periodical of the Ger? man trades union? tn-day ; review of the internationi?' It says that the Reichstag once more has proved the moral union of the German Parliament with the govern? ment to defend Germany's indepen? dence and integrity against enemy ag? gression. "The Chancellor's speech, it ?ays, showed the readiness of the gi ment to <?- itiona Bad that Germany ?Ines not mm at the suppression of oth.-r nal Chancellor clearly slated that he did ?ant to prolong the war il to c?i* i han Big Book Bargains Bring Bigger Better Business B?*?ut,fial leather rx.und i?l? ni iisndard author-, printed ?rom oiigmul Houghton Mifflin plate?, ?i $1.00 per volume. saw ?narrti?rtm paoml Bnttre ? mi* ? UoU ? ? ? ? GREAT SAVING TO YOU! DOWN I OWN S BOOK CENTRE TESSARO'S ?OK M IK I a I? III I) i: ? II \sKI\> < () ? 16 Cortlandt St. 14 Maiden Lane. COME IN AND LEARN WHY SHOPPING IS EASY MALKAN'S NEW T? ?. UK-?? KV? \. .".-. M ,\ M s , BUSINESS CARDS. ? ill. C-RtTT riaBAMsaj r<j r.e*ut ? .7 ?2. ?.?a?i t* - ?. ' "- a iiiuv-.r U'b I,: I ."OMA. H TTrKWKITI ?- l**TTl'--? ?.? ?i %*, i fi* n ?',. iij'''?i t* am a ' hi"'?]?.? t tAa l?tela, Bl'U ; ?'.?.? f ?'?a? ., /. -, ; I.. ( W'.MJaS rims ?t>8^wc?v_?? ra/?? < ?Ain-ris ll.m kaf^A., ... *W 1 f?J? .1 l?. AOtl-AOtl Mo Mat 4*1-4*0 Wasa Un* -L cellor'? ?p.ech vai different from the ' speeche? of statesmen SOUa many'? anaihilation, while the Chancel peace ' wa?rfK" says that trie action of the ? inorit) in tho Reichstag in ? Bat the war rredit ivai eon- ? ? i by 'he party as S whols a? a ; of discipline, by a vote of 63 to II ITALIANS FIGHT IN THE AIE Kome Reporta Two Knemy Aeroplane? Forced to Kt-trent. ". Pee. 22. The official commu? ai ??sued from general headquar 0 day say?: "lr, Gludlearla Valley on Monday ? night our artillery and aircraft effec? tively ho-ribardcd Fort For. of ths I-? dnro group. On Tirosdav the bombard- I - fully renewed. Two enemy aeroplaru-s w. re attacked and "On the A?lago Plateau Tuesday an , enemy seroplans offered a mark for lllery and was forced to land by ; .iHson of damage done its engines. The pilot sras captured. the rest of the front there is rothing to report BXCept a few shot? from ?he enemy's battorlos e.pain.'t - tto Bai ? ? ?'? .fi at'ack by en rcraft BgS as1 our positions at i'l-nma. No dam Wnna. Dec. 22. The Austrian of? icia! communication to-day ?ays that the activity of the Italian artillery ? the Tyrol .southern front con? tinues. On the other fronts there have been some Isolated artillery comhats. An attack of nno enemy SOBBpaJty near Dolje, on the Tolmino '. col? lapsed be f'r. ? v britmIouted, turkey insists Moslems Say Wounded Were Left Behind in Re? treat from Gal?ipoli. Rerun, Dee. 22 by wireleis to Fay ville, N. Y.).--Advices received here from Constantinople reiterate the as sert:on that the Hritlsh force? which quit the Dardanelles retired In great disorder. "According to ?"onstantlnople re? ports," pays the Oversea-t News Agency, ?i)-' Bi their sich ?nd wound ind. Theii they ? was carried out systenal I in reality was a head-over heels flight." TURKISH OFFICIAL The TurkSh \>nr Ofllcs has given out the following r-*Htement-. On the Dardanelles front hostile until la?e in the evening various camps in order to destroy the booty abandoned by the enemy. Ths bombardment failed to m -e. Hostile attacks at Sedul-B I "] itedly were repulsed. Ths counting of ths war material und military equipment left behind ; by the enemy at Ari llurnu and Ana tarta has not completed. >ty near Ari llumn heavj guns, one ?Schneider st quantity of amrau especia . .'-* ridges, rifles, a great number of mules, ammunition carts and tents filled with provisions and telephone material. British Colonies Unmoved by Gallipoli Retreat Melbourne. Der "_? (.force Foster I'earre, Ausl ' '?t?te for I'efence, in a speech delivered here : ; ?'! cavil troops from the Ati/ai' < ovo and Suvla Bay regions of ?he Gallipoli Peninsula. He declar' : s would neither ? ? the "n of the Aus? tralians to see the war through nor ?' ? ? new effort to raise men. Wellington, New Zealand. Dec. 22. "It is better to 'are the position and be dor??? ? ,n to proceed with an enterprise ?... ( ,,-i, |i eommoi Ij In to have been the result of an error in nt of W?l erguaon Masaey, Premier of New Zealand, oa I the ?<" the Gallipoli Peninsula. He called oa the country r eraonal and political ani i present a united front to the enemy. British Lost 1.127 Men in Kut-el-Amara Flghl Ion, Dec. 22. Comparatively heavy losses have been inflicted on the army In Mesopotamia in the ? fighting near Kut-el-Amara. fol tha Briti h to that point. The Secretary for India, J. Austen Chamberlain, announced in the House Of ?'ommons to-day that the total of casualties of General 1.. force lines the return to Kut-el-Ait.ara I :.'T, Including 200 deal GENERAL VON EMM1CH, LIEGE VICTOR, DEAD __________ Would Not Heed Kaiser's Admo? nitions to Guard Health. Berlin, Des E2 (by wireless to Say villel. The death at Hanover of Gen? eral von Fmmich. the conqueror of Liege, ll announced by the Overseas Bey. Tho general died of ar'er o-scleroais. William," says the .. ? -a; ron Emmich was attei ? "hat a soldier in war t ma ha ess to think . s*sll?bsing " General von Emmich was commander of the Tenth Amy Corps. 11? iigured prominently in the early events of the war. Inn?: In command of German ?i Inradod Belgium. He la? to the 1 ?'?an people ans. The heavy loss of life of the Germans ??? Lii ???? srsu sei I to I si the CO ?nd a ; that be had c uicide gained wide currency in A... He wa? dace rated with ths Oi der of '-l.-r ? Iai I ? ,???' von Emmich Joiaed the army " 'lay ef P ? ictory over Austria at Sadowa in 1 *->'?*?. He fought the Franco-Prussian War, wa? I ? !-.'7. and in 1901 attained the rani of major-gen eral. He became lieutenant general and . lia if] CHRISTMAS CIFTS JOS. HEINRICHS t948 BROADWAY ???a? I'm si 5TH AVENUE, C?f. *ft*?l M. Haadasaarrteti fea Um tu+t < iiBtins D??Ihm? Pareo. Ulm. ?ni Ira Bottloo Electric Specialties MURRAY SENT TO GAUIPOLI Ex-Chief of the Imperial General Staff Commands Straits Forces. MONRO HEADS FIRST ARMY IN FRANCE Succeeds Haig, New Leader of Forces in West Robert. ?-on Made General. London. Dee. 22.-Lieutenant General Sir Archibald Murray has reen ap? pointed to succeed Sir Charles Monro ns British commander at the Darda? nelles, says an official statement issue?l this afternoon. Sir Charles Monro has been appoint? ed to command the First British Army in France, in succession to Sir Doug? las Haig. The official announcemer.' follows: "General Sir I'out-las Balg having ns.^urned supreme command of tho Brit? ish forces in France and Flanders, General sir Charles Monro will succeed him in command of the pint Army. "I ieotoBaat General sir Arel Murray, ehiof of the imperial C. '?ill succeed Sir Char! "Lientenant General Sir V? Robertson, now cunt' of thi ; "at" In Pi net bief of the Imperial General taff, with the temporary rank of general, with Major General R. Whigham es hit deputy, "Major Genera] L Kiggell, now as? sistant to the chief of th?? Imperial General Staff, will become chief of the General stuff of Sir Douglas Haig." General Murray was chief of the Im? perial StntT nt London until a few days ago. Premier Asquith announced ves Urdnv thai he hail been succeeded by nant General Robertson, eh.. f of the General Staff In the I i that he WES to receive an important corn man I, The commandership of the First ? Arme was made vacant by ti.e promotion of General Haig to ba the British romander in ehl General M??nro eras seal to 'he Dnr lanellei after Sir Ian Hamilte ? Thus, says "The Times'?" militar, correspondent, the General Stall front is virtually traaaferred ?tome, or nt lenst it? chief oflleera ere ferred. The corresponilent, eomi the changes in tho higher com? manda, say*- : "These changes, together with th? -, of the Mini-try of Mutut-ons, ?he work of the Karl of Derby, the appointment of Field Marshal Sir John French to command at home and tn? ?xtended powers which probablv will 7>e given to Lieutenant General Rob frtson, all imply that the Secretary :nr War will revert to the role of a ?ivil administration, from **hi' ihould never have emerged. "The adminietral on of our grc-it irmu's la enough for the time an 1 strength of any one man, and il ie a great advantage to Karl Kitchen r that such large parts of his n the past should he distributed among competent colleagues." HIS TRIP TO U. S. BLOCKED Adolphe (ramer. Arrested in Taris. Had Caavao Thought n Murillo. Taris. Der. '-_ -A? h<- was emhnrking fer America, Adolphe Cramer was ar? rested on the charge of the thi preferred by a He',;-;,", broker. In Cramer's baggage wa ighl tn be a Murillo, canvas represents the Virgin Mary ? ated I rid holding the infant on her knee. It is aneignet!, but la dated 1682, The canvas, was In? sur?.i for 76,000 francs, ere . to Cramer, received from an 11 monk, who claimed to have taken it from a monastery, BRITAIN RAISES LARGEST AMY Commons Votes a Million More Men After 14 Hour Debate. PARLIAMENT SITTING EXTENDED 8 MONTHS Recruiting Figures Held Up Reserve Needed Put at 1.8 Times Army at Front. London. Dec. 22.?The Honse of ; i Commons passed bills to-day prolong? ing the lift of the present Parliement month? and increasing the strength of the flrirlsh army to 4 000. 000 men. Both measures passed with ou* division, The army bill was passed in conmit ? tee of ist night's session i ? after a fourteen hours' sitting The II debate on this bill to-day prior to it?. ' final passage was brief ?nd without ! feature, its opponents all navir.g suf- ! Q.iently air."I thell views during the committee The ,-horlred army. H. J. ' Tennant, Parliamentary Secretary of BBS t ? . : ? the lar | ? ? ad in this country. Replying to an inquiry from Sir A! I whether all the ?"...1,000 men previously authorized ? sea recruited, Mr. Ter.nant ?aid ' thnt he believed the gove r.min*. wa? 5til "on the safe side: that is, we ? have not yet broken the law by re ? Bg beyond the authorized limit." "I I ? as my belief," Mr. ) Tennant added, "although I ?vould not really like to ?wear- ? Mr. Tennant also was asked how' . r*.-e wn? B-cosaary to k?-??? :j the army in the I'.e'd up to its proper *th. He re: every man we keep abroad STS ou^'h* to I : ems in reset's s pply of men at a montl a of la per cent." Apparent!- | ? - no prospect of ?1 o' Derby's re - known un ' on Janu report was under con? sideration ., but ? ?r Asquith that 1 | be 1 a adjournmenl I ; tha* the Ini I flrsl be | Parliament. An attempt was mads to Introduce an am? t the eiTect. of which would he to bury the plural \. bill, 1 plea of Bonar Law, ry for the < '?Ionic?. I .? was .' The bill was I HAS TOO MUCH KHAKI British Government Overaapplied ?nd Hills Btari Short lime. ?MM I Was1 . i The Bl ' has on hand more than : ,000,1 00 yards of khal i eloth i ing ci' recently n i ?? by it eials, in addition to ? Mount of c ? bout a red-i | to short time in many ?oon ?diir?. ? This I plaein.; .-loth Irr,,!- ' I ranch goi. \, ,. ,,.,., mar..I that ' enveniment tl em d to taki and tl of ???<. mach:' 'i* promptly be . Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vessels Arriving at and De p.irtinR from Port of New "York. MIN (ATI RE AI.MANAi ?toirl?' ? ?'. ? I??* ? 3T *? . . -? HIl'II WATER. _ B ->. - - i?', i ? ? llc.l ??ate . _____ 1? M "?" srn-D-OM RiroRT S? n?it?r.i%i_. BaUaiitl-AsiMlea r*?t cat I Booh al In dtrk INCOMUfG STKAMKP.S. TO I)A\ T?..?l fron. ?M ?m .r?.nioulh I' ? ; Ikl . ?,,;.ra"ar .... ... .1 Ir. km . <?" - ? i ail.Ham .. '" J .Hun-?? . ' ' ,. . J" . . I: nlaia .D?x* S ?Ha? Ote S loannlni - Ml liacl? .... ? ? ....'??? ? ..'.* I1** Um Pa . ??r, . '? , , ,..C?nllS ? ? ? ?. I'ara.a ' ? ??? 1 ?, U ? I. . ? Mai? a ,,,. .., ..-. , . i.? . D II i... MBB ? .?n-lrao.-S,1','I . ?"1',] ... - ..... ?. I Krtxhan . I'-- 11 I .? I>. 7 ? , J? ,_....'. ? ?lirliip ma'.L OUTGOING BT-W?HW. ti 11 a r. i r ? ..... II.*-? ?_ .S ?Oam ?,. e i ...II 3? an - .-. i, ? . ? KKIIiAV DtlHB-1 ? ??..-_?:. ? - ? 1 8XTI BDA1. DKCE-R] ?: ' , ? ?:?. G .?? ? ; tms ? . I?! ... ? ? I . ' . I I. I ...... ? ? . ? .- - , ,, ? . -.'.Il ? , - TKANSPAt IKI'J MAILS. i ~* N T . Hawaii. Hamoaii I? ?? '?? la tttm 7>a . : i,.? ,?>aji li? ? ..?.?? To <la Hawaii (?la San fraud??.?.;? M?l*u_i?. Ixw It lia??-' '.-.? . -a? . ? a [? I Il?n?ll ?,ii?ro ' ..? si?, Frai. ? . lace Si TV ' . ?..? 7>i lavl. _ .? : -. ? ?ta ? ?. ? 'ta 14 ant.: i . ' . . ? - - i * .. . . ' ??'.'? ? a i ? s.O ' rallar i* al , J il w l?.r ?' - - ? U ta, (or r-rtl. ? ? ?n ' -1 I, ta I i ? ? ?.. J M Win .'. ' ? Ra ?? ? ? m .? ? in .1 II \? ? ? l . t' m ? - ? : - r and .? ? ..,.?* ? ? ; ? ta mi-t*r. Ver at 7 \ ? ? ta 1 M Win ? : r m. ta J i _ i i y ? . I|a ?J .-. - t - Barsn De au ?s . ? r-v-i. SpBfir? i \ ta I M M _.c_m ? ? 9 m. u ??? ? ?t ? ; ; P m. ?an ? ? ?n ri? Ta-- - B I - \ ... ;. -, \a. ?-' r - | ? >' . . ? a ' . I STI \Mi h ? \i P0BBGM POST!. ABB1 1? ?? ' - Pa"), N-sr Tort f, i Sas? T?-k ; rolan. N~ ? i s-ar tirs I. Tori aal I . - I Un. See \ rk ? li.s. ?.?? T~ ? | -. a: ! ? ? ' < '!?. Ci V"rk 1 ' . ? . Sa? Y<1 .II? ? ... ? v rt ? . ? port Nai? i ^ ? ? 1 li t m Orna* > IJraM Dt? M?1 ? . \ ? ? \tn. ?... . . :.,e \ :? | UarMIaiM. Ideal FloridaTrtp Via Clyde Line Steamer "Apache" from New York, 1:00 P. M January 4, 14,25 March 7, 17 28 February 4, 1 5, 25 April 7. 18,28 2,000 MILES $ 8 DAYS A A10 AU Expenses T_?t Included FIRST DAY -At S?*a?<-*"l a large ocean ?earner affording high?-* standard of omane and htm, . decks lor rest or recreanon; .-legantly appointed lounging room?, music room, smoking room, ?ani?o sala? for social p?same, bracing sea air and a congenial gathering ot compagnon? de voyage, all seeking "good fellow" ?hip" and utmost enjoyment o? the tnp. SECOND DAY-627 mile? ?ooth of New York, steamer puaes between Fort M?_trie and Fort .Sut_t?-r J civil war lame, an J arrives at Charleston, S. G, ample bme being allowed lor a shore vaut at dut botone a_-i peculiarly mt_e?*_ng city of the South. THIRD DAY ?_ 24 miles south of New York, or 107 mile? aouth <A ?arleston, bring? yon to !ark?oaa-JU Fla., ihe gr?*at metropolis and gstewa/ to the enchanted land ot Ponce de Leon, and at 4 00 P. M. _,_ ahenoon you embark on a moat unique and tascmanng "Daylight and Searchlt-ht" trip oo the St. John's RiverThe?up* FOURTH DAY- 340 miles of picturesque ami Luxuriant scrnery?the meet enchanting rand imYusllug m land etmrt tr? ? America - with glh-apae? of ali^-tan, tropa?ai bar?i? of beautiful plumage, marvelous water foliage, dense torr?is ?nth errtr. hanging .Spanish mots, open lowlands, pretty <*ra_fe prooaa, tabtop tooep* ami p?1 nverside settlements. FIFTH DAY ?Arriving back in Jacksonville at 7:00 A. M , tbe forenoon may he ihwuHai. at foar amra r.?aii? m ?Titing die o'lnch farm, cuno and aviirv?mir shop?, sightseeing tnp?, or trolley ride? through the beautiful ?ubuibs. For t_? rehiru ?.i;? north the steamer "Apache'- sails fr??m Jaciuonvalie at 2:00 P. M. SIXTH. SEVENTH AND EIGHTH DAYS -824 miles, or three day?, ocean royapt- ?ortSwt-r-. ho? J^wawl. and the _,000 male tour is completed with your anrral at New York on the ahemooa of the eighth da-. TA., ALL EXPENSES INCLUDED $44.10 Includes transportation, meals ana accommodations on the orean and rteor ?teamen to both azira expense to the pa,tenser being luncheon *n the third day, alto breaJtJait and lonchoon on ih* /(fin mmy, and departure of steamers at Jacs\scrr*illc. STOP-OVERS AND SIDE-TRIPS Although the above toar u arranged so that it may be completed withm S dar?, pe?pB may, st their san ?rp~?, g t extend the trip to permit a -top-over ol either 4 or 7 day? at Jacksonville, a-ortimg opportunity or tarie-tnp? to craasaal old St. A. with its I .in, its Old Slave Market, and it? a. ilaing Spanish architecture; or to Atlantic B<-ach, one of the hm-st< ,ie r-r?rhw in the world, where may be found umting waW resort hotel facilities, golf link? and other diversion?, fn no cote, botteam, soli tickets be extended to more than a final return limit of 15 dayt from original date of tal*. CLYDE STEAMSHIP COMPANY City Ticket Office?, 290 and 958 Broadway, New York ARTHUR W. P r E, Pa-MBeBJB. T'affac Managar, Pier 36, North Rreer, New York y******y***ay>- pjpg rr-y*?**r -~rTr*+*t,-**l I UTS. KKSiU'T*-. ?tl?Dtk GtiXM Thc5miht Star 0/Seashore Resorts." Just the Place to Spend the Holidays i t si the i- ? ? ? n idii i all. .... . t_ ? . -'.linn. t for a mid THE LEADING HOUSES ARE ALWAYS OPEN ? ? h fon tat? reta?, i ration ... - . '.?<]. i MarlhoroiiRh Blenheim ii- ?? . i ? , i ? America', ?nd I iropean Plan? Motil Dennis 1 Vt? ??" renn Front' Ho'?*! Strand On ? ? i ? I i ? H . Edward The Shelburne i .1 v . (?alen Hall <:. \ He ?' ?nil Sanalnr'um L Young. Mar Hotel St. Charle-* i ?? . or. in Front N? w m ?atnaa ( o ___*%r_* Onlr Unte hour? from Sett York Cltf via I I.NTKAI, R. K. of V .1.. or PKW A. R. i: Genealt lac I ticket ??-?????.? for further ii forma St .?side house rucean I ran) I P. i . ok'? .?ion? The Hnlmhurst I. y liurnell Th?? Wiltshire - Beach i i lia Hotel ( helsea On the Ocean Front J. II. Thompson A C< 4 ^? ?^ *t \ -?__g___B_ua ?ai _^m/'^M.?a Highland Park Hotel AIM N. s. ( NOW Ol*l s IN PLAN - I - ? . ; Mea .11 ?HIIMI. Rammer?w I,it,-f;?. - inn. i aka ri.iciii. PARIRiDGElINN ?. ,. . . ?'era .*...'? ' BERMUDA JAt^?U.! PRINCESS HOTEL ?. TMf IHDING tfSORT HOIf OF TM WURLD [?Oarujcroiian^ien?i?im aVT'la A >TI( < IT. . .N. ,|. oavNrncHie ?iai',i?iii jOBIAH WHITE 4 90N5 COMPANV ft ARTLETTIN MICH CLA*?S AMERICAN PLAN] HOTEL . MODERATE PRICES. .Hill ??.I? bui.i-.?. I LAKLUvV'l?. \.J. i I akewood. V 9, ,?? a-iu..,-.rh??r?>. I.. M'A .'.I NBKI TRAYMORE T7 Bryant OZiO I UflT,J ri^CCy IA5A_>ENA f?O?-'-i UaCt?. CALIFORNIA ' THE WEATHER REPORT Forrea.*?Is and Record? of the I i-t Twent\-four Hours. > , ha? an ? tat, ? t v? -.-?'? ? -a.-* a. r._? Ui? -.. - ?ke ias ? ' the npp?r If) '. . llal.-.a hat? ?. . ????. . ? ??. mm* : - upprr ' ? . -pt th? ! * ?' ?? ?. r -.?? ... : - .? . . ? ? i 1 ? . > Vi pre??Jl . ? rar thn-ujliout ? :?y a.'1 ; . . - in tu? a . F?rrcaif? ttr gfec'al Ltxrall!l?i.-f:??,'*m Ne? '. ? I ->!?arla. N?w I ? . M ..-. ? ?: . ?taka-fe -, ?.'. 1 .No . A ? . . _...] >??- ? . ... ?? .., lair. a- 1 war?wr T : . r-1da>. . . ??? York". ; . i ' Beat lake?. - in-ai official tieevt. Ik? hSkmSas eflkfal i*w - |lur??ii akeaa ?ha rhan??I ' 1'. ?'.? ??I:.; .'?-? .' ? ' - ? - ; ? ' I In -fr;?: ? i :?'? nf laat >?ar 191? . . . a, s s a a in . . ? a. i ? lu*.. . ? I p. I s a. i n?' i ?? . ? ??? SI >i aim i?t ? ?? ? .. . ? - ' Baromrtar Rradlaa?. 'Sam JO I? 1 ; ? p B...SS.M ?lt>. ! I a. m 'I lpir ?' ?p. m. as La?al Stem,,, -? ar.i warm -? ... . . ..[ U.- ~. !....<?*-_ ?w\,i_ ? _ 4T0RAGE NOTICES. HENRY'S STORAGE CO., 11(73 THIRD AVF. ??- . ' ' ' b? ?'.il , , i A. M . ai Me--?."? A ' . - ? I . ? "a-" I'al I. I. I' ? BTORAOE v-' 'TICI iiiii -i:. :iih:i Sal *?*? I , BRONX. S. \. BKONX, XB**? *a??l<K. DEC. tt, 181-V M ard 9, M.ix ?,re''.t>? i?. Jain- ? r h j-i ' - i that tii- lim? tot I ? ???? bavins asp i nortea thereof ratio? auch . . .1 the HK? WareBOUaO, ?t Ti?- ? ama I ot In .to bo t In* to th* . ai*. ? an t pr?<? Ideal, ' * ' * ? \,l n\l -l.\ *? JAM \KV It, l!?l?l. AT 10 O? I ??< k ta. M - ? ? ? ? ? ereof 1? n?.*. ? p ,. o , ..-r\ ,ia? aft?-r. '?' ? and cun aol : l?r?ma I'.iint? M.iru?e ttarfhiiuae. _WOEK WANTED._ Male. "."TF-iTiriATOR for f.? (?at? with hi* Iraurine? coir.;? ?II?liai* poalUoa. I . DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTEt). Female. - ??. .-it? or eoun t?7 ? ? I 1 ? ? < _ _-__ ? ? .. a-r..:.f. will ? -? tatOU'l A. .??..., ?*. '?faene ?'..: I!?r!?m. Bark Pero d AJemquer Floated. The I'orfufTUt'ne hark Tero d'Alem q*j?-r, winch vn'i.t a-hore near Manto lokini?, N. J., ni Ia.?t Saturday's tog was floated JrBBtardaj by the wreckin? tufc North AmericH an?l the coaai irunr?! cutter BoBeeB, Although leak Lurk was found te be hu! tfBi, Sha will ba brought to Nc* York. k n\m\t*%W "4 0 'hcxjRSjrom JkosT 1*0 Flowers ' '-A M? "' y . > ? J _r 1 Ml CS^^ / ? ; ?? ? < a_t ?Vj, \ ??? ~*Aa*^-______ __S _w\ /rrTB ?*___. a*!* f'* " ?^3P^1^^ ?' ~^__^ -lit- ^^^iii ; ?/^ The Idea) ^^^v_?l f Christmas Week Vacation i Last Opportunity to Bcok fr?-.? Special Sailing Midnight, Frida/, Dec 24th. I OVV RATES RoMn<? fnp ?? ?reame?/, In _?*_-.?,*? eUmmremtm, berth ami meal?, $25.fK) e?_ up. Or 6-eUy teure, htclading all experta?? ??l???nvr, kotal ?n_ aide tripa), i <e 50 Sporta aad raui saStSSSS "* aJS kind? a waft ??a BOSS Sa____| OrSwSaa. ???'? mefra? ovar wondarful whit? ?oral roa.l?. ?olf. Uenla? baaak-.'?, an. erlcket amid rar rouadlne? that ar? ??chantier -aalline. baThiog. in', *_?_!__ ? ? ?r?atal ?1?_f -alar?woeAarrol BSMSSSS marvola. Rarmadii carra and ma e*ar?tea?- rre*?Jr i.ooaa ?ad p-rrW- a* U>? aa-a'lai Imui. S. S. "EVANGELINEM (l?*f **rrr*r?an FV, ? ?-? -r..r Naw Turk ma aaidolrkt V*t-L. Dec S4*k, rarer-.Jr.? U l??w "fleck Son.. Jan. Ind. Selltne tbcraeftar an attarn-ate **a?_ imia, aaS ____, feaeia nine Jan. S?k -.- ???*??-?? a-i /?a |_<sa ?___? ?~n ?? ___ a?? _???>- a. s? 0a_ ss e*?-e. a. v.? rao- o?* a *_, sa * kses a*-m. M a a? aa ftss a-vaaoad a ?n>?~90_-. it? ?m Am. : O. B. _______ l.MS S'nr : ?_m_ T-__* 0-, SSt raw? tfeCtaa'i Tter-a. It* h ??? <M1___>. _l??_r_ O Bean, ?ra-li r<a A? FRENCH LINE ? un.-l?enle f.eoeraie Trtnf?tlaaiillqu? portai. hKR\irr. Sailings for BORDEAUX ROCHAMBEAU.Jan. 1, 3 P. M. LA TOURAINE.Jan. 8,3 P.M. LAFAYETTE.Jan. 15. 3 P. M. ESPAGNE.Jan. 22, 3 P.M. F'?K IN*-ORMATI?JN Al'PLT COMPANY'?? OFFICE, it?Stf_*5feaBBB. CUNARD _? fa*)! vhrd 1M0 EUROPE via LIVERPOOL *('.\UFORNIA.Sat.. Dec25.10A.M. :.?... . SAT.. JAW. ?, 10 A. M. UIYH NA.8AT, JAN 15. 1? A. ML WNIA . SAT .IA.V IS, 10 A. -I. ?En Route to rilaagnav ROfMI THE ?VOKIO TOrR*?. _a t, ?II on. . Ipal p<*rt? ?. I1 e arorl 1 COMPANY S OFFICE. . 21-2? STATE ST.. N. V. "?The Piil.ll.- Be Pleased.'' BOSTON 82.65 \l_ II..i?t and Rail. BOCOT TRIP. *.">.I0 PROVIDENCE t!RS $1.60 tun M> TRIP, M.000 I Colonial Line I'lr?t elans (?? r- lea BTook ?i-y?. and Sun. :? m tram !*.? r M '?' R . ? ? ? ? It 81 \ll Oul?i?le Room? SI.un tai *.:i.oo. \\ irrleti? equipment. 1 ?i . - a. aad ltd ??' Phono, FALL RIVER UNE TO BOSTON $3.03 Lv PIER 14. N. R-. ft Fulton et. Dally. at I 10 P M. New l.oiaitun (Nor-a?lch) Lia.: I.r pt.r 40, N >< ft Houatoii rit., t?e. k daya only, " 30 1' M . *"ier "0. E. R.. ft. fc". ilQ St. ? i I- - .!"..''"'.""??. sj *kT.:'R00Ms"$|*??' 1 *\i '*?_?"_?'IF ?"?"?or. S:ee 7", -_V?' ,5. ? ?S5 rot) "Wkwao. ? ti\ . .. Hr.'_1wt?. N Y r?-??-! "?-.-. n-... ..???,_ nt XMASE IM lo All Prornl ?ll Retaort*. .send fur ^^^^^^^^^ booklet. Frank TmirUt Co.. S06 l"rnaai"w_? . Neav 1 ort. S3 Klrerl MAIM: ftTEAMBUIP f?S'C SSTaWa PORTLAND Ke.lure.l I are? All Point? Phone ?. Mil ort KAST_;.N STKAMfillir 1.IM.V 31 AMERICAN UNE AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag N. T.-?rerpool- Pier 62, N. R-, **???? ?f. Paul Dec. M **??" ?"'?> Der. ?1 WHITE SI AR UNE N.Y.?Liverpool?Pier ?SO. N.R., _T_ Lapland . lie,. ?W|-__tfc PB? I Azores?(iibraltar?Naples?Cieno* C relic, lire. IS It V ML ? rMSia, ????? OaTPlCB, tt It'W ?Y. SI. T. rei ??xW **'?*' The Very Next Steamer urn v ?iMmn \\ i *?*? fort?? S. S. STOCKHOLM n.? i_ ... - ? ? ??* ? VF RICA A H'A ? ? * Lea*?* NEW VOHK (?oTiiKNnr i:?, i im -?i Shirt B.t:>.? I . . ? I'*???.? rar?. 1ST H 1*1.1 . , SWFDISH AMERICAN LINE. ? -?? * __J n*MriM_^___%?i?W . . . r'";"' '.' ' ' MAILAi AflU. I? I SI , ?lot.? ?oi ftmsomm I--'. IKS l'ai-rr U ~? * BRAZIL . tats?*** -. n etn ui m eeOm LLOYD BRA.ILEIHO. 17 ?-tat? M- N. T. ?W SHORTSEA *?*??.?.?. ?? ? " VOYAGES M_-'t.rt. :..? i ? ? - T ' oi n noMiMiii IMUU I? a? PgujU (.curn a il V,??t al?-rT _~??J_P*' ?tiara Paar U. N O Tai 'H* r-*???*? < M K VI. Ill !??<?>. I WS, Nrwl.ur?". I' ..... h. '?'? ?? . I '. !? _ l.NSTKl i l.(?N. __. m?? ??:iK- HasstaaMBk LANGUAGES,:,:;":^? Our t??.ouaeini record? of "_____e_S ?__*' Liriaui..'r> <;-.]. ?ij r'? - ? ?? *'*i*T^?_i Seanlah, Gr-nao rr?i h l?> ? ' Tour ewe T... a? Mad - BfliS? '- Bfotut_, mil r>?r Prtrata Dianaiemfl _ ' .. Tin: i \\(,i \?.r rao?l JirTHoi ??? i ?i-, i _ . '.? . ?..????_*?, The Berliti School -if Lsa*?*? ffar IS? WIST 34lk 8TR?ST. "M ?a-l-ni ll'f.i _ ? I- ? ? A"' ? B-^al>i, lirai, li. 11? i.0 1 .?u.*?'?" ?*__. phtia.i'iti.ia. m? A ? I ? 'lr,J__ ( jmmi a?..l _____ U-vi. l'a? _?_ ?~r>~' SCHOOL A?.UNClt-S. American an?, r.?rrigt Teacher?- **?!"**?_ Bupp ?? I". t- >?..? - ?? ?"? T"'_3 Oovarnaaeee. i * ? 'j ramille? Ai;.!? ?o Mr? M- 1 TUL*"?*" Fl'LTON. 73 Union Squara SHERII'K"? AUCTION S?\LEA ^ l.ANItl OHir.SU AU' RHS-urr-B *'?_i_ .la,. Tl.v"t f. A M . al US M??? 3S"' *" * _V tu I?? . ' ? . -rtaJl? ?.-it of ??rculli?. ??? k.?i mm cm . MAX B iiWn-NH?.?-*' ISAAC HAJir. CmbuI?? a?*?